Lyudmila Panchenko
Formation of skills of language analysis and synthesis in older preschoolers with speech impairments

Formation of skills in language analysis and synthesis

at older preschoolers with speech disorders.

Panchenko L.A., speech therapist

MB DOW "Kindergarten No. 158" Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region

Language analysis and synthesis involves: phonemic analysis and synthesis; syllabic analysis and synthesis; analysis and synthesis sentence structures.

Unformed skills of various forms of language analysis and synthesis in children with speech disorders inevitably lead to specific mistakes in writing and reading, and, as a result, to school failure. The most common form dyslexia is phonemic, among dysgraphic errors there are often distortions of the sound-syllable structure of the word and violations sentence structures.

Currently, there are both scientific studies of the phonemic development of D. B. Elkonin, L. E. Zhurova, G. A. Kashe, L. F. Spirova, P. Ya. Galperin, and practical material on certain aspects formation phonemic processes by R. I. Lalayeva, L. V. Lopatina, T. A. Tkachenko, A. K. Markova.

According to neuropsycholinguistic data preschoolers with normal speech development show an innate, genetically inherent readiness for sound analysis... When examining preschoolers with phonemic disorders(ONR, FFN) reveals the unpreparedness of children of this category to master the sound analysis.

The basis for the development of the phonemic function analysis is a sufficiently developed phonemic hearing, according to D. B. Elkonin - a natural sound analysis to which the elementary operations: recognition and differentiation of speech sounds represented by native phonemes language... In turn, the phonemic analysis improves the ability to distinguish the sounds: the more accurately the child represents the sound structure of a word, the place of each sound in it, the more clearly determines its character, correctly distinguishes sounds speeches.

Orientation in the sound side of the word, performing phonemic operations analysis also reinforces skills correct sound pronunciation.

Sound exercises analysis, synthesis, phonemic representations help to more fully perceive and distinguish the endings of words, suffixes, prefixes, prepositions. “From how the sound reality will be opened to the child language, sound word form, depends not only on the acquisition of literacy, but also on all subsequent assimilation language- grammar and associated spelling, "- emphasized DB Elkonin.

Professor R. E. Levina called the sound analysis"Key education, key point" in the correction of speech underdevelopment. Thus, the work on the development of the function of the phonemic analysis is essential for overcoming speech violations(ONR and FFN).

Based on the urgency of the problem, given the special need for preparation preschoolers with speech impairments to school, we have created a system of work on the formation of skills in language analysis, synthesis in older preschoolers with speech disorders(ONR, FFN)... The proposed system of work was created on the basis of generalization and systematization of available scientific research and practical work experience.

The purpose of correctional work:

formation of skills of language analysis and synthesis in children 6-7 years old with speech violations - OHR, FFN, as a basis for literacy and prevention of dyslexia, dysgraphia.

Tasks of the correctional work:

1) shaping clear and stable ideas about the phonemic signs of sounds speeches: vowels, consonants, hard, soft, voiced, voiceless;

2) development of sound analysis skills, synthesis, phonemic representations;

3) the formation of skills in syllabic analysis and synthesis;

4) formation of skills in analysis and synthesis sentence structures.

For step-by-step learning preschoolers phonemic analysis The methodology of DB Elkonin was taken as a methodological basis.

Stage I: familiarity with the phonetic system language.

Stage II: Introduce vowel phonemes.

Stage III: acquaintance with consonant phonemes, with their oppositions in hardness - softness, voiced - deafness.

Stage IV: transformation the sound shell of a word by adding or changing a vowel or consonant sound.

In the process of learning the operations of sound analysis different complexity is taken into account forms of phonemic analysis and the sequence of mastering them in ontogenesis. The sequence used is forms of sound analysis proposed by R.I. Lalaeva.

1. Isolation (recognition) sound on the background of the word.

2. Isolation of the first and last sound in word:

a) the first stressed vowel; b) the first consonant;

c) the last consonant; d) the last vowel.

3. Determining the position of the sound in word: beginning, middle, end of a word.

4. Determination of the number and linear sequence of sound in a word.

5. Determination of the place of sound in relation to other sounds of the word.

In the process formation of skills in phonemic analysis the complication is taken into account not only forms of analysis but also speech material.

For acquaintance senior preschoolers with sounds, with the aim of formation clear and stable ideas about their phonetic and phonemic characteristics, a sequence based on the formation sound pronunciation in ontogenesis. The sequence of presentation of speech material for formation phonemic operations analysis complies with the methodological recommendations of T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina "Elimination of general underdevelopment speech in preschool children».

