Nicolas Sarkozy is known to the world community as the ex-president of France and a prominent statesman and political figure.

Nicolas Sarkozy was born into a difficult family. The father of the future President of France, Pal Nagy-Boca Sharkezy, came from a Hungarian noble family. In 1944, the man's family had to leave Budapest. Already in Baden-Baden Sharkezy turned into Sarkozy. Pal Nagy-Bocha left for Algiers as part of the French Foreign Legion.

After that, Nicolas's father, returning to Marseille, received French citizenship, after which he moved to Paris. In 1950 Pal married André Malla. Three children were born in the family. They are Guillaume, Nicolas and Francois. But the parents' marriage fell apart.

The first years of his life Sarkozy lived in the 16th arrondissement of Paris. The boy did not show zeal for learning. Gradually, the influence of the father on the children began to fade. The children were raised by their grandfather, who was a Gaullist. According to family members, the brothers needed to feel like native French.

After graduating from a Catholic school, Nicolas enters the University of Paris X-Nanterre. In 1978, Sarkozy officially became a master of civil law. The future president did not plan to stop there and ended up at the Institute of Political Studies. But he didn't get a diploma.


The political career of Nicolas Sarkozy began in 1974. The young man became a member of the Union of Democrats for the Republic party. When the politician turned 28 years old, the inhabitants of his native city elected Nicolas as mayor. Until 2002, Sarkozy worked in this position.

The future president worked on the youth committee, which he supported during the presidential elections in 1981. Thanks to this, the young man was noticed at a high level. Chirac promoted the guy to big politics. And already in 1988, Nicolas was in the lower house of parliament, in the role of a deputy.

In the biography of Sarkozy, as interesting facts, the fact is indicated that in 1993 the politician was entrusted with negotiations with a terrorist who captured kids in a kindergarten. And then came the finest hour of Nicolas. Eduard Balladur saw him and invited him to the position of Minister of Budget. Sarkozy had to take on the duties of Minister of Communications.

Despite the positive attitude of Jacques Chirac, in 1995 the minister decides to take the side of Balladur, who was popular in French society. This turned out to be a fatal mistake, as Chirac won the election. As a result, Sarkozy was left without government posts.

After 2 years, the new president of France decides to return the talented politician to the government. Nicolas received a deputy post and again began to prove his loyalty to Mr. Chirac. Support from Sarkozy was provided to the president during the re-election in 2002. Now Nicolas has gone from deputy to minister of the interior in the government of Jean-Pierre Raffarin.

Work in ministerial positions showed Sarkozy as an active official, ready to be loyal and flexible. But not all the reforms that the politician carried out were approved by society.

Liberals believed that Nicolas was infringing on the rights of the people. According to many, the policies promoted by Sarkozy may be influenced by the Catholicism that Nicolas professed. But the future president of France dispelled this in an election speech.

President of France

From 2007 to 2012, Nicolas Sarkozy was President of France. The head of the country immediately began reforms. First of all, the changes affected the Constitution of 1958. Sarkozy decided to impose restrictions on the re-election of the president, allowed the parliament to veto candidates for the post of head of state. Most of the changes concerned the activities of the French president.

Nicolas Sarkozy was little worried about domestic politics. In addition to updating the Constitution, the President appointed his friends to important posts, including François Fillon and Alain Juppe, Bernard Kouchner and Michel Alliot-Marie. After some time, the party that Sarkozy was a member of won the parliamentary elections. In France, during the reign of Nicolas, intergovernmental commissions were created that were responsible for solving the country's domestic political problems and carrying out economic reforms.

Sarkozy was not popular in society. This led to manifestos and strikes taking place in various regions of France, which later turned into riots.

The main task that Nicolas Sarkozy set himself in foreign policy was to improve relations with the European Union. The French President tried to influence other politicians during the creation and signing of the Treaty of Lisbon. According to the head of state, this document will help the EU to count on the implementation of more ambitious plans.

The situation in the world turned out to be difficult. Members of the European Union could not agree on the independence of Kosovo. But France took the side of the minority and began to build relations with this state, as well as with Serbia. Sarkozy played an important role in the military conflict that took place in South Ossetia.

Nicolas personally came to Moscow, and later to Tbilisi to settle relations. The politician developed a plan, which was accepted by the presidents of Georgia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

Already in March 2011, Sarkozy had problems. The representative of the Libyan government said that the financing of the election campaign of the French president was carried out. Immediately, the French prosecutor's office began proceedings. Fortunately for Sarkozy, this story had no consequences for him as president.

May 2012 arrived. World media were full of headlines that Nicolas was "president of one term." The inhabitants of France were against the chosen one and preferred him.

Personal life

The personal life of Nicolas Sarkozy is not inferior in intensity to his political career. The ex-president has three marriages behind him. The first time the politician married in 1982. The man's wife was Marie-Dominique Cuglioli. The girl came from a family of a pharmacist. The young people had sons Pierre and Jean.

After 12 years of marriage, Sarkozy decided to get a divorce. The reason for this was Cecilia Marten. The young woman was already married, but romantic feelings for Nicolas took over. Cecilia divorced her husband. In 1996, Sarkozy and Martin officially became husband and wife. A few months after the marriage, a son, Louis, appeared in a young family.

The newly-minted Mrs. Sarkozy was directly involved in her husband's political career. The girl appeared at official events. But at some point in the media they started talking about the conflict between the spouses. The Sarkozy couple did not plan to confirm or deny this fact. In October 2007, Nicolas and Cecilia officially announced their divorce.

