Question answer

Why do Arabs, especially the Quraish, deserve more love from Muslims than other peoples?

The Arabs were chosen by the Almighty to spread Islam. Allah sent down to humanity the last Holy Scripture - the Koran - in Arabic. And from the Arabs, He singled out the Quraysh, choosing Muhammad (ﷺ) as a Prophet from this clan. This is also stated in the hadiths of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ). And since the Prophet (ﷺ) was an Arab, the Qur'an was sent down in Arabic and the language of the inhabitants of Paradise is Arabic.

What significant events preceded the birth of the Prophet (ﷺ )?

On the night our Prophet (ﷺ) was born, a new star appeared in the sky. All the idols that were in the Kaaba crumbled; the fire that the unbelievers worshiped and which had not been extinguished for a thousand years was extinguished; Lake Savva, which the unbelievers worshiped, dried up. From that night, the priests ceased to hear from heaven, which the genies brought to them; the walls of the palace of the Persian Shah (Kisra) cracked and 14 balconies fell; the troops of the ruler of Yemen Abraha, who was going to destroy the Kaaba, taking with him war elephants, were destroyed by the Almighty, etc.

List some of the signs and wonders that happened at the time when the mother of the Prophet (ﷺ) was pregnant with him.

On the night when Amina, having become pregnant, was chosen by Allah to become the mother of the Lord of all people and communities, the animals of the Quraysh spoke, testifying that Amina was carrying the future Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) in her womb. The thrones of many kings and rulers have turned over, their idols have crumbled.

After long droughts and crop failures, the land flourished again. Amina was told in a dream that she was pregnant and was carrying under her heart the Lord of all worlds and the best Creation of the Most High. She did not feel pain and heaviness during childbirth.

During her pregnancy, Amina noticed how the birds respectfully surrounded her out of respect for the one she carries in her womb. And when she came to the well to draw water, the water itself rose up as a sign of reverence for the greatness of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ). When she told her husband Abdullah about all this, he said that the reason for this was the greatness of their unborn child. Amina recalled that she heard the praise (tasbih) of angels in his honor.

Where did the angels take the Prophet?ﷺ) immediately after his birth?

Immediately after the birth of Muhammad (ﷺ), the angel Jabrail, at the behest of Allah, raised him above the earth from east to west and brought the news of the birth of the Prophet (ﷺ) to all people and jinn on earth and in heaven. The whole universe was shown to him. All this lasted no more than an hour, and Muhammad (ﷺ) was returned to his house (Said-afandi, Kisasul anbiya, vol. 2, p. 111).

What did they do to the Prophet?ﷺ) three angels immediately after his birth?

When the Prophet (ﷺ) was born, three angels appeared to prepare him for his ascension to heaven. One angel had a silver jug ​​scented with musk, another had a golden cup, and a third had folded silk as white as snow.

First, the angels, pouring water from a jug, washed the body of the Prophet (ﷺ) seven times. They put him in a bowl and washed his head and feet, after which they perfumed him with fine incense, and circled his eyes with antimony. Then the angel Rizvan applied the seal of the prophecy, which was wrapped in silk, between the shoulder blades of the Prophet (ﷺ) (Said-afandi, "Kisasul anbiya", vol. 2, p. 113-114).

What is the wisdom of cutting the chest of the Prophet by angels (ﷺ )?

The heart of the Prophet (ﷺ) was washed several times. As a child, the heart of the Prophet (ﷺ) was washed in order to protect him from Satan. Before the assignment of the messenger mission, his heart was washed again to receive the revelation (wahyu) in the most perfect, pure form. On the night of the ascension, he was washed to prepare for a dialogue with Allah. (For more on this, see Muhammad al-Alawi's book, Muhammad al-insanul-kamil.)

Who and why gave the Prophet (ﷺ ) the name of Muhammad?

Immediately after the birth, the mother of the Prophet (ﷺ) sent the news of the birth of the child to his grandfather Abdulmuttalib. He was very happy and named the newborn Muhammad (ﷺ). This name was not widely known among the Arabs. But it was mentioned in the heavenly scriptures (in the Torah, in the Gospel, etc.), and Almighty Allah inspired Abdulmuttalib to name the child by the name of Muhammad (ﷺ), fulfilling His predestination (“Nurul-yakin”, p. 10).

In the name of Allah, Merciful to everyone on this earth and only to believers on the day of the Great Judgment.

In this article we want to talk about some episodes from the life of our master (sayyid) Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). This is the minimum required amount of knowledge that every Muslim should know about the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him). All scholars of Islam are unanimous in that parents are obliged to teach their children (even before performing the obligatory prayer) and inform them of the following information about the life and work of the last Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

They should know that our beloved (peace and blessings be upon him) was born in the venerable city of Mecca, and the prophetic mission was entrusted to him in Mecca. He moved to the radiant city of Medina, where he left this world, where his noble grave is located.

Also, we must teach our children from an early age what we entrusted to the Prophet, who was not taught to read and write, who was an Arab from the Quraish tribe, from the noble family of Hashim, and who is our master Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) , to convey a message to all peoples - Arabs and non-Arabs, angels, people and genies, and even to inanimate objects. It is important to know that the Law with which he came - Shariah - annulled all previous laws that were given to the previous prophets. And his Sharia will remain unsurpassed until the Day of Judgment. Allah Almighty exalted Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) above all other creatures. And the words of monotheism are not accepted: “There is no god who should be worshiped except Allah alone” - without recognizing that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. And the Almighty charged the Almighty with the obligation to confirm the truth of everything that Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) told about Allah, and everything that he said about earthly and other worldly life.

The Beloved of Allah had the most beautiful complexion, skin, white with hints of blush. He was the most perfect of all people. It is imperative to tell children about the noble origin and pure genealogy of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) from the paternal and maternal lines, as well as about his children, as they are the best representatives of the ummah.

