It is difficult to say whether the payment of compensation to you on the deposit was correct, since in your question you provided for the most part information that was not necessary for making the calculation. But even according to the data that is available, it can be assumed that you most likely were not compensated for the funds that should have been credited to a special account opened for you by Decree of the President of the USSR dated 03.22.91 N UP-1708.

Here is how this is stated in paragraph 2 of the Decree of the President of the USSR of 03/22/91 UP-1708 (as amended on 02/27/1992) "On compensation to the population of losses from the depreciation of savings in connection with the only increase in retail prices":

"2. Compensatory payments are made for all types of existing deposits based on their balance as of March 1, 1991, in the manner determined by the State Bank of the USSR and the Savings Bank of the USSR. From March 30, 1992, all restrictions on the use by depositors of funds credited to special accounts were abolished by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 27, 1992 N 196. The balance of deposits with the right to use these amounts after July 1, 1991 increases by the amount of compensation payments up to 200 rubles inclusive. Deposit revaluation amounts exceeding 200 rubles are credited to special accounts with the right to use these funds by depositors after three years. For funds in special accounts, income is paid based on the current rate of 7 percent per annum.

So, in order to make sure that the compensation given to you is correct, you must first examine all the entries in your savings book from the period March 1, 1991 onwards, and make sure that 200 rubles have been added to the balance of the deposit. Sberbank had to credit 200 rubles to the account on which the savings book was issued under the Decree and make the corresponding entry in the savings book:

date - 03/01/1991;

arrival - 200 rubles 40% compensation.

I will make an approximate calculation of the compensation due to you on the deposit, but given that you did not indicate what the balance of the deposit was on the account on 06/20/1991, and whether 200 rubles were credited to you, the calculation will be extremely inaccurate. In addition, you did not indicate the year of your birth, and therefore, based on the amount of compensation issued to you, I assumed that you were entitled to 2-fold compensation.

Calculation 1: - On compensation for the deposit, if an entry on the addition of 200 rubles has been made to the passbook.

1. Suppose that after 40% compensation, which was credited to the deposit on March 1, 1991, by July 20, 1991, the amount of the main deposit is 826.90 rubles.

2. The amount that should have been credited to a special account should have been 50.76 (I consider the reverse method)
826.90 rubles - 200 = 626.90 the approximate amount of the main contribution before adding 40% compensation
626.90 * 40 / 100 = 250.76 - this is the entire estimated amount of 40%
compensation, of which, according to the Decree, 200 rubles were added to the main deposit and 50.76 - to a special account opened additionally for the depositor. Both of these amounts are included in the last compensation payments.

3. The total amount that is subject to compensation will be - 877.66
826,90 + 50,76 = 1561,99

4. Since you are entitled to 2-fold compensation, the amount of payment calculated according to the formula will be - 1755.32
(877.66 * 1 * 2) - 0 = 1755.32 (approximate amount of compensation!).

Calculation 2: - On compensation for the deposit, if the record of adding 200 rubles to the passbook is not made.

1. Suppose that the amount of the deposit as of March 1, 1991 was 826.90 rubles. There is no record of adding 40% compensation in the passbook.

2. 40% compensation will be 330.76 rubles
826.90 * 40 / 100 = 330.76 rubles.

3. Then on June 20, 1991, the amount of the deposit on the main account will be 1026.90 rubles.
826,90 + 200,00 = 1026,90

4. And 130.76 rubles will be credited to a special account.
330.76 - 200.00 = 130.76 rubles
Both amounts of the 40% compensation are included in the compensation payments.

5. The total amount that is subject to compensation will be - 1561.99
1026,90 + 130,76 = 1157,66

6. In this option, 2-fold compensation will be - 2315.32
(1157,66 * 1 * 2) - 0 = 2315,32

In addition, once again read my “Explanations on determining the amount of the balance of the deposit in calculating the amount of compensation” in the article “Compensation for deposits opened before 1991. for 2016"

The depositor does not agree with the amount of compensation

To remove all doubts, you should make a written request to the bank about the amount of compensation paid, here is how it is stated on the Sberbank website in the "Questions and Answers" section:

Question 13: The contributor has received compensation, but disagrees with the amount of compensation. What to do?
Answer: On the bank's website, through the "Feedback" file an appeal about disagreement with the amount of compensation accrued. Get a unique case number.

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Compensation and indexation of Sberbank deposits in 1992

Until 2020, the population will receive compensation for deposits that "disappeared" before 1992 in Sberbank. It is planned to return about three hundred billion rubles.

How it all started

In the nineties, there was nowhere to spend money, and it turned out that the population had savings, which were subsequently stored in deposits in Sberbank. In parallel, at that time, a deficit arose, which the state decided to “correct” by using the funds of the population located in the deposits of Sberbank. After some time, it turned out that the bank could not repay the debt to all depositors, because there was simply nothing to do it. And what was left was frozen. Thus, the population was left with nothing.

