In the first year of a child's life, almost every 5 or 4 children suffer from constipation, as many parents and doctors believe. When there is stagnation of feces in the rectum, their exit is difficult, the child grunts and pushes, but emptying does not occur - the parents are worried and sometimes do not know, if the baby is constipated, what to do?

In this article we will talk about the possible causes of constipation in infants, about ways to solve the problem of a difficult, delayed, systematically insufficient act of defecation in babies.

The most common, easily eliminated causes of constipation in babies are - a lack of water entering the baby's body, a lack of milk in the mother, a sharp change in the baby's diet (switching from breastfeeding to artificial feeding, changing the mother's diet, introducing complementary foods) and more serious, such as allergic reactions, developmental defects or disorders of the digestive system and other diseases.

What is considered constipation in a newborn, a child under 1 year old?

In order to determine whether a child is constipated or just an individual feature, there are criteria by which you can classify changes in the stool in a baby:

  • Stool frequency - stool delay for 1-2 days can be considered constipation if it is systematic and the child is anxious, naughty, crying, pushing, grunting during bowel movements
  • Stool consistency - from the table below, only types 1 and 2 should be considered as constipation (the rest with 3-6 variants of the norm). If the stool is lumpy (sheep feces), too dense and hard, lumpy stool even in the form of a sausage - this should also be interpreted as constipation.
  • If a child shows anxiety, grunts, or has obvious difficulties in the act of defecation during a bowel movement, this is not always a sign of constipation.

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To determine constipation in infants, a combination of several factors should be taken into account. If a child has a 1-2 type of stool consistency, he poops with a delay of 1-2 days, while crying and grunting is constipation.

If the baby is emptied every day, but 1 time, the consistency of feces is within normal limits, but the child groans, pushes, then this does not mean that he needs to put an enema, glycerin suppositories, to deal with constipation in other non-natural ways.

During the act of defecation, most babies grunt strongly, push, twist their legs, show other signs of difficulty when pushing feces out - this is normal for children of the first year of life. In infants, intestinal functions are just forming, and babies are still not able to properly control the work of the intestines, so strenuous attempts to defecate can be a variant of the norm. If the child has a normal appetite, he looks healthy, rarely defecates, but the consistency of the stool is normal and behaves restlessly only during the act of defecation - do not worry too much.

In all other cases, with anxiety during bowel movements and rare emptying, provoking factors should first be excluded, such as taking any medications, allergic reactions, changing the diet of a nursing mother or complementary foods for a child, which can contribute to constipation in the baby. What to do if your baby has problems with daily emptying? Parents should definitely consult a doctor for diagnostics of dysbiosis, allergies or other digestive disorders, in order to exclude more serious pathologies.

Possible Causes of Constipation in Babies

Children with episodic cases of constipation, not caused by any diseases, always look healthy, develop correctly, gain weight well, and a change in the nature of the intestines can be caused by reasons that are easy enough to eliminate:

  • If a child rarely poops, perhaps he is experiencing a lack of fluid, this is especially true for infants who are bottle-fed. To change the situation, be sure to give the baby water to drink. The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky, with constipation in infants, strongly recommends giving children water, even when breastfeeding, given the dry air in heated rooms and the heat in the summer.
  • Improper nutrition of a nursing mother, which consists in the abuse of flour bakery products, rice, rich thick broths, refined foods, semi-finished meat products and other products that provoke constipation in both adults and children. And also the use for feeding milk mixtures with iron.
  • The intake of certain medications by a mother or child is antibiotics, antispasmodics, NSAIDs, anticonvulsants, iron preparations, muscle relaxants, bismuth preparations, etc.
  • Lack of milk in the mother can also cause congestion in the baby.
  • The introduction of complementary foods usually normalizes the intestines, but this does not always happen, sometimes new foods, on the contrary, can contribute to the development of constipation. Each newly introduced product, the baby's reaction should be analyzed (see).

In rare cases, when the baby's stool remains soft, but the child is lethargic, apathetic, lags behind in development, each time has difficulty in defecating, while there are certainly other signs of diseases, one of the symptoms of which may be constipation in a baby or a newborn:

  • Hereditary predisposition, congenital diseases (tumors, megacolon), intestinal developmental defects (intestinal diverticula, colon duplication, anal atresia), Hirschsprung's disease.
  • Disorders of the digestive system - pancreas (enzyme deficiency), biliary dyskinesia, kink of the gallbladder, liver disease.
  • Lactose deficiency, food allergic reactions - while constipation can alternate with diarrhea and profuse regurgitation.
  • Hyperparathyroidism, hypokalemia, hypercalcemia
  • Dolichocolon, dolichosigma

Management of an infant with constipation

  • Examination by a pediatrician
  • Frequent breastfeeding while breastfeeding
  • To add water to an artificial person in the amount of one feeding, divided per day (between feedings)
  • Give a child over half a year old with apples and vegetables (see)
  • After a year, the child must be fed with soup (see)

How is constipation in an infant treated?

To begin with, the most obvious and easily eliminated possible causes should be excluded - this is to adjust the mother's nutrition, observe the drinking regime, it is possible to use a humidifier during the heated period, replace the milk mixture with another, or change the nature of complementary foods. If this does not lead to a result, a thorough diagnosis should be carried out by an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist, and serious pathologies and diseases should be ruled out. If any violations are found, all the recommendations of doctors should be taken into account and the underlying disease causing constipation should be treated.

You should not rush to use enemas, especially (except for Lactulose, you can not use any laxatives for infants), they weaken the natural reflex of bowel emptying, reduce the absorption of nutrients, lead to the loss of potassium, trace elements, vitamins, protein, and also reduce the tone of the intestinal muscles. Before treating constipation in an infant, you first need to try to help the child in other harmless, natural ways, you need to give the child time for self-training:

If you love your baby, give him a little more time, do not buy store-bought juices and purees for your baby, make it yourself, the baby does not need much of it at all. Many independent experts have long exposed manufacturers who claim that these are healthy drinks and purees. There is no benefit in such juices, moreover, very often they are the strongest allergens for babies, especially the Agusha series of juices. It is better to take a fresh apple, pear, plum, peach, carrot and squeeze juice out of them yourself (then dilute with water) or make mashed potatoes using a blender or a micromill.

