Features of a vegetarian diet, its types. Recipes, tips and reviews.

A meat-free diet or lifestyle is out of step with a society accustomed to eating animal products. However, over the past 20-30 years, vegetarianism and its benefits to human health have been spoken louder and more convincingly.

Highlighting areas in it such as vegans, raw foodists, fruit lovers, lacto- (use dairy products) and ovo-lacto-vegetarians (eat fish, seafood and eggs) indicates the growing popularity of vegetarianism.

Vegetarian diet for weight loss

It has a beneficial effect on the whole body:

  • removes toxins, toxins, excess cholesterol
  • lowers blood sugar levels
  • normalizes blood pressure and body weight
  • improves complexion and mood
  • adds strength and energy
  • eco-friendly from a spiritual point of view - we do not eat any of the smaller brothers
  • within one week of being on a vegetarian diet, you can easily lose 2 to 4 kg

If you decide to try vegetarianism for taste or for weight loss, then give yourself a two-week period to gradually reduce the amount of meat consumed in order to avoid stress on the body during the diet.

If you have achieved the desired result or have decided that you are not yet ready for this lifestyle, then the exit from the diet also needs to be smooth.

And remember that with any diet you need to drink about 2 liters of water per day. It should be of good quality and not carbonated.

Vegetarian diet menu for weight loss

  • To lose weight on a vegetarian diet, you should exclude cakes and sweets in unlimited quantities and at night. You can afford a candy or a couple of squares of chocolate in the morning until 10 o’clock
  • Also forget overnight fried potatoes, soft pasta, fast food, cola and its derivatives.
  • Switch to boiled, steamed, or oven-roasted vegetables
  • Instead of sweets and cookies, eat fresh fruit in the morning
  • Love salads with fresh or boiled vegetables, fruit salads with low-fat yogurt, vegetable soups
  • If the feeling of hunger bothers you between the main meals, quench it with nuts, raisins, dried apricots in small quantities

Balanced Vegetarian Diet

The vegetarian diet itself is balanced.
In the morning please yourself with a sweet taste, during the day eat the most varied food, take a small portion of stewed vegetables at night.

And even if after dinner you feel a slight hunger, drink a glass of boiled milk sweetened with honey or spices, such as cardamom. This remedy will satisfy your hunger and make your sleep stronger.

Vegetarian protein diet

The protein diet quickly burns excess fat and kilograms. It is effective due to the increased consumption of protein - for every 1 kg of weight - 2-3 grams. The duration of this type of diet is up to 10 days. Minimum 3 days. The result is from 10 to 30 kilograms dropped.

In addition to meat, foods high in protein include:

  • low-fat cottage cheese
  • cheese
  • milk
  • yoghurts
  • fruits other than bananas and grapes
  • vegetables
  • mushrooms

You don't have to completely eliminate carbohydrates from your diet, but it's possible to reduce them to a minimum.

As you can see from the list of products, vegetarians can easily use a protein diet to reduce their weight.

Vegetarian diet for children

  • The opinions of the luminaries of pediatrics, nutrition and medicine in general differ on this point. Most of them categorically do not recommend vegetarianism for children, they cite various “horror stories” as arguments about the absence of iron, vitamins B12 and D, and other important substances for the growth of the child.
  • On the other hand, vegetarian parents are unlikely to give their child a piece of sausage or a chicken leg. Unless in the case of certain serious diseases in a child
  • The ancient science of Ayurveda (trans. "science of life") postulates vegetarianism as a food axiom for all people, including children
  • Offer your little one a cottage cheese casserole with raisins, a bright salad of fresh vegetables or fruits, delicious yogurt or smoothies, fun pancakes and homemade cookies in the shape of bears or ducks, or a fried piece of pork, chicken, lamb, seasoned with ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard
  • See what he chooses. He will be interested in vegetarian dishes, of course, if you yourself tend to eat plants, fruits and vegetables.

Vegetarian diet to cleanse the body

Thanks to the balance of fiber, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins that vegetarian food is rich in, your body is cleansed of toxins and toxins on its own. Just give him time and practice the diet for at least 2 weeks in a row.

Vegetarian Diet for Athletes

  • 500 gr fresh white cabbage
  • 2-3 potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 celery root
  • Parsley and dill greens
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 3 sweet peas
  • 3 tomatoes
  • asafoetida on the tip of a knife


  • Cut potatoes in half and put into boiling water
  • Cut the stems of cabbage leaves that come from the stalk into large squares and add to the potatoes
  • Lay bay leaf and sweet peas
  • Three celery root on a coarse grater, twist its leaves and cut coarsely, send everything to a saucepan
  • We rub the carrots on a small aunt and, together with asafoetida, add to the water with vegetables
  • Simmer on fire for 10 minutes
  • Decorate ready-made cabbage soup in a plate with fresh herbs and season with sour cream

Delicious vegetarian diet

Consider the biblical story of Adam and Eve. They lived in the Garden of Eden and ate only plant products, even more likely they were the first raw foodists. They were friends with animals and rejoiced in communication. And they were not aware of any illnesses and malfunctions in the body.

  • Of course, now, both on the Internet and among nutritionists, you may come across the opinion that long-term vegetarianism negatively affects the hormonal background or is contraindicated for the elderly, children, pregnant and lactating women.
  • The reason is the lack of certain trace elements. But think, is there a grain of truth in this? Maybe not all plant products have been thoroughly studied in terms of chemical composition, or people in a particular area do not need these same microelements at this time.
  • Choose consciously a source you trust when looking for an answer about the dangers of vegetarianism
  • A raw food diet can really have a negative effect on the functioning of human organs and systems. And only because it is shown to a few people due to their physiological characteristics

Vegetarian Diet Products

  • exclude animal products, except for milk and eggs,
  • fruits and berries
  • vegetables
  • nuts and seeds
  • herbs
  • cereals and grains
  • milk and its derivatives
  • spices
  • vegetable and butter oils
  • mushrooms

For those who want to build on a vegetarian diet, here are some tips:

  • drink clean water without gas in the amount of 2 liters daily
  • strictly follow the diet
  • exclusively from the menu shop sweets, buns and cakes
  • learn new recipes and cook for yourself
  • sweeten the morning with fruit, divide the evening with vegetables
  • tune in positively and taste meat-free eating









Vegetarianism is the best diet for weight loss. types of vegetarian diets, menus and recipes

Vegetarianism has been popular in Europe since 1860. The reasons for it were purely aesthetic. Already at that time, people began to refuse food of animal origin and not only. The cruel exploitation of animals and killing for the sake of wool and skin began to be condemned by vegetarians. Over time, their diet began to include milk and eggs, which had also been banned before. Later, opponents of animal violence introduced even natural furs into their wardrobes. Dietary culture is divided into two camps: the old and the new.

