Often people think of poisons as a myth from Shakespeare's dramas, or torn from the pages of Agatha Christie's novels. But in fact, poison can be found everywhere: in cute little bottles under the kitchen sink, in our drinking water, and even in our blood. Below are ten of the most subtle poisons in the world, some of them exotic, others frighteningly everyday.

10. Hydrogen Cyanide

Despite the terrible stigma attached to cyanide, its history is rich and fruitful. Some scientists even believe that cyanide may have been one of the chemicals that helped form life on earth. Today it is better known as the lethal substance, the active ingredient in Zyklon-B, which the Nazis used to exterminate Jews in showers. Cyanide is a chemical used as capital punishment in the gas chambers of the United States. Those who have come into contact with this substance describe its smell as similar to that of sweet almonds. Cyanide kills by binding to the iron in our blood cells and destroying them, rendering them unable to carry oxygen throughout the body. Most states in the US have stopped using the gas chamber, as this type of death penalty is considered unnecessarily cruel. Death can take several minutes and is often terrifying to watch, as the condemned writhe in agony and salivate profusely as the body tries to prevent death.

9. Hydrofluoric or Hydrofluoric acid(Hydrofluoric acid)

Hydrofluoric acid is used in a number of industries such as metallurgy and even in the manufacture of Teflon. There are far more powerful acids in the world than hydrofluoric acid, but few of them are as dangerous to humans. In gaseous form, it can easily burn out eyes and lungs, but in liquid form, it is especially insidious. Initially, upon contact with human skin, it is completely imperceptible. Due to the fact that it does not cause pain on contact, people can get seriously poisoned without noticing it. It passes through the skin into the bloodstream, where it reacts with calcium in the body. In the worst cases, it seeps through the tissue and destroys the bone underneath.

8. Batrachotoxin

Fortunately for most of us, our chance of encountering batrachotoxin is incredibly small. Batrachotoxin is one of the most powerful neurotoxins in the world and is found in the skin of tiny poison dart frogs. The frogs themselves do not produce poison, it is produced in their bodies from the food they eat, most likely from eating tiny beetles. There are several different versions of the poison depending on the type of frog, the most dangerous is the type of batrachotoxin produced by the Colombian frog called the terrible leafcreeper. This frog is so tiny that it can fit on the tip of your finger, but the venom on the skin of one frog is enough to kill about two dozen people, or a couple of elephants. The toxin attacks the nerves, opening their sodium channels and causing paralysis, essentially shutting down the entire body's ability to communicate with itself. There is no antidote in the world, and death comes very quickly.

7. Nerve gas VX (VX Nerve Gas)

Banned from use by the Chemical Weapons Convention (the world's reserves of this gas are gradually declining), VX nerve gas is considered the most powerful nerve gas in the world. The danger of this gas, discovered quite by accident in 1952 during the chemical testing of organophosphates, was quickly discovered. Mass marketed as a pesticide called "Amiton", it was soon taken off the market due to its too great a danger to society. It soon attracted the attention of world governments, as it was a time of political turmoil in the Cold War, and the gas was being stockpiled for potential war use. Luckily no one started a war and the VX was never used in combat. A cultist from the Japanese group Aum Shinriyko stole some of this gas and used it to kill a person - this was the only known human death caused by VX gas. The gas stops the production of enzymes in the nerves, leaving the nerves in a state of constant activity, creating a "storm" in the nervous system that quickly overloads and destroys the body.

6 Agent Orange

Almost everyone has heard of the defoliant Agent Orange, created by Dow Chemical and Monsanto (which are considered the most malicious corporations in the world). Agent Orange was used during the Vietnam War to uproot trees that were hiding places for enemy soldiers and to destroy crops in the countryside. Unfortunately, in addition to the plant-killing agent, the herbicides contained a chemical dioxin called TCDD (tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin), a known carcinogen that causes a significant increase in the risk of cancer, especially lymphoma, in those who are exposed to it. In addition, tens of thousands of Vietnamese children were born stillborn or with birth defects such as cleft palate, extra fingers and toes, and mental retardation. Vietnam remains very polluted to this day.

5. Ricin

Derived from the castor beans, ricin is one of the deadliest poisons. A small dose, a volume comparable to a few grains of salt, is enough to kill an adult. The venom stops the production of proteins the body needs to survive, causing victims to go into shock. Because of its uncomplicated manufacturing process, ricin has been weaponized by many governments around the world, and has been used at least once to kill dissident Bulgarian writer Georgi Markov in 1978 with ricin pellets shot on a London street. It is believed that the Bulgarian secret police and/or the KGB were responsible for the murder.