Intestinal dysbiosis

Some experts believe that dysbiosis is a contrived diagnosis for a more profitable commercialization of drugs for its treatment or maintenance of laboratories by definition.

But, very often, against the background of taking some eubiotics, prebiotics, probiotics in children, stool and symptoms of dysbiosis normalize, constipation and go away. So, if the gastroenterologist sees the problem of constipation in a violation of the intestinal microflora, the use of such funds is advisable (see all).

Medicines and other methods of emergency elimination of constipation in children of the first year of life

The fight against constipation in babies should be aimed at eliminating the cause of its appearance, and not entering the system of mechanical assistance, some kind of fight against a symptom, the manifestation of any disease or indigestion. Stool retention for more than a day, with anxiety, crying of the baby, should be a reason to call a local doctor. With constipation in a baby, what should parents do, how to help a baby to facilitate emptying? Before examination and establishment, the following methods of stimulation of emptying are acceptable as emergency aid:

Anal irritation

This can be done by simply stroking the skin around the anus. You can also do this with the tip of the gas outlet tube, previously lubricated with petroleum jelly. Another way of such mechanical irritation is the following manipulation - gently insert a cotton swab smeared with glycerin into the anus and twist it a little. Among the methods used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, when there were no other means and methods, is the careful introduction of a thin piece of soap into the baby's anus. However, recent studies and observations of doctors argue that neither soap nor soap solutions for microclysters, nor salt (hypertonic) microclysters for children, especially for babies, can be used.

Glycerin candles or Microlax

Although glycerin suppositories are considered the safest of all and are indicated for young children, most pediatricians do not recommend using them for babies. Their use is justified only in emergency cases when other means do not give an effect and only after consulting a doctor. Suppositories with glycerin or Glycelax can cause itching, burning of the skin, and allergic reactions in the baby.

It should be remembered that you can not put more than 1 candle per day, if 1 hour after the candle with glycerin there is no effect, you should call a doctor. You need to purchase only glycerin candles for children or use 1/4 of an adult candle by cutting it lengthwise. After the glycerin suppository, the baby may have multiple, abundant stools.

Microlax for newborns is considered one of the modern laxatives of local action - it is a ready-made viscous solution for administration as a micro enema. The instructions for this drug indicate that it can be used for newborns and infants, while the solution should be injected only half the length, there is a mark on the tip.

Enemas and microclysters

It is also considered an unnatural way to induce emptying and should be avoided, especially the systematic administration of an enema. Before deciding on this method, you should also consult with your pediatrician. For babies, water at room temperature is used - for newborns 30 ml. and up to 120 ml. for children under one year old. To make such an enema, the tip of the pear is smeared with cream or petroleum jelly, the child is placed on the barrels and water is carefully injected into the intestines.


This popular prebiotic can be recommended by a physician if intestinal dysbiosis is present or as a prevention of constipation. Today it is the safest remedy that can be used for constipation in infants. Lactulose (Normase 200 rubles, Lactulose Stada, Prelax 150-200 rubles, Portalak syrup 300 rubles, Goodluck 220 rubles, Romfalak, 300-400 rubles, Lactulose Poly, Livolyuk-PB) is a mild laxative to which intestinal addiction does not occur and it, when taken for a long time, has the ability to restore the disturbed intestinal microflora.

A common cause of sleepless nights for young parents is disruption of the child's developing intestinal tract: colic, flatulence and constipation. According to statistics, every fifth baby suffers from the latter. Usually artificial people or mixed-fed babies are susceptible to an unpleasant disease, but babies are also at risk. What is the reason for constipation and infants, how to avoid this, what emergency measures can be taken and how to ensure the baby has comfortable digestion - tasks of paramount importance. A frivolous attitude of parents to this problem or the use of drugs and treatment methods that are not coordinated with the pediatrician is fraught with a mass of complications for crumbs at an older age.

What can be considered constipation in an infant?

From a medical point of view, constipation in a child under one year old is considered to be difficulty in defecation or the absence of bowel movement in the last day. This concept is rather vague, since it is closely related to the specific age of the child: in a bottle-fed baby and in an infant, the frequency and consistency of stools will differ significantly. For example, for newborns under the age of one month, it is normal to have bowel movements in the same amount as there were meals. This is with the option of breastfeeding. For an artificial child, the norm is only 2 - 3 bowel movements per day.

The instability of the baby's intestines is of great importance. Without the help of a specialist, it is quite difficult to determine when a baby is suffering from constipation, and when a decrease in stool frequency is just a physiological feature of the development of a small organism. Therefore, it is important to control not only the number of "adventures", but also the consistency, smell, density and color of feces, the child's behavior before and during bowel movements.

Feces of babies up to six months have a semi-liquid consistency. It is yellow in color, without an unpleasant odor, and may contain particles of undigested breast milk in the form of cheesy inclusions. In an artificial man, feces are denser, and may have a characteristic specific odor.

Signs and symptoms of constipation

The main thing that you need to pay attention to is the general condition of the child and the consistency of feces. Symptoms that indicate constipation include:

  • a child with constipation is naughty, crying;
  • restless behavior of the child during bowel movements: but straining does not lead to any result, expression of pain on the face, pushing, crying;
  • any attempt to empty the intestines is accompanied by screams and restless movements of the baby;
  • feces for constipation in infants is hard: either it looks like a pea, or its first portion looks like a "cork", followed by a mushy mass;
  • incomplete bowel movement;
  • regular stool retention for 1 - 2 days;
  • restless sleep;
  • refusal to eat;
  • absence of gases;
  • unreasonable crying;
  • bloating;
  • pulling the knees to the chest;
  • vomit.