The nutritionist Donald Watson undertook to return the vegetarian system to its original course in 1944. He popularized not only a strict plant-based diet, but also a lifestyle corresponding to it. This ideology is called "veganism" and differs significantly from vegetarianism.

Nowadays, this trend is widely used for health improvement, weight loss, or as a fundamental worldview.

The vegan diet is not in doubt about its usefulness, since plant products have always been famous for their beneficial properties and the content of essential trace elements, without which the body cannot function properly. A vegan diet for weight loss excludes animal fats from the diet, which leads to the normalization of blood cholesterol levels. Vegetable food consists of fibers that the stomach, due to its structure, is not able to digest, therefore, passing through the intestines, it is cleansed, and metabolism improves. After cleansing the body, fat deposits begin to burn much more actively than before and the process of losing weight lasts much less.

The low calorie and high vitamin content of vegan foods also contribute to weight loss and overall well-being. A vegan diet will help not only lose extra pounds, you will notice how the immune system will cope with colds and other diseases, if you combine active exercises, jogging with the diet, then the muscles and skin will become toned and more attractive.

A vegan diet allows you to lose 3-4 kilograms of excess weight in a week, improves immunity, cleanses the intestines and speeds up metabolism, which will help you lose those extra pounds.

Vegetarian diet menu for weight loss

  • food of animal origin is excluded;
  • missing nutrients (protein, vitamins and amino acids) are replenished from plant foods: get ready to switch completely to fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs, seeds, nuts, beans, whole grain or bran bread;
    so that a losing weight body does not lack vitamin B12, which is not found in food of plant origin, it is not necessary to refuse dairy products and eggs as part of a vegetarian diet;
  • consumed dairy products (milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese) must be fat-free;
  • as a dressing, you need to abandon mayonnaise and use only olive oil;
  • fish is not prohibited, but it is worth limiting yourself only to low-fat varieties and in very small quantities, and then only with a strong desire;
  • the drinking regime is observed: you need to drink at least two liters of purified (filtered) or mineral (without gas) water per day;
  • limiting the consumption of sweet, fried, salty, pickled and canned foods.

Balanced Vegetarian Diet

No need to mindlessly refuse products containing animal proteins. The main principle of the diet is its balance! It is necessary to include in the menu those foods of plant origin that replenish all the trace elements and amino acids contained in meat and dairy products.

Thanks to an effective vegetarian protein diet, you can put your body in order in 15-30 days. The menu of this food system consists of a large number of slow and regular proteins. With a protein diet for vegetarians, it is recommended to use a varied set of products for weight loss so that the diet is more gentle and does not get bored quickly. The protein food system for vegetarians requires adherence to several important principles:

  1. you can not eat fish, meat (they are replaced by soy, dairy products, eggs);
  2. on such a diet, you can eat absolutely any amount of protein per day;
  3. proteins of animal origin must be excluded from the menu;
  4. each day is supplemented with 3-4 tablespoons of oat bran and 2 tablespoons of lentils.

The diet menu consists of the following products:

  • kefir;
  • natural yogurt without additives;
  • legumes, cereals;
  • eggs;
  • cheese, low-fat cottage cheese;
  • mushrooms;
  • Soy meat;
  • tofu;
  • vegetables, fruits (except grapes, bananas).

  • The opinions of the luminaries of pediatrics, nutrition and medicine in general differ on this point. Most of them categorically do not recommend vegetarianism for children, they cite various “horror stories” as arguments about the absence of iron, vitamins B12 and D, and other important substances for the growth of the child.
  • On the other hand, vegetarian parents are unlikely to give their child a piece of sausage or a chicken leg. Unless in the case of certain serious diseases in a child
  • The ancient science of Ayurveda (trans. "science of life") postulates vegetarianism as a food axiom for all people, including children
  • Offer your little one a cottage cheese casserole with raisins, a bright salad of fresh vegetables or fruits, delicious yogurt or smoothies, fun pancakes and homemade cookies in the shape of bears or ducks, or a fried piece of pork, chicken, lamb, seasoned with ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard
  • See what he chooses. He will be interested in vegetarian dishes, of course, if you yourself tend to eat plants, fruits and vegetables.

For many people, a vegetarian cleansing diet is not only a simple way to get rid of extra pounds, but also a way of life. However, for those who do not yet feel ready to switch to a completely non-meat menu, a diet based on the principles of vegetarianism is suitable as an experiment.

A purely vegetarian diet for weight loss will help to lose weight and cleanse the body, the menu of which is designed for a week and is very diverse, healthy, but does not contain animal products at all. The volume of one serving of porridge or soup cannot be more than 150 grams, and salad or cottage cheese - 100 grams, juice and tea - 200 ml.

It looks like this:

Days / Meals For breakfast For lunch For dinner
1 buckwheat porridge, herbal tea vegetable salad, soy soup and bran bun boiled rice, grilled eggplant \ zucchini.
2 fruit salad with fresh berries borsch with beans, or soybeans, 2 apples, vinaigrette. vegetable casserole, compote
3 boiled "wild" rice, apple, tea without sugar boiled rice with green peas, 2 apples cabbage stewed with mushrooms, tomato, two loaves
4 tomato wedge sandwich, herbal tea, apple salad of celery, apples and pears dressed with lemon juice and olive oil boiled potatoes, green bean salad with tomatoes
5 a sandwich of grain bread, cucumber and herbs, a glass of tea soup with lentils and vegetables, carrot and cabbage salad, 2 kiwis vegetable juice, mushroom stew
6 oatmeal, banana, a glass of water with honey. vegetable broth, fresh vegetables, grapefruit, a slice of whole grain bread baked potatoes, zucchini, a slice of rye bread

On the seventh day, you can repeat the menu of any of the six days or make your own combination of vegetarian dishes.

The standard menu of an athlete without fail contains a large amount of animal protein. A vegetarian sports diet suggests replacing animal proteins with vegetable proteins and achieving results without eating meat and even dairy products. Contrary to the standard view of sports nutrition, the benefits of a plant-based diet have been proven by the practice of vegetarian athletes. It is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • You should not exclude from the diet completely or severely reduce foods containing carbohydrates. Their use is necessary to support the body's performance during intense training. Slow carbohydrates should be eaten before training in combination with a small amount of protein.
  • Vegetable protein should be consumed immediately after training in combination with a small amount of carbohydrates. This will allow the body to build muscle tissue.
  • When dieting in combination with physical activity, it is necessary to drink plenty of pure water to avoid dehydration.

Sometimes vegetarian athletes include in their diet protein shakes prepared without the use of animal protein. However, you can do without them.

For a person who is confident in his stamina, who can withstand a longer time without meat and its derivatives, a longer diet, designed for 30 days, is suitable. We are talking about a lacto-vegetarian diet, the menu of which, in addition to vegetables, fruits, cereals and herbs, also contains eggs and dairy products.

