A correctly completed task No. 19 of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language brings the graduate one primary score. It presents sentences with a subordinating and coordinating connection; you need to put commas in the right places. To avoid mistakes, repeat the theory below.

Theory for assignment No. 19 of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language

The subordinate part of the sentence begins with unions - it can be before, after and inside the main part.

Types of subordinate clauses

ViewWhat questions does it answerCommunication types
definitiveWhich? Which? Which? Which?Conjunctions which, which, who, what, where, whose
ExplanatoryQuestions of indirect casesConjunctions: what, whether, how, as if, so that, no matter how
Allied words: what, how, who, where, what, where, why, how much
Mode of action, degreeHow? How? In what degree?Conjunctions: to, as, as if, exactly, as if, as if
Allied words: how, how much
PlacesWhere? Where? Where?Allied words: where, where, where
ConditionsUnder what condition?Conjunctions: if, if, if, once, as if, as soon as
timeWhen? How long? Since when?Conjunctions: when, until, barely, only, since, as long as, while, before, as
CausesWhy? From what?Conjunctions: because, because, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, since
GoalsFor what? For what? For what purpose?Conjunctions: in order to, in order to, in order to, if only, if only
ComparativeHow?Conjunctions: like, as if, exactly, as if, as if, like, what, than, than
Consequences Union: so
concessiveDespite what? Against what?Conjunctions: although, let, let, despite the fact that
Allied words: no matter what, no one, no matter how, no matter where, no matter when
Connective Allied words: what, why, why, why

Types of subordination of subordinate parts

SequentialThe first clause refers to the main part, the second clause to the first, the third to the second“People, unfortunately, draw little from books “about good manners” because books about good manners rarely explain why good manners are needed” (According to D.S. Likhachev).
Unions may be nearby; a comma is placed at the junction of two unions if the second union does not have a continuation in the form of the words “that, so, but”, and is not put if there is such a continuation
HomogeneousAll subordinate clauses refer to the same main, have the same meaning, answer the same question.“If a person does not know how to understand another, attributing only evil intentions to him, and if he is always offended by others, this is a person who impoverishes his life and interferes with the lives of others” (According to D.S. Likhachev).
With homogeneous clauses, there may be coordinating unions; commas are placed in front of them in the same way as in homogeneous members
ParallelAll subordinate clauses belong to the same main, but have different meanings and answer different questions.“If you strive for a high goal with low means, then you will inevitably fail, so the saying “the end justifies the means” is destructive and immoral” (According to D.S. Likhachev).

Commas before "and"

A comma is not put if the union connects homogeneous members!

A comma is placed if the union connects simple sentences!

Task execution algorithm

  1. Read the assignment carefully.
  2. We perform syntactic analysis of the sentence in order to determine the boundaries of simple sentences as part of a complex one.
  3. We arrange punctuation marks in accordance with the rules of punctuation of the modern Russian language.
  4. Write down the correct answer.

Analysis of typical options for task No. 19 USE in the Russian language

The nineteenth task of the 2018 demo

Put punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) in the sentence should (s) be a comma (s).

Foggy masses rose across the night sky (1) and (2) when the last starry gap was absorbed (3) the blind wind, covering his face with his sleeves, swept low along the deserted street (4) and then flew up to the roofs of houses.

Task execution algorithm:
  1. The proposal is complex, with various types of communication, consists of 3 parts: 1) Cloudy masses rose across the night sky- the offer is simple; 2) a blind wind, covering his face with his sleeves, swept low along the deserted street, after which he flew up to the roofs of houses- connects with the 1st part with the help of the union And, put a comma before the union And, the sentence is complicated by adverbial turnover and homogeneous predicates, between which we also put a comma (number 4); 3) when the last starlight was swallowed up- subordinate time (swept - when?), Refers to the 2nd part, joins with the union WHEN, before which we must put a comma. We also put a comma under the number 3, since it defines the boundary of the subordinate clause in the complex sentence.
  2. Foggy masses rose across the night sky, and when the last starry gap was swallowed up, a blind wind, covering its face with its sleeves, swept low along the deserted street, after which it flew up to the roofs of houses.

Answer: 1, 2, 3, 4.

The first version of the assignment

His head was full of the most unimaginable and fantastic projects, and by the time (1) when it was necessary to decide (2) what to do next in this life (3) Savvushka stunned his mother, announcing her desire to go to study in Moscow , to university.

Task execution algorithm:
  1. It is necessary to put punctuation marks and indicate the numbers, in the place of which a comma should stand.
  2. The proposal is complex, with various types of communication, consists of 4 parts: 1) His head was full of the most unimaginable and fantastic projects.- the sentence is simple, complicated by homogeneous definitions; 2) and by that time, Savvushka stunned his mother, announcing to her his desire to go to study in Moscow, at the university- connects with the 1st part with the help of the union And, put a comma before the union And, the sentence is complicated by adverbial turnover; 3) when to decide- the attributive clause (sometimes - which one?), Refers to the 2nd part, joins the 2nd part with the union WHEN, before which we must put a comma; 4) what else to do in this life- an explanatory clause, refers to the 3rd part, answers the question WHAT ?, joins with the help of the allied word WHAT, before which we put a comma. We also put a comma under the number 3, since it defines the boundary of the subordinate clause in the complex sentence.
  3. His head was full of the most unimaginable and fantastic projects, and by the time when it was necessary to decide what to do next in this life, Savvushka stunned his mother, announcing her desire to go to study in Moscow, at the university.

Answer: 1, 2, 3.

The second version of the assignment

Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentence.

However (1) he overcame this cowardly desire (2) and headed towards the Sparrow Hills (3) to (4) where in the distant haze a building with a spire and a star could be seen on the high bank of the Moskva River.

Task execution algorithm:
  1. It is necessary to put punctuation marks and indicate the numbers, in the place of which a comma should stand.
  2. The sentence is complex, with a subordinating relationship, consists of 2 parts: 1) However, he overcame this cowardly desire and went to Sparrow Hills, there- the sentence is simple, HOWEVER, it is not separated by a comma, since it can be easily replaced by the union BUT, it is complicated by homogeneous predicates; a comma, before the index word THERE we put a comma, since it performs an explanatory, clarifying function; 2) where in the distant haze one could see a building with a spire and a star on the high bank of the Moskva River- subordinate place (there - where?), Refers to the 1st part, joins with the union WHERE, before which we must put a comma.
  3. However, he overcame this cowardly desire and headed for the Sparrow Hills, where in the distant haze a building with a spire and a star could be seen on the high bank of the Moskva River.

Answer: 3, 4.

The third version of the task

Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentence.

Then she thought (1) that (2) if someday she had a son (3), she would call him by that name.

Task execution algorithm:
  1. It is necessary to put punctuation marks and indicate the numbers, in the place of which a comma should stand.
  2. The sentence is complex, with a subordinating connection, consists of 3 parts: 1) Then she thought- the offer is simple; 2) what will call him by that name- an explanatory clause (think about what?), Refers to the 1st part, joins with the union WHAT, before which we must put a comma; 3) if she ever had a son- a subordinate condition (will he call it by that name - under what condition?), refers to the 2nd part, joins with the union IF, before which we do not put a comma, since it has a second part (THAT). We put a comma under the number 3, as it separates simple sentences as part of a complex one.
  3. Then she thought that if one day a son was born to her, she would call him by that name.

