In order for the accounting department to be able to correctly and transparently draw up an analysis of finances, it is necessary to have the necessary characteristic information. The source in this area of ​​​​activity is just the reporting that is carried out on finance.

What is financial reporting

Under the guise of reporting, which is used in the recalculation of finances, it is customary to consider several forms at once. To compile each form, accurate data are taken from the financial balance. Thanks to this, information intended for users is transparent and generalized. The information in the balance sheet is used by internal and external users to make business decisions.

Financial statements used in accounting should consist of the following items:

  1. The main balance of the company.
  2. A report that indicates the results of financial transactions.
  3. Information confirming for what needs the organization's funds were used.
  4. The reporting shows the currency of the company and an explanation of the purpose for which the capital was used.

Also, according to the legislation of the country, this type of reporting must contain a document that displays the following:

  • necessary information about the company itself and its activities;
  • what currency it uses for financial transactions;
  • data for the previous reporting period.

Each provision must be clearly and transparently drawn up so that users can correctly make the necessary decision.

What is meant by the term "balance sheet currency"

The currency, which is written in the balance sheet, means the amount of money used in the preparation of liabilities and assets. That is, such a concept indicates the final amount in the preparation of the balance sheet of the above nature. In any type of report, the state of the currency is displayed in the first line of the document. At the same time, one should not forget that the total must correspond to the asset, and relative to the liability, the amount should be twice as much.

The balance sheet currency is changing: what the current moment may indicate

If the currency used in the balance sheet changes, this can indicate both positive and negative company performance.

The currency has increased - this may be due to the following operations:

  • the range of products manufactured by the company has increased several times, which means that the volume of production has been expanded;
  • fixed assets used by the company were revalued;
  • processes that are considered inflationary, that is, with an increase in the cost of goods purchased by the organization for its own activities;
  • if the terms of settlements were increased both with buyers and debtors.

To accurately understand the state of the company's cash, you should analyze all of the above points and identify the reason why the capital has changed upwards.

The currency used in the balance sheet may decrease due to the following reasons:

  • if the demand for the products sold by the company is reduced. The reason for this may be the insolvency of consumers;
  • when restricting access to entry to the markets for the sale of raw materials;
  • if other enterprises are involved in the economic circulation, for example, those that are related to dependent or subsidiaries.

In any case, if the balance sheet decreases, this is considered as a negative point, since the enterprise is largely losing its solvency.

Do transactions of economic importance affect the balance sheet of companies

Any type of transaction of economic importance can affect the company's balance sheet. At the same time, it should be noted that they do not affect the equality of the balance sheet, however, the currency during these events can be changed.

Currently, there are 4 types of business transactions:

  1. Operations are recorded only in the asset, reflect those changes that relate to the property of the company. With them, the capital remains unchanged.
  2. This type of operation indicates what changes have occurred in the liability items. Since the account is passive, the currency also remains unchanged.
  3. The third type of operations is entered into both liabilities and assets. The increased capital is displayed.
  4. The last type of transactions reflects the decrease in the indicator of currencies and all changes affecting the liabilities and assets of the company.

Currency balance determines the total amount of the organization's economic obligations to counterparties arising at the end of the reporting period. This indicator is present both in the energetic and in the passive part of the financial statements. In this regard, to calculate the currency balance you must first fill out the Equilibrium in the form No. 1.


1. Enter the data in section 1 of the Accounting balance, the one dedicated to non-current assets. It contains information on the balances of intangible assets (line 110), fixed assets (line 120), construction in progress (line 130), profitable investments in physical assets (line 135), long-term financial assets (line 140), deferred financial assets (line 145) and other non-current assets (line 150). In this case, the calculation is carried out on the debit and credit of the corresponding accounts for the preface and the end of the reporting period, taking into account depreciation. Sum up the total result for section 1 and enter the resulting value on line 190.