Gradual way out

Some time later, Mikhail Gorbachev indexed all deposits by 40%. Amounts up to 200 rubles were handed out, and what exceeded the figure was credited to special accounts under special conditions that were not very beneficial for the population. But then there was no question of choice.

Two years later, the second compensation was carried out, though in absentia. This was partly due to pressure from investors. Boris Yeltsin issued a corresponding decree, but nothing followed. Although in 1996 Boris Yeltsin "rehabilitated" and part of the debt still returned to the depositors.

Since 2009, and this is the fourth compensation in a row, payments have been made more actively.

Sberbank Promises and Policy of Compensation Payments

At the moment, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2009 No. 1092 “On the procedure for making compensation payments to citizens of the Russian Federation on deposits in the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation” in 2010-2014 is in force.

Who claims to receive compensation? First, persons who were born before 1945 (inclusive). They are paid three times the balance. Secondly, persons with a year of birth that fell between 1946 and 1991. The size is twice the rest.

Compensation for funeral services is determined according to the Federal Law of December 19, 2006 N 238-FZ in the following amounts:

  • 6,000 rubles, if the amount of the deceased owner's deposits indicated in the application is equal to or exceeds 400 rubles (based on the face value of banknotes in 1991);
  • in an amount equal to the sum of the contributions of the deceased owner indicated in the application, multiplied by a factor of 15, if the sum of the deposits is less than 400 rubles.

When accepting an application for payment of compensation for paying for funeral services, a note on the payment made is made on the death certificate of the owner of the deposits.

The amount of compensation for the deposit depends on the period of storage of deposits and is determined using the following coefficients:

  • 1 - for deposits that are currently in effect, as well as for deposits that were in effect in 1992 - 2019 and closed in 1996 - 2019;
  • 0.9 - for deposits that operated in 1992 - 1994 and closed in 1995;
  • 0.8 - for deposits that operated in 1992 - 1993 and closed in 1994;
  • 0.7 - for deposits that were in effect in 1992 and closed in 1993;
  • 0.6 - for deposits closed in 1992;
  • 0.0 - for deposits closed in the period from June 20, 1991 to December 31, 1991.

So, for example, a depositor born in 1947, on a deposit closed in 1995, is entitled to compensation in the amount of 2 times the balance of deposits in the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation as of June 20, 1991 using a coefficient of 0.9.

In the light of the laws listed above, I would like to draw the attention of citizens to the following points:

  • Payment of compensations to citizens (their heirs) who do not have citizenship of the Russian Federation, but live in the territory of the Russian Federation is not provided.
  • Compensation for existing deposits in 1991 is not made to citizens residing outside the Russian Federation who are foreign citizens or stateless persons.
  • Payment of compensation on deposits opened on the territory of states that were previously part of the USSR is carried out only by these states and only in accordance with the legislation of these states.
  • Payment of compensation for deposits opened after June 20, 1991 is not carried out at all.

Documents for payment of compensation on the deposit

Compensation payments for deposits made in 1991 are made at the subdivisions of Sberbank of Russia at the location of the deposits. To receive compensation, Sberbank is presented with the following documents:

  • Contributors (or their representatives), citizens of the Russian Federation:
    1. power of attorney with the right to receive compensation;
    2. application for compensation (issued at the bank);
    3. savings book (if any);
    4. a statement about the loss of the passbook, if the passbook for the current deposit is lost;
    5. on a deposit closed in 1992-2019, the depositor draws up a corresponding application at the bank.
  • Heirs, citizens of the Russian Federation:
    1. identity document;
    2. a document confirming the right to inheritance;
    3. certificates of death of the owner of deposits;
    4. a document confirming that the depositor was a citizen of the Russian Federation on the date of death (if necessary);
    5. savings book (for current deposit);
    6. in the absence of a savings book for a current deposit or upon receipt of compensation for a deposit closed in 1992-2019, the depositor draws up a corresponding application at the bank.

Read also: Can the salary be below the living wage?

For information on the documents required for payment of compensation on deposits, you can check with the operational employees of Sberbank or by calling the Bank's help desk. An application form for compensation can be downloaded here or searched on the Sberbank website.

All original documents presented to Sberbank (passport, savings book, death certificate, documents confirming the right of inheritance, etc.) are returned to customers by a bank employee after filling out an application and making copies of these documents.

The amount of compensation paid to the owners of deposits is reflected:

  • for closed deposits - in an expense cash warrant, which the depositor must sign. Before signing the order, check the amount and if there are questions about the amount, then the receipt should be postponed until the calculation is verified. It is advisable to get a copy of the warrant in your hands.
  • for unclosed deposits - the operation of crediting compensation and the amount of compensation are reflected in the savings book with the mark "compensation". The passbook should be returned to you.

