Section - II -China in the III century BC - II century of our era

Section - III-Culture of Ancient China

Section - IV -Art of ancient China briefly

Section - V -Religion of ancient China briefly

Ancient China is one of the majestic civilizations of the ancient world. The origin of the ancient China is similar to the origin of Sumer, Ancient India, and Ancient Egypt. The majestic River Juanhe constantly brings from the mountains of fruit soils - lesse.

In the Valley of the Yellow River (Juanhe) an ancient civilization was originated. The first kingdom appeared in the second millennium to our era and was called Yin or Shan.

Modern archaeologists carried out excavations, as a result of which they managed to spread the capital of this kingdom, the Great City of Shan and the tomb of some of the Shanki kings-and called Vanya. Vana was buried in a fairly deep (up to 10 meters), which was conducted by Lestenka. In the grave, gold jewelry, jewelry made of jade, jasper, and also installed huge bronze vessels. The duties of the bath included the following: to manage the state, the execution of special religious rites as well as the Supreme Court.

Wang was considered a sacred and inviolable person. In one hundred and twenty-second year BC, a tribe called Zhou, headed by Yu-Vanya defeated the Shangam, thereby establishing their dominance, and most of the residents of the Shang-Yin state were drawn to slavery. In the eighth century BC, the state of Zhou broke up under the blows of nomads; Now, the main role is made by one, then the other kingdoms, of which the largest state was the kingdom called Jin (seventh - the fifth century to our era). After the collapse of State Jin began the difficult period of Zhango (translated as "fighting kingdoms"), when ancient China was divided into two dozen small principalities who were constantly bent among themselves, as well as practically did not obey Zhowsky Van.

6-5 VDO. DE - Time When the first philosophical teachings begin to appear in ancient China. In the sixth century BC in China, a great sage lived in China, his name was Confucius, he was very honored among the Chinese, both at the time and in all subsequent centuries. The teachings of Confucius on respect for the elders, about the "noble man", the importance of education, about modesty, and so on, they were later an important benchmark for relations in China between people - both in the family and in the country itself.

In 221g. e. The ruler Qin In Zheng began to unite the huge territories in the only empire and took the title of Qin Shihuandi, which means "the first emperor of the Qin dynasty." This
The ruler severely destroyed any resistance, using the most terrible species of execution. If a person did not follow the law, then in this case the whole family of this person was punished: his family members simply turned into slaves forcing them to work on heavy construction work.

When Qin Shihuandei established his own power in the Empire, he began a war with nomads-Huns, which often attacked the northern side on his borders. He decided to fix his victory forever, while building a powerful border wall, which was named the Great Chinese walls. After the fall of the Qin Dynasty, Liu Bang comes to power. He reduced taxation and canceled some of the most cruel laws that were introduced in ancient China with Emperor Qin Shihuandi. Liua Ban, who was then inherited by the eleven of his descendants, became the founder of the Han dynasty. In the era of the Han dynasty, the main features of the Ancient Chinese state have developed. In ancient China, the foundations of the Chinese civilization and its culture were laid - art, literature, science. In two hundred and twentieth year, the Han dynasty passed into decay, and several states independent of its territory were formed on all of its territory. This event is considered to be the end of the ancient period in Chinese history.

Natural conditions of ancient China briefly

The ancient Chinese inhabited the North-Chinese Plain, located at the East East of Asia, from the West to the East Plain crossed Juanhe (Yellow River), carrying a lot of fertile il. Stayed, Il filled the channel and forced the river to change it. Juanhe flooded the fields, washing the village. The people nicknamed her "Mount China". Persistently labor, cutting out the forest, having a swamp, strengthening the banks of the rivers, the ancient Chinese turned their homeland into the country of developed farming. The Valley of the Yangtze River (Blue River), located south of Juanhe, was conquered by the Chinese later, rivers, especially Yangtze with their numerous tributaries, served in ancient times the most important ways of the message.


In the middle of the second millennium BC. E, the area of \u200b\u200bJuanhe and her tributaries inhabited numerous tribes of hunters and fishermen. One of these tribes, the Yin tribe, managed to subjugate their neighbors. Recently, dozens of initsess settlements are excusted with archaeologists. Many thousand inscriptions on the bones of animals and turtle shields were found. This allows you to learn the life and classes of the oldest population of China.

The main occupation of the ancient Chinese, those in the Valley of Juanhe, was agriculture. It was favored by a soft, moderate climate, fertile soil and an abundance of moisture.

Millet, wheat, barley, rice have grown on the fields. During the year, two harvest was retracted: in the first half of the year, the Vintage millet was removed, and in the second wheat. The ground was treated with wooden hiding, wooden hoes, stone sickles.

