In such an ailment as eye disease and loss of vision, one should first of all appeal to Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary (September 8/21) in honor of Her Kazan Icon. It should also be addressed in cases where blindness threatens. We find the basis for referring to this icon in the circumstances of the appearance of the icon. The first miracles from the Kazan icon were the healing of sore eyes. From this arose the folk belief in eye diseases to turn to the help of the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon of Kazan.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her Kazan Icon

Oh, Blessed Lady, Lady Mother of God! With fear, faith and love, falling down before your honest and miraculous icon, we pray to you: do not turn your face away from those who run to you, implore, merciful Mother, your Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, but save our peaceful country, but your Church let him keep the unshakable saint, and save him from unbelief, heresies and schism. Not imams of other help, not imams of other hope, unless you, Most Pure Virgin: You are the all-powerful Helper and Intercessor of Christians: save everyone who prays with faith to You from the falls of sin, from the calumny of evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, diseases, troubles and sudden death; Grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thought, the correction of sinful lives and the forgiveness of sins, yes, thankfully singing the greatness and mercy of Your presence over us here on earth, we will be honored with the Kingdom of Heaven, and there with all the saints we will glorify the most honorable and magnificent name Father and Son and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

In case of eye disease, with the threat of loss of vision, one should turn to the saint of God Simeon of Verkhoturye, the miracle worker (December 18/31). The opening of the relics of Simeon (September 12/25) was accompanied by the healing of an eye disease, sometimes long and severe. This saint of God often himself is sick in a dream and encourages them to seek help from him.
Prayer to Righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye

Oh, holy and righteous Simeon, with your pure soul in the heavenly abodes in the person of the saints, settle down, on the earth with your body rest imperishably, according to the grace of the Lord, pray for us. Mercifully look upon us sinners, if not unworthy, both with faith and hope to the holy and wholesome power of your flowing, and ask God for forgiveness of our sins, into which we fall into a multiplicity all the days of our life. And as before, from the eyes of the green disease, it is not enough to see those who are able to heal the eyes, and to those who were close to death from fierce ailments, healing, and to others, many other glorious good deeds have bestowed: save us from spiritual and bodily ailments and from all sorrow and sorrow , and all that is good for our present life and for eternal salvation, which is useful to us from the Lord, ask, yes, with your intercession and prayers, you have acquired everything that is useful to us, even unworthy, gratefully praising you, glorify God, wondrous in His saints, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for the healing of eye diseases to the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica.

Holy and glorious Great Martyr of Christ Demetrius, quick helper and warm intercessor with faith flowing to you! Standing with boldness to the Heavenly King, ask Him for forgiveness of our sins, and get rid of us from the all-destructive ulcer, coward, flood, fire, sword and eternal treasures of eye diseases and: pray for His goodness, hedgehog this city ( this monastery) and every Christian country, intercede from the Tsar of those who reign on the enemies of the victory of the Russian people and our entire power, peace, silence, firmness in faith and progress in piety; but for us, who honor your honest memory, ask for a grace-filled strengthening for good deeds, yes, pleasing to our Lord Christ God, creating here, we will be able to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven with your prayers and there glorify Him with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

prayersand from eye diseases to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Oh, all-good Father Nicholas, shepherd and teacher of all who by faith flow to your intercession and call you with warm prayer! Quickly rush and deliver the flock of Christ from the wolves that destroy it; and protect every Christian country and save with your holy prayers, from worldly rebellion, coward, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, from famine, flood, fire and unnecessary death; and as if you had mercy on three men sitting in prison and delivered them from the king’s wrath and the cutting of the sword, so have mercy on me, mind, word and deed in the darkness of sins, deliver me the wrath of God and eternal punishment, as if by your intercession and help. By His own mercy and grace, Christ God will give us a quiet and sinless life to live in this world and save me from standing, and will share the right hand with all the saints. Amen.

Conspiracies from diseases and injuries of the eyes

A conspiracy from a small speck in the eye

If a mote gets into your eye and you can’t get it out in any way, you need to put a cup of boiled water on the table and read a conspiracy over it:

I, the servant of God (name), removed the chaschinka from the path, so the Lord will remove the speck from my eye. God bless.

Then rinse your eyes with plenty of water.

