If the billionaire Peter Til is going to hire someone to work, his coronary question looks like this: "Name the truth important for you, with which others do not agree." Almost a hundred years ago, the writer Mark Twain was spoken on this topic: "Think whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority."

What is bad life one day?

Most of the newly new "guru", motivating people on the accomplishment and financial well-being, give wards the same advice: it is necessary to live in one day, and only what makes pleasure right now. This theory has the right to exist, it is justified and in some way logical, but often does not work in the real world. In many cases, life one day only destroys people. One moment is a rapid moment, it does not exist autonomously from the past and the future. That is why adherents of this theory so often take impulsive solutions. As a result, families disintegrate, health goes, some people are overgrown with debts.

Arrow of Time

Instead, it is necessary to consider the moment of time lasting now as a continuation of one line. We must look back, remembering the best moments. Time is fleeting, and the present moment is barely catching. When we concentrate on the current moment, it is already becoming past.

What is the indicator of current success?

Looking back far, many of us will find a lot of mistakes and reasons for discontent. And the recent past is still fresh in memory. We will open the secret: what you did a few days ago is a clear indicator of your current success. Today is the day that tomorrow will be yesterday. You live today in order for you tomorrow what to remember. That is why you need to live with a loaf for the past, providing your future. What you do right now simulates your future success.

Existence for the sake of past

This theory reflects how you exist in the present. When you live one day, all your actions are dictated by impulses. In this case, the behavior becomes a product of circumstances, but not aware of the choice. As a result, so many incorrect solutions are formed ... If you begin to rely on the memories, your actions are becoming more conscious on your positive and negative experience.

Memories of the experience more important than experiences

Perhaps it sounds a bit strange, but the memories of a person about the last experience is more important than the experiences themselves. The moments that we spend with family, children and loved ones cannot last forever. The day passes, comes out of vacation, the new year comes. Now the children have grown, and they have their own life. What remains, except for photos, where the most amazing moments are captured? Memories of those days are not going anywhere, they are cut into memory, in fact, being an invaluable experience.

How to learn to form solutions

Memories from the past conclude a lot of information. In order to take the right solution, it is necessary to turn off the pulses. In fact, our life is the story that we write themselves. At the moment, the pen displays the letters that are folded into words, and words give rise to suggestions. If you commend one day with the head of the whole book, it is not even a letter and not the word, it is just an ink track. One thing knows one thing for sure: while he is alive, he is unable to stop the feather. It's time to do the control of fate and begin to consciously write chapters in this book!

Confidence in the present

Past determines confidence in the present. So, for example, if you have gotten a great morning, you probably have permanent spending the rest of the day. Why is this happening? Relying on the recent memories, you intentionally programmed yourself. The fact that we remember our late past (yesterday, week or month), our feeling from experienced, largely determines confidence in the present. Thus, staying every moment from the point of view of the past, you accumulate memories, feel pride for your actions. This information is truly invaluable, and success develops on a spiral.

How to simulate the perfect future

Stephen Covi in \u200b\u200bhis book "Seven skills of highly efficient people" offered to model the present, starting the countdown from the 80th day of birth. A person needs to imagine how close, relatives, children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren gathered on this venerable anniversary. How they express their feelings, what words they say. What they talk about the life of the jubilee, as they talk about the character, what its main achievements remembered, what influence this person had a family. This is a systematic approach to the definition of global goals. It allows you to maximize the entire potential laid in person and place the necessary priorities.

Life one day does not allow to comprehend the holistic nature of the time

Time is an arrow with three components (past, present and future). Those who live only one day are concentrated only at a point placed on a huge extended scale. So people cannot comprehend the holistic nature of time. All three components do not exist on a timeline autonomously, they are firmly interrelated with each other. When you live, based on the past experience, you deliberately simulate the ideal future, while existing in the present.

