Activities for the upbringing and development of the individual are carried out in different ways. An important role belongs to such types of it as out-of-class and out-of-school educational work.

Extracurricular educational work is the organization by the teacher of various types of activities that provide the necessary conditions for the socialization of the individual during extracurricular time. It is an independent area of ​​the teacher's educational work, carried out in conjunction with educational work in the classroom. Extra-curricular work, as a rule, is carried out by subject teachers, employees of sponsoring enterprises, parents, as well as an active group of students.

Out-of-school educational work is an integral part of the system of education and upbringing of children, adolescents and students. It is carried out in free time from study with the aim of developing the interests and abilities of the individual, satisfying her needs for knowledge, communication, practical activities, recuperation and health promotion. Out-of-school work is closely connected with the educational process at school, educational work at the place of residence and is carried out mainly by out-of-school institutions.

Out-of-class and out-of-school educational work are specific in their goals, objectives, content and methodology. There are a number of pedagogical principles for conducting extracurricular and extracurricular educational work.

The principle of voluntariness of extra-curricular and out-of-school work is ensured by the fact that students themselves choose the form of classes that interests them. This applies to extracurricular activities, circles, sections and other forms of extracurricular work, as well as to enrollment in out-of-school educational institutions.

The principle of social orientation assumes that the content of the work of circles, associations and other forms of educational activities will be of a socially significant nature, meet the current tasks of the country's development, and be associated with the achievements of modern science, technology, culture, and art.

The principle of initiative and self-activity requires that in the course of educational work, the wishes of the students themselves, their initiative proposals and actions are fully taken into account, so that when conducting extracurricular and extracurricular activities, each student performs a certain type of activity.

The principle of using game forms of activity, romantic symbolism, entertainment and emotional situations is of particular importance in working with children of primary and secondary school age, where the need for game techniques is the highest.

The principle of taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the participants is reflected in the content, forms, methods of extracurricular and extracurricular activities, in the nature of the relationship between educators and pupils.

Among the variety of forms of organization of extracurricular and extracurricular educational activities, the following are most often used:

Circles where children mainly gain knowledge in any one subject and form the corresponding skills and abilities;

Club associations of children of interest, the distinctive features of which are the presence of self-government bodies, their own symbols and paraphernalia, collective creative activity, communication of club members of different generations, etc .;

Complex forms of children's educational associations - studios, workshops, laboratories, schools, which allow you to identify early creative talent, develop children's abilities, provide in-depth study of one or more subjects, high quality of the creative product of children.

The main methods of activity in out-of-school and out-of-class educational work include: a) methods of informing (lectures, stories, conversations, discussions, round tables, etc.); b) methods of visual illustrations and demonstrations (showing posters, visual aids, movies, paintings, drawings, etc.); c) methods of practical activity (fulfillment of labor tasks, tasks for the manufacture of models, devices); d) methods of stimulating creative activity (encouraging, creating situations of success, blaming shortcomings, etc.); e) methods of monitoring the effectiveness of raising children (observations, conducting control conversations, questionnaires, essays based on the results of their activities in the circle).

The following requirements are imposed on extracurricular and extracurricular educational work:

Organic connection with the educational activities of the school;

Consistency of actions with the educational work of the school, family, community;

Mass coverage of children, subject to the voluntariness of enrollment in circles and sections;

Free choice by children of the nature of creative activity;

Combination of mass, group and individual forms of educational work;

A combination of methods of education, organization of children's activities, stimulation of active creative activity and control over the effectiveness of educational work.

At the end of the XIX - the beginning of the XX century. In Russia, significant experience in out-of-school work has been accumulated by out-of-school institutions: children's clubs, sports grounds, and summer health camps. The most famous out-of-school institutions were the children's club "Settlement" (established in 1906 by S.T. Shatsky and A.U. Zelenko), the society "Children's Labor and Recreation" (1909) and the colony "Cheerful Life" (1911), organized S.T. Shatsky. Teachers (S.T. Shatsky, A.U. Zelenko, A.A. Fortunatov, L.K. Schleger, P.F. Lesgaft, L.D. Azarevich and others) considered the development of the child’s personality to be the main task of out-of-school institutions, the desire to help him choose an occupation to his liking, creating conditions for his reasonable leisure. According to S.T. Shatsky, everything that "is crushed in children by life" should manifest itself in the club.

After the establishment of Soviet power, extracurricular work was carried out mainly by clubs. In small clubs, circles, reading rooms, and playgrounds worked under the guidance of social activists. Children's clubs were centers of social and political education of schoolchildren. Out-of-school unions and fraternities were created on the basis of clubs. Out-of-school work was also carried out by cooperatives, rural educational societies and circles and their territorial unions. In 1919, the First All-Russian Congress on Out-of-School Education recognized that the most important task of out-of-school institutions was to raise the cultural and political level of the working people in the interests of strengthening Soviet power. In accordance with this, extracurricular institutions were oriented towards educational and ideological and political propaganda. People's houses and clubs were given the role of centers of social life and socialist culture.