Conspiracy from barley (for myself) Break off a piece of a dry branch from a tree, carefully move it around a sore eye and read the plot:

God bless! The sun to the west, the day to the end, the knot in the eye to the exhaustion, it will disappear itself, as the forehead turns black. Cookie-cookie, go to town, buy a hatchet, cut down cookies more than once, not twice, not three. Key and lock to my words. Amen, amen, amen.

Bury the knot in the ground.


Herbal lotion from barley

1 teaspoon of chamomile and 1 teaspoon of calendula pour 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. In a warmly strained infusion, moisten cotton wool or pieces of gauze and apply to the inflamed eyelid for 10-15 minutes several times a day. Rinse both eyes every hour during the day.

Conspiracy from barley (for another person) Fold the “fig” from your fingers and draw it in front of the sore eye in a circular motion clockwise. Read this conspiracy:

Here you are, barley, kukish, whatever you want, you can buy it for yourself, and you give the servant of God (name) a healthy eye.

Repeat both the movement and the plot three times.

A conspiracy for eye injuries so that the thorn does not grow Every time you instill or lay the medicine in the eye, read this conspiracy:

How Yegorka walked through the iron walkway, and three dogs followed him: one gray, another white, the third black. The gray dog ​​licked the thorn, the white dog licked the thorn, the black dog licked the thorn from the born, from the prayerful, from the baptized servant of God (name). Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us! Amen.

From the book Conspiracies of the Altai healer on water author Krasnova Alevtina

Conspiracies from kidney diseases If the kidneys hurt Prepare round bread and coarse salt. Pour into a glass of running water, break off a piece of bread. You can't cut it off because you can't pick up a knife. When reading, put this slice of bread and a pinch of salt into the water.

From the book The Miracle of Healing in a Whisper author Mother Stephanie

Conspiracies from skin diseases If there are ulcers, inflammations and rotting wounds on the body In the morning, you need to go to the store and buy a loaf of the freshest bread. By no means yesterday. Bread must be rye. At home, pour into a jar of the purest water, preferably infused with silver, and from

From the book 7777 of the best conspiracies from the best healers of Russia author Astapova M.

Conspiracies from diseases of the joints If the hands hurt Pour into a glass of glass water or spring water from the tap. Put it on a table or some other furniture, but be sure to make it wooden. Read "Our Father" three times, then - a prayer to St. Panteleimon. Words then speak

From the book The Magic of Wax, Candles and Conspiracies author Kryuchkova Olga Evgenievna

Conspiracies for various diseases If the eyes do not see well This conspiracy must be done at night. Pour running water into a cup, and it is best to take consecrated water from the church. The room should be completely dark, the curtains should be drawn so that the moon does not shine in any case. take three

From the book Your defenses. Protective magic from the evil eye, damage, curses author Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

Conspiracies for all diseases Ancient healing conspiracies that relieve illnesses were preceded by a three-time reading of a prayer to God, the Mother of God, Jesus Christ or one of the saints. Usually the word "Amen" was said 3 times. How can this be explained? Russian

From the author's book

Conspiracies from digestive diseases From pain in the stomach Dare seven white beans and apply to the stomach, whispering: White is not black, there was a bean, but they ground it, there was an abscess, but it was smashed with a bean. From east to west, from north to south, they don’t allow an abscess, my words matter.

From the author's book

Conspiracies from kidney diseases From renal colic Prepare round bread and coarse salt. Pour into a glass of running water, break off a piece of bread. You can't cut it off because you can't pick up a knife. When you read, put this piece of bread and a pinch of salt into the water: Water is water,

From the author's book

Plots for heart disease Plot on knives Take two knives with wooden handles. Holding the blades, they hit the handle on the handle near the patient's heart and whisper: As I knock the handle on the handle and the knife does not hurt, so the heart of the servant of God (name) does not hurt. Damask knives, handles

From the author's book

Conspiracies from eye diseases From a thorn Go to any reservoir and, looking into it, read the conspiracy: Water mirror, God's water, give back what you took. Belmo reflected in the mirror, God's light return to the eyes. I unlock with spring keys, I close the locks from misfortune. How

From the author's book

Conspiracies from diseases of hearing From pain in the ears I will become a servant of God (name), blessed, I will go out, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, I will go out into an open field. An oak stands in an open field. A black raven flies through this oak tree. At the slave (name) he speaks a pinch and an ache. In the name of