A lacto-vegetarian diet should consist of the following foods:

Options Morning Dinner Evening
1 freshly squeezed fruit juice, 2 slices of rye bread, grapefruit or orange asparagus, 150 gr. stewed beans, herbal tea 250 gr. baked potatoes with asparagus, tomatoes, zucchini and mushrooms
2 140 gr. cottage cheese or cottage cheese casserole, yogurt 150 ml, orange 200 gr. carrot salad with cabbage, fresh herbs and green beans casserole, any fruit of your choice banana, sandwich with vegetable pate, compote
3 pineapple juice, fruit salad, cereal baked potato with vegetables, fresh cucumber salad, apple, juice pear, chicken egg, a glass of 1% kefir
4 coffee without sugar, 100 gr. carrot casserole, banana, bran toast 2 slices of rye bread, fresh vegetable salad with vegetable oil pilaf with fruits and berries, tea with honey
5 tea, oatmeal seasoned with kefir 150 gr. rice, carrot cutlet, grapefruit buckwheat on the water, 70 gr. stewed mushrooms
6 coffee, 2 toasts, up to 150 gr. any berries (strawberries, raspberries, currants or blueberries) 100 gr. stewed vegetables, 70-100 gr. boiled rice, pear. 120 gr. oatmeal, 2 egg omelet with seaweed, green tea
7 glass of milk, bran bun casserole with rice and broccoli, cucumber, carrot, tomato, olive, pepper salad dressed with olive oil, orange juice or sour cream a glass of tomato juice, 150 gr. cottage cheese

If three meals a day of such a milk-vegetarian diet seems too scarce, 100 gr can be used as a snack between main meals. any fruit, and before going to bed, drink 200 ml of low-fat yogurt.

Unlike adults, for children, such a vegetarian diet can be used as a therapeutic diet if there are problems with the digestion of animal protein, but not longer than 1 week with a repeat after 14 days.

A softer diet for vegetarians combines plant-based and dairy products. The diet can include milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese. However, you should monitor the fat content of dairy products, and use sour cream in small quantities: only for dressing salads.

With this diet, you can engage in moderate fitness and not be afraid of sagging muscles. A dairy-vegetarian diet is lighter, more varied, and more balanced than a vegan diet.

Strict vegetarian diet

Or in other words, veganism, and in Christianity - fasting. Eggs, fish and, for most people, pure milk are excluded at this time. All dishes are formed only from nuts, grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. Veganism is characterized by sprouting grains and then eating them.

Its second name is the vegetarian Kremlin diet. The main difference from the classic Kremlin one is the absence of meat.

Duration - 2 weeks, then you need a break for a month and you can still repeat if necessary.

During the diet are prohibited:

  • alcoholic beverages, including wine
  • pepper as a condiment

The effectiveness of this diet is achieved through the optimal balance of food and adherence to the regimen.

Such a menu is exemplary, that is, based on it, you can draw up your own weight loss plan. Vegans can eliminate eggs and dairy from their diets and add more plant-based foods. However, when compiling your own menu for a week, you should not increase portions, since the weight loss system is aimed at reducing the daily calorie intake. Reviews of those who have lost weight say that with the help of such a vegetarian diet, you can easily and effortlessly lose up to 4 kg per week.


  1. 08.00 - 150 grams of buckwheat or oatmeal with milk, 200 grams of any low-fat fermented milk product;
  2. 12.00 - 200 grams of vegetable soup, 200 grams of fresh vegetables seasoned with lemon juice or olive oil, a slice of rye or whole grain bread;
  3. 17.00 - 200 grams of steamed vegetables, 150 grams of boiled brown rice.
  1. 08.00 - two hard-boiled eggs, a slice of rye or bran bread, a tomato and low-fat cheese;
  2. 12.00 - 200 grams of celery salad with cheese and apples, seasoned with lemon juice or olive oil;
  3. 17.00 - 150 grams of zucchini caviar, two medium baked potatoes, two slices of whole grain bread.
  1. 08.00 - 150 grams of rice milk soup, two pears, 150 grams of low-fat yogurt without additives;
  2. 12.00 - 200 grams of soy soup with tofu, 150 grams of stewed or steamed vegetables, a bun with sesame seeds, a small orange;
  3. 17.00 - 200 grams of stewed mushrooms with onions and vegetables.
  1. 08.00 - one hard-boiled egg, half a cucumber, parsley, a slice of bran bread, a glass of low-fat fermented milk product;
  2. 12.00 - two small apples, 200 grams of pepper stuffed with rice and vegetables;
  3. 17.00 - two small potatoes boiled in their “uniforms”, 150 grams of boiled green beans, two small tomatoes.
  1. 08.00 - 100 grams of oatmeal with milk, 200 grams of any low-fat fermented milk product;
  2. 12.00 - 200 grams of lentil and bean soup, coleslaw with carrots seasoned with lemon juice or vegetable oil;
  3. 17.00 - 250 grams of vegetable stew.
  1. 08.00 - 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, 150 grams of low-fat fermented milk product, 100 grams of fresh berries;
  2. 12.00 - 200 grams of lean borscht, 150 grams of vegetable vinaigrette, one small apple;
  3. 17.00 - 150 grams of stewed cabbage with mushrooms, two slices of rye or whole grain bread, 200 grams of low-fat sour-milk product.


  1. 08.00 - 150 grams of low-fat drinking yogurt without additives, one small orange, 150 grams of cottage cheese casserole;
  2. 12.00 - 200 grams of barley porridge with milk, 150 grams of cauliflower salad and olive oil, 200 grams of tomato juice;
  3. 17.00 - 200 grams of vegetable casserole with potatoes, 150 grams of asparagus cooked in a double boiler.

Vegetarian diet: menu for 2 weeks

A vegetarian diet is acceptable and interesting in that the products can be interchanged and arbitrarily alternated. Show imagination.

You should follow simple rules:

  1. lunch is the most satisfying, including calories
  2. sweet breakfast due to fruits, dairy products, honey
  3. dinner is poor, stewed or fresh vegetables are preferred
  4. drink enough water, namely 1.5-2 liters
  5. if you count calories, then they should be at least 1500 per day

Below are several variations of food without meat and fish.

Option 1.

  • Breakfast: 1 banana, 1 orange, low-fat yogurt (150 ml), honey (1 tsp)
  • Lunch: vegetable or mushroom soup (400 ml) and a piece of rye or whole grain bread
  • Dinner: 150 gr grilled vegetables (eggplant or zucchini)

Option 2.

  • Breakfast: 200 gr muesli or oatmeal with milk, fruit
  • Lunch: small pizza with vegetables without hot sauces and mayonnaise
  • Dinner: 200 g vegetable casserole

Option 3.