Calculation of the amount of compensation for the deposit

To calculate the amount of compensation for deposits made before June 20, 1991, specially compiled formulas are used.
So, the amount of compensation on deposits can be calculated independently using the following formulas:

1. The amount of 3-fold compensation is determined by the formula:

The designations used in the formulas are deciphered as:

  • - the balance of the deposit as of 06/20/1991
  • - compensation factor
  • - the amount of previously received compensation
  • Explanations for determining the amount of the balance of the deposit from which the calculation of the amount of compensation is carried out:
    For the correct preparation of the calculation according to the formula, it is necessary to take into account that the balance of the deposit as of 20.06.1991. can be made up of two sums:

    • funds on the deposit account (account number is indicated in the passbook)
    • funds on a special account opened by Decree of the President of the USSR dated 22.03.91 N UP-1708 (the account was opened if the deposit on 01.03.1991 was more than 200 rubles).

    This means that in addition to the amount of the deposit indicated in the passbook, the amount of compensation under Decree No. UP-1708, which was paid to depositors for all deposits, based on their balance as of March 1, 1991, also participates in compensation payments. Such an amount will not be available only to depositors who made their contribution in the period from 03/01/1991 to 06/20/1991.

    In accordance with the Decree of the President of the USSR dated March 22, 1991 N UP-1708 “On compensation to the population of losses from the depreciation of savings due to a one-time increase in retail prices”, Sberbank depositors were given a one-time increase in the amount of savings by 40 percent of the balance of the deposit as of March 1, 1991 ., which was calculated as follows:

  • For the amount of compensation payments up to 200 rubles inclusive, the balance of the deposit with the right to use these amounts after July 1, 1991 simply increased.
  • For the amount of revaluation of deposits exceeding 200 rubles, the funds were credited to special accounts with the right to use after three years.
  • When receiving compensation, it is especially worth paying attention to whether the amount of compensation on the second account was included in the total amount of compensation, since Sberbank employees “sometimes” for some reason “forget” about the payment on this account.

    Who is not eligible for deposit compensation?

    I repeat once again that compensation to contributors or heirs is not paid in the following cases:

  • if the deposit was opened on 06/20/1991 and later;
  • if the deposit was closed between June 20, 1991 and December 31, 1991;
  • if the deposit was previously paid compensation in full;
  • if the deceased investor did not have heirs under the age of 1991;
  • if the deposit belongs to non-citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • if the heirs on the deposit of the deceased depositor (citizen of the Russian Federation) are not citizens of the Russian Federation
  • Bibliography

    For the preparation of this material used:

  • Federal Law of May 10, 1995 No. 73-FZ "On the restoration and protection of savings of citizens of the Russian Federation"
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2009 No. 1092 “On the procedure for making compensation payments to citizens of the Russian Federation on deposits in the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation in 2010-2019”.
  • Information from the Savings Bank of Russia on the procedure for paying compensations.
  • Federal Law of November 29, 2018 N 459-FZ "On the federal budget for 2019 and for the planning period of 2020 and 2021"
  • The last changes to the material were made on 04/03/2019.

    In the 1990s, many Sberbank depositors lost their savings due to the economic reforms being carried out at that time. However, in 2009 a decision was made to pay compensation for some of the lost deposits. What is happening today with the receipt of money on the deposits of the Sberbank of the USSR, laid down before 1992, and what needs to be done to arrange compensation, you will learn from our article.

    Who can receive funds

    According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1092 dated December 25, 2009, the following can apply for a compensation payment:

    • any citizen born before 1991 who had a deposit in Sberbank on June 20, 1991 and did not close it before 1992;
    • the heir of the contributor (in case of death of the latter later than 2001);
    • the person who paid for the burial of the contributor (again, provided that he died after 2001).

    Important! Compensation payments are provided exclusively to citizens of the Russian Federation. Citizens of the former Soviet republics cannot apply for funds.

    How to make a payment

    To receive funds against lost savings, you will have to pay a visit to the Sberbank branch. Naturally, it can be quite difficult to find the branch where the deposit was opened or closed in Sberbank in 1992 - it can be located in another city or country, or even be closed. But it is not important. You can contact any office that is convenient for you. The package of necessary documents that you need to provide to the bank will depend on your situation.

    1. If you were a depositor in the 90s, a passport, a valid passbook and an application will be enough. If the savings book has been lost, you will first have to write an application for its restoration, and only then - to receive compensation payments.
    2. If you are the heir of the contributor, in addition to the passport and application, you will need to present a death certificate, as well as documents on your right to inheritance (will or certificate from a notary).

    Important! Before registering an inheritance after a deceased relative, in the absence of a will, it is worth ordering from the Sberbank a search for all the deposits he had, as well as requesting information about the compensation received on them. This will make further processing easier.

    Can everything be done online?

    Compensation for deposits of Sberbank in 1992 can only be provided upon an application certified by your signature. You can make a preliminary application in the personal account of the Sberbank Online @ yn service, but in any case, you will have to submit an application through the office. But on the bank's website, you can immediately calculate the amount of compensation, which it makes sense to claim based on your conditions.