2. Fill in section 2 "Current assets", which contains information about the balances of reserves, raw materials, materials, products, goods, expenses, cash, receivables and other data on current assets at the foreword and the end of the reporting period. Calculate the sum of the balances in lines 210-270 and enter the resulting value in line 290.

3. Calculate currency balance enterprise according to asset data and enter its value in line 300 of the financial statements. To do this, you need to sum the values ​​​​of line 190 and line 290.

4. Check the correctness of the calculations by filling in the passive part balance. Complete section 3 "Capital and reserves", section 4 "Long-term liabilities", section 5 "Current liabilities". Knock up the corresponding results by section and enter the resulting amounts on lines 490, 590 and 690.

5. Sum the values ​​obtained and enter in line 700, which must match the amount indicated in line 300. Otherwise, check the entered data in the reporting and correct the errors. The equality of the amounts will indicate that the calculation of the currency balance executed correctly.

The most competent way to check the bill for authenticity is much only by a deliberately trained colleague of the bank. But ordinary citizens also need to master the basic skills of detecting counterfeit banknotes.


1. Familiarize yourself with the signs of the authenticity of banknotes. Use only formal sites for this, from the fact that information on others can be deliberately distorted by counterfeiters in their own interests. Below are the addresses of such documents with statements of the signs of authenticity of rubles, US dollars and euros:

2. Purchase a device for determining the authenticity of banknotes: ultraviolet, magnetic, infrared, translucent. Some of them are composite and, taking up less space on the table, replace several devices at once. Particularly widespread are devices that combine the functions of ultraviolet, magnetic, and transmission detectors. Using them is much more comfortable with built-in lenses and rulers. But such a device should be strictly supplemented with another separate one - infrared.

3. Use the two switches to operate the combined instrument panel. One of them, located on the back of the main unit, turns on the power of the device, and the magnetic sensor, if present, also starts working. The 2nd, located on the ceiling with ultraviolet lamps, allows you to select the mode: ultraviolet (UV) or translucent (PE) check.

4. When checking a banknote with ultraviolet light, first pay attention to the glow of the paper. It should not be there at all (compare with ordinary office paper, which clearly glows blue under the detector lamp). However, if it is, this does not yet mean that the bill is fake - it could absolutely be in the washing machine together with the trousers, and the bleach from the powder was transferred to it. To obtain an accurate result on the question of whether the banknote is reliable, contact the bank. But those areas that, according to official documents, are covered with a phosphor, must glow, and both the color and the shape of the glowing pattern must fully correspond to the exemplary ones. If, in addition to the official ones, there are third-party luminous marks, the bill is, admittedly, marked and was previously used during the operation to catch the intruders. In this case, it does not hurt to check it with an ordinary dosimeter, because occasionally, during such operations, banknotes are marked not only with phosphors, but also with radioactive substances.

5. When checking for light, watermarks must be perfectly visible. Pay attention to the conformity of their shape and location with those shown in official documents. The method of acquiring watermarks has not been a secret for a long time, but the work of counterfeiters is hampered by the fact that the special drum needed to acquire them has a hefty large size and cost.

6. To check the banknote on the infrared detector, place it under the illuminator and camera, and track the image on the monitor. Compare the shape and location of the infrared tags with the reference ones.

7. To check for noticeable magnetic stripes, run the corresponding section of the bill over the magnetic head of the device. There should be a sound accompanied by LED flashes. Also make sure there are no magnetic stripes where there shouldn't be.

8. Correspondence of the sizes of a banknote and its separate elements to official carry out by means of the ruler which is built in the unit.

9. Do not forget about those signs by which a bill can be checked without devices (paper crunch, diving threads, paint that changes color depending on the viewing angle, etc.). Invariably check their presence and compliance with those described in official documents, even if there are devices. If you have any doubts about the authenticity of the banknote, please contact the bank.

