The second most visited social network in Russia is Odnoklassniki. Many trading platforms do not take into account this network, considering it the main audience of housewives and the elderly. We hasten to assure you that this is not so: the main part of the audience is made up of men and women aged 25-35 years.

Promoting a product on Odnoklassniki is not only possible, but necessary. There are both free and paid methods for this. The most effective way is to launch a targeted campaign aimed at a specific group of users. You can promote a separate site, group or publication using this method.


The commercial campaign in this network has a good performance, despite the conventional wisdom of many experts. This web resource takes the 5th place in terms of attendance on the territory of the Russian Federation. In figures, this can be expressed as 40-50 million visitors per day. The audience of the social network is quite diverse: men and women aged 25-35, then mostly only women aged 35-45 and pensioners of both sexes. If your target audience matches such data, then these advantages allow you to boldly take on the presentation of your product or services.

Today, January 23, there was a mini-revolution in the world social media advertising . Community advertising service sociate now allows you to advertise in groups of the social network Odnoklassniki(you can try convenient interface, more flexible settings). Many users who advertised in Vkontakte groups asked if it would be possible to do the same in Odnoklassniki, the answer is “there is a possibility”.

From this article you will learn:

  • Features of advertising in Odnoklassniki groups;
  • How to select platforms for advertising;
  • How to safely and effectively place advertising posts;
  • How and why groups are wound up in OK.

Odnoklassniki, features of advertising in groups

Odnoklassniki has its own peculiarities. For example button “Class!” has a built-in virus It is both a like and a repost at the same time. This means that any good ad can get free additional coverage. (I already wrote how to do it, but a lot is true for Odnoklassniki as well. I recommend reading it.

In the search for sites, a switch has appeared (at the moment it is not very informative, you may not notice it) - on which network you want to post the entry (also in

Key points when working with advertising in Odnoklassniki groups

  • For advertising in Odnoklassniki, sites from 1000 participants are accepted.
  • Choose . If you have a very narrow topic, then look wider and choose groups where your target audience may also be.
  • Images, video, audio. Definitely a must use. This is more than 80% of the attention and information in the news feed. It is advisable to choose one that they want to share with friends. This may have turned out to be a “viral effect” (advertising in Odnoklassniki groups is great for this). And as you know the environment of people most often with similar interests. This means that your target audience may be among them.
  • For each group maximum customize ad post. Look at the band's feed, study the writing style. For example, you advertise foreign language services. With a good approach and adaptation of content, you can advertise in a local school group or other educational institution.
  • Experiment. Different titles, graphics, groups. See that there is activity on the site where you advertise (comments, “Class!”)

You can not miss such a moment as cheating subscribers. And understand what its types are and what they are used for.

How to wind up subscribers in Odnoklassniki and why it is

People sometimes ask me how to wind up subscribers in Odnoklassniki. Personally, I did not do this in OK. First of all, you need to understand what it is for.

Why do they usually choose wrapping? This is justified only in cases where if you think for example, that an account with more than 1000 members is easier to promote than with 50 ( and only then publish ads and attract customers). More groups with more members on average show up higher in search queries OK.

According to the reviews and experience of friends, I can advise an automatic service for online cheating

If you use the basic tariff, users will not be targeted (only for quantity). If you need more interested in your service, product, group, it is better to use the Vip tariff.

More about advertising

When placing on Odnoklassniki, users immediately see the number of participants and the full cost of placement. Probably other indicators will be available soon. Stay tuned here for updates. By the way, about working with the sociate service here.

As far as I know, at the moment (January 23, 2014) service sociate one of the first to provide their users with the opportunity to advertise in Odnoklassniki groups( still works more stable and the commission is less). According to official information, the sociate service is now actively working on obtaining detailed statistics for each placement. What is a very necessary opportunity to analyze the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

I hesitated to write this article for a very long time. Advertising in Odnoklassniki. Does anyone else use this social network?

I was sure that everyone had long switched to Vkontakte and Instagram. And the entire business audience has long and firmly been on Facebook.