4. Arsenic (Arsenic)

Arsenic metalloid has been used for centuries for everything from weapons to cosmetics during the Victorian era (when morbid pallor was considered the fashion of the ladies). During the Dark Ages, arsenic became a popular poison for assassins due to its effect - arsenic poisoning is similar in symptoms to cholera, which was widespread in those days. Arsenic attacks adenosine triphosphatase in human cells, cutting off the energy supply. Arsenic is a very nasty substance that, in high concentrations, can cause various types of gastrointestinal disturbances with bloody discharges, convulsions, coma and death. In small amounts taken on a regular basis (for example, through arsenic-contaminated water), arsenic causes a range of diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.

3. Lead

Lead is one of the very first metals used by man. Its first smelting was made 8,000 years ago. However, its dangerous effects on the body only became known a few decades ago - lead affects every organ in the human body, so lead poisoning manifests itself through a range of symptoms, from diarrhea to mental retardation. Children are especially at risk of poisoning - lead exposure to the fetus causes pathological neurological disorders. Strangest of all, many forensic scientists believe that the worldwide decline in violent crime is at least partly the result of increased restrictions on the use of lead. Children born after 1980 were much less exposed to lead and, as a result, are less prone to violence.

2. Brodifacoum

Immediately after the end of World War II, the poison warfarin began to be used as a rodenticide (and interestingly enough, it was also used as an anticoagulant for people with bleeding disorders). But rats are known for their ability to survive at all costs, and over time, many of them developed resistance to warfarin. Therefore, he was replaced by brodifacoum. An extremely lethal anticoagulant, brodifacoum lowers the amount of vitamin K in the blood. Due to the fact that vitamin K is necessary for the process of blood clotting, the body is exposed to severe internal bleeding over time, as blood is spilled throughout the body from the rupture of tiny capillaries. Brodifacoum, sold under brands such as Havoc, Talon, and Jaguar, must be handled with great care as it easily penetrates the skin and remains in the body for many months.

1. Strychnine

Derived primarily from a tree called the chilibuha, which is native to India and southeast Asia, strychnine is an alkaloid and is used as a pesticide, especially in rodent control. Death caused by strychnine poisoning is terribly painful. Being a neurotoxin, strychnine attacks the spinal nerves, causing spasms and violent muscle contractions. Oskar Dirlewanger, the Nazi SS commander during World War II, injected his prisoners with strychnine and amused himself by stroking the way they writhed. Strychnine is one of the few substances on this list that is both cheap and available on the market. It's possible that strychnine is sold at your local hardware store under a name like "Rodent Killer" or something like that.

How to poison a person with poison is asked not only by potential attackers, but also by ordinary Internet users. Today, the pharmaceutical market offers consumers a variety of drugs, some of which are available for purchase without a prescription.

And there are also toxic substances that allow you to quickly eliminate an opponent or, conversely, provoke a chronic disease. Age-old knowledge and modern technologies become dangerous weapons in the hands of competent people.

Potassium cyanide is known to almost everyone; at the beginning of the 20th century, a dangerous powder was a common way to get rid of unwanted faces.

The poison belongs to the group of hydrocyanic acid derivatives and is highly soluble in water. Some sources point to the specific smell of this substance, however, not all people are able to feel it. Potassium cyanide causes poisoning if ingested, and it is also dangerous to inhale powder particles and solution vapors. The lethal dose of poison is only a few grams, but in most cases it depends on the weight and individual characteristics of the organism.

With the help of potassium cyanide, you can quickly poison a person. Death is affected by the way the substance enters the body, so when particles are inhaled, the action of the toxin manifests itself instantly, and when it enters the stomach, the poison begins to cause irreversible consequences after 15 minutes.

The victim goes through several stages of intoxication. At first, a sore throat is felt, then nausea and vomiting begin, and numbness of the pharynx is possible. Over time, general weakness increases, a feeling of fear arises, and the pulse slows down. Subsequently, signs such as convulsions and loss of consciousness are noted. As a rule, if a sufficient dose of poison is ingested, a person dies within 4 hours.

With the advent of new drugs on the pharmaceutical market, people are interested in how to poison a person with pills. The list of dangerous poisons, if used incorrectly, includes the following drugs:

  • sleeping pills "Phenazepam";
  • hellebore water;
  • drops "Corvalol".

The medicine "Phenazepam" is prescribed by doctors as a remedy for insomnia, panic attacks and stress. It refers to psychotropic drugs, and offenders use this drug in order to poison a person in a dream.

Like many other drugs, "Phenazepam" is incompatible with alcohol - this is what criminals use, since the joint use of these pills and alcoholic beverages leads to respiratory arrest and death. But it is not easy to get the described drug, since it is dispensed exclusively by medical prescription.

Hellebore water is freely sold in pharmacies and is used not only in traditional medicine, but also as a remedy for alcohol addiction. However, some cases of intentional intoxication are not taken into account, which is why such a remedy is suitable for those who want to poison a person without determining the poison.

Fatal outcome occurs when ingested 2 years. raw materials, hellebore water adversely affects the functioning of the heart and blood pressure. Thus, the supply of oxygen to the brain gradually decreases.

