The name of Stas, the value of which is translated as "to become glorious", has a whole and completely Polish origin. Let's talk about it in more detail.

What is it, the name of Stas: value for a child

In childhood, Stasik does not have serious problems with his health, but parents should care his nervous system, because due to strong stress or fright, the child can start stuttering. Allergic reactions to certain drugs are possible.

The character of a little statty is quite complicated. His parents will have to be surprised at the behavior of their children many times, because the child will seek his at any cost: hysteria or donkey stubbornness. Therefore, before calling a newborn, think if he needs the name Stas!

The meaning of the name in youth

In this carefree period of life, Stanislav may well block firewood. This is a very audacious young man who does not recognize his wrong with any pretext. He is a lover of constant fights and conflict. At this age, for Stas, it is not uncommon and drives to the police. The guy is quite in love, so it is pretty early to lead a sex life.

What does the name of Stas in adult life mean?

The guy has many different character traits capable of bringing anyone. He is irritable and nervous, he constantly wants to blame his guilt on someone else. Despite such temperament, Stanislav is very difficult to accept those or other solutions. This is his weakness that he will never show anyone.

As in his youth, in adulthood, Stas is extremely stubborn and the nassenger. He has no matter before thinking about him. On this guy almost impossible to influence.

The mystery of the name of Stas.

Despite all of the above, Stanislav is difficult to call a frivolous and irresponsible person. The fact is that it is just a mask. In fact, Stas is perfectly aware of everything, understands what he needs, and what - no. Here it is the mystery of his name!

In this regard, it is impossible to argue that Stanislava has a fully negative character. On the contrary, the man is very kind and generous. Such as he is called "wide natura". Stas - Merchant and Balagen, soul of any company. This is an incorrigible amateur entertainment, light money and beautiful women.

Of course, Stas can be called a narcissistic egoist, but certainly not a stingy man. This is used by lovers of "freebies", and the poor Stas suffers. He needs to learn to recognize Darmogrades and Sglebts who constantly use it for their own purposes. By the way, Stanislava - stylish and fashionable guys. That's it - the name of Stas!

Name name in marriage

Stanislav comes into marriage more often by love than by calculating. He takes a proven woman to his wife, because he wants to stay with her for life. A man is a fair owner, and such expressions, like "my wife", "My car", "My Home", are not rare for him.

That is why the spouses of Stanislavov are most often becoming the good and quiet women. It is understandable: with a Yellow feminist Stas Stas never sees! He loves his wife, however often acts as a regular quarrel instigator. For forgiveness, he always asks first.

Name Stanislav has Slavic roots. It came from Poland, where his etymology is directly related to such values \u200b\u200bas "Reliable Stan", "Nice Fortress". In the history of ancient Russia, Stanislav is often mentioned - the son of Vladimir Great. Thanks to the prince, the name has become popular: often they called the descendants of royal people and nobility. After some time about the name they were forgotten - only in the Middle Ages, it returned to everyday life.


The meaning of the name of Stas for the boy is dual. On the one hand, the baby seems soft and kind, on the other - it is distinguished by a complex and controversial character. Little Statsik is already in the nursery demonstrates selfishness and pride. It hurts any bad word, a look, criticism or instruction curve. Because of this, the boy often conflicts with peers, falls into fights and even himself is their instigator.

Parents will be difficult to raise from the capricious and stubborn baby worthy of a man. It will be necessary to make a lot of effort to teach Stas to equilibrium, restraint, control over emotions. At a young age, he brings a mom and dad a lot of trouble and problems. The boy requires constant attention, he spends a lot of time in the company of adults, whose interested in adopting manners and features. Elders need to be neat, follow the words and actions, otherwise the baby will copy all the negative sides of their character. Statsik has a very low self-esteem, so education in it is confidence - another prerogative of parents.