  • Breakfast: boiled egg (1 pc), bio yogurt (150 ml), a piece of whole grain bread with butter, grapefruit
  • Lunch: baked potato and vegetable salad
  • Dinner: 150g boiled beans, fresh cabbage salad with olive oil

To make the food more interesting, compose it for yourself by day, for example, one day is fruit, the second is vegetable. And alternate between them, for example, like this:

Vegetable Day Menu

  • Breakfast: 4 baked tomatoes, 1 glass of fresh vegetable juice
  • Lunch: fresh cucumber salad with olive oil
  • Dinner: a serving of boiled or stewed vegetables of your choice and a cup of herbal tea without sugar

Fruit day menu:

  • Breakfast: fruit salad, seasoned bio-yogurt, herbal tea with lemon
  • Lunch: fruit salad, 2-4 slices of melon
  • Dinner: same as lunch menu

Vegetarian diet: menu for a month

Such a dietary course is designed for a whole month. You are offered different options for breakfast, lunch and dinner, which you must alternate with each other.

  1. 200 grams of oatmeal, a cup of tea;
  2. toast with apple slices (sprinkle with lemon juice), 30 grams of carrot casserole, a cup of tea or coffee;
  3. two slices of wholemeal bread, a small banana, a cup of coffee;
  4. bran toast, medium orange, a cup of tea or a glass of compote;
  5. a couple of dried buns, 100 grams of fresh strawberries or raspberries and a cup of coffee.
  1. fresh vegetable salad, a slice of wholemeal bread;
  2. carrot cutlet baked on a grill, 150 grams of boiled rice, an apple or an orange;
  3. boiled green beans, a slice of wholemeal bread and a serving of vegetable salad;
  4. 125 grams of boiled beans, fresh vegetable salad;
  5. a sandwich with wholemeal bread, apple slices and green beans;
  6. a serving of buckwheat with low-fat sauce, fresh vegetable salad and an apple;
  7. portion of vegetarian pilaf with vegetables, vegetable salad, orange;
  8. vinaigrette, green vegetable salad, pear or apple.
  1. a serving of vegetable stew, a few tablespoons of boiled brown rice, a pear;
  2. pasta and broccoli casserole, vegetable salad seasoned with lemon juice, orange;
  3. a serving of stewed beans, green bean salad, a small piece of bran bread.

Before bedtime:

  1. a glass of dry wine and a pear;
  2. a large banana, a slice of bran bread, spread with a pate of pureed vegetables.

Refusing meat products, you can eat quite satisfying and tasty! The menu proposed above, of course, is quite limited, as it is aimed at rapid weight loss. If you do not follow the principles of a protein diet for vegetarians, without setting yourself the goal of getting rid of extra pounds, the diet can be much more rich and varied!

Vegetarian Diet Recipes

There is a wide range of vegetarian dishes that help fight excess weight and have a positive effect on the body as a whole. Foods for weight loss are prepared according to simple recipes, they are low-calorie, but very nutritious. Below are several options for interesting dishes that even a novice cook can cook.

Warm salad


  • 400 gr frozen green beans;
  • 500 gr fresh beets;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • 25 ml of olive oil;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 tbsp. l. pumpkin seeds, already peeled.


  1. Preheat the oven to 220°C.
  2. Wash the beetroot, dry it, wrap it in foil, making several punctures in it on top.
  3. Bake it in an already hot oven for 30 minutes.
  4. Cool the baked beets, peel, cut into small cubes.
  5. Roast the seeds in a hot and dry frying pan. When they puff up, mix with beets.
  6. Saute garlic in oil.
  7. Add beans to it. Fry 10 min.
  8. Salt.
  9. Mix all ingredients.
  10. Serve warm.

Vegetable soup

To prepare the soup you will need: 45 grams of butter, 350 grams of leeks, 35 grams of flour, 1.25 grams of vegetable broth, 250 grams of chopped carrots, 4 pcs. chopped zucchini, 150 grams of chopped red pepper.

First you need to melt the butter in a saucepan and add the leek, cook over medium heat for 5 minutes, stirring all the time until the onion becomes soft. After that, gradually add flour, stirring constantly, the whole process lasts 1 minute. Then turn off the heat and pour in the vegetable broth and again put on high heat and stir constantly until the mixture thickens. In the resulting composition, you add finely chopped vegetables and cook for 10 minutes until the vegetables are cooked.

Potato pancakes. The same potato pancakes, but eggs are not required:

  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l;
  • Salt pepper - to taste.

Simple steps for cooking:

  1. Grind peeled potatoes on a grater.
  2. Finely chop the onion and mix with potatoes.
  3. Add flour, salt, pepper.
  4. Fry the pancakes in a pan until golden brown.
  5. Serve with herbs and sour cream.

Diet 5 is designed specifically for those who are obese, have serious disorders in the liver, biliary tract, stomach and digestive system as a whole, suffer from constipation.

This diet is characterized by the exclusion of meat from the diet and its enrichment with natural fiber, proteins and carbohydrates.

What are the best first courses for diet 5, consider a few recipes for soups.

Vegetable soup

Vegetable rich soup will fit perfectly into the menu. Such a dish is prepared from affordable products that can be bought at any store. The recipe for a vegetarian soup for weight loss is very simple, but the result is incredibly tasty and healthy. It is worth stocking up on various vegetables, herbs, spices and vegetable oil.


  • water or vegetable broth - 1 liter;
  • cauliflower - 300 grams;
  • potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • leek - a bunch;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • lettuce sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • spinach (leaves) - 1 bunch;
  • dill, parsley;
  • salt, cumin;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse vegetables, peel, cut into pieces.
  2. Boil the broth.
  3. Put vegetables in it one by one (about 5 minutes should elapse between the laying of each ingredient).
  4. Cook until all products are ready.
  5. Pour the olive oil into the soup for a vegetarian before the end of the preparation of the first course.
  6. Garnish the soup for weight loss with chopped dill and parsley, serve.

Soup with cereal or pasta


  • 2 medium potatoes
  • 1 small carrot
  • 50-70 gr of cereals (rice, buckwheat, barley) or durum pasta
  • 1 bunch of leeks
  • Parsley, dill, bay leaf, salt
  • 1-2 tbsp olive oil
  1. We cook according to a scheme similar to the previous recipe, but after potatoes with our cereals or pasta for 4-5 minutes.
  2. Add the rest of the vegetables in order at intervals of 2-3 minutes.
  3. Before serving the soup, you can decorate it with fresh herbs that you like.

Vegetarian soup diet 5


  • 500 gr fresh white cabbage
  • 2-3 potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 celery root
  • Parsley and dill greens
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 3 sweet peas
  • 3 tomatoes
  • asafoetida on the tip of a knife
  1. Cut potatoes in half and put into boiling water
  2. Cut the stems of cabbage leaves that come from the stalk into large squares and add to the potatoes
  3. Lay bay leaf and sweet peas
  4. Three celery root on a coarse grater, twist its leaves and cut coarsely, send everything to a saucepan
  5. We rub the carrots on a small aunt and, together with asafoetida, add to the water with vegetables
  6. Simmer on fire for 10 minutes
  7. Decorate ready-made cabbage soup in a plate with fresh herbs and season with sour cream

Vegetarianism is very tasty and varied. Make it so spices, for example:

  • Vanilla
  • Turmeric
  • Cardamom
  • Fennel
  • Asafoetida
  • Barberry
  • Cinnamon

The list of natural spices is huge, as well as the taste of food with their use.