Childhood of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)

On the blessed days of Ayyamu-tashrik near Jamratul-wust, the light of the Blessed Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) penetrated into the womb of Aminat. And he was born in the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal, on the 12th, on Monday, before dawn. At the hour of the birth of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), the walls cracked and 14 balconies of the famous palace Ivan, belonging to Khosrov, collapsed down, Lake Sava, which the pagans worshiped, dried up. At that moment, the fire that burned for a thousand years, which the Persians worshiped, went out.

The father of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) died when he was two months old in the womb. When she was six years old, her mother also died. After her death, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was taken up by his grandfather Abdul-Mutallib who died when the Prophet was eight years, two months and ten days old. After the death of the grandfather of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), his uncle Abu-Talib took care of him.

On his first journey, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) went at the age of twelve to Sham (the current territory of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine, which was then under the rule of the Byzantine Empire) with the caravan of his uncle Abu-Talib. When they reached the city of Busra, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was seen by the priest Bakhir, he recognized him by the image described in the Bible. Approaching them and pointing to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), he addressed with these words: “This is the messenger of the Creator of all worlds, who is a mercy for all beings. From the moment you set off, not a single stone and tree remained that did not bow to him. And they don't worship anyone but the prophets. Saints from ancient times spoke about him, and we see his image in our writings. Turning to Abu Talib, the priest said: “If you go with him to Sham, the Jews will kill him!” Fearing harm from the Jews, he sent them on their way back.

The second time the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) went to Sham, accompanying the trading caravan of Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her). Along with him on this journey was a slave named Khadija Maysara. When they entered the land of Sham, they stopped under the shade of a tree growing near the monastery. After a while, a monk approached them and said: "No one has ever stopped under this tree, except the prophets." Maysara said: “When noon approached and the heat increased, two angels descended from heaven. And I could see how a shadow fell from them on Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

Upon his return from the journey, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) married Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her), the daughter of Khuwaylid. Then the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was 25 years old, two months and ten days old.

At the age of 35, Habib (peace and blessings be upon him) participated in the restoration of the Kaaba by the Quraysh and, with his blessed hands, installed the Black Stone in the wall of the Kaaba.

Ancestors of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)

The ancestors of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) from his father's side were: Abdullah , Abdulmuttalib , Hashim , Abdumanaf , Kusayu , Kilab , Murrat , Kaaba , Loyyu , Ghalib , Fihr , Malik , Nazar , Keenanat , Khuzaymat , Mudrikat , Ilyas , Muzar , Nizar , Maaddi , Adnan .

The mother of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was Aminat - daughter Wahba , son Abdumanaf , son Zuhrata , son Kilaba . On Kilabe the genealogy of the father and mother of our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) converges.

Dairy mothers of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)

In infancy, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was breastfed by his mother Aminat and several wet nurses. Among those who were fortunate enough to do so were Halimat , daughter of Abu Zuaib of the tribe Huzayl . When he was with her, two angels descended from heaven, cut open his chest and washed his heart with the holy water of Zamzam, filled it with faith and wisdom and removed a small piece from his heart. Every person has a particle in his heart, which is called "shaitan's share", this is a particle of the heart, which shaitan owns and introduces a person into doubt. It was this particle of the heart that was taken from the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) by angels.

Also fed him Suwaybat - she was the slave of his uncle Abu Lahab. Suwaybat was the first milk mother of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), who also fed his uncle Khamzat, who became the foster brother of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Suwaybat was freed from slavery by Abu Lahab for the joyful news of the birth of her nephew.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was nursed by an Ethiopian slave, Ummu Ayman Barakat, whom he inherited from his father. When the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) grew up, he freed her and married her to Zayd, the son of Harisat. Zayd was captured as an infant. It was bought and given to Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her) by her uncle. She, in turn, presented it to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) freed and adopted the gifted slave.

May the Almighty endow us all with sincere love for the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), and help us follow him in everything, and may he please us with a meeting with him in Paradise! Amine!

The days of Ayamu-tashrik are three days following Eid al-Adha.

Jamratul Wusta is the second of the three places where pebbles are thrown during the Hajj in the Mina area.

Khosrow is the title of the ancient Persian emperors.

Everyone knows that in Islam there are only two holidays: Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr. But the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), although they do not refer to it as a holiday, is more valuable and significant. Because the one who came with all the holidays, mercy and all blessings to mankind is the favorite of Allah - this is the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). If not for the birth of the noble Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), then there would be no night of Predestination, no Islamic holidays, no night Journey and Ascension to heaven, no conquest of Mecca, no Battle of Badr, not even a Muslim community in general. All the best that we only have is connected with this greatest personality. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is the source of all great blessings.

Sheikh Muhammad bin Alawiy al-Maliki

Rabiul-avval is the month in which ﷺ appeared on this Earth, the last of God's messengers, the seal of all the prophets.

This happened on Monday, the twelfth day of the month of Rabiul Awwal according to the lunar calendar, which corresponds to April 24, 571 according to the Gregorian calendar.

Abdul Faraj ibn Jawzi also gives great appreciation to those who show love for the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and says: “From the features of holding a mawlid is the fact that this event is a protection and a reason for the speedy achievement of the goal.”

Who first glorified the birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)?

Gratitude to Allah is expressed in many ways: bowing to the ground, fasting, giving alms, reading

In Shariah, it is not obligatory to perform the rite of akika twice - sacrifices on the occasion of the birth of a child. This action, performed by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), is cited by Islamic scholars as an example of his gratitude to the Lord for himself and the mercy shown to him.

One of the virtues of Friday, which has come down to us from the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), is the saying: "... and on Friday Adam (peace be upon him) was created ...". It also follows from this that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) honored, exalted the time, about which it is reliably known that one of the prophets of Allah was born in it, peace be upon them all. In that case, how necessary it is to honor the day on which the best of all prophets, the crown of the human race and the most worthy of all messengers, was born!

There are countless examples and arguments that have been handed down to us from the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), his companions and great scientists of subsequent generations.

