It is difficult to imagine how many variations of the famous "Napoleon" can be found. Sometimes no one even remembers original recipe. Such changes and their own "innovations" undergo, in most cases, delicious custard. And among such a variety it is simply impossible to choose the best! This is what we will prove today.

When preparing a cream, the most important nuance is the choice of quality products. Not only the taste depends on this, but also the consistency, and impregnation and other processes. Outside of the last thing you need to remember about your health, because we are what we eat.

The taste and consistency of the cream depend on the choice of butter. There is no question of any margarine! It is important to choose the oil High Quality so that it does not contain any impurities. It is not one of the cheapest products, but if you choose a good product, you will not regret it.

Of course, the freshness of the products plays key role. Eggs, milk, cottage cheese - all this has a short shelf life. This is important to check. Eggs must be washed with soap before breaking. They can carry salmonella, and this threatens with hospitalization.

It is advisable to sift the flour before cooking. In other recipes, for example, in a biscuit, it is advised to sift it twice. But very little product goes into the custard, it is enough to sift it once. And instead of buying powdered sugar, you can make it at home by grinding sugar in a coffee grinder. The cream should be stored only in the refrigerator under the lid.

Classic custard for "Napoleon"

Cooking time

calories per 100 grams

Classic is forever. It all started with her. In order not to miscalculate, many housewives choose the original recipe. And to some extent it is right!

How to cook:

Advice: butter must be introduced only into the already cold mass, otherwise it will not thicken, because. the oil will melt. You can cool the saucepan in a basin with cold water or, when it reaches room temperature, speed up the cooling process in the refrigerator. Another way: take cling film and cover the saucepan with it so that it touches the cream. Confectioners call this method "contact". After that, put it immediately in the refrigerator.

Cream recipe for "Napoleon" with boiled condensed milk

Boiled condensed milk is a favorite treat for both adults and kids. Plus, it's useful too! But only condensed milk cooked at home will have the most delicate taste and help the body. We recommend using it in this recipe.

What is the calorie content - 257 calories.

How to cook:

  1. In a separate saucepan, heat the milk, it should be hot, but it is not desirable that it boils;
  2. In a bowl, mix eggs and cornstarch. There should be no lumps;
  3. While constantly whisking the egg mass, pour in the milk in a thin stream. Then pour the whipped mixture back into the saucepan and bring to a boil. Constantly interfere;
  4. When the cream becomes thick, remove it from the heat and allow time to cool;
  5. Mix the already cooled mass with boiled condensed milk;
  6. In a separate container, beat the chilled cream with powdered sugar to standing peaks;
  7. Put a part of the cream into the cream with condensed milk and mix with gentle movements;
  8. Then add this mixture to the rest of the cream and mix everything again. You should get a creamy mass, it may even resemble the taste of creme brulee. This cream can be used immediately.

Tip: if you still take purchased boiled condensed milk, it is important to check its expiration date. It must not exceed one year. It is better not to take condensed milk in a package, preferring a can or glass.

Prepare cream with yogurt and honey

For all those who prefer unexpected solutions and creativity, there is a special yogurt-based custard. It is incredibly light and very interesting. Such a recipe is suitable in the summer, when the gardens are full of berries - it goes best with them.

How much time - 20 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 87 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Mix liquid honey with yolk, milk, yogurt and honey. You need to mix with a whisk right in the saucepan;
  2. Next, put the mixture on fire, stirring it occasionally;
  3. When it thickens, turn off the fire and allow the mass to cool;
  4. Stir in coconut flakes to taste, you can add berries and immediately use on the cakes.

Tip: if you want a fatter cream, you can mix a small piece of softened butter into the already cooled cream. The procedure is the same as in the first recipe. This will increase the calorie content.

Cream cheese and banana recipe

This recipe custard very rich and incredibly nutritious. At the same time, it retains all the charm of cottage cheese without subjecting it to heat treatment. The mass turns out to be quite thick and you don’t have to worry that the cake will spread.

How much time - 35 minutes + cooling.

What is the calorie content - 220 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pull out the butter so that it melts at room temperature;
  2. When it becomes soft, it should be beaten with vanilla and sugar;
  3. In a separate saucepan, mix flour and milk so that no lumps form;
  4. Banana peel and cut into cubes;
  5. Put milk with flour on fire and boil. Interfere constantly. When it starts to thicken, add the banana. Bring the mass to a density, remove from the stove and allow time to cool;
  6. At this time, the cottage cheese must be rubbed through a sieve;
  7. Start whipping the butter again, first adding a spoonful of milk with a banana, then cottage cheese, milk again - and so on until the end. Stir constantly until a homogeneous mixture. After that, the cream can be used immediately.

Tip: It is important to take a ripe banana so that natural sweetness is present in it. If it is not quite sweet and soft, you can increase the amount of sugar.

