An unexpected change in the behavior and character of a person is often the result of the impact of an alien entity on his astral body. Any person can notice this population, see its signs and symptoms, even if he is far from esotericism and mystical practices. The problem of coexistence with spirits has been around since time immemorial. It makes sense to consider this phenomenon in more detail and in detail.

Causes of the phenomenon

You need to know how to define entities in a person, because they are divided into two types. Some of them have high vibrations. These are our friends, as they enter into a symbiosis, help a person, give him strength and ensure success.

The creature prefers to cling to its victim in those moments when it is most vulnerable to otherworldly forces. This happens when a person is sleeping or under the influence of:

  • anesthesia;
  • trance;
  • alcohol or drugs;
  • tranquilizers and strong sleeping pills.

There is a special case, which is the reason for the sharing. He is provoked by the black magician, imposing damage. The summoned spirit dries its victim, resulting in their death. This is an extremely powerful tool in the magical arsenal, and it is very difficult to get rid of such a curse.

Signs of moving in

Once in the body of his victim, the settler remains inactive for several years. The longer he is in hibernation, the more energy accumulates. It appears abruptly and unexpectedly. Even the sweetest person becomes rude, unpleasant, he develops bad habits, it is difficult to recognize him. All this catches the eye of others, even if they were not very familiar with the "vessel". Main signs of the essence being settled in a person:

In particularly severe cases of the soul's incorporation into a person, symptoms can manifest themselves through vocal and visual hallucinations. The person becomes obsessed with ideas of harming himself or others. As a result, he becomes a regular patient in a psychiatric clinic.

The longer he is sick, the worse he starts to look. The skin turns pale, the eyes become dull. Hair loses its shine and begins to fall out. Teeth deteriorate, body weight is greatly reduced or pathologically increased. Pretty soon no one wants to be around him. He becomes a social outcast.

Further consequences

Having familiarized yourself with the symptoms, you can clearly understand that the consequences of the resettlement are very deplorable. Beings are specifically looking for already weakened people, since it is easier to subject them to harmful influences, their astral body is already full of cracks.

The Bible states that one of the deadly sins is despondency. At first glance, this may seem strange, because a person is not always strong and cheerful, he is characterized by weaknesses. But the reason for such a rigid definition is that people who have fallen into despondency are very susceptible to outside influences. Therefore, they often acquire a neighbor in the form of a low-vibration creature, and then they can no longer live normally, becoming a problem for themselves and everyone else.

There are situations when several entities appear in one body at once. This phenomenon is called obsession. A person loses power over his own body and even language. He no longer belongs to himself. Settlement leads to:

  • decrease in immunity;
  • the development of severe diseases;
  • schizophrenia;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • of death;
  • the destruction of the soul and the further capture of the body.

Ways to get rid of essence

There are two options for getting rid of it. The first is how to get rid of the entities yourself, and the second is contacting a specialist.

Particularly severe cases are corrected with the help of exorcism. They are engaged in priests who have undergone special training. The ritual is performed only with the official permission of the church.

An exorcist should be a person with an unbending will and a pure soul, an excellent generic characteristic. All the rest will not withstand the pressure and break.

It is not enough just to expel the creature. After that need to help the victim recover, otherwise it will quickly become a vessel for another settler. Even if that doesn't happen, she inevitably becomes depressed looking at the ruins of her former life.

Considering how to get rid of entities in a person on your own, we can say that this is possible in the early stages of a mystical phenomenon. Having noticed the changes behind him, a person must begin to carefully monitor his thoughts and actions, control them. He will have to weigh his every act, give up bad habits and refrain from many temptations. Then the exile will be successful.

Essence is one of the manifestations of the Creator, fulfilling its specific role. We have no right to condemn or kill her. But we have the right to prevent her from using our resources without her consent. We are entities too.

In our world, more and more people experience negative emotions, thereby attracting and feeding low-level entities that feed on human emotions. Aggression, hatred, anger are the most energy-intensive and “delicious” emotions for an entity.

Man himself is to blame for the fact that they seep into our world. People have the right to such negative emotions, for which the Law of free will is given, it only remains to learn the consequences of certain actions so as not to do stupid things and not get into difficult situations.

Essence is not "bad" in and of itself. Simply interacting with it in our world has negative consequences for us. In its environment, it is a normal and useful element.

As soon as a person radiates low-frequency vibrations, the entity (sometimes more than one) tends to him in order to feast on this emotion. We radiate low frequency vibrations when we are angry, lie, envy, hate, are proud, jealous, take alcohol and drugs, listen to heavy music.

Then what is high frequency energy? These are the vibrations that a person radiates when he loves, sympathizes, creates, helps, develops spiritually. It is immediately clear who can become a potential carrier of the essence.

At first, the entity feeds on emotions, then it grows stronger, increases its control over the person, and already begins to control the person herself and provoke him to certain emotional behavior, in which a large amount of negative energy is released. The entity gorges itself on emotions, then temporarily releases control until it becomes hungry again.

The initial task of the essence is to undermine the emotional state of a person, to provoke inappropriate behavior, aggression, destructive actions. And then, when a person is mired up to his ears in the lower worlds, everything goes like clockwork for the essence.
Also, stress, depression, mental trauma break through the barrier that stands before the essence, and the person becomes easy prey. In this case, the person himself grows and fattens the essence.

There are cases when an entity passes to a person by genus or reincarnations. A genus transition happens when someone in the genus has called an entity for certain purposes. This means that the essence had obligations, which, after the death of the one who called it, are not canceled, but are transferred according to the genus.

It happened when people called entities to improve their financial condition or solve other problems. The victims, as it were, "sign a contract with the devil", and in return, he provides what he wants, taking possession of the soul of a person and eating his energy.

Entities passing through reincarnations move from the past incarnation of the soul to the present. In a new incarnation, the soul may not know that it has an essence, since we do not have the ability to remember a past life. Therefore, a person can suffer from an entity that came here from a past life along with the soul.

The person does not suspect about it, but complains about the problems in life that the essence infects. The reasons for such journeys of the entity may also be the obligations that it assumed in your past life. A person could create it, call it, but the fact remains that it must be expelled, since it does not bring any benefit in this incarnation. Only harm.

In a person there can be entities of different types - destructive and creative, highly developed and primitive, not even possessing consciousness. The most common entities are astral entities that feed on the energy of emotions. They settle down with people who are very emotional or who have bad habits - alcoholism, drug addiction.

These people radiate a huge amount of energy from the emotional astral range, which attract entities. A person becomes a donor for them, and when there is not enough “food”, they forcibly control a person’s behavior for the sake of his emotions, which in most cases are negative. demon, types of demons.

They also often settle down with those who practice astral exits and astral travel. Going to the astral without preparing and utilizing your fears is unsafe. Previously, this was taught by teachers and spiritual guides who ensured that the student returned safely to the body, taking nothing with him.

Now many people are experimenting astral travel on their own, thereby sometimes exposing themselves to the possibility of meeting "local residents of the astral plane."

There are entities of a higher order, which have consciousness and wide possibilities. Sometimes they are called demons. Very often they reap a great harvest, appearing in places of suffering, wars. Many black magicians call on demons, thereby not understanding what kind of trap they fall into. Also, an entity can pass by gender if it has obligations to a person and his family, or by reincarnation, if it is also burdened with obligations.

There is also a symbiosis of a strong entity and a person. The essence gives a person some opportunities and abilities in return by "eating" a person from the inside and controlling him. An example would be the emergence of clairvoyance and reading information. Such information comes from the lower astral and has a maximum of 70% accuracy.

There are a number of entities that feed on sexual energy - the succubus and the incubus. They feed on excessive sexual energy from people with a clearly inflated sexual desire. They can move in and provoke a person to insatiable pleasures, exhausting partners and feeding on the energy released.

Entities differ in their habitat and the resources they control. They are divided into mental (Thoughts), Astral (Emotions), Etheric (Sensations). The most dangerous are Aural. They capture a wide range of frequencies, including the physical, and actively draw energy through our energy system directly.

On the other hand, analyzing the cosmic law: what is above, then below, what is below, then above, one can come to the conclusion that similar entities generated by the person himself attract similar entities from the subtle world and from other people. Alien energy structures are formed in the aura. These alien energy structures (essences), attracted from the subtle world, may have an earthly or unearthly character.

1.Alien energy structure "Deceitful Spirit" does not need a description. Typically, such structures occur in those who communicate with people exposed to risk factors (when visiting gambling houses, hippodromes, communicating with drug addicts, etc.), and lead to deep depression. This entity is an alien energy structure that forces a person to constantly lie, often tell lies.