Composition - reasoning of the exam on the topic I think that I still did not understand myself

Assignment to the composition of the exam. Option 19:

Essay questions 15.1, 15.2, 15.3: How do you understand the meaning of the phrase: I think that I have not understood myself? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic I think that I still do not understand myself

Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments and answers that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

Essay or composition must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Sample and example of a short essay No. 1 on the topic: I think that I still did not understand myself. How to write a mini essay with a plan

Probably, every person at a certain stage of life begins to analyze himself, so to speak, “reflect”. Does he often remain satisfied with the result of evaluating himself? Unfortunately no. After all, it usually happens that who we want to become is not the same as who we are, and we are forever striving for an unattainable ideal.

So can a person reasonably realize whether he has realized himself in life or not? How far are his desires from the realized possibilities? It is these questions that D.A. Granin discusses in his text. The writer sadly states that a person "consists of omissions, unfulfilled desires and aspirations, opportunities." Various options for his development, self-realization do not make it possible to understand whether he has chosen the right path for himself or made a fatal mistake: “Every person probably has this ratio when he himself is much larger than his life. Therefore, it is impossible to say whether he understood himself or not. The author of the above text is convinced that sometimes it is very difficult for a person to understand whether he was able to fulfill himself, to fulfill all his explicit and implicit aspirations and desires.

After all, a person is not only his real, real life, who he is, but also his inner spiritual life, who he would like to be. I share the author's point of view. Indeed, sometimes a person stops at a seemingly achieved goal and lives his whole life blindly, without realizing himself. This happened to the hero of A.P. Chekhov's story "Ionych" Dr. Startsev. At first, it seems to us that this person is successful, that he has fully revealed his potential: after all, he has many patients, he is constantly engaged in practice, and is far from poor.

But behind all this brilliance lies a gaping void. Dr. Startsev seems to have stopped in his spiritual and professional development, he is engaged in medical activities not to treat ailments, save people, but only to ride horses and have a big house. For his base aspirations, the hero is punished not only by the absence of any prospects, but also by terrible loneliness. At the end of the work, we see the already flabby, aged Startsev, who is popularly called only Ionych. Thus ended the story of the spiritual fall of man due to his inattention to his true aspirations.

In modern life, it becomes more and more difficult for a person to understand who he really is. The media imposes its own standards on us, which we seem to have to obey. But it's not. A person should listen only to his inner voice, not paying attention to the cries of the crowd, because only he himself is able to choose the right path for himself. Always, under any circumstances, you must remain true to yourself and your highest interests. Thus, the problem of understanding one's own realization has always been and will always be relevant. Man, having come into this world, is at first confused and bewildered. But life usually makes him understand where his true destiny is. You just need to look closely at the signs.

Sample and example of a short essay No. 2 on the topic: I think that I still did not understand myself. Arguments from the literature. Text problem

I think I never understood myself. Man is more than his life. Sometimes much more. A person consists of omissions, unfulfilled desires and aspirations, opportunities. What is done is life. But a huge part of a person is the unfulfilled.

Tolstoy once said that a person has a numerator and a denominator. The numerator is what he really is, and the denominator is what he thinks he is. And I think that yes, this is a fraction, but in the numerator what he managed to accomplish, and in the denominator what he failed to accomplish. That is what he was. The numerator is what he became.

Every person probably has this ratio when he himself is much larger than his life. Therefore, it is impossible to say whether he understood himself or not. I can't.
I could become both that, and another, and the third. I lost a lot, failed, or didn’t, or didn’t want to then, and then I couldn’t. That is, I consist of many unfulfilled, unfulfilled people. And I don’t know which of them would be more important to me, dearer, which of them would achieve more. I don't know and I can't even imagine it.

Therefore, I cannot answer the question: have I understood myself? I can only say that I did not understand myself in many ways.
Now I don’t understand what I was afraid of, let’s say, in the fifties? What was I afraid of? Fear has taken a lot from us. I did not understand why I loved so primitively, and rudely, and incompletely? Now only I realized how I did not understand myself.

The result of life is always a negative value, because, as I said, a person is always larger than life. Perhaps there are some cases of lucky fractions.

What about geniuses? Maybe their numerator and denominator values ​​are as close as possible? Hard to say. It is generally believed, and probably not without reason, that genius manages to realize itself completely. What he is meant to do, he manages to do. Perhaps this is so. But there are geniuses who outlived themselves. Well, let's say Rossini or Arthur Rimbaud. He wrote, wrote, stopped writing, became a merchant. He carried out what he had programmed, he carried out his ingenious or genius program, and then he left and that was it. There are probably more such examples, I just don't remember now. So it's hard with geniuses.
A genius has prophetic features, but there are failures and failures. Nobody understands this. Here is Pushkin. Born in a vulgar family. I speak roughly, but in principle so. He was not understood. His uncle is a banal poet. Why does something incredible suddenly appear in this environment? And disappears, without repeating, forever. What is Mozart? Something divine also appeared and disappeared. Where? Why? What, a combination of genes? This is a helpless explanation.

These are very strange things, but very important. Because life without geniuses would be uninteresting. Genius is not an example for life, it cannot be followed. Talent still somehow can be followed. And the genius...

First, there is no correlation between the life of a genius and his creations. It doesn't correlate at all. A genius can be a prankster, a vagabond, a drunkard, a libertine, a boor, and so on. And he creates amazing things. But a genius can also be an exemplary person, a pedant. Goethe, for example. Privy Councilor, decent German way of life.

I will not venture to say anything definite about the genius. Everything that Mozart did is so beautiful and so great that it is shameless to think that he could have written much more. May be. It seems that if Pushkin had lived, he would have written more than one wonderful thing. Or not? These are mysterious things, which it is a sin to touch.

Sample and example of a short essay No. 3 on the topic: I think that I still did not understand myself. Examples from life and works of literature with arguments

Each person is unique and interesting in itself. Each of us has a character, traits, thoughts and dreams that make us special. Throughout life, a person strives to realize his abilities, fulfill his dreams, achieve some goals. And he also strives to show his talents and abilities to the world.

In the above passage, the author discusses who the person is - what he managed to achieve, or what he could become if he could. Everyone chooses a certain life path, profession, life partner. But after all, life could turn out completely differently if a person tried to choose, for example, another profession or place of residence, or choose an education in another field of science. They say that if a person can imagine something, then it may well become a reality. This means that a person is both what he has become and what he could become.

The narrator's reasoning is confirmed by the following sentences: "I could become both, and the other, and the third", "That is, I consist of many unfulfilled, unfulfilled people."

I agree with the author's opinion. A person is given many opportunities, which, unfortunately, he often misses, and bitterly regrets by the end of his life. At the same time, he can have a great life, a loving family, great achievements, but he could dream of a completely different life. Suppose someone is the director of a successful company, but this does not bring him satisfaction, because he dreams of making music.

So Don Quixote dreamed of becoming a knight and only in his old age he decided to fulfill his dream. And how many people still do not dare to change their lives!

The author in the text talks more about geniuses. Could they, unlike ordinary people, fully realize their potential? Did their genius help them get satisfaction from life? It may be that a brilliant writer, artist, composer left a big mark on art, but at the same time they live in poverty or they are unhappy in their personal lives. An example of such a person can be the poet Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov.

In order to avoid regrets about unfulfilled dreams in old age, I think you need to listen to yourself, ask yourself: “What do I want from this life?” Perhaps then there will be no tangible difference in the numerator (who we really are) and the denominator (who we dreamed of becoming).

Sample and example of a short essay No. 4 on the topic: I think that I still did not understand myself. Examples from life and works of literature with arguments

Humans are the only type of being capable of reflecting and being aware of themselves. What is a person? Does he understand the degree of his own realization in life? D.A. invites the reader to think about these questions in the text given to me. Granin. Revealing this problem, the narrator conducts both an analysis of his own life and an analysis of the life of the human race as a whole.