By the mid-1930s. a network of specialized out-of-school institutions has developed (stations for young naturalists and agricultural experts, technicians, tourists; children's sports schools, etc.). Among non-school institutions, complex centers stood out - houses of pioneers and schoolchildren, which arose as children's political clubs and generalized the experience of ideological education of students. By the end of the 1930s. in the content of the activities of the houses of pioneers and schoolchildren, three independent directions were determined: educational circles, methodological, mass work, which later became established as the main functions of all children's out-of-school institutions.

In 1950 - 1960. the houses of pioneers and schoolchildren were entrusted with the functions of coordinating and evaluating the activities of pioneer groups, training the pioneer-Komsomol activists and leaders, by decision of the Komsomol bodies in agreement with the public education authorities. Their duties included methodological assistance to pioneer squads and school Komsomol organizations.

In the 1960s, the revival of extracurricular work was facilitated by the communal methodology, developed and tested in extracurricular institutions in Leningrad. Until the mid-1980s. houses of pioneers and schoolchildren continued to play the role of methodological centers of the pioneer organization. The crisis in pioneer work caused a critical reassessment by many educators of the role and place of out-of-school institutions in the system of education and upbringing, and of their pedagogical effectiveness. But even under these conditions, interesting work was carried out by enthusiasts in many institutions.

Good morning, dear colleagues! I would really like all of you to have a good mood now and that it does not change, and you would leave here not only with it, but also a little enriched with the skills, methods and techniques that you will receive here today, leave as thinking teachers .

And what is the “psychology of a thinking teacher”? Perhaps, this phrase seemed strange or even offensive to someone. That is, as a "thinker"? How could it be otherwise? Judge for yourself. To be honest, how often do we ask ourselves questions such as:

“What am I like as a teacher?

What am I doing now and why exactly?

Why did I get this result and not another?

How do students perceive and understand me?

Why am I so upset (happy, embarrassed, angry)?

Do I really understand my students? Do they understand me?…”

Or, perhaps, it is easier, without going into lengthy discussions with oneself, to explain to oneself in case of difficulty: “This student studies poorly, because he is incapable. But this one is arrogant to me, because he is poorly brought up. And completely calm down, convincing myself that as a teacher, “I am doing everything right and well. Of course, such a position of the teacher is both more convenient and calmer: with such a nervous and physical load, it’s also difficult to torment yourself with questions, doubts ... Yes, it can be really difficult to answer the questions above, which a professional teacher nevertheless sets himself. Reflections take time, strong-willed efforts force you to change yourself. This is true. But only such a teacher, who thinks, doubts, analyzes himself, becomes a true master of his profession. Only such a thinking, reflective teacher can solve professional problems in which there can be no template: the tasks of developing the personality of a growing person.

The theme of our meeting: "Extracurricular activities - the way to effective educational work at school."

Extracurricular educational work at school

1. The essence of extracurricular educational work

Extracurricular educational work is the organization by the teacher of various types of activities for schoolchildren during extracurricular time, providing the necessary conditions for the socialization of the child's personality. First of all, it is necessary to determine the place of extracurricular educational work in the pedagogical process of the school. Extra-curricular educational work is a combination of various activities and has a wide range of educational impact on the child. Let's consider these possibilities.

Firstly, a variety of extracurricular activities contributes to a more versatile disclosure of the child's individual abilities, which are not always possible to consider in the classroom.

Secondly, involvement in various types of extracurricular activities enriches the child's personal experience, his knowledge of the diversity of human activity, the child acquires the necessary practical skills and abilities.

Thirdly, a variety of extracurricular educational work contributes to the development of children's interest in various types of activities, the desire to actively participate in productive, socially approved activities. If a child has a stable interest in work, combined with certain practical skills that ensure his success in completing tasks, then he will be able to independently organize his own activities.

Fourthly, in various forms of extracurricular work, children not only show their individual characteristics, but also learn to live in a team, i.e. cooperate with each other, take care of their comrades, put oneself in the place of another person, etc. Moreover, each type of non-educational activity - creative, cognitive, sports, labor, play - enriches the experience of collective interaction of schoolchildren in a certain aspect, which in its totality gives great educational effect.

Thus, extracurricular work is an independent sphere of the teacher's educational work, carried out in conjunction with educational work in the classroom.

2. Goals and objectives of extracurricular educational work

Since extracurricular work is an integral part of educational work at school, it is aimed at achieving the overall goal of education - the child's assimilation of the social experience necessary for life in society and the formation of a value system accepted by society.

The specificity of extracurricular educational work is manifested at the level of the following tasks:

1. The formation of a positive "I-concept" in the child, which is characterized by three factors:

a) confidence in the benevolent attitude of other people towards him; b) confidence in the successful mastery of one or another type of activity;

c) a sense of self-importance.

2. Formation in children of skills of cooperation, collective interaction. For speedy social adaptation, the child should have a positive attitude not only to himself, but also to other people.