In conclusion, let's cite a verse from the Holy Quran, which obliges us to express joy and gratitude for the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him): "You say, O Muhammad:" You rejoice in the good and the mercy that Allah has bestowed on you "".

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Starting with the first man on earth and the first Prophet - Adam, all God's chosen ones knew that the Prophet Muhammad would come, and announced his coming.

In the Holy Quran, in the explanation of verse 81, sura 3 "Ali Imran", the scholars said that all the Prophets before Muhammad in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "x" is pronounced as ح in Arabic knew that he was coming and urged their communities to recognize him and follow him. And in the previous Holy Books it was written about the Prophet Muhammad.

Prophet Adam, while still in Paradise, saw on the legs of Arsh next to the name of the Creator the name of the Prophet Muhammad in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "x" is pronounced as ح in Arabic and realized that this is the name of the most honorable creation of Allah.

Prophet Isa (Jesus) knew about the coming of the Prophet Muhammad in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "x" is pronounced as ح in Arabic and called upon those who would live at that time to follow the greatest of the Messengers of God. This is stated in verse 6 of sura 61 "As-Saff", meaning that the Prophet Isa said that after him there would be a Messenger, and his name was Ahmad (1).

Imam Al-Bukhariy narrated from Ibn Abbas, may Allah have mercy on him in the name of God in Arabic "Allah", the letter "x" is pronounced like ه in Arabic, the words of the Prophet Muhammad meaning: "Allah in the name of God in Arabic "Allah", the letter "x" is pronounced like ه in Arabic The Almighty sent the Prophets, and a vow was taken from each of them that when the Prophet Muhammad appears, they will believe in him and support him if they find this time. And they were also commanded to take a vow from their communities so that those who will live at the time when he appears will believe in him, follow his teachings and support him.

Before the advent of the Prophet Muhammad, unbelief, ignorance and sins spread throughout the earth. But some people knew that a new prophet must appear, who would restore justice, call to the truth and show people the way of salvation. They were waiting for the last Prophet named Ahmad.

On the Noble Descent of the Prophet Muhammad

The father of the Prophet Muhammad was Abdullah son of Abdul-Muttalib son of Hashim son of Abdu Manaf son of Kusay son of Kilab son of Myppa son of Kaba son of Luay son of Ghalib son of Fikhr son of Malik son of An-Nadr son of Kinanat son of Khuzaymat son of MudrikB son of Ilyas son of Mudar son of Nizar son of Maadd son of Adnan whose genealogy goes back to Ismail, the son of the Prophet Ibrahim.

The mother of the Prophet was Amina, daughter of Wahb, son of Abdu Manaf, son of Zuhr, son of Kilab, son of Myppah, son of Kaba, son of Luay, son of Ghalib. That is, the common ancestor of the Prophet's parents is Kilyab.

Allah in the name of God in Arabic "Allah", the letter "x" is pronounced like ه in Arabic The Almighty saved the ancestors of the Prophet Muhammad from dishonor from the time of the forefather of the people of Adam, that is, not a single person from his family was born as a result of adultery.

The marriage of the parents of the Prophet Muhammad

The grandfather of the Prophet Muhammad, Abdul-Muttalib, together with his son Abdullah, went to ask for Amina's hand in the house of her uncle Ukhaib ibn Abdu Manaf, with whom she was at that time. And during this meeting, Abdul-Muttalib asked for the hand of Khali, the daughter of Ukhaib. He agreed to this marriage. And the marriage of Abdullah to Amin, and the marriage of Abdul-Muttalib to Hala were on the same day.

When Abdullah was going to marry Amin, on the way he met a girl from the tribe of Banu Abd ad-dar. She saw on the face of Abdullah a special nur - a seal of light between his eyes. She asked him to marry her, but he refused. When, after marrying Amin, Abdullah returned back, he again met that girl, and she told him: “When I saw you last time, you had a seal of light between your eyes. And now, it seems, this light has passed to Amina, the daughter of Wahb.”

Amina's pregnancy

Amina became pregnant with the Messenger of Allah on the first night of the month of Rajab, and it was Friday. Allah gave Amina many great signs indicating the greatness of her unborn child and the fact that the Prophet Muhammad is the best creation of Allah.

When she became pregnant, she did not feel unwell, as other women usually do, and therefore at first did not even feel that she was pregnant. Amina said that one day a man approached her and asked if she felt that she was pregnant. She replied that she did not know. Then he said to her: "Know what you carry under the heart of the Lord of the future community and the Prophet of Allah the Most High." It was an angel sent to bring her joyful news of the beautiful child she is carrying under her heart. This event happened on Monday. From that day on, Amina no longer doubted her pregnancy.

She was also told the following in a dream: “Know what you carry under your heart as the Messenger of the future community and the Prophet of Allah Almighty. When you give birth to him, give him the name Muhammad (2), because his whole life is approved and praised.

At the beginning of her pregnancy, she saw signs: she heard the angels around her praising Allah, and she heard the angel say: “This is the light of the Messenger of Allah.”

Scholars who wrote books about the birth of the Prophet said: “When Amina was carrying the future Prophet, the earth blossomed after a long drought, the trees gave fruit, and the birds circled around Amina as a sign of respect. When she approached the well to draw water, the water itself rose as a sign of reverence for the greatness of the Messenger of Allah. She was visited by angels, rejoicing that she was wearing the best creation of Allah. She heard how the angels praised Allah, saying the words: "Subhanallah (3)".

And once she saw in a dream an unusual tree, all strewn with sparkling stars. In their beautiful radiance, one of the stars shone brighter than the others, eclipsing the rest. And the mother of the Prophet admired the wonderful light and all that it illuminated, and then that star fell into her lap.