    To do this, it is not even necessary to be registered in the system - just go to the very bottom of the main page of the Sber website and in the "Deposits" column, find the "Deposit compensation" item. Having entered it, you will find a very convenient payout calculator.

    Indexation of Sberbank deposits in 1992

    The amount of compensation that can be received for a deposit lost in the 90s is determined based on its validity period, as well as the date of birth of the depositor. Persons born before 1946, when calculating compensation, must multiply the amount of the deposit on June 20, 1991 by 3, depositors - born later - by 2. Thus, you will receive a preliminary total. To determine the final amount, you should multiply it by a coefficient, which is determined depending on the term of the deposit, according to the table below.

    Coefficient Deposit closing year
    1 1996–present
    0,9 1995
    0,8 1994
    0,7 1993
    0,6 1992

    Important! If you have previously received any refund on lost deposits, its amount will be deducted from the total amount.

    The formula with coefficients is only suitable directly for investors. Their heirs can claim to receive compensation from the bank for funeral expenses in the amount of 6,000 rubles, provided that the deposit of the testator was at least 400 rubles. This amount is paid regardless of whether the depositor received compensation for lost deposits during his lifetime or not. For deposits of less than 400 rubles, the amount of compensation is calculated by multiplying the amount of the deposit by 15. Payments of compensation are made, at your request, either in cash or by transfer to the account specified in the application.

    The government obliged Sberbank to pay compensation to customers who made deposits on, including opening a targeted deposit for children until 1991. Compensation is paid on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1092 of December 25, 2009.

    According to the Decree, Sberbank compensates Soviet deposits in 2017 according to the status of accounts as of 06/20/1991. Compensation of old deposits in Sberbank in 2015 was temporarily suspended, and in 2016 it was resumed again to the delight of depositors.

    Who can receive payments?

    Both the contributor himself and his heir (if there are documents confirming the right to inheritance) can claim the payment.

    Mandatory condition: the depositor has the citizenship of the Russian Federation.

    How much will they compensate?

    The settlement point is the state of the deposit as of June 20, 1991.

    What compensation for Sberbank deposits in 1991 you will have depends on the year of birth of the depositor:

    • Born before 1945 (inclusive) - receive payments in a triple amount;
    • Those born in 1991-1945 - in double size.

    If you have already received another type of compensation for this deposit, the amount of the payment will be reduced by this amount.

    Attention: closed deposits in the period 06/20/1991-12/31/1991 are not subject to compensation

    For closed deposits, reduction factors apply:

    • 0.6 - for deposits closed in 1992;
    • 0.7 - for deposits valid for 1992 and closed in 1993;
    • 0.8 - for deposits valid for 92-93 and closed in 1994;
    • 0.9 - for deposits valid for 92-94 and closed in 1995;
    • 1 - for deposits valid for 1992-2016 and closed in 1996-2016.

    Compensation in the event of the death of the depositor

    If the owner of the deposit passed away in 2001-2017, then his heir has the right to receive a payment for compensation for funeral services:

    • 6000 rubles - if the amount of the deposit exceeded 400 rubles;
    • 15 times the amount of the deposit, if it was less than 400 rubles.

    If the depositor had several accounts opened in different branches of Sberbank, then compensation is paid only in one of them.

    Compensation up to 6,000 rubles will be paid regardless of how much the depositor managed to receive during his lifetime.

    Documents for receiving compensation


    Must provide:

    • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • savings book;
    • Application for reimbursement.


    • Passport of the Russian Federation;
    • Death certificate of the owner of the deposit;
    • Document for the right to receive an inheritance;
    • Application for compensation.

    With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the savings of a huge number of citizens disappeared. Then it was customary to keep funds in passbooks, this method was considered proven and reliable. However, an unforeseen development of events led to a "freeze" of accounts, and the state failed to repay the debts to the population in full. For several years now, the Russian authorities have been taking steps in this direction, and payments on USSR passbooks in 2020 are also ongoing.

    The reimbursement of depreciated deposits began in 1996, but only for socially vulnerable categories of citizens. This applies to pensioners and the disabled. Appropriate funding is allocated from the budget, a special article is provided for this. 5.5 million rubles are allocated annually for these purposes.

    Who is entitled to compensation

    Payments on savings books are made by Sberbank of the Russian Federation. The categories of citizens of the Russian Federation who are allowed to receive compensation are identified. They included:

    • People whose money has not yet been returned.
    • Population with Russian citizenship residing on its territory.
    • Passbook holders born before 1991.
    • The people who are their heirs.

    The heirs who spent funds on the burial of the dead in the interval from 2001 to 2017 are entitled to payments on deposits. There is a peculiarity here. You can get 6 thousand rubles, if in 1991 there were at least 400 rubles on the account.

    Important! If the amount was less, the amount of compensation is increased by 15 times.

    The depositor or his heir, who is not a citizen of the Russian Federation, and the owners of accounts opened after June 20, 1991, will not be able to receive a refund. Returns are not allowed to citizens of the former republics of the USSR, except for Russia, as well as to people who closed accounts before the specified end date of the year.