The manifestation of one or two of these signs does not mean that the baby has constipation, but if there are several symptoms, you can be quite confident in the diagnosis and start treatment. First of all, be sure to contact the pediatrician who is observing the child. It is necessary to exclude the likelihood of an intestinal reaction to medications, new foods, the beginning of complementary feeding and other factors that provoke difficulties in the digestive tract. Be sure to diagnose dysbiosis, allergic reactions and other digestive pathologies. A nursing mother should urgently introduce into the diet foods that activate the motility of intestinal smooth muscles: boiled prunes, beets, pumpkin. For children after six months, in the absence of allergies, you can also use these products as complementary foods.

If the child is calm, does not refuse a breast or a bottle, and bowel movement does not give him discomfort, then this is definitely not constipation. In newborns, breast milk or formula can be absorbed so well that they simply have nothing to go to the toilet.

If the listed problems are still present, then before treating constipation, you need to find out the reasons.

Constipation reasons

In the early stages of constipation, it is quite easy to deal with it, simply by eliminating the causes that provoked constipation. These include:

  • Lack of fluid

This is an extremely relevant cause of constipation for bottle-fed babies, especially in hot summer or winter when the air in the room is dry due to heating appliances. Be sure to increase the amount of water your child uses. The popular pediatrician Komarovsky strongly recommends supplementing even breastfed newborns.

  • Inappropriate nutrition of a nursing mother, an adapted mixture that is not suitable for a child, a lack of foods that stimulate the digestive tract (beets, pumpkin, dried apricots, figs, apples, peaches, apricots, prunes, and others)
  • Taking certain medications by an infant or nursing mother

Constipation is possible when taking antidepressants, antispasmodics. antibiotics, bismuth and iron preparations, NSAIDs, anticonvulsants, muscle relaxants. Acceptance and cancellation of any medications, both by the mother and by the baby, must be previously agreed with the pediatrician.

  • Breast milk deficiency

Causes the so-called "hungry constipation" in an infant. In this case, all the food consumed is absorbed into the walls of the internal organs and the blood, and the intestines simply have nothing to process.

  • Introduction of complementary foods

More often, the introduction of complementary foods helps to normalize the digestive tract, but it can also cause difficulties with stool. You should carefully monitor the reaction of the intestines to new dishes. Also early can contribute to constipation.

  • Abrupt power change

This is possible with a sharp loss of milk from the mother, the replacement of one adapted formula for another, or an incorrect transition from one type of feeding to another. Constipation usually disappears after adaptation to new food.

  • Psychological constipation

This is by no means a myth, as some think. The child's body, finding itself in unusual or uncomfortable conditions (for example, when the baby breaks up with its mother), responds to stress in this way. Also, the child may be afraid to recover because of the pain that occurs at this moment. In this case, it is necessary to try to return the normal mushy consistency to the baby's stool, adhering to the diet.

There is another reason for psychological constipation - a child can manipulate adults in this way. If any signs of constipation in a baby cause his parents to panic and the parents begin to constantly regret, comfort and fuss around the baby, then the baby may deliberately hold back the chair. The only way to treat this situation is to be calm about the problem.

  • Colds or infectious diseases

An increase in body temperature can provoke a significant compaction of stool and lead to constipation.

It is extremely important that constipation itself can refer to one of the signs of serious diseases and pathologies, therefore it is important not to engage in self-treatment, but to consult a doctor. Such diseases include:

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Anatomical defects of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diabetes.
  • Disorders in the digestive tract.
  • Rickets.
  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Myasthenia gravis.
  • Spinal cord dysfunctions.
  • Liver disease.
  • Lactose deficiency.
  • Allergic reaction to protein in cow's milk.
  • Food allergy.
  • Hypothyroidism

Diseases that lead to constipation. Fortunately, these diseases are rare. These include dolichosigma, Hirschsprung's disease and lactase deficiency.

  • Dolichosigma is an elongation of the sigmoid colon. Bowel emptying is slowed down due to kinks and excessive pressure of the sigmoid colon on itself and the rectum;
  • Hirschsprung's disease occurs due to a violation of the intestinal innervation. This leads to the fact that some parts of the intestine do not work and are in a spasmodic state;
  • Lactase deficiency appears due to the absence or small amount of an enzyme that breaks down milk sugar (lactase). In this case, the baby's constipation will be replaced by diarrhea.

Only a doctor will be able to identify such constipation in a baby, and only a doctor decides what needs to be done in this situation.

Constipation treatment

The first challenge in treating constipation is to determine the cause and eliminate it. To establish the normal functioning of the intestines of a newborn, you need:

  1. Medical examination.
  2. More frequent breastfeeding when breastfeeding.
  3. For a child on artificial feeding - supplementing with special baby water (not boiled) between meals, while the volume of liquid should be equal to the volume of one serving.
  4. For an infant over 6 months old - an introduction to the diet of apples and vegetables.
  5. For a child after a year - soup, as an obligatory dish in the daily diet.

General recommendations in the fight against constipation also include: correcting the nutrition of the mother and baby, increasing the amount of fluid consumed, changing the nature of complementary foods, or changing the adapted mixture to one that contains more lactobacilli.

Note to moms!

Hello girls! After giving birth, I gained 11 kilograms and could not get rid of them in any way. I tried to limit myself to food, but the diets did not bring much results. I had to look for another solution. And I found it: (-15kg) I hope the information will be useful for you!

Separately, we should dwell on the issue of complementary foods. Independent experts have long proven that store juices, purees and other "jars for children", regardless of the manufacturer, are made with the addition of quite harmful substances and preservatives and are the strongest allergens for a child. Try to find some time to prepare really healthy complementary foods. From ordinary carrots or apples, you will get many times more useful and fortified puree or juice. The money saved on buying the dangerous Agusha can be spent on a handy blender or juicer that will make it easier to prepare meals for complementary foods.

Enemas and laxatives should only be used as a last resort. They flush out useful microflora from the intestines: potassium, vitamins, protein, microelements; help to reduce the tone of the intestinal muscles, lead to a violation of the reflex of natural bowel cleansing, impede the absorption of nutrients. Before using these emergency measures in a panic, you should try milder and harmless methods, which in most cases give a positive result. These methods include:

Tummy massage

It is aimed at relieving spasm, increasing intestinal tone and activating its peristalsis. It is performed with gentle strokes with light pressure on the baby's abdomen. Movements must be performed clockwise. You can additionally put an iron-ironed towel or diaper on the crumbs' tummy. Just make sure that it is not hot, but warm. Warm baths and the warmth of the mother's body also help well: just gently press the baby's tummy against your own belly.

