An interview about love triangles and the geometry of love.

How do they appear and how do they live.

The time of falling in love brings not only romance, but sometimes big problems - if an unexpected feeling arose in the family of partners, but not at all to each other.

adult game

- This phenomenon is probably the eternal problem of married couples?

In almost all multi-page love novels of past centuries, and even today, one can find descriptions of mental rushes due to life in love triangles. When she loves one, but lives with another, and he loves her, but is dating another.

I don't understand when they say that this has never happened before. And it cannot be said that now there are more love triangles. Love Triangles is a great and most interesting adult game. Better than computer games, stronger than drugs.

How are love triangles made?

First of all, it is a form of complex relationship, a sign of a crisis between people who live together. The presence of a third, oddly enough, makes this relationship more stable. After all, a triangle is the most stable figure in geometry. And in psychotherapy there is the principle of a stool: a stool will never stand on two legs, at least a third is needed for stability.

Therefore, during a crisis in the family, each of its participants at some point can begin to look for that person with whom it will be a little better, more comfortable. And it's not about sex at all, but about human relationships.

- What does a relationship crisis look like?

For example, a couple lives in which something begins to happen that makes the life of one unbearable. The reason is a chronic lack of emotions, attention, affection, recognition, respect, and so on. At one fine moment, another person appears who can make up for this deficiency.

I remember there was an interesting case. The man was married for a very long time. They had children. And suddenly, unexpectedly for himself, as he says, he began dating another woman. At an appointment with a psychotherapist, the man admitted that he did not understand why he was attracted to her. “She is not as good as my wife, she is not as beautiful, not as successful. Generally worse than a wife. But I think about her every day."

To the question “What do you get from her,” the client replied: “I hear every time that I am good and amazing.” When there is no openness, recognition, emotional intimacy in the family, then any person begins to look for it on the side.

- But what about the accidents that are also described in novels?

I don't really believe in coincidence. When people get married or even just move in together, they know what they're signing up for. A man himself chooses a woman with whom he is going to live. Here he meets another on the side and it seems that some decision needs to be made, but the love triangle allows you to leave everything as it is. A man understands how “convenient” it is to have both a mistress and a wife. And a woman sees how comfortable it is when there is a lover and a husband.

Moreover, over the past two years, I noticed that an equal number of mistresses who are in relationships with married men and wives who are cheating on their husbands began to come to the reception. At the same time, there are many times fewer men with such a topic at consultations. This suggests that it is always more convenient for a man to have, on the one hand, an official complex relationship with his wife, on the other hand, easy and pleasant with his mistress. But this situation lasts for the time being.

The price of comfort

How long can a love triangle last? After all, the truth is always revealed.

In my memory, the longest lasted 15 years - for so many years the mistress was waiting for a man. When you go into such a relationship, you must always be aware of the price you have to pay, and the price is sometimes too high. There is a stereotype - every lover wants to become a wife.

A more common situation is when a woman cannot wait a long time for a man, and a wife cannot endure her husband's betrayal for a long time. On this basis, many tears, irritations, experiences, resentments and feelings of guilt arise. An exception to the rule is a wife with a girlfriend's mistress, who know about each other, discuss their man and everyone is comfortable and good.

- How to exist in such a situation?

Everyone in the love triangle has a role to play. A man, complaining to his mistress about his wife, is looking for a rescuer in her. It's always nice to be rescued from a bad wife. The wife acts as a stalker. She always says that her husband is bad, and pursues her mistress, accusing her for some reason of destroying the family. And then the roles change, and the deceived wife becomes a victim, upset that she is being deceived, and the husband finds himself in the role of a rescuer. Everyone plays, walks along the edge and waits. Such a life is very exciting and becomes comfortable.

Game by the rules

The rules of life in a love triangle are simple. One must persecute the other, the other must blame. The first should feel great pleasure from the fact that he suffers from remorse - to demand attention, a break in relations, then suffer that he did not leave, and so on.

At the same time, a man feels something like this: how can I cope with everyone? And is a kind of defector between the two sides. And he likes it, because if the game was not so interesting, it would not be played. It adds excitement and relieves tension in relationships. You can play endlessly, but the one who gives up wins, in the sense that he makes the decision first.

I recommend asking questions to all three: how long are you willing to wait for changes in a couple, and what are you willing to do yourself in order to change something? Are you ready to get out of it if you are tired of it? How profitable is it for you to play?

Sometimes it is worth giving up, trying to move away, letting go, and then the triangle falls apart. After all, it exists as long as three are involved in it.

From practice

How often do love triangles end? Divorce or keeping the family together?

With a relationship in a love triangle, if the divorce did not take place in the first two years, it is highly likely that it will not happen. Women, meeting with a married man, think: “When he gets divorced, we will have a strong happy family with him.” Unfortunately, in 90% of cases this is not the case. Because the roles in the love triangle are distributed clearly, and for a man, a mistress will almost never become a wife.

The context of the relationship between lovers usually does not translate into a husband-wife relationship, even if they sign up, as this requires a big change in the relationship, and sometimes a completely different relationship. It is highly likely that in this case a man can again look for a mistress.

By the way

The theme of love is full of myths and stereotypes. For example, around absolute polygamy and monogamy, which in fact do not exist. Because every species, and people too, must develop and give birth to healthy offspring. Anthropologists, studying the nature of people, have come to the conclusion that men and women are equally polygamous and monogamous until they find the best partner with whom they can live their whole lives.

Each angle, depending on its size, has its own name:

Angle view Size in degrees Example
Spicy Less than 90°
Straight Equal to 90°.