You can have any future whatever you want. But it even more importantly, you fell a unique chance to have the past you deserve. All together it forms pride for its own actions and acts.


Life that relies on the experience of the past, provides the ability to better choices. It is easy to justify the bad decisions that were adopted impulsively. It is easy to break the data to someone's obligations, it is easy to shout on children, not to control your anger and succumb to temptations. It is more difficult to save, not spend, or fight for what you believe. It is very difficult to make yourself better and be consistent. It is more difficult to get up when I want to sleep or work, while others are having fun at that time. In the end, you will learn to want to do difficult, but the right things are just because it is necessary.

What does it mean to "live one day"?

    To live one day - it means to enjoy today's day, as if believing that he is the last. And then everyone understands in his own way, someone will break away from life every day, visit clubs, arrange parties with friends. Someone will do others more good!

    Usually they say about people who do not think in advance, then - there are not thinking about what awaits them tomorrow or in a month. Such people carefree and live this life as one day and they do not care what will happen next.

    This is my opinion and I just heard him to people, not all of which are in my opinion.

    I know only two options for the interpretation of this expression.

    This means living as about half of people in our country live today, especially on the periphery, in the outback ...

    Get up in the morning, go to work for 6000 rubles per month. The meager budget is entirely painted, to a penny - basically it is the food, essentials, and medicines ...

    And thank God that this day did not happen for that day - the children did not get sick (because nothing to be treated), the light was not cut off (because there was nothing to pay), it was something to eat (because tomorrow it can be so taking have to)...

    Sleeping to bed, they do not dream about anything, how would one another day passed the same - if without failure, then at least without any problems ...

    That's what a live one day; ...

    Not to escape to everyone, and where they live, they forgot about them ...

    There is another definition of this ..

    live one day; This means rejoice in life, whatever happened around. Be able to find happiness here and now, not shipping yourself with problems of tomorrow. Do what you want to do today, say what you want to say today - otherwise tomorrow may be late.

    Over the years and I begin to understand how valuable hours, minutes, and even moments of mental lift! I also want to even put them together ..), because the next moment, the head will again be filled with the concerns of this world .. I can recover - live one moment ..

    To live one day - it means not to build plans for tomorrow. There is a meal on the table - thanks. Tomorrow How God is sending;

    Many do so on elementary laziness to change somehow their lives, their existence is content with what they have. True, sometimes some have quite well with the help of parents close to.

    Others really in essence are unpretentious and they also have enough what they have. Some of them for some reason are called losers.

    This means not to think about tomorrow, about his problems. In fact, it is not very reasonable for life. It is stupid to spend a monthly salary for the day, and then not to have money even on bread. But there is another biblical concept of this expression. It means that a person at any time should be ready to leave this world that he settled all his affairs, located in the world with everyone, has no debts in any way. So should live Christians.

    One day (today) lives a person who does not think about that tomorrow it will also need to eat something to do that tomorrow will have to answer for what has done today. Such a person does not think about what he will do today, tomorrow, a week later, a month or year can bring him something useful.

    So literally and it means to build plans only for the near future, and not to look too far beyond, often - specifically limiting yourself in this, stopping. If this practice is carried out consciously (for example, in a difficult period, when a lot of diverse problems, adversity, or misfortune) is very useful. In psychotherapy it is called

    This practice is useful, for example, for civil marriage).

    To live one day - it means not to deepen in the memories and not to make anything to make anything. I can be content with what is here and now.

    And I prefer to live in the church interpretation in the church interpretation. There this expression means not a carefree life when there are no plans for the future, and life filled with meaning every minute and a second. It is necessary to live as if only one day remains to live. The church has such a concept as the second coming of Christ, to which you need to be ready at any time. So, if you translate this phrase from the New Testament from the Greek language, the literal value of the phrase of what you need to constantly be ready for the second coming, means a sword hanging on the thread over your head, and it can break through and fall at any time. Therefore, for me to live in one day it means not to lose a minute.