1. Monosyllabic words without consonants, consisting of one syllable (reverse, forward open, closed): mustache, on, house.

2. Two-syllable words consisting of two open syllables: mom, paw.

3. Monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning the words: table.

4. Monosyllabic words with a concatenation of consonants at the end of a word; wolf.

5. Two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants at the junction syllables: cat.

6. Two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning the words: glass.

7. Three-syllable words: Panama, cabbage.

Outstripping sound analysis skill in relation to mastering the elements of literacy is maintained throughout the entire period of correctional education.

A separate stage is work on the formation of skills in syllabic analysis and synthesis... The significance of the syllabic analysis is driven by, first of all, by the fact that it contributes to the mastery of sound analysis and the assimilation of reading by syllables. The basis for determining the sequence of sound-syllable material for formation of skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis A.K. Markova's classification was put, which identified 14 types of syllable structure of a word according to the increasing degree of complexity. Complication consists in increasing the number and using different types of syllables.

1. Two-syllable words from open syllables (willow, mom).

2. Three-syllable words from open syllables (raspberries).

3. Monosyllabic words (poppy).

4. Two-syllable words with a closed syllable (sofa).

5. Two-syllable words with consonants in the middle of the word (bank).

6. Two-syllable words from closed syllables (umbrella).

7. Three-syllable words with a closed syllable (telephone).

8. Three-syllable words with concatenation of consonants (room).

9. Three-syllable words with a confluence of consonants and a closed syllable (ladle).

10. Three-syllable words with two combinations of consonants (tablet).

11. Monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning of a word (table, wardrobe).

12. Monosyllabic words with a concatenation of consonants at the end of a word (lift, umbrella).

13. Two-syllable words with two combinations of consonants (button).

14. Four-syllable words from open syllables (turtle).

Completes the system of work on formation of skills of language analysis stage of formation of analysis and synthesis sentence structures. When working in this direction the following skills are formed:

1. Determine the boundaries of the proposal.

2. Determine the number, sequence and place of words in a sentence.

3. Build a proposal scheme.

4. Synthesize proposals for the proposed scheme.

This system of work has been tested and used by us for seven years. Analysis results of monitoring phonemic development preschoolers proves the effectiveness of our work in this direction. The proposed system of work on the formation of skills in language analysis and synthesis is a special preparation for teaching literacy to children with speech disorders and is of exceptional importance in preventing the onset of dysgraphia and dyslexia.


1. Vinarskaya, E. N. Neuro-linguistic analysis of the sound side of speech. Language and man... - M .: Publishing house of Moscow State University. 1970 .-- S. 55-62.

2. Gvozdev, A. N. Learning by children of the sound side of Russian language... - SPb .: Accident. 1995 .-- S. 60 - 64.

3. Gorchakova, A. M. Formation phonemic processes in children with speech disorders... Modern trends in special pedagogy and psychology: Scientific works of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Modern tendencies of special pedagogy and psychology" - Samara, SGPU. 2003 - S. 70-83.

4. Zhurova L. E., Elkonin D. B. To the question of the formation phonemic perception in children preschool age... M .: Education. 1963 .-- S. 213-227.

5. Filicheva, T.B., Chirkina, G.V. Preparing children with general underdevelopment for school speeches in a special kindergarten. - M. 1999.