Cattle breeding, fisheries, hunting acquired auxiliary value, except cattle and horses, the ancient Chinese bred sheep, goats, pigs, the dairy products by the Chinese in antiquity in writing were not used.

Initially, the farmers themselves made the simplest agricultural tools, clay dishes, fabrics. Over time, the craft turns into a special, independent branch of production. Previously, the craft of a loaf, demanding special skills and skills. The bronze holders melted and rolled the metal and did from non-refined and various utensils. Potters began to selection beautiful and durable dishes, using a pottery circle and a stove. From ancient times, the Chinese were able to produce thin
silk fabrics. Mastery was kept secret.

With the development of agriculture and crafts, trade arises and develops. Trade was carried out not only with immediate neighbors, but also with peoples on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. The role of money was initially performed by precious shells. It was difficult to produce them. Therefore, they began to make artificial sinks from gems and bone. Then they began to cast from the bronze ingots in the form of shells and other items. So in China there were metal money.

Ancient slave states.

In the second millennium BC. e. The Chinese have slavery. The main source of it - war with neighbors, especially with northern nomadic tribes. The slaves were also obtained in the form of Dani from the conquered tribes.

The work of slaves began to be applied in the economy. During this period, slaves were still in the collective ownership of the community. Slaves not only forced to work to exhaustion, but also sacrificed the gods. Archaeologists excavated burials with the burials of hundreds of people who killed a violent death. These were sacrificed slaves.

Along with the burials containing rich things, as well as "sacrificing slaves, excavated graves, in which there are no things. This suggests that rich and poor, slaves and slave owners appeared in society.

To keep in the obedience of slaves and poor people, the slave-owned know the state. At the head of the oldest Chinese state, a military leader becomes van. His support was to know numerous officials. They charged the unbearable grades from the population. For the service Wang crushed the approximate land and slaves. It led to the development of major land tenure.

In the XII century BC e. The Zhou tribe, who lived to the west of the state Shan-Yin, subordinates the hents. The state of Zhou was formed. In addition, many other slave-owned states appeared in China.

The farmers in these states lived by communities, but each family received the land on the use of land. Tools of labor, cattle, seeds were also privately owned

noah family. Generic and tribal to know, using their position of the community leaders, began to seize the best lands. Free communities were exhausted from Malozhella, they fell into debt dependence on their rich neighbors - large landowners.

The displeasure of the peasants was reflected in the songs, blame the greed and cruelty of the rich. In one of these songs, large landowners are compared with Hagoning rats, eating the fruits of human labor:

"Our rats, our rats, do not herole our millet. We live with you for three years, and there is no concerns from you ... Our rats, our rats, do not hero be sowing. We live with you for three years, and the awards are not visible from you. "

In the cities there were skillful artisans. From clay and metals, they made beautiful dishes. From the middle of the first millennium BC. e. The Chinese was known to the lacquer. Laco covered furniture and other wooden products. The juice of the lacquer tree was poisonous, so artisans who made beautiful, elegant things were too dying.

In the first half of the first millennium BC. e. The Chinese trade relations are expanding. Trade development contributed to the emergence of the first coins of metal. Gradually, the city turns into craft and trade centers.

China's northern borders were constantly attacked nomads, which later became known as "Gunns". Chinese states have concluded alliances among themselves, since the forces of one state it was impossible to fight nomads. But these unions were fragile. Often Chinese states fought with each other. Internecial wars ruined the economy of China and led to an even greater strengthening of the operation of workers.

Ancient China is the most ancient culture that practically without changing the lifestyle to the present day. The wise Chinese rulers were able to spend the Great Empire through the millennium. Let's briefly consider everything in order.

Ancient people probably reached East Asia between 30,000 and 50,000 years ago. Currently, pieces of clay dishes, ceramics were discovered in the Chinese-collector hunter cave, the approximate age of the cave is 18 thousand years old, this is the oldest ceramics ever found.

Historians believe that agriculture appeared in China about 7,000 years before our era. The first harvest was a grain called millet. Rice began to grow, too, at about this time and, perhaps, appeared a little earlier than millet. Since agriculture has become more food, the population has increased, it also allowed people to do other works other than the constant search for food.

Most historians agree that the Chinese civilization has formed in about 2000 BC around the Yellow River. China has become a house for one of four early civilizations. China is different from other civilizations, the culture that has developed, remained to this day, of course, changes have occurred for thousands of years, but the essence of the culture remained.

Other three civilizations disappeared or were completely absorbed and assimilated with new people. For this reason, people say that China is the oldest civilization in the world. In China, families who controlled the land became the leaders of family governments called dynasties.

China dynasty

The history of China since ancient times before the last century shared on various dynasties.