The presence of this type of entities can cause deep depression, lack of interest in real life. Typically, such entities penetrate people who suffer from gambling, alcohol, drug or other addictions, visit casinos, hippodromes, often communicate with drug addicts, or use drugs themselves.

The person who has settled this essence simply cannot help but lie, even on trifles. Sometimes he himself does not even understand why he is doing this, and still continues to deceive without getting any benefit from it.

2. Alien energy structure "Lucifer", which has an unearthly origin, is easiest to get on the full moon and new moon. Symptoms are rage, sudden lust, a desire to argue and disturb the harmony of home and work. Usually Luciferic vibrations are associated with violence and sex. Very often, the energy structure "Lucifer" disguises itself as another alien structure, creating a complex compound entity.

Getting rid of Lucifer is difficult. This is usually done with the help of a reprimand by prayer in the church. It is also necessary for the person himself to figure out what commandments of the Gospel he violates in everyday life and what sins he committed in past incarnations, which led him to the emergence of “Luciferian” vibrations in his aura.

With sincere repentance and upon receiving a blessing from above, you can try to expel "Lucifer" by compiling a vibrational series. But this must be done in the presence of icons with lit candles.

This is a very insidious and dangerous entity of unearthly origin. Most often, it penetrates the aura during the period of the full moon and new moon. Perhaps that is why many peoples have long been afraid of the full moon.

Symptoms that appear in a person possessed by the Luciferian essence are aggression, uncontrollable rage, sudden lust, a desire to argue with everyone on any occasion and disrupt harmony both at home and at work. Luciferian vibrations can be associated with violence and sex.

The aural entity "Lucifer" is able to disguise itself as another type of aural entity, creating a complex compound entity, which makes it very difficult to identify and eliminate it. Getting rid of the aural essence "Lucifer" is difficult, but quite possible.

Fasting and prayer can help. Luciferic entities can be cast out in the church with the help of a special ritual, which some clergymen own. Good practical results were shown by the expulsion of Luciferic essences with the help of vibrational series.
In view of the restoration and manifestation of the true Archangel Lucifer in the planetary subtle plans, it is not entirely fair to call the dark structures after him. Historically, this has been the case, but this is wrong (note xned).

3. Alien energy structure "Ahrimania" associated with greed, the desire for power and material wealth to the detriment of spiritual values. A person who is obsessed with Ahrimania wants to have more and more. He is overcome by greed and envy of those who have at least some material wealth. And he strives to do everything to increase his wealth at any cost. To achieve his goal, such a person without hesitation will “go over the heads” of others.

4. Alien energy structure "UFO" resides in the aura when people in visions or dreams visited aboard a spaceship, and, upon waking up, found unusual marks on the body, reminiscent of surgical wounds. It is very dangerous to incur UFO possession, as it is extremely difficult to get rid of it. Usually you can get rid of a UFO with the help of a reprimand by prayer in a church or by compiling vibrational series.

5. "Religious"- this kind of alien energy structure usually does not let a person into a church, or a place of power, who comes up with any reason not to communicate with a priest.

6. "Nerve Blocker"(insensibility) is an alien energy structure, due to the presence of which in the aura, the back or neck hurts very much. Symptoms: facial tics, bouts of kidney pain and headaches.

7. "Self-formed entity"(the essence of self-programming) is an energy structure associated with a certain persistent stream of thoughts on the same topic (chronic lack of money, unsuccessful personal life, etc.).

8. Alien energy structure "Created by others" is a program induced by other people. This can be done on purpose or randomly. An entity created by others is energetic dirt, blocks the normal flow of energy and is able to influence a person’s actions, his thoughts, emotions and relationships with other people.

9. "Planetary and Lunar Essences"- alien energy structures that are attracted by certain constellations (mutual position) of the Moon and stars, aggravated by the weakness of the aura or the physical body. They are not sentient beings like UFOs, they are attracted to the imbalance of the chakras. When these foreign structures arise in the aura, weakness increases.

10. "Air (Fire) Essence"- this is an alien energy structure that arises from interaction with fire, smoking. Its attraction can be facilitated by the full moon, as well as various injuries of the aura - an energy-informational breakdown (“evil eye”), an energy-informational defeat (“damage”) and others. A person possessed by such an entity usually has increased excitability, often exhibits uncontrolled aggression, anger and anger.

11. "Leech"- This is a general category of alien energy structures that are infused if a person's thoughts radiate low vibrational energy. An excessive desire to possess material goods contributes to their freer penetration. A person in whose aura leeches live often experiences a lack of energy, gets tired quickly, and gets irritated over trifles.

12. "Shells" (shells) "- this is a kind of alien energy structures that, as it were, close the true "I" of a person, creating a certain mask. Insincerity and falseness of behavior become the normal state of a person.

13. "Sloth"- this is an alien energy structure that exists due to the lack of consonance with the higher "I". It can weaken the aura and pave the way for "Luciferian" entities. Under the influence of these vibrations, there is a desire to watch empty television programs or read all sorts of nonsense.

14. "Woe"- this is the type of vibrations that arise in the aura of a person who has suffered a great personal tragedy - he has lost one of his significant relatives, etc. . Sadness, sadness, mourning and grief, loss of interest in real life, withdrawal into oneself and one's thoughts can become a habitual state of an obsessed person.

15. "Witch (sorcerer)"- this alien energy structure, close in nature to induced programs, but the program comes from witches (sorcerers). A person in whose aura the essence of the "Sorcerer" is located unconsciously creates negative programs and black magic structures for almost all people whose defenses are weakened.

16. "Earth Element Cancer"- this is an alien energy structure, associated with gluttony, sexual excesses, with the full moon. These vibrations are also associated with physical weakness, emotional imbalance (anger, fear). The faces of people in whose aura this structure is implanted usually become deathly pale or take on a grayish tint. These vibrations can cause cancer and other diseases.

17. "Reptiles"- The aural essence "Reptile" - an alien energy structure - is the cause of arousal or deep depression in a possessed person. Such a person becomes quick-tempered, irritable and whiny. He often has insomnia. Pain and frequent ailments are also symptoms of the presence of reptiles in the aura. The possessed may have suicidal thoughts and hostility towards others.

18. Aural Essence TheoGen is a variety of Larva. It is able to cause various kinds of negative passions in a person, such as sex, alcohol, drug and tobacco addiction, as well as attract other aural entities.

This list is, of course, conditional and incomplete. Therefore, the often arising disagreement of the patient is due to the fact that diagnostics chooses the type of entity that is closest in vibration. But for healing, this is not essential, because. the main identifying features of an entity are the frequency of vibration and the numerical code.

According to some observations, Aural entities attract or form:

1. Magnetic storms
2. Artificial daylight
3. Negative programs
4. Pathology of the studied organ;
5. Establishing energy dependence
6. Spatial mismatch
7. Scars
8. Mental fatigue
9. Energy Information Impact (EI) on the EIP of the nerve.
10. Benign tumors.
11. Helminth stones with suckers
12. Damage to the chakras
13. Engrams;
14. Multidimensional control structures;
15. Physical fatigue
16. The focus of aging
17. Damage to subtle bodies
18. Outer Essence (Larva)
19. Center of death
20. Evil
21. Holes, punctures in the aura
from the book "Biolocation for all" Puchko L.G.
Now, during the planetary ascent, the first lines in the reasons for the appearance of Aural entities are beginning to be occupied by negative thoughts and negative emotions.

Signs of a demon (dark entity) in a person

It happens that in the presence of an entity, a person begins to hear voices (for example: I will help you, you need to do this, don't be afraid, I'm your friend, etc.). Voices can dictate what to do, call by name. Destructive entities can pretend to be an Angel and say that they have come to help or convey information.

If a being of a higher order communicates with you, then the process of communication takes place without words, but with knowledge. Communication takes place at the level of awareness. Information comes, knowledge, and then unfolds without any sound or other effects.

Another sign is the inappropriate behavior of the victim. The person does not hear any voices, but suddenly becomes different. Changes in gaze, behavior, speech, gait. Starts acting out of character. Do things that are not normal for him. A person can behave aggressively, scandal over trifles.

There is an unusual desire to subdue everyone or destroy something. All this is done so that a person experiences a lot of negative emotions and commits destructive acts, thereby providing food for the essence. It happens that a person’s consciousness is so strongly enslaved and clouded that he is horrified after he has done something, and cannot understand how he went to such a thing, and how it happened. And the reason is the same demon sitting inside.