3. Formation in children of the need for productive, socially approved activities through direct acquaintance with various types of activities, the formation of interest in them in accordance with the individuality of the child, the necessary skills and abilities. In other words, in extracurricular work, the child must learn to engage in useful activities, he must be able to get involved in such activities and independently organize them.

4. Formation of the moral, emotional, volitional components of the worldview of children. In extracurricular activities, children learn the moral norms of behavior through the mastery of moral concepts.

5. Development of cognitive interest. This task of extracurricular work reflects the continuity in educational and extracurricular activities, since extracurricular work is associated with educational work in the classroom and is ultimately aimed at improving the efficiency of the educational process.

1. Traditions and features of the school.

2. Features of age, class, individuality of children.

3. Features of the teacher himself, his interests, inclinations, attitudes.

If the teacher strives to achieve high results in teaching children, then in extracurricular activities he will select the content that contributes to the achievement of this goal, i.e. organize educational activities. For another teacher, it is important to form the personality of the student in the learning process, therefore, in extracurricular work, he will give priority to labor and creative activities; A teacher who loves sports will influence schoolchildren through the organization of health-improving and sports activities.

The forms of extracurricular work are the conditions in which its content is realized. There are many forms of extracurricular activities. This diversity creates difficulties in their classification, so there is no single classification. Classifications are proposed according to the object of influence (individual, group, mass forms) and according to the directions, tasks of education (aesthetic, physical, moral, mental, labor, environmental, economic

So, having considered the essence of extracurricular educational work through its capabilities, goals, objectives, content, forms, methods and means, we can determine its features:

1. Extra-curricular work is a combination of various types of children's activities, the organization of which, in conjunction with the educational impact carried out in the course of education, forms the personal qualities of the child.

2. Delay in time. Extracurricular work is, first of all, a set of large and small cases, the results of which are delayed in time, not always observed by the teacher.

3. Lack of strict regulation. The teacher has more freedom to choose the content, forms, means, methods of extracurricular educational work than when conducting a lesson. On the one hand, this makes it possible to act in accordance with one's own views and beliefs. On the other hand, the personal responsibility of the teacher for the choice made increases. In addition, the absence of strict regulations requires the teacher to take the initiative.

4. Lack of control over the results of extracurricular activities. If an obligatory element of the lesson is control over the process of mastering the educational material by students, then there is no such control in extracurricular work. It cannot exist due to the delayed results.

The results of educational work are determined through observation of students in various situations. A school psychologist can more objectively evaluate the results of this work with the help of special tools. As a rule, the overall results, the level of development of individual qualities are evaluated.

5. Extra-curricular educational work is carried out during breaks, after school, on holidays, weekends, vacations, that is, during extracurricular time.

6. Extra-curricular educational work has a wide range of opportunities to involve the social experience of parents and other adults.

Requirements for extracurricular activities.

Based on the characteristics of extracurricular educational work, we will name the defining requirements for it.

1. When organizing and conducting extracurricular activities, goal setting is mandatory.

2. Before starting, you need to define the expected results.

3. In educational extracurricular work, an optimistic approach is needed, relying on the best in each child.

4. When organizing out-of-class educational work, the teacher must be in constant creative search, selecting and creating new forms that meet the current situation in the class.

Individual and mass forms of out-of-class educational work will be more effective in the educational impact on children if parents are directly involved in their organization and conduct.

Raising children is a risky business, because in case of success, the latter is acquired at the cost of great work and care, in case of failure, grief is incomparable with any other. Democritus

Each person, studying at school, deals with people who have chosen the profession of a teacher. A teacher today is a range of functions, the main of which is the education of a person in the broadest sense of the word. And if we are talking about education, then, first of all, we are talking about a teacher who combines the qualities of a psychologist, an educator, and a psychotherapist, since it is to him that students turn with their troubles and joys, conflicts with their parents, they trust him children's secrets.

Parable of good and evil

One day, a wise old Indian - the leader of the tribe was talking to his little grandson.

Why are there bad people? asked his inquisitive grandson.

There are no bad people,” the leader replied. Every person has two halves - light and dark. The light side of the soul calls a person to love, kindness, responsiveness, peace, hope, sincerity. And the dark side personifies evil, selfishness, destruction, envy, lies, betrayal. It's like a fight between two wolves. Imagine that one wolf is light and the other is dark. Understand?

I understand, - said the kid, touched to the depths of his soul by the words of his grandfather. The boy thought for a while, and then asked: - But which wolf wins in the end?

The old Indian smiled faintly.

The wolf you feed always wins.




Sufiyanova N.O., student of the 4th group, Yuryev-Pol Industrial and Humanitarian College, specialty "Teaching in primary school"



Extracurricular educational work at school

Extracurricular educational work is the organization by the teacher of various types of activities for schoolchildren during extracurricular time, providing the necessary conditions for the socialization of the child's personality.

The essence of extracurricular educational work

First of all, it is necessary to determine the place of extracurricular educational work in the pedagogical process of the school.