From the author's book

Conspiracies for skin diseases From baldness Lock your hands tightly. Holding them over the patient's head, whisper three times: As the month was born, so let the hair of the slave (name) be born and arrive. As no one counted the stars in the sky, so let the hair of the slave (name)

From the author's book

SPELLS FROM DISEASES FOR CHILDREN Conspiracies for health from Maria Bazhenova Conspiracy for health when bathing, dousing a baby When bathing a child, say this: Grandmother Solomonyushka Christ soared and left us a park. God bless! Hands, grow

From the author's book

A conspiracy against eye diseases (option 1) “Dawn-dawn, red maiden, take your red eyes, and give me eyes

From the author's book

A conspiracy for eye diseases (option 2) For this conspiracy, pour water into a basin, dip silver into it and read the words of the conspiracy. “As this silver is pure, so were the eyes

From the author's book

A conspiracy for eye diseases (option 3) Read “Our Father” three times, then read the following conspiracy three times, each time spitting over your left shoulder. the servant of God (name) has kohan eyes, clean, unspoiled, baptized,

From the author's book

Conspiracies and prayers for diseases Conspiracy for allergies It is necessary to drive a nail into the threshold of the house, reading the following conspiracy: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. Go away, my pains, my ailments, my ailments; go away from me, from my doorstep on a long journey.

Half a minute later, another device chimed, Yura grabbed the receiver and, hearing the caller, winked at Nastya. From his mean remarks, it was unrealistic to realize that Fr. There is a speech. Finally he hung up and smiled broadly. Nastya jumped up. Hands. Indeed, the water had already boiled for a long time and was now gurgling in the highest clay. The mug was so desperate that it spilled onto the floor. She frantically unplugged the plug, but there was still water in the mug. There is not enough left. Nastya dutifully trudged along.

Fyodor asked, casting a mean glance at the bottles. Cigarettes. Water. Mineral, fruity, still, sprite, Dr. Pepper, cola. Hot. Snacks. Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, fresh belyashi, barbecue with garnish. Italian salads. Crabs, shrimp, ham. Hot tea. The coffee is hot, dark and with milk. The door swung open, and Oleg saw a strong middle-aged man. Growth in a small black terry dressing gown. His hair was wet, and Oleg realized what the tenant perceived.

He's on a business trip, and you're behaving a little. Don't call names, otherwise I won't give you a cot, you'll sleep on the floor. Okay, bring out the soup, it really needs to be eaten, huh. Leshka will be offended. Dinner turned out to be unexpectedly plentiful and satisfying, and Nastya and Yura, having stuffed so many goods at once into themselves with hunger, could no longer move. Listen, Nastya said with fear, it seems that I can’t even get up. Gluttony is a big sin. Well, let's sit at the table, where to hurry-. Korotkov responded phlegmatically.

This morning everything started as usual. Lily thoughtfully looked at the buoy dangling in the waves. Said. Licking was skipped, the fruit abundance from the snow-white bag for some reason did not arise. Rita flung herself down on the towel and raised her exhausted face to me. I was so dumbfounded that I didn’t even realize what kind of Olga we were talking about. This question could, perhaps, adequately compete with the previous one. He was neither smart nor original. Rita reacted with awareness. To our heartbreaking story, she immediately calmed down and, to her credit, it must be admitted, she did not spill the beans to anyone. And now our sweet joke threatened to turn into nothing. Suspicious Igor Litvak is in big trouble. And I realized that I must somehow help poor Igor. I acutely felt my guilt before him and.

He entered a military academy somewhere in the Caucasus. You must become an Ingush officer and serve our native land. If you go to study in Kyiv, you will serve in the Ukrainian army. Aslanbek. Should cancel the trip. You need. Aslanbek went to the Carpathians. At a small airfield in Kolomyia, a tall, tall man was waiting for him. With a shock of wavy hair and a smiling face, he introduced himself as Vasily Ignatievich. You know what needs to be done for you. Vasily asked when they got into the car and drove towards the mountains. Father spoke. I have to work out arithmetic with some girl, Aslan answered uncertainly. Yes, of course, Aslan nodded absently, looking out the window at the houses standing on the sides of the road, buried in apple and pear trees. The car stopped in front of the highest metal gates.