Sour cream custard is also quite dense. This is a great option if your Napoleon only has a couple of cakes. Then, even under heavy cakes, this cream will not settle. And it's very easy to cook it.

How much time - 40 minutes + cooling.

What is the calorie content - 356 calories.

How to cook:

  1. First you need to mix sugar and egg. The mass should be homogeneous;
  2. Then add flour and mix again until the same consistency;
  3. Pour in sour cream and mix;
  4. Place the saucepan in a water bath. Mix without stopping. The mass should thicken;
  5. When it is ready, put a piece of butter weighing 50 g and mix well again, set aside to cool;
  6. In a separate container, beat the rest of the oil until a fluffy mass is formed. Oil should be at room temperature;
  7. Add two tablespoons of already cold sour cream to the butter and whisk constantly until it runs out. After that, you can use immediately.

Tip: If you keep the mixture in the refrigerator for a couple of hours after whipping with butter, it will become dense and strong enough to hold a heavy cake.

Although all creams are very different both in terms of preparation and ingredients, they all have common features cooking. Knowing these little tricks, any cream will work the first time.

  1. If sugar is added directly to the butter and will not be subjected to heat treatment, it is better to replace it with powder. The mass is the same, only the powder will not leave any grains behind;
  2. To add flavor to the cream, you can add fruit liqueur, roasted almonds, zest, cinnamon and other spices to it. In this case, you need to slightly reduce the amount of milk;
  3. If you leave the cream for storage, it must be sprinkled with sugar before that. This will prevent the appearance of a crust (film) on the surface of the cream;
  4. For a better consistency of the cream while cooking on fire, it is better to use dishes with a thick bottom;
  5. Instead of a spoon, it is better to take a wooden spatula for stirring. Interfering should be like a figure eight or an "infinity" sign.

Custard is prepared by gourmet chefs, but each of us at home can join this delicious process. It is quite simple, but unimaginably appetizing! You always want to eat cream with spoons, especially children, and not leave it on the cake. And it's hard to keep up, isn't it? Therefore, always prepare a little more cream - for yourself!

Custard for "Napoleon"- Incredibly tender and delicious. However, it is prepared in a very simple and quick recipe. In addition to the Napoleon cake, it is often used in the preparation of custard cakes, biscuits and other similar cakes. In its homeland - France, cream on milk for puff "Napoleon" is better known as patisser. It is considered the classic and most common, and this is not surprising, because it really is the most delicious and simple.. In addition, you can still cook custard ice cream or make it dietary.

We invite you to properly prepare a real traditional cream for "Napoleon" according to our step-by-step recipe with a photo. You will see that it is very easy to do at home and not spend a lot of time and energy. Prepare a classic cream according to GOST, known to our grandmothers and mothers since Soviet times, and please your loved ones with a very tasty cake. Another cream can be made with condensed milk, cream, mascarpone or semolina, yolks.

Why doesn't custard thicken? So, you did something wrong and your cream turned out to be liquid. Solving this problem is very simple: you need to thicken it with flour or starch. But in this case, you need to act carefully and not overdo it.

We will be happy to reveal all the secrets of how to properly implement the best recipe for the classic creamy custard for homemade Napoleon cake.

KBJU and composition for the whole dish



  • Let's get everything ready necessary ingredients, which we will need in the process of preparing the cream.

  • How to make custard? First, put half a liter of milk on the fire and almost bring it to a boil. If you use 1 liter of milk, then keep in mind that the rest of the ingredients should be twice as much. If you want to prepare a cream without milk, then instead of it you can use plain water or coffee, juice, tea, compote.

  • We take an aluminum container and beat sugar, egg and flour in it. Pour in the vanilla here. If desired, you can make a cream without eggs.

  • Then you will need to add a glass of cool milk to the resulting liquid and beat the mass again. It is desirable to prevent the flour from settling to the bottom.

  • When our milk on the fire has almost reached the boiling point, we begin to pour the previously prepared liquid into it. Take your time and pour it in a thin stream, while constantly stirring the milk. Then bring the resulting cream to a boil. As a result, we get a gentle custard, without lumps or foam. After that, it will need to be cooled to room temperature.

  • Now it's time to add butter. In our case, its percentage is eighty-two. If your oil is seventy-two percent fat, then more will be needed. If desired, you can make a cream without oil. It is desirable that it softens while the custard is cooling. The butter custard we are preparing is an emulsion. In order for emulsification to be successful, it is desirable to adhere to one main rule: the temperature of all ingredients must be the same.

  • Before adding the oil to the prepared mass, it is recommended to beat it in advance until fluffy. To do this, gradually increase the speed on the mixer.

  • Gradually add the whipped butter to the custard, as shown in the photo.