He puts equal emphasis both on his own achievements and on what he would like to do, what he dreamed about and what he aspired to. Thus, the lyrical hero brings us to the theory that a person is a fraction, in which "The numerator is what he really is, and the denominator is what he imagines about himself."

Indulging in multiple philosophical reasoning, analyzing his own mistakes and accomplishments, the author asks the question throughout the text: “Have I understood myself?”. See the essence in the words of D.A. Granina is easy. To the question "What is a person?" he replies simply, "Man is more than his life." Thus, the writer believes that each of us is not only essential, not only what could happen, but also what we dreamed about, what we wanted, what we could not realize. Does a person understand the degree of his own realization in life?

The author believes that this is impossible, since our earthly experience is the prevailing circumstances, and the potential of a person is a great many different events, crashed against a huge number of contradictions and fears. Indeed, the reasoning of the Russian writer is exhaustive. One cannot but agree that, probably, it is not given to anyone to realize himself 100% and be sure all his life that the path he has chosen is the only one, true and irrevocable. Man is a doubting being, and one who is able to think, who sees at least a hundredth of his capabilities in our vast, constantly developing world, will never be able to say with certainty what he is like, what he has achieved and what he could achieve. “A person is always larger than life,” scrolling the phrase D.A. Granin, I immediately recall the story of A.I. Kupina "Garnet Bracelet".

Having got acquainted with the main character, whose name symbolically almost does not appear on the pages of the work, we see the image of a small, shy, to some extent even stupid official who, it would seem, could not realize himself even in his personal life. However, this is only the side from which Zheltkov was seen by others, from which the image of the hero in the story begins. Later we learn that the thoughts and feelings of this character are much deeper than it seems at first glance. Unlike Vera Nikolaevna, our hero in love is truly happy.

Despite the fact that life did not even give him the opportunity to be close to his love, he reveled in the feeling given to the mind for real and saw in this his only real, possible destiny at a given moment in time. Zheltkov is more than an obsessive admirer, than a petty official, but he could only be realized in relation to himself and his feelings. The hero committed suicide, but was truly happy, and therefore it is impossible to condemn him.

What is Pechorin, the hero of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" An officer of the Russian imperial army, a character worthy of Byron's poetry. An outstanding, smartest personality, capable of not only being in society, but also skillfully manipulating people. Is there something else behind this image? Of course, because with all this, Pechorin was unhappy in love, and his unhappy childhood caused many of the hero’s ailments in the future, and, accordingly, the cause of a deliberately unrealized potential. Does Pechorin understand the degree of his own realization in life?

Unfortunately, this hero sees very clearly the huge mass of opportunities that life provides him, but he himself cannot and does not want to take advantage of at least a few of them. Of course, this hero has his own personal dreams and experiences, but his character, his life experience only make it possible to realize the number of unexplored peaks. It seems to me that this thought did not allow the hero to be happy and carefree, like many other people. “I only know that I know nothing, but others do not know this either.” - Socrates.

A huge number of scientists have been discussing for many centuries about what a person is, what he is capable of and by what percentage he realizes his capabilities, and they continue to do so to this day. However, all reflections for the most part come down to the same question with which they began, and inevitably plunge the thinking person into a fog of uncertainty. It seems to me that in this very uncertainty lies both the happiness and the death of the human race, condemned to be free.

The original text in the full version for the composition of the exam

(1) I think I have not understood myself. (2) Man is more than his life. (H) Sometimes much more. (4) A person consists of omissions, unfulfilled desires and aspirations, opportunities. (5) What is accomplished is life. (6) But a huge part of a person is unfulfilled. (7) Tolstoy once said that a person has a numerator and a denominator.

(8) The numerator is what he really is, and the denominator is what he thinks he is. (9) But I think that yes, this is a fraction, but in the numerator what he managed to accomplish, and in the denominator what he failed to accomplish. (10) That is what he was. (11) In the numerator is what he became. (12) Each person probably has this ratio when he himself is much larger than his life. (13) Therefore, it is impossible to say whether he understood himself or not. (14) I can't. (15) I could become both, and the other, and the third.

(16) I lost a lot, couldn’t, or didn’t, or didn’t want to then, and then I couldn’t. (17) That is, I consist of many unfulfilled, unfulfilled people. (18) And I don’t know which one would be more important to me, dearer, which one would achieve more. (19) I don’t know and I can’t even imagine it. (20) Therefore, I cannot answer the question: did I understand myself? (21) I can only say that I didn’t understand myself in many ways. (22) Now I don’t understand what I was afraid of, say, in the fifties?

(23) What was I afraid of? (24) Fears have taken a lot from us. (25) I didn’t understand why I loved so primitively, and rudely, and incompletely? (26) Now only I understood how I did not understand myself. (27) As a result of life, a negative value is always obtained, because, as I said, a person is always larger than life. (28) Perhaps there are some cases of happier fractions. (29) What about geniuses? (30) Do they have the values ​​of the numerator and denominator as close as possible? (31) It's hard to say. (32) It is usually believed, and probably not without reason, that a genius manages to realize himself completely. (ZZ) What is intended for him, he manages to do. (34) Perhaps this is so.

(35) But there are geniuses who have outlived themselves. (36) Well, let's say Rossini or Arthur Rimbaud. (37) He wrote, wrote, stopped writing, became a merchant. (38) He carried out what he had programmed, he carried out his ingenious, or genius program, and then left - and that's it. (39) There are probably more such examples, I just don’t remember now. (40) So it's difficult with geniuses. (41) A genius has prophetic features, but there are failures and failures. (42) Nobody understands this. (43) Here is Pushkin. (44) Born in an ordinary family. (45) I speak rudely, but in principle so. (46) They did not understand him. (47) His uncle is a banal poet. (48) Why does something incredible suddenly appear in this environment? (49) And disappears, without repeating, forever. (50) What is Mozart? (51) Something divine also appeared and disappeared. (52) Where? (53) Why?

(54) What, a combination of genes? (55) This is a helpless explanation. (56) These are very strange things, but very important. (57) Because life without geniuses would be uninteresting. (58) Genius is not an example for life, it cannot be followed. (59) Talent can still be followed somehow. (60) And to a genius ... (61) Firstly, there is no correlation between the life of a genius and his creations. (62) This does not correlate in any way. (bZ) A genius can be a prankster, a rake, a tramp, a libertine, a boor, and so on. (64) And at the same time creates brilliant things. (65) But a genius can also be an exemplary person, a pedant. (66) Goethe, for example. (67) Privy Councilor, decent German life.

(68) I will not dare to say anything definite about the genius. (69) Everything that Mozart did is so beautiful and so great that it is shameless to think that he could have written a lot more. (70) Maybe. (71) It seems that if Pushkin had still lived, he would have written more than one wonderful thing. (72) Or not? (73) These are mysterious things that it is a sin to touch. (According to D. A. Granin*)

Essays for the collection "OGE - 2018. Tsybulko. 36 options"

An essay on the topic “The boy was tall and thin, he held exorbitantly long hands deep in his pockets” (Option 1)

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist Valentina Danilovna Chernyak: “Emotional-evaluative words include words that are associated with the expression of any feeling, attitude towards a person, assessment of the subject of speech, situations and communication”

The well-known linguist V. D. Chernyak writes about emotional-evaluative words, that they are associated with feelings, attitudes or evaluation. I think that such words help us understand the characters and the author's intention. For example, in the text of R.P. Pogodin, many such words are used. Let's say in sentence 13 Mishka says about Sim that he "got out". This word shows us Mishka's contemptuous attitude towards another hero. In sentence 16, he addresses Sima not by name, but very rudely: with the personal pronoun "you." Further, he calls Sima a sycophant, says that he is sucking up - this also shows us his rudeness and contempt.