E.N. Matvienko.
Teacher-speech therapist Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 70 "Firefly", Belgorod In the article the formation of language analysis and synthesis in older preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment is considered as a successful mastery of the process of writing and reading. Timely and purposeful work to develop the skills of language analysis and synthesis, contributes to the development of mental activity, more complete mastery of the native language, successful mastering of the school curriculum, improvement of interpersonal communication and social adaptation of children. Key words: language analysis and synthesis, phonemic analysis and synthesis. At the present stage of the development of education, the problem of increasing the number of children with various speech disorders is especially acute. According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 85% of children need medical, psychological or correctional-pedagogical help. Among 5128 preschoolers in different regions of Russia, in the studies of T.B. Filicheva identified 1,794 children with general speech underdevelopment, which is 34.98% of the total number of children. At present, the problem of preparing for the integration and adaptation of children with speech disorders is of priority importance, since children with general speech underdevelopment experience significant difficulties in teaching literacy when they go to a mass school from a speech therapy group. Therefore, the prevention of reading and writing disorders is one of the main activities of a speech therapist in a preschool educational institution. To successfully master the process of writing and reading, a sufficient level of functioning of all operations is required. The key point in the prevention of writing and reading disorders in preschoolers is the development of skills in language analysis and synthesis, without which literacy training is simply not possible. The importance and necessity of the timely formation of the skills of language analysis and synthesis in children with general speech underdevelopment have been pointed out by many researchers: T.A. Altukhova, L.N. Efimenkova, R.A. Kashe, A.N. Kornev, R.I. Lalaeva, R.E. Levin, N.A. Nikashina, N.V. Novotortseva, D.I. Orlova, L.F. Spirova, T.A. Tkachenko, T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina and others. The choice of the topic of this course work is due to the fact that timely and purposeful work on the formation of skills in language analysis and synthesis, contributes to the development of mental activity, more complete mastering of the native language, successful mastering
school curriculum, improving interpersonal communication and social adaptation of children. The concept of linguistic analysis and synthesis, their types. The development of language analysis and synthesis is one of the necessary conditions for mastering literacy, which is a significant problem of improving speech therapy practice. This problem is the subject of the works of A.N. Korneva, R.I. Lalaeva, R.E. Levina, N.A. Nikashina, D.I. Orlova, I.N. Sadovnikova, G.V. Chirkina. E.I. Ignatiev, I.S. Lukin, M.D. Gromov, analysis is the mental division of an object or phenomenon into parts that form them, that is, the isolation of separate parts, signs and properties in them. Synthesis is the mental combination of individual elements, parts and features into a single whole. Analysis and synthesis are inextricably linked, with each other and only in their unity give a complete and comprehensive knowledge of reality. Analysis gives knowledge of individual elements, and synthesis, based on the results of analysis, combining these elements, provides knowledge of the object as a whole. T.V. Ignatenko, V.V. Malakhova, in her blog, divide language analysis and synthesis into three types: Phonemic (sound) analysis and synthesis; Syllabic analysis and synthesis; Division of sentences into words and text into sentences. VC. Orfinskaya notes that phonemic analysis and synthesis is the ability to highlight sounds against the background of a word and combine individual sounds into a whole word. Phonemic processes (phonemic hearing) is a person's ability to analyze and synthesize speech sounds, that is, hearing, which ensures the perception of the phonemes of a given language. Phonemic analysis can be both elementary and complex. The elementary phonemic analysis includes the selection of a sound against the background of a word. A more complex form is the isolation of the first and last sound from the word, determination of its place (beginning, middle, end). And, finally, the most difficult form of phonemic analysis is the determination of the sequence of sounds in a word, their quantity, and their place in relation to other sounds. D.B. Elkonin defined sound analysis as an action to establish the sequence and number of sounds in a word. VC. Orfinskaya distinguished simple and complex forms of phonemic analysis. The elementary form is the selection of sound against the background of a word. According to V.K. Orfinskaya, this form of analysis appears spontaneously in preschool children. A more complex form is to isolate the first and last sound from the word and determine its place (beginning, middle, end of the word). The most difficult thing is to determine the sequence of sounds in a word, their number, place in relation to other sounds (after which sound, before which sound). This form of sound analysis only emerges through specialized training.
Analysis and synthesis at the sentence level - dividing sentences into words and text into sentences, the ability to determine the number, sequence and place of words in a sentence, to determine the boundaries of a sentence in the text. Methods and techniques for the formation of skills of language analysis and synthesis in older preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment In the methodology of O.V. Chernysh, under the heading development of skills in language analysis and synthesis, exercises for the development of language analysis and synthesis are presented. These exercises are simple and accessible, performed in a playful way. working techniques will help teach children to analyze and synthesize sentences, syllables and words, perform sound analysis and synthesis operations, and purposeful work will prepare them for further literacy training at school and will prevent reading and writing errors associated with the lack of formation of language analysis and synthesis. O.V. Chernysh offers the following techniques for the formation of these skills: 1. Development of sound analysis and synthesis, uses the following techniques. 2. Development of syllabic analysis and synthesis. 3. Development of the analysis of the structure of the proposal. Thus, we examined the methods and techniques for the formation of skills in language analysis and synthesis in preschoolers. It can be concluded that the formation of the skills of language analysis and synthesis is of great importance, since the lack of formation of this skill in preschool children leads to the preconditions for impaired writing and reading at school age. This is especially true for children with general speech underdevelopment, who have underdevelopment of all components of the speech system. In the literature there are recommendations for the formation of skills in language analysis and synthesis, stages, forms, techniques and methods of work are determined. But, unfortunately, these techniques are intended for children of primary school age, as a result of which the development and adaptation of techniques for preschoolers takes place.
1. Filicheva, T.B., Tumanova, T.V. Education and training of children with general speech underdevelopment [Text] / Т.B. Filicheva, T.V. Tumanova - M .: Bustard 2010 2. Volkova, L.S. Speech therapy [Text] / L.S. Volkova - M .: Vlados 2009 3. Ignatiev, EI, Lukin, IS, Gromov, M.D. Psychology. A manual for pedagogical schools [Text] / EI Ignatiev, IS Lukin, M.D. Gromov - M .: Enlightenment 2005. 4. festival.1septemberarticles / 537239 / 5. Elkonin, D.B. Child psychology: Textbook. manual for stud. higher. textbook [Text] / B.D. Elkonin - M .: Academy 2007 6. nsportaldetskii-sad / logopediya 7. Chernysh, O.V. Soon to school [Text] / О.V. Chernysh Khanty - Mansiysk 2012