The same case

For quite a long time, by order of the Administration, we have been conducting a project in the field of promoting and creating a positive image of the “Central Market” of our city.

The same, large and urban market, which is in every city. Sometimes it is not very beautiful and well-groomed, but with a long history, where they sell meat, milk, vegetables and other products.

It took a lot of effort to put it in order, especially in terms of marketing and advertising.

Even with a marketing team, they lacked a marketing strategy and an understanding of the actions that needed to be taken next.

That is why they used our service .

For quite a long time we were engaged in internal work (brand book, navigation, price tags, form, hotline), but over time we moved on to conquering the Internet space, in particular social networks.

Since we are not the first day in Internet marketing, we laughed and made bets on 50-100 subscribers in a group in Odnoklassniki.

Imagine our surprise when we saw that subscribers come out to us much cheaper and at the same time they are much more active than in other social networks. networks.

The finishing touch was when we not only collected subscribers in Odnoklassniki at a price 2-3 times lower than Vkontakte, but also saw that the group began to grow on its own due to the increased activity of its subscribers.

Most likely we were just lucky, you say. But I think it's completely wrong.

Back to 2006

To be frank, Albert Popkov never hid that he borrowed the idea from similar foreign sites such as MySpace and others.

I just did everything to make it convenient for the Russian mentality. It seems to me that this approach should remind you of the similarity of Vkontakte to Facebook. But that's me, by the way.

At the moment, Odnoklassniki, or as they are now called, belong to Mail.Ru Group (the owner is billionaire Alisher Usmanov, the same one who is at war with Alexei Navalny on the Internet).

If you did not know, then Mail.Ru Group also belongs to Vkontakte. And I am very surprised that for all the success of Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki for 2017 is only the 5th most visited site in Russia in terms of popularity.

At one time in the article (it is below), I found detailed statistics that show the difference between these two social networks. But back to Odnoklassniki. Or rather, to advertising in Odnoklassniki.

Promotion in Odnoklassniki. Is it even worth taking on this business? Of course it's worth it.

Let me summarize. The site is in fifth place in terms of attendance in Russia. Every day, 40-50 million users visit it.

And now attention! The classic “classmate” is a woman 35-45 years old. As well as a fairly large congestion of middle-aged and elderly people.

Odnoklassniki audience

Well, in order to completely finish off and convince you to promote your business in classmates, I’ll show everyone’s favorite statistics on the occupation of users of this social network. I'm sure she will pleasantly surprise you.

Occupation of Odnoklassniki users

Forward to advertising

There is a pretty wise saying: "You are afraid of what you do not know." It is perfect for advertising in Odnoklassniki.

Therefore, in my article I will tell you in some detail how you can promote your business on this site with all the nuances, for example, an advertising cost calculator.

  1. Free;
  2. Paid standard;
  3. Paid media / targeted.

The differences are small and most often they are more noticeable in attracting customers for free.


Free advertising

So that you are not too happy, I’ll say right away that free advertising means those very annoying friend additions from bots and fakes, and then inviting real people to commercial groups. And here's how it's done:

  1. You reward a fake page in Odnoklassniki (or buy it for 20 rubles on special sites).

    Register a group. Naturally fill it with pictures, detailed information and all kinds of contacts;

  2. Start friending people who you think are your ideal buyers.

    Along the way, invite them to join your group. You can do it manually, or you can use special programs such as OdFriendsAdder or Odnoklassniki Inviter.

You will not believe it, but this is the whole way to promote your group in classmates for free.

And if you still want your own community, then you can consider buying a group with existing members.

The prices will simply surprise you, as they start from 15 kopecks (!) per group member. Only one problem, people are not waiting for you and you will need to work with involvement. But this is for the last resort. It's better not to do that.

Paid standard advertising

Why standard? Because now I mean buying advertising posts in other people's groups where your target audience is already sitting. You can do this:

  1. On one's own. You yourself find the groups in which your potential customers sit and directly negotiate with community administrators about posting, date and price;
  2. Through the advertising exchange. You enter the site and select the community and time for advertising. After the post is approved, money is reserved from your account, which will be debited after posting.