Emotional and expressive words make a literary work more expressive.

15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of sentences 55-56 of the text: “The bear got up and began to take pictures from the guys. He collected all the sheets, put them back into the album"

In an excerpt from the work of R. P. Pogodin, we read about the relationship of children from the same yard. They did not like one of the boys, so they suspected him of various nasty things: for example, that he was a sycophant. Without understanding, they take away the album from Sima and sort out the pictures. Only after some time their "leader" Mishka suddenly realizes that the album was intended for an old teacher who no longer works at the school (this is stated in sentence 52). And from sentences 53 and 54 it becomes clear why Sima wanted to thank her: she helped him study during a serious illness. When Misha realized this, he felt ashamed, and he began to take pictures from the guys, put them back into the album. From sentences 67-75, we understand that the guys gave Maria Alekseevna the drawings that Sima made for her.

These words mean that Misha knew how to admit his mistakes and correct them.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word CONSCIENCE? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: “What is conscience?”, Taking the definition you gave as a thesis.

Conscience is the ability of a person to realize his wrong; it keeps from a bad deed or reproaches if a person has already done wrong.

In an excerpt from the work of R.P. Pogodin, Mishka took Sima's album with the drawings that he made for the teacher, but then Mishka realized that he was wrong. His conscience reproached him, and he decided to correct his mistake. I took the drawings from my friends and nevertheless handed them over to the teacher.

Both in life and in literature, we often encounter situations in which a person experiences pangs of conscience. For example, in the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" the protagonist severely judges himself for cowardice. Fearing public condemnation, Eugene went to a duel with a friend and accidentally killed him. Onegin punishes himself - sends him into exile.

Each person must act in accordance with the dictates of his conscience.

An essay on the topic “Quiet bird chirping sounded joyfully in spring ...” (Option 2)

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist Ditmar Elyashevich Rosenthal: "Our grammatical system provides many options for expressing the same thought."

The grammatical system of the Russian language offers the speaker various syntactic structures for expressing the same thing. They are synonymous.

For example, sentences with adverbial phrases and subordinate clauses are synonymous. True, it is not always possible to replace the subordinate clause with a participial turnover, but if possible, the text becomes livelier and more energetic. This is probably why such constructions are preferred by V. O. Bogomolov, with an excerpt from whose book I met. In this text there were a lot of participles and single participles. For example, in sentences 3, 5, 7, 12, 13 we meet such constructions.

However, sometimes the writer prefers subordinate clauses: in sentences 21, 23 and some others. This makes the text more expressive and beautiful.

15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the last sentences of the text: “There is no plan,” Vitka said sullenly with his characteristic directness. - And combat support too. This is irresponsibility and my oversight. I'm responsible for it."

The hero-narrator, after heavy fighting, forgot that he was ordered to set up guards and sketch out a plan of action in case of an enemy attack (sentence 21). This was indeed necessary, but the narrator neglected this, although unintentionally, and because of his forgetfulness, his friend, battalion commander Vitka, suffered. But the commander took all the blame on himself, realizing that the brigade commander could punish him and, in any case, would scold him. The words “This is irresponsibility and my oversight. I am responsible for this ”they say that the battalion commander is an honest person who is not able to let a friend down, in addition, he is ready to be responsible for everything that happens in his unit. The narrator was confident in his friend, this is stated in sentence 24, he was very ashamed that his friend would suffer through his fault.

Sometimes friends have to correct each other's mistakes.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word CONSCIENCE? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: “What is conscience?”, Taking the definition you gave as a thesis.

Conscience is a feature of a person's personality. Anyone who has a conscience will try in no case to commit a bad deed. If he accidentally does something bad, then his conscience torments him and forces him to correct the harm done.

In an excerpt from the work of V. O. Bogomolov, the hero-narrator forgot to fulfill the order of his friend, the battalion commander, and because of this, the brigade commander scolded Vitka. But the friend did not betray his friend, but took the blame upon himself. The narrator was very ashamed of this.

We often find examples of pangs of conscience in literature and life. For example, in the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky "The Brothers Karamazov" one boy, Ilyusha, succumbed to the persuasion of the evil student Rakitin, treated a stray dog ​​with a piece of bread with a pin. The dog yelped and ran away. The boy thought that the Beetle had died, and this tormented him terribly, he even became seriously ill. But, fortunately, it turned out later that the dog survived.

Conscience is essential for every person.

An essay on the topic “At the same time as the newcomer Panteleev, a decrepit old woman appeared at the school called the Republic of ShKID, the director’s mother ...” (OPTION 3)

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist Dmitry Nikolaevich Shmelev: "The figurative meaning of the word enriches our language, develops and transforms it."

In the Russian language, along with single-valued words, there are a huge number of such words that have not one, but two or more meanings. If you look in the Explanatory Dictionary, you can see that there are even more such words than unambiguous ones. Of course, this is no coincidence. Polysemantic words give expressiveness to speech. Such a joke as a pun is based on the use of different meanings of one ambiguous word; the figurative meaning of the word allows you to make your statement brighter.

For example, in the text of L. Panteleev in sentence 11 we read about how a pile of cakes “melted”. This word is used in the figurative sense of “decreased in size”, and we can easily imagine this picture: a bunch of cakes are getting smaller, and then they completely disappear.

In sentence 20, the author writes about the boy that his lips “jumped”. This is also a word in a figurative sense. Reading, we immediately understand that the newcomer is almost crying from anger and resentment, to such an extent he is shocked by the act of the guys.

Words in a figurative sense are often used in fiction as a means of expression.

15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of sentences 47-49 of the text: “-You know, Lyonka, you are doing well,” said the Japanese, blushing and sniffing. – Forgive us, please. This is not only for myself, I speak for the whole class.

The action of the book "Republic of SHKID" takes place in a colony. The guys who got there are, of course, not angels. Most of them stole on the street so as not to starve to death, and some of their habits remained at that moment, which is described in the episode with the stolen cakes.

But the newcomer Panteleev was more honest than the others: it seemed dishonorable to him to steal from a blind old woman, so the other colonists beat him, and the director, without understanding, punished Panteleev, because he did not deny his guilt.

The other colonists felt ashamed. That is why the Japanese blushed when he asked for forgiveness from Lyonka. The guys suddenly realized that it is possible to live more honestly than they do: not to offend the weak, not to shift the blame onto others. This is stated in the words of the Japanese (in sentences 40 - 42). But going to the director and confessing is still too heroic an act for guys who are not used to living honestly. As a result, no one supports the proposal of the Japanese, but still the guys felt guilty and agreed with the apology. Therefore, Lenka reconciled with the guys (sentence 51-52).

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word CONSCIENCE?

Conscience is what allows a person to be a person, such a feeling of the rightness or wrongness of an act, a kind of compass. He who has a conscience understands how to act and how not, and he tries to avoid bad deeds even if no one knows about them for sure.

Conscience helps us evaluate ourselves. Unfortunately, not everyone has a conscience. Some believe that there are only problems from her: she reproaches, does not give rest, but a person strives for happiness and peace. And it also happens that someone's conscience has not yet been properly formed. For example, in this text, we just see the guys who did not listen to their conscience, because it rather interfered with them when they lived on the street and were forced to steal and deceive so as not to die of hunger. But Lenka's honest act first shocked them and provoked aggression, and then made them awaken their best feelings. They felt ashamed, which means that they became a little better than they were before.