Practice shows that errors caused by the lack of formation of language analysis and synthesis are the most common and difficult to correct. Therefore, systematic and consistent work with children to overcome them is of particular importance in the correction of dysgraphia.

The work on the formation of language analysis and synthesis includes 3 stages: the formation of skills in language analysis and synthesis; development of syllabic analysis and synthesis; development of sound-letter analysis and synthesis. It is conditionally possible to distinguish 3 levels of correction: syntactic, lexical and phonetic.

The tasks of the exercises for the formation and development of the skills of analysis and synthesis of the structure of the sentence:

1. To form the ability to determine the intonational completeness of a sentence. This skill helps to form in children the concept of a sentence as a single syntactic unit. It can be practiced in the classroom in a playful way, in the form of oral work, using written exercises: to dot correctly, put the desired punctuation mark at the end of a sentence, etc.

2. Develop the ability to determine the number, sequence and place of words in a sentence. The solution to this problem requires reliance on visual material (subject and plot pictures, diagrams, cards): come up with a proposal for a plot picture and determine the number of words in it; come up with a sentence with a certain number of words; spread the sentence by increasing the number of words; make proposals for several pictures, which depict the same object in different situations. For example, children come up with sentences with the word “oak”: “The oak grows near the school. Leaves appeared on the oak. Birds built their nests on a tall oak tree. Children are playing under the oak tree ”. Then the students name a sentence in which the word “oak” is first, then a sentence in which this word is second, and so on. I offer the children other tasks: come up with a sentence with a specific word; draw up a graphical scheme of the proposal (a proposal is indicated by one long strip, words - in short strips); come up with a proposal according to the graphic scheme; determine the place of the word in the sentence (what is the count); pick up a card with a number corresponding to the number of words in a sentence (cards can be replaced with a fan with numbers).

3. Teach children to make sentences from words given out of sequence (without changing and with a change in the grammatical forms of words). To solve this problem, preparatory exercises are required, aimed at the formation of new skills. The degree of children's participation in them is reduced to a minimum, since the main thing is the assimilation of the algorithm for their implementation.

Correction work is carried out first on the material of words given in the desired grammatical form. For students who have special difficulties in determining the order of words in a sentence, I suggest doing the work on the cards, where in a row of words one is written with a capital letter. In the subsequent stages, I complicate the task.

For the development of auditory attention and the ability to correctly formulate sentences in oral speech, I propose to correct the absurdities in the sentences (“True or joke?”, “Correct mistakes”). Such tasks arouse interest, bring an element of competition into the classroom. All students strive to be smart and quick-witted. Moments of emotional release should be present in every remedial session. It's great if they become an integral part of it.

When working with prepositions, I first clarify the spatial meanings of prepositions based on schemes, and then their other meanings. To consolidate the ability to choose the right preposition, I use didactic games, for example, “Choose a word, name a preposition” (ball game). Equipment: magnetic board, object pictures, preposition schemes, ball. On the blackboard there are object pictures: a child, a pipe, a ball, checkers, cubes, a puppy. I pronounce the word “plays” and throw the ball to one of the children. The student names the phrase with the addition of the desired preposition: "Plays the pipe." The ball is then passed to the next player. The winners are children who have not made mistakes in their answers.