Personally, I choose the advertising exchange. Here you can see the statistics of each group and evaluate the effectiveness of the post, as well as the exchange insures you against unscrupulous administrators who can forget about the placement or stupidly throw you money.

It costs a little more (15-20%) than regular accommodation, but there are many more advantages.

Odnoklassniki has several exchanges, but 2 are the most normal. Official advertising in OK - and unofficial, but well known to all Internet marketers -

To make it clear to you how it all happens and what actions you need to perform, here is a training video from the official exchange.

After watching this video, you will know how to advertise in classmates and how to advertise in the group you like on your own.

Paid media/targeted

With paid advertising, everything is much more interesting. Odnoklassniki became so concerned that people rarely buy ads from them that they prepared special instructions explaining how and what can be advertised on their site for money.

Challenges and Solutions


Everyone knows the placement of banners. You can place them both on any other site and on the site of the social network Ok. It looks like this:


This is not difficult to do, but not the fact that it is reasonable. Now you will see everything for yourself.

Banners come in 2 sizes: 240x400 (large) and 90x75 (small) pixels.

A big plus of Odnoklassniki is that you can calculate the cost of placing such advertising yourself:

  1. Go to a special calculator -;
  2. Set the settings you need (platform, format and placement period) and criteria for the target audience;
  3. Click "Calculate";
  4. Come shocked by the numbers of “Impressions”;
  5. Multiply “Impressions” by the price posted here –

As I said, the cost is simply prohibitive, especially if you take into account the visitors of modern sites suffering from “banner blindness”. And do not forget that the minimum budget for an advertising campaign is 20,000 rubles.

promotional posts

Website promotion
Advertising post

In addition to text and graphics, you can use video promo posts.

With such videos, you can attract people both to your group and to your site. Naturally, there are restrictions on the time of the video. Yes, you don’t need a long video, since there should be a small one within the framework of this task.


Which on the one hand is less effective, but on the other hand is less expensive.

In this case, you do not need to develop your own large and complex video material, you need to either shoot a small video with an appeal or even make an image.

It all depends on the format of use. You can read more about what pre-roll is in the article.

I hesitated to write this article for a very long time. Advertising in Odnoklassniki. Does anyone else use this social network?

I was sure that everyone had long switched to Vkontakte and Instagram. And the entire business audience has long and firmly been on Facebook.

The same case

For quite a long time, by order of the Administration, we have been conducting a project in the field of promoting and creating a positive image of the “Central Market” of our city.

The same, large and urban market, which is in every city. Sometimes it is not very beautiful and well-groomed, but with a long history, where they sell meat, milk, vegetables and other products.

It took a lot of effort to put it in order, especially in terms of marketing and advertising.

Even with a marketing team, they lacked a marketing strategy and an understanding of the actions that needed to be taken next.

That is why they used our service .

For quite a long time we were engaged in internal work (brand book, navigation, price tags, form, hotline), but over time we moved on to conquering the Internet space, in particular social networks.

Since we are not the first day in Internet marketing, we laughed and made bets on 50-100 subscribers in a group in Odnoklassniki.

Imagine our surprise when we saw that subscribers come out to us much cheaper and at the same time they are much more active than in other social networks. networks.

The finishing touch was when we not only collected subscribers in Odnoklassniki at a price 2-3 times lower than Vkontakte, but also saw that the group began to grow on its own due to the increased activity of its subscribers.

Most likely we were just lucky, you say. But I think it's completely wrong.

Back to 2006

To be frank, Albert Popkov never hid that he borrowed the idea from similar foreign sites such as MySpace and others.

I just did everything to make it convenient for the Russian mentality. It seems to me that this approach should remind you of the similarity of Vkontakte to Facebook. But that's me, by the way.

At the moment, Odnoklassniki, or as they are now called, belong to Mail.Ru Group (the owner is billionaire Alisher Usmanov, the same one who is at war with Alexei Navalny on the Internet).