Extra-curricular educational work is a combination of various activities and has a wide range of educational impact on the child.

Firstly, a variety of extracurricular activities contributes to a more versatile disclosure of the child's individual abilities, which are not always possible to consider in the classroom.

Secondly, involvement in various types of extracurricular activities enriches the child's personal experience, his knowledge of the diversity of human activity, the child acquires the necessary practical skills and abilities.

Thirdly, a variety of extracurricular educational work contributes to the development of children's interest in various types of activities, the desire to actively participate in productive, socially approved activities. It has been noticed that in schools where a variety of extra-curricular educational work is well organized, there are fewer "difficult" children and the level of adaptation, "growing" into society is higher.

Fourthly, in various forms of extracurricular work, children not only show their individual characteristics, but also learn to live in a team, i.e. cooperate with each other, take care of their comrades, put oneself in the place of another person, etc. Moreover, each type of extracurricular activity - creative, cognitive, sports, labor, play - enriches the experience of collective interaction of schoolchildren in a certain aspect, which together gives a great educational effect.

Thus, extracurricular work is an independent area of ​​the teacher's educational work, carried out in conjunction with educational work in the classroom.

Goals and objectives of extracurricular educational work

Since extracurricular work is an integral part of educational work at school, it is aimed at achieving the overall goal of education - the child's assimilation of the social experience necessary for life in society and the formation of a value system accepted by society.

The specificity of extracurricular educational work is manifested at the level of the following tasks:

1. The formation of a positive "I-concept" in the child, which is characterized by three factors: a) confidence in the benevolent attitude of other people towards him; b) confidence in the successful mastery of one or another type of activity; c) a sense of self-importance.

2. Formation in children of skills of cooperation, collective interaction. For speedy social adaptation, the child should have a positive attitude not only to himself, but also to other people.

3. Formation in children of the need for productive, socially approved activities through direct acquaintance with various types of activities, the formation of interest in them in accordance with the individuality of the child, the necessary skills and abilities.

4. Formation of the moral, emotional, volitional components of the worldview of children.

5. Development of cognitive interest.

The listed tasks determine the main directions (cognitive, leisure, recreational and sports, labor, creative activity; the formation of the moral, emotional and volitional components of the worldview of schoolchildren) of extracurricular work in achieving its main goal and are in the nature of general provisions. In real educational work, they should be concretized in accordance with the characteristics of the class, the teacher himself, with school-wide extracurricular work, etc.

Functions of extracurricular educational work. The purpose and objectives of extracurricular educational work give a specific character to the functions of a holistic pedagogical process - teaching, educating and developing.

The purpose, tasks, functions of extracurricular work influence the selection of its content.

The specifics of the content of educational extracurricular work is characterized by:

1. - firstly, the predominance of the emotional aspect over the informative one (for an effective educational impact, an appeal to the child's feelings, his experiences, and not to the mind, or rather, to the mind through emotions) is required;

2. - secondly, in the content of extracurricular work, the practical side of knowledge is of decisive importance, i.e. the content of extracurricular activities is aimed at improving a variety of skills and abilities.

1. Traditions and features of the school. For example, if teaching is a priority at school, then the cognitive aspect may prevail in extracurricular educational work. In a school under the patronage of a religious denomination, extracurricular activities will contain relevant spiritual and moral concepts. Environmental education will become a priority in the school of the corresponding profile, etc.

2. Features of age, class, individuality of children.

3. Features of the teacher himself, his interests, inclinations, attitudes. If the teacher strives to achieve high results in teaching children, then in extracurricular activities he will select the content that contributes to the achievement of this goal, i.e. organize educational activities. For another teacher, it is important to form the personality of the student in the learning process, therefore, in extracurricular work, he will give priority to labor and creative activities; A teacher who loves sports will influence schoolchildren through the organization of health-improving and sports activities.

Forms of extracurricular work

The forms of extracurricular work are the conditions in which its content is realized. There are many forms of extracurricular activities. This diversity creates difficulties in their classification, so there is no single classification. Classifications are proposed according to the object of influence (individual, group, mass forms) and according to the directions, tasks of education (aesthetic, physical, moral, mental, labor, environmental, economic).

Methods and means of extracurricular work are methods and means of education, the choice of which is determined by the content and form of extracurricular work. As a means to act: the design of the class; musical, game attributes, schemes, video materials, books, etc.

So, having considered the essence of extracurricular educational work through its capabilities, goals, objectives, content, forms, methods and means, we can determine its features:

1. Extra-curricular work is a combination of various types of children's activities, the organization of which, in conjunction with the educational impact carried out during extracurricular time, forms the personal qualities of the child.

2. Delay in time. Extracurricular work is, first of all, a set of large and small cases, the results of which are delayed in time, not always observed by the teacher.

3. Lack of strict regulation. The teacher has the freedom to choose the content, forms, means, methods of extracurricular educational work than when conducting a lesson.