As a rule, alcohol accelerates the absorption of poison and signs of intoxication with hellebore water develop within 20 minutes after taking the remedy. Vomiting begins, and symptoms such as intense thirst, slow heart rate, and mental disorder are noted. Death occurs on average after 8 hours, such a medicine allows criminals to poison a person without determining the exact cause of death.

Drops of "Corvalol" can be purchased at any pharmacy, which makes them an affordable and effective medicine for poisoning. The lethal dose of the drug depends on the weight and age of the person, on average it is 150 drops.

Intoxication is characterized by prolonged sleep, lowering blood pressure and dilated pupils. The joint use of this drug with alcohol is especially dangerous, in which case tachycardia appears, the skin turns blue. Most likely, it will not work to poison a person slowly with the help of Corvalol drops, a fatal outcome occurs within a day, which is used by various asocial elements of society.

If you want to be healthy - douse yourself, don't touch this rubbish, but it's better to bypass it altogether ...
The deadliest things on our planet.

Death cap- Destroying Angel. The first physical signs of poisoning are usually nausea, vomiting, and bloody diarrhea. After feeling a little discomfort, there is a sharp pain in the abdomen, severe vomiting, intense thirst, and cyanosis of the limbs, as well as jaundice of the eyes and skin as a liver lesion. The patient remains conscious almost to the end, with brief intervals of loss of consciousness, then coma and death.

dog fish(Pufferfish). The poison tetraodontoxin is located in the ovaries of this fish and is not destroyed by heat treatment. When poisoned, speech is difficult, and paralysis of the respiratory system quickly develops, accompanied by paralysis of the central nervous system. The cause of death is most often convulsions or respiratory arrest, which occur within one to two hours after the poison enters the body.

castor oil- Castor Beans. Signs of poisoning - bitterness in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, drowsiness, cyanosis, numbness, impaired microcirculation, blood in the urine, resulting in coma, and death; a poisonous agent, even in low concentrations, causes the dissolution of red blood cells, in serious cases, hemorrhages develop throughout the body. Castor oil can also lead to premature birth in pregnant women. Autopsies of patients who died from castor bean poisoning show that vomit and stools contain blood.

Belladonna. All parts of the plant are deadly poisonous, especially its roots, leaves, and berries. The poison paralyzes the parasympathetic nervous system, blocking the nerve endings.

Venom Viper. The venom of the snake affects the blood and nervous system, is less poisonous when it enters the mouth than the blood ... The victim of a viper bite bleeds from the wound, has a fever and chills. The poisoning is accompanied by swelling or hemorrhages above the elbows or knees. These signs usually appear within two hours of being bitten. Then fainting, bleeding from the nose and mouth, loss of vision, followed by loss of consciousness. Death caused by cardiorespiratory disorders is inevitable if an antidote is not administered in time.

Barbados nut or Physical nut. The threat lies in the deceptively pleasant taste of the seeds. However, make no mistake - each seed contains at least 55 percent of the active substance "Hell oil", which blocks protein synthesis in the intestinal wall and can lead to death.

hemlock. Signs of poisoning are a gradual loss of coordination followed by a fast and weak pulse, muscle pain as they atrophy and eventually die. Although the mind remains clear, vision often deteriorates until the victim dies as a result of paralysis of the lungs. It is believed that Socrates was poisoned with the juice of this particular plant, and not hemlock, as was previously believed.

Cobra venom It has mainly neurotoxic effects. His strength is enough to cause the death of a person after the first full bite. In such cases, the death rate can exceed 75 percent. However, taking into account all the features of the behavior of the king cobra, in general, only 10 percent of bites become fatal to humans.

Datura. All parts of the plant contain poisonous alkaloids. When it enters the gastrointestinal tract, it affects the nervous system, causing heart failure and paralysis.

Lily of the valley. It contains cardiac glycoside in a fairly high concentration, in small doses it stimulates the work of a weakened heart muscle, but in case of an overdose it leads to arrhythmias and blockade of the electrical conduction of the heart, which is necessary for its normal contractions. All parts of the plant are poisonous. Poisoning is manifested by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, severe headache pain and pain in the epigastric region. In severe cases, the rhythm and heart rate are disturbed, while the pulse, as a rule, becomes rare. Sometimes the nervous system is also affected. This is evidenced by agitation, visual disturbances, convulsions, loss of consciousness.

Aconite has a neurotoxic and cardiotoxic effect. Symptoms of poisoning are nausea, vomiting, numbness of the tongue, lips, cheeks, fingertips and toes, a feeling of crawling, a feeling of heat and cold in the extremities. Aconite intoxication is characterized by a transient visual impairment - the patient sees objects in green. Salivation is also noted, which is replaced by dryness of the oral cavity, thirst, headache, anxiety, convulsive twitching of the muscles of the face and limbs, and loss of consciousness appear. Breathing is rapid, superficial, it can suddenly stop.