In the drawing, a right angle is usually denoted by a symbol drawn from one side of the angle to the other.

Blunt Greater than 90° but less than 180°
deployed Equals 180°

A straight angle is equal to the sum of two right angles, and a right angle is half the straight angle.

Convex More than 180° but less than 360°
Full Equals 360°

The two corners are called related, if they have one side in common, and the other two sides form a straight line:

corners MOP And pon adjacent since the beam OP- the common side, and the other two sides - OM And ON make up a straight line.

The common side of adjacent angles is called oblique to straight, on which the other two sides lie, only if the adjacent angles are not equal to each other. If adjacent angles are equal, then their common side will be perpendicular.

The sum of adjacent angles is 180°.

The two corners are called vertical, if the sides of one angle complement to straight lines the sides of another angle:

Angles 1 and 3, as well as angles 2 and 4, are vertical.

Vertical angles are equal.

Let's prove that the vertical angles are equal:

The sum of ∠1 and ∠2 is a straight angle. And the sum of ∠3 and ∠2 is a straight angle. So these two sums are equal:

∠1 + ∠2 = ∠3 + ∠2.

In this equality, on the left and on the right there is the same term - ∠2. Equality is not violated if this term on the left and on the right is omitted. Then we get.

    An acute angle is an angle whose measure is less than 90 degrees. A right angle is an angle whose measure is 90 degrees. An obtuse angle is an angle whose measure is greater than 90 degrees. You can determine each angle using a protractor or ruler.

    Acute angle - from zero to 90 degrees (not inclusive).

    They look like this

    A right angle is 90 degrees and its sides are perpendicular to each other.

    There are also obtuse angles - from 90 degrees to 180, this is how they look:

    What angle is in front of you, in general, can be determined by eye, but if you need exact degrees, you need to use a protractor.

    It's elementary simple, we take a corner, or a ruler or a protractor, you can do it all together. With a protractor, everything is simple, take away the corresponding marks, that is, 90% is a right angle; something that is more than 90% -91,99,120,170 is called an obtuse angle; in turn, what is less than 90% -89, 75, 40.15 is called an acute angle. It's almost impossible to go wrong.

    An angle formed by the intersection of two perpendicular lines is called a right angle. Also, a right angle can occur when dividing a circle into even four parts (1/4 of a circle).

    A right angle is 90 degrees.

    When the sides of an angle coincide, such an angle is called zero.

    Zero angle is 0 degrees.

    All angles whose values ​​in degrees are greater than zero and less than a right angle are called acute.

    An acute angle is greater than 0 degrees and less than 90 degrees.

    If the sides of an angle lie in opposite directions and form a straight line, such an angle is called a straight angle and it is equal to 180 degrees.

    Angles whose values ​​in degrees are greater than the right angle and less than the expanded angle are called obtuse.

    An obtuse angle is greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees.

    They all have one thing in common:

    acute, right and obtuse angles are all convex.

    An acute angle is an angle that is less than 90 degrees.

    Right angle with a 90 degree opening.

    An obtuse angle is an angle that is greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees.

    The right angle is immediately visible to the eye.

    Sun is simple enough. Let's draw an analogy with the usual clock. If one of the hands is set so that it points to twelve o'clock, and the other to point to three, then they form a right angle of ninety degrees. If you start moving the arrow pointing to three hours in the opposite direction (at the two-hour mark on the dial), then it will form, together with the second hand, sharp angles (less than 90 degrees). When the hands point to one point, they form a zero angle of zero degrees. And if you return the second hand to its original (three-hour mark) and start moving it forward along the dial, then up to the six-hour mark, it together with the first will form obtuse angles ( over 90 degrees). When the arrows point, one at 12 and the other at 6, this will be the so-called unfolded angle of 180 degrees.

    In this question, you need to start from a right angle:

    1.A right angle is 90 degrees

    2.All angles that are less than a right angle, that is, less than 90 degrees, are considered acute.

    For example, the angles are 89 degrees, 60 degrees, 30 degrees.

    3.All angles that are greater than a right angle, that is, greater than 90 degrees, are considered obtuse.

    For example, 91 degrees, 120 degrees, 179 degrees are obtuse angles

    It must also be taken into account that an angle equal to 180 degrees is called a straight.

    This is 7th grade geometry. Maybe even earlier at school, I don’t remember exactly. A protractor is used to measure the angle. So, a right angle is 90 degrees, an acute angle is always less than 90 degrees (even by 1 degree), and an obtuse angle is always greater than 90 degrees.

    An acute angle is an angle less than 90.

    An obtuse angle is an angle greater than 90 but less than 180.

    A right angle is a 90 angle.

    There is also a rotated angle, that is, an angle that is in the range between 180 and 360.

    If the angle is greater than 360, then to find out which angle, you should subtract 360 from the value of this angle and see what remains. If sun is equal to more, then repeat this operation the required number of times.

    Angle 0, as well as 180 on one side, is used as an angle in calculations, but is actually the start of a segment or line, not an angle.

    If we take triangles, then their angles should be in the range between 0 and 180, since with such angles of the triangle (0 and 180) it will no longer be a triangle, but a segment, and with larger angles the triangle will not work.

    A right angle is a 90 degree angle found in quadrilaterals such as a square and a rectangle.

    An obtuse angle is an angle whose degree measure is greater than 90 degrees but less than 180, found in a rhombus, polygon, arbitrary parallelograms.

    An acute angle is an angle up to 90 degrees, for example, it is not in a square.