In February 2008, Sarkozy introduced his new wife to the public. She became. The girl is familiar to the inhabitants of Europe, as she often acted as a model and singer. The spouses have a rather large difference in height: 166 cm for Sarkozy versus 175 cm for Bruni. Because of this, the girl is forced to wear shoes without a heel. In 2011, Nicolas and Carla made an official statement: a daughter, Julia, was born in the family.

By this time, Nicolas' children had already grown up and gave their father grandchildren.

Nicolas Sarkozy now

Now almost nothing is known about the life of Nicolas Sarkozy. A prominent politician prefers to be in the shadows after a lost election race.

Photos of Sarkozy rarely appear in the chronicles, unlike his wife Carla Bruni, who resumed her professional activities.

  • He negotiated with the terrorists who seized the kindergarten.
  • Sarkozy graduated as a lawyer.
  • Increased the salary of the President of France by 140% upon taking office.
  • The official website of Nicolas Sarkozy sells things with the image of the ex-president.


  • 1958 Constitution Reform
  • Established about 16 intergovernmental commissions
  • Development of a new white paper on national defense
  • "Medvedev-Sarkozy plan"
  • Arrest of Ivan Column

Carla Bruni (Italian Carla Bruni; born December 23, 1967, Turin, Italy) - Italian-French model and singer, as well as the wife of the 23rd French President Nicolas Sarkozy (after marriage - Carla Bruni (Bruni)-Sarkozy).

Full name: Carla Gilbert Bruni Tedeschi.

Growth: 1 m 75 cm.

Eye color: blue.

Hair color: blond.


Carla Bruni is the daughter of a pianist Marisa Borini and stepdaughter of the owner of the Pirelli concern, composer Alberto Bruni Tedeschi. That her father is an Italian businessman Maurizio Remmert, the girl found out only after the death of her stepfather. Carla's younger brother Virginio died in 2006 of AIDS. Sister Valeria is currently a popular actress in France.

Initially, the Bruni family lives in a castle in Piedmont, but already in 1974 they move to Paris(although Carla receives citizenship of the country only in 2008). The move to France took place due to fears for the children, because at that time the Red Brigades terrorist group was operating in Italy, which kidnapped the offspring of wealthy parents. Carla graduated from an elite boarding school in Switzerland, and then entered the Faculty of Art History at the Sorbonne University.



By the age of 19, Carla Bruni is disappointed in university education. At this time, her brother's friend invites her to try her hand at modeling. Carla agrees, but doesn't have much hope for the idea. However, quite unexpectedly, she was offered a contract at the famous City Models agency. The following year, the model becomes the face of the Italian brand Guess Jeans. The creator of the company Paul Marciano (Paul Marciano) says that Carla perfectly reflects the concept of the brand.

In 1988, a photo of an aspiring model appears on the first Spanish cover in her life.

In 1990 she participates in fashion shows in Paris. By the beginning of the nineties, Carla Bruni was one of the twenty most successful models, and subsequently gained fame as one of the highest paid of the last decade of the twentieth century. In 1992, she becomes the face, and in 1993 - and. In the same year, her portrait adorns the covers of Italian (photographer - (Steven Meisel)) and British Vogue. In 1994, Carla becomes the face of Givenchy Ysatis Parfum, as well as Cesare Paciotti and Chanel cosmetics. Steven Meisel again shoots the girl for the cover of Italian Vogue, and then Bruni appears twice on the cover of the French Elle (in July and October 1994).

In 1995, the girl becomes the face of Alessandro Dell'Acqua. In 1996, she participates in fashion shows of such eminent ones as Christian Dior, Valentino and.

Despite the fact that Bruni is actively working in the modeling business and at the same time receives good money (according to some reports, her earnings were up to $ 7.5 million a year), in 1997, she decides to leave her modeling career, saying that she wants to try herself in other areas.

However, Bruni does not completely fall out of the fashion industry. Already in 2004, she returns to, participating in the Chanel show. In February 2007, Carla appeared on the cover of the Italian edition, and in August of the same year, in one of the articles in the French version of Vogue, naked pictures of Bruni were published, taken by the Dutch photo duo Inez van Lamsweerde and Vindooh Matadin (Inez van Lamsweerde and Vindooh Matadin).

In September 2008, now as the first lady of France, she appears on the covers of Vanity Fair (photographer - (Annie Leibovitz)) and the Brazilian edition, and exactly a year later her portrait adorns the issue of the French Elle.


In 1999 Carla Bruni shows six songs she has written to famous French singer Julien Clerc. He evaluates them positively and even includes them in his album "Si j'étais elle" ("If I were her").

In 2003, Carla Bruni released her debut album Quelqu'un m'a dit (Someone Told Me). She independently writes music and lyrics for eight (out of eleven) songs. In France, the album has a circulation of 800,000 copies, and a total of one million copies have been sold worldwide.

In 2004, Carla Bruni became the winner of the prestigious national competition "Victoires de la musique" in the nomination "Best Singer of the Year".

In 2006, the singer takes part in the recording of the album in memory of Serge Gainsbourg "Monsieur Gainsbourg Revisited".

In 2007, Carla released her second album "No Promises" ("No Promises") with songs based on poems by English-speaking poets (Emily Dickinson, Christina Rossetti, etc.).