Also, signs of the presence of an entity or an attempt to settle it can be spontaneous exits to the astral plane during sleep and a meeting with this entity. Some patients report that during such contact, the entity begins to speak to the person in a low voice, sometimes a very low female voice, almost indistinguishable from the average male.

Such meetings occur when a person radiates low-frequency vibrations, when the spiritual integrity of a person is violated, a gap appears that the entity wants to use to penetrate a person.

A huge number of people do not even suspect that they are possessed by an entity. A person may just think that everything is fine with him, he just became a little irritable. He thinks maybe the moon or the weather influences, finds any reason from outside, and not in himself.

A clear sign of the presence of essence is the unwillingness of a person to go to church and the impossibility of staying in it. The church has high-frequency vibrations that are dangerous for the essence, therefore, under any pretext, by any means, a person with the essence will bypass the church.

The negative reaction to prayers is noticeable immediately. The essence is connected, often to the nervous system, chakras, organs and other places of energy concentration. Due to this connection, a person’s abilities are aggravated or new ones appear, and during expulsion, the entire body and the entire nervous system react to the process of exile, ranging from convulsions to screams and hysterical laughter.

For example, when a succubus or incubus moves in, the victim has erotic dreams with his partner, during which a person can even get an orgasm in a dream. The entity assumes the form of a man or woman and has sexual contact in a dream with a person. Often takes the form of loved ones.
It sucks energy from the sex chakra (svadhisthana) and from the genitourinary system. The consequences of such contacts are a disease of the genitourinary system, infertility, leg diseases, gynecological problems.

How to expel an entity?

In Christianity, certain prayers are used. All this is quite effective, but requires preparation. Prayer creates a certain stream of high-frequency energies that expels the entity from the body of the possessed. At ordinary exorcism sessions, the presence of icons of saints, Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael is desirable. Now it is quite difficult to find a minister of the church who can expel the essence. There are few such, and the need for exorcism is huge.

But I want to draw your attention to another point:

Once I had a chance to communicate with a clergyman who was present at a demon exorcism session, and he himself was very interested in this topic. I was interested in his opinion on the account of this process, he willingly shared it.

But to the question: “Where does the essence disappear after it leaves a person?”, I received an unexpected answer: “What difference does it make where, if only from the sufferer.”

The answer surprised me, because it turns out that in the process of church exile, the essence is expelled from a person into the physical world, which is unsuitable for it. Any entity has an astral range of energies and our physical world is unsuitable for it. Therefore, during a normal exile, a person screams, convulses, sniffs, because the essence suffers, suffers, it does not want to leave the person in which it is comfortable in this world.

It is not her fault that a person allowed her to enter him, this is her natural property to feed on the emotional energy that is released by a person. The essence writhes, suffers, at the same time exhausting the person. And where then to disappear essence? No one builds recyclers and portals, but it should be. It is logical to assume that she enters the nearest person - an exorcist. Then rumors are confirmed that exorcists do not live long.

So, the conclusion suggests itself that it is necessary to move the entities, giving them LOVE, to those worlds where the entity will feel comfortable, to its natural habitat, where it will not harm the inhabitants of the space, but will be beneficial. The more we dislike something, the more energy we give to it. And the more difficult it is to get rid of it. Therefore, you need to act with LOVE, not attack and force, but ask and invite her to go home.

Then they do not resist and calmly move to other worlds. A person is not afraid so much, there are convulsions and twitches, but they do not cause torment to the patient and the essence.

With the help of Reiki, you can work on the removal, transformation, purification from all kinds of entities and sub-settlements.

Mandatory condition: there must be no feeling of fear. Fear can be filled, replaced by love, the place of fear can be filled with Divine Light.

In general, know: if you blame someone specific with whom you are in conflict for an energy attack on you, it is most likely not the person himself, but his aggressive entities came to you for a showdown. The person himself may not know about it at all. And if you accused him of an energy attack, he will not understand you, he will deny everything, and he will be right.

Because this attack can go without his conscious participation. Therefore, there is no need to blame anyone, this can further aggravate the conflict. Try to always be in harmony yourself, purify yourself, increase your light and treat all people with love and acceptance. Entities according to the principle of similarity can stick only to the dark energy inside a person.

When a person works on himself, transforms his consciousness, cleanses and strengthens his energy system, works with karma, etc., he becomes less vulnerable to any energy attacks.

If a person has essences, he should never blame himself for this. They could come for a variety of reasons, for example, from an alcoholic father. You don't have to blame yourself, you just need to understand that the time has come to get rid of them, because a person is moving towards the light, and that which hinders him in this, that which does not resonate with him, must be eliminated.

It is not recommended to get rid of inhabited entities on your own, it can be dangerous both for the person himself and for others. Only an experienced specialist can help with this.

Often people do not have not only vision, but also energy sensitivity, and this is another reason why they cannot identify entities in themselves. Or this sensitivity is very weak. This happens when their chakras and energy channels are clogged, when the energy cannot move freely.

But entities can make themselves felt by pressure in the chakras, unpleasant sensations in various areas of the body, in organs, etc. But a person with weak energy sensitivity may not be aware of their presence.

There is another danger facing Lightworkers who have felt the call to awaken in recent years. Many channelings talk about communicating with your Higher Self, mentors and angels. And so, not having sufficient experience, not knowing safety precautions, not being able to distinguish the energy signatures of the Higher Beings from the astral ones, people begin to hear "voices" and connect to various astral channels.

They believe that "nothing bad will be attracted to them." However, it is attracted, and sometimes such people not only themselves begin to “work” for astral egregors, but also connect other people to them, and can even become a toy in the hands of far from bright entities.

And then these entities can hide the true information for them, interfere with their development and simply zombify them. Alas, this happens. Yes, and the ego can repeat to a person that since he receives messages, it means that he is almost the anointed of God, and it also closes him the information about who he really communicates with.

But for any person receiving information, the main thing should be, first of all, his own development.

If a person decides that the possession of certain abilities, such as communication with subtle planes, puts him above others, if he thinks that this is already a sign of some kind of spiritual advancement, especially when the vast majority of those around him do not have such abilities, he begins to cultivate one's spiritual ego, not realizing that, above all, such an ability implies a huge responsibility.

Responsibility for what information it offers people and whether it is in line with their highest good. Therefore, anyone who receives messages is obliged not less, but more than others, to work on himself, to purify, transform consciousness, increase his light coefficient in order to become a truly pure channel.

Someone may mistakenly believe that people who are interested in spiritual development, going to the Light, do not have essences. There are. The vast majority of people, whether they develop their consciousness or not, have essences. But entities are different.

There are not very dangerous, and a person may not feel them at all, but there are also so dangerous that they manifest themselves very clearly and affect a person in very negative ways. It must be understood that most of the Lightworkers spent most of their lives unawakened, and they still have the essences that they had before.

In addition, very often entities already come with a person in this life, representing problems created in past lives. Entities do not go away on their own. Just by clapping your hands, or by saying an affirmation, or by asking your higher aspects for help, you cannot get rid of them.

They merge with the person so much that the very possibility of parting with their donor seems unrealistic to them. They are sentient beings and will do anything to stay and continue to feed on his energy. They can even prevent a person from realizing their problem and turning to a healer. Such cases happen. Entities distort the thoughts, emotions of a person, guide his behavior and create negative karma.

Now the problem of entities has escalated. Most entities are residents of the astral plane, the 4th dimension. The Astral is being cleansed, and now they are very uncomfortable because of the ultra-high-frequency radiation coming from the Cosmos. The flow of people addressing these problems has really increased.

Energy attacks have become more frequent, especially in recent months. If you remember, Lauren Gorgo in one of the July articles mentioned that for some time they haunted her. By the way, she correctly noted that the TV turned on at night does not scare away the entities. I just don’t know why it occurred to her at night to scare away the entities by turning on the TV.

After all, TV, like a computer, are direct channels for the penetration of entities. So in this way they can only be attracted, not scared away. And night is the time of activity of entities.

So, again, most people have essences. What entities are encountered?

They can be roughly divided into two categories. The first is the entities created by the person himself, and the second is the inhabited entities.

Entities created by a person can be created by him either in the current incarnation or in past lives. These can be essences of hatred, cruelty, pride, greed, contempt, self-abasement, resentment, etc. If a person in past incarnations created negative energies/entities with some of his thoughts, emotions, they could incarnate in this life with him and are now present in his energy system.

Another option is that those people who are now working on themselves, undergoing intensive cleansing and healing, may manifest essences from past lives. You must have read that the energies of our past incarnations are now passing through us. There were different energies, both positive and negative.

