Military service gives the defenders of our Motherland many privileges, one of which is a mortgage with very, very favorable lending conditions. The fact is that for payments on such a mortgage, state transfers are attracted directly from the government. A serviceman registers with the NIS, after 3 full years he can receive a state. subsidies to buy housing without waiting for seniority. The main point of the NIS is a military mortgage upon dismissal, the features and nuances of which we will consider in this article, since the conditions for interrupting service after 10 or 20 years can differ significantly.

A military mortgage is often used after dismissal (this is the most reasonable option with an adequate service life), since during the service, certain funds are transferred to the personal account of each defender of the Motherland, the intended purpose of which is the purchase of a home. However, you can use this privilege only if certain conditions are met, which are clearly regulated by law. It all depends on the length of service and the specific reason for dismissal before the expiration of the contract, for example: for health reasons, due to personnel changes, or just like that, of one's own free will.

Which of the military personnel can use the benefit

According to Law No. 117-FZ (since 2004), the following categories can use accumulative capital after the end of service:

  • who have served for more than 20 years, that is, after full service;
  • dismissed after 10 years of the contract on preferential terms.

Grounds for benefits for a period of up to 20 years:

  • dismissal for health reasons;
  • the maximum allowable age for service;
  • difficult family circumstances;
  • staff measures (the main ones: reduction of a unit or replacement with another composition, impossibility of maintaining an existing post by a military man, recognition as unsuitable for a specific position, disagreement with accepting another, lower post with a lower salary);
  • death;
  • missing.

In the case of the tragic last two points, the relatives of the serviceman can use the savings in the future.

How can you get money

If a serviceman, according to the above conditions, has the right to receive payments from Rosvoenipoteka, after the appearance of an order to dismiss him, he must write a report addressed to the unit commander on the transfer of money from his savings account.

The commander provides information about the applicant to the authorities, which then transfer it to Rosvoenipoteka.

There, it is considered in 30 days, after which the serviceman can already receive funds from his account. He should also receive additional funds to buy your own home, but only if you are no longer the owner of any other housing, does not participate in the social contract. hiring.

Important: if the length of service exceeds 20 years, NIS funds can be used for any needs, and not just for housing. The same applies to those who have served 10 years, who are dismissed on preferential terms.

If a soldier retires from service after 10 years, for example, for health reasons, he can use the savings on the account, but the remaining amount of the mortgage loan will have to be paid on his own. True, he can take advantage of monetary compensation and retains a favorable interest rate.

The following resources are provided to assist in the purchase of housing:

  • targeted housing loan accumulated on the employee's individual account and transferred to the bank upon purchase;
  • monthly payments to the current account of the bank that issued the mortgage, in the amount of one twelfth of the savings contributions;
  • additional funds paid on a one-time basis, the amount is calculated taking into account the funded contribution and the number of days underserved before reaching the twenty-year period.

Dismissal for other reasons. What about mortgages?

If, for any reason, the military decided to quit without serving 20 years, after 10, without any preferential grounds, or even earlier, he will owe the state a decent amount if he managed to buy his own apartment. We will have to return all the money spent from the savings account and the amount of the subsidy that was used to repay the mortgage, and the term for repayment of the targeted housing loan is given to him for ten years, a specific payment schedule is established. Preferential loan conditions are also abolished, so that further payments will have to be made at the standard refinancing rate of the Central Bank. At the same time, real estate is in double pledge: from the state and from a credit institution.

If the former military man cannot pay all the funds, a court will follow, and the apartment will be subject to sale. The funds received from the sale will be used to pay off the debt on the loan, payments to Rosvoenipoteka and legal costs. If as a result of all payments money remains, they will go to the account of the resigned. If the funds are not enough, the person remains in debt.

Agree, in this case, the situation is extremely unpleasant, which is why experts recommend taking a military mortgage only after seniority, however, given the constant rise in real estate prices, not everyone wants to take advantage of this advice.