In 2008, after she marries the President of France, the third album of the singer called "Comme si de rien n'était" ("As if nothing had happened"). During the first three days of sales, 14,000 copies of the record were sold. By the end of 2008, the disc had sold 500,000 copies worldwide, the first 300,000 of which were sold in France.


  • In 1994, Carla Bruni takes part in the filming of the film "".
  • The following August, she plays a cameo role in Douglas Keeve's documentary Unbuttoned, dedicated to the work of an outstanding (Isaac Mizrahi).
  • In 1996, the girl gets a role in the film "Podium" by Richard Leacock (Richard Leacock).
  • In 1998, Carla starred in the film by Alain Berberyan (Alain Berbérian) "Paparazzi".
  • In the 90s and 2000s, the actress received several small roles in French TV series (Vivement dimanche prochain, Le grand journal de Canal +, Neues aus der Anstalt, etc.).
  • In 2002 and 2010, Carla Bruni plays herself in films about Yves Saint Laurent ("Yves Saint Laurent - Le temps retrouve" and "L'amour fou").

  • In 2011, the actress gets a minor role in Woody Allen's film Midnight in Paris.

Personal life

During her modeling career, Carla Bruni had affairs with actors (Vincent Pérez, Kevin Costner, Charles Berling), singers (Eric Clapton, Mick Jagger), as well as construction magnate Donald Trump and former French Prime Minister Laurent Fabius.

In 2001, Carla Bruni gave birth to a son Aurelien (Aurelien) from Raphaël Enthoven, son of the French writer Jean-Paul Enthoven, with whom she also had an affair. Relationship 33-year-old Carla and 23-year-old Raphael destroyed his marriage to the daughter of the famous philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy. Justine subsequently wrote a diatribe, Nothing Serious, about a young woman whose husband was taken away. In May 2007, Carla and Rafael broke up.

In November 2007, at a dinner at the famous advertiser Jacques Seguela (Jacques Seguela) Carla Bruni met the current French President Nicolas Sarkozy (Nicolas Sarkozy). It is believed that their meeting was arranged specifically to dispel Nicolas, who was going through a recent divorce from his wife. On January 8, 2008, the president officially confirmed the fact of their romance with Carla at a press conference, and on February 2 of the same year, their wedding took place at the Elysee Palace. For the first time in the history of the French Republic, a head of state married while in office. Only 20 people were invited to the wedding and journalists were not allowed. The haste of the marriage was explained by the need to visit the Queen of Great Britain, to whom the president could only introduce his lawful wife.

On October 19, 2011, Carla Bruni and Nicolas Sarkozy had a daughter, Julia. The birth of a child in the family of the incumbent president also happened for the first time.

Carla Bruni speaks four languages, loves to travel, cook, receive guests. At her family estate in Cap-Negre, near Saint-Tropez, she often hosts parties for her friends. Carla is considered the true queen of charm.

Since December 1, 2008, Carla Bruni has been the ambassador of the World AIDS Foundation, from which her younger brother Virginio died.

In 2011, the American magazine "Vanity Fair" placed Carla Bruni on the first line in the ranking of the most elegant women in the world.

Currently, Carla continues to make music, which is also a kind of record, since among the first ladies of states, having their own successful career is a rarity.

Carla Bruni-Sarkozy interview with Barbara Walters

The interview was conducted by Barbara Walters, American journalist and writer, host, including the evening news "20/20", about the musical career of the first lady of France.

BOO: - When you were seven years old, you first started taking guitar lessons, and your teacher probably taught you how to play the song “Oh, Susannah”.
KB-S:- Oh yeah.

BOO:— You must be singing it very well in Italian?
KB-S:— Yes, this is my first song, but I (pause)… I only know her in Italian.

BOO: - Excellent.
KB-S:- Are you sure?

BOO: - Yes.

KB-S:- Well, well ... (pause). I hope the American people won't be shocked to see me singing "Oh, Susannah" in Italian.

[Carla Bruni-Sarkozy sings and plays guitar on "Oh, Susannah"]

BOO: “You just enchanted the entire south. This is your third album. Do you think people, listening to your album, will be able to perceive you, first of all, as an artist, and not as the president's wife?
KB-S:- In fact, these two parts are very difficult to separate from each other. I don't expect people to be able to do this, as it's almost impossible. The only thing I hope is that if people like my songs, then it's good, and if they don't, then it will have nothing to do with my husband, but only with my music.

BOO: - Do you want this album to be a reflection of only your own personality?
KB-S:— Yes, I think this album is something symbolic for me and my personality in general. I hope that France will not mind the fact that the wife of their president has her own business.

BOO: “But you write about orgies and lovers.
KB-S: I write about passion.

BOO: - OK then. Many of your songs were written before you met your husband, but...
KB-S: — (laughs)

BOO: “…but many of them are quite provocative. For example, “You are my drug. More deadly than Afghan heroin, more dangerous than Colombian white powder." Who are you writing about now?
KB-S:— I do not write about anyone in particular, neither about myself nor about anyone else. I write about how love can be so passionate that it becomes destructive. Like a drug.

BOO:- And here's another song: "I'm still a child, despite all my thirty lovers." Do these words carry autobiographical overtones?
KB-S:- Of course not. It's just that "twenty lovers" wouldn't sound so good, and "ten lovers" wouldn't sound at all. It's all about ordinary phonetics.

BOO: “So there were no thirty lovers. And how many were there really?
KB-S:— Oh (laughs), I never counted my lovers.