Is hormonal failure possible on the background of a long-term vegetarian diet?

Consider the biblical story of Adam and Eve. They lived in the Garden of Eden and ate only plant products, even more likely they were the first raw foodists. They were friends with animals and rejoiced in communication. And they were not aware of any illnesses and malfunctions in the body.

  • Of course, now, both on the Internet and among nutritionists, you may come across the opinion that long-term vegetarianism negatively affects the hormonal background or is contraindicated for the elderly, children, pregnant and lactating women.
  • The reason is the lack of certain trace elements. But think, is there a grain of truth in this? Maybe not all plant products have been thoroughly studied in terms of chemical composition, or people in a particular area do not need these same microelements at this time.
  • Choose consciously a source you trust when looking for an answer about the dangers of vegetarianism
  • A raw food diet can really have a negative effect on the functioning of human organs and systems. And only because it is shown to a few people due to their physiological characteristics

  1. protein - a substitute for protein of animal origin - soy products, legumes, cereals, nuts, seeds, germinated grains of wheat and buckwheat;
  2. fats - can be obtained from flaxseed oil, dark green leafy vegetables, sesame seeds, walnuts, soybeans;
  3. calcium - found in all types of cabbage, celery, hazelnuts, almonds, soy milk, sesame;
  4. iron - dried fruits, persimmons, apples, strawberries, rosehip broth, buckwheat;
    Vitamins are found in all fruits and vegetables.

For those who want to build on a vegetarian diet, here are some tips:

  1. drink clean water without gas in the amount of 2 liters daily
  2. strictly follow the diet
  3. exclusively from the menu shop sweets, buns and cakes
  4. learn new recipes and cook for yourself
  5. sweeten the morning with fruit, divide the evening with vegetables
  6. tune in positively and taste meat-free eating

Weight loss up to 10 kg in 14 days.
The average daily calorie content is 450 kcal.

The principles of vegetarianism imply the exclusion from the diet of all or some (depending on the type of vegetarianism) of animal products. If you want to lose weight and cleanse your body at the same time, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rules of this nutritional technique (and for many people, the life ideology).

Today, your attention is presented to a two-week vegetarian diet, for which you can say goodbye to 8-10 extra pounds. If you need to lose weight slightly, you can diet for a week, and then make the diet more nutritious.

Vegetarian Diet Requirements

According to historical data, scientists suggest that the yogas and Buddhists of Asia were the first fans of vegetarianism. From there, this system migrated to European countries. In the post-Soviet space, one of the first known vegetarians was the writer Leo Tolstoy. After him, this food system became widely fashionable.

If just a few decades ago, vegetarianism meant a diet in which people do not eat meat, now there are already many different variations. The main types of vegetarianism are veganism, lacto-vegetarianism and lacto-ovo-vegetarianism.

Veganism is one of the strictest types of this diet, according to the rules of which animal and bird meat, fish, seafood, eggs, dairy and sour-milk products are excluded from the menu. Many vegans deny themselves even honey. Lacto-vegetarianism is a type of diet in which it is possible to exclude milk and sour-milk products from foods forbidden in veganism. But lacto-ovo vegetarianism means lacto-vegetarian-egg vegetarianism. In addition to milk, poultry eggs can also be included in the diet from animal products.

The principles of a 14-day vegetarian diet are similar to lacto-ovo vegetarianism. From animal products, you can consume milk and eggs. If you have not previously communicated closely with vegetarianism, it is better to start with this kind of it, so as not to shock the body with cardinal changes in eating behavior. If you are an avid meat eater, it is even acceptable to include lean fish and seafood in small quantities in the menu. Make up your diet based on the main recommendations of the methodology and taking into account your taste preferences, characteristics and capabilities of the body.

During a vegetarian diet, you will need to eat cereals, fruits, vegetables, berries, low-fat or low-fat dairy and sour-milk products for two weeks. We also remind you of the need to drink enough liquid - up to 2 liters of still water daily. It is also allowed to drink tea of ​​any kind without the addition of honey and sugar (except in rare cases, which are described in the menu below), freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices. Although vegetarians are allowed to include some sweets in their diet, when following the rules of this technique, it is better to exclude everything, leaving only occasionally a little honey. Yet you are losing weight.

After completing the diet, if you do not plan to become a vegetarian, gradually return to your usual diet. Gradually add previously forbidden foods and do not get carried away with flour and sweets. Otherwise, alas, with such difficulty, the weight lost can easily return. If you want to not only improve the body, but also decide to experience this way of eating and living for yourself, this diet can be a good start. In this case, continue to eat the type of vegetarianism you have chosen, but increase the calorie content of the diet and break up the meals.

Before switching to a vegetarian diet, we suggest that you find out all its pros and cons. The undoubted advantage of vegetarianism is that it cleanses the body in a powerful way. Plant foods contain a lot of fiber, which gently and gently cleans our body. And the ease of digestion of this kind of product does not make the stomach tense. Vegetarian nutrition helps to normalize cholesterol levels and strengthens the immune system, helping to strengthen it. Also a plus for the body is that vegetables, fruits, berries, grains contain a great variety of vitamins, phytoncides, minerals that positively affect the work of many organs and systems.

But vegetarianism (especially in the hard version) also has certain disadvantages. People who adhere to it, suffering from a lack of iron entering the body, may become victims of iron deficiency anemia. There is also iron in plant foods, but it is poorly absorbed (when compared with that contained in animal products). This is where the problem may arise. Also, the vegetarian menu may lack vitamin B12, which is why there is a chance of encountering diseases of the nervous system. It is difficult with vegetarianism to produce some hormones and enzymes necessary for the body. If you refuse fish and seafood, as scientists note, cardiovascular diseases and vision problems (in particular, the development of cataracts, clouding of the lens) can develop. So if you decide to eat for a long time (or even always) according to a vegetarian method, take care of the delivery of vitamin B12 to the body, as well as taking a special complex with omega-3 fatty acids.

Vegetarian Diet Menu

Day 1
Breakfast: boil buckwheat in water or steam it with boiling water overnight (the weight of the finished portion of porridge should be about 150 g), you can add a little milk or low-fat kefir to it.
Lunch: vegetable soup; rye toast; about 200 g of fresh vegetable salad sprinkled with any vegetable oil.
Dinner: 150 g brown or brown rice and grilled non-starchy vegetables (up to 200 g).