    I know three answer options (by location on the time scale):

    1. To choose one day in your past life, to fix it to the maximum, canonize, set up associations, and in the future constantly with this day to be checked, as with a reference;
    2. To live today on a complete coil to take off the whole quality;, as if tomorrow End of light or flood;
    3. Live alone tomorrow, tomorrow; NMM. It is figurative, tomorrow is a DNMs can for example be children, a heritage is some. That is, to live like that, it means not to pay attention to small and greasy trouble, fight them as with a given, but only one goal is ahead.

    There is a private case of paragraph 2. This is when there is something good; no, well, okhaot;. But today's day, only he is so slowly floating on the waves of time, every day today, today; Gray, boring and sad.

    live one day; - It is not to make plans for the future. A person does not take any actions or decisions that would help him in the future (in everyday life, personal life, in a pofesia and educational plan, etc.). A person is configured to live as living. It all suits him and she strives does not make sense for him. These people are usually without a goal of life, they float the flow of life as float, in which direction the wind takes, and float.

Live one day

In the spring of 1871, one young man met in the book phrase, only 21 Word, which had a huge impact on his subsequent life.

A medical student of the Montreal Hospital was concerned about the upcoming final exams, and the fact that he was waiting ahead of how to live. 21 The word he read in 1871 helped him become a famous generation physician.

He founded the world famous medical institute. John Gopkins. He became a professor and headed the Department in Oxford, established by the British King, that is, was awarded the greatest honor, which a person engaged in medicine in England can deserve. When he died, a book, consisting of two fat volumes, was released, with stories about his life. His name Sir William Ocher.

Here are the 21st words he met in the spring of 1871, 21 Word from Thomas Carmel: "Our main thing is not to look at what lies in a foggy haze at a distance, but to do what lies directly at hand."

42 years later, the warm spring evening Sir V. Osler spoke with students of the Yale University. And then they said that people are mistaken when they believe that he, professor of four universities and the author of books, has a "special quality brains." He said that close friends know that he has the most common abilities.

What is the secret of his success?

He is due to the fact that he tries to live within one day. What did Sir Osler mean? A few months before his speech, he crossed the Atlantic on a large ocean liner, at which the captain standing on the bridge could press the button to overlap the waterproof by waterproof.

"Each of you," Sir Osler said, "has a higher organization than this liner, and is designed for longer swimming. I want to convince you to learn how to live within one day in order to ensure greater sailing safety. Close to the bridge, press the button and listen to the iron doors slam the dead yesterday's days. Press the other button and slam the Iron Curtain Future - still unbounded tomorrow.

Then you are safe - safe today.

Shut the past! Give the past to bury yourself. Cut out tomorrow, which made it easier for many way to death. The cargo of tomorrow's concerns, folded with yesterday and with the one to carry today, presses the strongest. Close the future as tight as the past.

The future is today. No tomorrow. Salvation Day - Today. Depressed and concern followed a person who is concerned about the future. Rearrange the "feed and nose", produce the habit of living within one day. "

Is Sir Osler said that we should not try to prepare for tomorrow? Not at all. In his appeal, he says that the best way to prepare for tomorrow's day is to concentrate all intellect, all enthusiasm on fulfilling today's day, his affairs.

During the war, our military leaders constituted plans for the future, but they could not afford to show anxiety. "I provided the best people with the best combat equipment at our disposal," said Admiral Ernest J. King, who commanded the navy forces of the United States, and set the most reasonable task before them. That's all I can do. "

"If the ship will save," Admiral King continued, "I can't raise him." If he is surfing, I can not prevent it. I better use my time to solve the problems of tomorrow, than to regret what happened yesterday. In addition, if I allow myself to worry about such things, I'm not enough for a long time. "

In the military and in peacetime, the difference between the correct and incorrect thoughts is as follows: the correct way of thoughts is based on the analysis of causes and consequences, it leads to logical constructive planning; The wrong way of thoughts often leads to tension and nervous breakdowns.