BOO: - Yes Yes.
KB-S:- You know, I met my future husband when I was 40 years old. Of course, by this time I was no longer a young 19-year-old girl.

BOO:- Mmm…
KB-S:— I have my past, and I can make fun of it in my songs. The truth is that I have it, and I don't think it can shock anyone. I would be disgusting to myself if I tried to pretend that in the past I allegedly had nothing. Besides, that would be a deliberate lie.
Perhaps, as a model, I behaved somewhat provocatively, but all the other girls behaved in the same way. The models of my generation were lucky to become famous. We were lucky that we were interviewed and printed material about us in the press. However, information about us was often greatly exaggerated. This is one of those cases where my image has nothing to do with me directly.

BOO: Let's talk about your image. There are several stable definitions that you were awarded in the press: “charming ambassador”, “fatal woman”, “unfaithful spouse”.
KB-S:— Who-who?

BOO:- "Unfaithful wife."
KB-S:(laughs) I have never been married, how could I be an unfaithful spouse? ... (laughs).

BOO: “You know what I'm talking about. So what are you really like?
KB-S:“Actually, I think I'm a lot simpler than people think I am. I have never been a femme fatale, and never a traitor, ever since I got married.

BOO: “However, you dated men who were married.
KB-S:"So they were the traitors, weren't they?" I just married Nicolas and I don't think I'll ever cheat on him.
When I first met Eric Clapton, I was very young. I was only 20 years old. We had a very short relationship, after which we parted as friends. Over time, we stopped communicating, which I really sincerely regret. However, Mick Jagger and I are still good friends.

BOO: He was married when you met...
KB-S:- He was married, and we never had such an affair, as they wrote about it in the press. At first we were just friends, and then he got a divorce.

BOO:"But it didn't happen because of you?"
KB-S:- Oh no! Not… (laughs) no.

BOO: — Carla, it is very important to free this story from any speculation, because we read about it in the press.
KB-S:- Indeed?

BOO: - I'm talking about the fact that many believe that it was you who broke the Mick Jagger family.
KB-S:- Oh no. I didn't.

BOO: “And that you broke up the family of the man with whom you have a child.
KB-S:- Oh really? In fact, there was nothing like that. Rafael had already started divorce proceedings when we first met. It's the same with Mick, when we met, he was married, but was already considering a divorce, and I think he did it because of his child from one woman in Brazil. So, I have to say, this story has nothing to do with me (laughs). My husband is the complete opposite. I married him, and everything was clean in our relationship from the very beginning.

BOO: - You are known for one of your statements that monogamy makes you yawn.

BOO:- What's wrong with her?
KB-S:(pause) I think in that interview I just wanted to say something funny.

BOO: - But in the same interview you said: "I do not care about loyalty and do not believe in promises."
KB-S:“I think it's very dangerous to make promises left and right if you're not going to keep them.

BOO: You said you would never marry.
KB-S: Nicolas was just the first person to ask me about it.

BOO: He was the first ever...

KB-S:- Mmm…

BOO: - ... asked? Are you saying that you only married Nicolas Sarkozy because he was the first man to ask you to?
KB-S:— No, I married him because I'm just crazy about him!

BOO:- Oh, okay.
KB-S:“I just fell in love with him.

BOO: Was it love at first sight? You met at a dinner party.
KB-S: Yes, it was love at first sight.

BOO: — And how did it happen? Did you just say yes to yourself?
KB-S:- Yes.

BOO: — Yes, it is.
KB-S: Yes, I just saw him and immediately knew it was him.

BOO: - Truth? What prompted you to this idea?
KB-S:- As soon as he entered the room, something immediately hooked me, this charm of his ... (pause). Well you know (laughs).

BOO:- Did you worry that you were marrying the President of France?
KB-S:- No, it didn’t bother me at all, unlike the others. (laughs).

BOO: - How did you feel when you arrived in England on an official visit, just a few months after your nude pictures were published in French Vogue?
KB-S:- Mmm…

BOO: - Did this circumstance upset you very much?
KB-S:- Not. In fact, it wasn't that I was naked in those pictures that I was worried about, you know, there wasn't really that much nudity shown. I was naked to the waist, and it was an artistic shoot. I was worried that this incident would upset many serious people working with my husband and ordinary French people, and also that it might seem insulting to the British people.

BOO: - You said that your husband protects you.
KB-S: Yes, he does.

BOO: - Nice feeling?
KB-S:- Nice feeling? (laughs). Rather brand new.

BOO: Your husband has three children, and you have your own son. Would you like to have another child?
KB-S:“I want to have as many children as possible.

BOO: “I have to ask you one thing because people want to know, are you pregnant?”
KB-S:- Not. I would like to, but unfortunately not.

BOO: - Did the marriage with Nicolas Sarkozy live up to your expectations?
KB-S:“He turned out much better.

BOO: - Truth?
KB-S:- I always thought that marriage is something very quiet, very regular and very bourgeois. But with Nicolas it was completely different. Our marriage is full of various adventures and fun.

BOO: "So you're ready to take back what you said about monogamy being pretty boring?"
KB-S:— Absolutely.

BOO:- Good.
KB-S:“I take back my words.

BOO: Are you afraid to make mistakes?
KB-S: Yes, I'm afraid to make mistakes.

KB-S:(laughs). Everyone around asks me: “Why are you so quiet and shy?” To which I answer: “I don’t dance!”. You understand? (laughs).