Amina carried the future Prophet under her heart for a full term - 9 months. Every month, one of the Messengers of Allah visited her, greeting the future Prophet and informing Amina of the good news that she carries the best creation of Allah under her heart. These Prophets were Adam, Shis, Idris, Nuh, Hud, Ibrahim, Ismail, Musa and Isa, may Allah grant them even more greatness and honor.

When Amina told her husband Abdullah about all this, he said that the reason for what was happening to her was the greatness of their unborn child.

Birth of Prophet Muhammad

Even before the birth of the last Messenger of Allah, people, seeing unusual signs, began to talk about the imminent appearance of a new Prophet of God. And the very expectation of this joyful event was the first harbinger of light for the inhabitants of deserts and cities, nomadic and sedentary peoples.

And then a great day came when the Messenger of Allah - Muhammad was born. When Amina had labor pains, she was alone in the house of Abdul-Muttalib - her husband's father. At first, she was seized with anxiety and anxiety, since there was no one nearby who could help her at that moment. And then, by the Will of Allah, four holy women appeared to her: Maryam (the mother of the Prophet Isa), Sarah (the wife of the Prophet Ibrahim), Hajar (the mother of the Prophet Ismail) and Asiya, the daughter of Muzahim (the wife of the pharaoh). Amina was very happy about this and felt great relief that she was not alone now.

At the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, light poured out from the womb of his mother, which illuminated the entire earth from east to west. When the Prophet was born, he immediately leaned on his hands and raised his head. When he was born, he did not cry like other children, but was joyful.

On the day when the last Messenger of Allah was born, the fire of the fire-worshipping Persians, which had been burning continuously for 1000 years, went out, the throne of the ruler of the Persians shuddered, and 14 large balconies fell in his hall.

The Prophet was born in a year known as the Year of the Elephant. It was Monday, the 12th of the month of Rabi al-awwal. The Prophet was born in the Holy City of Mecca in the Souk al-layl quarter. Later, the mother of the ruler Harun Ar-Rashid built a mosque on this site.

Childhood of the Prophet Muhammad

The Prophet Muhammad was born an orphan - his father Abdullah died when Amina was still pregnant (4).

Muhammad grew up very quickly. In a day he grew as much as other children grew in a month, and in a month he grew as if in a year.

When he was two years old, an amazing thing happened. Little Muhammad and his foster brother were playing with other children in the street when a man approached them. He laid the boy on the ground, opened his chest, took out a blood clot from his heart and threw it away, saying that if this clot was left in his heart, then Satan could take advantage of it. Then he washed the heart with zam-zam water and placed it back into Muhammad's chest. It was the archangel Jibril, who appeared in the form of a man. Anas ibn Malik, talking about this, said that he saw a mark on the chest of the Prophet.

When the Prophet was 6 years old, his mother Amina died. After her death, the child remained in the care of his grandfather, Abdul-Muttalib, who loved him very much. And when the grandfather died, the uncle of the Prophet, Abu Talib, who also loved him very much, took up his upbringing.

From the very birth of the Prophet, it was clear that this was an unusual child. He was very smart and handsome. There were many good things from him, and people sincerely loved him and were strongly attached to him. No one has ever seen anything bad or unworthy from him. Verily, Allah has bestowed on his beloved creature the best virtues. He became known in his tribe under the name "Amin", that is, "reliable, faithful."

The prophet never worshiped idols, neither before receiving the Revelation nor after. Like all Prophets, Allah saved His Messenger from unbelief, major sins and that which hinders the full fulfillment of the prophetic mission or humiliates his dignity.

The birth of the Messenger of Allah Muhammad is a special event for all mankind. When he was born, a new page of life on earth was opened.


1 - Ahmad is one of the names of the Prophet Muhammad

2 - the meaning of the name "Muhammad" is the one whom people praise because he has commendable qualities

3 - "Allah has no faults"

4 - Amina and Abdullah had no other children except Muhammad

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What will be Shafaat on the Day of Judgment is true. Shafaat is done by: Prophets, God-fearing scholars, martyrs, Angels. Our Prophet Muhammad in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "x" is pronounced as ح in Arabic endowed with the right of a special great Shafaat. Prophet Muhammad in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "x" is pronounced as ح in Arabic will ask for forgiveness of those who have committed great sins from his community. It was narrated in a true hadith: "My Shafaat is for those who committed great sins from my community." Narrated by Ibn Kh Ibban. For those who have not committed major sins, Shafaat will not be needed. For some, they make Shafaat before entering hell, for others after entering it. Shafaat is done only for Muslims.

Shafaat of the Prophet will be done not only for those Muslims who lived during the time of the Prophet Muhammad and after that, but those who were from previous communities [communities of other Prophets].

It is said in Qur'an (Sura Al-Anbiya', Ayat 28) meaning: "They do not make Shafaat, except for those for whom Shafaat has approved Allah." Our Prophet Muhammad is the first to make Shafaat.

The story that we have already cited earlier is known, but it is worth mentioning it again. The ruler Abu Ja'far said: "O Abu 'Abdullah! When reading the dua, should I turn towards Qibla or stand facing the Messenger of Allah? To which Imam Malik replied: “Why do you turn your face away from the Prophet? After all, he will do Shafaat in favor of you on the Day of Judgment. Therefore, turn your face to the Prophet, ask him for Shafaat, and Allah will grant you the Shafaat of the Prophet! It is said in the Holy Kur`an (Sura An-Nisa, Ayat 64) meaning: “And if they, having acted unjustly towards themselves, would come to you and ask for forgiveness from Allah, and the Messenger of Allah asked for forgiveness for them then they would have received the mercy and forgiveness of Allah, because Allah is Accepting the repentance of Muslims, and Merciful to them.

All this is an important proof that visiting the grave of the Prophet Muhammad in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "x" is pronounced as ح in Arabic, asking him for Shafaat is permissible, according to scientists, and most importantly, the Prophet Muhammad himself in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "x" is pronounced as ح in Arabic.