During World War II, one young man in military uniform - somewhere in Europe - he learned a useful lesson. His named Ted Bengermino. This man brought himself to mental injury in combat conditions.

"In April 1945, Ted Bengermin writes," I worried about so much that I was struck by the ailment, which doctors call the "mucous colitis". This disease caused me unbearable pain. If the war did not end at the time, I am sure that I would finally undermine my health.

I was completely exhausted. I served as a Unter-Officer of the Funeral Team of the 94th Infantry Division. My job was that I had to help fill out accounting cards of all those killed in battle, missing and hospitalized. I also had to cancel the body of soldiers, both allies and enemies that were killed and ski are buried in shallow graves in the battle of the battle. My responsibilities also included to collect personal belongings of those killed and ensured that they were sent to their parents or the closest relatives for whom they would be very expensive. I was constantly pursued by fear that we could make serious mistakes. I worried about how I still endure. I was oppressed by the thought, whether I will live to the moment when I can hold my only child in my hands - my son was sixteen months, but I have never seen him. I was so upset and exhausted that he lost thirty-four pounds in weight. I was on the verge of madness. I looked at my hands. They resembled the skeleton's hands. I was horrified at the thought that I was destined to return home with disabilities. I was brought to full despair and cried as a child. I was so shocked that every time one remained, the tears flowed on my cheeks. After the battle in Ardennes, there was a period when I cried so often that almost lost all hope again to become a normal person.

In the end, I was in the hospital. One military doctor gave me advice that completely transformed my life. After a careful inspection, he came to the conclusion that the basis of my diseases was the psyche disorder. "Ted," he said, "I want you to look at your life, like on hourglass." You know that thousands of grains are in the upper part of the hourglass; And they all slowly and regularly pass through a narrow jumper in the middle. If you or I will do so that through this hole at a certain time it took more than one sand, the clock will ruin. You, I and all other people look like this hourglass. When we get up in the morning, hundreds of cases arise, which we must fulfill on this day. And if we do not fulfill these cases one by one at a certain period of time (as one sand passes through a narrow hole), and we strive to do everything at once, we will undermine our physical or mental strength. "

I applied this philosophy in practice from the unforgettable day, when a military doctor gave me advice: "One sand-one - per unit of time ... One thing - at a certain period of time." This Council saved me physically and mentally during the war; He also helped me now in peacetime. I work as a clerk of a commercial credit company in Baltimore. In my activity, I ran into the same problems that arose in front of me during the war, "I needed to fulfill a lot of things right away, but at my disposal it was too little time to cope with them. Our shares fell in price. We needed to introduce new forms to our activities. At that time, new joint-stock companies were organized, which were opened and closed, changed addresses, etc. Instead of annoying and nervous, I remembered what the doctor told me: "One sand - per unit of time, one thing - in a certain time interval". Repeating these words again and again, I performed my duties most rationally. Making his work, I no longer felt confused and confusion, which almost crossed me in combat conditions. "

One of the most terrifying comments to our lifestyle is that almost half of the beds in our hospitals are engaged in patients suffering from nervous and mental disorders, patients who have broken a non-promotional burden of accumulated yesterday's days and frightening tomorrow. After all, the considerable majority of these people could confirm the life and be happy and to benefit others if they followed the advice of Jesus Christ: "Do not worry about tomorrow", or the advice of William Osler: "Live in the" compartment "of today's day."

You and I really stand at the intersection of two eternity: the boundless past, which lasted forever, and the future, which is directed forward until the last moment of the chores. In all likelihood, we cannot simultaneously live in one and in another eternity - no, even one share of a second. Trying to achieve this, we can undermine our physical health and mental strength. Therefore, let's be content in order to live in a single segment of time in which we probably can live - from the present moment to waste to sleep. "Everyone is able to carry his burden, no matter how heavy it, before the arrival of the night," wrote Robert Luis Stevenson. - any of us is capable of performing your work, even the most difficult, within one day. Any of us can live with tenderness in the soul, with patience, with love for others, virtuously before sunset. And it is in this that the genuine meaning of life ".