Rhododendron. They contain substances of a glucosidic nature - andromedotoxin, erikolin. Andromedotoxin has a local irritant and general narcotic effect, first exciting, then depressing the central nervous system; greatly upsets the activity of the heart, in a peculiar way, like veratrin, it affects the muscle. Poisoning develops very quickly. Often, within a few hours after eating the leaves and branches of rhododendron, death occurs.

tubocurarine chloride. White crystalline powder, in traumatology d-tubocurarine is sometimes used to relax muscles during reposition of fragments, reduction of complex dislocations ... Side effects from the use of tubocurarine are observed only with its overdose; in this case, the patient may develop respiratory failure due to paralysis of the respiratory muscles and, as a result, death.

Rhubarb. Rhubarb can only be eaten in early spring, until the air temperature rises above 15-17 ° C. In early spring, malic acid predominates in rhubarb, then its content increases, and with an increase in temperature in hot weather, oxalic acid accumulates in the petioles, which is harmful to the body: it forms poorly excreted salts and removes calcium contained in the blood. The consumption of oxalic acid immediately in the amount of 3-4 g is already dangerous not only for children, but also for adults. In case of poisoning, vomiting and convulsions, renal failure may occur. In the first two days, death can occur from asphyxia, shock, and cardiovascular insufficiency. In the next 2 weeks after poisoning, such severe complications as acute renal failure, repeated collapses, profuse bleeding, hemorrhagic pneumonia, gastric perforation, which can lead to death, can occur.

Gila monster- a large reptile, with a very beautiful black and orange pattern throughout the body. The Latin name for this beautiful lizard is Heloderma suspectum or gilatooth. There are grooves on the upper and lower jaws, to which the channels of highly developed poisonous glands fit. When bitten, the teeth go deep into the body of the victim. Venom stings are very painful and act almost the same as snake bites. The poison is neurotoxic, that is, when bitten, it paralyzes its prey. For small animals, lizard venom is deadly; in humans, it usually causes very severe swelling, but sometimes it can lead to death.

Croton oil is a liquid obtained from the seeds of the Croton tiglium plant. It has a strong laxative effect, irritates the skin and mucous membranes. Even in small quantities (over 20 drops) is life-threatening. Crotonal is toxic and mutagenic. When inhaled by a person, its vapors cause irritation of the mucous membrane, pharyngitis, cough, chest pain, nausea, vomiting, onset of shock or unconsciousness. Contact directly with the liquid leads to severe skin redness, irritation, pain and burns. When the poison gets inside, poisoning of the whole organism occurs, damage to the central nervous system, and the formation of tumors. In the case of tactile contact, scarring of the skin is formed.

Digitalis. Nowadays, foxglove purple is used for the production of medicines that stimulate the cardiovascular system. Active biological substances from foxglove tend to accumulate in the body and can be harmful or even fatal to a person with a healthy heart. The grass and rhizomes of foxglove are saturated with the toxin digitalin. Poisoning is accompanied by irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, the pulse becomes rapid and arrhythmic, general weakness and shortness of breath are observed. Perhaps the development of convulsions before death.

Codeine is an almost transparent, odorless substance with a rather bitter taste, which is available in either powder or liquid form. At high doses, like other opiates, it can cause euphoria. Often, when taking a large number of tablets of certain codeine-containing drugs, serious poisoning is possible. Due to the fact that with the regular use of codeine, the phenomenon of addiction is observed (similar to addiction to heroin and other drugs of the opiate group), it is released with the same restrictions as other narcotic analgesics. In severe poisoning with codeine, respiratory disorders are possible, up to paralysis with preserved consciousness, as well as a significant drop in blood pressure.

poisonous octopus(blue ringed octopus). Its poison, which belongs to the group of neurotoxins, is so powerful that it can kill an adult, especially if the octopus has bitten in the neck or in the area close to the spine. There is simply no vaccine for its poison.

dimethyl sulfate. Used in the manufacture of paints, drugs, perfumes, and pesticides, most dimethyl sulfate poisoning is due to leakage of liquid or vapours. Signs of poisoning will be more pronounced if alcohol is present. Nausea, vomiting, weakness, dizziness, and headache occur. An increase in temperature, irritability, pain in the limbs, visual and hearing impairment, mental disorders are possible. In severe cases, tremor, ataxia, loss of consciousness, paroxysmal clonic-tonic convulsions resembling epileptic seizures, coma develop. Pathological anatomical examination reveals pronounced vascular disorders and degenerative changes in the parenchymal organs, brain and adrenal glands.

Nicotine. It is estimated that the lethal dose of nicotine for humans is 1 mg per 1 kg of body weight, i.e. about 50 - 70 mg for a teenager. Therefore, death can occur if a teenager smokes half a pack of cigarettes at the same time, because a whole pack contains exactly one lethal dose of nicotine.