Abdominal massage for constipation:

Mechanical bowel stimulation

Performed by irritating the anus. Can be done with a cotton swab, generously greased with baby cream. The stick is inserted shallowly into the anus and gently turned several times. A bowel movement usually occurs after a few minutes.

During the procedure, there is a risk of scratching the epithelium of the anus with a stick, so you need to act extremely carefully, with light movements, do not abuse this method.

For similar purposes, a special vent tube is provided. It is also gently inserted into the rectum, which makes it possible to activate the process of defecation.

Glycerin candles

You can use special rectal suppositories for newborns. They quickly soften stool and help cleanse the intestines. For a newborn, 1/3 of the suppository is enough. It must be carefully cut and, smoothing the sharp ends with your finger, slowly and carefully insert it into the anus.

All the difficulties associated with dividing the suppository, calculating the dosage, etc., can be avoided by using special children's glycerin suppositories Glycelax®. The Glycelax® suppository has a reduced size and a children's dosage of 0.75 g of glycerin, so parents do not need to perform additional manipulations - you just need to remove the candle from the package and put it to the child. In 15-20 minutes after setting the suppository, there is a soft and natural bowel movement. Glycelax® candles can be used in children from the age of three months, candles are safe and hypoallergenic.

There is an old and supposedly effective "grandmother's" method of treating constipation, in which a bar of soap is used instead of a glycerin suppository. You need to know that this is a very dangerous method: soap contains alkali and other harmful substances that can burn the rectum. Even when using baby soap, it is difficult to ensure that it is made without hazardous ingredients.

If an hour after the introduction of the suppository, the child has not yet emptied the intestines, a doctor should be called. Some candles can cause discomfort: burning, itching, allergic reactions, so candles are also referred to as emergency measures. Be sure to study the anatomy before use.


Enema is considered an emergency measure to relieve constipation. A syringe (20-30 ml) with cooled boiled water or a decoction of medicinal chamomile is introduced to a depth of no more than 1.5 cm into the anus of the baby and all the liquid is slowly injected. The required fluid temperature is about 37 ° C. It is advisable to dissolve a pinch of table salt in water for an enema and add a couple of drops of pharmacy glycerin. When buying a syringe, stop choosing not a plastic, but a rubber or silicone tip, they are less traumatic. First, the tip of the syringe must be generously lubricated with baby cream or oil. Too warm water should not be used: it will simply be absorbed into the intestinal walls, and the desired result will not be achieved.

A modern analogue of an enema with a milder effect - designed specifically for newborns. It is a micro enema based on a water-salt solution with the addition of glycerin. The effect of Mikrolax comes in a quarter of an hour after application. You must first read the instructions for use, and do not insert the tip into the rectum beyond the drawn line.

These methods can be used as an emergency measure, especially with regular constipation. Frequent use of enemas disrupts the work and favorable microflora of the intestinal tract and causes dysbiosis, which will have to be treated with probiotics.


Taking laxatives is only necessary when nothing else helps. Most laxatives are contraindicated for an infant under one year old. The exception is Duphalac syrup and similar preparations based on lactulose. To cause bowel movement, Duphalac must be given to the baby in a volume of 5 ml. If the baby feeds on breast milk, then a nursing mother can also use the remedy.

A six-month-old child can take Forlax. Its great advantage is the duration of use up to three months.

Before using any remedy, remember that medications can only be prescribed by the attending physician, and emergency measures are allowed to be used only when absolutely necessary: ​​when all methods of treating constipation have been ineffective.

Often in young children, tummy hurts. How can I help my child? What are the best treatments for constipation for an infant? Do I need to use drugs or can you do with folk remedies? All these questions are answered by the pediatrician of the "Home Doctor" with extensive experience Orlova Galina Viktorovna:

Preventive measures

The simplest and most effective method of treatment is disease prevention. The health of children under the age of one year requires constant monitoring and attention. Do not wait for the first signs of constipation, start preventive measures right away.

  • A simple but effective method is very useful: before feeding, after eating, carry the baby in a column for several minutes;
  • Exercise regularly. To do this, lay the baby on the back, gently and smoothly lift his legs bent at the knees and lightly press it against the tummy. Repeat several times, avoiding sudden movements. It is also useful to do the exercise "bicycle";
  • Provide the crumbs with the required amount of liquid. Instead of tea and juices, it is better to drink special bottled baby water. You do not need to boil it. When introducing complementary foods, juices must be diluted with water;
  • If the baby is more than 4 months old, prune juice is excellent for constipation. Two teaspoons are enough. After six months, you can use prune puree. Both fresh fruit and dried fruit are equally effective. You can add prune berries to compotes;
  • Don't wrap your baby up. Overheating, along with dehydration, is one of the main causes of constipation. It is also important for colds and infectious diseases: if the baby has a fever, water him as often as possible, otherwise constipation after an illness cannot be avoided;
  • Effective drinks for constipation - dried fruit compote with dried apricots and prunes, raisin water. For its preparation, it is enough to pour a spoonful of pure raisins with boiling water and insist in a thermos;
  • Give preference to vegetables with a "laxative effect" and high in coarse fiber, fruits, rich in potassium. These are figs, green apples, prunes, dried apricots, beets, carrots, peaches, apricots, pumpkin. The same foods should be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother;
  • Preparations with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, fermented milk products, natural yoghurts are extremely useful for the intestinal microflora. They are shown to both the child and the mother;
  • Try to give your baby breast as long as possible, the first six months are especially important. If this is not possible, give preference to adapted fermented milk mixtures;
  • If antibiotic treatment is necessary, at the same time as taking them, start giving drugs for the prevention of dysbiosis.