Pitfalls of military mortgages

Due to the serious pitfalls described above of such a seemingly profitable military mortgage, not all of our military personnel decide to use this privilege until seniority, because it is difficult to imagine what can happen in many years, perhaps an unforeseen dismissal will follow, for example, for health reasons, and You will have to pay everything on your own, also repaying debts to the state. Previously, there was a system for providing ready-made apartments, where the scheme was somewhat more transparent. When deciding to buy housing on a military mortgage, you need to take into account all the risks, otherwise no health will be enough to pay off huge debts later. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to use these conditions at the end of the contract, that is, after 20 or 10 (with benefits) years.

It is possible that in the future the legislation will somehow provide for the problems that arise due to the fact that the growth in the cost of housing greatly exceeds the inflation rate, which is taken into account when indexing NIS payments.


So, we will briefly describe the conditions for the return of funds spent at various periods of service.

  1. Over 20, dismissal for any reason. No funds received from the state will be returned.
  2. 10-20 with preferential reasons for dismissal, such as health issues. Funds are non-refundable, additional funds are required.
  3. Less than 10. Absolutely all the funds received are returned to the state in full in a fairly short time, which can lead to numerous problems, up to the loss of such a long-awaited apartment.

Thus, it is beneficial for those who have served 20 full years or 10 if there are favorable conditions, otherwise the serviceman will become a debtor not only to the bank, but also to the state for many years.

Military mortgage is a state program aimed at the acquisition of housing by military personnel within the framework of the savings and mortgage system (NIS). In this article, we will consider all the cases that may arise when a serviceman who has issued a military mortgage is dismissed.

The essence of the program

In order to receive a preferential loan, a soldier must become a member of the funded system. The register of participants, without fail, includes all persons who graduated from a military educational institution and signed the first contract for military service after January 1, 2005. For such an entry in the register, the fact of obtaining an officer's rank is sufficient.

On a voluntary basis, persons who graduated from educational institutions before January 1, 2005 are included. The basis for the introduction is the report.

The essence of the storage system consists in the fact that its participants receive a certain amount of money on their personal personal account. Their size is the same for everyone and does not depend on the rank, position held and length of service. The amount of income changes every year as a result of indexation.

  • After three years, a serviceman who is in the funded system has the right to file a report for a targeted housing loan (CHL). The result of the consideration of the report is the receipt by the military personnel of the certificate. Its validity period is six months from the date of signing.
  • After providing the certificate, it is necessary to select the property. A prerequisite is the compliance of the acquired housing with the requirements of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
  • In order to apply for a loan, you need to contact the bank that operates under this military mortgage program, and open an account with it, as well as transfer the accumulated funds. This money will be used to pay the down payment. After completing the above steps, the serviceman provides a package of documents necessary to obtain a mortgage. It is also worth paying attention that housing must comply with the requirements of the bank.
  • As soon as the application is approved, the CZhZ agreement is concluded, the parties to which are the serviceman, the bank, as well as the federal economic state institution "Rosvoenipoteka". The lender and the borrower, in turn, enter into a separate loan agreement.
  • The repayment of the loan is carried out at the expense of the resources of the state budget. The amount of the payment cannot exceed 1/12 of the serviceman's funded contribution.

What happens to savings upon dismissal

Many military personnel wonder what will happen to their savings if they leave the military. The answer to this question depends on the reason for the dismissal.

Reasons for dismissal may be so-called preferential and others. The preferential reasons for dismissal include various organizational and staff activities, namely:

  1. the serviceman cannot retain his former position for reasons beyond his control, and he refuses the proposed lower or higher position;
  2. the staff unit where he worked was reduced;
  3. the soldier was declared unfit for military service.

In addition, valid reasons for dismissal include the following:

  • health problems that may interfere with the performance of military duties;
  • reaching a certain age;
  • family circumstances.

If a serviceman who retired for one of the above reasons did not have time to purchase an apartment under the program before his departure, then he is entitled to the accumulated, as well as additional funds only if his total term of service exceeds ten years. When, when the length of service is more than twenty years, a serviceman can use the savings on the account at his own discretion, he also has the right to additional funds. If the length of service is in the range of 10-20 years can use the funds.