Dynasty Xia

Xia dynasty (2000 BC - 1600 BC) was the first dynasty in China's history. Its period lasted about 500 years and included the kingdom of 17 emperors - the emperor is the same as the king. Sia people were farmers, possessed bronze weapons and clay dishes.

Silk is one of the most important products that China ever created. Most historians agree that the Sia dynasty produced silk clothes, while silk production may have begun much earlier.

Silk is produced by mining from silk insect cocoons. Each cocoon gives one silk thread.

Not all historians agree that Sia was a real dynasty. Some believe that the story is just a mythical story, because some points do not correspond to the archaeological discoveries.

Shan Dynasty

Shan dynasty (1600 BC - 1046 BC) was originally a clan living along the yellow river during the Sia dynasty. The clan is a group of very close families, which are often considered as one big family. Shan won the earth and gained control over Chinese civilization. Shan dynasty lasted more than 600 years and was headed by 30 different emperors.

Shan was the oldest Chinese civilization, who left after himself written records, which were applied on the shells of the turtles, cattle bones or other bones.

The bones were often used to determine what nature wants or nature. If the emperor had to know the future, let's say which "the king will have a son" or "to start war", the assistants cut out questions on the bones, then heated them to cracks. The lines of cracks told the desires of the gods.

At the time of the dynasty, the Shang, people worshiped many gods, probably like the Greeks in antiquity. Also worship the ancestors was very important because they believed that their family members become god-like after death.

It is important to understand that other smaller Chinese families also existed in different parts of China at the same time as Shang, but Shang, apparently, was the most advanced, as they left behind a lot of writing. In the end, Shan was defeated by the Zhou clan.

Zhou Dynasty

Zhou Dynasty (1046 BC-256 BC) existed longer than any other dynasty in China's history. Due to the split in the dynasty over time, Zhou was divided into parts called West Zhou and East Zhou.

Zhou fought with invading armies from the north (Mongols), they built large mounds from dirt and stone as barriers that slowed the enemy - it was a sample of the Great Wall. Crown was another invention of this time - it was extremely effective.

During Zhou, the Iron Institute of China began. The weapon with the iron tip was much stronger, and the iron plow helped to increase the production of food.

All agricultural land belonged to nobles (rich). The nobles allowed the peasants to handle land, like a feudal system, which developed in Europe in the Middle Ages.

The appearance of China's philosophy

At the time of the Zhou dynasty, two most important Chinese philosophies were developed: Taoism and Confucianism. The Great Chinese Philosopher Confucius has developed a lifestyle called Confucianism. Confucianism says that all people can be trained and improving if you find an approach.

Major postulates: People must focus on helping others; The family is the most important value; Elders of society are the most revered. Confucianism is still important today, but it has not been widespread in China before the period of the Khan dynasty.

The founder of Taoism was Laosie. Taoism is all that follows "Dao", which means "path". Tao is the driving force of all things in the universe. Yin Yan symbol is usually associated with Taoism. Taoists believe that you should live in harmony with nature, to be humble, live just without unnecessary things and compassion everything.

These philosophies differ from religions, because they have no gods, although the idea of \u200b\u200bancestors and nature is often considered as gods. The power of the emperor was also associated with religious beliefs. Zhou spoke about the mandate of heaven as a law, which allowed Chinese emperors to rule, - he said that the ruler was blessed with heaven to manage the people. If he lost the blessing of heaven, it should be removed.

Things that have proven that the ruling family has lost the mandate of heaven, were natural disasters and rebellion.

K 475 BC The provinces of the Kingdom of Zhou were more powerful than the central government of Zhou. The provinces rebelled and fought with each other for 200 years. This period is called the period of warring kingdoms. In the end, one family (Qin) merged all the others in one empire. It is during this period that imperial China's concept appears.

Qin Dynasty

From 221 BC e. Until 206 BC e. Qin dynasty received control over civilized China. The Board of Qin las long, but had an important impact on China's future. Qin expanded their territory and created the first empire of China. The cruel leader Qin Shi Juan declared himself the first true emperor of China. This dynasty has created a currency standard (money), the standard of wheel axis size (to make all the same size roads) and uniform laws used in the entire empire.

Qin also standardized various writing systems into one system, which is used today in China. Qin Shi Juan imposed the philosophy of "Legalism", which focuses on people who follow the laws and receive instructions from the government.

Mongolian invasions from the north were a constant problem in China. The Government of Qin ordered the walls built earlier to be combined. This is considered to be the beginning of the creation of the Great Wall. Each dynasty built a new wall or improved the wall of the previous dynasty. Most of the walls of the Qin period today are destroyed or replaced. The wall that exists today was built by a later dynasty called Min.