    The procedure for calculating payments

    When paying compensation on USSR passbooks, the amount of the refund is calculated taking into account the age of the deposit holder and the period of validity of the deposit. There are the following conditions:

    • Citizens born before 1945 will receive a threefold refund.
    • People born between 1945 and 1991 are entitled to double payment.
    • This amount is reduced by the amount of the partial refund received earlier.

    Important! For accounts closed on June 20 - December 31, 1991, double and triple increases do not apply.

    The condition for receiving a triple payout is the availability of money in the account. The nominal value of monetary units for 1991 is taken into account. Commissions and payment of banking services are not taken into account.

    Based on the period of storage of money, special coefficients are established:

    • 1 - for deposits that are currently relevant, active in 1992 - 2019, closed in 1996 - 2019.
    • 0.9 - for accounts that functioned in 1992-94 and closed in 1995.
    • 0.8 - for accounts closed in 1994, etc.

    Example: for a person born in 1970 who deposited 1,000 rubles in the spring of 1991 and closed it in 1995, the compensation will be 1,000 × 2 × 0.9 = 1,800 rubles.

    Return of funds to the heirs of the deposit owner

    In fact, all payments on passbooks can be divided into three categories:

    • Compensation on deposits of Sberbank.
    • Payments to beneficiaries.
    • Payment for funeral services.

    Receiving a refund by the heir is possible in the event of the death of the depositor before the start of payments. But finances are not returned to all heirs. Receipt is not available for those of them who are not a Russian citizen or were not such at the time of the death of the testator. The same applies to situations where the owner of the deposit after its opening changed citizenship.

    Important! If the owner of the passbook now lives abroad, but remains a Russian citizen, he can withdraw funds on a general basis.

    Certain conditions apply to the heirs' savings book reimbursement plan:

    • Date of birth after 1991.
    • Opening of the deposit no later than June 20, 1991.
    • Document on the death of the owner of the deposit.
    • Paper on the right of succession.
    • Confirmation of citizenship of the Russian Federation.

    The passbook for this contribution must be in the hands of the heir. Users authorized in the Sberbank Online service can fill out an application in electronic format. However, you still have to visit a bank branch. This is necessary to sign on paper and receive money.

    If the heir has a testamentary letter, you must contact the Sberbank branch, the number of which is indicated in the passbook. You need to take your passport with you. Funds will be credited after the application has been reviewed.

    If there is no testamentary document, the necessary steps will be:

    • Entry into inheritance rights.
    • Sending a request to Sberbank to find out if the money is on the account of the deceased.
    • Obtaining from the notary a paper on the rights to the inheritance.
    • Providing the required banking unit with a package of documentation along with a death certificate.
    • Application for withdrawal of funds from the deposit of the deceased.

    Important! Residents of Crimea, where there is no branch of Sberbank, can apply to any branch on the territory of mainland Russia.

    The procedure for issuing money

    The rest of the Russians who have money left in their accounts from the times of the USSR must submit an application, attaching a passbook or power of attorney to it, if a representative is involved in receiving the money.

    One month is allotted for consideration of the application. Employees of a banking organization do not take away the originals of the documentation, but make a copy of each paper. The recipient is informed about the positive decision regarding the payment. No one controls the direction of spending the issued money.

    The accrued and paid amount of the deposit is entered into the cash disbursement order. The recipient puts his signature on it. At this point, it is important to check the compliance of the amount of payment with preliminary calculations. If there are questions about the amount, the receipt of payment on the Soviet passbook is suspended for verification. One copy of the paper must be kept for yourself.

    Actions for accruing money and the amount of unclosed deposits are indicated in the passbook, which remains with the recipient. If Sberbank refuses to pay compensation, you can appeal this decision through the judicial authority. To receive a refund, you will need to provide a court decision to a banking institution. If it is necessary to collect by force, the issue is resolved through bailiffs.

    Important! If the account holder or his heir has an account with Sberbank, compensation can be transferred to this deposit.

    Additional special account

    When receiving compensation on passbooks before 1991, it must be taken into account that many deposits of that time included two components. The first is directly the money in the account, the number of which is registered in the passbook. The second is funds from a special account that appeared by presidential decree.

    Such accounts were opened for citizens who put more than 200 rubles on deposit by March of that year. Their savings increased by 40% one-time. If there was less money on the deposit, the funds were credited to a separate special account. In the first case, it was allowed to spend accruals from July of the same year, in the second - after three years. So the state tried to save the money of citizens from depreciation.

    When receiving compensation, you need to clarify whether it includes finances from the second deposit. To compensate for losses from the hyperinflationary process, the state intends to carry out indexation - a multiple increase in amounts.

    Funeral payments

    In the event of the death of the owner in 2001-2020, payments are made to his heirs in order to compensate for payments for funeral services. The return of funds does not depend on the receipt by the owner of compensation for deposits during his lifetime. Reimbursement is paid exclusively to Russian citizens. It is important that the deceased person also had such citizenship at the time of his death.