Day 2
Breakfast: a couple of hard boiled eggs; toast with cheese and tomatoes.
Lunch: a salad of apple, celery and a small amount of grated low-fat cheese, seasoned with olive oil, freshly squeezed lemon juice and your favorite spices (200 g).
Dinner: 2-3 baked medium-sized potatoes; squash caviar in an amount up to 150 g; a couple of whole grain toasts.

Day 3
Breakfast: milk rice porridge (150 g); half a glass of drinking natural yogurt; 2 medium-sized fresh pears.
Lunch: a serving of soy soup with tofu; a small sesame bun; some stewed vegetables plus one orange.
Dinner: 200 g of vegetables stewed with mushrooms and onions.

Day 4
Breakfast: a slice of whole grain or rye bread; one boiled chicken egg; fresh cucumber; favorite greens; 200 ml low-fat kefir.
Lunch: peppers stuffed with non-starchy vegetables and brown or brown rice (200 g); 2 small apples
Dinner: 2 potatoes in uniform; boiled green beans and 2 fresh tomatoes.

Day 5
Breakfast: oatmeal (about 100 g); banana and 200 ml of low-fat kefir.
Lunch: lentil soup; a serving of carrot and cabbage salad plus 2 kiwis.
Dinner: vegetable stew (200-250 g).

Day 6
Breakfast: 100 g of granular cottage cheese with the same amount of your favorite berries; low-fat kefir or yogurt (100 ml).
Lunch: a plate of lean borscht; a few tablespoons of vinaigrette; one apple.
Dinner: stew cabbage with mushrooms (portion about 150 g); 2 small pieces of rye bread; a glass of low-fat kefir or natural yogurt.

Day 7
Breakfast: cottage cheese or a casserole from it with permitted products (150 g); drinking yogurt without additives (150 g); 1 large orange
Lunch: barley porridge (about 150 g); some cauliflower salad and tomato juice (200 ml).
Dinner: casserole of asparagus and other vegetables.

Day 8
Breakfast: fresh or stewed cabbage (150 g); a cup of green tea, in which it is permissible to add 1 tsp. honey.
Lunch: a bowl of vegetarian bean-based soup; egg; freshly squeezed apple juice (200 ml).
Dinner: stew cabbage with mushrooms (up to 200 g); cup of empty green tea.

Day 9
Breakfast: 150 g of mushroom caviar (or just stewed mushrooms); unsweetened green tea.
Lunch: buckwheat porridge and sauerkraut (both about 100 g each).
Dinner: boiled white mushrooms (100-150 g); one fresh cucumber and a glass of carrot juice.

Day 10
Breakfast: fruit salad (up to 200 g) or just one large fruit (for example, an apple); cup of green empty tea.
Lunch: buckwheat (100 g); about 70 g of boiled porcini mushrooms; a few tablespoons of sauerkraut or fresh cabbage; a cup of green tea, to which you can add a little natural honey.
Dinner: fresh salad of cucumbers and herbs (up to 150 g).

Day 11
Breakfast: rice or oatmeal, can be with low-fat milk (total serving weight up to 200 g); cup of empty green tea.
Lunch: a plate of low-fat soup based on porcini mushrooms.
Dinner: a portion of vegetables (up to 200 g), stewed with mushrooms and onions (it is undesirable to use potatoes).

Day 12
Breakfast: oatmeal with a medium-sized banana plus a glass of low-fat yogurt.
Lunch: a serving of soy soup with tofu; a slice of rye bread or a small sesame bun.
Dinner: boiled white mushrooms (up to 150 g); green tea.

Day 13
Breakfast: a large orange or a glass of freshly squeezed juice from this citrus.
Lunch: vegetable soup and empty green tea.
Dinner: 200 g grilled vegetables.

Day 14
Breakfast: fresh lingonberries or other berries that you like (50 g), plus black tea with a spoonful of honey.
Lunch: a portion of vegetable vegetable soup.
Dinner: fresh vegetable salad with herbs.

Note. If you feel hungry, snack on fruits, vegetables (preferably non-starchy) in small quantities, drink fruit and vegetable juices. The dishes recommended in the menu can be replaced by others. The main thing is that they are vegetarian and similar in composition.

Vegetarian diet contraindications

  • A vegetarian diet is contraindicated for persons under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, people weakened after an illness.
  • Do not diet after any surgery.
  • You should not resort to a vegetarian method of transformation in the presence of chronic diseases (during periods of remission and exacerbation).
  • If you feel that not everything is going smoothly with your health (or better - in any case), consult a doctor and find out if this way of eating will harm you.

Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet

  1. This technique helps us lose weight, thanks to a low-calorie diet and the content of nutrients in it.
  2. The body is cleansed, its work is stabilized.
  3. Such nutrition will speed up the metabolism, increasing the chances of maintaining the result after the diet.
  4. Feeling better, there is a pleasant lightness.
  5. As a rule, on such a diet, you do not feel hungry. The abundance of permitted products is quite large and allows you to find the food that will suit your taste.

Disadvantages of a Vegetarian Diet

Avid meat eaters will need to make an effort to learn how to live on a vegetarian diet. It is worth doing psychological work on yourself first of all. Not everyone manages to get used, even for a short time, to a diet without meat and fish.

Revisiting a vegetarian diet

Conducting a two-week vegetarian diet in its pure form is not recommended more than once every two months.

Vegetarianism is a whole ideology that promotes the consumption of only vegetable and dairy products with the rejection of meat. There are vegans who adhere to even stricter restrictions and exclude even milk. A vegetarian diet for weight loss is based on these principles, which has not only a lot of positive reviews, but also a scientific justification for its benefits for figure and health.

The essence of the diet

You need to immediately decide which diet is right for you. If you need to lose more than 10 kg, it is better to choose the strict option. It is difficult to carry it, because you will have to eat exclusively products of plant origin. Judge for yourself:

If you need to get rid of less than 10 kg, dairy products and eggs migrate from the second column of the table to the first, that is, the ban applies only to meat. This is a more balanced diet that will not allow protein deficiency in the body.

extremes. Vegetarianism is an ideology whose followers are too fanatical. Some of them refuse to eat honey (its extraction sometimes provokes the death of bees) and sugar (animal charcoal is used to bleach it).


How to lose weight on a vegetarian diet that allows high-calorie carbohydrates? Is it possible to achieve weight loss with them? It turns out you can:

  • the basis of the diet is products of plant origin - vegetables, fruits, greens, which have a low calorie content;
  • carbohydrates, flour products and sweets are allowed in limited quantities if the body starts to give up;
  • appetite decreases;
  • cholesterol level is reduced;
  • adherence to the principles of proper nutrition;
  • digestion is normalized;
  • metabolism is accelerated;
  • activation of lipid metabolism allows you to get rid of cellulite and visceral fat, which is especially important for losing weight in the legs and abdomen;
  • harmful substances are removed;
  • well-being improves.