Gulya is right. Gulya, you are absolutely right. If the woman did not lie, then the 2nd man did. Then everything comes out. Mishan, go to the office. I figured you out, starley, Misha chuckled. Andrey. Chebotaev looked up from his computer and ruffled his hair for himself. She is not afraid of anything, Nastya agreed. Either he is extremely confident in himself, or just a nerd, which is more accurate. And yet, I wonder if his name is in the magazine that. Taken from the salon, either.

If someone comes to you for help with sore eyes, then put the patient on a chair and tell him to close his eyes. Have a glass of warm and cold water next to you. Place the tips of your index and middle fingers over both eyes. Do this with your arms crossed, that is, put the fingers of your right hand on the right eye of the patient, and your left hand on his left eye. Say ancient incantations:

Salhwa-is-fe alhvaim uba,

Delhva-im-sve algaib afa.

When you pronounce these words, you must imagine that your fingers are, as it were, drawing painful currents from the eyes and all the causes of the disease. Next, you should dip your index and middle fingers into a glass of cold water and say:

malhwai afei,

afa saldhad.

Feel that everything that your hands have “taken” has given up to the water. Do these steps three times. Then dip your fingers in warm water. Imagine how new water gives your hands new healing power and new healthy energy. At this point say:

Zaal halya ulge,

omen lia daulfal.

Again put the fingers on the eyes of the patient, but now the fingers of the right hand on the left eye, and the left hand on the right eye. Say:

Omalhad, darling,

is-ve-lom agalh-ve.

Now imagine that life-giving force begins to emanate from your fingers, which fills the eyes of the patient with a new pure light, heals the remnants of the disease, makes the eyes bright and healthy. Repeat these steps three times. It is very important that during treatment the patient never opens his eyes. At the end of the treatment, pour the water from the glasses on the ground in different places. If the disease is very strong, repeat the treatment every Friday for two lunar months. This sorcery can be used for all kinds of eye diseases and deterioration of vision.

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When the right or left eye is sick and no treatment helps, then attach a silver ruble to the closed eyelid and say:

Who is a ruble, who is two,

and for whom half a ruble is enough.

Can't buy for fifty dollars

pay for two

and for the ruble just right.

Then give this coin to charity.

If two eyes are sick, then apply a ruble (different coins) to each eye and say:

Who is a ruble, who is two,

and for whom half a ruble is enough.

Can't buy for fifty dollars

do not pay extra for the ruble,

and two rubles will be just right.

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With a sudden deterioration in vision, when there is a suspicion that damage has been induced, drop female milk into the sore eye.

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If your vision has deteriorated and it is hard to see in the distance, then make a very small hole in the nickel. When you need to see something far away, look through this hole. You can always have two such nickels with you and look at the world through two holes at once. It is not necessary to spend coins on this. Poke holes with a needle in plain paper or a thin wooden board.

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If there is pain in the right or left eye, then swipe several times in front of the sore eyes with a magnet from the nose to the corner of the eye. At first, hold the magnet away from the eye, but with each new movement, bring it closer and closer to the sore eye. In this way, all the pain is reduced to the corner of the eye. When this happens, have the patient sniff snuff or black pepper. After a few sneezes, the pain will completely disappear.

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If the eyes are watery or pus flows from them, wash them with a decoction of wheat groats or boric acid. Make compresses from blue cornflower and put cottage cheese wrapped in gauze on your eyes.

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Take squirrels from two eggs and throw them into a glass of holy water. Let this remedy brew, and then apply it on the sore spots around the eyes.

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Make lotions from those herbs that you can find on the seventh or ninth lunar day. It can be: marshmallow root and leaves, chamomile grass and flowers, bird cherry flowers, Bogorodskaya grass, stone fruit, wild hops or cumin. Take any of this herb one spoonful and fill it with a glass of boiling water.

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From inflammation of the eyes, lotions from the infusion of dill seeds, cucumber peel or onion broth will help. Dill take one spoonful in a glass of water. Mix the cucumber peel with an equal part of water, in which you dissolve 1 tablespoon of soda. If you use onion decoction for eye treatment, be sure to add sugar or honey to it.

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When your eyes cloud the grief and your eyes stop seeing white light, boil a hard-boiled egg. Without letting the egg cool, cut it in half and remove the yolk from it. Apply warm protein with the empty center on closed eyelids. Do this warming up twice a day, and very soon your vision will return to you.

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To restore vision, you need to drink one glass of ginger infusion on vodka every day and lubricate your eyes with peppermint oil mixed with rosemary oil.

Individual magic training

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