Warty. A fish with a series of spikes on its back that release a poisonous toxin. It is the most dangerous poisonous fish known and its venom causes severe pain with possible shock, paralysis and tissue death depending on the depth of penetration. At the slightest irritation, the wart raises the spines of the dorsal fin; sharp and durable, they easily pierce the shoes of a person who accidentally stepped on a fish, and penetrate deep into the leg. With deep penetration, the injection can be fatal to a person if he is not provided with medical assistance within a few hours. If the thorn enters a large blood vessel, death can occur within 2-3 hours. Survivors sometimes get sick for months. The venom consists of a mixture of proteins, including the hemolytic stonustoxin, neurotoxin, and cardioactive cardioleptin. Survivors usually suffer localized nerve damage, sometimes leading to atrophy of the attached muscle tissues. The pain can be so severe that the victims of the injection want to cut off the injured limb.

hydrogen sulfide It is a colorless poisonous gas heavier than air with an unpleasant smell of rotten eggs. May be released during decay, accumulates in lowlands. Very toxic. At high concentrations, a single inhalation can cause instant death. At low concentrations, adaptation to the unpleasant smell of "rotten eggs" quickly occurs, and it ceases to be felt. There is a sweetish metallic taste in the mouth. The first symptom of acute poisoning is loss of smell. In the future, headache, dizziness and nausea appear. Sometimes after a while, sudden fainting occurs.

Oleander- a large evergreen shrub. All parts of the plant are poisonous, moreover, the smoke from the burned plant and the water in which the flowers stood are poisonous. The plant contains a number of cardiac glycosides (oleandrin, cornerin, etc.). Oleander juice, taken internally, causes severe colic in humans and animals, vomiting and diarrhea ... It also affects the nervous system (up to coma). Cardiac glycosides cause cardiac arrest.

phencyclidine(phencyclidine, PCP) - widely used in veterinary medicine for short-term immobilization of large animals. It is noted that it causes dissociated anesthesia. Phencyclidine is easy to synthesize. People who use phencyclidine are primarily young people and polydrug users. The true prevalence of phencyclidine addiction is unknown, however, according to national data, its cases in the United States have recently become more frequent. Phencyclidine is either taken orally, or smoked, or administered intravenously. It is also used as an additive to illegally sold deltatetrahydrocannabinol, LSD and cocaine. The most common artisanal drug, phencyclidine, is called angel dust. Low doses of phencyclidine (5 mg) cause restlessness, agitation, incoordination, dysarthria, and anesthesia. Horizontal and vertical nystagmus, hot flashes, profuse sweat, and hyperacusis are also possible. Psychiatric disorders include body schema disturbance, incoherent thinking, derealization, and depersonalization. Higher doses (5-10 mg) cause increased salivation, vomiting, myoclonus, pyrexia, stupor, and coma. At doses of 10 mg or more, phencyclidine causes epileptic seizures, opisthotonus, and decerebrate rigidity, which may be followed by prolonged coma. Acute psychosis caused by phencyclidine should be considered a psychiatric emergency with a high risk of suicide or violent crime.

Parathion(Parathion) - organophosphorus compound - pesticide; if it is inhaled, enters the gastrointestinal tract or absorbed through the skin, poisoning occurs. Like some other organophosphorus compounds, parathion acts on the cholinesterase enzyme, leading to overstimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system. Symptoms of poisoning are headaches, profuse sweating and salivation, lacrimation, vomiting, diarrhea and muscle spasms.

TEPP cholinesterase inhibitor-used mainly as insecticides and can cause poisoning. Symptoms - headache, loss of depth perception, convulsions, sweating, chest pain, shortness of breath, vomiting, general paralysis, involuntary urination and defecation, pressure drop, death.

yew tree. All parts of the plant are poisonous, except for the red fruits. The wood, bark and leaves of yew contain the alkaloid taxine and are therefore poisonous to humans and many other animals, although, for example, hares and deer eat yew willingly and without harm to themselves. The older the yew needles, the more poisonous it is.

Carbon tetrachloride(Carbon Tetrachloride) is a caustic volatile liquid used as a dry cleaner. When inhaled or swallowed, its vapors cause severe damage to the heart, liver and kidneys (for example, the patient may develop cirrhosis of the liver or kidney nephrosis), affects the optic nerve and some other nerves in the human body.

Strychnine- an alkaloid contained in the seeds of tropical plants of the genus strychnos. It has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, in toxic doses it causes characteristic tetanic convulsions ...