To receive funds, you must perform the following steps:

  1. after reviewing the dismissal order, the serviceman writes an application addressed to the head of the military unit for the transfer of funds from the savings account;
  2. the commander of the unit provides the necessary information about the serviceman to the military authorities, they, in turn, to the FHKU "Rosvoenipoteka";
  3. the application can be considered within 30 days, then the money is transferred to the details that the serviceman indicated in the application.

Persons who do not use residential real estate under a social tenancy agreement and do not own other housing are entitled to additional funds.

If such a serviceman managed to acquire a mortgage, then he is not obliged to return all the money to the CHL, both those that were used for the first installment on the mortgage, and those that were used to repay regular payments according to the schedule and loan agreement.

The balance of debt after dismissal can be repaid with funds that supplement savings. When additional payments are not due or they are not enough, the serviceman repays the debt at the expense of other personal funds.

The burden on the part of the state is removed upon dismissal, and the issue of removing the burden on the part of the bank, the borrower decides independently after the full repayment of the loan.

Upon dismissal of one's own free will, due to violation of the terms of the contract, and also when the length of service is less than 10 years, the serviceman loses his right to accumulation within the framework of targeted housing financing. All funds, including the first installment and the repayment of monthly payments from the federal budget, he must return to the state.

Debt repayment may not be one-time. If a serviceman is not able to return all the money at once, then he will do it for a certain period, but not more than 10 years, and in accordance with the schedule, which is formed by Rosvoenipoteka. At the same time, an interest rate equal to the discount rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation will be charged on the balance of the debt. The rate taken into account is the rate that was on the date when the grounds arose for excluding the serviceman from the register of participants in the NIS.

On the part of the state, the encumbrance will be removed from the property when the former serviceman fully repays his debt under the targeted housing financing agreement.

The entire remaining amount of the loan is repaid by the borrower independently in accordance with the schedule provided by the bank. Accordingly, the encumbrance on the part of the bank will be deleted from the register after full repayment and closing of the loan agreement.

If the soldier does not repay the debt

In a situation where a former serviceman does not repay his debt under the CPL, the FGKU "Rosvoenipoteka" has the right to forcibly sell housing that is pledged by applying to the courts. The residential premises will be sold forcibly within the framework of the current Russian legislation.

After the sale, the proceeds will be directed to:

  • repayment of debt under the CZhZ and a bank loan;
  • payment of costs associated with the forced sale;
  • legal costs.

If, after the forced sale and all mandatory repayments, there is a balance of funds, then it is credited to the personal bank account of a former military man opened under the accumulative mortgage system. In a situation where the proceeds were not enough to pay off all payments, the person remains a debtor. The debt is repaid in the manner prescribed by law.

What happens in a situation where a retired soldier enters into a new contract?

A serviceman who has retired from military service may enter into a new contract. If the law provides for military service in this federal body, then the serviceman may be re-included in the register of the accumulative mortgage system. The basis for this will be a new contract.

If a serviceman was dismissed from the first place of service due to family circumstances, as a result of a state of health or organizational and staff measures, then the accrual of contributions is resumed. For the period when the person was not in military service, contributions are not charged. The funds that had already been accumulated before the dismissal are used to pay off the debt under the targeted housing loan agreement. If there is a balance of funds after redemption, they will also be taken into account in the new savings account.

When the dismissal occurs of one's own free will or as a result of a violation of the terms of the contract, the money accumulated in the account is not restored. After re-registration, the funds are used to pay off the debt on the target mortgage loan (if the mortgage has been issued).

Repayment of a mortgage in a bank at the expense of the state budget is possible when the debt on the CZHN is repaid, including accrued interest and penalties.

Thus, the only risk-free option for obtaining a mortgage is the situation when a serviceman has served 20 or more years. Even in the event of dismissal of a soldier, he will not bear any costs. If the length of service at the time of dismissal is less than 10 years, the former soldier may remain in debt or lose his apartment. Therefore, deciding on such an option for acquiring real estate, it is worth weighing all the risks. On the other hand, in recent years, real estate prices have risen at a faster pace than the indexation of payments. Consequently, no one can guarantee that a serviceman will be able to buy a normal housing, postponing the purchase until the period when he has served 20 years.

Upon dismissal, it has its own characteristics and depends on the reason for the dismissal of the serviceman, as well as length of service.

