Russian classic Anton Pavlovich Chekhov once wrote a very emotional and honest letter to his brother, a talented artist, but a weak-willed person suffering from unrestrained drunkenness.

Chekhov's famous letter to his brother Nikolai. (Excerpts from a letter)

Moscow, 1886

In order to feel at ease in an intelligent environment, in order not to be a stranger among it and not to be burdened by it yourself, you need to be educated in a certain way ...
Talent brought you into this environment, you belong to it, but... you are drawn to it, and you have to balance between the cultural public and the residents vis-a-vis. The middle-class flesh, grown on rods, at the Rhine cellar, on handouts, affects. It is difficult to defeat her, terribly difficult. Educated people, in my opinion, must satisfy the following conditions:

Educated people, in my opinion, must satisfy the following conditions:

1) They respect human personality , and therefore they are always indulgent, soft, polite, compliant ... They do not rebel because of a hammer or a missing rubber band; living with someone, they do not do this a favor, and when they leave, they do not say: it is impossible to live with you! They forgive noise, and cold, and overcooked meat, and sharpness, and the presence of strangers in their homes ...

2) They are compassionate not only beggars and cats. They are sick of the soul and from what you will not see with a simple eye...

3) They respect other people's property and therefore pay their debts.

4) They are sincere and fear lies like fire. They do not lie even in trifles. A lie is offensive to the listener and vulgarizes the speaker in his eyes. They do not show off, they behave in the street just as they do at home, they do not throw dust in the eyes of the lesser brethren ... They are not talkative and do not climb with frankness when they are not asked ... Out of respect for other people's ears, they are more often silent.

5) They don't put themselves down in order to arouse sympathy and help in another. They do not play on the strings of other people's souls, so that in response they sigh and coddle with them. They don't say, "They don't understand me!" or: "I exchanged for a small coin! I [...]! ..", because all this has a cheap effect, it's vulgar, old, false ...

6) They are not vain. They are not interested in such fake diamonds as dating celebrities, the handshake of a drunken Plevako, the delight of an oncoming one in the Salon "e. fame for porter ...
Making for a penny, they do not rush about with their folder for a hundred rubles and do not boast that they were allowed to go where others were not allowed ... True talents always sit in the dark, in the crowd, away from the exhibition ... Even Krylov said, that an empty barrel is more audible than a full one ...

7) If they have talent in them, they respect it. They sacrifice peace, women, wine, vanity for him... They are proud of their talent. So, they do not get drunk with the guards of the petty-bourgeois school and with the guests of Skvortsov, realizing that they are called not to live with them, but to influence them educatively. Plus, they're sleazy...

8) They cultivate aesthetics in themselves. They cannot sleep in their clothes, see cracks in the wall with bugs, breathe bad air, walk on the spat on the floor, eat from a kerosene stove. They try to tame and ennoble the sexual instinct as much as possible...
[...] Those brought up in this respect are not so kitchen. What they need from a woman is not a bed, not horse sweat, [...] not a mind expressed in the ability to cheat with a fake pregnancy and lie tirelessly... They, especially artists, need freshness, grace, humanity [...].. They don't sip vodka, they don't sniff cupboards, because they know they're not pigs. They drink only when they are free, on occasion... For they need mens sana in corpore sano.

Etc. Such are the educated... In order to be educated and not to stand below the level of the environment into which one has fallen, it is not enough to read only Pickwick and memorize the monologue from Faust. It is not enough to take a cab and go to Yakimanka in order to get away from there in a week ...
Here you need uninterrupted day and night work, eternal reading, study, will ... Every hour is precious here ... Trips to Yakimanka and back will not help. You must boldly spit and rush sharply ... Come to us, break a decanter of vodka and lie down to read ... at least Turgenev, which you have not read ... "

Reproduced from the publication: A.P. Chekhov, PSS, M., Ogiz - Gikhl, 1948

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More than 100 years ago, the Russian classic wrote a letter to his brother, a talented artist, but weak-willed and suffering from unrestrained drunkenness.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, knowing the weaknesses of his brother, always worried about him, was upset because of his brother's disregard for his gift. He came out with an emotional, frank letter, which we certainly need to read.

The great classic of our literature is able to teach us more than he had time to teach in his books.