Conscience makes a person ashamed of others if they do something bad. I met such an example in literature - in the story of E. Nosov "Doll". The hero of this story, Akimych, is ashamed of those people who pass by a mutilated doll and do not pay attention to this disgrace. He buries the doll and says: "You can't bury everything." I think he means that unscrupulous people with the silent connivance of the rest have already committed a lot of evil, it is already difficult to correct it. The author encourages those in whom the conscience is still alive, not to get used to the bad, but to try to correct it.

Conscience is the core of the human soul.

Composition on the topic “I stood in a dark, cold circus stable ...” (Option 5)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian linguist Lyudmila Alekseevna Vvedenskaya: “Any deviations from the norm must be situationally and stylistically justified”

The famous linguist L. A. Vvedenskaya has a saying: “Any deviations from the norm must be situationally and stylistically justified.”

The Russian language is a rich and ideally built system, this language is able to deeply and vividly describe the whole gamut of human emotions. A person who uses the Russian language has a whole arsenal of phraseological units, sayings, an unfair number of synonyms, comparisons, metaphors, etc.

But still, every person has situations, joyful or bitter, when he sometimes lacks generally accepted norms to express his feelings. But in order to evade the general rules of language, the speaker or writer must have motives. These motives are explained by a specific situation, according to Vvedenskaya. For example, in the sentence "I stood in a dark, cold stable near my sick friend and wanted to help her with all my heart." The author here is talking about a friend, and then that he wanted to help "her". The text is about the circus elephant Lyalka. Why does the author call her friend and not girlfriend? After all, if "she" means "friend." The fact is that the author is deeply worried about the elephant and is very afraid that she will not recover, because she is very dear to him. The word "friend" takes on a lot more meaning than "girlfriend." A friend is a close person, he will support and reassure, he will always be there. In this case, given how the author is rooting for Lyalka, one can justify the use of the word “friend”.

He turns to Lyalka, who has already recovered. The author speaks to the animal as if it could understand his words. From this exclamation it is clear how sincerely the author is glad that the elephant recovered and ate the food. Here, the treatment of these words to the animal is justified by the genuine joy of the author.

15.2. Explain how you understand the meaning of the text fragment: “We always go ahead with our firecrackers and whistles, we are clowns, clowns and entertainers, and next to us, of course, beautiful, funny elephants”

The story "Elephant Lyalka" tells how the author is very worried about his friend, an elephant named Lyalka. She became seriously ill and refused to eat. The author imagined all night how Lyalka would feel cold, trembling, but the next morning it turned out that she had already recovered. The good mood of the elephant was indicated by the way she fervently trumpeted. To celebrate, the author came up with the idea “We always go ahead with our firecrackers and whistles, we are clowns, clowns and entertainers, and next to us, of course, are beautiful, funny elephants.” This means that in any case, life, love for this life and work wins. Despite the impending illness, Lyalka won and is ready to continue to please the kids with her performances.

From the sentence “Seeing me and immediately recognizing, Lyalka triumphantly trumpeted,” we see that the elephant is very happy with her friend and wants to show him that the disease has receded and she is ready to get back into line.

The author is so happy with the mood of Lyalka, he is proud that it is they who arrange a holiday for people, that clowns and clowns allow them to plunge into a carefree childhood again. Lyalka fully supports the author in this and seems to say: “Let the amazing cavalcade of joy and happiness of life always dance!”

Kindness is the ability to empathize and put yourself in the place of another person.

There are many definitions of the word "kindness", but I will focus on the fact that it is, first of all, empathy, sympathy. To do good, you need to be able to try on the grief and troubles of others, and then do what you would like to be done to you.

If a person or an animal is in trouble, you need to show your nobility and readiness to help, because it is these traits that characterize a real Human.

Kindness is visible in the behavior of the author of the story "Elephant Lyalka". He wholeheartedly worries about the animal. The author prepared medicine for Lyalka, then did not sleep all night, thinking about her, how bad she was. In the morning, seeing nothing, he ran to her and fed her. The author does good for the elephant, as for a true friend.

What motivates us when we give money for the treatment of a child we do not know, help the infirm old people, give up a seat on the bus, pick up a hungry stray cat? Of course, kindness. It is she who helps us to preserve this world and all the best that is in it.

Composition on the topic “The last days of June were ...” (Option 6)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian writer Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov: “Dots are traces on tiptoe of bygone words”

Despite all the richness of the Russian language, every person at some point in his life is faced with a situation where he cannot find the right words; when it seems: here they are, spinning on the tongue, but he is not able to pronounce them, although they are clearly implied in speech.

This phenomenon is confirmed by the statement of the Russian writer V. V. Nabokov: “Ellipsis are traces on tiptoe of bygone words.” If in a conversation we can understand from a person’s behavior that he is not saying something, then in written speech this function is performed by an ellipsis.

In the sentence “Well, Grishuk, get better without me ...” Emelya said goodbye to his grandson, who was seriously ill. “And I’ll go for the deer,” we clearly see how hard it is for the grandfather to leave one sick boy, but he has no other choice. In the dots in this sentence, anxiety, sadness, Emelya's experience for her grandson clearly slips.

It can be said that the ellipsis is used to save language resources.

Further, after returning from the hunt empty-handed and after the questions of his grandson whether the grandfather shot the deer, Emelya says: “No, Grishuk ... saw him ... Yellow himself, and the muzzle is black. It stands under a bush and pinches leaves ... I took aim ... "

Here, under the dots, one can clearly see the desire of the deed to console Grisha, to explain to him that his hand did not rise to shoot a defenseless deer.

The ellipsis is an understatement that can be easily deciphered from the context and behavior of the character.

15.2. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final text: “Grisha fell asleep and all night he saw a little yellow deer, who walked merrily through the forest with his mother, and the old man slept on the stove and also smiled in his sleep”

The text ends with the sentence “Grisha fell asleep and all night saw a little yellow deer, who was walking merrily through the forest with his mother, and the old man slept on the stove and also smiled in his sleep.”

Emel's grandfather went to the forest, hoping to get a deer, and exactly the one that his Grishutka wanted so much. But seeing how the deer boldly protects her cub, risking her life, he could not shoot, although the animals were a few steps away from him.

To the question of his grandson, he answered: “How he whistled, and he, the calf, like goading into the thicket - they only saw him. He ran away, a sort of shot ... "

Grishutka was glad that the little yellow deer remained alive and listened with pleasure to the stories of the case. Sincere childish joy can be seen in the following sentences: “The old man told the boy for a long time how he searched for the calf in the forest for three days and how he ran away from him. The boy listened and laughed merrily along with the old grandfather.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word GOOD?

Our world rests on kindness, responsiveness, willingness to help others. Kindness is what keeps everything beautiful in our life. If we did not show kindness and compassion to any living being, we would simply disappear from the face of the earth. By showing goodness and accepting it from others, we know that everything is still good in our lives, all is not lost yet.

This text perfectly shows an act of mercy and kindness. The old hunter lost three days, his sick grandson was waiting for him at home. Luck was right in front of the old man. But, seeing how selflessly the deer protects her cub, he took pity on both of them. Instead of returning home with rich booty, he chose to give life to defenseless animals. What is this if not an act of kindness? The old man remembered who his granddaughter miraculously remained alive during the attack of wolves, however, at the cost of his mother's life.

All this is shown in the sentences “Exactly what broke in the chest of old Emelya, and he lowered the gun. The hunter quickly got up and whistled - the small animal disappeared into the bushes with the speed of lightning.