Clostridium botulinum(Clostridium botulinum) is a gram-positive bacterium of the genus Clostridium, the causative agent of botulism, a severe food intoxication caused by botulinum toxin and characterized by damage to the nervous system. Botulinum toxin accumulates in food products infected with C. botulunum spores during their germination, if anaerobic conditions are created (for example, during canning). For humans, botulinum toxin is the most potent bacterial poison, detrimental at a dose of 10-8 mg/kg. Spores of C. botulinum withstand boiling for 6 hours, sterilization at high pressure destroys them after 20 minutes, 10% hydrochloric acid after 1 hour, 50% formalin after 24 hours. Botulinum toxin type A (B) is completely destroyed by boiling for 25 minutes. The incubation period for botulism ranges from several hours to 2-5 days (rarely up to 10 days). On the first day, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea are noted. Further, neurosymptoms associated with damage to the nerve centers predominate: disturbance of accommodation, double vision, difficulty swallowing, aphonia. In severe forms of botulism, death occurs from respiratory paralysis, sometimes from sudden cardiac arrest.

Potassium cyanide- potassium salt of hydrocyanic acid, chemical formula KCN. Strong inorganic poison. When ingested, the lethal dose for humans is 1.7 mg/kg. Large doses are sometimes tolerated, slowing down the action is possible when the stomach is filled with food. Potassium cyanide is a powerful inhibitor. When it enters the body, it blocks the cellular enzyme cytochrome c oxidase, as a result of which the cells lose their ability to absorb oxygen from the blood and the body dies from interstitial hypoxia.

Many inquisitive people, most likely, wondered which creature is the most poisonous on earth. Interestingly, for a long time it was believed that these were snakes and spiders. But research scientists have painted us a different picture. And now we will consider what, in their opinion, is the most poisonous creature in the world. The top 10 suggested below may surprise some nature lovers.

First place - box jellyfish

The box jellyfish has another name - "sea wasp", because after it stings, the victim experiences unbearable pain. Many will agree that this is the most poisonous creature in the world. The Guinness Book of Records also shares this view. This jellyfish is reported to kill a human in a short time, 1 to 3 minutes. But not only this makes her a terrible enemy. The deadly tentacles can simultaneously hit up to 60 people if they are within a radius of 8 meters. Extremely fast and irreversible. Toxins attack the heart muscle and nervous system, causing hellish pain. If the touch of the tentacles was superficial, severe burns remain.

There is an antidote. If you immediately treat the bite with a solution of acetic acid, there is a chance to survive, but this usually fails. Jellyfish victims drowned because they went into shock or died from cardiac arrest. Every year, about 6,000 vacationers die from the poison of the sea wasp. Only a few people survived the bite, and they even felt pain a few weeks later.

This most poisonous creature in the world (photo shown above) lives in the waters of Northern Australia, but sometimes the "wasp" is found near South Asia. At the same time, it is quite difficult to see an object in the water, since the jellyfish merges. But there is a creature that is not afraid of box jellyfish - this is a sea turtle.

Second place - king cobra

Some are ready to argue that the most poisonous creature on earth is, after all, there are snakes with more toxic poison. But in the Guinness book, she takes an honorable second place due to how much poison she spits out at a time. It reaches 4 meters in length, but since these cobras grow all their lives (and they can live 30 years), some individuals reach 6 meters.

The amount of venom squirted depends on the size of its prey, but the dose is usually slightly more than what is needed to kill.

A case has been recorded when an Indian elephant died within three hours, as it was struck by a king cobra. With a large amount of poison, a person dies in 15 minutes from the onset of paralysis and respiratory arrest. But even more terrible is the fact that the cobra is able to rise to a third of its height. If its length is 5 meters, then it is extended by 1.6 meters. But it can please the fact that they do not attack first (if not disturbed).

Its range is the forests of South Asia, but since there is active logging, the cobras are forced to move closer to the human habitat.

Third place - scorpion Leyurus

Another most poisonous creature in the world is the Leyurus scorpion, which is found in North Africa, as well as in the Middle East. Although these scorpions are not aggressive and will not attack unless they sense danger, their venom can kill a person. Although there are many dangerous scorpions in nature, this subspecies is the most deadly. Leiruses carry a "cocktail" of neuroleptics, if it gets into the bloodstream, the victim will die.

Initially, the stung place swells and the person feels incredible pain, after which comes a fever that develops into convulsions. The end result is paralysis and death. Interestingly, before committing a deadly attack, the "baby" begins to move, as if dancing, and this warns of its intention.

Fourth place - taipan

Among the world's creature is the taipan. The danger lies in the huge amount of poison that is released during the attack. This land snake is capable of fatally injuring 100 people. Its poisonous mixture is about 400 times more toxic than the venom of an ordinary cobra. After being bitten by an adult, death occurs in an average of 45 minutes. About 90% of attacks for a person are fatal, even though the antidote exists and many people know about it.

This snake is very aggressive and can attack suddenly at a speed of 4 m/sec. But at the same time, taipans are quite shy and, sensing danger, can crawl away. This creature lives in Australia on arid plains, but often creeps up to the water.