    The amount of such compensation is calculated taking into account the amount of the deceased's funds remaining in the accounts. If you have several deposits, it is better to choose a branch in which the amount of the balance is larger. The return will be equal to the amount of deposits in one savings bank on 06/20/91, multiplied by 15.

    Important! Compensation is paid within the limits of 6,000 rubles.

    Not only the heir, but also any other person can receive reimbursement for burial expenses. To do this, you will have to confirm your expenses for these purposes, but it is not necessary to wait for the inheritance.

    Actions in case of loss of passbook

    If the USSR savings book is lost, but the depositor or his heir is sure that the deposit itself and the funds on it are available, you will have to contact the banking department to search for the document. An application must be submitted to the branch where the book was issued. If for objective reasons this is not possible, you should go to the nearest branch of Sberbank. However, in this case, the procedure will take more time, since the bank will send a request to the right department.

    The surviving passbook of a deceased relative must be transferred to a notary public before issuing a certificate of inheritance. In the absence of a passbook, the notary has the right to request information about the accounts of the deceased. Such requests are not accepted from individuals, each citizen can only look for their own deposits. After receiving the account number, the notary will write it into the certificate. This paper must be submitted to the bank along with other documentation for compensation.

    Since over the past decades Sberbank has repeatedly changed account numbers, it is necessary to clarify the current data before filling out the application. A banking organization is not obliged to search for account holders or their heirs in order to pay compensation. You must apply for a refund yourself.

    Insurance compensation

    Contributors who participated in state insurance during the Soviet Union can apply to Rosstrakh. This structure reimburses savings under endowment insurance agreements entered into prior to early 1992. All contributions received during this period are recognized as the national debt of the country. Such insurances provide for compensation rules similar to Sberbank payments from books with a three- and two-fold increase, as well as payments for burial.

    Important! An application for a refund under insurance can be downloaded on the Rosstrakh website.

    To receive a refund you will need:

    • Copy of insurance certificate.
    • Compensation document.
    • Certificate from work or from the archive on the transfer of premiums for insurance.

    The certificate indicates the breakdown of contributions by month, the data of the employee and the period of his labor activity, the basis for issuing, the name of the issuing organization. The paper is signed by an authorized person who designates his position. The certificate is sealed.

    Additionally, copies of certain passport pages, documentation of the change of surname are provided. The application can be sent by e-mail or traditional mail.

    Return of children's deposits

    Since 1988, a new offer appeared in the Soviet Savings Bank in the form of a targeted deposit opened for children. Such deposits were widely used and were very popular among the population.

    The essence of this financial product was to open an account for a child, however, he could use the funds only after the age of majority. The minimum investment period was 10 years. A favorable rate was envisaged, linked to inflationary indicators. By the end of 1993, the inflation rate reached 190%.

    Subsequently, both indicators were reduced, and as a result of the denomination in 1998, savings were reduced by a factor of 1,000.

    If you have such a passbook for a child, you should not throw it away, because this is a real opportunity to receive a refund. To receive compensation you need:

    • Find the seal of a banking organization on the first page of the book on the right.
    • The city and number of the subdivision where the deposit was opened will also be indicated here.
    • On the Internet resource of Sberbank, clarify the current location of this branch.
    • Visit the branch and fill out an application.

    If the office no longer functions or is located in another locality, it is enough to contact another division of the financial structure. There you need to present a children's passbook and your own passport.

    Important! The appeal will be accepted from the citizen in whose name the deposit is registered.

    Compensation is calculated according to the amount that appeared on the account by 06/20/1990. With a later placement of funds, compensation is not due, recalculation is not made. Otherwise, the standard rules for paying compensation from passbooks apply. To receive payments on deposits opened in any Soviet republic, one should apply to a banking institution of that country.

    Children's deposit holders born before 1945 receive a threefold payment of the balance, from 1945 to 1991 - twice.

    Compensation for the loss of a license by a bank

    Compensation in Russia is also provided to depositors of banking structures deprived of a license. Payments are dealt with not only by Sberbank, but also by a special agency. This structure is responsible for deposit insurance. Demand deposits and term deposits opened by citizens and legal entities are insured.

    Important! Compensation for CHI and savings certificates are not paid.

    When a bank's license is revoked, its customers are guaranteed to receive an amount of up to 1.4 million rubles. Larger savings are returned to deposit holders in stages, as the organization's assets are sold. If the account was capitalized, interest will be added to the compensation payment.

    To receive a refund, you need to find out which company is appointed as the agent bank responsible for the payments. Depositors are notified of the loss of the license by the bank. 14 days after receiving the notification, you can come to the branch and apply for insurance payment. Often funds are transferred immediately on the spot.

    It is not necessary to try to get paid as soon as possible. The agency structure will make payments to owners of deposits for two years.