We may not notice the positive ones, but the negative ones create big problems. One fine day, a person may wake up with unpleasant sensations, even physical ones, and not suspect (if he does not have clairvoyance and clairvoyance) that some kind of energy/entity, created by him in one of his past incarnations, has entangled everything in his energy system, or he has some kind of dark channel from past lives.

Since we are now moving towards the light, and our energy is being cleansed and brightened, our frequencies no longer resonate with the dense low-frequency energies of these entities, and they come with one purpose - to clear us of them.

As for the populated entities, everything is much more complicated there. The inhabited entities include all astral entities, disembodied souls, entities from other parallels, alien entities, etc. That is, they are not created by man himself, but come from outside.

It happens that a person himself attracts such entities with his negative thoughts and emotions. If he has breaks in the aura (and there are a lot of people with breaks), then with a surge of negative emotions, the entity is attracted to him according to the principle of similarity, and it costs nothing to enter the human field through the breaks. And she settles in him and leads a very satisfying life, feeding on the energies of a person, influencing his psyche and aggravating negative traits, as well as undermining his health.

There are also illegal introductions, and quite often. Now they have become even more frequent. A person may not attract the essence in any way, but if he has a weak aura, if there are gaps in it, then the essence can infiltrate and settle down to live.

And even in the event that a person as a whole has a holistic aura, if there are no pronounced breakdowns, even then the essence can fly in through “weak spots” and “crevices”. Such weak points are primarily the region of the 7th cervical vertebra, the chakra at the base of the skull and the lower chakras. Therefore, you need to work very seriously with your energy, cleanse, heal and strengthen it, try not to leave any vulnerabilities.

Essences can penetrate a person even when he is especially vulnerable - when a person experiences shock or trauma, for example, during various accidents and catastrophes, with large blood loss, during serious illnesses, when a person is very exhausted. They can also penetrate during operations under general anesthesia, during hypnosis sessions and in other conditions when the normal functioning of defense mechanisms is disrupted.

Now cases of such invasions have become more frequent also because many people leave, and there are many free entities who are looking for new donors.

As a rule, all alcoholics, drug addicts and smokers have entities. Moreover, the entities are very strong and negative. A person can be treated with any number of different methods for alcoholism and drug addiction, but if the essence is not removed at the same time, then this, to put it mildly, is a useless thing. After treatment, he can restrain himself for some time and not show his inclinations, but the entities will not give him the opportunity to recover, and everything will happen again.

The essences of smokers are not so strong, but they also do not bring anything useful to a person, and it is they who do not allow people to quit smoking. You know that many people never succeed, despite their best efforts.

Entities have the ability to pass from person to person. If there is an alcoholic or drug addict in the family, then most likely all family members will have essences. This is especially true for sexual partners. In this case, the whole family should be cleansed. And even if people just communicate closely with each other, often meet, spend a lot of time together - these can be friends, colleagues, neighbors - then there are also cases of penetration of entities.

Entities from past incarnations are often associated with karmic problems, and therefore not only liberation from entities is required, but also karmic healing.

Essences are the truth of life as it is. You can, of course, turn a blind eye to this, not believe in their existence, but this will not help in any way and will not relieve the problems of those people who have them.

How do entities manifest themselves? Definitely different. It all depends on the origin, energy frequency and strength of the entity. The lower the energy frequency of an entity, the more problems it creates. And, as a rule, inhabited entities create more problems than their own.

These problems can manifest themselves in a variety of ways. People often write to me in letters that despite the fact that they have been developing for a long time, meditating, and it seems that their consciousness is changing, but many problems remain - both emotional and mental, and with health, and in other areas. And during the session, they discover entities, the presence of which they did not even suspect.

Entities often make a person aggressive. He can not control himself and do things that can later cause him shock. The entity controls the person, and he does not even know that he does not have his own will. But it happens that such people are still aware that they have entities, and seek to get rid of them. But entities, as I have already said, can literally prevent these people from coming to a healer, create various problems, up to a computer breakdown, blocking their path to healing.

Entities can also manifest themselves in various inadequate emotional states, such as depression, uncontrolled emotional outbursts, etc. Pathological greed, cruelty, suspicion, hypertrophied ego - all these are signs of the presence of entities. Essences strive to strengthen in a person those qualities to which they are attracted. From the influence of entities, unreasonable fainting spells, strange pains, etc. can occur.

Entities do not always show themselves so clearly. However, if a person has moments when he feels that it is difficult for him to control himself - either during some kind of emotional outbursts caused by someone else's actions, or during depressive states - this is a clear sign of the presence of essence.

When a person has something foreign in his energy, when it braids his chakras and channels, then, naturally, a person cannot live a full life, blocks do not allow energy to move freely, organs do not receive enough nutrition, serious diseases arise.

The essence feeds on its energy, and a person does not have enough vital energy to live, work and be successful in everything. Especially if he does not work with his energy, if he has a weak aura, there are breakdowns and blocks in the chakras and channels. Plus, the impact on emotions, which jeopardizes his relationship with others.

One cannot fear or hate entities. Fear and hatred towards them can also attract them. Entities should be treated calmly and neutrally. They are what they are and should be accepted as they are. It is just as natural for them to feed on the energies of people as it is natural for humans to eat animal meat and plants. They live in another dimension, and there they are natural and useful for the whole, but in our world they create problems for people.

When a person gets rid of entities, his life changes dramatically. He becomes more positive, his health improves, his emotions harmonize, he just becomes a different person. But at the same time, naturally, he must continue to work on himself, and even more seriously, in order not to attract entities in the future, in order to grow and improve spiritually.

It is very important that the aura be integral, so that there are no accesses for connections. Achieving integrity is serious work, it is done only by the person himself. It is also important not to attract entities with your negative emotions, for they feed on them. Do not enter into conflicts with people (because after that you can very quickly get attacked by the entities of these people).

Earth spirits. Who, what and how.

That is why a person overcome by passions is often exhausted both physically and energetically. Like attracts like, so it can be assumed that entities generated by the person himself attract entities with the same vibrations from the subtle world and from other people. In the aura, alien energy structures are formed that have an earthly or unearthly character. Today we will talk about earth spirits.

In terms of energy-informational medicine, the earthly spirit is an alien energy structure that can live in the aura or structures of the “Higher Self” of a person, “feeding” on his energy.

Man is a universal converter (transformer) of cosmic energies, which is why he is of particular interest to various alien energy structures.

Sometimes it happens that the earthly spirit cannot overcome the quantum barrier and go to the layers of the Cosmos assigned to it by God, remaining to live on the earthly plane.

This can happen for a variety of reasons - abortion, murder, suicide, great love and affection for someone, violation of Cosmic Laws, etc.

Having no opportunity to pass into the layers of the Cosmos allotted to them, earthly spirits are deprived of full-fledged energy nutrition. They cannot fully assimilate the energies of Creation, the Universe, the Earth and other energies, and are forced to use related types of energy for food.

Types of earth spirits.

There are many varieties of earthly spirits - elementals, among which are mermaids, elves, goblin, gnomes, sylphs, foresters and the like; earthly spirits, which include the spirits of mountains, forests, waters, etc. These types of earthly spirits do not have the problems of "hanging" between planes - they live in their usual habitat and receive good nutrition. That is why they very rarely share with someone else.

However, there are earthly spirits that are most often found in the aura of a person or animal. People are usually infused with the spirits of dead people. Some of them represent the spirits of deceased relatives, drawn to the Earth by love or some other feelings of loved ones who survived. It is necessary to render assistance to such spirits — to help them go to the layers of the Cosmos allotted by God.

In multidimensional medicine, among the earthly spirits that inhabit people, there are:

- female spirit
- male spirit
- the spirit of a relative
the spirit of an infant or child
- the spirit of the drinker (the earthly spirit of the alcoholic)
- the spirit of the drug user (the earthly spirit of the drug addict)
- the spirit of the criminal ("evil criminal")
- the spirit of the sick, old, weak
- frightened spirit
- injured shell
- the spirit of a sexual maniac.

There may be other earthly spirits that create a diseased state of the human body.

The presence of an earthly spirit in the aura can be detected using the radiestension method.

The operator asks the question “How many types of earthly spirits are there in<указывается точное местонахождение>at<имя>? It is necessary to clearly define how many types of earthly spirits, which spirits and how many are in the aura or structures of the "Higher Self" of the person being studied.

