Only a few banks offer high-interest deposits in Moscow. Some make such an offer so that new customers appear, others - to maintain their positive reputation. The biggest contribution is . But this can only happen if a few conditions are met:

  • the account is opened immediately for the entire amount;
  • nothing can be done with the funds until the expiration of the contract;
  • the client belongs to the privileged category.

High interest rates are possible within . Get the maximum profit and when opening a foreign currency account.

Conditions for opening a high-interest deposit in Moscow

Citizens can open with a high percentage both at the place of registration and residence. To do this, you only need a passport. There are those who cooperate with young people from 14 years old. Offers for individuals are different:

  • minimum amounts.

The highest rates on deposits in Moscow are offered by institutions that have high rates of their own assets, a good loan portfolio, that is, they are stable.

On our website you will find deposits in banks with a high interest rate in 2020. For convenience, we offer a comparative table with up-to-date information and for calculating possible profits. The data is updated regularly, so our users receive up-to-date information. If necessary, you can choose the most convenient currency for calculations.


Keep money in the Savings bank, if you have any! A quote from Gaidai's comedy is still relevant today. Interest rates on deposits in banks today are high so that people can profitably place money on deposit without worrying about inflation. Buying real estate is not a very profitable investment now, foreign currency periodically becomes cheaper against the ruble, and it is dangerous to keep banknotes at home. It is reasonable to contact the bank and try to place the accumulated funds there.

Individual deposit rates

The latest polls show that more than half of Russians believe that it is better to keep money in a bank, on a deposit or savings account. The index of confidence in financial institutions is gradually increasing, people, according to the experience of previous years, prefer to save surpluses. Each bank offers its own solution, however, there is the concept of the average bank interest rate, which is set by the Central Bank:

  • The Central Bank analyzes the actions of all financial institutions not only to identify violations that lead to fines or loss of license. Other metrics are also monitored.
  • The average interest rates on deposits in 2019 are 10.82%, which is 0.3% higher than in the previous 2016.
  • The state makes sure that institutions do not exceed this value by more than 2 points - this threatens them with fines, additional audits and an increase in insurance premiums. According to this principle, the state controls the banking market, preventing credit institutions from risking clients' money.

Interest on pension deposits

Everyone is happy with pensioners as clients. This is the most reasonable and disciplined category of citizens. Almost all of the largest Russian banks offer attractive interest rates on top-up pension deposits, similar to a savings account, but at a much higher interest rate. Pensioners are encouraged to use different types of deposits with a minimum initial amount.

Sberbank pleases pensioners with favorable conditions - interest does not depend on the size of the deposit, there is the possibility of replenishment online. "Pension Plus" - a replenishable deposit for 3 years, 3.5% per annum, "Keep" - non-replenishable, rate 5.6% (when opening an account online - up to 6.13%), "Replenish" - 5.12% ( online - 5.63%). There is a "Pension" - 8.3% per year from MDM Bank, Home Credit Bank offers "Pension - 7.75%.

Interest on ruble deposits

The main share of bank deposits is made up of ruble investments. When choosing where to invest money, you should not look for high interest rates in banks on ruble deposits offered by managers of small organizations. Large financial institutions offer profits in the region of 8-10%:

  • Sberbank is positioned as reliable and does not offer annual interest of more than 8.1, but the minimum amount starts from 1,000 rubles.
  • VTB24 offers to open a deposit with a margin of up to 11% per annum, but without a withdrawal or replenishment function.
  • Alfa Bank also keeps the bar around 9-10% on three-year accounts.

Rates on foreign currency deposits

Although the euro is considered a more reliable currency, the situation with foreign currency investments is not too different from the trends for ruble deposits. Interest rates on foreign currency deposits in banks range from 1.5 to 3.5% per annum, and again, promoted players are in no hurry to make high interest rates on multi-currency accounts. If you want to earn extra money, take advantage of offers from small regional financial institutions, but along with an increase in the percentage, the risk that their license will be revoked also increases.

Interest rates on deposits in Moscow banks

The bank should not only offer profit, but also be stable. Interest rates on deposits of Moscow banks are constantly analyzed and, based on the results, a TOP-10 rating of profitable offers is compiled. They take into account the rating of loan agreements, profitability and net assets, which gives an idea of ​​their level of reliability. Do not forget that deposit rates in Moscow depend on the term and its size.