KB-S:— I'm not going to sing and dance in front of (laughs) you know who, going down the plane. I mean, I'm very afraid of everything and shy. I observe what is happening around me and try to fit in with my place. I have to represent France, so I want to look elegant. I want the French to be proud of me.

BOO: - Do you regret anything?
KB-S:“No, I don't regret anything. Of course, I made mistakes, but each of them taught me something new.

BOO: - Mmm…
KB-S:“I don’t regret anything and I’m not in the least ashamed of how I lived my life and what things I did.

In 2008, the French Republic welcomed a new first lady - a spectacular Italian beauty with a chiseled figure, the third wife of the current President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy. And although the country favorably received Carla Bruni, the trail of her turbulent past and too rapid marriage to the president confused even the French, known for their free morals.

Opposites attract

To better understand the unexpected union of the president and the former model, an excursion into their childhood, where answers to many questions are stored, will help. Nicolas Sarkozy grew up practically without a father. His mother, tired of her husband's numerous love affairs on the side, took her three children and left. Nicolas' father, Paul Sarkozy, considered it superfluous to continue to support the family financially, hardly visited his children and left them only the unflattering status of the sons of a Hungarian immigrant. The ambitious Nicolas sensed too early what it meant to be a low-income “not-quite-French” in a French society that was prejudiced against immigrants.

In those days he was not strong enough to stand up for himself, but he did everything possible to get out of poverty and shine in the Parisian sky as a prosperous lawyer. His irrepressible energy knew no bounds. At the university, while studying political science, he did not hesitate to work as a courier in a flower shop in order to provide himself with a tolerable existence.

The life of his future wife, Carla Bruni, seems to be the complete opposite of Nicolas's difficult path. She had two fathers, her own - a composer, the adoptive - the owner of Italy's largest tire company. She grew up in an environment of sleek bohemia - philosophers, writers and artists.

Carla's beauty gave her the opportunity to show clothes of the best designers on the catwalks from the age of 19: Christian Dior, Paco Rabanne, Yves Saint Laurent, Chanel, Versace. The features of her face were compared with the face of the most famous sculpture of Nefertiti and found in them a lot of similarities. The spoiled girl without a twinge of conscience broke the most famous men's hearts and, with her inherent grace, earned millions of dollars every year. She lived as if in a golden cage, from which she was in no hurry to fly out. By the time she met Sarkozy, she had everything one could wish for, except perhaps the status of the first lady of France. And in his life the place of a companion was empty, perhaps just for her.

Blind date

They met at a dinner at the home of advertising genius Jacques Seguela. Married couples were invited to the reception, and only Nicolas and Carla came alone. The girl unraveled the insidious plan of Jacques only by the end of the evening. The dinner turned out to be a veiled blind date, and they took her, no less, with the President of France himself! Following his recent divorce from his second wife, Nicolas was depressed and in need of a little romantic solace. However, the beauty and spontaneity of Karla hooked the President more than he expected. He spent the whole evening next to her, showering compliments and basking in the rays of her attention.

His admiration was mutual. In his autobiography, Carla would later write: “I did not expect to meet such a lively and witty person. His charm and intelligence captivated me. He's got five or six brains and they all work great." Bruni was not mistaken in her definition of Nicolas. It was Sarkozy's innate eloquence that helped him back in 1993 to negotiate with a crazy terrorist who captured children at a school, and to talk him into a complete loss of vigilance. The criminal was defeated, and Nicolas became a national hero. Colleagues and journalists call the president "a man who is in a hurry" for his boundless thirst for activity, inexhaustible energy and truly Napoleonic plans.

In the case of Carla, Sarkozy's nickname fully justified itself. Their wedding took place in February, three months after they met. There were only 20 guests at the wedding in the Elysee Palace, there were no journalists among them. Doubts immediately appeared in the press about the sincerity of this union, their marriage was dubbed a business project. Too fast and too outrageous, even for Sarkozy, known for his courage and bold statements to the public.

"The Carla Effect"

The rush to the wedding was explained by the upcoming reception at the Dowager Queen of Great Britain. According to the rules of etiquette, Nicolas could not present Charles as his girlfriend to the royal person, he could only present his lawful wife to Elizabeth II. In March, the newly-married couple went to conquer the English court, and they succeeded! Bruni was afraid of the trip to the point of trembling in her knees. Now she was responsible not only for herself, but for the whole of France.

With special care, she prepared the travel wardrobe, and during the reception, a friendly smile did not leave her lips. Amazing self-control, considering the fact that the UK met the French couple with a reprint of an old photo from the “past life” of a fashion model, in which the girl was depicted naked in full growth. In 2008, this black and white nude print of Carla Bruni was sold at Christie's for $135,000.

With the new status, a new life began for Bruni. The political world turned out to be more demanding and stressful than the modeling and show business. In an interview, Carla admitted that politics takes a lot of energy and requires constant presence. But she has learned to divide her time between public receptions and family and personal matters. And with honor she performs not only the role of the first lady of France, but also the duties of the ambassador of the Global Fund for the Protection of Mothers and Children against AIDS, while simultaneously pursuing a career as a singer and earning three times more than her husband. And your own successful career among the first ladies is a rarity.

For Nicolas, marriage to a former supermodel also leaves its mark. He noticeably pulled himself up, even prettier. Although the scandals around France's first couple are doing tangible harm to his reputation as president. The release of several “revealing” biographies at once, where Sarkozy, his ex-wife Cecilia and Carla appear in completely unflattering images, shook the ratings of the once successful politician. The French media dubbed this turn of events the "Carla effect". But some sources claim that such provocations were arranged specifically to overthrow Sarkozy in the eyes of many fans. After all, at the beginning of the presidential term, in 2007, he was supported by more than 50% of the French.