Another version of the game. On the blackboard there are object pictures: a squirrel, a sofa, a flower, a basket, an airplane, a car. Below the pictures are preposition schemes. I pronounce the word “flies” and throw the ball to one of the children. The student composes the sentence “the plane is flying over the city” and returns the ball to the teacher. The presenter calls the new word “growing” and throws the ball to the next player. The winners are children who have not made mistakes in their answers.

Didactic game “Sharpshooters”. Equipment: preposition cards, targets (cardboard squares), round magnets, blue and red chips. Students have two cards (the number of cards can vary depending on the number of players) with prepositions written on them (in, on; under, for; with, out, etc.). On the board - sentences with targets instead of prepositions. Players read sentences in a whisper. Then the student (students), who believes that the card with the required preposition is with him, goes to the blackboard. A preposition card is attached to the target. The student reads the sentence. If the target is hit, he receives a blue chip, if he makes a mistake - a red one. Students with the fewest red chips wins.

In parallel, I include tasks for practicing the ability to separately write prepositions with words. For a better memorization of the rule, I read out the quatrain of N. Betenkova:

From the forest, to the meadow, to the clearing,

By a bush, from a path, into a hole,

From the river, near the road -

Write all prepositions separately!

Then I work on differentiating prepositions and prefixes. At this stage of correction, training exercises are important, which help to overcome the errors of language analysis and synthesis and allow children to automate the process of distinguishing them.

The tasks of the exercises for the formation of syllabic analysis and synthesis at the lexical level:

1. To form the ability to determine the number, sequence and place of syllables in a word. Work in this direction begins with the actualization of the existing knowledge of the word and syllable in the classroom. Differentiation of the concepts "word" and "syllable" is carried out. Then the children perform tasks aimed at consolidating the ability to distinguish between these concepts. Tasks, as a rule, are of a playful nature: “Clap your hands if you hear a syllable”, “Wave your hands above your head if it’s a word”, “If I say a word, then smile, if a syllable - frown”.

When determining the number of syllables, relying on external aids, I use the following techniques: slap or tap a word by syllable; accompany the word pronunciation of the word with a movement of the hand from right to left or left to right.

To develop the ability to determine the sequence of syllables in a word, I propose the didactic game "Name a word", which helps to consolidate vocabulary words. Equipment: magnetic board, subject pictures, chips. The game can be played in two stages.

First stage. On the board - pictures: an apple, a kitten, a banana, a book, a cucumber, a dog, a crow, a potato, a bus. I name the vowels that are in the title of one of the pictures. Students should name the conceived word and pronounce it spelling in syllables. Then the children write the word in a notebook and underline the vowels. The correct answer is encouraged by a token. Those with more chips wins.

Second phase(work at the level of a phrase). Children select suitable adjectives with the same number of syllables for the recorded nouns: apple is tasty, apple is juicy; ripe banana, yellow banana, etc. Those with more chips wins.

2. Teach syllabic analysis and word synthesis. The work on the extraction of a vowel sound and a syllable from a word involves the use of the following tasks: name the vowel sound of a word; raise the letter corresponding to the vowel sound; write down only letters of vowel sounds; come up with a syllable with an appropriate vowel; determine the place of a vowel sound in a word, show the corresponding number; come up with a syllable in which the vowel is in the first, second and third place.

At this stage of the work, word schemes are drawn up: using only vowel sounds, distributing pictures depending on the number of syllables in their name, determining the missing syllable in the name of the picture, extracting a word from a sentence consisting of a certain number of syllables. I suggest exercises that carry an additional load, for example, “Make Friends of Words”. In it, it is necessary to divide the words of each row into two equal groups and explain the principle of grouping, and then write out the words consisting of three syllables.

Cow, calf, lamb, sheep.

September, June, summer, autumn.

September, January, November, December.

Oak, pine, spruce, birch.

It should be noted that the execution of such tasks is always lively and brings variety to the correctional work.

The task of the tasks for the formation of the action of syllabic analysis and synthesis is the development of phonemic processes, attention and memory. The solution to this problem is facilitated by the multifunctional nature of some exercises.

Phonetic work includes the development of sound analysis and synthesis of words of simple and complex forms, the formation of differentiation of phonemes with similar characteristics.

Objectives of exercises for the formation of sound-letter analysis and synthesis:

1. To form the ability to determine the number, sequence and place of sounds in a word.

2. To teach the ability to produce sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words (simple and complex forms). I begin to work on the formation of the skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis by consolidating the skills of the elementary form of sound analysis. If students with dysgraphia know it well enough, then they move on to the formation of complex forms of language analysis and synthesis. I carry out corrective work on the development of complex forms of language analysis and synthesis, taking into account the sequence of stages in the formation of mental actions.