No need to panic if the baby is constipated. The first step to recovery is identifying and eliminating the causes of the disease. But do not self-medicate and do not use grandmother's methods of treatment without consulting a doctor. Most often, it is enough to establish nutrition, drink more fluids and do not forget about massage and gymnastics so that the ailment recedes. In emergency situations, Duphalac, glycerin suppositories or an enema will help. Pay close attention to treating constipation. Formation and normalization of the digestive tract in the first year of life is a guarantee of the child's future health.

On the topic of newborn stool:

VIDEO: what to do with constipation


How to help a baby with constipation - almost all parents have encountered this problem. So what do you need to know about constipation in newborns so as not to be caught off guard? In this article, we will look at the most necessary information that can be useful in practice.

In infants, constipation is quite common, especially in the first months of their life, since the intestines are not yet properly debugged, not stable. Starting from the very first days, breastfed babies go to the toilet up to 8 times a day in accordance with the number of feedings, and artificial people - up to 4 times. Gradually, as you grow older, the number of bowel movements decreases. It should also be borne in mind that this process is a very individual phenomenon. Not all babies are emptied daily. Since at this age the child is under constant supervision of adults, it will not be difficult for them to notice any changes in the frequency and quality of the child's stool, taking into account the individual characteristics of their baby.

Constipation symptoms

If more than 1 and 2 days have passed since the last emptying, and at the same time the baby's appetite and sleep have disappeared, he constantly screams, is irritated or straining for no reason, grunts heavily, jerks his legs, pulls them to the tummy, bends, and the tummy has become more dense, swollen and, as it were, hardened, which means the baby has constipation. At the same time, feces are also subject to changes, they become more viscous and thicken. When a child cannot go to the toilet, he is faced with unpleasant internal pain sensations that give him anxiety, which is externally manifested in his behavior. He sleeps poorly, refuses food, constantly cries and is capricious, which in turn leads to disruption of sleep and the rhythm of life of his parents. In such situations, moms often resort to folk remedies at home, but they can be unproductive.

If the frequency of recurrences of constipation is high, you should definitely consult with your pediatrician in order to determine the exact cause of the problem, and, taking it into account, take further active steps to help your baby.

Types of constipation in infants

Organic constipation (Hirschsprung's disease) is a rather rare phenomenon associated with congenital pathological abnormalities in the structure and functioning of the infant's intestines, which is found even in the maternity hospital. Simply put, a child cannot and does not know how to poop. The problem of such constipation is solved only by surgical intervention.

Functional constipation is more common associated with stool retention. The problem of such constipation can be solved both with drugs and non-drug means (massage, enema, beet juice). For the correct choice of the method of treatment, it is necessary, first of all, to timely and correctly establish the cause of constipation.

Constipation reasons

The digestion of a baby directly depends on the composition and quality of mother's breast milk, that is, on what and how a woman eats. Excessive consumption by a nursing mother of foods such as meat, rice, baked goods, tea, coffee and others can provoke constipation in a baby. The mother's diet should be approached carefully and selectively, with some restrictions. She should eat more foods containing plant fiber. In addition, if the mother took antibiotics, the newborn has a violation of the microflora, which can also cause difficulties in defecation.

Lack of milk when breastfeeding

The child's body, tuned in to digest the required amount of food, in case of not receiving it due to the lack of milk from the mother, gives a reaction in the form of constipation.

Changes in the baby's diet

Often with a change in baby food, for example, when switching from breastfeeding to formula, the baby's digestive system does not have time to rebuild and gives out malfunctions in the form of constipation.

Too early or inappropriate introduction of complementary foods into the child's diet

Often, mothers are in a hurry to give their child a taste of ordinary adult food, which causes disturbances in the child's digestion. Pediatricians recommend the introduction of complementary foods to babies no earlier than six months of age. Sometimes, after the baby reaches the appropriate age, mothers overdo it with the amount of complementary foods. The children's digestive system cannot cope with such a volume of new food.

Lack of water in the child's body

Lack of water is most often experienced by children who are bottle-fed. Also, in hot weather, the child's level of sweating may increase, which, in turn, can lead to dehydration and hardened stool. To avoid problems with difficult emptying, babies should be provided with an adequate and regular supply of moisture to their body throughout the day. In the summer, it is necessary to humidify the air in the room.

Teething in children

This natural, inevitable, but such a painful process is often accompanied by side accompanying symptoms, such as a decrease in immunity, an increase in body temperature and even constipation.

Child's hypodynamia

Constipation can be triggered by the inactivity of a small person, in order to avoid which parents should definitely do physical exercises with their babies. In such cases, it is useful for children to crawl on their tummy more.

Psychosomatic disorders

Stool retention in infancy can also be caused by disturbances in the psycho-emotional state of the child, for example, during prolonged separation from the mother.

Serious illnesses

Constipation in infants can be a symptom of diseases such as dolichosigma or lactase deficiency, therefore, if a child encounters this problem, it is strongly recommended to see a doctor.

How to help a child at home with constipation

Laxative is contraindicated in newborn babies! First of all, you should consult with a specialist.

Do not neglect the opportunity to talk with your pediatrician, who knows exactly what to do at home if the baby is constipated, and will give you tried and tested advice. Many doctors are not supporters of drug treatment of constipation in very young infants, but they can advise from drugs - "Dufolac" based on lactulose, which can be taken from the moment of birth, and in the future - "Bifidumbacterin" and "Linex" with the content of beneficial bacteria - probiotics to restore healthy intestinal microflora. There are safe and effective non-medicinal products that you can use at home.

Massage for constipation

Massage helps with mild constipation. First, the belly of the little one needs to be warmed up with a warm towel. The rule for performing such a massage: gently stroke the baby's tummy with circular smooth movements clockwise, slightly pressing on it; do not make strong and abrupt movements! You can also very gently and gently cuddle the baby to you. The warmth of a mother's embrace has a very beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of the child. Also, in combination with massage, you can do several physical exercises with children's legs, such as scissors or a bicycle.