Who is entitled to a military mortgage: the legislative framework

Not everyone can get a mortgage loan right away. What does our legislation say about this? Article 15 defines the prerogative of the military to housing. Here we are talking about the provision of subsidies. But you can get your own property a little faster when applying for a loan. If you serve under a contract and at the same time do not have your own housing, then you have the right to arrange it on a mortgage. All these details are regulated by law. So, the loan is due to the following subjects, participants of the NIS:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation who graduated from the university and were accepted to the place after 1.01.2005;
  • officers who came from the reserve;
  • service until January 2005;
  • ensigns and midshipmen who have served at least 3 years;
  • subjects who graduated from HPE from January 2005 to January 2008 and earned the title of officer during their studies;
  • those citizens whose duration of service is less than three years, but they managed to become officers after January 2008;
  • soldiers, sailors, sergeants or foremen who signed the deal after January 1, 2005 and have more than 3 years of military experience at the time of filing.

Other factors cannot affect the prerogative of appearing in housing loans for military personnel (family, number of children, registration). The main conditions under the law are membership in the NIS and the duration of service for at least 3 years.

Features of a military mortgage upon dismissal of a soldier

OSHM abbreviation

Everything happens in the working life of a citizen. It is possible to close an enterprise or liquidate it, declare it bankrupt, reduce the number of staff, under which a person suddenly falls. The same is true in the military service. What to do next and what consequences to expect if a serviceman is fired in 2020 under the OSHM and the military mortgage remains underpaid?

Consequences of repaying a soft loan for a military man dismissed from the army under OSHM:

  1. A military mortgage and dismissal after 10 years of service will not bring much trouble to the borrower, since he has already fulfilled his duty to the Fatherland and, moreover, is resigning not of his own free will, but at the OSHM. That is, he does not return any money to the state spent by the latter to cover the costs of buying an apartment for a serviceman. He has the right to receive an additional cash payment in the amount that he was able to collect on savings in the event of his service up to twenty years. However, do not flatter yourself, the amount of these additional funds, as a rule, does not make it possible to repay the loan in full. For its part, the state has already fulfilled all its obligations. As a result, the former soldier is left alone with the bank to solve financial issues.
  2. A military man who has served less than ten years will be obliged to pay all compensation that he has taken advantage of from the state. The dismissed serviceman undertakes to pay the balance of the loan debt to the banking organization in accordance with the concluded agreement. Otherwise, creditors (the bank and the state) have the right to apply to the judicial authority and collect funds from the debtor (usually the purchased housing is sold, the creditors take their parts and, if any amount remains, then it is transferred to the borrower).

Thus, it is necessary to think carefully before applying for a specialized mortgage. Since it is not known whether the borrower will be able to serve ten years. But it is after the expiration of this period that the losses will be minimal for the person being credited (again, in a situation of dismissal for preferential reasons - OSHM, state of health).

Voluntary dismissal

A military mortgage upon dismissal of one's own free will places a heavy burden on the shoulders of the borrower. This is the situation when really, with the possibility of another way out, you should not do this. A NIS participant is excluded without any prerogatives and saving of savings for him. All benefits and accruals allocated under the state project are subject to mandatory return to the state treasury in full. The former soldier becomes a debtor of "Rosvoenipoteka" and a credit institution, which have extensive advantages. The debtor may be left completely without a roof over his head, as housing will be used to eliminate debts.

If the property has not been purchased, then all the accumulated money is simply transferred back to the state account. Upon re-conclusion of the contract, the serviceman may be reinstated in his rights. However, this will not be possible if the dismissal from office arose due to a defamatory article.

Dismissal due to the end of the contract

Here, as in previous situations, seniority is important. If the serviceman quit at the end of the contract, but the total duration of his work was not 20 years, then he loses all advantages. He does not receive a subsidy for the initial payment of a housing loan and payment of interest, and if there was one, he returns the money received for all time to the state. All funds accumulated by him on the NIS deposit are liquidated.

A completely different alignment with a military mortgage after 20 years of service. The accumulated money is non-refundable, the employee has the right to dispose of it at his discretion. If housing has not yet been fully paid for, then the former military man makes additional payments on his own. Bank claims are liquidated together with the full repayment of the loan.