Having experienced all the advantages of a diet that allows such weaknesses as starchy foods and sweets, you can stay in this lifestyle for a long time.

From the life of celebrities. Among the "star" vegetarians are Leonardo da Vinci, Henry Ford, Albert Einstein, Paul McCartney, Sinead O'Connor, Ozzy Osbourne, Leo Tolstoy, Brad Pitt.


A vegetarian diet is not balanced because the body will lack many of the substances found in meat (in particular, iron and vitamin B12). For those whose health leaves much to be desired, this is fraught with various complications.

Contraindications for such weight loss:

  • age up to 18 years and after 60;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • colitis;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • professional sports;
  • hard physical labor on a regular basis;
  • anemia;
  • prolonged stress, depression;
  • infections;
  • menopause;
  • rehabilitation period after serious illnesses or operations;
  • oncology;
  • weight deficit.

If you ignore the contraindications, you may encounter the following complications:

  • cholesterol level drops sharply;
  • the risk of oncology (specifically, the colon) increases;
  • bone mineral density decreases, which leads to frequent fractures;
  • lack of fatty acids affects the state of blood circulation.

If you do not get carried away, make a competent menu and observe contraindications, you can avoid negative consequences and achieve good results.

This is interesting! According to studies, people who refuse meat are rarely diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes, and kidney stones.

In order for a vegetarian diet to ensure effective weight loss, try to adhere to a number of rules:

  1. Get permission from a doctor.
  2. Let your first experience be a lacto-vegetarian diet that allows dairy products.
  3. If the state of health remains good, and the hunger strike allows you to achieve the desired result, next time you can choose a more strict option.
  4. Drink up to one and a half liters during the day.
  5. Flour and sweet - a minimum.
  6. Fried, pickled, smoked dishes, fast foods, alcohol, carbonated drinks are not allowed.
  7. Take up light sports.
  8. Try to get enough sleep.

Track not only changes in weight, but also in well-being. Any deviations should be a reason to see a doctor. Among the most common side effects are dizziness, nausea, stomach discomfort, decreased performance, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

On a note. So that the body does not experience iron deficiency, be sure to include oranges, bananas, peanuts, eggplant, cabbage, strawberries, corn, peaches, soybeans and currants in the diet.


If you are looking for vegetarian diets for quick weight loss, then here the minimum period for which you can achieve results is a week. Such a nutrition system does not offer any fasting days and extra weight loss in 3 days.

By deadline

  • For a week

On a vegetarian diet, it is quite possible to lose weight by 10 kg per week, but subject to several conditions: it should be the most strict (only low-calorie vegetables, fruits and greens) without a hint of dairy, flour and sweet foods. The dosage of servings is the minimum. At the same time, physical activity is required.

If you do not set a record of 10 kg, you can choose a more gentle option that allows you to use milk and even pastries. In this case, the loss will be 4-5 kg.

  • For 2 week

You can sit for 7 days without dairy and flour, and the next 7 - relax a bit and include these products in your diet. Strict can give results in 10-14 kg, sparing - in 5-8.

  • For a month

The menu for a month (someone lives like this all their lives) is compiled as follows: days of strict fasting without dairy products alternate with sparing ones. This will allow you to lose weight and make up for the lack of protein and vitamin B12 in the body. But to lose 10 kg in a month, you will have to do some kind of sport on a regular basis.

  • For 2 months

If the vegetarian diet is easily tolerated, you can continue to follow its basic principles further. Even with the use of dairy, sweet and flour products, it is quite realistic to lose 10 kg in 2 months, limiting yourself only to meat and fish.

By products

  • Protein

One of the most sparing options is a vegetarian protein diet (lacto-ovo-vegetarian), which allows you to make up for the lack of protein from eggs and dairy products. It is good because it does not allow muscle fibers to be damaged. You can sit on it until you achieve the desired result.

  • Vegan

The best results in losing weight can be achieved by a strict vegetarian diet, which, as can be seen from the table, allows you to eat only plant foods. It is the lowest calorie. Sitting on it for more than 2 weeks is not recommended.

With the world - on a string. Most vegetarians (about 70% of the total) are among Hindus.


The approximate menu for the week is balanced. By following it exactly, you can lose up to 4 kg without harming your health. This is a milk-vegetarian diet with the inclusion of eggs in the diet as an additional source of protein.

For comparison, we offer a menu of a strict vegetarian diet for a week. There are no longer dairy products, as in the previous version.

Everything is possible! There is evidence from studies that claim that vegetarians have a much higher mental development than those who eat meat.


We offer recipes for dietary dishes that are low in calories and will help in losing weight.

Eggplant puree soup


  • 600 gr eggplant;
  • half a liter of water;
  • onion head;
  • 20 ml balsamic vinegar;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • thyme, salt, oil.


  1. Peel the eggplant, cut into slices 1 cm thick.
  2. Add chopped garlic clove, thyme, vinegar to them.
  3. Fry eggplant in a hot frying pan (in oil) on 2 sides until fully cooked.
  4. In a saucepan, fry (also in oil) chopped onion and garlic.
  5. Add eggplant, pour in water, boil for 20 minutes after boiling.
  6. Pass through a blender.
  7. Add water if necessary.

Warm salad


  • 400 gr frozen green beans;
  • 500 gr fresh;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • 25 ml;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 tbsp. l. pumpkin seeds, already peeled.


  1. Preheat the oven to 220°C.
  2. Wash the beetroot, dry it, wrap it in foil, making several punctures in it on top.
  3. Bake it in an already hot oven for 30 minutes.
  4. Cool the baked beets, peel, cut into small cubes.
  5. Roast the seeds in a hot and dry frying pan. When they puff up, mix with beets.
  6. Saute garlic in oil.
  7. Add beans to it. Fry 10 min.
  8. Salt.
  9. Mix all ingredients.
  10. Serve warm.

Be sure to try the vegetarian principles of nutrition, if your plans include high-quality weight loss without harm to health. Perhaps you will realize that this is exactly the way of life that you lacked so much.

Many are sure that using vegetarian diets is emotionally difficult, and plant foods do not have a bright taste and are not appetizing. It's a delusion. Aromatic herbs and spices will add sophistication and a wonderful flavor bouquet to vegetarian dishes. A variety of nuts and seeds will enrich vegetarian dishes and fill them with notes of piquancy.

Useful basis for the first course or salad can be legumes. Long charge cheerfulness and energy provide you vegetables and fruits.

We bring to your attention variety of light vegetarian diets.

Vegetarian light diet.

This one refers to dairy-vegetarian diet. She fits perfectly for hot summerseason. You can use this diet for a long time, but it is better to use it two times a week throughout the month as an unloading. As a result, perhaps lose 1-3 kilos during the week.

Sample menu for a day of a vegetarian light diet

First breakfast:

  • 200 ml of curdled milk or 200 ml of warm water, which is sweetened with a teaspoon of honey.