  • How long to cook custard? We focus on appearance. As a result, we will get a full bowl of delicate creamy mass. Here is the recipe with photos! Now our classic custard for "Napoleon" rev. As you can see, preparing such a dessert is not so difficult. It remains only to grease the cakes with a light cream and we will get the perfect, delicious dessert. Bon appetit!

Sometimes we want to treat ourselves to a homemade dessert, especially if a family celebration is planned. Napoleon layer cake has become a classic for such occasions. Cooking it is not easy, you have to spend a lot of time. To make the dessert delicious, you need to clearly follow the recipe for baking cakes and choose the right filling. Classic Napoleon cream is a great option for connecting the layers of the cake. Today you can find various recipes for its preparation. By choosing the right method, you will enjoy the wonderful taste of traditional sweets.

How to make a classic Napoleon cake cream

Modern cooking knows several recipes for preparing such a filling. Each of the options brings new shades to the taste of the dessert. To find the perfect filling for Napoleon, it is best to try several ways to create it. You can ensure ease of preparation with the help of condensed milk, a delicate taste is obtained by adding cream or sour cream, and nuts mixed into the cream base will add some piquancy.

To create a Napoleon cake with custard, you can follow a simple path - use puff pastry bought in the store. Cook it yourself - more difficult task. Recipes with photos can be found on the Internet. Recommendations will help make your pastry a real masterpiece that any guest will love. The classic custard for Napoleon is the main condition for achieving a great dessert taste.

From flour, milk and eggs

This cream recipe for Napoleon will require the following products:

  • milk - 1 l;
  • granulated sugar - 300 g;
  • butter - 250 g;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.


  1. To mix the components, you first need to choose the right dishes. A suitable option is a saucepan with a thick bottom. The volume of the container should be at least 1.5 liters so that the cream does not spill when mixed.
  2. Pour flour and sugar into a saucepan to mix. Break the eggs into the resulting mass, add vanilla sugar, mix everything so that no lumps appear.
  3. Pour milk into the resulting cream base, stirring constantly, so that the mass is homogeneous.
  4. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly. Pay close attention to the flour: you need to prevent burning.
  5. The cooking process must be continued until you see characteristic bubbles on the surface.
  6. Cool the finished base by placing the pan in a larger container with cold water. Do not forget to periodically stir the mass.
  7. After the cream mixture has cooled, add the butter, which must first be softened. Stir everything until the ingredient is completely dissolved.

With condensed milk and butter

  • butter - 200 g;
  • condensed milk - 200 g;
  • walnuts - 1 tbsp.;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.


  1. Butter must be softened and beat until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. For this, it is better to use a mixer.
  2. Gradually add condensed milk (2-3 tablespoons) to the butter, continuing to beat.
  3. Heat the resulting cream base a little over low heat. Beat the heated mass again.
  4. Nuts need to be crushed and added to the finished base during whipping.
  5. Pour vanilla sugar, mix everything well.

With cream

Cream for a cake without butter is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • egg yolks - 3 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 170 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 30 g;
  • cream - 150 ml.


  1. Heat the milk until it starts to boil, then leave to cool.
  2. Separate the yolks and proteins, beat the yolks with sugar until a fluffy creamy mass is formed.
  3. Without stopping the beating process, add milk to the eggs.
  4. Place the resulting mass on a medium fire and cook until it thickens.
  5. Remove the boiled cream from the stove, cover with cling film and cool.
  6. Whip the cream to form a peak, mix it with a spoon to the total mass.
  7. Place the resulting filling in the refrigerator.

eggless custard recipe step by step

  • milk - 3 l;
  • granulated sugar - 4 tbsp.;
  • vanilla sugar - 2 packs;
  • flour - 12 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 400 g.

How to cook:

  1. Take 2 liters of milk, bring it to a boil. Add both types of sugar to the liquid.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix the unclaimed liter of milk with flour. The resulting substance must be introduced gradually into heated milk with sugar. This must be done while constantly stirring, otherwise lumps may form.
  3. Wait for the mixture to boil. With the appearance of a few bubbles on the surface, turn off the stove.
  4. Leave the filling to cool. By consistency, it will resemble a thick porridge.
  5. When the mixture has completely cooled, add the butter that needs to be softened beforehand, beat everything together to make a custard butter cream.

Video: classic custard recipe for Napoleon

Everyone loves homemade Napoleon cake, but its preparation takes a lot of time and requires considerable physical effort when rolling. a large number thin cakes, so many do not dare to take it on. Although the recipe is quite simple: puff pastry is used for the base, and the cream for Napoleon is different.

Some housewives, in order to simplify their task, buy ready-made puff pastry. Of course, it cannot be compared with homemade, but this is quite a good idea on how to bake a Napoleon cake faster and easier. In any case, you will have to make the cream yourself, so we will consider several possible options.