Many naively believe that, having served the coveted decade, the military has the right to quit at the end of the contract and at the same time retain all the benefits. Dismissal after 10 years of service and a military mortgage will turn out to be an unpleasant outcome if the dismissal does not take place on benefits - OSHM, the soldier's well-being. In such a situation, there are no additional payments on the military mortgage, but on the contrary, the accumulated finances are not paid. You remain indebted to the credit institution for the principal loan and the military department to pay your monthly interest and down payment.

Dismissal for health reasons

Dismissal for health reasons is considered a preferential basis, therefore, even if there is an underpaid military mortgage, there should be no negative points. So, if a soldier has served for a period of suspension from work for more than 10 years, then he is entitled to the accumulated NIS funds and additional payments on military mortgages upon dismissal for each year that does not reach twenty years. But if these finances were not enough to pay the loan, then the balance has to be repaid on its own.

In a situation of dismissal before reaching ten years of service, the employee will receive only the funded part. The rest of the debt will also have to be liquidated independently.

Unfitness for service is confirmed exclusively by the certificate of the VVK.

Dismissal due to transfer to a new duty station

Sometimes it is impossible for a soldier to transfer to another duty station without being fired. And here difficulties arise in the presence of a mortgage loan and the absence of the necessary years of experience. The way out of the situation is the soonest possible registration by the NIS participant at a new location. In the meantime, this has not happened, you still have to pay out of your own pocket (the state and the bank).

Other reasons for the dismissal of a soldier

In addition to the above reasons for dismissal, there are the following:

  1. The onset of the age limit.
  2. The death of a serviceman or his recognition as unknown disappeared.
  3. Other reasons.

Upon reaching the age of 45, the military is dismissed from service. And if by this time his experience was 10 years or more, then he retains the benefits of subsidies and mortgages. If less than 10 years, then he undertakes to pay the mortgage payments made by the state and liquidate the remaining loan already without any help from a banking institution.

In the event of the death of a serviceman or his recognition as missing without a trace, the family is paid accumulative amounts and additional funds to them. The remaining debt is paid by the widow (spouse) independently.

Does the length of a borrower's tenure affect military mortgage repayment?

The length of the service life of the military has an impact on both the very possibility of obtaining a loan, and the process of repaying the loan. You can apply for a loan only after three years of experience and not earlier. The term of service affects the return or the possibility of non-return of funds provided by the state for the repayment of the down payment and the payment of monthly payments.

Thus, those who have served less than 10 years and who have been removed from service not on preferential grounds, that is, if the military left the service at their own will, are returned to the state.

Servicemen with more than 20 years of experience and those dismissed on benefits, if the experience exceeds a decade, will not return money to the military department. Their length of service does not affect the repayment of loan obligations to a credit institution.

Military mortgage is one of the means of state support for military personnel. Certain amounts of money are credited to a special personal account of the military, which after 3 years of participation in the NIS can be used as a down payment for an apartment.

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But what about those who received a targeted housing loan and were dismissed from military service? Let's consider in detail all possible cases.

How is it redeemed

The procedure for repayment of a target loan provided to military personnel who are members of the NIS is regulated by Federal Law No. 117.

According to the regulations, during the course of military service, repayment is carried out at the expense of funds on the personal account of the serviceman.

In other words, when on duty, the procedure is standard:

  • the bank sends the payment schedule to Rosvoenipoteka;
  • according to this schedule, Rosvoenipoteka monthly transfers funds to the credit institution from the personal account of the NIS participant.

That is, as long as the military has a contract and he is serving, the repayment for him is carried out by the state. Any investment of own funds is not required.

However, there are situations when:

  • the serviceman is dismissed on his own initiative;
  • a soldier is fired without his consent.

In this case, the second group includes:

  • regular organizational procedures in a military unit;
  • if the military medical commission has established the military status of limited fit;
  • family or personal circumstances;
  • reaching the maximum age for military service;
  • death of a military man, or recognition of him as missing, or declaration of death.