The best programs for Moscow banks:

  • "With the maximum rate" - 8%, Uralsib;
  • "Vlad to the Future" - 10%, BinBank;
  • "Partner" - 8%, Nevsky Bank;
  • "Maximum income" - up to 8.4% of Sovcombank;
  • "All Inclusive Maximum Income" - 8.5% from the establishment of the Moscow Credit Bank;
  • "Financial protection", in euro, 3.5% - Promsvyazbank;
  • “For life”, in euros, 3% - UniCredit Bank;
  • "Tradition of success", in euro, 2.5% - Promsvyazbank.

High deposit rates

Interest rates on deposits in banks today are very different. What does it depend on? Experts identify several reasons that can determine high interest rates on bank deposits:

  • the intensity of issuing loans, which constitute the main profit of institutions;
  • high competition - an increase in the number of institutions in the country leads to an increase in the interest rate;
  • deposits with compound interest initially offer a lower return than those with a simple rate.

Large players in the financial market do not stimulate profitability, preferring to attract clients with a reliable reputation. Sberbank of Russia, VTB24, GazpromBank, AlfaBank, Raiffeisenbank - their percentage is rarely higher than 8.5-9%. People understand that inflated income parameters are more alarming than attractive. If you want to win on a percentage, look for an institution with a deposit insurance system. In the event of license revocation or bankruptcy, the state undertakes to return to customers amounts up to 1,400,000 rubles.

Interest rates of reliable banks

Which bank is considered reliable? Everyone knows about the sharks of the banking business: they are already well known. Is it possible to find high interest rates in reliable Russian banks outside the "big three" - Sberbank, VTB24, GazpromBank? The reliability of banks must be compared and analyzed constantly, while taking into account:

  • analysis of the work of a credit institution by the Central Bank, while taking into account the value of its own capital;
  • customer reviews about the work of the institution;
  • verification of organizations by special agencies.

An approximate list of deposits with good interest from recognized reliable banks looks like this this year:

  • Magnus - 8% per annum from J&T Bank;
  • "Solid interest" - 8% from 3 months. Promsvyazbank;
  • "PRIME" - 8.13% - 3 months-year from UniCreditBank;
  • "150 years of reliability" - 8.2% for 3 months. from Rosbank;
  • "Promising" - up to 8.1% with terms from six months to 3 years from Gazprombank.

Banks of Russia - interest rates on deposits

As the analysis of deposits shows, the most favorable interest rates on deposits in Russian banks are for non-replenished deposits for a period of six months or more. The offers of small banks that are actively trying to attract new customers may be interesting:

  • "Solid" - 10.5% for 550 days from GazTransBank;
  • "Maximum" - 10.5% from 9 to 36 months, Dolinsk Bank;
  • "Loyalty to traditions Premium" - 10.25% (amount from 2,000,000 rubles for 1 year from Alef-Bank;
  • "According to the Europlan" - 10% per year from BinBank Stolitsa;
  • "Safe" - 10% per year from the bank "Interaction".

Sberbank deposit rates for today

Averages rarely exceed 8%, which is compensated by reliability, wide distribution in the Russian Federation and quality of service.

  • "Memory of generations" - the minimum deposit is 10,000 rubles. the rate is 6.4-7%, and part of the profit is transferred to the Assistance Fund for Veterans of War.
  • "Save Online" - can be done in any currency. A small minimum amount - only 1000 r. - makes it accessible to any segment of the population. The maximum percentage of income is 6.13 in rubles and 1.06 in dollars.

More popular offers:

  • "Manage!" - replenishable, it is possible to issue it online. Percentages range from 3 to 5.85.
  • "Give Life" - part of the income is donated to the Fund of the same name. Term - 1 year, rate - 5.3%, without replenishment.
  • "Savings" - a regular account with a minimum percentage of 2.3 per annum. There are deposits and early withdrawals.
  • "Savings Certificate" - a profitable offer with an income of 8.45% per annum. Feature - not subject to the deposit insurance system.

Bank VTB 24

This bank has a share of public money, so its reliability is fully justified. The interest on the deposit today, VTB 24 Bank offers low, which is offset by favorable conditions:

  • "Profitable - Telebank" with a monthly payment of profit - 7.4% (online 7.55%) per annum from 1.5 million rubles. for 3 months;
  • "Cumulative" - ​​from 200,000 rubles. for 3 months and more, the percentage is up to 6.95, there is a capitalization of income;
  • “Comfortable” - 5.35% (when ordering on the site 5.5%) - a period of six months, the minimum amount is from 200,000 rubles, there is the possibility of partial withdrawal.