Purification of the aura and structures of the "Higher Self" from alien energy structures usually leads to an improvement in the well-being and health of a person, the removal of borderline conditions, such as obsessive thoughts, depression, etc., which are difficult to get rid of by conventional methods of psychotherapy.

There are various reasons that contribute to the penetration of earthly spirits into the aura of a particular person. These reasons are called "risk factors".

Risk factors that caused the appearance of earth spirits.

Rage, anger, irritation, chronic anger, negative emotions and negative thoughts, pride, excessive desire for material things, sexual intemperance, sexual thoughts, poor self-esteem, vanity, spiritual laziness, lack of faith in God, excessive mentality, thirst for money - these are the main risk factors. , leading to the weakening of our protective field and the habitation of possessors to us.

It is very important to identify how many and what specific risk factors led to the appearance of each type of earthly spirits in a person, and eliminate them.

How to get rid of earth spirits?

As soon as a person's vibrations change (usually from lower to higher, more harmonious ones), earthly spirits cannot hold on to vibrations alien to them and leave the donor. This is facilitated by a righteous life, fasting and regular reading of prayers (from the heart). Some types of holistic therapies allow you to change the vibration of a person. These include, for example, holistic therapy (massage), sound therapy (toning, singing mantras).

There is a faster and more effective way - to eliminate earthly spirits with the help of vibration series. A correctly composed vibrational series not only removes the earthly spirit from the aura, but also helps it to escape into the layers of the Cosmos allotted by God.

However, it should be remembered that before expelling the spirit, it is necessary to check how much damage and what kind of damage it caused to the donor, in order to subsequently restore the functioning and structures of the affected bodies and connections.


The question arises: "Is it possible to protect yourself from penetration into the aura of earthly spirits and how to do it?" It is not only possible, but also necessary, to protect yourself.

First, it is necessary to get rid of risk factors that can contribute to the penetration of alien energy structures.

Secondly, prayer and fasting, a righteous life contribute to the maintenance of correct harmonious vibrations, which will not allow spirits to stay in the aura.

Thirdly, it is necessary to create special protective vibrational rows that will effectively repel the “attacks” of any evil spirits and protect the essence of a person throughout the entire time of their work.

aural entities. Is it possible to get rid of obsession.

Being inhabitants of the three-dimensional world, most of us have no idea about the existence of various forms of multidimensional entities.

What is an entity? An entity is a living being from other dimensions that somehow got into our world. Entities have many types, forms and images and can appear in almost any form. In order to protect themselves in our - alien and hostile world for them - they use a frightening appearance and can make unpleasant frightening sounds.

In religious terminology, entities are often referred to as "demons" and "possessors," and the people they possessed as "possessed" or "possessed."

The clergy believed that possession exists in two of its manifestations - when a demon lives in a person, as a second person, and at the same time the personality of the demoniac is in a suppressed state, and when the will of a person is enslaved by passions.

St. John of Kronstadt, who observed a huge number of people, noted: “Demons in ordinary people enter by their simplicity ... An evil spirit instills in educated and intelligent people in a different form, and it is much more difficult to fight it.”

In addition, in everyday life, passions often capture a person, and sometimes make his actions uncontrollable. The most common example of this is irritation. Therefore, as long as the devil has something of his own in a person, he subjugates him, and, in a sense, this person is possessed.

In the recent past, church ministers actively resorted to the expulsion of "evil spirits" from a possessed person.

At the same time, they often poorly understood what exactly was happening at that moment on the spiritual plane - with the help of a special rite, the priest expelled the essence out, and he was not at all worried about its further fate. Only a few knew (or assumed) that the exiled entity, at the first opportunity, would penetrate the field of another person, who would be the first to meet vibrations suitable for her on her way.

A variety of entities can penetrate into the human field. These can be both highly developed destructive entities, and entities that do not have consciousness at all. Consider the most common types of entities described in various sources.

Often "Larvas" are called "Thought Forms". This is the most common entity form. We all know that our thought is material. If a person constantly thinks about something, and at the same time draws in his imagination in detail the object of his thoughts in all colors, then a certain energy structure is formed, surrounded by a shell (or field). She is a simple organism (an energy amoeba) that can live on its own and has a basic self-preservation instinct.

Having thought a thought, a person puts energy into it, fueled by which the larva becomes even more material. It happens that a well-formed thought-form is able to cling to the consciousness of other people, receiving energy from many sources and continues to grow stronger.

An alien thought form can be perceived by a person as an obsessive thought or “inner voice. Not every person is able to distinguish where this or that idea came from - from his own consciousness or from the outside world.

Incubi are thought forms of the "male" that interact with the ladies.

Succubi are “female” thought forms that feed on the energy of sexually horny men.

It is also necessary to note the energy structures of the Spells built into the energy cocoon, which are a kind of Thought Forms.

Spells can be created by people with special knowledge who are able to expand consciousness, influence and influence the world around them. Spells can be protective, strengthening and destroying a person's energy.

It accumulates in the field of such people and is a particularly tasty morsel for entities.

Demons- strong and dangerous entities with a pronounced negative orientation. You can very rarely feel their presence - as a rule, this can only be done on special days. Demons are attracted and interested in the energy of pain and suffering, so they always accompany conflicts, wars, all sorts of bullying and "torment".

Very often they are the initiators of these situations, which arise as a result of direct or indirect manipulation of possessed people.

A demon can possess a person if he has the appropriate risk factors. For example, a person committed some very bad and difficult act, the negative energy of which damaged his spiritual integrity and spiritual barriers. In this case, the demon can pass through the human race along with tribal karma.

The second example is if a person is oriented towards Evil - if he sincerely, consciously, purposefully and systematically constantly strives for evil, looks for means of committing evil, and causes evil to others. In this case, the demon enters the person through the evil-minded consciousness of the person and helps him to do evil, thereby providing himself with food.

The third example is that for a long time a person is subjected to persecution, harassment and torment by the people around him, endures all bullying and accumulates in himself a thirst for opposition and indignation.

The “retribution energy” concentrated in his field is able to open the way for the demon to his energy structure, and the consequences of this introduction can be large-scale and rather sad. Demons are capable of endowing a possessed person with destructive abilities.

In Christianity, the qualities of human passions are attributed to demons and demons, such as greed, gluttony, flattery, voluptuousness, deceit, and others.

In the Esoteric understanding, Demons are multidimensional entities that exist outside the perception of our ordinary world and have their own consciousness.

Falling into one of the states described above, a person tunes in frequency with the corresponding essence, and attracts it to himself. The vibrations that catch the essence are usually low-frequency and this happens unconsciously.

Aether creatures- alien energy entities that live in the ether and seek to receive nourishment from human energy. Depending on the spatial configuration, jellyfish, ribbons, worms and octopuses, crustaceans are most often distinguished among the creatures of the ether.

Neutrals- these entities consider a person not in the interests of receiving energy replenishment, but in more highly organized interests. For example: for the sake of obtaining some evolutionary experience through this person; for the sake of performing certain missions, etc.

Such entities can endow a person with unusual abilities - such as clairvoyance, telekinesis, levitation, etc.
In this case, it should be understood and distinguished that this is not a unique ability of the person himself, but a skill or skill that an outside spirit manifests with the help of a possessed person.

Alien Souls, Elementers. When a person dies, his Spirit and Soul leave the physical body and leave our World for the Astral. A person consisting only of subtle bodies in the physical plane is "incorporeal" and is called "Elementer".

Sometimes, for some reason (for example, because of great love or strong affection), the deceased do not want to leave their loved ones, people associated with them, or cannot leave them for other reasons. In this case, they settle in their field and live there, feeding on human energy.

On the one hand, to maintain its existence, an elementary needs energy that it takes from a person, on the other hand, as a being of a subtle plane, it can protect a person from various dangers and situations that are not visible in the three-dimensional world. Hanging in the field of a loved one, the elementary cannot independently go into the layers of the Cosmos allotted by God, and cannot incarnate again.

Elementals. An elemental is a being with its own consciousness and mind (usually a spirit), inhabiting and consisting of one of the four elements: air, earth, fire or water. Elementals are in balance through opposites: water extinguishes fire, fire boils water, earth holds back air, air swells earth.

It is believed that Paracelsus laid the foundations for the concept of elementals in the 16th century. He singled out the following elementals: Sylph (Air), Dwarf (Earth), Salamander (Fire), Ondine (Water).

Strong emotions create energy vibrations in the form of energy vortexes that suck in entities that resonate with these vibrations. Thus, the entity is imprisoned in the human field against its will and cannot get out on its own. Another way for elementals to penetrate our world is the ritual actions of people who have the ability to expand their consciousness and consciously call forth these entities.