Indeed, on the Day of Judgment, when the sun will be close to the heads of some people, and they will drown in their own sweat, then they will begin to say to each other: “Let's go to our forefather Adam so that he performs Shafaat for us.” After that, they will come to Adam and say to him: “O Adam, you are the father of all people; Allah created you, giving you an honorable soul, and ordered the Angels to prostrate to you [as a greeting], make Shafaat for us before your Lord. To this, Adam will say: “I am not the one to whom the great Shafaat was granted. Go to Nuh (Noah)!”. After that, they will come to Nuh and will ask him, he will answer in the same way as Adam and send them to Ibrahim (Abraham). After that, they will come to Ibrahim and ask him for Shafaat, but he will answer like the previous Prophets: “I am not the one to whom the great Shafaat was granted. Go to Musa (Moses)." After that, they will come to Musa and ask him, but he will answer like the previous Prophets: “I am not the one to whom the great Shafa’at was given, go to ‘Isa! After that, they will come to ‘Isa (Jesus) and will ask him. He will answer them: "I am not the one to whom the great Shafaat was granted, go to Muhammad." After that, they will come to the Prophet Muhammad and ask him. Then the Prophet will bow down to the ground, he will not raise his head until he hears the answer. He will be told: “O Muhammad, raise your head! Ask, and it will be given to you, do Shafaat, and your Shafaat will be accepted! He will raise his head and say: “My community, O my Lord! My community, O my Lord!

The Prophet Muhammad said: "I am the most important of the people on the Day of Judgment, and the very first to come out of the grave on the Day of Resurrection, and the very first to make Shafaat, and the very first whose Shafaat will be accepted."

The Prophet Muhammad also said: “I was given a choice between Shafaat and the opportunity for half of my community to enter Paradise without torment. I chose Shafaat because it is more beneficial for my community. You think that my Shafaat is for the God-fearing, but no, it is for the great sinners of my community.”

Abu Hurayrah said that the Prophet Muhammad said: “Each Prophet was given the opportunity to ask Allah for a special dua, which will be accepted. Each of them did this in their lifetime, and I left this opportunity for the Day of Judgment to make Shafaat for my community on That Day. This Shafaat, by the Will of Allah, will be granted to those from my community who did not commit shirk.

After moving from Mecca to Medina, the Prophet Muhammad performed the Hajj only once, and that was in the 10th year of the Hijri, shortly before his death. During the Pilgrimage, he spoke to the people several times and gave the believers a parting word. These instructions are known as the Prophet's Farewell Sermon. He delivered one of these sermons on the day of 'Arafat - in the year (9th Dhul-Hijj) in the valley of 'Uranah (1) next to 'Arafat, and the other - the next day, that is, on the day of the Eid al-Adha. These sermons were heard by many believers, and they recounted the words of the Prophet to others - and so these instructions were passed down from generation to generation.

One of the stories says that at the beginning of his sermon, the Prophet addressed the people in this way: “O people, listen to me carefully, for I do not know if I will be among you next year. Listen to what I have to say, and pass on my words to those who were unable to attend today.”

There are many transmissions of this sermon of the Prophet. Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah expounded the story of the last Hajj of the Prophet and his farewell sermon better than all other companions. His story begins from the moment when the Prophet set off from Medina, and it describes in detail everything that happened until the completion of the Hajj.

Imam Muslim narrated in his collection of hadiths "Sahih" (the book "Hajj", the chapter "The Pilgrimage of the Prophet Muhammad") from Ja'far ibn Muhammad that his father said: "We came to Jabir ibn 'Abdullah, and he began to get acquainted with everyone and when it was my turn, I said, "I am Muhammad ibn 'Ali ibn Hussain."< … >He said, "Welcome, oh my nephew! Ask what you want."< … >Then I asked him: "Tell me about the Hajj of the Messenger of Allah." Showing nine fingers, he said: “Indeed, the Messenger of Allah did not do Hajj for nine years. In the 10th year, it was announced that the Messenger of Allah was going to Hajj. And then many people came to Medina who wanted to perform the Hajj with the Prophet in order to take an example from him.

Further, Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah said that, having gone to Hajj and arriving in the vicinity of Mecca, the Prophet Muhammad immediately went to the Arafat valley, passing through the area of ​​Muzdalifa without stopping. There he remained until sunset, and then he rode on a camel to the valley of ‘Uranah. There, on the day of Arafat, the Prophet turned to the people, and [praising Allah Almighty] said:

“Oh people! Just as you consider this month, this day, this city sacred, your life, your property and dignity are just as sacred and inviolable. Truly, everyone will answer to the Lord for their deeds.

The times of ignorance are over, and his unworthy practices are abolished, including blood feuds and usury.<…>

Be God-fearing and kind in dealing with women (2). Do not offend them, remembering that you took them as wives with the permission of Allah as a value entrusted for a while. You have rights with them, but they also have rights with you. They should not let into the house those who are unpleasant to you and whom you do not want to see. Lead them wisely. You are obliged to feed and dress them in the manner prescribed by the Shari'ah.

I left you a clear guide, following which you will never go astray from the True Path - this is the Heavenly Scripture (Quran). And [when] you are asked about me, what will you answer?”

Companions said: “We testify that you brought this message to us, fulfilled your mission and gave us sincere, good advice.”

The Prophet raised his index finger up (3), and then pointed to the people with the words:

“May Allah be a witness!” This is the end of the hadith narrated in the collection of Imam Muslim.

In other transmissions of the Farewell Sermon, such words of the Prophet are also given;

“Everyone is responsible only for himself, and the father will not be punished for the sins of the son, and the son for the sins of the father.”

“Indeed, Muslims are brothers to one another, and it is not permissible for a Muslim to take what belongs to his brother except with his permission.”

“Oh people! Verily, your Lord is the One and Only Creator without partners. And you have one forefather - Adam. There is no advantage for an Arab over a non-Arab, or for a dark-skinned one over a light-skinned one, except in the degree of piety. For Allah, the best of you is the most pious.”