After such mechanical influences, gases will leave the child's intestines, and the long-awaited relief will come. Massage is an excellent preventive measure to get rid of stool retention in the future and improve the functioning of the baby's intestines in general. Before starting a massage, you should also consult a doctor so as not to damage such fragile and not yet sufficiently strengthened children's organs. It is better if the first massage is performed by an experienced specialist and shows you how to do it properly.

Beet juice

Also, with mild constipation and as a prophylactic agent, beetroot juice can help, which well improves the functioning of the children's digestive system, but with a painful and prolonged stool retention, it may be ineffective. In addition, this remedy can only be used if the child is already familiar with adult food.


One of the common parenting misconceptions is that the enema is the panacea for constipation. This is not true! It is worth resorting to an enema only as a last resort and only with the permission of the doctor. At first glance, such an effective remedy has only a short-term effect, while washing out the natural microflora from the child's intestines with the help of water, which aggravates the problem in the future. When using an enema, relapses of constipation will be repeated in the future. True, there are neglected situations when one cannot do without an enema.

In such cases, hands are thoroughly washed, a small enema (No. 1) is taken, filled with warm boiled water to a volume of 25 ml. The tip of the enema tip is lubricated with sterilized vegetable or vaseline oil using a cotton swab and very carefully inserted into the baby's rectum by 3-4 cm. You should first release the air from the enema. Water is released into the intestines very gradually, gently. After you remove the tip with one hand, the other should hold the baby's buttocks compressed for 3-5 minutes so that the water does not flow out. Such a procedure will lead to quick emptying and relief of the baby's intestines. Sometimes in difficult cases, as a last resort, they resort to using candles made of glycerin, butter or vegetable oil at the end of the pipette, which irritate the walls of the intestinal sphincter and soften the stool.


Regular prevention of constipation will save you from the need to treat this problem in the future. The following recommendations will help you with this:

  • carefully monitor the nutrition of the baby and nursing mother, giving preference to light, but nutrient-rich foods (fruits, vegetables) and avoiding harmful foods (fatty, sweet).
  • do not be lazy and regularly give your offspring a light and gentle massage without strong and abrupt movements after the next meal. This will not only stimulate the peristalsis of the baby's intestines, but will also increase the general tone of the growing organism and will contribute to its physical development. You can invite a specialist to perform the massage, but do not forget that the gentle tactile touches of the mother also bring significant benefits for maintaining the mental health of the baby.
  • periodically let your child drink small amounts of beetroot juice. Attention: this can be done only after the child has become acquainted with the food of adults, otherwise you will provoke an even more serious disorder of the child's fragile intestines.

If you have not passed the problem of constipation in infants, do not panic, do not resort to self-treatment, show the baby to the doctor. In order to find the right treatment, and not harm the child even more, it is necessary to know exactly the cause of stool retention. It is also not worth delaying the solution of the problem, since untimely getting rid of constipation can lead to poisoning with food decay products and intoxication of the body.

A frequent occurrence is constipation in babies, what should mom do to help him? Infants require special attention. Constipation in them can be the result of both malnutrition and various diseases.

How to tell if a child is constipated

Children from birth to one year of age can empty their bowels in different ways. This can happen several times a day, or vice versa - once every two days.

Therefore, the number of bowel movements is not quite suitable for determining the presence of constipation in infants. Komarovsky advises paying attention to the child's behavior during bowel movements and the consistency of the stool.

If, when emptying the intestines, the baby freezes, looks tense, turns red and cries, the stool is in the form of separate dense pieces? These are signs of constipation in a newborn, even if bowel movements occur daily.

Why constipation occurs

The causes of constipation in a baby can be gastrointestinal diseases, so it is important to be examined by a doctor

There are many reasons for constipation in an infant baby. They may be associated with the characteristics of the child's body and nutrition.

If we consider the causes of pathology in age groups:

  1. The causes of constipation in newborns and up to four months can be congenital diseases or poor nutrition of the mother;
  2. 5-9 months is formed due to incorrect introduction of complementary foods;
  3. Stool problems in older children may be associated with insufficient physical activity- the child should crawl and start walking by one year.

Constipation as a consequence of illness

Such constipation in a newborn baby will appear soon after birth.... Children may be born with some abnormalities in the development of internal organs, which are not always detected during an ultrasound examination of a pregnant woman.

One of these anomalies is Hirschsprung's disease... It is characterized by lengthening of some parts of the intestine. As a result, the food lump passes through it for a long time, it becomes denser. Defecation does not occur several times a day, as it should be for newborns, but much less often.

Constipation in a child 1-2 months of age may also appear due to congenital narrowing of the intestine... The narrowed area of ​​the intestine creates an obstacle for the passage of the food lump, their accumulation gradually occurs in this section - constipation develops. This condition can lead to intestinal obstruction.

Constipation due to nutrition

Improper nutrition of a nursing mother is the most common cause of constipation in a child.

Feeding of any kind, natural or artificial, can lead to constipation if not compromised.

Causes of constipation in breastfed babies:

  • Improper nutrition of the mother, due to which milk changes its composition;
  • Low intake of fluid in the child's body - milk for the baby is food, not drink, he needs to be given water;
  • Long-term breastfeeding without timely introduction of complementary foods.

With artificial feeding, constipation in infants can be caused by an incorrectly selected mixture. The baby may have an intolerance to any of its components. Stool retention may be associated with frequent mixture changes.

In a child 4 months and older, constipation may be associated with the introduction of complementary foods. This causes constipation in infants with mixed feeding. It is possible that the new food is not well absorbed and causes stool retention.

How a child behaves with constipation

Any baby with problems with stool notifies parents of his condition by crying.

Does the child become restless, constantly crying, tossing and turning in the crib, bending his legs to his stomach? These are the first signs of constipation in infants.

The child may refuse to eat and drink,. When examining the abdomen, you can notice its bloating and tension. There is a lack of a chair, and if there is one, it resembles a sheep's in shape.

What to give a baby for constipation

To eliminate constipation, it is sometimes enough to adjust the baby's drinking regimen.

What to do with constipation in a newborn? There are many ways to cope with stool retention in babies. These include medication and non-medication methods.