Rosselkhozbank of Russia

Rosselkhozbank positions itself as a "people's bank" with advantageous offers for all segments of the population. Interest on deposits of individuals of Rosselkhozbank ranges from 6 to 9% depending on the duration and size:

  • "Investment" - from 50,000 rubles, 8.75%, payment of profits - at the end of the term (six months, a year);
  • "Golden Premium" - up to 8.1% for a period of 3 months. up to 3 years, the minimum amount is 15,000,000 rubles;
  • "Classic" - profit 7.95% per annum, interest payment - to choose from, the minimum amount is 3000 rubles.

Deposit in Alfa-bank

The interest rate of a deposit in Alfa-Bank is comparable to competitors, but the popularity of a financial institution is great. Now clients are offered:

  • "Life Line +" - a deposit for a year with compound interest (up to 7.1) and a minimum amount of 50,000 rubles;
  • "Victory +" - a contribution for six months, up to 7.3% and a deposit amount of 50,000 rubles;
  • "Potential +" - with a high minimum amount of 5,000,000 and a profit of 6.4%, term - 245 days;
  • "Premier+" - for six months, 6.8% with an amount of 5 million rubles or more (payment of profit - upon completion of the contract).

Post Bank

Post Bank appeared on the Russian financial market quite recently, and until 2016 it was called Leto-Bank and was a subsidiary of a major credit player VTB24. Last year, all branches of Leto-Bank closed, and customers were surprised to find that they were served by Post-Bank. Aggressive advertising campaign involving well-known actors is doing its job, the bank is constantly calling to use its services to invest the accumulated funds.

It is proposed to choose the following rates for deposits at Post Bank, and all deposits are subject to insurance:

  • "Seasonal" - for a year with the placement amount from 50,000 rubles. The rate is 8.25% with the payment of profit at the end of the term, pensioners receive 8.5% per annum.
  • "Capital" - for six months or a year up to 8.25% plus a card as a gift.
  • "Cumulative" - ​​a replenishable deposit up to 7.5% and a minimum amount of 5000 rubles. possible early closure and capitalization of interest once a quarter.
  • "Profitable" - an annual deposit with 7.75% per annum and an amount of 500,000 rubles or more, a card or a personal account is a gift.

Rating of banks by interest rate on deposits

The best interest rates on deposits this year are guaranteed by small credit institutions that need to attract the maximum number of new customers. It is worth noting that today the leaders among credit organizations do not offer high interest rates on deposits in banks, and it is up to the client to decide which option is more important - profit or reliability. Almost all banks operating in the territory of the Russian Federation, who value their reputation, participate in the deposit insurance system (now the maximum amount to be returned is 1 million 400 thousand rubles.

Specify the features of the proposals in the table:

Bank's name


Deposit conditions


No replenishment, interest payment at the end, no early withdrawal.

Russian standard

Max percentage

Payment of profit at the end, without replenishment and early withdrawal.



Monthly payment of profit, replenished, without withdrawal.

Fixed income

Refillable (if agreed in advance, with preferential commission for early withdrawal), payment of profit every month.

Max percentage

Payment at the end of the year, there is a replenishment, withdrawal of money before the end of the term is impossible.

Video: Interest rates on deposits in 2019

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It may take a long time to view all the profitable offers in Moscow banks. On the official websites of banks, there is no way to compare deposits with offers from other organizations. Therefore, to search, it is better to use a service that helps you quickly get acquainted with the full list of options and their main conditions. A large selection of available deposits provides an opportunity not only to choose the option with the most favorable interest rate, but also to choose the optimal parameters for storing funds.

The "Deposits of the month" section allows you to quickly view the top products in Moscow with a high interest rate and a minimum down payment. Among them there are options with the possibility of replenishment and early withdrawal of the entire amount or part of it.

Benefits of our service

A convenient filter has been created on the site, which makes it possible to quickly and easily view all the profitable deposits available for registration in your city, as well as get an impression of the reliability and safety of working with a particular bank.

You can find the best offer in Moscow by one or several parameters at once. To do this, you can specify in the filter:

  • the minimum amount;
  • currency;
  • term of the deposit agreement;
  • additional opportunities to use the deposit.

The results of the issuance are arranged according to one of two possible principles - an interest rate or a rating. The rating is calculated automatically by our website, taking into account the main characteristics of the convenience and security of working with the bank, such as:

  • profitability of the deposit;
  • the reliability of the bank;
  • availability of additional options;
  • availability.