Carla, journalists still remember her former statements about her penchant for polygamy and attacks against marriage, but she only laughs in response and says that she was incredibly lucky. At the age of 40, she finally met a man whom she truly fell in love with: “All I can say is that for me as a woman this meeting turned out to be important and unexpected in terms of tenderness, trust, communication and mutual understanding. . For the first time I feel that I am understood and supported, for the first time I myself understand and support. For the first time, I give a lot and get the same amount in return.

A photo : East News, All Over Press, Global Look Press Great love stories, April 15, 2011, 11:15 am, Irina Loginova

Once this French politician was compared with Putin. How is Nicolas Sarkozy similar to the Russian leader - biography, career, or do they have similar moments in their personal lives? Hardly. Maybe the media representatives saw a similarity between them in the level of leadership abilities? The answer to this question can only be found by studying the life of this ex-president in detail.

Biography of Nicolas Sarkozy

This French leader is a native of another European country - Hungary. More precisely, his father was a representative of the oldest family of Hungarians, who literally had to flee from his native country to France, where Nicolas was born in 1955.

The upbringing of the boy was actually carried out by the imperious grandfather, the father of his French mother. Gradually, the influence of his father, who tried to instill in the boy a love for his ancestral homeland, came to naught on Nicolas, and he grew up a Frenchman.

Sarkozy was frankly indifferent to education, but at the insistence of his grandfather, he had to enter one of the Parisian universities, where he received a law degree and even became a master of civil law. This became decisive both in the choice of a field of activity and in the success of a career.

Nicolas Sarkozy's career

The career start of the future president of France happened in 1974, when he became a member of the Union of Democrats party. It was this step and pronounced leadership inclinations that allowed Nicolas Sarkozy to become mayor of the city at the age of 28.

The young man was brought to the government level not only by his strong patrons, but also by his actions - in his “piggy bank” of achievements there are even successful negotiations with terrorists and the release of children. The act was appreciated by both French parliamentarians and ordinary people, as a result of which Nicolas Sarkozy became a deputy.

In 2007, Sarkozy was nominated as a presidential candidate. The elections brought him 53% of the popular vote and he became President of France. One of the biggest scandals is connected with this stage of Nicolas Sarkozy's career. According to media reports, the money of the leader of another country was invested in his election campaign, who later demanded their return. Sarkozy left the French presidency in 2012. Subsequent attempts to occupy it were unsuccessful.

Personal life of Nicolas Sarkozy

Nicolas Sarkozy had three marriages. His first wife was Marie Cuglioli, whose marriage lasted 12 years, the couple had two sons. The reason for the gap was the second wife of Nicolas Sarkozy - Cecilia Martin, who at the time of their acquaintance was also married. The official relationship between the lovers was formalized immediately after the official divorce, in 1996.

But this marriage was short-lived. Sarkozy claims that Cecilia interfered too actively in his political career, which sometimes even interfered with his advancement, was unrestrained or overly talkative with journalists.

Sarkozy's third wife was model and singer Carla Bruni. The couple entered into an official marriage in 2008, three years later their daughter Julia was born. Carla's professional activity has practically come to naught. Photos of her husband appear in print and online publications much more often than hers.

Carla Gilberta Bruni Sarkozy Tedeschi (Carla Gilberta Bruni Sarkozy Tedeschi) - Italian and French model, singer, author and composer, wife of the 23rd President of the French Republic - Nicolas Sarkozy.

Carla Bruni was born in northern Italy, 20 kilometers from Torino on December 23, 1967.

A family

The girl's mother, Marisa Bruni Tedeschi Borini, not only loved music, she lived it, playing the piano superbly. Father Alberto Bruni Tedeschi (Alberto Bruni Tedeschi) is an avant-garde opera composer, headed the Turin Teatro Regio. He had been waiting for the opportunity to marry a girl for five years.

Alberto's parents owned a company producing tires and electrical equipment for SEAT, were wealthy people and did not want to see a poor native of Piedmont in their daughters-in-law, even despite her aristocratic pedigree. The grandfather of the future model - Virginio Tedeschi (Virginio Tedeschi) was born a Jew, but converted to Catholicism in order to get permission to marry a girl from the Bruni family. They were madly in love with their son, educating him as a musician, lawyer, and engineer.

But Marisa waited for her happiness and the newlyweds got married. Their home was the Castagneto Po castle of 40 rooms, where in 1959 the first-born Virginio (Virginio), who became an artist, was born, in 2006 he died of AIDS. In 1964, Valeria's daughter was born, who later became an actress and film director. Carla is the youngest daughter of the couple.


The mother gave all her parental love to one child - Virginio. She was rarely at home, spending a lot of time on tour and in the arms of lovers, with whom she was not particularly shy. One of them, 19-year-old guitarist Maurizio Remmert, later turned out to be Carla's biological father. He was not embarrassed by the fact that Marisa was 15 years older, and the musician did not want to know his daughter at all.

A beautiful and spectacular woman entrusted the upbringing of her children to the nanny Teresa (Teresa), she came for the whole day, and in the evening put them to bed and went to her place. Until the age of 6, Karla was afraid to sleep alone and spent the night with her nanny, while secular parents paid tribute to art.