4. Lack of control over the results of extracurricular activities. The results of educational work are determined empirically through observation of students in various situations. A school psychologist can more objectively evaluate the results of this work with the help of special tools.

5. Extra-curricular educational work is carried out during breaks, after school, on holidays, weekends, vacations, that is, during extracurricular time.

6. Extra-curricular educational work has a wide range of opportunities to involve the social experience of parents and other adults.

Requirements for extracurricular activities.

Based on the characteristics of extracurricular educational work, we will name the defining requirements for it.

1. When organizing and conducting extracurricular activities, goal setting is mandatory.

2. Before starting the activity, it is necessary to define the expected results. This helps to formulate tasks that contribute to the achievement of a common goal - the child's assimilation of social experience and the formation of a positive system of values.

3. In educational extracurricular work, an optimistic approach is needed, relying on the best in each child.

4. In extracurricular work, the role of the teacher's contact with children is great, the establishment of which is impossible without certain personal qualities of the teacher.

5. Teacher creativity is essentialcondition for effective extracurricular activities.


  1. New in the educational work of the school / Comp. NOT. Shurkova, V.N. Shnyreva. - M., 1991
  2. Pedagogy / Ed. P.I. piddly. - M., 1995. - S. 429-442
  3. Pedagogical Dictionary / Ed. G. M. Kodzhaspirova. - M., 2003
  4. The essence of extracurricular educational work
  5. Theory and Methods of Education: Textbook / Ed. L. I. Malenkova. - M., 2002

The message was prepared by a student of group 4-A Sufiyanova N.O.,

Specialty "Teaching in primary school"

Extracurricular work- educational work carried out by class teachers, social teachers, teachers-organizers, subject teachers with school students outside the classroom.

This type of work is coordinated and controlled by the deputy director of the school for educational work, the director of the school and the inspector of the district or city department of education.

extracurricular work- educational work carried out by employees of institutions of additional education (methodologists, cultural organizers, leaders of circles and studios) with students of city schools. It is coordinated and controlled by the deputy director of the out-of-school institution for educational work, the director of the institution and the inspector of the district or city department of education.

The tasks of out-of-class and out-of-school educational work with students are the same. These include:

Awakening and deepening the interest of students in various fields of knowledge and activities;

Disclosure and development of students' natural inclinations and abilities;

education of children and young students of cognitive activity;

Assistance to schoolchildren in choosing a profession and the formation of initial labor skills;

cultural and meaningful organization of students' leisure.

Principles of extracurricular and extracurricular educational work:

voluntariness of students in the choice of activities within the framework of free time;

Personally and socially significant nature of any type of activity;

Reliance on the initiative and initiative of students;

intellectual content of classes using game methods;

stimulating the manifestation of curiosity, activity, purposefulness by students;

clear organization of systematic classes in accordance with the schedule (circles, studios, sections, clubs, etc.);

mass character (coverage of as many students as possible by types of educational work);

taking into account the individual and age characteristics and capabilities of students, from the aspirations and interests;

Interrelation and continuity of all types of educational work.

Compliance with these principles is a necessary condition for the effectiveness of educational work in a pedagogical institution.

The form of education is an external characteristic of the interaction between the teacher and children. In pedagogy, instead of the term “form”, such concepts as “educational work” or “educational work” are often used.

event". All forms of extracurricular educational work at school can be divided into three main groups: general, special and mass.

General forms(used in the process of implementing any areas of educational work, they acquire a specific focus depending on the purpose and content of the activity). These include:

a) sections, circles, studios (can be subject, creative, sports, etc.);

b) lecture halls;

c) themed evenings and matinees;

d) interest clubs;

e) exhibitions (artistic, technical, literary, etc.);

f) excursions (nature, industrial and agricultural enterprises, educational institutions, museums, exhibition halls, etc.);

g) hikes, expeditions (tourist, local history, etc.);

h) publication of wall newspapers, thematic posters, bulletins, albums (covering various events in the life of a class, school, city, etc.);

i) organizing the work of the school museum (museum of military glory, ethnographic, artistic, local history, etc.).

Special Shapes(contain the specifics of mainly one area of ​​educational work):

a) subject Olympiads, subject weeks, the Student of the Year competition, etc. (development of the intellectual culture of students);

b) cleaning the classroom and school grounds, gardening the school yard, repairing books in the school library, collecting waste paper and scrap metal (labor education);

c) visiting the cinema, theater, exhibitions, drawing competition, etc. (aesthetic education);

d) holding competitions, sports games, work of sports sections at school (physical education and sports and recreational activities);

e) holding an action to help disabled children, a debate “Kindness must certainly be with fists. Is it so?" and others (moral education).

Mass forms(they are distinguished by a large number of participating schoolchildren - a parallel of classes or several parallels, they have an educational and entertaining orientation of activity):

a) organized holding of various holidays traditional for the school (Autumn Ball, New Year, Alumni Meeting, Initiation to High School Students, Last Bell, etc.);

b) evenings and shows of amateur performances;

c) literary-musical and literary-historical compositions dedicated to significant dates in the life of the city, country, outstanding representatives of science, culture, art, etc.;

d) competition of folklore creativity;

e) concerts, festivals, KVNs of city and regional levels.