If you did not know, then Mail.Ru Group also belongs to Vkontakte. And I am very surprised that for all the success of Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki for 2017 is only the 5th most visited site in Russia in terms of popularity.

At one time in the article (it is below), I found detailed statistics that show the difference between these two social networks. But back to Odnoklassniki. Or rather, to advertising in Odnoklassniki.

Promotion in Odnoklassniki. Is it even worth taking on this business? Of course it's worth it.

Let me summarize. The site is in fifth place in terms of attendance in Russia. Every day, 40-50 million users visit it.

And now attention! The classic “classmate” is a woman 35-45 years old. As well as a fairly large congestion of middle-aged and elderly people.

Odnoklassniki audience

Well, in order to completely finish off and convince you to promote your business in classmates, I’ll show everyone’s favorite statistics on the occupation of users of this social network. I'm sure she will pleasantly surprise you.

Occupation of Odnoklassniki users

Forward to advertising

There is a pretty wise saying: "You are afraid of what you do not know." It is perfect for advertising in Odnoklassniki.

Therefore, in my article I will tell you in some detail how you can promote your business on this site with all the nuances, for example, an advertising cost calculator.

  1. Free;
  2. Paid standard;
  3. Paid media / targeted.

The differences are small and most often they are more noticeable in attracting customers for free.


Free advertising

So that you are not too happy, I’ll say right away that free advertising means those very annoying friend additions from bots and fakes, and then inviting real people to commercial groups. And here's how it's done:

  1. You reward a fake page in Odnoklassniki (or buy it for 20 rubles on special sites).

    Register a group. Naturally fill it with pictures, detailed information and all kinds of contacts;

  2. Start friending people who you think are your ideal buyers.

    Along the way, invite them to join your group. You can do it manually, or you can use special programs such as OdFriendsAdder or Odnoklassniki Inviter.

You will not believe it, but this is the whole way to promote your group in classmates for free.

And if you still want your own community, then you can consider buying a group with existing members.

The prices will simply surprise you, as they start from 15 kopecks (!) per group member. Only one problem, people are not waiting for you and you will need to work with involvement. But this is for the last resort. It's better not to do that.

Paid standard advertising

Why standard? Because now I mean buying advertising posts in other people's groups where your target audience is already sitting. You can do this:

  1. On one's own. You yourself find the groups in which your potential customers sit and directly negotiate with community administrators about posting, date and price;
  2. Through the advertising exchange. You enter the site and select the community and time for advertising. After the post is approved, money is reserved from your account, which will be debited after posting.

Personally, I choose the advertising exchange. Here you can see the statistics of each group and evaluate the effectiveness of the post, as well as the exchange insures you against unscrupulous administrators who can forget about the placement or stupidly throw you money.

It costs a little more (15-20%) than regular accommodation, but there are many more advantages.

Odnoklassniki has several exchanges, but 2 are the most normal. Official advertising in OK - and unofficial, but well known to all Internet marketers -

To make it clear to you how it all happens and what actions you need to perform, here is a training video from the official exchange.

After watching this video, you will know how to advertise in classmates and how to advertise in the group you like on your own.

Paid media/targeted

With paid advertising, everything is much more interesting. Odnoklassniki became so concerned that people rarely buy ads from them that they prepared special instructions explaining how and what can be advertised on their site for money.

Challenges and Solutions


Everyone knows the placement of banners. You can place them both on any other site and on the site of the social network Ok. It looks like this:


This is not difficult to do, but not the fact that it is reasonable. Now you will see everything for yourself.

Banners come in 2 sizes: 240x400 (large) and 90x75 (small) pixels.

A big plus of Odnoklassniki is that you can calculate the cost of placing such advertising yourself:

  1. Go to a special calculator -;
  2. Set the settings you need (platform, format and placement period) and criteria for the target audience;
  3. Click "Calculate";
  4. Come shocked by the numbers of “Impressions”;
  5. Multiply “Impressions” by the price posted here –

As I said, the cost is simply prohibitive, especially if you take into account the visitors of modern sites suffering from “banner blindness”. And do not forget that the minimum budget for an advertising campaign is 20,000 rubles.

promotional posts

Website promotion
Advertising post

In addition to text and graphics, you can use video promo posts.

