Today on Earth you can find about two and a half thousand snakes, but only 250 species carry mortal danger. Every year, about five million people around the world suffer from their bites, 3 percent of those bitten die, and about 5% become disabled. Today we will tell our readers about the most dangerous and poisonous snakes that exist on earth.

What is the most venomous snake in the world?


The poison in most cases will not cause danger, because very weak, but there were cases when people died after a while. Therefore, if a bite has occurred, you need to seek help, even if the site of the bite does not bother you.


The poison is several times stronger than that of a viper, and when it enters the bloodstream, it almost immediately destroys the cells of the body. Scientists have carried out an experiment on ducks. After being bitten by this snake, after 1-2 minutes they developed paralysis, and after 15 minutes they died. Most often they can be found in Africa, on branches and in bushes.

8. Eastern or harlequin snake

Dangerous to human life. If medical assistance is not provided within 24 hours after the bite, the likelihood of death is very high. Length from 90 to 100 cm, most often they can be found in the southern United States, feed on insects and lizards.


The next snake belongs to the family of vipers and is called Sand Efa. It feeds on small rodents, sometimes birds, and most often lizards and scorpions. The average length is from 55 to 60 cm, in some cases it reaches 75 cm.


The above snakes are found on land, but this one can be found in water. It is considered not aggressive, but the lack of its poison is 5-6 times stronger than that of a cobra. It is capable of diving to a depth of one hundred meters and being there without air for about five hours. You can meet her off the coast of India, the Arabian Sea and on the islands of Madagascar.


The venom is less toxic than previous snakes, but more venom is injected when bitten. It is less aggressive, in 80 percent of cases it hunts down its victim in ambush.


A very aggressive and venomous snake, with a bite of 50 percent, a person dies, even if a special vaccine is used. You can find them in small burrows, bushes, as well as in private houses, where they very often crawl. Habitat: South Asia and Australia.

3. Taipana - Oxyuranus scutellatus

One of the three most poisonous snakes on the planet. Its length ranges from three to 3.5 meters, and large teeth 1 cm long inject such an amount of poison that the victim dies in a few minutes. Most often found in Australia.


Ranked second in the ranking of the most venomous snakes. The main food is small mammals. It is also found in Australia and is most commonly found in fields and dry plains. One bite can kill about a hundred people or a quarter of a million mice.

1. Tiger snake - the most venomous snake in the world

She got this name because of her tiger color.

It can kill 400 people with one bite.

After the poison enters the bloodstream, in just a few seconds it paralyzes all nerve endings and the victim dies due to cardiac arrest.

It lives in Australia and mainly feeds on birds, frogs and mice.

One female is capable of giving birth to at least 50 baby snakes.

Up to two meters long.

The chance of a person surviving a bite is very small, but in any case, you need to seek help as soon as possible, or try to suck the poison from the bite on your own.

Greetings, dear readers of the site "I and the World"! Many of you know the dangers of snakes. But it turns out that there are people who do not fully realize this danger and keep poisonous reptiles in their house. Whether they are right or wrong, we will tell you today in the article. You will find out what are the most poisonous snakes on the planet, we will present a photo with a description of these reptiles, you will learn how to behave in the habitats of such specimens in order to return from a trip, as they say, safe and sound.

So, the top 10 is revealed by the North American rattlesnake

Why rattlesnake? She got the name for the thickening that resembles a rattle. And when he wants to scare someone away, he begins to rattle with this rattle-rattle, warning of his approach. If you meet her, try to pass by as quickly as possible, because, sensing danger in you, she will not stand on ceremony. She is able to reach you at a distance of 2/3 of her body length.
Young snakes attack more often, but adults less often. Probably because they do not want to waste their poison, which damages tissues, destroys internal organs, and the victim's blood stops clotting. If help arrives on time, there will be no death in 4% of cases. Yes, very encouraging information!

9th place - Ridgeback, living in Australia and New Guinea

Ridgebacks ambush other snakes and even their own kind. The throwing speed reaches 13 seconds. After biting the victim, the individual injects up to 100 mg of the poison, causing respiratory arrest and death, after about 6 hours.