When selecting forms in the process of educational work, one should take into account the correspondence of the form to the tasks that should be solved in the course of interaction, the characteristics of the class team, the specifics and traditions of school life, the moral, psychological, material, temporal and other conditions and means necessary for the implementation of the chosen form.

Out-of-school educational work with students is carried out in the conditions of institutions of additional education (out-of-school institutions). “Institution of additional education is a type

educational institution, the main purpose of which is the development of a person's motivation for knowledge and creativity, the implementation of additional programs and services in the interests of the individual, society and the state "(V.I. Andreev).

Institutions of additional education are educational and methodological centers of extracurricular educational work. A feature of additional education institutions is that, unlike compulsory school classes, the out-of-school pedagogical process is voluntary, because students are involved in it on the basis of free choice and voluntary participation. The out-of-school pedagogical process is also distinguished by its content, as it covers such branches of knowledge, art, technology, and practical activities that go beyond the school curriculum.

In the conditions of these institutions, the creative and intellectual development of students takes place in accordance with the goals, curricula and programs that complement and deepen the content of general secondary education.

Complex institutions include Houses and Centers for Children's Creativity, Palaces and Houses of Pioneers, Palaces of Children and Students, etc. They can have district, city, regional and republican status. In such institutions, work is carried out in several directions:

· methodical work with children's and youth school public associations and organizations (BRSM, BRPO, etc.);

circle and studio work aimed at developing the creative abilities of students;

· organizational-mass work aimed at organizing meaningful leisure of students.

Other institutions of additional education included in this system are special or single-profile, as they mainly have one direction of educational work. For example:

Station of young naturalists (SUN) - environmental education of schoolchildren;

· station of technical creativity (STT) - development of students' abilities for technical creativity;

· children's and youth sports schools (CYSS) - physical education, sports and health work, work with gifted children in the field of sports;

· training and production plant (UPK) - labor education, professional orientation of students, the formation of schoolchildren's skills in a particular specialty;

· sightseeing-tourist station and club of young sailors – sports and health-improving work; local history work and patriotic education;

Music school (supervised by the department of culture of the city or district) - musical education of students, work with gifted children to develop their vocal and performing abilities;

Art school (supervised by the department of culture of the city or district) - art education of students, work with gifted children to develop their abilities for artistic creativity.

The main tasks of institutions of additional education:

- creating the necessary conditions for the development of children's creative abilities; promoting the satisfaction of their interests and professional self-determination;

- adaptation of the emerging personality to life in society;

- development of the intellectual and spiritual potential of young students, physical education and health promotion;

- organization of meaningful free time for schoolchildren;

- the formation of the national identity of young people, the active familiarization of the younger generation with the cultural and historical heritage of the Belarusian people.

The activities of additional education institutions are based on the following principles:

– free development of personality;

– national and cultural basis of education;

- priority of universal human values;

- the secular nature of education and upbringing;

– democratic management of educational systems.

Institutions of additional education carry out their activities in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Education", the current legislative acts in the field of education and culture, the "Regulations on the institution that provides out-of-school education and training", its own charter.

All institutions of additional education (out-of-school institutions) are essentially institutions for organizing the free time of children, adolescents and youth, thereby contributing, as G.A. Butrim, socialization of the younger generation. At present, republican, regional, city and district out-of-school institutions include in their staff social educators, psychologists, sociologists, regularly conduct sociological and psychological-pedagogical research among different age groups of young students. Then, taking into account the results of the study, curricula are drawn up, forms of work with students are modified.

In the field of view of institutions of additional education, as many teachers rightly argue, today there should be not only gifted children who develop their abilities in various circles, studios and creative workshops, but also students with deviant behavior, with mental and physical development deficiencies. Hence, the following are included in the number of work tasks of out-of-school institutions:

- establishing strong ties with the families of pupils, with the schools where they study, with all other social and educational structures of the district;

- organization of work with difficult teenagers at the place of residence, involving them in the activities of out-of-school institutions on the basis of the realization of their inclinations and interests;

- creation of pedagogically appropriate conditions for the activities of children's and youth public organizations, interest clubs: "Brain Ring", "KVN", "What? Where? When?" and etc. .

According to I.P. Podlasy, in the process of constructing an educational event, the stages of goal-setting, planning, organization are distinguished

and preparation, implementation and analysis. In this regard, the teacher must carry out actions in the following sequence:

1. The choice of a topic based on its relevance and connection with life, the rationale for the pedagogical expediency of the chosen topic.

2. Determining the form of the event (competition, evening, debate, etc.).

3. Setting goals and educational tasks to be solved during the preparation and holding of the event.

4. Creation of a creative group of students to prepare the event, distribution of responsibilities within the group. Reliance on the initiative and initiative of students.