These characteristics give an idea about the bank even before you start working with it. You can independently set the sorting principle and quickly find the information you need on any of the products presented on our website.

Current offers

In the list of issuing current offers at the moment, the maximum interest and terms of cooperation are as follows:

  • interest rate - up to 10.25%;
  • the minimum deposit amount is from 1,000 to 500,000 rubles;
  • storage time - from one year to three years.

Among the available options are in rubles, dollars and euros, offers for pensioners, as well as deposits with the possibility of replenishing the account and extending the term of the contract.

Stay up to date

If none of the existing products in Moscow suits you, you can subscribe to our newsletter. Information about all new and current deposits, including short-term promotional and seasonal offers with favorable conditions, as well as the latest news and reviews of the economic situation in Russia and the latest developments in the banking market will be regularly sent to the e-mail address you specified. This will allow you to be one of the first to make a suitable deposit. In order to subscribe, just enter your e-mail in the appropriate field.

Each person saves money for different purposes. However, many do not understand that keeping savings at home is not the best solution. Instead of generating income for their owner, they only lose their real value due to inflation. In addition, often people do not hold back and spend money. However, deposits in Moscow will help you not only save your finances, but also increase them in accordance with the agreement.

Today this product is a universal investment tool. Unlike stocks or precious metals, you don't need special knowledge or constant analysis of the economic situation. You just find a suitable offer and sign a contract. At the same time, most organizations do not have any restrictions on minimum contributions, and if they exist, they are small.

The contract itself is very important, so before signing it, you need to read the text personally. To do this, ask the bank employees to give a sample in printed or electronic form and carefully read all the points, especially those written in small print and marked with an asterisk. With the help of such tricks, unscrupulous organizations try to mislead a potential client and prescribe unfavorable conditions for him in the agreement.

Description of important points

The main advantage of the service, in addition to a stable income, is reliability. Consumer accounts are protected by the state at the legislative level through the compulsory insurance program. Therefore, in the event of liquidation or revocation of the license, you will be compensated. However, it is limited to 1.4 million rubles, which does not prevent you from dividing the amount exceeding this limit and placing it in several organizations, eliminating various risks.

The next aspect we will look at is account types. The first one is urgent. In this case, you place funds for a certain time period. Of course, you have the right to apply for early withdrawal, but with a high probability the bank will refuse to pay the accumulated interest. At the same time, this type of deposit is divided into savings and accumulative, which is provided for periodic replenishment (popularly called a "piggy bank").

The second option - on demand - comes at a low rate. The thing is that it is unprofitable for an organization to keep finances at home, knowing that the owner has the right to demand their return at any time. Such a product is preferred by that category of customers who are satisfied with the fact of reliability, and they are of little interest in potential profit.

Online Assistant

On the site you will find products that are currently on the market. It contains reliable information, which our experts check and update daily. By comparing the services by their main parameters - and this is the interest rate, the cost of opening and commission, you will be able to make the right decision, and the ratings section will help you in choosing an organization. the site is the largest financial supermarket in Runet, which has been successfully operating for more than ten years. All offers displayed on this page are the best or profitable only according to the experts of

It is formed on the basis of the total amount of incoming funds. If you are looking for a financial institution with high performance, thanks to the ranking, you will be able to choose the right one. Based on the information provided, you will be able to choose the best offers for profitability and interest rates.

Features of the formation of the rating of Russian banks on deposits

Russia on deposits is formed according to the data of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The analysis also takes place on other indicators:

  • Positions in the ranking compiled by independent agencies.
  • The opinion of customers who have already made transactions in this bank.
  • Positions in the ranking compiled by ordinary people.

For the Central Bank of Russia, the main indicator is the size of the equity capital of the institution. The more funds, the less likely it will be declared insolvent.

Rating of banks in Russia by deposits of individuals in 2020

In 2020, the top best Russian banks in terms of deposits have not changed much. The higher the place in the list, the more confidence in this financial institution. Usually, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation publishes an official list that inspires the most confidence among people by:

  • interest rates,
  • creditworthiness.

The top best banks may vary depending on different indicators. Therefore, we regularly update information, offering customers only profitable offers.

The rating of banks for today is formed according to the reports provided by financial institutions. All companies included in the list are presented in our summary rating. Additionally, reliability can be assessed not only by bank deposits, but also by other indicators.

If we consider ranking by interest rates, the list may be different. When choosing, pay attention to the rating at the full cost of deposits. It includes surcharges, bonuses and other gifts for depositors.