In subgroup correctional lessons with pupils of grades 3-4 for the development and consolidation of the skills of phonemic analysis and synthesis, when differentiating paired voiced and voiceless consonants, I use not separate cards with well-known symbols of consonant sounds, but sound strips. They allow you to replace the traditional lifting of cards with the symbols depicted on them with a simple touch on the selected symbol with a pencil or pen. For example, when distinguishing paired consonants b - n in words that are answers to riddles, before writing a word in a notebook, students show on the audio track what sound they heard in the word "protein". Then I clarify which vowel indicates its softness, and then write down the word. This avoids the mistakes associated with the replacement of consonants and the designation of their softness in writing with vowels. Such strips are convenient to use when conducting the Unusual Traffic Light didactic game, where they act as a traffic light. Equipment: sound tracks with images of consonant symbols, subject pictures (their selection is carried out taking into account a pair of differentiated voiced and voiceless consonants), a red card for the presenter. I ask the students to help the words cross the road using an unusual traffic light, and then I show the pictures. The players determine which of the differentiated consonants will be in this word, and touch the pointer to the desired traffic light. If the child makes a mistake, then the presenter shows him a red card. After fixing the error, the game continues. Children play with pleasure, practicing the skills of differentiating paired voiced and voiceless consonants.

At the final stage, I use the didactic game “Clever and clever men” (2-3 pairs of children play). Equipment: cards with written letters and numbers. The game is played in pairs. I propose to decipher the words and write them down, combine words into pairs according to some feature: by the number of vowels in words; by the same number of syllables, sounds, letters, vowels; by the presence of a certain spelling; within the meaning of. One word can be combined with several words (depending on the choice of the basis for the combination). For example: rainbow - paints (within the meaning); cloud - dacha (according to the general spelling); tomato - rainbow (by the number of syllables); paints - crumbs (by the number of letters), etc. The winner is the team that managed to compose the largest number of pairs from the decoded words in a certain time and explain the reasons for combining them.

3. Develop successive functions. I systematically conduct exercises aimed at the development of successive functions that develop the ability to concentrate, distribute and switch attention. Work in this direction is not carried out in isolation, but in parallel with the development of various forms of linguistic analysis and synthesis.

The use of effective exercises of a multifunctional nature helps to overcome specific writing errors in students and allows to provide certain conditions for improving the quality of the correctional process.

teacher-defectologist at Lyakhovichi gymnasium.



Personal data

Surname, name __________________________________________________________________________________


School, class ___________________________________________________________________________________

Nationality (native language) ____________________________________________________________________

Visiting or living in a boarding school ____________________________________________________________


1. Data on the presence of neuropsychic, somatic diseases, speech disorders, especially dyslexia and dysgraphia in parents and relatives ________________________________________________________

2. Features of the course of pregnancy in the mother ____________________________________________________

3. Childbirth (on time, early / at 8, 7 months /, normally proceeding, protracted, rapid, dehydrated, etc.) ___________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Stimulation (chemical, mechanical, electro-) __________________________________________________

5. Duration of labor ____________________________________________________________________________

6. The state of the child at the time of birth:

a) birth injury _______________________________________________________________________________

b) asphyxiation (white, blue) _______________________________________________________________________

c) when he shouted _______________________________________________________________________________

d) congenital defects ___________________________________________________________________________

e) weight ______________ height ______________

f) when they brought food ________________________________________________________________________

g) feeding (how sucked, were there regurgitation, choking) _______________________________


Past illnesses

Until the 1st year ____________________________________________________________________________________

After 1 year _________________________________________________________________________________

Bruises, head injuries __________________________________________________________________________

Convulsions at a high temperature ________________________________________________________________

Early speech development

Humming ________________________________________________________________________________________

Babble (time of appearance) __________________________________________________________________________

The nature of babbling _________________________________________________________________________________

Phrasal words _________________________________________________________________________________

Phrases _________________________________________________________________________________________

Were there any violations of the syllable structure ____________________________________________________________

Agrammatisms __________________________________________________________________________________

What sounds were pronounced incorrectly for a long time (the nature of the incorrect pronunciation) ___________________


Characteristic features of understanding the speech of others ______________________________________________