At the end of the sermon, the Prophet said:

"Let those who have heard convey my words to those who were not here, and perhaps some of them will understand better than some of you."

This sermon left a deep imprint in the hearts of people who listened to the Prophet s. And, despite the fact that many hundreds of years have passed since that time, it still excites the hearts of believers.


1 - scholars other than Imam Malik said that this valley is not included in Arafat

2 - The Prophet urged to observe the rights of women, to be kind to them, to live with them in the way that is commanded and approved by Sharia

3 - this gesture did not mean that Allah is in Heaven, since God exists without a place

The miracles of many Prophets are known, but the most amazing were those of the Prophet Muhammad in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "x" is pronounced as ح in Arabic.

Allah in the name of God in Arabic "Allah", the letter "x" is pronounced like ه in Arabic The Almighty gave the Prophets special miracles. The miracle of the Prophet (mujiza) is an extraordinary and amazing phenomenon bestowed on the Prophet in confirmation of his veracity, and this miracle cannot be countered by anything like it.

Holy Quran this word must be read in Arabic as - الْقُـرْآن- this is the greatest miracle of the Prophet Muhammad, which lasts to this day. Everything in the Holy Quran is true, from the first to the last letter. It will never be distorted and will remain until the End of the World. And this is stated in the Qur'an itself (Sura 41 "Fussilyat", verses 41-42), meaning: "Verily, this Holy Scripture is a great Book, preserved by the Creator [from errors and delusions], and from no direction will a lie penetrate into her."

The Qur'an describes events that took place long before the advent of the Prophet Muhammad, as well as those that will take place in the future. Much of what has been described has already happened or is happening now, and we ourselves are eyewitnesses of this.

The Qur'an was sent down at a time when the Arabs had a deep knowledge of literature and poetry. When they heard the text of the Qur'an, in spite of all their eloquence and excellent knowledge of the language, they could not oppose anything to the Heavenly Scripture.

0 the unsurpassed beauty and perfection of the text of the Qur'an is said in verse 88 of sura 17 "Al-Isra", meaning: "Even if people and jinn united to compose something like the Holy Quran, it would not succeed for them, even if they helped each other friend."

One of the most amazing miracles that prove the highest degree of the Prophet Muhammad is Isra and Miraj.

Isra is a wonderful night journey of the Prophet Muhammad # from the city of Mecca to the city of Quds (1) together with the archangel Jibril on an unusual riding animal from Paradise - Burak. During Isra, the Prophet saw many amazing things and performed Namaz in special places. In Quds, in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, all the previous Prophets were gathered to meet with the Prophet Muhammad. All together they performed a collective Namaz, in which the Prophet Muhammad was the imam. And after that, the Prophet Muhammad ascended to Heaven and beyond. During this ascent (Miraj) the Prophet Muhammad saw angels, Paradise, Arsh and other grandiose creations of Allah (2).

The Prophet's miraculous journey to Quds, Ascension to Heaven and return to Mecca took less than a third of the night!

Another extraordinary miracle bestowed on the Prophet Muhammad - when the moon split into two halves. This miracle is mentioned in the Holy Quran (Sura Al-Kamar, verse 1), meaning: “One of the signs of the approach of the End of the World is that the moon has split.”

This miracle happened when one day the pagan Quraysh demanded proof from the Prophet that he was truthful. It was the middle of the month (the 14th), that is, the night of the full moon. And then an amazing miracle happened - the disk of the moon was divided into two parts: one was above Mount Abu Qubais, and the second was below. When people saw this, the believers were even more strengthened in their faith, and the unbelievers began to accuse the Prophet of witchcraft. They sent messengers to distant territories to find out if they had seen the moon split apart there. But when they returned, the messengers confirmed that people had seen this in other places. Some historians write that in China there is an ancient building on which is written: "Built in the year of the split of the moon."

Another amazing miracle of the Prophet Muhammad was when, in the presence of a huge number of witnesses, water spouted between the fingers of the Messenger of Allah.

This was not the case with other prophets. And although Musa was given a miracle that water appeared from a rock when he hit it with his staff, but when water flows out of the hand of a living person, it is even more amazing!

Imams al-Bukhariy and Muslim narrated the following hadith from Jabir: “On the day of Hudaybiya, people were thirsty. The Prophet Muhammad had a vessel with water in his hands, with which he wanted to do ablution. When the people approached him, the Prophet asked, "What happened?" They replied: “O Messenger of Allah! We have no water for drinking or for washing, except for what you have in your hands.” Then the Prophet Muhammad put his hand into the vessel - and [then everyone saw how] water began to spout from the gaps between his fingers. We quenched our thirst and performed ablution. Some asked: "How many were you?" Jabir replied: "If there were one hundred thousand of us, then it would be enough for us, and we were one thousand five hundred people."

Animals spoke to the Prophet Muhammad, for example, one camel complained to the Messenger of Allah that the owner treats him badly. But it is even more surprising when inanimate objects spoke or showed feelings in the presence of the Prophet. For example, the food in the hands of the Messenger of Allah recited the dhikr “Subhanallah”, and the withered palm tree, which served as a support for the Prophet during the sermon, groaned from separation from the Messenger of Allah when he began to read the sermon from the minbar. It happened during the Jumuah and many people witnessed this miracle. Then the Prophet Muhammad came down from the minbar, went to the palm tree and hugged it, and the palm tree sobbed like a small child who is calmed by adults until it stopped making sounds.

Another amazing incident happened in the desert when the Prophet met an idol worshiping Arab and called him to Islam. That Arab asked to prove the truth of the words of the Prophet, and then the Messenger of Allah called to him a tree located on the edge of the desert, and it, obeying the Prophet, went to him, furrowing the earth with its roots. As the tree approached, it recited the Islamic testimonies three times. Then this Arab accepted Islam.