It is believed that elementals are hostile to humans, because humans use the elements for their own purposes and are constantly trying to subdue them. Each person has four elementals of the elements, with which one can learn to communicate and interact. They must be treated with respect and care, because they can take revenge at any moment, for example, by causing a number of natural disasters.

Brownies are not entities that live directly inside a person. They represent a kind of materialization of the collective energy field of the family or Genus, some "superhuman" structure, or Egregor. Domovoy's egregor is usually created over many generations and is tied to the old house in which several generations of the Family lived.

When a new member appears in the family, the Brownie's energy field checks his energy, and if there is a resonance and the person is suitable for this kind of vibration, the brownie "accepts" him.

If the newcomer does not suit Rod for some energy parameters, the Brownie begins to “drive” him away. This means that for some reason a person does not fit into the existing egregore of the Family.

Teachers, Higher Spirits, Gods. If such beings speak through a person or live in him, then this happens only with the consent of the Soul of the person himself. Such a person usually comes to our world with the mission to be the conductor of these spirits. Such people - Guides and Enlightened Teachers - are able to create the fate of the World, determine the course of History - they give people the Teachings.

The entities that inhabit the human aura are called aural entities.

Aural entities refer to alien energy structures that can cause a lot of trouble to those in whose aura they live.

Being in a person's field, entities are able to take the lion's share of his energy, cause bad thoughts and actions, fatigue, depression, etc.

The invading entities cause a change in personality, obsessive-compulsive states and can cause various diseases. By freeing the aura from all sorts of alien energy structures, one can achieve the removal of severe borderline conditions, save a person from obsessive thoughts, deep depression, chronic fatigue and similar conditions.

Children perceive the world in a special way, sometimes they demonstrate such amazing abilities and skills that it causes amazement and the question is - how can they know this? When born, up to five years old, sometimes even older, children retain an invisible connection with the astral world, they have the ability to see and hear what adults do not see.

Parents of babies are often faced with the fact that the baby can look with interest at a certain place in the room, smile there, and tell something. Older children, who can already speak, point to an empty place in the house and inform their parents that “there is an uncle” or “aunt”. Naturally, such behavior of children alarms fathers and mothers, and they are worried - is everything okay with their baby? But this happens to almost all children.

According to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, the brownie, the invisible spirit of the dwelling, lives side by side with people. If he likes the owners, then he will help look after the children, soothe and entertain them. Our ancestors believed that the brownie could fly, and was usually on the ceiling or under the threshold. This looks quite plausible, given that most often young children "talk" to something that is on the ceiling, and laugh when they look there.

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Elderly people in such cases say that it is angels who entertain children, but angels are also spirits, and it turns out that children still see beings from the subtle world, unlike adults who have lost this ability. Children as young as two years old often make invisible friends and talk to them. These "invisibles" can tell the kids their name, often quite unusual, and even play with them.

When asked by adults about what such a “friend” looks like, children give a description of little boys or girls, but sometimes invisible friends take the form of an animal, often not quite ordinary. Specialists - psychologists believe that such a situation occurs when the child is deprived of attention, but "invisibles" appear in friends and in very sociable and contact children, and the children do not hide their mysterious friends, but on the contrary, they try to show them to their parents and introduce them to them. .

It is not always only such creatures that behave harmlessly - it happens that babies cry, due to the fact that some unfriendly entities frighten them. And now mothers often face such a situation when the child starts crying, and nothing can calm him down, in such cases, even in our enlightened time, the baby is referred to the healer, and with the help of conspiracies and special rituals, children fall asleep calmly.

Recent studies by scientists have found that babies can perceive much more frequencies, and they hear sounds that adults cannot. Therefore, when a child “gurgles” and laughs at something, it is quite possible that he communicates with creatures invisible to us.

One of the most exciting topics in the study of esotericism is related to the manifestation of the essences of the other world and their impact on people. Man is not alone on earth. Flora and fauna, in all their diversity, complement life and coexist with it on planet Earth, in a dense space with certain laws.

The world of animals and plants is close to human bodies, the perception of space by the main physical sense organs is inherent in a person. But there are also parallel worlds with their inhabitants, which are beyond matter, and often even time.
In this article, I will introduce you to some of them using common terms and notation. I will try to convey the principle of manifestation of entities and the source of their origin.

What is essence in esotericism?

According to the dictionary, essence is the inner basis, meaning, essence of something. In esoteric teachings, this term can be referred to as a kind of sentient being, which has an influence over the human body (soul), capable of living and developing in a unique, invisible to the physical eye the world.

Initiates in esotericism hold many different concepts. Someone chooses the path of a magician, someone is closer to the image of a shaman, sorcerer, medium, healer, witch. Everyone strives to develop their personal communication experience with the world beyond the material.

All people following the path of conscious energy development are united by attempts to organize a connection with subtle energies, with their further visualization as entities (some kind of intelligent beings) living according to different laws and capable of both creating and destroying the human world.

Entities are energy formations in space that carry certain information. This energy influences the human mind, structuring the psyche, bringing certain situations into life.

Entity Perception

Everyone understands and sees the world in their own way, and in accordance with perceptions or beliefs - subtle energies may be perceived differently. For dual perception, energies have the form of light or dark entities.

The dark ones bring pain and disappointment, destruction, harm the body and soul - it is customary to expel them by any available means, if only not to feel (experience) their presence.
Light entities are called upon to protect and protect humanity from the forces of evil. These types of energies bestow feelings of goodness and acceptance, love and mercy, fill with streams of light energies. In duality, a person tries to attribute himself to one of the sides, while rejecting the opposite.

The mind is arranged in such a way that it is more familiar and easier for it to perceive only one facet, because versatility he is frightened, as disorder and chaos appear, which means that loss of control and danger.

Contact with the entities of the subtle world

Depending on the denomination, views, people initiated into esoteric knowledge choose with whom to keep in touch, although more often the organization of channels occurs in accordance with the readiness of a person, and not from his personal preferences. But illusion of choice while playing a role at some stages.

Someone consciously makes contact with the world of the dead, their inhabitants, connecting to their field and receiving information from there. Someone is guided by less dense, but more developed (cunning) energies of the astral. They are more difficult to organize for the perception of the mind and are unstable in their manifestations.

For example, demonic entities (astral), unlike necrotic ones (the world of the dead), are capable of not only terrify, influencing the human mind, but also to manage reality in accordance with tasks or programs. Essences of the Astral have a wider range of possibilities (influence) and are freer from the laws of the human world, often helping him to bypass them. By the way, this attracts various followers of magic. The purpose of interaction with energies (entities) is often reduced to satisfaction of material, primary needs.

The animal nature leads along the path of instincts, and a relatively unconscious person, when working with energies, intuitively chooses with his mind the direction in which he finds benefit for himself: security, comfort, material abundance. With attempts to obey EGO subtle energies, a fun esoteric role-playing game begins.

Someone flirts and falls into these dreams, someone passes them as a step, realizing the game every time deeper and more multifaceted. This stage of acquaintance with the beyond is not easy. At the end of the experience, with the subsequent transition to new levels of perception, catharsis occurs. Working with the energies of the astral, people play with fire, because emotions are manifestations of energy which can sooner or later lead a person to an experience that is unpleasant for the psyche.

Beings in the field of people accumulate negative energy for years, centuries, temporarily bestowing the treasures of the material world. With the help of astral energies, everything is subject to the will of a person, except for high feelings. Love, goodness, mercy remain unidentified and unattainable at this stage. But everything has its time.
The immortal spirit in the progress of the endless stream cognizes all facets human being games, and there are no obstacles for him, because there is no force more powerful than love, its manifestation on Earth.

alien entities

People are also consciously contacting relatively higher vibrational, extraterrestrial energies. Someone, for example, contacts the cosmos and its inhabitants in search of an answer to questions about the creation of the world, the origin of man. Some cooperate with them and, with their support, help themselves and others to become self-aware.

There are a huge number of inhabitants of space and various civilizations. But no one can guarantee a creative connection to a contactee. They perceive us as nothing more than fish - plankton, but in any case they play their role in development, presenting to humanity invaluable experience.

The universe is simply teeming with various formations of energies. In some corners of the vast expanses there are entities of incredible size and strength, our planet, in comparison with them, is a grain of sand. There are also energy formations on a smaller scale, but denser, traveling on meteorites or special ships. Some types of energies are even capable of materializing in our dimension, but not for long, because the physical, chemical conditions and the laws of the earth are not easy for their existence. People can occasionally observe flashes in the night sky, as well as images of energies, which often appear as so-called flying alien ships that look like luminous disks.