In real life, there are a lot of cases when people, risking their lives and health, saved children in trouble, pulled them out of burning houses, saved them from water, from animal attacks.

All these cases give us hope that we will not be left without a helping hand when we get into trouble.

An essay on the topic “Now Kolka, Vovka and Olya rarely met: holidays ...” (Option 7)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian linguist Irina Borisovna Golub: “In artistic speech, the use of homogeneous members of a sentence is a favorite means of enhancing its expressiveness”

The Russian linguist I. B. Golub has a saying: “In artistic speech, the use of homogeneous members of a sentence is a favorite means of enhancing its expressiveness.”

It is often not enough for the speaker to express his thoughts using only one word, one synonym or description. In order to give credibility and expressiveness to his speech, a person can use homogeneous members of the sentence, as, for example, in the sentence "But he told me as if he had been and seen, and Olya's eyes opened even wider."

Here, the homogeneous members of the sentence are the words “was” and “saw”. In order to understand the meaning of the sentence, it would be enough to use only one of them, but the use of both of them gave dynamism and brightness to the sentence.

The feelings and anguish of the protagonist can be seen in the sentence "I watched the arrow spin, how it trembled, where it points." It would be enough to say that the boy was looking at the compass, but the words “spinning”, “trembling”, “pointing” convey how dear the boy is to his compass.

Kolka's compassion shows that he does not even expect to get a puppy for a compass. It is enough for him that the dog will live. He is ready to lose what is so dear to him, just to know that the puppy will not be drowned: “I am not for good,” Kolka sighed. Let him live with you if you want. I am for you not to drown.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word GOOD?

The eternal question - what is kindness? Each person will answer it in his own way, based on his own life experience. For some, kindness is a willingness to help those who are weaker and more helpless than yourself, for another, it is the ability to sympathize, to share the pain and grief of your neighbor.

I believe that kindness implies the willingness to make any sacrifices so that an innocent living being does not suffer, no matter if it is a person or an animal. You show kindness if you stop cruelty and injustice, not thinking about what it will turn out for you. On the contrary, you condone evil if you silently observe it, without even participating in it.

Kindness is when a person does not pass by someone else's misfortune or trouble, believing that this does not concern him. In the text, the boy Kolka is ready to donate something dear to him for free in order to save the puppy, which he will not receive: “They decided on that. Vovka dragged the puppy home, Olka ran away, and Kolka went to say goodbye with the compass. I watched the arrow spinning, how it trembled, where it pointed.

I once had to observe one case. On a busy road lay a sick dog in a collar, breathing heavily. People passed by, looking at the animal with disgust. Only one girl dared to approach her, not being afraid of people's condemnation and opinion. She gave the dog water and pushed him away from the road onto the grass.

In this case, it was more important for a person to help, to show kindness than what others might think.

Composition on the topic “That night there were long cold rains ...” (OPTION 8)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian linguist Irina Borisovna Golub: “Definitely personal sentences, in comparison with two-part sentences, give speech dynamism, conciseness.”

The famous linguist I. B. Golub has a saying: “Definitely personal sentences, in comparison with two-part sentences, give speech dynamism, conciseness.”

Native speakers, and not only, can express their thoughts without using personal pronouns to save language resources and time. They certainly make the sentence more specific, but they can still be omitted for the sake of conciseness without losing the meaning of the sentence. For example, in the sentence "Let's cook porridge!" the soldiers could say: "We'll cook porridge!", but they used a definitely personal proposal. The exclusion of the pronoun "we" gave the sentence a brevity and a sense of unity of the soldiers, their general joy.

15.2. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final text: “The orderly also smiled and, stroking the nearest dog, answered: “They ate oatmeal. But they got you on time."

The text ends with the sentence “The orderly also smiled and, stroking the nearest dog, answered: “They ate oatmeal. But they got you on time."

The story tells about a difficult time, military. Cold, hunger, no food, the soldiers eat only water with breadcrumbs. And what happiness it was when the soldier Lukashuk suddenly found a bag of oatmeal, which seemed to the poor soldiers a real treasure. They were already looking forward to eating plenty of hearty porridge. But suddenly the owner of this bag appeared and took it away.

After a while, when things with food went better, soldier Lukashuk was saved by the same person who then took away their last hope - a bag of oatmeal. He turned out to be a military nurse.

It seems that this orderly is, as it were, justifying himself to Lukashuk for what happened then. He makes it clear to the wounded man: thanks to the fact that he gave the oatmeal to the dogs, they managed to take him out on a sled and thereby save him. After all, if the orderly had not done this, the animals would have weakened from hunger and, perhaps, thanks to this very incident, Lukashuk remained alive, because the dogs took him on time. This is what happens in life: what at first glance seems like death, in fact, suddenly becomes salvation.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word GOOD?

Kindness is such a vital phenomenon when a person helps others, despite the fact that for him this is fraught with some kind of inconvenience, loss of time, etc. This means giving another piece of your warmth, without fear of freezing yourself.

To know that today you have made life better for someone, to realize that you have done good to someone - is this not happiness? Joy and satisfaction from bestowal are much stronger than they are in a situation where you receive something yourself. Kindness makes the life of each of us better and brighter. If you did good to someone, this someone along the chain will do good to another.

There is an example of kindness and compassion in the text. The orderly, who took a bag of oatmeal from the soldiers, gave it all to the hungry dogs, although he himself could get enough of it, because the time was very hungry, military. Due to the fact that the orderly, to his own detriment, fed the animals, they were able to gain strength and bring the wounded and injured on sleds. This is what the sentence says: “They ate the oatmeal. But they got you on time."

There are many people who, despite being busy and limited in finances, visit orphans in orphanages and helpless old people left alone. These people share with them not only material values, but also spiritual warmth, which means that life becomes brighter for whom.

An essay on the topic “At dusk, Bidenko and Gorbunov went on reconnaissance, taking Vanya Solntsev with them ...” (OPTION 9)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement taken from the Literary Encyclopedia: ““Forcing the characters to talk to each other, instead of conveying their conversation on their own, the author can bring the appropriate shades into such a dialogue. He characterizes his characters with themes and manner of speech.

Every book lover knows how well the monologues or dialogues of characters characterize them, brightly highlight their literacy, good manners and other individual characteristics.

For convenience, the author could simply briefly convey the essence of the conversation between two or more book characters, but it is the schedule of their detailed dialogue that allows the reader to form an opinion about each of them. From the sentence “Well, why the hell are you hanging around here at night, you bastard! - Shouted a rough German voice with a cold, "it is clear to us that these words belong to a cruel and merciless man. There is even no need for a more detailed description of this character - it is already clear to the reader that nothing good can be expected from him.

The next example: “Oh, uncle, don’t hit me! he whimpered plaintively. I was looking for my horse. I found it by force. Ran all day and all night. Lost…” he shouted, brandishing his whip at Serko. Here the author could simply write that the boy pretended to be a shepherd and asked for mercy. But this phrase by Vanya helps the reader to vividly imagine the image of a miserable shepherd boy who is exhausted and begs to be let go in peace.

The phrases of the characters, their unique manner of speaking help the reader to immerse themselves in the work and create the effect that he himself seems to be present at the scene of the events described.

15.2. Explain how you understand the meaning of sentences 31-32 of the text: “He knew that his friends, faithful comrades-in-arms, were nearby. At the first cry, they will rush to the rescue and lay down the Nazis to one and all.

The boy Vanya is entrusted with a very important mission - to be a guide for scouts, to lead them into the enemy camp and warn of danger. For the sake of this purpose, the image of a fool-shepherd is thought out for him. Vanya is well aware of how important this goal is and how much depends on him.