For the emperor, an amazing tomb was made, more than a football field. It is still sealed, but the legend says that inside it there is a mercury river. Outside the tomb there is an army of clay in a natural value, found in 1974.

In the terracotta army, more than 8,000 unique soldiers, more than 600 horses, 130 chariots, as well as acrobats and musicians are all made of clay.

Although the Qin rule rule is short, its standardization of Chinese life has left a deep influence on the later dynasty in China. It is from the period of this dynasty we got the name "China". The first emperor of this dynasty died in 210 BC. e. He came to replace a weak and little son. As a result, the uprising began, and the member of the Qin army took control of the empire, which began a new dynasty.

Han Dynasty

The Han dynasty began in 206 to our era and lasted 400 years to 220 AD. And it is considered one of the greatest periods in the history of China. Like the Zhou dynasty, the Han dynasty is divided into West Han and East Han. Chang culture today defines Chinese culture. In fact, most Chinese citizens today declare "Han" as ethnic origin. The government made Confucianism by the official system of the empire.

During this time, the empire grew strongly, won the Earth in modern Korea, Mongolia, Vietnam, and even in Central Asia. The empire has grown so much that the emperor took a larger government to manage it. At this time, many things were invented, including paper, steel, compass and porcelain.

Porcelain is a very hard type of ceramics. Porcelain is made of special clay, which heats up until it is melted and does not turn into almost the glass. Porcelain dishes, cups and bowls are often called "Chinese", because several hundred years ago, the whole porcelain was produced in China.

The Han Dynasty was also known for his military power. The Empire expanded to the west to the edge of the Takla Makan desert, which allowed the government to protect trade flows in Central Asia.

The pathways of the caravans are often called the "Silk Road", because this route was used to export Chinese silk. The Han Dynasty also expanded and strengthened the Great Wall of China to protect the Silk Road. Another important product of the Silk Road was the Religion of Buddhism, which reached China during this period.

Chinese dynasties will continue to rule in China to the Middle Ages. China has retained his uniqueness, because the time of the centuries they honor their culture.

Interesting facts about ancient China

China's history from ancient times to the present day.
Moscow - the main editorial office of Eastern Literature, 1974

China is a country of one of the oldest civilizations of the world that have arisen in a few millennia BC in the basins of the Great Rivers - Tiger and Euphrates, Nile, Indea and Juanhe. The continuity of the development of the Chinese focus of culture, its ethnic and political traditions is one of the important features of China's history. The second feature is the geographical remoteness and isolation of China from other centers of world culture.

These features greatly contributed to the fact that the Chinese civilization began to gradually be considered as a phenomenon that arose entirely on the local autochthonic soil. In fact, as sources testify, throughout its formation and development, this society not only influenced neighboring peoples, but also perceived many cultural achievements from them, heterogeneous ethnic components absorbed.

Restore the oldest stages of the addition of Chinese civilization was only possible after archaeological studies began in China. In 1918, the Swedish geologist I. Anderson opened the Quaternary Fauna in Beijing in Beijing in Beijing and began excavations here. Later, the Chinese archaeologist Pei Wen-Zhong discovered in one of the Zhoukudiana wreckage of a skull of a rane-plastic human man - Synantropropa, and then bone residues and stone tools of the Late Paleolithic man - Shandondun man.

The finds of Sinantrophop near Beijing and in the province of Shaanxi in the north-west of China (1963) and Shandondun man made it possible to conclude that the territory of modern China was part of the initial formation of a man of the modern species.

Shandonduns lived in caves, engaged mainly by fishing and hunting. They used stone crissed tools and other crafts from the bone and horns. The find of a polished bone needle made it possible to assume that the Shandonduns knew the clothes (most likely, from the animal skins). They had peculiar jewelry from Dish Dogs, as well as drilled stone beads. The presence of a funeral rite indicated the existence of religious representations. Perhaps the Unity of Social Organization, Shandindong man had a maternal genus.

In 1921, I. Anderson was first found in the medium-sized junction pool, the culture of neolithic painted ceramics and grinding stone tools, which he called the Yangshao culture.

Of all the earliest neolithic crops open in the Juanhe basin and in the nearby territories, three are a major role in the process of forming a Chinese ethnos. Triyazylia, Mazyiao, Yancheo. Culture Tsyuzialin, the area of \u200b\u200bdistribution which covered the pool r. Khanypuy, was characterized by settled agriculture. The main agricultural crop was rice, the charred grains of which were found on Tsuyzialy settlements. The housing was delivered to the Earth huts separated by internal partitions into several separate rooms. Tsyuzylias were rushed on spruce with round clay straits, decorated with colored ornaments. They used a variety of dishes made by manually and sometimes also covered with a painted ornament.