In fact, life requires only this. However, Mrs. E.K.Shilds was brought to despair and was even on the verge of suicide - before she learned to live from dawn to sunset. "In 1937, I lost my husband," said Mrs. Shields, telling me the story of his life. - I was deeply saddened. I have almost no livelihood. I wrote a letter to my former employer Mr. Leon Roach, the owner of the company "Roach-Fowler" in Kansas City, and was newly accepted. In the past, I earned my life selling books to rural and urban schools. Two years before that, I sold my car when my husband fell ill. However, I managed to scrape enough money to acquire in installments by making the first installment, a used car, and I started selling books again.

I thought it was again on the road, I can overcome depression. But one to drive the car and there is one of my strength alone. In some places I could not make enough to earn. It turned out to be hard to pay even contributions for the car, although they were small.

In the spring of 1938, I worked near Versailles, Missouri. Schools were poor, the roads are bad. I was so alone and disappointed in life that one time I even thought about suicide. It seemed to me that it was impossible to achieve success. Life has lost money for me. I was afraid of everything in the world. I was overwhelmed by fears that I could not pay contributions for the car and fee for the room that I would have nothing to eat. I was afraid to get sick, because I had no money to pay a doctor. I was held from suicide only the thought that my sister would be deeply upset and that I had no money enough to pay for the funeral expenses.

But once I read an article that helped me overcome despair and gave me the courage to continue to live. I will be grateful to the author of the article for one phrase, which inspired me to fight difficulties. Here is this phrase: "A new life opens every day for a wise person." I reprinted this phrase and glued it to the windshield of my car. Thus, sitting behind the wheel, I saw these words every minute. It turned out, it's not so difficult to take care of how to live only one day. I learned to forget about the former days and do not worry about the bottom of tomorrow. Every morning I told myself: "Today, a new life opens before me."

I managed to overcome the fear of loneliness and fear of need. I am happy and in general, I succeed, and now I am full of enthusiasm and love for life.

Now I know that I will never experience fear that I would be waiting for me in life. I got rid of the fear of the future. Now I know that I should only think about today, and that "a new life opens every day for a wise person". "

Do you think who wrote the poems below?

Early hope, worries, between fears around and excitement

Think about everyone you day, that he shines to you last;

Joy will take off by the hour that you will not care.

These words seem modern, isn't it? However, they were written in thirty years before our era Roman poet Hoodie.

One of the most tragic properties of human nature, as far as I know, is our tendency to postpone the exercise of their aspirations for the future. We all dream of some kind of magical garden, full of roses, which can be seen somewhere around the horizon - instead of enjoying those roses that grow under our window today.

Why are we such fools - such terrifying fools?

"How strange we spend that small period of time called our life," wrote Stephen Likok. "The child says:" When I become a young man. " But what does this mean? The young man says: "When I become an adult." And finally, becoming an adult, he says: "When I get married." Finally, he marries, but it changes little from this. He begins to think: "When I can retire." And then, when he reaches the retirement age, he looks around for a life path traveled; As if the cold wind blows into his face, and in front of him is revealed to the brutal truth about how much he missed in life, as everything is irretrievably gone. We too late understand that the meaning of life is in the life itself, in the rhythm of every day and hour. "