Military mortgage upon dismissal at the end of the contract

With a housing loan for the military, the purchased apartment is pledged to:

Accordingly, the procedure for repaying a military mortgage at the end of a contract or upon leaving the service of one's own free will depends on how long the service was at the time of dismissal.


  • less than 20 years of service;
  • less than 10 years of service, and the military was discharged for family or personal reasons, or for health reasons, or in connection with regular procedures, or when reaching the maximum age for military service.

Then, in accordance with Federal Law No. 117, the military does not have the right to use funds. This means that the soldier will have to:

  • return the full amount of funds spent by the state to pay the down payment on the mortgage for the military to FGKU “Rosvoenipoteka”;
  • return to Rosvoenipoteka also all monthly payments that were paid on a housing loan before the moment of dismissal;
  • in addition, you will have to pay off the balance of the loan debt on the mortgage to the bank.

In this case, the procedure for repayment of debt is as follows:

  • before FGKU “Rosvoenipoteka”, a serviceman can return the money within 10 years, while interest will be charged monthly on the debt at the rate established by the agreement on the provision of a targeted housing loan;
  • before the bank - according to the payment schedule issued by the credit institution, at the rate determined by the bank in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement.

Of your own accord

A situation may arise when a soldier decides to leave the service of his own free will. Here, too, everything depends on the total length of service and on the basis on which the dismissal is made.

If a serviceman retires from military service with a total length of service of 20 years or more, then the following rules apply:

  • NIS participant acquires the right to use the savings;
  • funds that were provided to a member of the funded system before the date of his exclusion from the relevant register will be considered as repaid and are not subject to return to the state and FGKU “Rosvoenipoteka”;
  • however, the balance of the loan debt to the bank will still have to be paid at the expense of its own funds.

The debt to the bank (if it exists by the time of dismissal) can be repaid:

  • at the expense of the soldier's own finances;
  • and also at the expense of funds that supplement savings.

According to Federal Law No. 117, if:

  • the total duration of military service is from 10 to 20 years;
  • and the dismissal occurred due to circumstances beyond the control of the serviceman.

That state can provide funds that a soldier would have received if he had served exactly 20 years.

Thus, upon dismissal on its own initiative after 20 years of service, the state has already paid the serviceman the full amount of funded contributions, and the balance of the loan to the bank will have to be paid only at his own expense.

Another situation is also possible - a serviceman leaves on his own initiative, without having served 20 years.

In this case, the rights to use the savings do not arise, and the return procedure will be as follows:

  • return to Rosvoenipoteka of all funds that have been accrued to the personal account for the entire time (including interest accrued for each month of non-return for 10 years);
  • return to the bank of the loan balance (including interest accrued for the relevant period).

For health

All the same procedure applies to dismissal due to the state of health of a serviceman.

If a serviceman is recognized as partially fit for military service, he is subject to dismissal from the ranks of the armed forces on the basis of “State of health”.

If this happened, when the total length of service for the military did not reach 10 years, the right to use the savings does not arise (according to Article 10 of the Federal Law No. 117), and the military will be obliged to:

  • return everything back to Rosvoenipoteka;
  • and repay the balance of the debt on a housing loan to the bank only at the expense of their own funds.

If the military is fired for health reasons after 10 years of military service, then the obligations to the state cease.

A person acquires the full right to use the savings that the state has transferred from the moment the participant joins the NIS and until the moment of his dismissal for a good reason.

The rest of the debt to the credit institution will have to be repaid independently.

However, there is an opportunity to attract additional funds - after all, a military man who has served for more than 10 years and was dismissed for health reasons is entitled to a compensation payment in the amount in which the accumulation on a personal account for 20 years of service could be achieved.

Thus, the loan to the bank can be repaid in full, without even investing your own money (savings received earlier + compensation payment).


So, what nuances may arise when obtaining a military mortgage and upon further dismissal from military service:

  1. The apartment is the object of encumbrance from two organizations at once - FGKU "Rosvoenipoteka" and the creditor bank. Accordingly, it will be possible to sell an apartment after dismissal only when the pledge is completely terminated.
  2. The fact of whether the state will have to compensate the funds depends on the reason for which the soldier was dismissed and how many years he actually served.
  3. If a serviceman was excluded from the register of participants in the NIS on the basis of death or recognition as missing (deceased), members of the military’s family have the right to savings, which include:
    • spouse (spouse);
    • children who have not reached the age of majority;
    • children over 18 years of age, if they were recognized as disabled before the age of 18;
    • children under 23 years of age when teaching them in higher professional institutions on a full-time basis;
    • military dependents.