It is clear who can defeat her in battle, so this is another Ridgeback, stronger and more agile. The timely administered antidote works perfectly and relieves the victim's condition, and this, of course, pleases.

Takes 8th place, lives in South and Southeast Asia

The king cobra is the largest dangerous cobra on earth. Large, beautiful, with a black shiny color, it is called royal. There is an unpleasant scientific fact: scientists conducted a dangerous experiment, and although there were victims, they managed to prove that one cobra can kill 23 people and one elephant weighing one ton at a time. Can you imagine what a lethal dose is in one serving of king cobra venom?

Sandy Efa is in seventh place

It is a species of vipers found in Central Asia, India and China. Efa hunts at night and is especially active after rain. If Efa bites, then the pressure decreases and the heart rate slows down. Dying off of tissues occurs not only at the site of the bite. If Efa bites at night, the person will not understand, asleep, why the bite is aching and where such symptoms come from. This condition can last up to 4 weeks, and if antivenom is not administered, death occurs from suffocation or cardiac arrest.

6th place is rightfully taken by the Swamp or Chained Viper

Known as Russell's Viper. Arthur Conan Doyle wrote about her habits well in his story "The Colorful Ribbon". This land snake is very dangerous indeed. This species of vipers lives in many places in India, Bangladesh, Thailand, is found in Cambodia, etc.

Long, up to 1.60 meters, with a variegated pattern, it is very similar to a beautiful ribbon sliding among the sands. It creeps out to hunt at dusk, so it is difficult to notice it. One dose of poison reaches 260 mg, but only 60-70 mg is enough for a person. After the bite, blood oozes all over the body and death occurs within 2 weeks. The antidote was developed by the Indians and is quite effective.

In fifth place is the Black Mamba

It is no coincidence that Mamba is in the top five of the rating. The black mamba is so aggressive that it attacks without warning, day and night. It lives in Africa and is so black that even its teeth are the color of the night. And it crawls at the speed of a fast-running person - up to 20 km / h. It is able to bite several times in a row and each injection of poison kills up to 25 people. The victim begins to experience a split image, speech becomes confused, consciousness becomes cloudy, foam at the mouth and convulsions appear. If you do not help in time, a coma sets in, and then death within half an hour.

4th place - Tiger snake

This individual lives in Australia, and is named so due to its color. The tiger snake is pretty cunning. Seeing a person in the distance, she will not crawl away to a secluded place, but will wait for her victim to bite, even if she is not in danger. Attacks instantly and doesn't miss. This is such a serpentine essence! The bitten place tingles, the person begins to sweat a lot, and soon suffocate. The bite is deadly, and an antidote has not yet been invented.

In third place is the Ribbon krait

These beautiful, vibrantly colored species are found only in southern India and China. She loves to be in the water and does not go out on land just like that, just for the sake of hunting. He never sleeps at night and if you love night fishing or want to swim in the middle of the night, be prepared to meet Krayt. She will not pity anyone and even any small snake is ready to attack and bite if you touch her cubs. Here is such a caring mom! One Krayt is capable of killing several dozen people at once.

2nd place - Brown King

Where do such scary crawling kings live? Like many poisonous individuals, it lives in Australia. The poison of even immature snakes kills a person almost immediately. Calmly basking in the sun, she can become aggressive at any time. She has a very interesting character, if we can talk about a snake. The brown king pursues the offender for a long time, constantly biting his legs, but does not inject poison, as if mocking him. It usually reacts to movement, so if you see a Brown Snake, freeze and wait for it to crawl by.

And here in the first place you see the Australian Taipan

The Taipan snake is considered the most cruel of the poisonous. Wikipedia believes that it is to a person that she is too cruel, she attacks first and can kill up to 100 people at a time. The poison blocks the veins and arteries with blood clots and blood naturally stops flowing to the heart. The victim dies in one and a half seconds. And the antidote simply won't have time to work. See her while traveling, run headlong and forget about the photos of this "beauty".

We have introduced the ten most dangerous snakes in the world. Many venomous reptiles live in the desert. Dangerous individuals are also found in Russia: Rattle, Efa, various vipers. Look at the pictures, try to remember them "in person", and when you meet, do not show aggression. But it is better to be in dangerous places with a guide who knows how to do the right thing.