Have you worked with a speech therapist, at what age _______________________________________________________

Results of speech therapy work ________________________________________________________________

Early psychomotor development

Keeps the head from ___________ (normally from 1.5 months)

Sits with ___________ (normally from 6 months)

Stands from ___________ (normally from 11-12 months)

Walks with ___________ (normally from 1 year old)

First teeth from ___________ (normal from 6-8 months)

By the year of teeth ___________


Sound pronunciation state

Sounds tested Conditions FROM FROM' Z З ' C Sh F U H L L ' R R"
With isolated pronunciation
S L O G O V open without confluence of consonants
closed without confluence of consonants
S L O V at the beginning
in the middle
at the end (except for voiced ones)
In phrases
In a coherent speech

Speech therapy conclusion ______________________________________________________________________


Reproduction of the sound-syllable structure of the word






Hay cutter pan




Output: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Anatomical structure of the organs of the articulatory apparatus

Jaws (defects of the upper, lower jaw) _________________________________________________________

Bite (anterior open, lateral open, crossbite, progeny, prognathia) _______________

Teeth (double row of teeth, missing teeth, sparse teeth, very small teeth, outside the jaw arch, diastema between the front teeth) _________________________________________________________________________

Tongue (thick, fleshy, “geographic” tongue, long narrow tongue, short sublingual ligament) _______

Hard palate (high, “gothic”, low, flat, the presence of clefts, their character) ____________________


Soft palate (normal or shortened, bifurcated, split uvula, absent) ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Lips (thick, thin, scarred, short upper lip) _________________________________________

Output: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Features of manual and speech motor skills

A. Investigation of the state of manual motor skills

1. Leading hand _________________________

leading leg _________________________

leading eye _________________________

2. Performing a Head test:

show your left ear with your right hand ________________________________________________________________

show your right ear with your left hand ________________________________________________________________

show body parts in front of a seated person ________________________________________________

3. Optical-kinesthetic organization of movements (tests for praxis posture):

connect the 1st and 2nd fingers in the form of a ring ______________________________________________________

pull out the 2nd and 3rd fingers (the rest are bent) _________________________________________________

pull out the 2nd and 5th fingers (the rest are bent) ________________________________________________

4. Dynamic organization of finger movements:

a) busting fingers

b) "playing the piano"

Right hand ___________________________________________________________________________________

Left hand ___________________________________________________________________________________

Simultaneously with both hands ______________________________________________________________________

B) Study of speech motor skills

Exercise parameters The presence or absence of movement Tone Activity Volume Accuracy Pace Substitution Synkinesia Switching
For facial muscles
1. To frown
2. Raise your eyebrows up (surprised)
3. Close your eyes
4. Calmly close and open your eyes
5. Sequentially close the right then the left eye
6. Inflate your cheeks
7. Draw in the cheeks
8. Inflate only the right cheek
9. Inflate only the left cheek
For jaws
1. Mouth open wide - close
2. Lower jaw to the right - to the left
For lips
1. Stretch your lips into a smile
2. Pull the lips forward with a tube
3. Smile tube
4. Raise the upper lip up
5. Lower the lower lip down
6. Simultaneously lift the upper lip up, lower the lower lip down
For language
1. Tongue wide - ("spatula") on the lower lip
2. Stick out a narrow tongue - ("sting")
3. Tongue wide - narrow
4. A wide tongue on the upper lip, on the lower lip ("swing")
5. Circular licking with the tip of the tongue of the lips - ("delicious jam")
6. Tongue in the form of a “boat” (the lateral edges of the tongue are raised)
7. Tongue in the form of a "cup"
8. Click (click) the tongue
9. Tongue left and right ("pendulum")
For soft palate
1. Abruptly, on a firm attack of the voice with a wide open mouth, pronounce the sound "A"
2. Open your mouth wide and yawn

Output: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Features of the dynamic side of speech

Pace ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Rhythm ___________________________________________________________________________________________

The use of stress (verbal, logical) ____________________________________________________

The use of pauses in the flow of speech (normal, too frequent, too rare) __________________________


The use of the main types of intonation, their shades _______________________________________________

Expressiveness (normal, expressive, monotonous) ___________________________________________

Output: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Study of auditory function and speech perception

1. The state of biological hearing (according to the medical record) ____________________________________


2. State of speech perception _____________________________________________________________________


Study of phonemic perception

/ differentiation of phonemes /

a) repetition of a series of syllables

series of two syllables







series of three syllables





b) differentiation of sounds in words (based on pictures)