MOSCOW, 1886.

You often complained to me that you were “not understood!”. Even Goethe and Newton did not complain about this... They understand you very well... If you do not understand yourself, then it is not the fault of others...

I assure you that, as a brother and a person close to you, I understand you and sympathize with you with all my heart... All your good qualities I know like the back of my hand, I value them and treat them with the deepest respect. If you want, I can even list these qualities as proof that I understand you. In my opinion, you are kind to the point of rags, generous, not an egoist, sharing your last penny, sincere; you are alien to envy and hatred, simple-hearted, pitying people and animals, not malicious, unforgiving, trusting... You are gifted from above with what others do not have: you have a talent. This talent puts you above millions of people, because on earth there is one artist for only 2,000,000...

Talent puts you in an isolated position: if you were a toad or a tarantula, then you would be respected, because everything is forgiven to talent. You have only one drawback. It contains your false soil, and your grief, and your catarrh of the intestines. This is your extreme bad manners. Excuse me, please, but veritas magis amicitiae... The fact is that life has its own conditions... In order to feel at ease in an intelligent environment, in order not to be a stranger among it and not to be burdened by it yourself, you need to be educated in a certain way ... Talent brought you to this environment, you belong to it, but ... you are drawn to it, and you have to balance between the cultural public and the residents vis-a-vis. The middle-class flesh, grown on rods, at the Rhine cellar, on handouts, affects. Defeating her is difficult, terribly difficult.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov and his brother Nikolai

Educated people, in my opinion, must satisfy the following conditions:

1) They respect the human personality, and therefore are always indulgent, gentle, polite, compliant ... They do not rebel because of a hammer or a missing rubber band; living with someone, they do not do this a favor, and when they leave, they do not say: it is impossible to live with you! They forgive noise, and cold, and overcooked meat, and sharpness, and the presence of strangers in their homes ...

2) They are compassionate not only to beggars and cats. They are sick of the soul and from what you can’t see with the naked eye ...

3) They respect other people's property, and therefore pay their debts.

4) They are sincere and fear lies like fire. They do not lie even in trifles. A lie is offensive to the listener and vulgarizes the speaker in his eyes. They do not show off, they behave in the street just as they do at home, they do not throw dust in the eyes of the lesser brethren ... They are not talkative and do not climb with frankness when they are not asked ... Out of respect for other people's ears, they are often silent.

5) They do not humble themselves in order to arouse sympathy and help in another. They do not play on the strings of other people's souls, so that in response they sigh and coddle with them. They don't say they don't understand me!

6) They are not busy. They are not interested in such false diamonds as acquaintance with celebrities, the delight of the passer at the Salon, fame for porter ...

7) If they have talent in themselves, they respect it. They sacrifice peace, women, wine, vanity for him...

8) They cultivate aesthetics in themselves. They cannot sleep in their clothes, see cracks in the wall with bugs, breathe bad air, walk on the spat on the floor, eat from a kerosene stove. They try as much as possible to tame and ennoble the sexual instinct... [...] The educated are not so culinary in this respect. What they need from a woman is not a bed, not horse sweat, [...] not a mind expressed in the ability to cheat with a fake pregnancy and lie tirelessly... They, especially artists, need freshness, grace, humanity [...].. They don't sip vodka, they don't sniff cupboards, because they know they're not pigs. They drink only when they are free, on occasion... For they need mens sana in corpore sano.

Etc. Such are the educated... In order to be educated and not to stand below the level of the environment into which one has fallen, it is not enough to read only Pickwick and memorize the monologue from Faust. It is not enough to take a cab and go to Yakimanka in order to get away from there in a week ...

Here you need uninterrupted day and night work, eternal reading, study, will ... Every hour is precious here ... Trips to Yakimanka and back will not help. You must boldly spit and rush sharply ... Come to us, break a decanter of vodka and lie down to read ... at least Turgenev, which you have not read ... "

Extract from a letter (March 1886, Moscow) from a Russian writer (1869-1904) to his brother Nikolai Chekhov (artist), in which Anton Chekhov explains what a well-mannered person is. At that time, Nikolai Chekhov behaved badly, and his brother Anton tried to reason with him:

"Educated people, in my opinion, must satisfy the following conditions:

1) They respect the human personality, and therefore are always condescending, gentle, polite, compliant ... They do not rebel because of a hammer or a missing rubber band; living with someone, they do not do this a favor, and when they leave, they do not say: it is impossible to live with you! They forgive noise, and cold, and overcooked meat, and sharpness, and the presence of strangers in their homes ...