    In the process of receiving compensation for savings. The book is not difficult. If the document remains on hand, the money can be received faster. But its absence will not cause a refusal to return the money. For compensation, you need to contact the banking department where the deposit was opened. Not only owners of deposits, but also their heirs can count on compensation.

    On the one hand, the state, as far as possible, tries to at least partially compensate for the losses of its citizens. On the other hand, there is no question of returning the full amount, equivalent to the amount of savings in Soviet times. Neither the budget nor Sberbank itself has sufficient funds for this. It is still difficult to predict further developments, but it is possible that payment conditions will improve over time.

    In Soviet times, the phrase "Citizens, keep money in a savings bank!" was very common and was considered the standard of civic responsibility. Those who listened to this advice could be sure that they made the right choice. For a long time they were confident not only in the future, but also in the fact that nothing bad could happen to their money. During the collapse, many Sberbank depositors lost their savings due to the freezing of all accounts. Unfortunately, the state has not yet been able to fully repay its debts to the people. Therefore, after so many years, many victims are still waiting for the return of their money and are interested in how they can receive compensation for the damage suffered.

    Payment procedure

    At the moment, it is still ongoing for citizens of the country who made deposits before the collapse of the USSR. All accounts subject to protection and recovery under the laws of the country are gradually paid by the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation. The law on compensation to citizens for damages was adopted in 1995.

    It became known that the country's budget plans to continue payments to victims of the bank's bankruptcy in 1991. Taking into account the adopted law on compensation for damage, from 2017 to 2019, consideration of applications from citizens will continue. Five million five hundred thousand rubles are allocated from the budget for each year. It is this amount that the current government has pledged to pay off the debt to the citizens of the Russian Federation in order to cover the debt left by the Sberbank of the USSR.


    Many citizens are interested in what normative acts will now be used to return financial resources from investments before 1991. All data are noted in the law on the state budget for this period. Basically, the government refers to the law that was adopted back in 1995. It is he who implies the return of the money of depositors and the protection of the state of its citizens from such problems.

    Payment procedure

    The order has not yet been approved by the state authorities. It is only known that there are no changes in the scheme of payments that were prescribed in the budget before. The latest changes in the legislation regarding deposits made before June 20, 1991 were made in 2009 by Resolution No. 1092. Payments will begin at the moment Sberbank of Russia receives funds from the state budget for the current year.

    It is worth noting that Sberbank will not make payments again. In other words, according to the law, if a person has already received compensation in a double or triple amount, or if funeral services or other types of compensation have been paid, he cannot receive money from this deposit again and the bank is not obliged to re-return the funds to the victims.

    Who can receive compensation

    The most interesting issue for the population is information about who will be able to receive compensation for deposits in the coming years. This information is spelled out in the law on the state budget for the current year. Citizens of the Russian Federation will be able to receive the following amounts.

    Those depositors and heirs of deposits, whose year of birth is before 1945 inclusive, are entitled to receive payments in the amount of three times the increased balance of accounts, in the state in which they were at the time of the bank's closure, that is, on 20.06.91. Compensation on deposits of Sberbank, it is considered taking into account the face value of units of banknotes at that time. The amount also depends on how long the deposit was kept in the bank. And also the amount of money that was previously received during the previous issuance of compensations and commissions is deducted from it.

    Victims of a bank failure in the early 1990s who were born between 1945 and 1991, including eligible heirs, are entitled to double their account balances. Compensation for Sberbank deposits is calculated based on the face value of units of banknotes at that time. The amount also depends on how long the deposit was kept in the bank. And also the amount of money that was previously received during the previous issuance of compensations and commissions is deducted from it.

    In the event of the death of the contributor

    If the contributor died between 2001 and this year, heirs or people who were involved in paying for funeral services can count on compensation. They are paid compensation on Sberbank deposits, stipulated by the law of the country, to pay for funerals and other expenses. In other words, a person who dealt with funeral matters has the right to receive 6,000 rubles in compensation.

    As for the heirs, they can receive payments on the deposits of citizens born before 1991. The age of the depositor in this case is not important. The main thing is that no payments have been made on this deposit before. If compensation was previously paid on Sberbank deposits to pay for ritual services, then when calculating the amount, it is not deducted from the total number of returned money.

    Who cannot receive compensation

    Citizens who managed to close deposits at the end of 1991 will not be able to receive payments on deposits. This category of people is not paid compensation in double and triple sizes. Also, payments are not made to people who have already received doubled and tripled balances of money. The heirs and persons who were involved in this process cannot receive compensation in the amount of six thousand rubles for ritual services again.

    Calculation of the amount taking into account the face value

    Payment for funeral services in the event of the death of the depositor and compensation for deposits until 1991 is paid according to the federal law of 19.12.06. in the amount of 6 thousand rubles, only if the savings book of the deceased had 400 rubles or more. If we take into account the face value of banknotes at that time, then the amount of less than 400 rubles on the book of the deceased is reimbursed to people or heirs involved in ritual expenses, in the amount of a deposit increased fifteen times.