On some secret bases there are the remains of dead bodies, these are shells dropped due to the failed experience of materialization and adaptation on our planet. It may seem strange that they need to materialize on Earth, if they feel great in the form (outside the physical body) in which they are, and have much more opportunities to observe and study the Universe. But the point is that the experience in the physical body is unique and gives evolution to our energy continuation in the spirit.

It is quite unconscious to devalue material life and strive for an early rebirth into other forms. Until you accept love in all manifestations and feel the present moment in its entirety, you will not get anywhere from this Earth. Sounds like a sentence, but it's actually a gift, and the sooner you understand it, the more you'll see.

It will always be natural for a person to imagine life on other planets as similar to that which he is accustomed to observe in everyday life. The mind is able to understand more clearly only the dense dual world, with its dimensions and laws. What is outside the physical world (billions of different forms and spaces with its inhabitants) is subtle, unidentified and is unlikely to ever be revealed to the mind in its entirety.

Mankind, as a biological species, is rather primitive in relation to alien forms, but it contains a foundation that is incomparable in strength to anything else. It has a whole story behind it. endless ocean of energy, which continues from man to the Universe, like a ray that accompanies experience through space and time.

The scale of cosmic energies can be incredibly huge, as is the energy force. For many entities, it costs nothing to crush a person like an insect, so interacting with them safe at the level of the spirit, but not the mind. Most often, people, without knowing it, cooperate with energies of different spectra, receiving a variety of levels of self-awareness.

For example, the so-called indigo children are able, to the extent of their physiological characteristics, to capture energies and carry out relatively large amounts of information consciously with their mind, but at the same time they are often overloaded and experiencing a rather difficult physical experience.

It's time for a different perception of energies

This time on earth is stage of enlightenment. People are awakening, and they are less and less interested in low-frequency energies. Most build their relationship with entities more than consciously, freely and creatively. Human evolution has approached the line beyond which, if nothing changes, a collapse can occur, a sharp transition to a different form, followed by the extinction of biological species inhabiting the Earth. But the spirit develops, and the trajectory of human development gradually shifts to a more conscious flow.

The universe is wise, and if we are destined to continue the experience in human civilization, then higher energies will raise the level of luminosity in people, changing the perception of reality.
With the support of light creative energies, humanity has a chance. Regardless of what the mind chooses, the Universe will guide people along the path necessary to maintain a space on Earth that is conducive to spiritual experiences.

High vibration entities

A person is always accompanied by the energies of love. Communication with them (angels, archangels, guardians, guides, spiritual elders) is less perceptible, but creative and contributes to the liberation of a person due to the expansion of the boundaries of his consciousness. The worlds of higher energy layers with their inhabitants are accessible to a few, and they open their possibilities to even less.

The higher the energies in terms of vibrations and luminosity, the less they are subject to the mind. Higher, bright essences are outside the human game, they are a guiding star for the human mind.

Many people want to cooperate with light energies and try to work together. But only a person who is pure in heart and thoughts, who has gone through sufficient experience, will expand his consciousness to a status that gives him the opportunity to easily, naturally conduct high-frequency flows. And it doesn't look like cooperation or agreement.

This is a total acceptance of experience and an exit to the level when the human mind no longer yearns to subjugate, manage, own, know. Self-awareness is a stream, beyond thoughts and identifications. With the energies of higher vibrations, you can just be... be your true self, source, pure consciousness.

Energies always work and are distributed in the best divine way. If a person has to go through a destructive experience at the transition, then energy channels of a different spectrum - from the lowest to the highest - begin to turn on in his consciousness, attracting certain events and situations.

Dark entities play key roles. Their tasks can manifest themselves through the perception of a person and subsequently evolve into a new form. What form they will be reborn into and what status they will receive depends on the level of awareness of the person. Some low-vibration flows already at the exit, thanks to the awareness of the spirit, are transformed and form a light field of a person. But often dark energies, manifesting through consciousness, fall into the zone of rejection (psyche, mind) and "get stuck" in a person's energy channels or remain in the energy field until he becomes aware of them, explores this experience and accepts it with his heart as part of of your being.

Dark entities "get stuck" in dimensions only because a person at his stage of development cannot adapt them.

Essence is energy, and any energy is light particles. Any light particle is a code that can be deciphered by feeling it. That is, any particle of energy of a different level of vibration carries information. The higher the flow in vibration, the more difficult it is for the mind to perceive information.

Humans are able to understand information appropriate to their level of luminosity. If the energy flow resonates with a person, he understands it, if not, difficulties may arise. That is, the awareness of the subject at the moment depends on what manifestations of energies he is able to contact.

Essences remain destructive for people until they adapt them to their own luminosity by annihilation or go out themselves to their level (to which they are provoked). But when the spirit of a person is revealed, there is no turning back. Except how to adapt the essence (energy) to your level of awareness, there are no options left. A person is forced to stay in the field of energies that irritate his psyche until he becomes aware of them and transforms them with the light of his spirit.

Every material object has an essence. The space outside it has the ability to contain subtle energy (mental, astral, cosmic) abstract forms in relatively free movement. A person, like any biological organism on Earth, has an energy base (or thin layers of its manifestation) - this is the soul. The human soul is perceived as something living, feeling and intelligent, and the soul of objects is perceived as an information field. In general, it's all the same.

Any space, electromagnetic, energy field can be perceived as an entity, since it is intelligent in its own way, nourishes and develops information in a parallel world. In some states of mind, this space can appear before a person in an image accessible to him. This space is a reflection of human consciousness. Fears, desires, emotions, passions, thoughts, egregors - all these are energy formations that carry information or execute a program. All this, in certain states of mind, can appear to a person as an entity.

Vision of entities

People in pursuit of unfolding the full vision often do not imagine what kind of picture awaits them. The psyche is not able to adequately perceive, the activity of energies is so large-scale. The human biological computer will fail sooner or later, no matter how stress-resistant a person is. All his inner self will begin to manifest, and not everyone is able to see such pictures.

If the biological body is designed to analyze and identify only the material part of reality (the tip of the iceberg), then constant observation of the whole picture will literally blow your mind. There are many examples when people, for some reason, "broke" in pursuit of a vision of the beyond, using for this rough material methods of influencing the mind and consciousness. For example, smoking mixtures and various substances that affect the brain.

Cognition of energies that is safe for a person occurs through the development of extrasensitivity. With an increase in the energy level in any person, vision can develop naturally. On the basis of feelings, images can be born, often perceived as fantasies, due to the active work of the protective mechanisms of the mind, which, in turn (as we have already found out), are necessary for an adequate existence on Earth and the development of the psyche.

There are a lot of energies, and a person is able to see them, but in the mode of switching attention. It is safe and natural for him. Those. plunging into a certain state, people can capture those manifestations that are necessary for development at their level of awareness. Temporary opening to a person of a separate section of consciousness with the manifestation of energies visible as essences will not bring harm if he does not use artificial methods of influencing the mind for this.

The human body is seen in many cultures as a vessel or avatar. The physical body is a dense energy that contains many more subtle energies of a different spectrum. Only the symbiosis of dark and light, positive and negative gives rise to life in matter. The lower the vibrations, the denser the energy and the more time dependent it is. The body, like an avatar or a vessel, consists entirely of dark matter, as well as planets with all material objects.
The dark part will always haunt a person like a shadow throughout the short path of incarnation. Then there will be a decay and distribution of energy throughout the Universe for subsequent assembly on the planet or in other spaces of the universe.
There are as many different dark energies on planet Earth as there is material mass. We can say that the planet is teeming with various creatures both in bodies and outside them.

Astral entities

The so-called astral entities are human creations, energies formed on Earth and existing at the expense of people. They are given many names, is it worth listing them? I will write that the entire set of inhabitants of the lower astral has been on Earth since the very birth of the planet and has always experienced the human race.
The world called hell, where souls allegedly go after death, exists in parallel with our world, and a person comes into contact with it quite often during his life. You can call hell the world of the most terrible human emotions. And to get there, you do not need a special ticket or a set of sins. A person always has one foot in it, and as soon as he moves along the trajectory of movement, the cauldron begins to boil imperceptibly under his feet, and devils poke pitchforks in the back of the head with mockery.

Demonic entities are astral energies, generation of emotions. They manifest and test people, tempting their minds with riches and material strength. Devils are weaker energies, they have little to offer a person, except to help pass for a psycho and scare away all onlookers in the area, thereby providing the illusion of security.