There is a sentence in the text: “He knew that his friends, faithful comrades-in-arms, were nearby. At the first cry, they will rush to the rescue and lay down the Nazis to one and all.

When Vanya showed the way to Bidenko and Gorbunov, he stumbled upon two Germans and was seized with real horror. He was afraid not even for himself, but for the fact that their whole plan would collapse. He knew that in any case, his comrades would not let him be offended, they would protect him from the Nazis. When one of the Germans hit him humiliatingly, Vanya was furious: “How! He, a soldier of the Red Army, a scout of the famous battery of Captain Enakiev, was dared to hit with a boot by some kind of fascist flaw! But he pulled himself together just in time. If he gives vent to anger, the end of their plan. Despite the fact that there were people behind him who would protect him, Vanya pushed a personal offense into the background and put his important task in the first place: “But the boy also firmly remembered that he was in deep reconnaissance, where the slightest noise could detect group and disrupt the execution of a combat mission.

The boy Vanya, in the form of a shepherdess, coped with his task with honor and did not let down the scouts, who completely relied on him.

The text describes a terrible time for a great country - the Great Patriotic War. These were the years when every citizen of our country was required to be fearless, willing to sacrifice everything in the name of victory and freedom. It was a time when ordinary Soviet people performed feats for the sake of their Motherland.

A feat in my understanding is when a person puts the well-being of his people and country in the first place, and then he takes care of his personal welfare. A feat is something for which a person is ready to sacrifice his life.

During the war, millions of people lost their families, shelter, they united for the sake of victory over the enemy, putting aside their personal concerns.

A simple Russian boy Vanya stoically endured the bullying of the Nazis, cast aside his pride. It was incredibly difficult for him, but he knew that he simply had no right to let his comrades down: “Then he suppressed his rage and pride with a mighty effort of will.” He coped with the horror that seized him from meeting with enemies, and led the scouts further.

From school we hear incredible stories about the heroism and exploits of the Soviet people during the war. Despite the nation and religion, they all as one stood up to defend their country, they were not afraid of severe trials. People boldly made their way into the enemy camp, freed the prisoners, rescued the wounded. All this is the feat thanks to which we have the opportunity to live and love today, to enjoy the peaceful sky above our heads.

Composition on the topic “Once, when my grandmother was on her knees, having a heartfelt conversation with God ...” (OPTION 10)

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian linguist Yevgeny Nikolaevich Shiryaev “The whole organization of language means in fiction is subordinated not only to the transfer of content, but to the transfer by artistic means.”

The artistic style differs from the scientific, official and journalistic style by the richness of means of expression. If in scientific works and newspaper articles there are only dry facts, then fiction gives unlimited scope for imagination. Fiction novels, short stories, stories abound with such artistic means as metaphor, comparison, description, hyperbole, personification and many others.

A vivid example of the use of artistic means is shown in the following sentences: “On a quiet night, its red flowers bloomed without smoke; only a darkish cloud hovered very high above them, not preventing them from seeing the silver stream of the Milky Way. The snow shone crimson, and the walls of the buildings trembled, swayed, as if striving for a hot corner of the yard, where the fire played merrily, filling the wide cracks in the workshop wall with red, protruding from them with red-hot crooked nails.

The text describes the heroism of the grandmother, who fearlessly and with enviable self-control gives instructions: “- Barn, neighbors, defend! The fire will spread to the barn, to the hayloft - our everything will burn to the ground and yours will be taken care of! Chop the roof, hay - into the garden! Brothers-neighbors, take it as friends - God help you. The author shows a simple dialect characteristic of this woman, these phrases characterize her as a man of courage and not losing self-control.

15.2. Explain how you understand the meaning of the text sentence: "It was impossible not to listen to her at this hour."

The text describes a fire that broke out at two in the middle of the night and alarmed all the inhabitants of the house and neighbors. The servants and even the grandfather, the master of the house, rushed about in confusion as the fire devoured everything in its path. And only the grandmother managed to keep her cool, act reasonably and give instructions in order to save the household and the whole family. She advises even runaway neighbors how to save barns and hay.

The little grandson, on whose behalf the narration is being conducted, describes in detail the events of this terrible night: “She was as interesting as the fire; illuminated by fire, which seemed to catch her, black, she rushed around the yard, keeping up with everything, disposing of everything, seeing everything.

The boy notices how the grandmother fearlessly ran into the burning workshop and carried out explosive vitriol. She even managed to calm the frightened, soaring horse. Calls him affectionately "mouse". Grandmother took on all the burden and responsibility: “- Evgenia, take off the icons! Natalia, dress up guys! - Grandmother commanded in a strict, strong voice, and grandfather howled softly: - And-and-s. Therefore, the grandson immediately understood: “It was impossible not to listen to her at that hour.”

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word DEVELOPMENT?

Both in works of art and in real life, there were and are numerous examples of feats that both men and women performed. A feat is a selfless act that is performed in the name of saving the Motherland, family, strangers, even at the cost of one's own life. Only a man with a capital letter, noble and ready to help, is capable of such an act. The man-hero runs to the aid of those who are in a difficult situation, and he thinks of himself last.

In the text, such a Person is a grandmother, she is the only one, risking her life, burst into a building on fire in order to save the others, save barns and hay, not only her own, but also those of her neighbors. She does not panic, but calms the others. Even a horse running in fear, she managed to calm down: “- Don't be afraid! Grandmother said in a bass voice, patting him on the neck and taking the reins. - Ali, I will leave you with this fear? Oh you little mouse…”

They say about such women: “He will stop a galloping horse, enter a burning hut.”

The world rests on such people-heroes, they give a chance for survival when it seems that everything is already over. The feat does not depend on age. I remember a case when a fifteen-year-old boy rescued seven neighbors' children from a burning house, while the rest succumbed to panic and lost hope.

More than one work has been written about the influence of music on the human soul. Enchanting sounds can wake up the most callous heart, make it laugh and cry. The writer V. Astafiev also touches on the topic of the impact of music on a person, telling about an organ music concert in the Dome Cathedral. It vividly reflects all those feelings and experiences of “quiet delight” that a person feels under the influence of majestic melodies.

Being imbued with the sound of musical works of great composers, the human soul awakens and responds inside

on every note with tears of tenderness, a smile, a dream. It is no coincidence that Astafiev is sure that real music is able to bring to the surface the best human qualities even in those who did not possess them.

In many ways, one can agree with the author, but not every person who is subtly versed in musical labyrinths has a subtle, sensitive soul. It is worth remembering the years of the last war. How many people were shot by the Nazis to the sound of beautiful melodies pouring from gramophones. Before their crimes

music proved powerless against humanity. When a cruel person uses music as a background for his atrocities, this is already sacrilege. I remember a story told by my father. In their village lived a Jew who was a master of the violin. He played so selflessly that he did not leave anyone indifferent. When the Germans entered the village, the Jew was taken to be shot, and on the way to his death he played the violin “Oginsky's Polonaise”. The beautiful melody did not stop the non-humans, and the talented person died.

Suffice it to recall "Mozart and Salieri" by Pushkin. Salieri burst into tears while listening to Mozart's works, but in the end, envy of true talent prevails. Salieri kills a genius because he cannot bear his superiority and greatness.

Music is a great power, but it awakens wonderful feelings in kind and decent people. For those who are not able to love and rejoice in someone else's success, even a perfect melody is unlikely to awaken the best feelings. After all, such people simply have no soul and no heart.