The culture of Maziziao was spread to the north-west of Cyujialin culture, in the upper course of p. Huanghe. Mazizyo - a typical East Asian culture of painted ceramics, distinguished, however, that feature that clay dishes were painted after she was burned in the oven. The basis of agriculture was the cultivation of the boobs (one of the varieties of millet). People were engaged in breeding dogs and pigs, which were main pets.

On average, Juanhe and on its main influx of p. Wehehe approximately in V-IV thousand BC. e. The brightest and well-studied Neolithic culture of China - Yangshao developed. The natural conditions of this area then differed significantly from modern. A huge lesing plateau was covered with a solid massif of forests, rich deer and other animals. Only in the immediate vicinity of the rivers, the man made a joy and the Korchvka of shrub thickets. Fertile forest soils that prepared with the help of the most simple tools of labor, gave abundant yields of such an unpretentious culture as a chumise. Warm and wet than now, the climate allowed to cultivate it without resorting to artificial irrigation. For pumping the Earth, stone and wooden guns were used. The crop was removed with flat stone or ceramic rectangular knives with holes for the timing of a belt or rope loop.

Yangshaoshsians hunted deer, cabgaru, tapirov, bamboo rat. They were engaged in breeding domestic animals - pigs and dogs; Called fish on bone hooks or a network with stone loads, beat with rich.

The production of tools from stone and bones, as well as pottery, were the most developed sectors of the craft in the Jan. Stone and bone products were distinguished by a thorough polishing, often had neatly drilled holes. Pottery dishes, which in abundance can be found in Yangshao settlements, admires the grace of its forms, the skill of manufacture, a range of colors - from bright red to orange-lemon tones. But most of all is striking in the works of Yancheapy potters a complex geometric and zoomorphic ornament.

Unlike Mazzyaossev, they painted dishes before the firing, so the ornament was not climbed and did not be peeled. In addition to painted bowls and bowls, a wide application was widely used, remotely resembling ancient Greek amphoras. This vessel was given water from the source: small handles in which the rope was taught, were made with the center of gravity. The vessel dipped into the water of the neck down, and then as the lower part of it filling it out and he straightened himself. Yangshaoswas dressed, probably in woven clothes, as evidenced by the straight tricks, small bone needles and fabric prints on the bottoms of clay vessels.

In 1954-1956 At der. Batapo, near Sian, was an excavant settlement that made it possible to recreate the picture of the life of a small neolithic community. In the middle part of the settlement, a quadrangular building with a total area of \u200b\u200bmore than 125 square meters was placed. m. On the perimeter of the building, a deepening of 30 with excess support pillars were preserved on which the roof was resting. Around the building were arranged round or square huts of a frame-pillar design, several in-depth in the ground; The walls of them consisted of vertical sixtes, coated from above with an admixture of straw. In the middle of the housing was a charming pit. These dwellings were much less than the central premises. All settlement surrounded the moat, followed by the cemetery.

Small sizes of houses testified that they could serve as a housing with one or two marriage couples. As for the central building, some archaeologists believe that it was intended for the public needs of the entire team and served as a place of meetings and festivities. It is not excluded, however, that this is a "male house" in which the young men of the community lived. In January, children were buried in contrast to adults not in the cemetery for settlement, but in large clay vessels near the dwellings.

Each of the yarshosham settlements were characterized by their own, strictly defined zoomorphic ornaments: fish and deer - in Banpo, lizards and turtles - in the meonigo (Henan province), long-tailed and short-eyed birds - in Huasyan (Shaanxi Province). Perhaps it was a reflection of a dial-generic exogaman organization. Some of the images of animals had certain anthropomorphic signs at the same time (for example, a combination of image of a person and fish). This was the idea of \u200b\u200ba toteman ancestor and the patron of people of this generic team. Later, the ancient Chinese depicted their mythical first-enders in the form of a semi-semi-suite: Fusi, allegedly learned to hunt and catch fish, - with a snake body; Shennun, which made the first wooden agricultural tools and first began to eat bread cereals - with a bull head.

Chinese mythology is filled with descriptions of images in which the echoes of the oldest animistic representations and the desire to find personalized "authors" of all the most important cultural achievements are bizarrectically intertwined. Here and Suyzhen, who discovered the method of producing fire by friction; and Yucao, who taught people to build Shalashi; And Juandi, who introduced the custom to cook bread cereals for a couple and began to build ground dwellings and manufacture boats. In the ancient Chinese myths and historical legends contains instructions on the fact that "in antiquity people knew the mother and did not know the Father." Numerous legends about the "immaculate conception" of all outstanding heroes and "rulers" of antiquity are closely connected with this, which are an echo of the initial domination of the matrilinean generic organization.