To determine physical equilibrium, an economic table is drawn up, in which data are entered that describe the production and distribution of the main types of products in natural form. The calculation of this indicator allows you to review and draw up plans for natural-material ratios to assess national capital.


1. Decide how the physical balance will be calculated. It can be drawn up for a certain period of time, up to an hour, or for the volume of output. One production direction or the general capacity of the enterprise can also be used.

2. Develop a scheme that will reflect all indicators of physical balance in incoming and outgoing flows. Be sure to notice the different stages of the production cycle that affect the quality and quantity of all process flows.

3. Enter the good and quantitative indicators in the appropriate table. If the physical balance is calculated for a small enterprise, then it is allowed to stop collecting information at this stage. Otherwise, develop a document, one that will contain all the data about the plan or new production. If the equilibrium is determined for the current production, then use the already obtained values ​​in the course of production for the final year before compiling this report.

4. Take as the initial values ​​when calculating the physical balance the indicators that were set in the organization's annual performance plan for incoming materials or for the finished product. This calculation must be converted into hourly productivity. At the same time, be sure to take into account the number of working days in a year, the number of shifts per day and the duration of the shift. Be sure to exclude from the calculation the days during which the modernization, prevention or repair of equipment was like.

5. Use a flowchart to calculate physical equilibrium, which takes into account production inputs and outputs, stoichiometric values, utilization rates, output losses, and output flow standards. Analyze the received results for drawing up plans.

Currency Definition balance allows you to give a review of the volume of economic obligations of the enterprise, which appeared on the reporting date. This indicator is a monetary expression of the financial and property condition of the company and is determined on the basis of the accounting balance .


1. Enter the data in the balance sheet, guided by the accounts of the accounting. For registration of indicators, it takes the difference between the corresponding accounts for the preface and the end of the reporting period, minus depreciation charges, if any. If the balance is positive, then the value is credited to the table, and if it is negative, then it is debited.

2. Complete the energetic part of the accounting balance. Section 1 "Non-current assets" contains information on the balances of all assets of the enterprise that have a duration of use of more than one year, including fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term indicators.

3. Calculate the overall result for this section and enter in line 190 of the accounting balance. In section 2 "Current assets" enter the balance of assets that were sold, consumed or converted into money during the year. These include: accounts receivable, expenses for future periods, commodity-physical assets, and more. The result for it is entered in line 290. Later, lines 190 and 290 are summed up and the value is entered in line 300.

4. Calculate and enter data into the passive part of the accounting balance. To do this, fill in: section 1 "Capital and reserves" with the corresponding values ​​for retained earnings, authorized and reserve capital, and more; section 2 "Long-term liabilities" and section 3 "Current liabilities", characterizing credits, loans and other debts of the enterprise. Bring the appropriate conclusions to lines 490, 590 and 690. Enter the result for liabilities in line 700.

5. Compare the values ​​of line 300 and line 700. If they are equal, then the balance is correct and this value is recognized as its currency. Otherwise, check again all reporting lines to detect an error or inaccuracy.

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A special reporting document that any organization must maintain is called a balance sheet. The information reflected in it is sent in the form of an annual report to the tax office.

Also, the document itself has a certain form in which you cannot delete anything, but if necessary, you can add a new one. In addition, a certain code is assigned to each line, supported by the corresponding order (for example, accounts receivable has code 1230, and so on).

The balance sheet is divided into two forms in the form of an asset and a liability. The first section "Asset" includes the property of the enterprise as a whole (the value of real estate, securities, available money, etc.).

It also records information about the funds involved on an ongoing basis in the life of the company (daily), including non-current assets that can generate income in more than a year.

Balance sheet currency in the balance sheet, what is it

That is, the balance sheet currency in the balance sheet for the “Asset” part includes summary information about current (material values) and non-current assets (financial investments, etc.) of the entire enterprise. In the "Passive" information is entered about where this or that receipt of property came from.

The balance sheet currency is the sum of own and borrowed funds at the disposal of the organization.