Snakes leave no one indifferent, causing either delight or panic. They inhabit the entire Earth, excluding only Antarctica, Ireland, New Zealand. These are some of the most dangerous creatures, and we must not forget that only about 8 percent of all snakes in the world are poisonous. They attack infrequently, because a person is too large prey for them.

If you want to know which snake is the most venomous in the world, and this question is relevant and arouses undoubted curiosity, then we will try to answer it. But scientists have no consensus on how to rank these deadly beauties in the ranking. Introducing the top 10 most venomous snakes in the world.

10 Rattlesnake

The rattlesnake is most often the last on this list. The animal lives in North America. For a long time, the mortality rate from the bite of this snake was very high, but much has changed since then, as a result of the timely assistance provided, the victim will almost certainly survive.

The poison contributes to a change in the blood formula, preventing its clotting, which causes extensive bleeding. The bitten one experiences severe malaise, nausea, salivation, suffocation. After some time, paralysis sets in.

This snake is called a rattlesnake because of the thickening on the tail, which resembles a rattle (it can be clearly seen in the photo), and the strange sounds that the scales make.

Some researchers believe that the tenth place should be put in the Ridgeback - not the most dangerous Australian snake with venom that inhibits the activity of the lungs. Now an antidote has been developed, so that people die from bites quite rarely, before every second died.

9 Hook-nosed sea snake anhydrin

One of the most poisonous snakes living in the water, anhydrin, can be found near Madagascar, the Seychelles, as well as in the Arabian Sea, off the coast of India. She is an excellent swimmer, moves very quickly, dives to considerable depths, and may not surface for five hours.

At the sight of a person, anhydrin usually throws itself into the water and seeks to hide. Its poison is eight times stronger than that of a cobra, but it is never placed higher in the rating, because this creature is completely non-aggressive, on the contrary, the hook-nosed snake itself suffers from the aggression of fishermen who prepare their own food from the meat of this snake.

Some scientists completely exclude anhydrin from the rating, giving ninth place to the boomslang - an African snake with a beautiful emerald color and a dangerous poison (paralysis after its bite in a bird occurs in minutes); there are boomslangs of olive, brown, black color.

This reptile is an amazing conspirator: it has an excellent ability to mimic the branches of a tree. And since of all the game boomslangs prefer birds, their hunt is always successful. Another bird, gape, may even sit on a snake, mistaking it for a branch.

But if not so lucky, the boomslang has a lightning-fast throw: it can grab prey right on the fly.

8th place in the list of the most poisonous snakes - Harlequin snake

Most researchers give the eighth place in the ranking of the most venomous snakes in the world to the harlequin snake. It got its name for its unusually bright and spectacular color, consisting of stripes of red, black, yellow or orange.

This creature lives in Mexico and some parts of the United States, feeds on frogs, lizards, insects. The reptile is very small (up to a meter long), does not show much aggressiveness, prefers to flee.

If it has already been bitten by a snake, it can turn out to be very dangerous: despite its short teeth, the asp is able to inject poison deeply, as it clenches its jaws strongly.

So, the efa creeps strangely, somehow sideways, leaving traces suggesting cuneiform writing. At the sight of a person or a large animal, the efa tries to scare, emitting a strange crackle, which occurs when special rings hit each other.

The pupil of the ephae is elongated, like that of a cat. In addition, efa is a viviparous snake: it brings from 10 to 15 small efochok at a time. They live in desert places and, although they are very poisonous, they never attack people without aggression from the latter.

7 Philippine cobra

The snake inflating its collar really boggles the imagination of anyone who saw it, and the poison has a neuroparalytic effect, so it is extremely dangerous. There is nothing special about the collar of a cobra: the animal tries to scare off the enemy in this way, deciding the matter peacefully.

Marks on the nape of a spectacled snake, scientists believe, perform the same function. Cobra venom is very strong, and such a solid dose is injected that it is even a waste: 250 mg! It is enough to kill several people of average weight.

Death can occur within half an hour after the accident, although effective antidotes have been around for quite some time. The onset of paralysis of the respiratory system is sometimes already impossible to stop.