In written monuments that have come down to us, there are also later legends and legends, reflecting the ERU of the decomposition of primitive relations and the emergence of social inequality. In the Constitutional Treatise "Lypsis", written in the second half of the I thousand BC, contained, for example, the following assessment of public progress paths: "When the great justice dominated, the subwayed was common, then elected wise and capable, relied on trust, We maintained peace and consent.

Therefore, people treated as relatives not to close to relatives, they considered their children who were not alone their children. The old men had a support at the sunset of their days, repeatedly had a use, young smashed, and widow, sires, lonely and sick had food. Men received their share, and women found her shelter. People were more likely to quit wealth on Earth, but would not hide him at home; Rather, they would not even strain their strengths than to use them for their own only. For this reason, evil intents did not arise, there was no harm and a scan, the doors were not locked.

Now, - the author of the treatise continued, - when the great justice to the damage, they look at the consecration from the point of view of the interests of his family, refer to relatives only to their close relatives, they consider children only their children, wealth and strength are used for themselves. "

The first traces of the appearance of property and social inequality were noted already in the monuments of the Longshan's lateneolytic culture (approximately the end of the III thousand BC), who came to the change of Yangshao all over the middle and lower current r. Huanghe. The most obvious external difference between this culture from the previous was that the color of ceramics changed in Lunshan: the clay dishes - not red, as in Jancheo, and most often gray and black. This was the result of the technical improvement of the firing, which was now carried out without free air access in closed furnaces, which sharply increased the temperature inside the chamber.

The emerging pottery circle significantly contributed to improving labor productivity. Agricultural tools have become more perfect. In one of the settlements of the Longshan culture, the prints of a two-way wooden guns were found for pumping the Earth, widely known at a later time called Lei. (The instrument of this type was also common at the Basque and Indians of Central America.) The main agricultural culture continued to be a chumis, and among pets, cattle and goats appeared among the domestic animals.

Important shifts in the social structure of society were traced to changes in the funeral rite. In Yangshao, those of the dead were buried in the ground jamas, where we were putting clay dishes and other utensils. But if at that time there were no significant differences at the sizes and the number of comparable items, then in Longshan graves, property and social differentiation appeared quite clearly.

According to some historians, the archaeological culture of Longshan was created by tribes, known for written sources called "Sia". According to legend, Yu, the leader Sia, founded the dynasty of the same name. The predecessors of Yuu were rulers Yao and Shun. Yao had a son, but his "throne" Yao wanted not to him, but, consulting with the elders, appointed his successor to wise shun. He, in turn, passed the power not to his son, but to the famous mind and abilities of Yuu. However, then the place of Yuya, despite the tradition, took his son Qi. After that, the supreme power began to be inherited. This tradition, undoubtedly contains instructions on very important historical facts. In the matrine bodies society, children could not belong to the same kind as their father, and therefore, could not inherit him. The establishment of the patriilinear order of inheritance marked the weakening of generic ties, strengthening the individual family as a new cell of society, deepening social inequality.

Ancient China is the most ancient culture that practically without changing the lifestyle to the present day. The wise Chinese rulers were able to spend the Great Empire through the millennium. Let's briefly consider everything in order.

Ancient people probably reached East Asia between 30,000 and 50,000 years ago. Currently, pieces of clay dishes, ceramics were discovered in the Chinese-collector hunter cave, the approximate age of the cave is 18 thousand years old, this is the oldest ceramics ever found.

Historians believe that agriculture appeared in China about 7,000 years before our era. The first harvest was a grain called millet. Rice began to grow, too, at about this time and, perhaps, appeared a little earlier than millet. Since agriculture has become more food, the population has increased, it also allowed people to do other works other than the constant search for food.

Most historians agree that the Chinese civilization has formed in about 2000 BC around the Yellow River. China has become a house for one of four early civilizations. China is different from other civilizations, the culture that has developed, remained to this day, of course, changes have occurred for thousands of years, but the essence of the culture remained.

Other three civilizations disappeared or were completely absorbed and assimilated with new people. For this reason, people say that China is the oldest civilization in the world. In China, families who controlled the land became the leaders of family governments called dynasties.

China dynasty

The history of China since ancient times before the last century shared on various dynasties.

Dynasty Xia

Xia dynasty (2000 BC - 1600 BC) was the first dynasty in China's history. Its period lasted about 500 years and included the kingdom of 17 emperors - the emperor is the same as the king. Sia people were farmers, possessed bronze weapons and clay dishes.

Silk is one of the most important products that China ever created. Most historians agree that the Sia dynasty produced silk clothes, while silk production may have begun much earlier.

Silk is produced by mining from silk insect cocoons. Each cocoon gives one silk thread.

Not all historians agree that Sia was a real dynasty. Some believe that the story is just a mythical story, because some points do not correspond to the archaeological discoveries.