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  4. Every person who studies history realizes that it is filled with both heroic and tragic pages. But there are also those in which heroism merges with ...
  5. Human memory is a unique mechanism, the structure of which defies explanation. The writer Daniil Granin in his text discusses the questions: why is memory given to a person, what is it ...

The answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, a phrase, a number or a sequence of words, numbers. Write your answer to the right of the task number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Read the text and do tasks 1-3.

(1) Until recently, the inner world of a person occupied psychiatrists, philosophers, poets, but was of little interest to linguists. (2) The situation began to change with the advent of modern linguistic semantics in the 60s of the XX century, when the first attempts to describe emotional vocabulary in dictionaries appeared. (3) ____ interest in words denoting emotions is constantly increasing.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. Interest in words denoting emotions is associated with the emergence of modern linguistic semantics, when linguists became interested in the inner world of a person.

2. Before the advent of modern linguistic semantics, the inner world of a person was of interest to psychiatrists, philosophers, poets, but linguists were of little interest.

3. With the advent of modern linguistic semantics in the 60s of the 20th century, the first attempts to describe emotional vocabulary in dictionaries are associated.

4. Interest in words denoting emotions, which appeared in the 60s of the XX century, has not faded to the present.

5. With the advent of modern linguistic semantics, linguists became interested in the inner world of a person and, as a result, in words denoting emotions.


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

2. Since then

5. Because


Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word EXPERIENCE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.


1. Reflection in the minds of people of the laws of the objective world and social practice, obtained as a result of their active practical knowledge (special). Sensual about.

3. Playing some. phenomena experimentally, the creation of something. new under certain conditions for the purpose of research, testing. Lucky about. Chemical experiments. Breeders experience.

4. An attempt to implement something, a trial implementation of something. The first about. young writer.


In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel is highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write out this word.





In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. The meeting will take place if there is a quorum.

2. Paustovsky is kind to people who met him on his LIFE path and populated his book.

3. Anna CLUTCHED her daughter and spun around the room.

4. We stood on a high bank and admired the ROYAL course of the Volga.

5. Somehow my father got me a SUBSCRIBER for a series of lectures on cinema.


In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.


ROOF repair

more than THREE Hundred


LAY Bricks


Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition 1) Azalea is considered to be one of the most luxurious plants decorating our greenhouse.
B) violation of supply boundaries 2) Art not only enriches a person emotionally, but also makes him think.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) In "Ruslan and Lyudmila" A.S. Pushkin, there are features of a romantic poem.
D) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover 4) Describing the grave of Bazarov in the novel "Fathers and Sons", Turgenev depicted an old family cemetery.
E) incorrect construction of a sentence with a participial turnover 5) This case is described by N.V. Gogol in the comedy The Inspector General.
6) Ivan is a very kind person. Because he sees only the good in people.
7) Having returned home, I again and again recalled the events of today.
8) At the end of the report, the scientist answered the questions of those present.
9) Thanks to the efforts of the director, the gymnasium received a new computer class.

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other characters.


Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

r ... vegetative



scalding ... burning


Find a row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words out with the missing letter.

injection ... injection, sub ... cell

vz...mother, roz...sk

pr ... filed (lesson), pr ... brought

and ... under the forehead, and ... bend

r...list, under...went


Write down the word in which the letter is written in the place of the gap Yo.


retouching... vka


Write down the word in which the letter Yu is written at the place of the gap.




Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

1. The issue of financing the construction is still (NOT) RESOLVED.

2. Solving the problem turned out to be (NOT) EASY for me.

3. Winning an argument (NOT) ALWAYS implies the triumph of truth.

4. A (NOT) LOUD crack made the hunter look around.

5. The man passed through the yard and, NOT NOTICED by anyone, disappeared around the corner.


Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are written APART. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

1. Anna Mikhailovna wrote to the front (FOR) THE PREVIOUS address and (FOR) THE STILL waited for a letter.

2. He calmly, HOWEVER (SAME), endured all these screams and, (NOT) LOOKING around, went straight to the house.

3. From each push, the boat fell (ON) SIDE, and (FOR) THIS had to constantly scoop out water.

4. (C) CONCLUSION The old people asked that (WOULD) Mironych not be touched.

5. In the sky LITTLE (SLOW) clouds and clouds gathered, SOME (WHERE) are still bright and beautiful, and to the west rainy, bluish, boring.


Indicate all the numbers in the place of which HH is written.

The photo showed (1) a small street with white (2) clay (3) houses under thatched (4) roofs and neatly short (5) lawns.


Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. The summer was hot and rich in small and warm rains.

2. Images of primitive giants are known from fairy tales and epics.

3. Lightning strikes the ground with a direct blow, then blazes on black clouds.

4. Elms and maples blaze with yellow and red fire in the city garden.

5. Levitan hid from summer residents, yearned for a night singer and wrote sketches.


She swam across the Angara and (1) finding the river (2) drove the boat into it (3) pushing it far up (4) and placing (5) under a spreading birch hanging low over the river (6).


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentences.

In addition (1) the absence of struggle-intrigue in Chekhov's plays (2) really (3) led to an unusual organization of the speech of the characters, devoid of (4) it would seem (5) any purposefulness, which (6) happened (7) was bewildering spectators.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentence.

I think (1) that very often people ask for advice not when (2) they don’t know at all (3) what to do (4) but (5) when this or that decision has already been made inwardly (6) and is awaiting reinforcement of this decision from the outside from undisputed authority.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentence.

Hadji Murad was sitting nearby in the room (1) and (2) although he did not understand the conversation (3) he felt (4) that they were arguing about him.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

Before the start of the school year, I read back the stories of A.P. Chekhov.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-26.

(1) Discussions about the state of the Russian language have been going on since the time of mighty ornate centuries of the past: A.S. Pushkin, F.I. Tyutcheva, A.I. Herzen, V.G. Belinsky, F.M. Dostoevsky. (2) Now for us their disputes, reflections on the fate of their native language are the high lessons of Russian literature, human thought. (3) And as for the "degradation", "weakening", and even the inevitable "death" of the Russian language, literature - this is nothing more than hyperbole, based quite often on sincere, natural and understandable anxiety for the fate of their people, especially in times of change, upheaval.

(4) The current upheavals and profound changes in Russia are taking place, in my opinion, rather in the minds and souls of people. (5) For the Russian language, they do not seem very significant to me, if we recall such trials as the “Mongol invasion” or Peter’s “window to Europe”.

(6) “East wind” and “west wind” come and go, unable to shake the mighty tree of the Russian language, rooted for centuries and in wide open spaces, only refreshing it, and therefore strengthening it.

(7) In such cases, trials, the mighty ocean of the great language (and not only Russian), with its incomparable mass, power, energy, measured and tireless work, will cut, polish other people's words, attaching them to their own needs, sprinkle them with the living keys of their native land, taking into folk speech, writing, fiction. (8) So it was. (9) Apparently, it will be so. (10) Two hundred thousand words of V.I. Dalia - isn't it the ocean? (11) Someone else will grind, grind, and throw away the dirty with foam. (12) An ordinary, current, spelling dictionary, and that one is a hundred thousand words, each of which is not old mold, but living speech, which, of course, is richer than any dictionaries, it’s not for nothing that they draw generously from it, but the bottom, thank God, is not it is seen. (13) The Russian language not only lives, but gives life!

(14) One of the chemical industries, of course, poisonous, has been pumping its waste into deep earth layers for a long time, destroying living waters. (15) They do not heed reproaches and reproaches. (16) The main thing for them is profit. (17) On the same earth, keeping the waters alive, the schoolchildren of the farms of Malogolubinsky, Pyatnitsky and others, of course with teachers, take care of earthly springs and keys, clean them. (18) To each his own.