P-B; P'-B '______________________________________________________________________________________

T-D; T'-D '______________________________________________________________________________________

K-G; K'-G ______________________________________________________________________________________

F-V; V'-F '______________________________________________________________________________________

L-V; L'-B ______________________________________________________________________________________

L-Y; L'-Y _______________________________________________________________________________________

R-L; R'-L '; R-L '__________________________________________________________________________________

R, R'-Y _________________________________________________________________________________________

C-W ____________________________________________________________________________________________

C-C ____________________________________________________________________________________________

S-F ___________________________________________________________________________________________

B-W ____________________________________________________________________________________________

B-W ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Ch-T ___________________________________________________________________________________________

S-F ___________________________________________________________________________________________

S-W ___________________________________________________________________________________________

S-H ____________________________________________________________________________________________

H-F ____________________________________________________________________________________________

M-M ___________________________________________________________________________________________

L-L ___________________________________________________________________________________________

c) coming up with sentences with quasi-homonyms


Output: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Research on language analysis and synthesis

1. Analysis of sentences into words


Word Count _________

Place of words in a sentence _____________________________________________________________________


Word Count _________

Sequence of words ______________________________________________________________________


Word Count _________

Sequence of words ______________________________________________________________________

place of words in a sentence ________________________________________________________________________


Word Count _________

Sequence of words ______________________________________________________________________

place of words in a sentence ________________________________________________________________________


Word Count _________

Sequence of words ______________________________________________________________________

place of words in a sentence ________________________________________________________________________

2. Syllabary analysis and synthesis

a) determine the number of syllables in a word:


b) select pictures with 3 syllables in the title (house, dog, umbrella, fly, cabbage, desk, table, pencil, briefcase, bicycle)

c) name a word, a sentence pronounced by syllables:

sko-vo-ro-da - te-le-fon-

for-mo-ro-feminine - for-lu-chi-la-

ka-na-va - ko-chё-nok-

po-to-lok - boo-ma-ha-

Spring has come.

There are books on the table.

O-sen-yu las-toch-ki y-le-ta-yut to the south.

On the trees there were buds.

3. Phonemic analysis

a) highlighting the sound against the background of the word:

Determine if there is a sound "M" in the words: mouse, tree, frame, cancer, house, cat, room, lamp.

Determine if there is a sound "H" in the words: stocking, slide, swing, clean, wood, night, stove, stool.

b) highlighting the first sound from a word:




c) highlighting the last sound in a word:




d) determining the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end of a word):

Determination of the place of the sound "P" in words:




Determination of the place of the sound "C" in words:



e) determining the number of sounds in words:

SMOKE- Porridge- CAP- COVER-


f) determining the place of a sound in relation to other sounds in a word (positional analysis)

Determine what is the sound "P" in words:



Name the “neighbors” of the sound in three words:



4. Phonemic synthesis

H, A, C- Tb, M, A- Z, V, U, K-

P, S, L-P, A, R, K-S, T ’, I, X’, I-

F, U, T, B, O, L- G, V, O, Z ', D', I-A, L, F, A, V, I, T-

P, L, O, Sch, A, D ', I-

5. Phonemic representations

Come up with words that have the sound "Ш" __________________________________________________________

Come up with words with 4 sounds, 5 sounds ________________________________________________________


Select pictures with 5 sounds in the title _____________________________________________________



Output: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I present a presentation of my work experience on the topic: "The development of language analysis, synthesis and representations in preschoolers with OHR»

Preschoolers with OHR, in addition to the existing violations of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, violations of sound pronunciation, there is a lack of formation of phonemic perception, analysis and synthesis, difficulties in mastering syllabic analysis, language analysis at the sentence level. Errors are quite persistent, which is associated with:

1. features of the structure of the defect;

2. with insufficient mental processes in children.

Insufficient formation of linguistic analysis and synthesis in the future can lead to such violations of written speech as phonemic dyslexia, dysgraphia on the basis of a violation of linguistic analysis and synthesis. Therefore, the formation of the above functions in children with OHR carried out at preschool age.

The results of work experience show that with specially organized correctional education (within two years) it is possible to achieve significant positive dynamics in the development of the functions of language analysis and synthesis.

The materials of the work can also be adapted and recommended for conducting classes with children without speech pathology.

If you found this information useful, share it with your friends. If you have any questions, write in the comments. Your online speech therapist Natalya Vladimirovna Perfilova.