The most precious thing that the baby had at that time was the love of an outside woman and the notes of Mozart on her mother's piano.

In the early 70s. father buys an estate with a large beach in France, in Cavalière on Cap Nègre. In 1974 the family decided to move to Paris. In Italy, the gangster group "Red Brigades" raged with might and main, earning their living by kidnapping children from wealthy families. Alberto and Marisa, fearing for the life and health of the heirs left unattended, take them away from potential danger. Nanny Teresa does not agree to the move, but she always remembers her pupils with tenderness and sadness. So Carla is left without the care of the closest person.


Parents assign little Carla Bruni to an elite Swiss boarding school for training. There, the girl studies the guitar and piano. It was boring for her to study, so she could not finish the educational institution with honors. As a teenager, she begins to write poetry and songs, but for 10 years she does not dare to present them to the public. The first person who saw the work of Carla was the guitarist of the Telerhone band, Louis Bertignac.

At the same time, the girl is trying to start a career in the modeling world. Her perfect figure perfectly compensates for the imperfection of her face. At the age of 16, Carla poses for free for photographer Thierry Le Gouès, with whom fate will bring her many more times later.

After school, the girl enters the Paris Sorbonne University (la Sorbonne) at the Faculty of Art History and Architecture. Full of ambition and desire to become a celebrity, young Carla goes to the nearest modeling agency, which turns out to be City Models, in hopes of getting a job. They appreciated the perfect data of the girl and offered her to sign a contract. Soon, Carla was so captivated by the new job that she left the university, did plastic surgery to correct the shape of her nose, and completely went into the fashion world.

At the age of 29, the successful model beautifully ends her career on the catwalk in order to return to her favorite pastime in music.

Model career

In 1988, the agency offers a new model to take part in the Guess advertising campaign. The shows of the famous fashion house were a resounding success and Carla became a world celebrity in one day. She was offered expensive contracts by many fashion houses in France and Italy.

Photos of Carla Bruni appeared on the covers of Spanish, English and Italian Voque, Italian Elle, Marie Сlaige, Hagregs & Queen and other glossy magazines with a large circulation. Moreover, a photo of naked Carla Bruni could also sometimes be found in fashion magazines.

For 10 years of modeling career, the girl has been working with such fashion houses as Dolce & Gabbana, Versace, Chanel Cosmetics, D&G, Givenchy, Givenchy, Dior, and MaxMara. She becomes one of the most expensive models in the world, earning seven and a half million dollars for shows.

Stylists, photographers and make-up artists enjoyed working with Carla. She led a healthy lifestyle, every day she swam and ran three kilometers, followed a diet. The girl strictly monitored that her weight always remained at around 55 kilograms with a height of 175 centimeters.

While applying make-up, she read Dostoevsky, when flying from show to show, Karla took out self-study books and learned foreign languages.

She could buy many outfits from designer collections, but she always dressed modestly and discreetly. From an early age, the girl trained facial expressions, since wrinkles frightened her, and long hours of photo shoots required immobility and endurance. Christian Lacroix (Christian Lacroix) and Jean-Paul Gaultier (Jean-Paul Gaultier) considered her one of the best models, while Carla could freely offer her services to world-famous designers.

In 1997, the model announced her retirement from the world of high fashion. Carla decides on a solo career as a singer.

Actress career

In 1988, Carla starred in episodic roles in films: Haute Couture (Prêt-à-Porter, 1994) directed by Robert Altman and Paparazzi directed by Alain Berberian.

In 1995, she had another role in the film directed by Richard Leacock (Richard Leacock) "Catwalk" ("Catwalk").

In total, Bruni has 17 paintings. There is even a fantasy-style picture "Midnight in Paris" ("Midnight in Paris", 2011) directed by Woody Allen. But the career of the singer attracted Carla is still stronger than the career of an actress.

Singer career

It is not easy to become a recognized musician in France. Karla understood this very well and went to the intended goal all her life.

She not only played the guitar and composed songs "on the table", the girl went to vocal lessons twice a week, met musicians, and carefully chose a recording studio.

Carla's favorite singer and composer was Julien Clerc, and at one of the social receptions, the former top model told him that she had been writing songs for a long time. Julien did not go into details and, in order to at least something to answer the girl, advised her to contact her producer.

A few weeks later, the Clerk is faxed a text by an unknown author entitled "If I were her" ("Si j'étais elle"). The composition turned out to be so elegant, light, fresh and full of feelings that soon the musician released an album under this name, which sold three hundred copies. Six songs from the album were written to him by Carla.

In 2003, Carla Bruni's songs in French and English were recorded in her first debut album "Someone told me" ("Quelqu'un m'a dit"). Eight compositions of eleven are the work of Karla herself.

The album was a resounding success in France and sold over 800,000 copies. Worldwide sales surpassed 1 million copies. The album was produced by one of the singer's lovers, Louis Bertignac. Their romance developed within a year, then came to naught and the couple broke up. The blues, rock and folk style of Carla's lyrical songs led her to win the "Best Singer of the Year" nomination at the Victoire de la Musique competition, "Musical Victories" (Victoires de la musique).

The song "Raphael", dedicated to the university philosopher and father of her son, Raphael Enthoven, became a hit even before the album was released. Carla's low voice, not having a wide range, nevertheless managed to win the hearts of the French with its frankness.

In 2007, the second album "No Promises" was released in English.