By and large, any dark entity (energy) can only give temporary benefits. Dark energy provides a person with material benefits and allows him to manage them for the joy of his own egoism. Darkness gives a temporary buzz, which is then replaced by destruction.

By making a "deal with the devil", a person finds abundance on earth. Becomes influential, famous, incredibly rich until the time of transformation has come - the evolution of the spirit.
The dark energies of the astral can accompany the human soul for many incarnations on earth, revealing it through objects, places, events. Everything negative that is attracted in a person's life belongs to him.

Any destructive entities (energies) stick to people not by chance, they are their own creations of the past. Many perceive this evil spirits as a universal evil and try to expel them in every possible way, more often thereby provoking only their growth. Of course, there are cases when a successful expulsion occurs, for example, many different rituals exist among magicians, priests, shamans, bioenergetics.

Essence Banishment

Essences are relocated, they are tried to be driven out using various paraphernalia, they are hit with an energy sword or dissolved. All options work in their own way, but in most cases, the energies (essences) come back. It's just a matter of time. Until a person realizes energy as unlearned past experience, present in his mind, and will not accept and adapt this experience in the future - sooner or later everything will be repeated. In order for the transformation of the negative to take place, it is not enough just to shaman and drive demons around space, it is also necessary to carry out work on self-knowledge. First of all, to realize that, avoiding the dark manifestations of his being, a person leaves development, betraying his true me.

Dark energy (entity) is unstable. Its transformation is facilitated by flows of higher density. High-vibration streams (light) do not just dissect dark energies, they transform them. And the information that had a negative charge is reborn into a positive one, uniting with the luminosity of the human spirit, bestows awareness and creates a new experience. There is nothing in the Universe stronger than the feeling of unconditional love and its manifestation.

The astral world is the world of emotions. In many sources, the astral is divided into upper, middle and lower. As for the world of fear, lust, resentment, envy, gluttony, malice, manifested as demons, succubi, devils, demons - this is the lower astral.
Alien entities can be attributed to the middle one, because they can be perceived by a person emotionally in different ways, but more often they try to maintain neutrality and sovereignty.
The higher astral is the energies of positive emotions, joy, laughter, delight, hope, pride, excitement and jubilation, manifested in accordance with which religion a person refers to or which deities he reveres. It must be understood that astral cognition is a dual perception of energies through the prism of the mind.

At the first stages of acquaintance with the beyond, a person tries to establish contact with higher beings. But in reality, unconsciously conquers the heights of the astral plane and imperceptibly becomes a puppet walking under the hypnosis of positive emotions.
People are quite impressionable, the astral world is closely connected with them. Living without emotions seems boring and uninteresting, but when dealing with the astral, a person plays with fire.


Developing in the material world, a person builds his life more often on emotions, exists at the expense of them and does not represent other ways of evolution. Building relationships with friends, buddies, colleagues, family, relatives is emotional. Knowledge of the world of emotions leads to a huge waste of resources and an unstable state. Feeling happy becomes fleeting and barely perceptible. Under the influence of feelings, the mood changes more often, giving a person different experiences and levels of perception.

He continues to play and, in contact with esotericism, impressed by what is happening, expecting a heavenly life, pursues selfish goals, plays with the astral pyramid. Then some essences are replaced by others, and a person, perceiving information biased, distorts feelings and feeds himself with thousands of illusions.

Higher energies are beyond time and the laws of the Earth. A person, freed from patterns, having gone beyond the boundaries of the duality of the mind, can come to understanding and awareness of their manifestation. Only by getting rid of the addictions and illusions of the material world, calming the mind, accepting the world as it is, not emotionally and mentally involved in the events taking place around, will people enter the world of the true Self.

Only you are real in this world.

Often, some people do not even suspect that otherworldly entities have settled in their bodies, because. it goes unnoticed. This phenomenon can be determined only by a few signs that are usually noted by close relatives, but cannot find an explanation for changes in behavior or life.

There are two types of entities that can take possession of people's bodies - low- and high-vibration ones.

The latter can even be called friends of a person: they bring benefits and help in solving some problems, and their settlement occurs as a result of certain magical rituals.

Low-vibration settlers are considered dangerous. They enter human bodies without permission, and live by feeding on energy, as a result of which people can begin to develop severe chronic diseases, and the likelihood of death increases.

Reasons for the subsistence of the essence in a person

Most often, negative settlers enter the body during the performance of magical rites, even if they belong to white magic. There are also other reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Conscious sharing of the black essence by the person himself.
  • Bad emotions: anger, envy, hatred, revenge. They negatively affect the energy of a person and make the protective field more vulnerable.
  • Bad habits and vicious addictions: smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, propensity to commit crimes, etc.
  • Decreased spiritual immunity. Each person has his own guardian angel and energy protection, which at times, for various reasons, can weaken or disappear altogether.

It is also possible to single out a separate reason for the settlement of dark entities - the purposeful infliction of damage on a person. In this case, it is very difficult to expel the settler from the body and only experienced magicians can do it.

If you do not kill him in a timely manner, your health may worsen and big problems appear in life, so you need to contact a specialist in time when the first signs appear.

Signs of moving in

The main symptom of settling in is a sharp change in human behavior: calm and positive people can become rude and irritable, apathy and causeless fear appear. Due to this, the strength of the settler increases, because. it is fueled by negative emotions that eventually lead people to insanity, disease, and death.

What other signs exist:

  • Chronic fatigue. A person constantly feels exhausted even when he does nothing during the day.
  • Regular panic attacks. Usually they disturb in a dream when nightmares dream.
  • Bad luck. Any, even elementary business ends in failure. What a person used to do “perfectly well”, now does not work out.
  • Uncharacteristic behavior. An optimist can become a pessimist, begin to be rude to others, often breaks down on other people.
  • Soreness. Both mild and severe diseases may appear, and health deteriorates sharply.

In this case, the behavior changes first of all: the possessed may commit inappropriate actions and not be aware of his actions, become more aggressive or prone to depression.

Types of entities in a person

There are several types of settlers that usually overcome human bodies:

The easiest way to expel settlers is to pray, but it will only work if they are not sitting deep.

If they have penetrated deep into the energy biofield and severely destroy it, special rituals will be required.

It is advisable to do them with an experienced magician, but there are several rituals that you can perform on your own, while they will be no less effective.

As you know, entities are afraid of fire and water, therefore, in order to fight them, it is advisable to visit baths and saunas more often. Additionally, it is recommended to light church candles and read prayers.

If it is not possible to visit the sauna, you can simply take a moderate hot bath using candles, aroma lamps with lavender oil or incense.

Ritual to Eliminate Entities

This rite is one of the most popular even among magicians and guarantees an almost 100% result. It is best to perform it during the period when the moon is in the waning phase:

Some people attend prayer services held in monasteries to cast out demons. If a person is possessed, during the deduction, his behavior changes dramatically: he may begin to cry, swear, scream, and even rush to fight the priest.

Protective amulets

To prevent the penetration of demons into the body, you can use various protective amulets. It is desirable that they be inaccessible to the eyes of others. They can be preliminarily spoken before wearing, and then their strength will increase several times.


To increase efficiency, you can speak it: "Give me strength, pin, so that someone else's envy does not jinx me and the evil does not curse".


To prevent financial setbacks, you can do the following:

  • In the evening we put a coin in the ground in a pot with a healthy plant. The earth will feed money with positive energy. It is recommended to do this on the growing moon;
  • In the morning we take out a coin, mark it so as not to be confused with others, and put it in our wallet.

Red thread

Red colored threads are used to protect against spoilage in many oriental cultures. To protect yourself from the evil eye and otherworldly creatures, you can hang it over the front door, or wear it on your left hand like a bracelet, but in the latter case it should be woolen.


If you need a universal talisman, a ring is best suited for this. In some families, it is customary to pass on jewelry by inheritance and, if something untoward happens to their owner, they must be cleaned. To do this, it is enough to rinse the ring in salt water, but so that it does not corrode its coating.

Bag of salt

Salt protects from the evil eye, spoilage and dark forces. You can make a bag of salt and leave it at home, or you can carry it with you. How to prepare an amulet:

  • We make a small bag, pour salt into it and tie it tightly so that it does not wake up;
  • We say: " salt for happiness, salt for troubles»;
  • Put the bag in your pocket or bag.

If during wearing the salt wakes up, it means that the amulet protected from the troubles that were to happen. In this case, throw a pinch of crystal powder over the left shoulder and prepare a new pouch.

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