2) They are compassionate not only to beggars and cats. They are sick of the soul and from what you can’t see with the naked eye. So, for example, if Peter knows that his father and mother are turning gray from longing and do not sleep at night, due to the fact that they rarely see Peter (and if they see him, then drunk), then he will rush to them and spit on vodka. They don't sleep at night to help the Polezhaevs, to pay for their student brothers, to dress their mother...

3) They respect other people's property, and therefore pay debts.

4) They are sincere and fear lies like fire. They do not lie even in trifles. A lie is offensive to the listener and vulgarizes the speaker in his eyes. They do not show off, they keep themselves on the street as well as at home, they do not throw dust in the eyes of the lesser brethren ... They are not talkative and do not climb with frankness when they are not asked ... Out of respect for other people's ears, they are more often silent.

5) They do not humble themselves for the purpose of arousing sympathy in another. They do not play on the strings of other people's souls, so that in response they sigh and coddle with them. They don't say, "They don't understand me!" or: "I exchanged for a small coin! I would<...>!!.", because all this has a cheap effect, it's vulgar, old, false ...

6) They are not vain. They are not interested in such false diamonds as acquaintances with celebrities, the handshake of a drunken Plevako, the delight of a stranger in Salon "e, fame for porters ... They laugh at the phrase:" I am a representative of the press !! ", which suits only the Rodzevichs and Levenbergs. Doing for a penny, they do not rush about with their folder for a hundred rubles and do not boast that they were allowed to go where others were not allowed ... True talents always sit in the dark, in the crowd, away from the exhibition ... Even Krylov said, that an empty barrel is more audible than a full one ...

7) If they have talent in themselves, they respect it. They sacrifice peace, women, wine, vanity for him... They are proud of their talent. So, they do not get drunk with the guards of the petty-bourgeois school and with the guests of Skvortsov, realizing that they are called not to live with them, but to influence them educatively. Plus, they're sleazy...

8) They cultivate aesthetics in themselves. They cannot sleep in their clothes, see cracks in the wall with bugs, breathe bad air, walk on the spat on the floor, eat from a kerosene stove. They try to tame and ennoble the sexual instinct as much as possible ... Sleep with a woman, breathe into her mouth<...>endure its logic, do not deviate from it even a step - and all this because of what! Those brought up in this respect are not so kitchen. What they need from a woman is not a bed, not horse sweat,<...>not the mind, expressed in the ability to cheat with a fake pregnancy and lie tirelessly ... They, especially artists, need freshness, grace, humanity, the ability to be not<...>, but as a mother ... They do not crack vodka in a casual way, they do not sniff cupboards, because they know that they are not pigs. They drink only when they are free, on occasion ... For they need mens sana in corpore sano (a healthy mind in a healthy body (lat.).).

And so on. Such are the educated... In order to be educated and not stand below the level of the environment into which one has fallen, it is not enough to read only Pickwick and memorize the monologue from Faust. It is not enough to take a cab and go to Yakimanka in order to get away from there in a week ...

Here you need uninterrupted day and night work, eternal reading, study, will ... Every hour is precious here ...

Trips to Yakimanka and back won't help. You must boldly spit and rush sharply ... Come to us, break a decanter of vodka and lie down to read ... at least Turgenev, which you have not read ...

<...>pride must be abandoned, because you are not small ... 30 years soon! It's time!

I'm waiting... We're all waiting...

Anton Chekhov's brother, Nikolai Pavlovich, once promised to become a prominent Russian artist. Chekhov madly appreciated his talent, but he lamented because of his attitude to life, to his gift. “A good, strong Russian talent dies, it dies for nothing,” he said. In 1886, in one of his letters to his brother, he compiled a list of 8 qualities of a well-mannered person that will be useful to everyone.

MOSCOW, 1886.

You often complained to me that you were “not understood!”. Even Goethe and Newton did not complain about this ... Only Christ complained, but he did not speak about his “I”, but about his teachings ... They understand you perfectly ... If you don’t understand yourself, then it’s not your fault others...