Balance currency in the balance sheet, how to calculate

To calculate the balance sheet currency, information from sections 1 and 2, responsible for the "Asset" and sections 1 to 3, responsible for the "Liability" are used. In this case, the amount for each section is considered separately, after which the final result is entered in the "Total". And at first, the “Total” is added from 1 and 2 of the second sections, and then in the same way from 1 to 3.

It is worth noting a very important point, the amount received on the "Asset" should be equal to the "Liability". If this did not work out, then the first thing to do is to double-check the correctness of the indicators.

Also, the company can incur both losses and make good profits. Accordingly, this will be reflected in the "Asset" or "Liability", which affects the formation of the balance sheet currency in the balance sheet for its shift in a positive or negative direction.

In order to see a clearer picture, reporting is completed at the beginning and at the end of the year. That is why it is so important to indicate all information on the operations of the enterprise, because. they have a direct impact on the change in indicators in a positive or negative direction.

Filling in the balance currency

Let's take a closer look at how the balance currency is filled. First, the “Asset” and its first section are recorded, which indicate information about all non-current assets. After the calculation, the data obtained are entered in column 190.

In the second section, information is filled in on the working capital of the enterprise, which have been used for more than a year. It can be either any intangible assets or other indicators.

After that, the amount received must be entered in line 290. Then the data from lines 190 and 290 are summed up, and the resulting total is entered in line 300.

Next, we proceed to the calculation of the "Passive". In the first section, entitled “Capital and reserves”, the relevant information is filled in on profit that has not yet been distributed, as well as on reserve capital, etc. Then the result of the calculations is entered in line 490.

The next two sections "Long-term obligations" and "Short-term obligations" are responsible for such indicators as the organization's debts (loans, etc.). The information received is indicated in columns 590 and 690, respectively. Next, the total is calculated and recorded in line 700.

The last stage is the reconciliation of the received data in line 300 and 700. If they are equal, then everything is in order, in case of deviations, it is worth double-checking the correctness of the initial data and final values.

What affects the change in the values ​​of "Asset" and "Passive"?

Since the balance currency in the balance sheet can change its values ​​in the "Asset" or "Passivity", it is worth figuring out what contributes to this.

So, the following factors influence the changes in the "Asset":

  • Increasing the range of products and sales;
  • Business expansion;
  • Revaluation of fixed assets.

If there have been changes in the data in the "Passive", then this may be due to the following:

  • Decreased demand for goods or services sold;
  • Restrictions affecting availability, market, etc.

If positive changes are good, then when negative indicators appear, it is worth conducting a more detailed analysis of accounting.

In any case, if any changes in the balance sheet currency are detected, when preparing financial statements, it is worth checking, this action will not be superfluous.

Do not forget about the impact on it of operations of economic importance of the enterprise, included in the indicators of "Asset" and "Passive", both individually and jointly. Therefore, you need to carefully consider all the operations carried out by the enterprise.

Balance currency in the balance sheet, total

I tried to tell you as clearly as possible about what the balance currency in the balance sheet is, how to calculate it. If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments to this topic.

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Enter the data in section 1 of the balance sheet, which is devoted to non-current assets. It contains information on the balances of intangible assets (line 110), fixed assets (line 120), construction in progress (line 130), profitable investments in tangible assets (line 135), long-term financial assets (line 140), deferred financial assets (line 145) and other non-current assets (line 150). In this case, the calculation is carried out according to the debit and credit of the corresponding accounts at the beginning and end of the reporting period, taking into account depreciation charges. Sum up the total for section 1 and enter the resulting value on line 190.

Fill in section 2 "Current assets", which contains information about the balances of stocks, raw materials, materials, products, goods, expenses, cash, receivables and other data at the beginning and end of the reporting period. Calculate the sum of the balances in lines 210-270 and enter the resulting value in line 290.