It is believed that such a cream is best suited for this exquisite cake. Exist different recipes butter based. But there are also those in which this ingredient is not included. In addition, the cream can be prepared with or without eggs. Which one to choose to miss the cake "Napoleon"? Classic creamy cream is especially popular with many craftswomen.


Half a kilo of butter, a glass of milk, two glasses of sand, 4 eggs. As you can see, in order to prepare a cream for Napoleon, you need very few products.

Our actions

Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance, cut it into cubes so that it softens at room temperature. Crush the eggs with granulated sugar, pour milk, mix and put on a slow fire. Cook, stirring constantly, until boiling, but do not boil. Cool the prepared mixture. When the butter is softened enough, begin to beat it, while adding the boiled mixture in small portions to make a smooth, thick cream for Napoleon. Some custard buttercream recipes include flour but no eggs. Fans of vanilla flavor usually add this spice to the dish.

Other types of cream

This popular cake can be smeared with more than just custard. All housewives have different preferences, so each chooses her own option, which her household loves.

Cream for "Napoleon" with condensed milk

For cooking, you will need a can of condensed milk, 300 grams of butter and vanillin (0.1 g). The first step is to keep the oil out of the refrigerator. When it becomes soft enough, beat it, while adding vanilla. Now continue to beat, gradually putting condensed milk into the cream (take two tablespoons) until it runs out. The result should be a thick lush cream. You can add chopped walnuts if you like. lemon juice, liquor or cognac (several grams).

Sour cream for "Napoleon"

In order to prepare it, you need to take 400 g of fat sour cream, about two hundred grams of sugar and 0.1 g of vanillin. Beat sour cream with granulated sugar until a thick homogeneous mass is obtained, and then put vanillin. It is recommended to add jam or nuts to such a cream.


Each cream for "Napoleon" is good in its own way. For example, custard has less moisture than sour cream or cream with condensed milk, so it impregnates cakes worse. At the same time, the cake with it turns out tender and crispy.

Cake "Napoleon" is a traditional confectionery dish of European and world cuisine.
There are several versions of the origin of his recipe.
According to one of them, puff pastry with delicate cream first appeared during the celebration of the anniversary of the expulsion of Napoleon Bonaparte from Russia.

The new dish had a triangular shape, which in appearance vaguely resembled the headdress of the French emperor.
Thanks to the original taste and ease of preparation, the sweet soon gained wide popularity.

Custard for Napoleon - cooking secrets.

Harmoniously combined crispy puff cakes and delicate custard - classic recipe for Napoleon.

Preparing the cream is quite simple, but in order to achieve the right consistency and taste, you should take into account all the small nuances.

Ingredients for custard.

The classic custard recipe for Napoleon involves the use of such components:

  • Medium fat milk - 1 liter.
  • Raw chicken eggs- 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Butter - 200 gr.
  • Sifted flour - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Some variations of the cream are based on the addition of only yolks - in this case, the consistency is more delicate, but such a cream needs to be cooked longer.

Preparation of classic custard.

  • Starting to prepare the cream, you need to prepare dishes and kitchen utensils for it.
  • You can mix the components in any container, but the cream is cooked exclusively in a non-enamelled pan - this will help to avoid it sticking to the bottom of the container.
  • The first step is mixing eggs, sugar and flour. They need to be thoroughly ground to a homogeneous mass so that all the lumps of flour disappear and the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • After the mixture is ready, cold milk is gradually poured into it.
  • If you want to make a really "correct" cream, then milk should be added in tiny portions - 2-3 tablespoons each. Although this will take longer, it will allow the proteins to be distributed throughout the mass, and the flour to swell evenly.

  • The prepared mixture is poured into a non-enamelled pan of a small volume and put on a slow fire.
  • During heating, the cream should be constantly stirred so that it does not burn. To do this, it is convenient to use not a metal spoon, but a silicone spatula - it evenly mixes the components of the future cream, and if lumps appear, they can be crushed with the flat side of the spatula.
  • After 5-7 minutes, the liquid will begin to change consistency and thicken. It is important not to miss this moment and bring the cream to a low boil, then remove from heat and let cool.
  • While the cream is cooling, prepare the butter. It is left in a warm place for a while until completely softened.
  • The oil is divided into 4-5 portions, each of which is separately added to the cream and thoroughly beaten with a whisk or mixer.
  • The better the oil combines with the custard, the softer its consistency will be.
  • The finished cream is tightly covered with cling film so that it touches its surface, and sent to the refrigerator for several hours. This will help to avoid drying and the appearance of a dense crust on the cream.
  • Cakes are evenly smeared big amount cream, put together and leave to soak overnight.
  • The top of the cake can be poured with icing, or decorated with small crumbs made from one cake.
  • Napoleon is cut into rectangular pieces or rhombuses.

Such a dessert will be a great addition to coffee or tea on the festive table.
Bon appetit!