With such videos, you can attract people both to your group and to your site. Naturally, there are restrictions on the time of the video. Yes, you don’t need a long video, since there should be a small one within the framework of this task.


Which on the one hand is less effective, but on the other hand is less expensive.

In this case, you do not need to develop your own large and complex video material, you need to either shoot a small video with an appeal or even make an image.

It all depends on the format of use. You can read more about what pre-roll is in the article.

Every fifth Russian visits the Odnoklassniki website every day. Now this social network has more than 300 million registered users from all over the world. So, when the question arises: is it worth it to conduct an advertising campaign in Odnoklassniki, the answer suggests itself. Of course it's worth it. Moreover, a typical representative of the site is a woman aged 30-45, that is, this is the most “buying” audience.

In addition, it is noticeable that the site administration is vitally interested in the influx of advertisers. There are many services and offers for them, instructions and tips have been developed. We will try to tell about the most interesting of them.

So, advertising in Odnoklassniki, how to place it is the standard way. Like it or not, money attracts money. If it is reasonable to invest in the promotion of a product or service, there will be a return. The site Odnoklassniki and its owner Grup offer their sites for paid placement of commercial content. Options and prices can be seen by any user by clicking on the "Advertising" link. Here you can quite inexpensively order advertising in Odnoklassniki for groups and pages.

There you can choose a place and format for your advertising material, find out approximate prices, coefficients, conditions and rules for placement, and other details. There you can also use the calculator to calculate the budget of the planned campaign.

The choice of advertising formats is small. Firstly, banners are offered in two sizes: 240x400 pixels and 90x75. The main disadvantages of this format are the high price and low “watchability”. A static picture no longer attracts an audience spoiled by animation and video.

Secondly, promo posts are a more modern form of advertising. They may already be in video format. And the video will, for example, precede the usual story that the user wants to watch or will appear in the news feed.

The third option is branding. The tools of such an advertising campaign are games, competitions, sponsorships, tests, consumer research and surveys. This type of advertising is expensive, but the result promises high.

If you are thinking about how to place ads in groups on Odnoklassniki, you can negotiate with the community administrator directly. But it will be more convenient and reliable to use the services of an online exchange. This service will help you choose the group that is optimal for your goal, you can find out reliable community statistics in order to evaluate the return. You will also find the best time to advertise there. Only after the terms of cooperation are approved by both parties, funds will be reserved on the advertiser's account. And they will be written off only after the successful placement of a banner, post or video. In addition, when ordering through the exchange, you receive insurance against the dishonesty of individual administrators. If they forget about your advertising or do not fulfill their obligations in full.

A number of exchanges work with the Odnoklassniki website. is considered official, unofficial, but reliable -

Another official platform for advertising on Odnoklassniki and other Mail.Ru Group products is myTarget. It allows you to select the consumer of advertising with maximum accuracy, using targeting techniques. We describe below what criteria are taken into account and how to make these settings. And now about how to organize advertising activities from the inside.

If you are a user of Odnoklassniki (and it is very easy to make a page on the site), you have been given the right to promote goods or services in groups of the special type "Company or Organization". Our website has a detailed article on the topic "How to create your own community in Odnoklassniki".

If you have already become the creator, and therefore the administrator of the group, you can join the Affiliate Program. Then advertising from Odnoklassniki will appear on the general page and on the tapes of the participants. And the group will make a profit. Setting up the process is easy:

    Open the group page, go to the "Settings" section;

    In the menu on the left side, check the item "Affiliate program";

    Click the "Submit Application" button.

The application will be reviewed within a few days. And after moderation, you will receive a notification. If a positive decision is made, the group will start earning on advertising.