Calculate the balance sheet currency of the enterprise according to the assets and enter its value in line 300 of the financial statements. To do this, you need to sum the values ​​​​of line 190 and line 290.

Check the correctness of the calculations by filling out the passive part of the balance sheet. Complete section 3 "Capital and reserves", section 4 "Long-term liabilities", section 5 "Current liabilities". Knock up the appropriate totals for the sections and enter the resulting amounts in lines 490, 590 and 690.

Sum the values ​​obtained and enter in line 700, which must match the amount indicated in line 300. Otherwise, check the entered data in the reporting and correct the errors. The equality of the amounts will indicate that the calculation of the balance sheet currency is performed correctly.

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The definition of the balance sheet allows us to characterize the volume of economic obligations of the enterprise that arose on the reporting date. This indicator is a monetary expression of the financial and property condition of the company and is determined on the basis of the balance sheet.


Enter the data in the balance sheet, guided by the accounts of accounting. For registration of indicators, it takes the difference between the corresponding accounts at the beginning and end of the reporting period, minus depreciation charges, if any. If the balance is positive, then the value is credited to the table, and if negative, then it is debited.

Complete the active part of the balance sheet. Section 1 "Non-current assets" contains information on the balances of all assets of the enterprise that have a duration of use of more than one year, including fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term indicators.

The total for this section and enter in line 190 of the balance sheet. In section 2 "Current assets", enter the balance of assets that were, consumed or converted into money during the year. These include: accounts receivable, deferred expenses, inventory and so on. The total for it is entered in line 290. After that, lines 190 and 290 are summed up and the value is entered in line 300.

Calculate and enter the data in the passive part of the balance sheet. To do this, fill in: section 1 "Capital and reserves" with the corresponding values ​​for retained earnings, authorized and reserve capital, etc.; section 2 "Long-term liabilities" and section 3 "Current liabilities", characterizing credits, loans and other debts of the enterprise. Sum up the corresponding totals in lines 490, 590 and 690. Enter the total for liabilities in line 700.

Compare the values ​​of line 300 and line 700. If they are equal, then the balance is drawn up correctly and this value is recognized as its currency. Otherwise, recheck all reporting lines to identify errors or inaccuracies.

People involved in accounting know that all their activities are based on working with assets and liabilities. What are these two components?

An asset in accounting is the first and second parts of the balance sheet. The totality of the results collected in a single list in the form of a table with two sides is called the balance sheet.

This table shows the amount of economic assets and their formation key in monetary terms for a certain period. On the active accounts of the accounting department, the available funds are visible, and the balance on the active account shows how the funds are distributed, that is, where they are directed.

On passive accounts, the sources of the formation of economic funds are visible. The balances on passive accounts show how the funds appeared. Be sure to remember that in accounting, assets and liabilities are the same money, only divided into different groups. This means that the sum of assets will always be equal to the sum of liabilities. The entire amount of assets (or liabilities) is the "balance sheet currency", but this term has nothing to do with the currency of other countries and serves only to determine the volume of economic activity of a particular company. At any time, by looking at, you can get information about her financial situation. It also shows the estate of the organization on the day of the balance sheet. The balance sheet has two parts. In the first part, property is presented broken down into formation cells - these are liabilities, and in the second part, property is presented by type, arrangement and number of elements - these are assets.

Some people think that accounting is very complicated and incomprehensible. To some extent, this is true, because a large proportion of the accounting profession consists of complex instructions on which particular accounting accounts and in what sequence it is necessary to record any work.


  • accounting asset liability

Tip 4: General concepts of the balance sheet: assets, liabilities, balance sheet currency

The balance sheet is a way that allows you to summarize and group the assets of an economic entity and the sources of their formation on a certain date. The balance helps to determine: what are the assets of the enterprise that it can have at the moment, what sources were their foundations, for what purposes they are intended and spent. All this information is reflected in the balance sheet.