It is the nutrition and drinking regime of the mother and baby that become frequent causes of constipation. To properly adjust your diet, it is best to consult a nutritionist or pediatrician.

① If the newborn is on breast milk

  • It is necessary to ensure that he receives a sufficient volume of ordinary water;
  • Mom should give up all canned foods, alcoholic beverages, meat delicacies, fatty foods - these are foods that cause constipation in babies.
  • Limit baked goods, sweets, indigestible food in the diet;
  • Every day, a nursing mother should eat vegetables and fruits, dairy products, boiled meat.

In the mother's diet, there should be enough plain water so that the milk is not too thick.

② If the baby is an artificial

What to do if a newborn baby is constipated from formula?

  • You need to contact your pediatrician for the selection of a suitable milk formula;
  • And in this case, water must be present in the child's diet;
  • The introduction of complementary foods should be carried out somewhat earlier than with breastfeeding.

What to do for constipation

Hand movements during massage should be stroking without the use of force
As a drink for babies from constipation, you can give compotes from prunes and pears. If constipation in the baby arose precisely during complementary feeding, it is possible that something was done wrong, and it is worthwhile to abandon this product for a while.

If the child's constipation is short-lived for 3 months, the child's well-being does not suffer - you can start with home remedies for the problem.

With constipation in a child of 6 months, when he can already receive extended complementary foods, you can feed him puree from pears and prunes - these fruits increase intestinal peristalsis and contribute to its emptying.

③ Massage and its technique

Sometimes the massage of the abdomen in infants with constipation allows you to relax the intestines and move the feces.

This procedure is carried out as follows:

  • The baby should be laid on his back on a flat surface;
  • With clean and warm hands, make soft circular strokes of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • Movements should not be too fast and deep, massage is aimed at achieving a relaxing effect;
  • You can also put a dry warm diaper on the baby's stomach - this will relieve the existing spasms;
  • At the end of the procedure, the child should be laid out on his stomach for a few minutes.

This procedure can be repeated several times a day, in between feedings.

After watching Komarovsky's video at the end of the article, massage in infants with constipation has a positive effect in most cases.

In addition to massage the abdomen with constipation in a child over 7 months old, you can gently massage the anus. This causes irritation of the rectum and reflex emptying. Massage is carried out with a clean finger moistened with any sterile oil.

④ Enema and its features

Constipation in infants, what to do if massage does not help? At home, you can resort to using an enema. To do this, you need to have a small volume syringe with a soft tip. How to give an enema to a baby with constipation?

Enema solutions can be different:

  • Plain boiled water - softens the feces and frees the intestines from them;
  • Hypertonic solution - boiled water with salt in a ratio of 10: 1 - draws water into the intestinal lumen and liquefies stool. You should not get carried away with such an enema, because it can cause dehydration in the baby;
  • Oil enemas - sterile vegetable oil - envelops the feces and helps them slide.

Enema for a newborn with constipation, how to do? The enema solution must be warm... The tip should be lubricated with sterile vaseline oil. After the introduction of the solution, the baby needs to be held on its side for ten minutes.

⑤ Soap is possible or not

In no case should you use soap to treat constipation in babies. The so-called "grandmother's advice" to introduce a bar of soap into the rectum in case of constipation in a newborn will only lead to irritation of the mucous membrane, and in some cases even a burn.

Treatment of constipation in infants

All non-drug treatments for constipation in newborns have been used with no effect. In this case, it's time to contact a specialist who will recommend suitable medications.

What remedies for the treatment of stool retention in infants can be used without harm to their health, what can be given to a newborn for constipation?

Name Indication Contraindication Application Approximate cost in rubles
GLYCERINE CANDLESStool retention of any originAcute pathologies in the rectumThe introduction of one suppository from constipation for newborns into the rectum is prescribed. It is applied once a day.RUB 100 for 10 candles
Acute stool retentionAllergyOne micro enema is enough. It is inserted up to the mark on the tip into the rectum, the contents of the tube are squeezed out400 rubles for 4 microclysters
DUFALACAllergies, intestinal obstructionIt is used in appropriate age-specific dosages insideRUB 400 for 250 ml
PRELAXAcute and chronic stool retentionAllergyOral administration in age-related dosagesRUB 250 for 100 ml
NORMOLACTAcute and chronic stool retentionIntestinal obstruction, allergiesUsed internallyRUB 300 for 200 ml
PLANTEXPrevention of constipation in a child from 8 monthsLack of lactase and galactase, allergiesInside, 2 packages up to 3 times a dayRUB 350 for 10 packages

According to statistics, constipation in infants occurs twice as often as in children over 1 year old, and regardless of the type of feeding (breastfeeding, artificial, mixed). This is due to the still unformed digestive system. For babies who are breastfed, stool frequency up to 6-8 times a day is considered normal, and 3-4 times a day for artificial ones.

Signs of impaired bowel movements in newborns

Constipation in a newborn can be classified according to several criteria:

  • The general condition of the child - in the presence of constipation, the baby is apathetic, does not sleep well, is naughty, crying.
  • Lack of bowel movements for more than two days - while the baby often cries when he wants to go to the toilet, pushes heavily (so the skin turns red), and knocks his feet.
  • Stool consistency - feces in the form of separate hard lumps or in the form of a lumpy sausage, is considered a sign of constipation in a newborn. Feces move hard through the intestines and cause pain during the act of defecation.
  • Poor appetite - the child can refuse breast, complementary foods, water - from everything that he previously ate with pleasure.
  • Bloating in the abdomen, frequent, increased gas production, accompanied by crying.

But if the newborn, despite the rare stool, behaves actively, plays, eats well, and the feces are soft, loose, mushy and smooth, this is a direct sign of normal functioning of the digestive system and intestines.