The Messenger of Allah could cure a person with just a touch of his hand. One day, a companion of the Prophet named Qatada fell out of his eye, and people wanted to remove it. But when they brought Qatada to the Messenger of Allah, with his blessed hand, he put the fallen eye back into the eye socket, and the eye took root, and vision was completely restored. Qatada himself said that the fallen eye took root so well that now he does not remember which eye he had damaged.

And there is also a case when a blind man asked the Prophet to restore his sight. The Prophet advised him to endure, because there is a reward for patience. But the blind man replied: “O Messenger of Allah! I don’t have a guide, and it’s very hard without sight.” Then the Prophet ordered him to do ablution and perform Namaz of two rak'ahs, and then read this dua: “O Allah! I ask You and turn to You through our Prophet Muhammad - the Prophet of Mercy! O Muhammad! I turn to Allah through you so that my request is accepted. The blind man did as the Prophet commanded and received his sight. Companion of the Messenger of Allah? named Uthman Ibn Hunayf, who witnessed this, said: “By Allah! We have not yet parted with the Prophet, and it was not long before that man returned sighted.

Thanks to the barakah of the Prophet Muhammad, a small amount of food was enough to feed many people.

Once Abu Hurayra came to the Prophet Muhammad and brought 21 dates. Turning to the Prophet, he said: “O Messenger of Allah! Make a dua for me so that there is barakat in these dates. The Prophet Muhammad took each date and read "Basmalah" (4), then ordered to call one group of people. They came, ate their fill of dates, and left. The Prophet then called for the next group and then another. Every time people came, ate dates, but they did not end. After that, the Prophet Muhammad and Abu Hurayrah ate these dates, but the dates still remained. Then the Prophet Muhammad collected them, put them in a leather bag and said: “O Abu Hurairah! If you want to eat, put your hand in the bag and take out a date.

Imam Abu Hurairah said that he ate dates from this pouch during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad and also during the reign of Abu Bakr and also Umar and also Uthman. And all this is because of the dua of the Prophet Muhammad. Abu Hurayrah also told how once a jug of milk was brought to the Prophet, and it was enough to feed more than 200 people.

Other famous miracles of the Messenger of Allah:

— On the day of Khandaq, the companions of the Prophet were digging a ditch and stopped when they stumbled upon a huge stone that they could not break. Then the Prophet came, took a pick in his hands, said “Bismillahir-rahmanir-rahim” three times, struck this stone, and it crumbled like sand.

“Once a man from the area of ​​Yamama came to the Prophet Muhammad with a newborn child wrapped in a cloth. The Prophet Muhammad turned to the newborn and asked: "Who am I?" Then, by the Will of Allah, the baby said: "You are the Messenger of Allah." The Prophet said to the child: “May Allah bless you!” And this child began to be called Mubarak (5) Al-Yamama.

- One Muslim had a God-fearing brother who kept Fasting Sunnah even on the hottest days and performed Sunnah Namaz even on the coldest nights. When he died, his brother sat at his head and asked Allah for mercy and forgiveness for him. Suddenly the veil slipped from the face of the deceased, and he said: “As-salamu alaikum!”. The surprised brother returned the greeting and then asked, “Does this happen?” The brother replied, “Yes. Take me to the Messenger of Allah - he promised that we would not part until we met."

- When the father of one of the Sahaba died, leaving behind a large debt, this companion came to the Prophet and said that he had nothing but date palms, the harvest of which even for many years would not be enough to pay off the debt, and asked the Prophet for help. Then the Messenger of Allah walked around one pile of dates, and then around another and said: "Count." Surprisingly, there were enough dates not only to pay off the debt, but there were still the same number.

Allah Almighty granted the Prophet Muhammad a great many miracles. The miracles listed above are only a small part of them, because some scientists said that there were a thousand, and others - three thousand!


1 - Quds (Jerusalem) - the holy city in Palestine

2 - It is important to note that the ascent of the Prophet to Heaven does not mean that he ascended to the place where Allah is supposedly located, since it is not inherent in Allah to be in any place. To think that Allah is in any place is unbelief!

3 - "Allah has no flaws"

4 - the words "Bismillahir-rahmanir-rahim"

5 - the word "mubarak" means "blessed"

For Muslims, the most significant religious figure is the Prophet Muhammad, thanks to whom the world saw and read the Koran. Many facts from his life are known, which gives a chance to understand his personality and significance in history. There is a prayer dedicated to him that can work miracles.

Who is Prophet Muhammad?

Preacher and prophet, the messenger of Allah and the founder of Islam - Muhammad. His name means "Praised". God through him transmitted the text of the sacred book for Muslims - the Koran. Many are interested in what the prophet Muhammad was like in appearance, so, according to the scriptures, he differed from other Arabs in a lighter skin color. He had a thick beard, broad shoulders and large eyes. Between the shoulder blades on the body there is a "seal of prophecy" in the form of a relief triangle.

When was Prophet Muhammad born?

The birth of the future prophet took place in 570. His family came from the Quraysh tribe, who were the keepers of ancient religious relics. Another important point is where the Prophet Muhammad was born, and so the event took place in the city of Mecca, where modern Saudi Arabia is located. Muhammad did not know his father at all, and his mother died when he was six years old. His uncle and grandfather were engaged in his upbringing, who told his grandson about monotheism.

How did Prophet Muhammad get the prophecy?

Information about how the prophet received revelations for writing the Qur'an is minimal. Muhammad never spoke in detail and clearly on this subject.

  1. It is established that Allah communicated with the prophet through an angel, whom he calls Jibril.
  2. Another interesting topic is how old Muhammad became a prophet, so according to legend, an angel appeared to him and said that Allah chose him as his messenger when he was 40 years old.
  3. Communication with God was through visions. Some researchers believe that the prophet fell into a trance, but there are scientists who are sure that the reason is the weakness of the body due to long fasting and lack of sleep.
  4. It is believed that one of the evidence that the Prophet Muhammad wrote the Koran is the fragmentary nature of the book and this, according to historians, is due to the inspiration of the preacher.