In 2008, the third album “As if nothing happened” (“Comme si de rien n’etait”) was recorded. Since the singer recorded the last album already bearing the name of Carl Bruni Sarkozy, it was a huge success and sold five hundred thousand copies by the end of the year.

star lovers

From childhood, Carla's mother inspired her daughter that someday she would be able to become the first lady and contributed to this in every possible way. As a child, the girl often spent summers with the future Prince of Monaco, Albert Grimaldi. The royal family had a villa in France next to the villa of the Bruni family. But the mother's plans did not materialize.

Carla perfectly learned the lessons of her mother and preferred to meet only with rich and successful lovers.

One of them was the lead singer of the Rolling Stones - Mick Jagger (Michael "Mick" Jagger). From the age of 16, the girl dreamed of meeting him and after 4 years the dream began to come true. Carla began an affair with musician Eric Clapton, a close friend of Mick, and through him met the idol of her youth.

Jagger liked the girl, he decided to start an affair with her, not assuming that feelings would develop into something more than simple flirting. Their romance lasted 8 years, the musician even wanted to divorce his wife, American actress Jerry Hall, but his mistress did not need it. Jagger, although he was 25 years older than Carla, could not control himself. He endlessly called the girl at the agency, and once he took a helicopter and flew to her from a tour for one night.

  • Mig Jagger was not Bruni's only passion. At 25, she began dating French actor Vincent Pérez. But this intrigue did not last long, soon the girl got bored with the relationship.
  • French singer-songwriter Jean-Jacques Goldman has joined Carla's list of lovers between his two marriages. The paparazzi took a photo when the couple walked along the beach, holding hands.
  • The real president of the United States, the multibillionaire Donald Trump, did not go unnoticed by the passionate Italian. For the sake of Bruni, Trump dumped his beloved American actress Marla Maples.
  • Relations with the famous lawyer Arno Klarsfeld (Arno Klarsfeld) at one time was widely discussed in the press. Subsequently, Arnault became a French adviser.
  • The relationship with the French actor Charles Berling is not completely clear., who planned in 2008 to record a common album with Clara.
  • In the early nineties, Bruni had a brief relationship with the best guitarist in the world, Eric Clapton (Eric Clapton), but they were not particularly advertised.
  • Another man Bruni conquered was the musician Florent Pagny.. Carla was the reason for the separation of Pani from his beloved Vanessa Paradis (Vanessa Paradis). But the novel did not bear fruit, the musician left for Argentina, where he found another wife.

Other famous lovers of Carla Bruni were: French politician Laurent Fabius, American actor and musician Kevin Costner, French film director and actor Guillaume Canet, French actor and film director Leos Carax, French actor Christopher Thompson (Christopher Thompson), former Minister of Education Luce Ferry (Luce Ferry).

Husbands and children

Despite the fact that the press gave Carla the nickname "Don Juan in a skirt", the woman wanted to get married and have a baby.

In 1999, she met the publisher, critic and writer Jean-Paul Enthoven, who was 19 years older than her. But the man had a son, Rafael (Raffaello), who liked Bruni even more. Without hesitation, she takes him away from his legal wife, Justine Lévy, and they begin to live together. In 2001, Carla and Rafael (he turned out to be 10 years younger than his partner) have a son, Aurélien. The couple breaks up after 6 years.

In October 2007, Carla came to a diplomatic dinner with Jacques Séguéla, where French President Nicolas Sarkozy was also invited.

His wife had just left him, and Carla was able to captivate and interest an influential guest. Everyone who was at this dinner noticed that lightning flashed between them.

From the first day they met to this day, the couple has been together. In 2008, they legalized their relationship at the Elysee Palace (Palais de l'Élysée). Carla is also involved in music and appears on the covers of magazines. The only ban - the appearance on stage - she was able to survive for the sake of her beloved husband.

Carla Bruni Sarkozy today

After Nicolas lost the second presidential election, Carla was not upset at all. She returned to her favorite business and became a face, makes music and gives concerts again.

She has settled down, is raising a daughter, has established relationships with her husband's ex-wives - Cecilia Attias (Cecilia Attias) and Marie Dominique (Marie Dominique).

  • During her work as a model, Carla Bruni was the face of the covers of fashion glossy magazines 250 times.
  • Donald Trump, the real president of America, is the only person with whom Carla Bruni officially denies a connection, although he is considered one of the Italian's former lovers.
  • Living in France since childhood, Bruni remained an Italian citizen for a long time. She received French citizenship only in 2008.
  • Bruni finally said goodbye to her old life, sold all the antiques of her late billionaire father Alberto, sold the castle for thirteen million pounds and created a medical research fund in the name of her brother with this money. She disliked her home, because there her father revealed to her the secret of her origin.
  • In 2008, Carla herself visited her biological father in São Paulo (São Paulo), where she met him, his wife and two stepsisters.

  • (with all of them, Carla remained on good terms), although he does not show his jealousy in public.
  • In 2010, the Sarkozy spouses visit the mausoleum mosque in India Taj Mahal (Taj Mahal), where a woman asks heaven for the birth of a son.
  • At the meeting between Nicolas Sarkozy and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Carla wore a blue jersey outfit, but did not wear a bra underneath. Medvedev did not succumb to the provocation, but this story was discussed for a long time in the press.

  • During one of the meetings with Michelle Obama (Michelle Obama), Carla shared with the details of intimate life with her husband. Michelle was so shocked by Carla's words that she did not hold the dinner that Sarkozy's wife had hoped for, canceling it 2 hours before the scheduled start.