Now the late Edward S. Evance from Detroit at one time almost killed himself with eternal anxiety before realized that "the meaning of life is in the life itself, in the rhythm of every day and hour." The leaving from the poor family, Edwards Evans began to earn a living selling newspapers; Then he worked as a clerk in a grocery store. Subsequently, he received the work of the librarian assistant. He had to contain seven people. Although his salary was small, he was afraid to leave work. Eight years passed before he found courage to start all over again. He opened the enterprise in which fifty-five dollars were invested, and received an income of twenty thousand dollars a year. Then a murderer hit him. He took a bill at his friend for a large amount, and the friend suddenly broke. Soon another blow was followed: the bank, in which all the money of Evans was, went bankrupt. He not only lost all his condition to a single cent, but also remained sixteen thousand dollars. His nerves could not stand this shock. "I could not sleep or eat," he told me. - I fell ill with incomprehensible disease. Anxiety, and only anxiety caused this disease. Once I was walking down the street and fainted. I could not move more. I was chained to bed and my body was covered with boils. Furunculas were not only outside, but also inside. Even lying in bed, I experienced inhuman pain. Every day I became weaker. Finally, the doctor said that I had to live for two weeks. I was amazed, I will make the will, and then lay down again in the bed in anticipation of the end. It did not make sense to fight, nor worry. I got tortured, relaxed and fell asleep. Week I slept for no more than two hours in a row, but now, since my earthly problems ended, I fell asleep with a baby. Gradually passed fatigue. I had an appetite. I began to add in weight.

A few weeks later I could walk on crutches. Six weeks later I started working. In the past, I earned twenty thousand dollars a year, and now I was content with work that made me only thirty dollars a week. I started selling brake pads, which secured the wheels of cars during their transportation. Finally, I comprehended my life experience. The main thing for me is to get rid of concern, not regret what happened in the past, and not to experience fear before the future. I devoted all my time, the strength and energy to master the new profession. "

Edward S. Evans began to move rapidly on the service staircase. A few years later, he became president of the company. His company is "Evans Product" - was registered for many years on the New York Stock Exchange. When Edward S. Evance died in 1945, he was considered one of the most progressive business people of the United States. If you ever fly over Greenland, you may land in Evans Field - at the airport called in his honor.

The essence of this story is as follows: Edward S. Evance would never have achieved such impressive success in life if it were not aware of the absurdness of concern in the "compartment" of today.

For five hundred years before our era, Greek philosopher Herclite told His disciples that "everything changes, except the law of change." He also said: "You can not enter twice in the same river." The river changes every second, the same thing happens with a man who entered her. Life is a continuous change. The only definitude is today. Why spoil the beauty of today's attempts to solve the problems of the future, complete infinite change and ambiguity, - the future, which, apparently, no one can foresee.

The ancient Romans had an appropriate word for this. In fact, two words: CARPE DIEM "Use today's day." Or: "Catch the moment." Yes, catch the moment and try to find satisfaction in it.

John Reskin put a simple stone on his writing desk, on which one word was engraved: "Today." Although there is no stone on my desk, a sheet of paper with verses, which Sir William Osler always held on his writing desk to my mirror. These verses are written by the famous Indian playwright Calidasa:

Greeting Zare.

Look at this day!

After all, life enclosed in it, the essence of life itself.

In his short segment

Ly all the truths and essence of our existence:

Growth bliss,

Splendor action

The greatness of achievement.

After all, yesterday is just a dream,

And tomorrow is only an unclear vision.

If today is well lived,

Then yesterday seem to us happy sleep

And every breakfast is a vision of hope.

I urge you to live today!

This is a greeting of the dawn.

So, if you want to eliminate your life a feeling of anxiety, do what Sir Osler did: Cut out the partitions from the past and the future. Live today.

Try to ask yourself and record the answers to the following questions:

1. Do I have a frequent concern about the future, do I dream of a magic garden from roses somewhere far away, beyond the horizon?

2. Do I am not poisoning with at times the present in the past, which has long been accomplished, to which there is no refund?

3. Do I get up in the morning with the intention of "grab a day", make a maximum possible for these 24 hours?

4. Is it possible to feel better, living the things of one day?

5. When will I start performing this rule? Starting next week? Tomorrow? - 1stoday? - 0.

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