At the same time, the length of service of the deceased or missing military man does not matter. Relatives will also be able to receive compensation in the amount of funded contributions, as if the deceased had served all 20 years.

According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the cost of buying housing is fully compensated by the state, while the serviceman does not spend his own money. Is this really so? It cannot be argued that the military mortgage is a deliberate deception of military personnel. But it is obvious that the program has many nuances and pitfalls.

How is a military mortgage paid to a bank

Becoming a member of the NIS, a soldier receives a personalized account. From the federal budget, the account is replenished with annual contributions. It is these payments that are transferred to the bank to pay the loan and are used for the down payment.

Real estate issued under a sale and purchase agreement remains pledged to a credit institution until the mortgage obligations are fully fulfilled. The actual payer of the mortgage loan is the Ministry of Defense. During the loan payment period, the serviceman's personal account is not replenished, since all funds are transferred directly to the bank.

Important! Registration of a mortgage is accompanied by additional expenses: home appraisal, life insurance of the borrower and collateral real estate. These expenses are paid by the participant of the program from their own budget.

How military personnel are deceived on military mortgages

Military mortgage is government support. The goal is to help military personnel in solving the housing issue at the expense of the federal budget. However, there are situations when the state stops transferring funds to pay for a mortgage or even confiscates housing. Faced with such a problem, people tend to consider themselves deceived. In reality, neither the bank nor the Department of Defense seeks to defraud a soldier. The reason is ignorance of some of the nuances and features of the military mortgage system.

Like any loan product, a military mortgage implies special conditions under which a housing loan is compensated by the state and subsequently becomes the property of the military. Knowing all the pitfalls, you can avoid problems:

  1. You can order a certificate of eligibility for a housing loan after three years from the date of registration in the NIS register;
  2. The accumulated funds can only be used to purchase residential real estate;
  3. Having issued a military mortgage, a soldier must serve 20 years or more. In case of early termination of the military contract (with the exception of preferential grounds), you must reimburse the full cost of the mortgage with your own funds;
  4. Object insurance is a prerequisite for the program and is paid by the military personnel themselves. Insurance payments must be made annually for the entire loan period;
  5. Additional costs for the assessment of housing and registration of the contract, notary and agent services are also not compensated by the state;
  6. The certificate is valid for 6 months, the bureaucratic process of collecting documents may take longer;
  7. Rosvoenipoteka, as a rule, does not index monthly payments, while the bank initially provides for an annual increase in the monthly mortgage payment. This can lead to an increase in the repayment period of the loan.

As with any real estate transaction, buying an apartment with a military mortgage can be accompanied by fraud by unscrupulous sellers and realtors. Most of the scams take place in the secondary housing market:

  1. Sale of real estate by third parties under forged documents;
  2. Registration of the transaction at the notary without a license;
  3. Substitution of the selected object. The documents indicate the data of the worst and cheaper housing;
  4. Invalid transactions. Sale of an object after the death of the owner, before the entry into force of the inheritance.

Important! In order not to be deceived, it is necessary to study in detail the conditions and consequences of using the military mortgage system, study the bank's program, and entrust the choice of housing to qualified agents. Before signing a contract or other document, you need to carefully study all the points and make sure that the specified data are correct.

In what cases does housing purchased with a military mortgage remain with the military?

The purchase of residential real estate under the military mortgage program involves certain conditions, after which, the serviceman becomes the full owner of the home.

  1. The military mortgage is compensated by the Ministry of Defense with a length of service of 20 years, including on a preferential basis. These subsidies are paid free of charge. After closing the loan, the military becomes the owner of the property;
  2. If federal funds are not enough to fully pay off the mortgage, the loan balance is paid using the military's personal savings. After the serviceman fulfills all obligations under the mortgage, the apartment becomes the property.