    When an application for payment of compensation for funeral services is accepted by the relevant authority, a mark is made on the submitted death certificate of the contributor. It confirms the fact of the payment of funds and prevents further fraud.

    Calculation of the amount of payments, taking into account the period of storage of the deposit

    Depending on how long the deposit was kept, the state calculation of subsequent payments on it is carried out. To calculate the amount of compensation, a special coefficient is used:

    • For deposits that are currently valid, as well as for those accounts that were valid from 1992 to 2012 and closed from 1996 to 2015, the number of this coefficient is 1.
    • For deposits that were valid between 1992 and 1994 and closed in 1995, the sum of the coefficient is 0.9.
    • Deposits closed in 1994, valid for two years from 1992 - the coefficient is 0.8.
    • Closed deposits in and valid a year before are subject to calculation with a coefficient of 0.7.
    • If the deposit was closed in 1992, then the coefficient is 0.6.
    • If the deposit is closed from 06/20/91 to 12/31/91, the coefficient is equal to zero, and the amount is not paid.

    That is, if we look at an example, a person who made a deposit and was born after 1945, who closed the deposit in 1995, will be able to count on compensation for his money, doubled. This is taking into account the fact that the amount is calculated using a coefficient whose value is 0.9.

    Features of receiving compensation

    Given the information discussed above, it is worth paying attention to special points related to compensation payments. This will be useful to anyone who wishes to receive compensation for damages and is interested in the details of who exactly can count on compensation for the loss.

    Compensation will not be available to people currently living in the country and their heirs who do not have citizenship of the Russian Federation. The budget does not provide for such expenses, and the law does not allow such payments. Also, people who live in other countries, who have foreign citizenship or do not have it at all, cannot count on payments. More detailed information can be obtained by contacting Sberbank, the hotline number is listed on the official resource.

    An important point is that Russian legislation does not provide for compensation for damages to citizens of countries that were previously part of the USSR. In other words, money is issued only to those who have Russian citizenship and live here. All others must receive compensation in their own country in accordance with its laws.

    It is also important that if the deposit was opened after June 20, 1991, then you should not count on any payments.

    According to the law, payment of such bills is not calculated. Compensation for Sberbank deposits in 2016 was carried out according to this scheme. This year, all payments are made on the basis of changes in legislation regarding the budget distribution for the current year.

    What documents are needed

    You can receive compensation at the branch of Sberbank where the deposit was originally made and where it is currently located. To receive money, you must provide a certain list of documents.

    For investors and their representatives, the following papers must be provided:

    • Documents confirming the identity of the recipient.
    • If necessary, you need a document confirming that this person is trusted to receive compensation for the deposit.
    • A previously issued application for the desire to receive compensation, this must first be done at a bank branch.
    • If available, then you need a Sberbank savings book.
    • If not available, then an application for the loss of the passbook.
    • If the deposit was closed in the period from 1992 to 2015, you need to provide a special application, which is preliminarily drawn up at the bank.

    The heirs of the contributors need to collect the same documents, but with one difference: instead of confirming the power of attorney, it is necessary to provide a document on the right to inheritance, a death certificate of the contributor, as well as a certificate that the contributor at the time of death was a full-fledged citizen of the Russian Federation. Compensation for Sberbank deposits to heirs is made only if these conditions are met.

    Where can I find information

    All the necessary data can be clarified with Sberbank employees, including what documents are needed for compensation payments. On the bank's website there is a form for filling out an application for receiving money, you can also personally contact Sberbank. Phone and other coordinates are also on the official resource. It is worth noting that any original documents that customers provide to apply for payments must be returned by employees after completing all necessary actions with them.

    What to pay attention to when designing

    If the deposit is closed, this information should be displayed in the outgoing cash order. The person receiving compensation must put his signature on it. Before doing this, it is recommended to carefully read the text of the order and check the amount indicated in it. If you have questions, it is better not to receive a payment and wait for the recalculation. In this situation, you should request one of the copies of the warrant on hand. Also, the savings book of Sberbank must contain the mark "compensation" and it must be returned to the recipient upon completion of the procedure.

    Compensation Formula

    You can calculate the amount of the deposit yourself. To do this, you need to use the following formula: multiply the balance of the deposit as of June 20, 1991 by the compensation coefficient, multiply by the increase number, in the case of a triple return by 3, in the case of a double return by 2, respectively, and subtract the amount of previously paid compensation on this deposit.

    It should be taken into account that two contributions are involved in the calculation of the amount, namely the main balance on the savings book and the amount of compensation calculated on March 1, 1991. This does not apply to people who contributed after this date.

    What does additional account mean?

    In view of the fact that food prices have increased due to inflation, a decree was passed to increase the amount of deposits by forty percent. More precisely, those depositors whose savings exceeded the amount of 200 rubles received an additional account, which contained funds in the amount of forty percent of the total. They could use them according to the law only after three years. If the amount was less than 200 rubles, then they could use the additional account after three months.