  • a small amount of any fruit or vegetable in its raw form or in the form of fruit or vegetable juice.


  • vegetable salad from a variety of seasonal vegetables, 200 ml of fresh fruit juice.


  • a portion of muesli with the addition of fresh fruits and nuts.

Vegetarian diet number 1 for those who want to lose extra pounds.

This is recommended for vegetarians, but also for those who wants Just lose weight. For 4 weeks Can get rid of superfluous 6-7 kg. The daily menu should include a lot of fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes, greens, etc.

Sample menu for a vegetarian diet No. 1

  • 200 g of oatmeal porridge, a glass of green tea;
  • toast with leaf lettuce and fresh cucumber rings, 40 g of apple casserole, a glass of any tea;
  • a slice of bread with bran, a pear, a cup of coffee;
  • 100 g of rye bread crackers, 100 g of fresh raspberries or blackberries, a glass of herbal tea;
  • a bun, two ripe bananas, a glass of compote or fruit juice.
  • 100 g vegetable salad of cabbage and apples, a slice of rye bread;
  • steamed vegetable cutlet, 150 g of buckwheat porridge, kiwi or apple;
  • 150 g boiled beans, a slice of bran bread, 100 g beet-based vegetable salad;
  • 130 g of rice porridge, 100 g of fresh carrot vegetable salad;
  • 100 g vinaigrette, a slice of wholemeal bread, an orange;
  • 150 g of green beans, which are steamed, 50 g of lettuce, pear;
  • 150 g of buckwheat porridge with mushrooms, 100 g of apple fruit salad, 100 g of fresh strawberries;
  • 150 g vegetarian pilaf, 100 g asparagus vegetable salad, apple.
  • 150 g durum wheat spaghetti with tomatoes, 100 g fresh cucumber and radish vegetable salad, grapefruit;
  • 150 g stewed vegetables, 50 g boiled rice, 2 fresh kiwis, a glass of vegetable juice;
  • 150 g casserole made from cauliflower and pasta, a slice of rye bread, fresh cucumber.

Vegetarian diet number 2 for those who want to lose extra pounds (with the addition of milk and eggs).

not suitable for strict vegetarians, as it contains milk and eggs in the diet. This diet lasts 7 days and is very effective for losing weight. During cooking, it is necessary to correctly weigh the main components of the dishes. Quantity used vegetable oil should be minimal. Vegetable salads are recommended fill with applevinegar or lemon juice.

Vegetables Can include a variety of and especially useful:

  • zucchini,
  • eggplant,
  • different types of cabbage, etc.

Diet options for Vegetarian Diet #2 for seven days.

1st day.


  • 200 g of rice porridge, a sandwich with vegetable pate;
  • 200 ml of herbal tea without added sugar, 25 g of dried apricots;


  • 250 g vegetable-based soup, 100 g rye bread croutons, 100 g carrot salad, 20 g natural cheese;
  • a sandwich of bread made on the basis of rye flour with a mixture of green beans, 100 g of boiled cauliflower seasoned with vegetable oil, pear;


  • 150 g vegetable stew, 150 g stewed beans, 25 g natural cheese, pear;
  • 100 g of rye bread crackers, 100 g of dill vegetable salad and green leaf lettuce, apple;

2nd day.


  • an egg boiled in a bag, 2 slices of bran bread; a cup of unsweetened coffee, 25 g of prunes;


  • 150 g of buckwheat porridge with mushroom sauce, 100 g of beetroot salad with nuts, an apple;
  • 200 g of vegetable soup, a slice of black bread, 100 g of fresh beet and apple salad, tomato or fresh cucumber;


  • 150 g vegetable pizza, 170 g steamed cabbage, 50 g green leaf lettuce;
  • 50 g boiled brown rice, 100 g cabbage salad, orange;

3rd day .


  • a sandwich with fresh cucumber and herbs, 100 g of rye bread crackers, banana and kiwi, a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • a cup of unsweetened tea, 20 g of small dates;


  • 150 g vegetable-based lean pilaf, 100 g vegetable salad made from fresh tomatoes and lettuce, a slice of rye flour bread;
  • 150 g durum wheat spaghetti with tomatoes, 100 g vegetable salad of radish and green leaf lettuce, apple;


  • 60 g baked potatoes, 120 g boiled asparagus beans, fresh cucumber and tomato, a glass of vanilla low-fat yogurt;
  • 150 g baked potatoes, 120 g boiled beans, 100 g fresh sorrel salad, 5 plums;

4th day .


  • 200 g oatmeal, toast with low-fat cheese, orange;
  • 200 g low-fat soy yogurt, 60 g fresh strawberries;


  • 150 g boiled beans, 2 slices of bran bread, 100 g boiled cauliflower salad, a glass of pineapple juice;
  • 100 g of salad with the addition of carrots, beans and 30 g of chopped hazelnuts, a piece of black bread, a pear;


  • 200 g of vegetable-based okroshka, 100 g of fruit salad, a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • 150 g vegetarian pilaf with vegetables, a slice of rye flour bread, vegetable cutlet, 100 g fruit salad with apples and nuts, banana;

5th day.


  • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, 2 slices of bran bread;
  • a glass of juice from vegetables, 25 g of walnuts;


  • 150 g of wheat porridge, 100 g of green bean salad, a glass of fruit juice;
  • 200 ml lean vegetarian soup, boiled beets with lemon juice, 2 tomatoes;


  • 2 potatoes in uniforms, fresh tomato, 50 g of leafy green lettuce, 50 g of any grapes;
  • 150 g of boiled rice with lean gravy, 100 g of green bean and fresh cucumber vegetable salad, a glass of dried fruit compote;

6th day.


  • omelette made from 2 eggs, a slice of rye flour bread, a glass of natural fruit yogurt, orange and kiwi;
  • a glass of unsweetened green tea, 2 dates;


  • 200 ml of lean cabbage soup with the addition of vegetables, a sandwich with vegetable pate, 100 g of fresh radish vegetable salad;
  • 200 ml lean okroshka with vegetables, 100 g vegetable salad of carrots and peanuts, an apple;


  • 150 g stewed cabbage with mushrooms, 100 g apple fruit salad, a glass of vegetable juice;
  • 170 g of oatmeal, 120 g of boiled asparagus beans, 100 g of celery and dandelion flower salad, orange;

7th day.


  • 150 g macaroni and cheese casserole, 1 piece of rye bread, a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • a glass of natural soy yogurt, 20 g of peanuts;


  • 200 ml of vegetable soup, 100 g of salad based on beets and prunes, 100 g of ripe watermelon;
  • 150 g vegetable stew, a slice of black flour bread, 100 g fresh radish and herb salad, peach;


  • hard-boiled egg, 100 g vegetable salad of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, pear, a glass of green tea or fruit tea;
  • 2 cutlets from vegetables, 100 g of salad from fresh cucumbers and herbs, an apple.