It is surprising that the Filipino cobra not only bites, but also spits poison aimed at the enemy, hitting the enemy at a distance of up to three meters.

6 Tiger snake

The sixth position is occupied by the tiger snake. The beauty lives in Australia and tries not to catch the eye of people. If this has already happened, the tiger snake can behave extremely aggressively, possessing a lightning-fast throw and a very strong poison that paralyzes the heart.

A two-meter creature of gray or reddish color has dim stripes all over its body, hunts insects, rodents, and medium-sized reptiles. This reptile is also viviparous, one brood can be up to 30 snakes.

The venom of a tiger snake is so strong that it kills a small animal in a few seconds, and an adult man is released for about an hour, up to a maximum of a day. Even the antidote does not always work, so the mortality rate is very high.

5 Black mamba

The most dangerous snake in the world rightfully belongs to the black mamba, which in addition is one of the largest and largest of them, reaching a length of 5 meters. The giant lives in the vastness of South Africa.

It is surprising that he received his name not at all for the color of the body, which in fact is gray or olive, but for the color of the oral cavity. It looks really scary, and it is used by the mamba just for this purpose: to scare away large enemies.

Emotions when contemplating these reptiles reach extremes: from reverence and admiration for plasticity to horror and panic fear. They were destroyed indiscriminately and they were also raised into a cult.

Reptiles have lived on the planet for more than 160 million years, of 3600 species, only 25% have a dangerous poison. But the composition of this toxin makes snakes the most deadly inhabitants of the earth.

Fortunately, the most poisonous and deadly snakes do not attack a person if he himself does not take a provocative step.

Opens a hit parade of poisonous reptiles, an individual from North America with a rattle on its tail, the sounds of which it announces its presence. The creature strikes swiftly and from afar, even leather shoes will not protect you from sharp teeth.

The Brazilian variety is especially dangerous - death from its bites occurs in almost 100%.

Little snakes, who have not entered the age of puberty, are not lagging behind, since they have not learned to dose the amount of poison. Rattlesnakes secrete a hemotoxic substance that is detrimental to soft tissues and the body as a whole.

Indicators of damage: shortness of breath, drooling, hemorrhage and general paralysis. If the wound is not treated in time, a fatal end is possible.

This species has settled in Australia and New Guinea. With a head in the shape of a triangle and squat, it resembles a rattlesnake. About a meter long. The coloration imitates a wasp belly: alternating black and yellow stripes. The torso ends with a thorn-like process, which explains the origin of the name.

Seeing a person, he does not retreat, but freezes. This creates a negative situation because it is possible to inadvertently step on it, triggering an attack.

Making a throw, injects up to 100 mg of secretion, which paralyzes the respiratory system. Without an antidote, death occurs within a few hours.

Among the numerous family of vipers that are ubiquitous, there is a special killer - the sand epha. It is found in Africa and Asia, India, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and the Arabian Peninsula. It is believed that in the edges of its habitat, the reptile killed more people than all the snakes combined. Driving away enemies, it emits a crackle of old leather rings.

This viviparous individual is active at night in summer, and prefers daytime in spring and autumn. Its unusual footprint can be recognized on the ground, by its specific manner of crawling sideways.

The creatures are threatening by the fact that they do not disdain the houses of people, and, feeling themselves in a hopeless situation, attack with lightning speed.

Symptoms: soreness in the injured area, decreased pressure and heart rate, the condition is aggravated by nausea and vomiting, body aches and nosebleeds. Within two weeks, without taking the antidote, the victim dies from blood poisoning and heart failure. The poison is very harmful to the kidneys, even if the bitten survives, he suffers from this problem until the end of his days.

Its habitat is the islands of the Philippine archipelago. Up to 3 meters in size. It settles near water bodies, feeding on small animals and even snake offspring. Scares and surprises with its swelling hood.

The carrier of a neurotoxic "weapon" that paralyzes the respiratory and cardiac activity of the body. Wastely injects 250 ml of poison, enough to kill several people.

She not only bites, but is also capable of accurately spitting her deadly composition three meters.

Warning signs: pain in the abdomen and head, convulsive reflexes, nausea and diarrhea. Timely use of whey can save life.