Prophet Muhammad's parents

The mother of the founder of Islam was the beautiful Amina, who was born into a wealthy family, which gave her a chance to get a good upbringing and education. She married at the age of 15, and the marriage with the father of the Prophet Muhammad was happy and harmonious. During childbirth, a white bird descended from the sky and touched Amina with its wing, which saved her from her existing fears. Around were angels who took the child into the world. She died of illness when her son was five years old.

Prophet Muhammad's father, Abdullah, was very handsome. Once his father, that is, the grandfather of the future preacher, made a vow before the Lord that he would sacrifice one son if he had ten of them. When the time came to fulfill the promise and the lot fell on Abdullah, he exchanged him for 100 camels. Many ladies were in love with the young guy, and he married the most beautiful girl in the city. When she was in her second month of pregnancy, the father of the Prophet Muhammad died. At that time he was 25 years old.

Prophet Muhammad and his wife

There is different information regarding the number of wives, but official sources traditionally present 13 names.

  1. The wives of the Prophet Muhammad could no longer marry after the death of their spouse.
  2. They must cover their entire body under clothing, while other women may expose their face and hands.
  3. It was possible to communicate with the wives of the prophet only through the curtain.
  4. They received double recompense for each done.

The Prophet Muhammad married the following women:

  1. Khadija. First wife to convert to Islam. She bore the Messenger of Allah six children.
  2. Sauda. The prophet married her a few years after the death of his first wife. She was pious and pious.
  3. Aisha. She married Muhammad at the age of 15. The girl told people many sayings of her famous husband related to her personal life.
  4. Umm Salama. She married Muhammad after the death of her husband and lived longer than his other wives.
  5. Maria. The Egyptian ruler gave the woman to the prophet, and she became a concubine. They legalized the relationship after the birth of their son.
  6. Zainab. She was in the status of a wife for only three months, and then she died.
  7. Hafsa. The young girl was distinguished from others by her explosive character, which often angered Muhammad.
  8. Zainab. The girl was first the wife of the adopted son of the prophet. Other wives did not like Zainab and tried to present her in a bad light.
  9. Maimouna. She was the sister of the wife of the prophet's uncle.
  10. Juwayria. This is the daughter of the leader of the tribe that opposed the Muslims, but after the marriage the conflict was settled.
  11. Safiya. The girl was born into a family that was at enmity with Muhammad, and she was captured. Released by her future husband.
  12. Ramla. The first husband of this woman changed his faith from Islam to Christianity, and after his death she married a second time.
  13. Raykhana. At first, the girl was a slave, and after the adoption of Islam, Muhammad took her as his wife.

Children of the Prophet Muhammad

Only two wives gave birth to the Messenger of Allah, and interestingly, all his descendants died at an early age. Many are interested in how many children the Prophet Muhammad had, and so there were seven of them.

  1. Qasim - died at the age of 17 months.
  2. Zainab - was married to her father's cousin, gave birth to two children. Died young.
  3. Rukia - was married early and died in her youth, without surviving the disease
  4. Fatima - she was given in marriage to the cousin of the prophet, and only she left the offspring of Muhammad. She died after the death of her father.
  5. Ummu Kulthum - was born after the advent of Islam and died at a young age.
  6. Abdullah - was born after the prophecy and died at an early age.
  7. Ibrahim - after the birth of his son, the prophet made a sacrifice to Allah, shaved off his hair and distributed donations. He died at the age of 18 months.

Prophecies of the Prophet Muhammad

About 160 confirmed prophecies are known, which were fulfilled both during his life and after his death. Consider a few examples of what the prophet Muhammad said and what came true:

  1. He predicted the conquest of Egypt, Persia and a confrontation with the Turks.
  2. He spoke about the fact that after his death, Jerusalem will be conquered.
  3. Claimed that Allah will not give people a specific date, and they must understand that the Day of Judgment can come at any time.
  4. He told his daughter Fatima that she was the only one who would outlive him.

Prayer of the Prophet Muhammad

Muslims can turn to the founder of Islam with the help of a special prayer - salavat. It is a manifestation of obedience to Allah. Regular appeals to Muhammad have their advantages:

  1. Helps to be cleansed of hypocrisy and escape from the fire of Hell.
  2. The Messenger of the Prophet Muhammad will intercede on the Day of Judgment for those who pray for him.
  3. Prayer appeals are a way of cleansing and expiation of sins.
  4. Protects from the wrath of Allah and helps not to stumble.
  5. You can ask for implementation through it.

When did Prophet Muhammad die?

There are a huge number of versions related to the death of the Messenger of Allah. Muslims know that he died in 633 AD. from sudden illness. At the same time, no one knows what the Prophet Muhammad was ill with, which causes many doubts. There are versions that in fact he was killed with poison, and this wife Aisha did it. The controversy over this continues. The body of the preacher was buried in his house, which was located near the Prophet's Mosque, and after a while the room was expanded and became part of it.

Facts about Prophet Muhammad

A huge amount of information is associated with this figure in Islam, while some facts are little known to many.

  1. There is an assumption that the Messenger of Allah suffered from epilepsy. In ancient times, he was considered possessed due to unusual seizures and clouding of consciousness, but these are common symptoms of an epileptic condition.
  2. The morals of the Prophet Muhammad are considered an ideal, and every person should strive for them.
  3. The first marriage was for great love and the couple lived in happiness for 24 years.
  4. Many are interested in what the Prophet Muhammad did when he began to prophesy events. According to legend, the first feelings were doubt and despair.
  5. He was a reformer because the revelations demanded social and economic justice, with which the elite did not agree.
  6. The merits of the Prophet Muhammad are enormous, as it is known that in his entire life he did not offend or defame anyone, while he shunned dishonorable people and gossip.