5. Collection of materials necessary for the event.

6. Writing and approval of the script. Taking into account the interests and inclinations of students, their age characteristics, as well as school customs and traditions when writing a script.

7. Use of local history material in the scenario.

8. Reliance on the complex nature of the event in the process of writing a scenario (a variety of methods, techniques and means used in the course of its preparation and implementation).

9. Thinking through the integrity and logic of building the composition of the event.

10. Preparation of artistic, musical and technical means used during the event.

11. Determination of the place and time of the event in terms of pedagogical expediency and educational effectiveness (classroom, museum, assembly hall, sports ground, etc.; after school, in the evening, on a day off, etc.).

12. Choice of a leader (criteria - communication and organizational skills, culture of speech, general culture and tact, resourcefulness and energy).

13. Thinking through the content and methodology of the event:

a) compliance of the content of the event with the goals;

b) cognitive and educational value of the selected material;

c) emotional richness of information, children's interest in the event, their activity;

d) implementation of the principles of education;

e) a combination of individual, group and collective forms of interaction with students during the event.

14. Invitation of guests (with thinking over the form of the invitation).

15. Carrying out the required number of rehearsals.

16. Analysis of the most successful and unsuccessful moments of the event after it was held, conclusions for the future.

However, the organization of some events (dispute, conversation, etc.), built on the technique of communicating with the audience, has some specifics, reflected in the methodology for their preparation (see Appendix At).

It should be noted that only the observance of all the above stages of activity in the process of preparing and conducting an educational event will make it possible to realize all the initially set educational goals.


1. Andreev, V.I. Pedagogy: a training course for creative self-development / V.I. Andreev. - Kazan: Center for Innovative Technologies, 2000. - 608 p.

2. Butrym, G.A. Satsiyalizatsyya asoby of a modern schoolboy: dapm. for mentors / G.A. Butrym. - Minsk: Belarus, 2002. - 151 p.

3. Kovalenko, G.P. Out-of-school pedagogy: not a child for education, but education for a child / G.P. Kovalenko, V.G. Radunskaya, N.V. Sergeeva // Problems of exhalation. –2000. – No. 4. – S. 106–117.

4. Kovalenko, G.P. Algorithm for designing out-of-school educational programs / G.P. Kovalenko // Adukatsy i vykhavanne. - 2000. - No. 7. - P. 49 - 52.

5. Podlasy, I.P. Pedagogy / I.P. Sneaky. – M.: Enlightenment: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 1996. - 432 p.

Activities for the upbringing and development of the individual are carried out in different ways. An important role belongs to such types of it as out-of-class and out-of-school educational work.

Extracurricular educational work - this is the organization by the teacher of various types of activities that provide the necessary conditions for the socialization of the individual during extracurricular time. It is an independent area of ​​the teacher's educational work, carried out in conjunction with educational work in the classroom. Extra-curricular work, as a rule, is carried out by subject teachers, employees of sponsoring enterprises, parents, as well as an active group of students.

Out-of-school educational work is an integral part of the system of education and upbringing of children. It is carried out in free time from study with the aim of developing the interests and abilities of the individual, satisfying her needs for knowledge, communication, practical activities, recuperation and health promotion.

Out-of-school work is closely connected with the educational process at school, educational work at the place of residence and is carried out mainly by out-of-school institutions.

Out-of-class and out-of-school educational work are specific in their goals, objectives, content and methodology.

There are a number of pedagogical principles conducting extracurricular and extracurricular educational work.

    Principle voluntariness extra-curricular and out-of-school work is ensured by the fact that students themselves choose the form of classes that interests them. This applies to extracurricular activities, circles, sections and other forms of extracurricular work, as well as to enrollment in out-of-school educational institutions.

    Principle public orientation assumes that the content of the work of circles, clubs, associations will be of a socially significant nature, will be associated with the achievements of modern science, technology, culture, and art.

    Principle initiatives and initiatives requires that in the course of educational work, the wishes of the schoolchildren themselves be fully taken into account, so that when conducting extracurricular and extracurricular activities, each student performs a certain type of activity.

    Principle use of game forms of activity, romantic symbolism, entertainment and emotional situations is of particular importance in working with children of primary and secondary school age, where the need for playing techniques is highest.

    Principle taking into account age and individual characteristics.

Among the diversity forms of organization of out-of-class and out-of-school educational The most commonly used activities are:

 circles, where children mainly gain knowledge in any one subject and form the corresponding skills and abilities;

 club associations of children on interests, the distinctive features of which are the presence of self-government bodies, their own symbols and paraphernalia, collective creative activity, communication of club members of different generations, etc.;

 complex forms of children's educational associations - studios, workshops, laboratories, schools, which allow to identify early creative talent, develop children's abilities, provide in-depth study of one or more subjects, high quality of children's creative product.