Causes of defecation disorders in infants

Constipation in infants can occur sporadically, due to the influence of some factors that are easy to eliminate:

  • Insufficient fluid intake by a child is the most common cause of bowel changes (especially in breastfed babies). To relieve constipation, a newborn needs to increase his daily amount of water consumed.
  • Improper nutrition of a nursing mother - abuse in the daily diet of bakery products, rice, strong meat broths and meat, disrupt intestinal peristalsis (the ability of the intestinal walls to contract and move feces to the exit) of an adult and a newborn.
  • Taking antibiotics, antispasmodics, anticonvulsants - also causes disturbances in the intestines of not only adults, but also children who are breastfed.
  • High-iron formula for formula feeding is also a common cause of constipation in newborns.

Sometimes defecation disorder occurs during the feeding period with the introduction of new products that require more intestinal activity. This side effect is easily eliminated by drinking more fluids or discontinuing the product until the child's stool is normal.

How to treat constipation in children?

Short-term constipation in infants is a completely normal situation that can be easily eliminated by correcting the diet of the mother and child.

In rare cases, more serious reasons, which are a sign of existing diseases in the body, can provoke problems with the act of defecation:

  • - an elongated section of the sigmoid intestine. Due to excess pressure in the organ due to numerous kinks, the movement of fecal masses slows down. They become denser and drier.
  • - provokes constipation in a newborn due to the fact that there is no peristalsis in the spasmodic areas of the intestine. As a result, stool stagnation occurs.
  • Lactose deficiency - with an insufficient amount in the child's body of an enzyme that promotes the breakdown of milk sugar, there is a violation of the stool. Moreover, this pathology is characterized by frequent constipation, periodically alternating with diarrhea.
  • Food allergic reactions, diathesis, neurodermatitis - in this situation, both diarrhea and constipation are often observed.

Treatment features

The fight against constipation in newborns should be aimed primarily at alleviating the condition of the child and at eliminating the cause that caused it.


Massage for disturbances in the work of the intestines should be done to the child 2-3 times a day. For this, it is not necessary to contact a specialist; either parent can carry out the procedures on their own.

  1. The newborn is placed on its back on a flat, hard surface.
  2. With warm hands, lubricated with cream or baby oil, begin to stroke the abdomen with a full palm without pressure for 30 seconds.
  3. Further, starting from the navel, several circular movements are made in a spiral with more intense pressure on the surface of the abdomen.
  4. Then they move on to deeper strokes (with the edge of a bent palm), following the course of the colon, through the right and left hypochondria, as if drawing the letter "P" on the skin.
  5. Then, along the same trajectory, rubbing is performed in a circular motion, pressing on the skin with the pads of the fingers.
  6. Then the child is laid on his stomach and the back is kneaded (from the shoulder blades to the pelvis), stroking the skin in a circular motion. This has a stimulating effect on the anterior abdominal wall.
  7. And at the last stage, several simple exercises are performed with the newborn: a bicycle, pulling the knees to the stomach, etc.

The massage is done 1.5-2 hours after feeding for 10-15 minutes.

Anal irritation

A procedure that stimulates bowel movements is performed by stroking the child's anus with the fingertips or by immersing a gas tube lubricated with petroleum jelly inside it. Pieces of baby soap should not be placed in the child's anus, as this negatively affects the condition of the rectal mucosa and can provoke the appearance of cracks and microtraumas, which will lead to painful bowel movements in the future.

Suppositories for constipation

For children under one year old, it is indicated to use only for constipation. In this case, it is not allowed to insert more than 1 suppository into the anus per day. A side effect of this method can be copious bowel movements over a short period of time. If, after the introduction of the candle, the act of defecation does not occur, you should seek the advice of a specialist.

Suppositories for constipation in infants should be used only in emergency cases and only after consulting a pediatrician, when other, more gentle methods of influencing the intestines do not help.


A cleansing enema is a common way to relieve constipation and is also suitable for newborns. For the procedure you need:

  • small rubber bulb (25-40 ml);
  • boiled, slightly warm water;
  • petrolatum;
  • oilcloth.

Scheme of the procedure:

  1. An oilcloth is laid under the child and put on its side.
  2. Water is collected in a rubber bulb. The tip of the syringe is smeared with petroleum jelly.
  3. The baby's buttocks are carefully bred and the tip of the pear is immersed into the anus no deeper than 2 cm.
  4. The liquid is injected by slowly pressing on the syringe.
  5. The baby's buttocks are squeezed with one hand together and the tip of the pear is removed from the anus.
  6. Wait about 5 minutes and release the buttocks.

A more modern remedy that eliminates constipation is the drug "". It is a fairly viscous liquid introduced into the anus using microclysters. The product is completely safe for babies, easily tolerated by a child. Substances in its composition do not penetrate into the blood, but act only at the intestinal level.

Cleansing enemas can be used no more than once a week. With more frequent use, the weak body of the newborn can become accustomed to such an easy way of bowel movement, which in the future can lead to permanent problems with bowel movements.


Among the laxatives that facilitate bowel movements, the following can be used for newborns:

  • Prelax - the main active ingredient of the drug is lactulose. The substance enhances the peristalsis of the intestinal walls and improves the state of its microflora.
  • - a laxative in the form of a whey-based syrup. The remedy eliminates constipation, normalizes and stabilizes the bowel function.
  • Normolact is a long-term drug with lactulose. It can also be used as a prophylactic agent for frequent constipation.

Folk remedies

Dill water

10 g of dill seeds (about 1 tsp. Without a slide) pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and insist, closing tightly with a lid. Babies up to 3 months are given 1 tsp. before and after feeding. Children over 3 months old - 3 tsp, after 4 months - 2 tbsp. l., and after 6 months ¼ glass before and after feeding.

For children over six months old, dill water can be prepared from fresh greens of the plant. To do this, a small bunch of dill leaves are poured into 1 tbsp. water. Bring to a boil over low heat, boil for 2-3 minutes and cool.

Pharmacy chamomile decoction

An infusion of chamomile flowers not only eliminates constipation, but also has a beneficial effect on the state of the intestinal microflora. For its preparation 1 tsp. dry flowers are poured with 2 tbsp. boiling water, insist for half an hour and give 1 tsp. in between feedings. The finished broth must be drained through cheesecloth so that there are no grass particles, otherwise the child may choke.

Dill water

Chamomile tea


If the newborn is breastfed, then a good