A reptile from the genus of asps lives in Australia, like many on the list of the most dangerous snakes. It is also found in Tasmania and New Guinea. It looks like a tiger in color. Avoids people, but there is a risk of disturbing her by confusing her with a stick. The behavior of the reptile is unpredictable - taken by surprise, it pounces suddenly and swiftly, not knowing blunders.

The venom is a complex of neurotoxin and myotoxin that causes bleeding. It hits small animals in seconds, and an adult will be given an hour. Even taking medication does not always help, so deaths are not rare.

The main symptoms: soreness and numbness at the bite point, profuse sweating. After a short time, the victim suffocates and dies.

Habitat - Africa. It bears the title of the most lightning-fast snake on the planet, developing a speed of 20 km per hour. Angry, he chases after the victim, attacking more than once and injecting 400 mg of poison, but death threatens even from 10 mg. It can be up to five meters in length. It got its name because of the black mouth, which it opens impressively, frightening off enemies.

Often populates populated areas, as a result of which 20 thousand local residents die every year. The deadly combination of neurotoxin and cardiotoxin acts in half an hour.

There is a stabbing sensation in the mouth, arms and legs, blurred vision, confused consciousness. The person is chilled, the convulsive state is accompanied by foam from the mouth and nose. Without an antidote, the indicators increase: there is a feeling of pain in the abdominal cavity, vomiting and depression of the respiratory system. It is not without reason that tourists traveling in this area are advised to have an antidote with them.

In terms of habits, this "Australian" is similar to a black mamba. Body length 2-3 meters. The number of people bitten is small, because it prefers arid and uninhabited places, feeding on rodents and frogs. The character is aggressive, but the snake warns of an attack by making false attacks.

When attacking, it raises the front part of the body and rushes, plunging sharp and large canines of 1.5 cm. The secret, getting into the blood, forms blood clots, clogging the arteries and veins.

Rapidly developing shortness of breath, ends with hemorrhage and paralysis. Serum must be injected immediately, otherwise a fatal outcome is guaranteed. Moreover, taking the drug will not at all exclude a long and intensive treatment.

The population of the species has taken root in Southeast Asia and Indonesia. The meter-long reptile is activated at night, when it is difficult to see it. It even hunts for its fellows. Having noticed a person, he usually hides, but due to the large number of individuals, attempts still occur.

Often creeps into rural land and people's homes. Bright color helps to notice the intruder in time and avoid an unpleasant meeting. Its poison is 16 times stronger than that of a cobra.

The toxin damages the brain, causing convulsions and general paralysis. The worst thing is that the antidote does not always become a panacea and the victim dies after a few hours.

This rather thick three-meter reptile has chosen the Australian continent. Researchers make the snake one of the leaders in the list of the most dangerous killers. Attacks his own kind, without suffering from their poison. Having an irritable character, it flies in unexpectedly from an ambush and, holding the object, continues to inject a destructive mixture.

If the first attempt fails, an angry Mulga rushes in pursuit, repeatedly attacking the enemy. When you meet her, you need to freeze, because she is sensitive to movement.

From the bite of the brown king, paralysis and soft tissue necrosis develops. The situation is aggravated by the fact that it is difficult to find an antidote due to the difficulty of identifying the type of snake.

The victor in toxicity is a close relative of the Australian taipan, who is called cruel or fierce because of her absurd and frenzied disposition. A single dose of 400 mg can kill 100 people. The danger of the substance exceeds 10 times the venom of a rattlesnake and 50 times that of a cobra. To great joy, this creature leads a secretive way of existence, so no deaths were recorded.

In the waters of Southeast Asia and Northern Australia, there is a creature that has surpassed all land snake records. Milligrams of its poisonous composition will kill 1000 adult men.

It calms down the fact that the individual is peaceful and does not hunt people. There are stories about fishermen who caught it in a net with fish, or about tourists who decided to hold a beautiful snake in their hands, but even then it did not take advantage of it, but made a fictitious bite without using a secret.

The consequences of a poisonous snake attack depend on the affected area, the person's weight, timely assistance and concomitant diseases. The fact that their toxin is widely used in medicine speaks in favor of reptiles. Taking it, people are already killing reptiles, because they spend huge energy costs to produce poison.