Shan Dynasty

Shan dynasty (1600 BC - 1046 BC) was originally a clan living along the yellow river during the Sia dynasty. The clan is a group of very close families, which are often considered as one big family. Shan won the earth and gained control over Chinese civilization. Shan dynasty lasted more than 600 years and was headed by 30 different emperors.

Shan was the oldest Chinese civilization, who left after himself written records, which were applied on the shells of the turtles, cattle bones or other bones.

The bones were often used to determine what nature wants or nature. If the emperor had to know the future, let's say which "the king will have a son" or "to start war", the assistants cut out questions on the bones, then heated them to cracks. The lines of cracks told the desires of the gods.

At the time of the dynasty, the Shang, people worshiped many gods, probably like the Greeks in antiquity. Also worship the ancestors was very important because they believed that their family members become god-like after death.

It is important to understand that other smaller Chinese families also existed in different parts of China at the same time as Shang, but Shang, apparently, was the most advanced, as they left behind a lot of writing. In the end, Shan was defeated by the Zhou clan.

Zhou Dynasty

Zhou Dynasty (1046 BC-256 BC) existed longer than any other dynasty in China's history. Due to the split in the dynasty over time, Zhou was divided into parts called West Zhou and East Zhou.

Zhou fought with invading armies from the north (Mongols), they built large mounds from dirt and stone as barriers that slowed the enemy - it was a sample of the Great Wall. Crown was another invention of this time - it was extremely effective.

During Zhou, the Iron Institute of China began. The weapon with the iron tip was much stronger, and the iron plow helped to increase the production of food.

All agricultural land belonged to nobles (rich). The nobles allowed the peasants to handle land, like a feudal system, which developed in Europe in the Middle Ages.

The appearance of China's philosophy

At the time of the Zhou dynasty, two most important Chinese philosophies were developed: Taoism and Confucianism. The Great Chinese Philosopher Confucius has developed a lifestyle called Confucianism. Confucianism says that all people can be trained and improving if you find an approach.

Major postulates: People must focus on helping others; The family is the most important value; Elders of society are the most revered. Confucianism is still important today, but it has not been widespread in China before the period of the Khan dynasty.

The founder of Taoism was Laosie. Taoism is all that follows "Dao", which means "path". Tao is the driving force of all things in the universe. Yin Yan symbol is usually associated with Taoism. Taoists believe that you should live in harmony with nature, to be humble, live just without unnecessary things and compassion everything.

These philosophies differ from religions, because they have no gods, although the idea of \u200b\u200bancestors and nature is often considered as gods. The power of the emperor was also associated with religious beliefs. Zhou spoke about the mandate of heaven as a law, which allowed Chinese emperors to rule, - he said that the ruler was blessed with heaven to manage the people. If he lost the blessing of heaven, it should be removed.

Things that have proven that the ruling family has lost the mandate of heaven, were natural disasters and rebellion.

K 475 BC The provinces of the Kingdom of Zhou were more powerful than the central government of Zhou. The provinces rebelled and fought with each other for 200 years. This period is called the period of warring kingdoms. In the end, one family (Qin) merged all the others in one empire. It is during this period that imperial China's concept appears.

Qin Dynasty

From 221 BC e. Until 206 BC e. Qin dynasty received control over civilized China. The Board of Qin las long, but had an important impact on China's future. Qin expanded their territory and created the first empire of China. The cruel leader Qin Shi Juan declared himself the first true emperor of China. This dynasty has created a currency standard (money), the standard of wheel axis size (to make all the same size roads) and uniform laws used in the entire empire.

Qin also standardized various writing systems into one system, which is used today in China. Qin Shi Juan imposed the philosophy of "Legalism", which focuses on people who follow the laws and receive instructions from the government.

Mongolian invasions from the north were a constant problem in China. The Government of Qin ordered the walls built earlier to be combined. This is considered to be the beginning of the creation of the Great Wall. Each dynasty built a new wall or improved the wall of the previous dynasty. Most of the walls of the Qin period today are destroyed or replaced. The wall that exists today was built by a later dynasty called Min.

For the emperor, an amazing tomb was made, more than a football field. It is still sealed, but the legend says that inside it there is a mercury river. Outside the tomb there is an army of clay in a natural value, found in 1974.

In the terracotta army, more than 8,000 unique soldiers, more than 600 horses, 130 chariots, as well as acrobats and musicians are all made of clay.

Although the Qin rule rule is short, its standardization of Chinese life has left a deep influence on the later dynasty in China. It is from the period of this dynasty we got the name "China". The first emperor of this dynasty died in 210 BC. e. He came to replace a weak and little son. As a result, the uprising began, and the member of the Qin army took control of the empire, which began a new dynasty.