Balance sheet data is used not only for the financial and accounting reporting of the enterprise. This document is a source of valuable information and parameters for the proper management of financial flows and the very structures of its assets and liabilities. Today, without data in the balance sheet, it is impossible for the management of an enterprise to work, which, on the basis of accurate financial and accounting information, develops a strategy for the development and life of the enterprise. Knowledge of the balance sheet is indispensable for financiers, those involved in investment programs, control, lending, etc. The ability to read a balance sheet is now an indispensable skill for top managers who are involved in making important management decisions.

To keep the scales accurate

The word "balance" itself is translated from French as "scales", which determines the purpose and functions of this financial document. Graphically and structurally, it is a statement represented by a two-sided table. Its left side shows what assets are available, what sources formed them. It also contains information about the property of the enterprise, which are grouped by type. All this data is called the balance sheet asset. The liability of the balance sheet is reflected on the right side of such a statement, it contains information about the sources that were the basis for the formation of this property. Drawing up and correct maintenance of the balance sheet assumes that the sum of its right and left sides should always be equal. That is, there should be an equal sign between an asset and a liability.

Active is always equal to passive

The very concept of assets includes resources controlled by the enterprise in terms of past events. The use of these resources is expected to provide economic benefits in the future. For example, to be listed as an asset, resources must be controlled by the enterprise (one of the options is that it must own it as property). And the property brings some benefit in the future.

The liability displays the sources from which the assets originate. According to the amount and structure of liabilities, it is determined whether the enterprise received its assets using its own capital, or liabilities were formed due to the fact that the enterprise had any obligations.

The total amount of the asset (or liability) is called the balance sheet. Sometimes this term is replaced by a balance figure.

As mentioned above, the balance sheet currency is understood as the total of the asset and liability, while the balance sheet assumes the equality of asset and liability.

Assets = liabilities

For the purposes of financial analysis, it is advisable to allocate equity and liabilities in the balance sheet:

Assets = Equity + Liabilities

It follows from this equation that each ruble invested in assets is provided either by the owners of the enterprise (shareholders, depositors) or by its creditors. A change in the balance sheet currency can indicate both positive and negative results of the enterprise. An increase in the balance sheet can be caused by:

1) expansion of production volumes;

2) revaluation of fixed assets;

3) inflationary processes (the cost of stocks unreasonably increases as purchases are made at a higher and higher price);

4) lengthening the terms of settlements with debtors, etc.

It is necessary to consider in detail all the reasons for the increase in the balance sheet in order to get a real picture of the state of the company's funds. A decrease in the balance sheet currency can be caused by a decrease in business activity (economic turnover) of the enterprise, which, in turn, can be caused by:

1) a reduction in the effective demand of buyers;

2) restricting access to commodity markets;

3) inclusion in the economic turnover of subsidiaries and dependent enterprises.

The decrease in the balance sheet can be considered as a decrease in the solvency of the enterprise. As part of the analysis of the dynamics of the balance sheet currency, it is advisable:

2) to compare the obtained indicators with each other to assess the effectiveness of the use of enterprise funds in comparison with the previous period.

K property growth \u003d (C 1 - C 0) / C 0,

where C 1 - the average annual value of the property for the reporting period;

C 0 - the average annual value of the property for the previous period.

K increase in sales proceeds (B 1 - B 0) / B 0 ,

where B 1 - the average annual cost of proceeds from sales for the reporting period;

B 0 - the average annual value of gross proceeds from sales for the previous period.

K profit growth \u003d (P 1 - P 0) / P 0

where P 1 - the average annual cost of profit for the reporting period;

P 0 - the average annual cost of profit for the previous period.

The excess of the coefficients of growth in sales proceeds and profit growth over the value of the coefficient of growth in the value of property indicates an improvement in the use of economic assets of the enterprise compared to the previous period.

For a comparative characteristic of the growth rate of property, sales proceeds and profits, an analytical table is compiled, which includes the relevant indicators for the base and reporting periods (table).