Not every group is approved to participate in the Affiliate Program. The site contains requirements for the community and content on its page. Groups of the following thematic areas will not be able to earn on advertising:


  • crime news and traffic reports;

    purchase and sale (bulletin boards, shops, etc.);

    erotica and porn content.

In addition, the group must have at least 10,000 followers and be public. Communities that do not violate the rules of the site are allowed to join the Affiliate Program. You can read about all the requirements in a special section on Odnoklassniki.

We talked about the prospects and opportunities for conducting advertising campaigns in a popular social network. Obviously, the longer the placement period, the wider the reach of the audience, the more the promotion will cost. However, it is no less obvious that the success of an advertising campaign depends not only on the amount of costs. Choosing the right audience is essential. Let's figure out how to set up advertising in Odnoklassniki so that, as they say, it hits not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. That is, hit right on target.

So, you have firmly decided to become not just a user of Odnoklassniki, but also to promote your goods or services on a social network. You need to start with the inconspicuous inscription "Create an ad", which is located on your page in the left column, at the very bottom.

After registration, you will have all the tools to effectively promote your product or service. Using them, you can conduct targeting. In other words, put filters that will select the part of the audience that is most interested in showing your ad. The selection is carried out according to the following criteria: gender, age, consumer income, interests, participation in groups, geography. By narrowing down the circle of potential customers, you will get more results at less cost.

    The choice of gender, a portrait can be ordered by both a man and a woman, so we do not mark anyone, then the advertisement will be automatically shown to everyone;

    Age criterion; it is unlikely that your service will be of interest to teenagers and a very old audience, so you should choose something in between;

    The “Personal income” option, it is unlikely that a user with a low income will fork out for an expensive portrait, it is worth choosing an audience with an average income and above;

    Criterion "Members of the group"; if you do not configure the post will be shown to all users, but you can select target groups for your ads; for example, from the sections "Creativity and design" or "Hobbies and hobbies";

    The “Interests” setting helps you determine who, in your opinion, is addressed to the service you are promoting;

    The "Geography" option outlines the circle of consumers by their location; if you draw portraits from photographs, and postal troubles and expenses do not scare you, you can not set this criterion, then the ad will be shown to everyone, anywhere in the world; but if you do not want to go beyond the region, do not neglect the setting;

    The “Expected coverage” item gives a forecast of how extensive the audience of your advertising campaign will be after the settings (targeting); if the result is not satisfactory, reconfigure, but keep in mind that the actual results may differ significantly from the predicted ones.

In your personal account on myTarget, you can monitor the progress of your post and, if necessary, change the filtering, expanding or reducing the circle of the target audience.

How to place ads in groups in Odnoklassniki for free and for a fee

We talked about how to organize a paid advertising campaign in the most popular Russian social network. We found out which methods can be attributed to the budget, and which will require significant costs. Now let's answer how to advertise on Odnoklassniki for free. And can it be done in principle.

Everyone knows the saying about free cheese in a mousetrap. It clearly shows that free good is extremely rare. Classmates partly refute the generally accepted opinion. You can get advertising without money on the site, but you have to sacrifice others - your time and effort, and you also need to stock up on a lot of patience. And be aware that this method does not guarantee a high result.

To find out, how much do classes cost in Odnoklassniki, our service will help you. Follow the link and view the current prices for the services you are interested in.

    Find everyone with whom fate once brought you (from kindergarten to the last place of work) and make friends with everyone, the wider the circle of contacts, the better;

    Establish pleasant communication with friends, and after a month or two, casually ask for a favor: make an announcement of your product, store, service or website with coordinates, and in return offer a small gift or the same reciprocal step;

    In addition, friends on Odnoklassniki may well become your customers.

Another option is to create your own commercial group and work on free promotion, gaining the attention of potential buyers or customers, giving gifts and achieving classes. The path to such popularity is very long and difficult. But there are third-party services that are ready to solve this problem.

As you can see, the Odnoklassniki social network began to pay a lot of attention to the placement of advertising materials. You can look for options suitable for any budget (or even free), any product and service and type of promotion. And also set up an advertising company exactly for your audience.