To the main methods of activity in out-of-school and out-of-class educational work includes: a) methods of informing (lectures, stories, conversations, discussions, round tables, etc.); b) methods of visual illustrations and demonstrations (showing posters, visual aids, films, paintings, drawings, etc.); c) methods of practical activity (fulfillment of labor tasks, tasks for the manufacture of models, devices); d) methods of stimulating creative activity (encouraging, creating situations of success, blaming shortcomings, etc.);

e) methods of monitoring the effectiveness of raising children (observations, conducting control conversations, questionnaires, essays based on the results of their activities in the circle).

One of the areas of activity of a social pedagogue is the organization of leisure activities for pupils. Must have training in accordance with the program of the Institute of Culture or the qualification of a teacher of additional education.

The object of social activity ped-ga - leisure organizer are students of a certain group of classes (parallel, primary, senior), separate groups of schoolchildren by interests, parents, teachers of the school.

There are several interpretations of the concept "leisure":

The time that a person manages at his own discretion, not associated with any duties, obligations;

Free from work, study time that can be used to meet personal needs and aspirations;

Part of a person's living environment, intended for rest, overcoming fatigue, exhaustion, restoration of physical and mental health.

In terms of content leisure structure includes: communication; sports and recreation activities; games; camping; walks; intellectual and cognitive activity of an active (reading, studying in circles, attending electives, etc.) and passive nature (watching TV, listening to music); amateur activities of an applied nature (sewing, photography, etc.); social activity.

The child's leisure is a bridge to the big world, it provides additional education, development, self-education. The essence of leisure is to support the child as a person and an actor. Leisure for children - always self-realization And self-rehabilitation. These are its very important functions. Competently organized leisure time for children is a school for the prevention of lack of spirituality, emotional poverty, intellectual narrowness, practical limitations, and not just the prevention of offenses. Leisure is a school of support, encouragement for any child, and even more so for a weak, “difficult” one.

Basic socio-pedagogical children's leisure potentials:

In leisure activities, children themselves impose on themselves all the educational requirements of adults, which makes leisure a sphere of self-education;

Leisure is that personal space where the natural needs for freedom and independence are most fully and vividly revealed;

Leisure provides students with “limits of independence and difficulties”, they overcome them, which means they grow;

Leisure satisfies many socio-psychological needs in the realization of interests, self-examination of strength, self-affirmation among peers, recognition of one's own personality;

Leisure is a "zone" of satisfaction of the claims of communication, subordination of relations with those who are older or younger, and these relations are reasonably indulgent.

First associated with the function of restoring various forces of the child (walks in the air, sports, evenings of rest, games, fun, entertainment, etc.).

Second- with an increase in erudition, the consumption of spiritual values ​​(reading, watching movies and TV shows, visiting exhibitions, museums, traveling, traveling, etc.).

Third- with the development of spiritual forces and abilities, with active creative activity (labor, technical, sports and gaming, artistic and theatrical, research, applied).

Fourth realizes the need for communication (club, circle work, creative associations, evening meetings, discos, holidays, debates, dances, parties, etc.).

Fifth the group is associated with the purposeful creative educational activities of children (field camps, reviews, competitions, vacation associations, hiking trips, asset schools, etc.).

Leisure inflames children with insight, anticipation of their personal discoveries, conjectures, or, as S.A. Amonashvili,"personal eureka".

One of the most common forms of organizing children's leisure is club activities. According to C .T. Shatsky(1878-1934), one of the first organizers of club associations, in order to compete with the street, the club must create an environment in which it would be interesting for children ; club employees must have imagination, be able to diversify the forms of work.

Additional education institutions are such out-of-school institutions that organize leisure activities for children and adolescents, help the family and school to carry out the harmonious development of the individual, taking into account abilities, interests and talents. The purpose of the institution of additional education at the present stage is the correct and effective organization of the free time of the younger generation.

There are the following functions of institutions of additional education and I:

social function aims to satisfy:

a) social demand (requirements of society);

b) parental demand,

c) children's demand. Children's demand is dynamic, as it changes in the course of the development of the child, and also depending on age and the type of leading activity corresponding to it;

d) economic demand (the possibility of earning (basic, additional, part-time, etc. - for adults and pre-professional training - for children);

e) law enforcement demand (prevention of deviant and asocial, including illegal, behavior of children).

Psychological function:

a) developing (creation of an educational environment that provides conditions for the physical and mental development of children: the realization of children's interests, the acquisition of skills and abilities.);

b) compensatory (psychological compensation for failures in the family, at school);

c) relaxation (the opportunity to take a break from the strict regulation of behavior in the family and at school);

d) consulting (for teachers, parents and children).

educational function:

a) education in additional subjects, i.e. subjects that are additional to the standard list of subjects of general education institutions. For example, ship and aircraft modeling, sports sections, choreography, etc.

b) propaedeutics of vocational education (for example, a design studio or a children's television studio);

c) professional self-determination;

d) education that satisfies the cognitive interest of the child,

e) socializing (communication with peers, self-affirmation, self-determination, including the opportunity to try to find oneself in different types of activities, enrichment with social experience, the development of a child as a person, acquiring the opportunity and ability to be not only an object, but also a subject of social influences and interactions .