I assure you that, as a brother and a person close to you, I understand you and sympathize with you with all my heart ... I know all your good qualities like the back of my hand, I appreciate them and treat them with the deepest respect. If you want, I can even list these qualities as proof that I understand you. In my opinion, you are kind to the point of rags, generous, not an egoist, sharing your last penny, sincere; you are alien to envy and hatred, simple-hearted, pitying people and animals, not malicious, unforgiving, trusting... You are gifted from above with what others do not have: you have a talent. This talent puts you above millions of people, because on earth there is one artist for only 2,000,000...

Talent puts you in an isolated position: if you were a toad or a tarantula, then you would be respected, because everything is forgiven to talent. You have only one drawback. It contains your false soil, and your grief, and your catarrh of the intestines. This is your extreme bad manners. Excuse me, please, but veritas magis amicitiae... The fact is that life has its own conditions... In order to feel at ease in an intelligent environment, in order not to be a stranger among it and not to be burdened by it yourself, you need to be educated in a certain way ... Talent brought you to this environment, you belong to it, but ... you are drawn to it, and you have to balance between the cultural public and the residents vis-a-vis. The middle-class flesh, grown on rods, at the Rhine cellar, on handouts, affects. Defeating her is difficult, terribly difficult.

Educated people, in my opinion, must satisfy the following conditions:

1) They respect the human personality, and therefore are always condescending, gentle, polite, compliant ... They do not rebel because of a hammer or a missing rubber band; living with someone, they do not do this a favor, and when they leave, they do not say: it is impossible to live with you! They forgive noise, and cold, and overcooked meat, and sharpness, and the presence of strangers in their homes ...

2) They are compassionate not only to beggars and cats. They are sick of the soul and from what you can’t see with the naked eye ...

3) They respect other people's property, and therefore pay debts.

4) They are sincere and fear lies like fire. They do not lie even in trifles. A lie is offensive to the listener and vulgarizes the speaker in his eyes. They do not show off, they behave in the street just as they do at home, they do not throw dust in the eyes of the lesser brethren ... They are not talkative and do not climb with frankness when they are not asked ... Out of respect for other people's ears, they are often silent.

5) They do not destroy themselves in order to arouse sympathy and help in another. They do not play on the strings of other people's souls, so that in response they sigh and coddle with them. They don't say they don't understand me!

6) They are not vain. They are not interested in such false diamonds as acquaintance with celebrities, the delight of the passer at the Salon, fame for porter ...

7) If they have talent in themselves, they respect it. They sacrifice peace, women, wine, vanity for him...

8) They cultivate aesthetics in themselves. They cannot sleep in their clothes, see cracks in the wall with bugs, breathe bad air, walk on the spat on the floor, eat from a kerosene stove. They try as much as possible to tame and ennoble the sexual instinct... [...] The educated are not so culinary in this respect. What they need from a woman is not a bed, not horse sweat, [...] not a mind expressed in the ability to cheat with a fake pregnancy and lie tirelessly... They, especially artists, need freshness, grace, humanity [...].. They don't sip vodka, they don't sniff cupboards, because they know they're not pigs. They drink only when they are free, on occasion... For they need mens sana in corpore sano.

Etc. Such are the educated... In order to be educated and not to stand below the level of the environment into which one has fallen, it is not enough to read only Pickwick and memorize the monologue from Faust. It is not enough to take a cab and go to Yakimanka in order to get away from there in a week ...

Here you need uninterrupted day and night work, eternal reading, study, will ... Every hour is precious here ... Trips to Yakimanka and back will not help. You must boldly spit and rush sharply ... Come to us, break a decanter of vodka and lie down to read ... at least Turgenev, whom you have not read ... ".

Looking around for a trash can. Maybe not. him and people they shyly bury their leftovers. However, it stands nearby, dug into the sand, capacious, painted in a bright color. Many people are just too lazy to go to it. plastic bottles. A mountain of human ingratitude to the very nature that still generously gives the gentle sun, and the turquoise sea, and warm sand, where a magic pebble with a hole is so uncomfortable next to a dirty husk. - the only desire is for a person to become more merciful to nature!