Fifth place - dart frog

Some believe that the most poisonous creature on the planet is the poison dart frog because of its deceptive appearance. She looks very attractive and completely defenseless, but this is a hoax. Her skin of a bright saturated color is covered with poison (batrachotoxin), which, when it enters a person through microscopic damage, freely enters the body. A gram of its poison can kill 10 people. This toxic substance consists of hundreds of components that have a nerve-paralytic effect. The scary thing is that the antidote has not yet been created and it is practically impossible to escape from the effects of the poison that has got on the skin.

Scientists know 179 species of these "deceptive" creatures. They are divided into nocturnal (harmless) and daytime (toxic).

These poisonous amphibians can grow up to 8 cm. But the smallest ones (1.5 - 2.5 cm) are considered the most poisonous. They can be found in Central and South America in the rainforests. They are also called "dart frogs" because in the past the natives used their venom to grease their arrowheads.

It is noteworthy that these creatures do not produce poison on their own, they get it from poisonous insects.

Sixth place - blue-ringed octopus

This ring-shaped octopus has also received a place in the ranking of "the most poisonous creature on the planet." Although this creature is small in size, no larger than a baseball (weight 100 gr.), It has a toxic and dangerous poison. One portion, which the octopus excretes at a time, is enough to poison 25 people. Death can come within minutes. During this time, the victim will begin to experience problems with vision and speech, and numbness will occur. Then it becomes difficult for the person to breathe. The next fatal symptom is complete paralysis. Lack of oxygen and cardiac arrest will lead to death. It is impossible to neutralize the action of the poison, since the antidote has not been created.

This "cute" creature lives near the Australian and South Asian coasts. It is widely distributed and prefers shallow depths. But fortunately, he leads a night life, so it is not easy to stumble upon him. In addition, the creature has a calm disposition and attacks only if it is "pissed off". Its ability to change color sometimes leads to incidents, because the octopus is confused with other harmless coastal inhabitants.

Seventh place - wandering spider

Another most venomous creature in the world that is feared without even knowing its toxicity is the wandering spider. He has a rather aggressive disposition. In addition, it is terrifying in that it is the largest of all spiders in the world.

It can be found in Central and South America in the tropical region, especially on banana plantations, but sometimes this creature climbs into houses. He does not weave webs and travels on his own to find food, which is what makes him very dangerous. He can stop to rest in a residential building, hide in a car or clothes. As a result, the percentage of cases of spider attacks is very high. This arthropod is not shy and is immediately ready to attack, so if you had to meet him, do not try to scare him, because he will not retreat, you better run.

Spider venom causes lung spasm and loss of muscle control. The person may become suffocated. Also, toxins affect the lymphatic system and cardiac arrest can occur. The still alive victim feels how the body gradually stiffens. The poison is 20 times more toxic than the "black widow".

Interestingly, in the Guinness book, this is the most poisonous creature in the world among spiders. It is also noted that more deaths occurred through his fault than from other arthropods.

Eighth place - fugu

Of the vertebrates, this is the most poisonous creature in the world. Many people know him by the name of the ball fish. The entire surface of the fish is considered poisonous, and some puffer organs are also dangerous. A set of toxins causes paralysis and suffocation in the affected person, which in turn leads to death from insufficient oxygen. But despite this, in Korea and Japan, this fish is a first-class delicacy. Given its dangerous composition, only those professionals who have received a special license can cook fugu.

Ninth place - cone snail

Some, when they see this marble snail, do not understand that it belongs to dangerous creatures, since its appearance is very attractive. But you can’t judge by appearance, because she is just as dangerous as the rest of the representatives of this list. Just one drop of poison can kill 20 people. After the snail stings, the victim begins to experience excruciating pain, then numbness sets in and the bite site becomes inflamed. The next stage is paralysis and suffocation. There is no cure for such poisoning.

But if you look at the statistics, only 30 deaths were recorded due to the fault of this snail.

Tenth place - stone fish

This unsightly creature occupies the last place in the ranking of "the most poisonous creature in the world." The bite of this underwater inhabitant provokes the most acute pain known to man. The sensations are so strong that in search of relief, the victim is ready for suicide or amputation of the bitten place. Such pain causes shock, then paralysis inevitably sets in, and the tissues at the site of the lesion begin to die, without medical assistance a person is threatened with death.

This dangerous "beast" is found in the waters of the Red Sea and in the tropical regions of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

Everyone knows about terrible poisons and try to be as far away from them as possible. It would never occur to anyone to put a jar of arsenic in the refrigerator or a nightstand in the kitchen. But all sorts of solvents, cleaners, fresheners and other means can be found a lot. But they are dangerous no less than potassium cyanide.

1. Antifreeze is dangerous because it does not have an unpleasant odor and tastes quite edible, but if you drink this remedy, you need to urgently call an ambulance. Drinking this fluid can lead to kidney failure and death.
2. If the windows are constantly freezing, then you will have to purchase anti-icing fluid, but you need to remember that it contains methanol, a very toxic substance, alcohol, which can cause blindness and death.