Important! When applying for a mortgage, you need to take into account that the maximum age for receiving additional payments is 45 years.

How to withdraw military mortgage savings in case of early dismissal

The need for early retirement arises for various reasons. If the NIS participant did not finish his service due to health reasons, and the military mortgage was not issued, he can withdraw the savings, having a service record of more than 10 years.

The procedure for paying supplementary funds for a military mortgage takes into account the reasons for dismissal and length of service. Those dismissed on preferential grounds, if they have more than 10 years of service, can count on such payments.

Favorable factors are:

  • Organizational and staff activities;
  • Medical indications;
  • Family circumstances;
  • Limit age.

Compensation for a military mortgage if not used

Being a member of the NIS, a serviceman can withdraw unused savings from his personal account under certain conditions.

  • With a service record of 20 years or more, the use of savings at one's own discretion is allowed;
  • If a contractor, after serving for more than 10 years, was fired under the OSHM, but the military mortgage was not used, in addition to savings, he receives additional payments. Based on the amount that he would have accumulated up to 20 years of experience;
  • Upon dismissal from service for family reasons, if the serviceman has not entered into a mortgage, he can count on compensation for savings. At the same time, the length of service must be more than 10 years;
  • If the military mortgage is not used, upon dismissal of one's own free will. Having an experience of 10 to 20 calendars, a serviceman receives savings and additional payments at his disposal.

Is it necessary to return the military mortgage upon termination of the contract in 2018

The return of a military mortgage in case of early termination of the contract is regulated by the Federal Law "On the savings and mortgage system of housing for military personnel":

  • Art. 10 indicates - a military mortgage upon dismissal for organizational events and with a length of service of more than 10 years does not require compensation;
  • If there is a dismissal under the NUK with a length of service of 13 years, the military mortgage is subject to return. The serviceman must pay the state all the transferred funds of the housing loan, including the amount for the down payment;
  • The return of an apartment on a military mortgage in the event of the death of a serviceman is not carried out;
  • When applying for a mortgage, if a person leaves on preferential grounds and has less than 10 years of experience, he is obliged to return the funds provided.

Military mortgage after recovery from the stock not on preferential terms

If the military mortgage is not realized by the NIS participant before being transferred to the reserve, the law on layoffs provides for the restoration of savings if a new contract is signed. However, if the dismissal was not on preferential terms, then the accumulation will begin anew. Previous amounts will be cancelled.

Important! In order not to lose savings upon renewal of the contract, it is necessary to draw up a dismissal due to preferential circumstances.

Military mortgages for those discharged by a certain age

The age limit for military personnel is 50 years. Upon dismissal due to age, savings to a personal account are terminated. Accordingly, the remaining amount of the loan will have to be paid independently. The earlier a military mortgage is issued, the greater the likelihood of full repayment at the expense of mortgage savings.

Repayment of a military mortgage upon dismissal after 35 years is carried out by the state in the case of more than 10 years of service in the presence of favorable circumstances, or 20 years without such. In other cases, it is necessary to compensate the state for the funds spent, including the accumulation of a personal account used for the down payment.

Problems with military mortgage payments when serving in a foreign army

The military mortgage program is intended only for military personnel serving in the Russian army and is valid only on the territory of the Russian Federation. Programs for employees in a foreign army are governed by the laws of the state in which the service takes place.

Questions and answers

When will additional funds for military mortgages be received?

Additional funds are transferred within three months from the date of writing the application for payment.

If there is not enough money for a military mortgage - what to do?

The amount of the military mortgage at the moment is 1,900,000 rubles. When these funds are not enough to purchase the desired housing, the bank offers to issue an additional loan: Sberbank up to 1 million rubles, VTB up to 3,000,000 rubles. The additional loan is paid at the expense of the borrower's personal funds.

He retired from the army with psoriasis, how is the mortgage paid off?

Dismissal for medical reasons is a preferential condition. Seniority is of great importance. If the seniority is more than 10 years, then the state does not need to return mortgage funds, moreover, you can count on additional payments. Having an experience of up to 10 years, all funds of the targeted loan will need to be returned to the state. And also pay the rest of the debt to the bank.