Han Dynasty

The Han dynasty began in 206 to our era and lasted 400 years to 220 AD. And it is considered one of the greatest periods in the history of China. Like the Zhou dynasty, the Han dynasty is divided into West Han and East Han. Chang culture today defines Chinese culture. In fact, most Chinese citizens today declare "Han" as ethnic origin. The government made Confucianism by the official system of the empire.

During this time, the empire grew strongly, won the Earth in modern Korea, Mongolia, Vietnam, and even in Central Asia. The empire has grown so much that the emperor took a larger government to manage it. At this time, many things were invented, including paper, steel, compass and porcelain.

Porcelain is a very hard type of ceramics. Porcelain is made of special clay, which heats up until it is melted and does not turn into almost the glass. Porcelain dishes, cups and bowls are often called "Chinese", because several hundred years ago, the whole porcelain was produced in China.

The Han Dynasty was also known for his military power. The Empire expanded to the west to the edge of the Takla Makan desert, which allowed the government to protect trade flows in Central Asia.

The pathways of the caravans are often called the "Silk Road", because this route was used to export Chinese silk. The Han Dynasty also expanded and strengthened the Great Wall of China to protect the Silk Road. Another important product of the Silk Road was the Religion of Buddhism, which reached China during this period.

Chinese dynasties will continue to rule in China to the Middle Ages. China has retained his uniqueness, because the time of the centuries they honor their culture.

Interesting facts about ancient China

China is one of the largest and largest states of the world, he also occupies a leading position on the export of products. In addition, the Middle Kingdom can easily boast a multiplinary history of the state, which, according to different estimates, starts from 3500 to 5,000 years ago.

History of existence

In greater the ancient China was an imperial country, but some other era can also be distinguished.

So, the largest periods of existence:

  • dopimer's time (from the beginning of the Paleolithic to the emergence of the first state);
  • Ancient China (early forms of government and early empires);
  • classic period (from 3 in. until 1912);
  • modern era.

Five emperors and three dynasties

Several mythical is considered the early history of China during the reign of five emperors who changed one by one:

  • Yellow emperor;
  • Zhuan Xu;
  • Gao-blue;
  • Shun.

These emperors at different times led the cruel struggle for power to be in the throne. So it lasted from the 27th century BC. e. and up to 23 century BC e.

After that, they came in the form of the first dynasty, which the rules since the beginning of the 23rd century BC. e. and until the middle of the 18th century BC.

The eastern country began its active development during the reign of the next dynasty - Shan-Yin, which rules in the 17-11 centuries. BC e. And it was divided into two epochs - early Shang-Yin and Late.

At this time, writing was born, so more about this period is known. Also formed the first political foundations of the state, and agriculture gained a new form of soil cultivation.

The struggle for the power of the next dynasty - Zhou - led to the fact that Shang-Yin was overthrown.

The era of Zhou in the early stages of the Western period (11th century BC. E. - 771 BC. Er) had an exclusively central government. But gradually the decentralization of power was occurring, especially in the oriental period (771-475 BC).

Zhou's dynasty in ancient China replaces the period of fighting kingdoms, where several independent states begin to fight for power and territory. The largest of them were:

  • Zhao;
  • Qin;
  • Han.

Development of the Eastern Country

Despite the constant struggle, which was carried out during the time of fighting kingdoms, the ancient China is changing in all areas of life. Bronze replaces iron, new crafts appear, the cities are increased.

A lot of artworks were created, which still enjoy great popularity.

Two main philosophical and religious schools appear - Confucianism and Taoism - thanks to Confucius and Lao Tzu. Both schools have been gained popularity over time, and in modern China, most of the population professes these teachings.

Association under the Board of the Kingdom of Qin

In 221 BC e. Qin dynasty manages to combine all the land in a single state, which contributed to a single language, culture, religion.

The kingdom of Qin has probably the shortest period of reign - only 11 years, but during this time incredible reforms were held, which concerned almost all areas of the life of ordinary people.

Emperor Qin Shihuangi was able to do something that did not work in any early emperor. In addition, the construction of one of the miracles of the world, which has survived to the present day, is the Great Wall of China, it began at the same time with the emperor.

Han Epoch in China's History

Han's empire quickly changed Qin, but during this period nothing was lost, but on the contrary, there was a significant expansion of the territory: from the Gobi desert to the South China Sea, from the Mountains of Pamir to the Liaodong Peninsula.

The ancient China was great and militant in the Han era, because they managed to crush the strong Huns and to establish a great silk path, which began to bring big profit to the state.

It is on the Han dynasty that the history of the ancient China ends and the classic era begins.

If you want to learn more about the existence of ancient China and its board, we advise you to view the following video:

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