3. Insecticides help control pests, but you can get poisoned by these products by spraying them in unventilated areas. The use of these remedies will lead to convulsions and coma.
4. Some solvents for removing artificial nails can cause serious consequences. With their use, you can get methemoglobinemia and oxygen starvation.

5. Be careful with pipe cleaners, as the fumes of these products can kill if inhaled, burn internal organs.
6. Pain-relieving creams affect the area, but if you do not follow the instructions, you can damage your eyes.

7. Anionic detergent, known as carpet cleaner, is very caustic and can cause damage to organs, you can be blinded if it gets into your eyes.
8. If you exceed the dose of iron tablets, you can get iron poisoning. If you do not get help within 24 hours, then the brain and liver will suffer. You can even die.

9. Toilet cleaners remove dirt and odors. When used, this remedy can damage internal organs and fall into a coma.
10. Pain pills, including paracetamol, aspirin, and ibuprofen, can cause death if overdosed. Internal organs simply refuse.

11. Furniture polish can cause a coma if you drink this product or inhale it well. If the polish gets into your eyes, you can go blind, and if it gets on delicate skin, it can cause burns and irritation.
12. Perfume and cologne contain alcohol, ethanol and isopropanol. Both of these substances can cause nausea, anxiety, and seizures.

13. Don't drink mouthwash. It can cause diarrhea, dizziness and coma.
14. Gasoline is dangerous because of its fumes, inhaling which you can get dizziness, lowering blood pressure, pain in the eyes, ears, nose and throat.

15. After drinking kerosene, a liquid that is used for ignition, in kerosene lamps and kerosene gases, you can get bloody stools, convulsions and burning sensations in the internal organs.
16. Moths are annoying, but you can’t eat anti-mole pills. You can get oxygen starvation and to whom.

17. Oil paints can damage the skin, if they enter the stomach and lungs, they can cause serious problems with the nervous system and cause death.
18. Codeine is sold by prescription, but when overdosed, it causes fatigue, drowsiness, intestinal cramps, and death.

19. Taking a large dose of alcoholic beverages, we do not just get drunk, but we get serious poisoning and even death if medical assistance is not provided on time.
20. If it turned out that someone swallowed paint thinner, then there is a risk of necrosis of the tissues of internal organs, and if inhaled, memory loss and fever.

21. Poison for rodents can cause blood in the urine and feces, a metallic taste in the mouth, and as brain hemorrhage occurs, pallor of the skin and death.
22. Some skin-lightening creams contain mercury in such quantities that mercury poisoning can occur. The gums may bleed, there will be bloody stools, vomiting and death.

23. Most deodorants or antiperspirants contain aluminum salts and ethanol. If you taste them or inhale a large enough amount, you can get diarrhea, vomiting, coma and death.
24. Turpentine is a substance that is obtained from pine. If you taste it or inhale deeply, you can get bloody stools and die.

25. Everyone knows that thermometers contain mercury. You should not taste it, as it is a highly toxic metal.
26. Repellents contain insect poison, which protects us from insect bites. If you use the repellent inside, you can earn vomiting, coughing and convulsions.

27. Baby creams for redness can be very dangerous in the hands of children. Never leave them within the reach of an infant. You risk even if you step aside for a minute.
28. You may have acne, which means you use special creams. Never taste these products and do not spread them intensively on the skin - you will minimally get contact dermatitis.

29. Calamine lotion is used for skin conditions, but it contains zinc oxide, which can cause chills, nausea, and fever.
30. Teflon coats pans and pots to keep food from sticking, but when heated, it can lead to cancer and other health problems. Do not leave cooked food on the Teflon surface for a long time.

31. The plastic used to make plastic bottles contains BPA, which can cause cancer and hormonal problems in teenagers, speeding up the transition to puberty.
32. If herbicides are detrimental to one organic matter, then they can harm another. When taken internally, you can fall into a coma.

33. All refractory materials contain polybrominated diphenyl ethers, which can cause many health problems. In Europe, the use of these substances is prohibited.
34. Sleeping pills can kill.

35. If you have items in your home covered with Scotchguard, which was produced before the year 2000, then you can suffer from malformations and other health problems.
36. The powder that is in the printer is also an unsafe material. If you print a lot on a laser printer, do it in a well-ventilated area.

37. Coal tar is a carcinogen, which means it causes cancer.
38. Formaldehyde is used in the woodworking industry, if you inhale the fumes of this substance, you can feel irritation in the nose and eyes, and pets can get nose cancer.

39. Lead paint is rarely used today, but that doesn't mean lead poisoning is uncommon, since you have old newspapers and books in your attic, or even the paint itself.
40. Motor oil can damage organs, especially the lungs. In addition, motor oil poisoning can cause brain damage and respiratory problems.