Find participles, write their morphological features (I give 30 points)

They say that if you find a pebble with a hole by the sea, then your wish will come true. A stupid omen, of course, but you want to find something unusual, and then with good intentions. In a word, I wander along the beach in search of a miracle pebble, from time to time I rake soft sand ... And what is there? Yes, different things: bones from eaten fruits, cores, crumpled candy wrappers, cigarette butts in great abundance ... I don’t even want to list these nasty finds.
I look around in search of a garbage can. Maybe it doesn’t exist, and people bashfully bury their leftovers. There, however, it stands nearby, dug into the sand, capacious, painted in bright color. Just going to it, many are too lazy. almost does not bathe because of large boulders, a mountain of plastic bottles rises. A mountain of human ingratitude to the very nature that still generously gives the gentle sun, and the turquoise sea, and warm sand, where a magic pebble with a hole is so uncomfortable next to with a dirty husk.

Is it spelled correctly? How do you want to return those people with whom you no longer communicate. All friendship broke up because of some trifle, but even this

friendship lasted for many years. I remember how we sat in January and thought how we would celebrate the next new year like they called each other best friends, dear people. How do you want to return everything back, exactly one person is missing. With whom you were pleased to be, be friends, communicate .; what he had. Now there are a lot similar people but they are not like that.! Maybe I'm crazy, but this person is really dear to me, even though we don't communicate. this is enough for me. Yes, I understand all this is nonsense, no one is interested, this person already has other friends whom he calls relatives. Every day I go to his page and see that there is nothing new there, not for the fact that to neigh or something like that, but in order to remember everything that happened. Sometimes it’s so bad and you want to write, call. But I know that it will only be so neighing for him and that’s all. laugh and say this is really nonsense.! I just want to say thank you for the friendship, for the attention, for the patience, SORRY IF SOMETHING IS WRONG

Help me choose 2 examples from the text to the essay “The attitude of the writer to the reported can often be expressed using“ small ”words, words that

I wrote "I agree with the author's statement, because the official parts of speech play very important role In russian language. They do not name objects, signs, actions or states and do not indicate them, but serve to express grammatical relations between words in a phrase and a sentence. So in a sentence ... "

here is the text itself (1) As soon as Pashka and I had any idea, it invariably turned out that in the past someone had already outstripped us. (2) You can’t reinvent the plane if it was invented a long time ago, or discover new countries if everything has already been passed far and wide! (3) It turned out that we were born too late and the path to glory was closed to us. (4) I spoke in this sense at home, but my mother, looking at me in surprise, said: - (5) What a fool you are! .. (6) Go out and earn fame in the garden ... (7) Pashka remarked: - (8) Why is it that mothers, as a rule, love children, but do not understand? (9) Here it used to be: (10) "I bless you, my son, for a feat ...". (11) And here - to the garden! .. (12) Pashka wants to be like Tsiolkovsky and always invents something. (13) He built a machine to pour water into a cow's well. (14) The machine, however, could not pour water itself; but if you pour it in buckets, then it is enough to press the iron lever so that the keg overturns and half of the water falls into the deck. (15) Mother scolded Pashka for heaping all sorts of sticks at the well, but everything worked out. (16) But once Pashkin's father stepped on the lever at dusk, and he was doused from head to toe. (17) He immediately broke Pashkin's "mechanics" and asked the inventor himself, but he ran away. (18) I do not have a passion for technology - I like to read more. (19) But all the books that I could get were already read and re-read, and I tried to write my own. (20) I asked my father for a large account book, brought out on the cover: “(21) Chronicle. (22) Ancient, middle and new story the village of Tyzhi, composed by N.I. Berezin".


Short summer time in the tundra. In May, blizzards still fly in the tundra, violent winds walk through its endless expanses. Then suddenly the snow quickly disappears, grass begins to grow, flowers bloom. How many birds gather in the summer in the tundra! Here they don't have to worry about food. Midges and mosquitoes fly into the mouth. On endless plains, on the shores of light lakes, birds can easily lay eggs and hatch chicks. They will raise them and fly with them over distant mountains, forests and seas. But the summer passes quickly. There will come a day when the sun will not rise above the horizon. A long polar night will begin, and only purple twilight will illuminate the earth.