The meaning of the Stas is reflected on the character of an adult. He really becomes an impregnable fortress, in which it is uniquely reigning and manages. A man is very arrogant, he is able to go on his heads to his goal. The main negative trait is egoism and even narcissism. He never confesses his mistakes. It is easier to hang out your own mistakes to the environment, society, a difficult era, a crisis, but not on yourself a beloved and beloved. Often it flashes like a match, when there are no special reasons for this. Paradoxically, but in that situation, when the reaction is really necessary, it remains calm and indifferent.

Among the positive qualities of Stanislav, I want to highlight his stunning sense of humor, wit, generosity. He is ready to give the last shirt to help the comrade. In any company, this person is in the center of attention: he is a melagen and merry. Close people notice that under the mask of the pride hidden the waters of the soul. A man is afraid to look weak in the eyes of society, therefore builds a conflict and self-sufficient type.


Before calling the baby, the parents are far from always take into account the meaning of Stas for the boy. And the fate of the Son is influenced by a certain energy. The love side of life is no exception: Stas loves to be in the center of women's attention, he is experiencing an unearthly pleasure, seeing the crowd of fans. By the way, he has a lot of them: the girls "peck" on his jokes, the atmosphere of the holiday, which he skillfully creates around his person. But all their disappointment is waiting for them, since a man does not want to sacrifice the freedom for a long time for a serious relationship.

Deciding to finally capitulate, Stas in relations can become unbearable. His main enemies - the desire for attention and pride - will prevent him to devote the life of a single woman. The chosen will suffer from constant change, flirting, signs of special attention, which he generously dispersed to everyone without exception to the representatives of the weak gender. But if Stanislav is lucky to fall in love with a real one, he will become a real knight for his second half - faithful and romantic.

A family

If the marriage is created on such fertile soil as love, the Stanislav will be very happy. Some time. Unfortunately, here the meaning of the name is manifested with the negative side. Stas quickly cool and begins to bend its line: it can turn into a tyrant, because it does not make initiatives, it is not considered a stranger opinion, does not suffer disobedience. Often a woman is not able to withstand such a pressure, so often the first marriage breaks down. And only becoming quite mature, taking experience and learning patience, Stanislav can create a strong family: the second attempt is successful.

For a man, the family is another method of self-affirmation. Therefore, the best option for him will be a modest, kind and flexible girl. Ladies with such character see the defender in him, so it is unquestioning to fulfill its orders and requirements. As for the financial side of the issue, there are no equal in this business. His house is a full bowl. He knows how to earn, lead the economy and multiply capital. With children, a man is strict but friendly. Heirs respect him and love.

Sexy life

Intimate life for a man becomes a source of inspiration, joy, happiness. It is located almost in the first place in the hierarchy of his life values. Sex in his representation is a whole mystery, which borders with a cult. He worship him and completely depends on him. The man likes the emotions, which he is experiencing during the process, sensual pleasure that he gets the body. If the partner comes across, ready to divide his addictions, to fulfill the desires and give him a true passion, then Stas will remain true. He will try to open his girlfriend to the end, drawing every day in proximity to her new emotions.

The meaning of Stas makes a man's reliable rear: the second half is sure that it is behind the stone wall. The spouse will run home with flowers and gifts - it is not only the process of physical enjoyment itself, but also the period preceding him. Seeing the joyful chosen eyes when she unfolds the next present, he gets a gamma of the incomparable sensations. You can even say that it excites him.


On professional activity, the meaning of the name is also reflected: Stas is endowed with creative talents, it is absolutely not interested in the "men's" scope of interest - sports, cars, technique. Therefore, it can perfectly realize the potential in show business, acting skills, journalism. From it will be a gifted musician and an extraordinary artist. Something strange, Stanislav lacks the rootality to move along the career ladder. But if a devotee and an understanding person who is capable of stimulating and directing him, he will become successful and even famous.

Work Stanislav usually chooses such where constant communication with people is provided. He loves activity, loves to solve questions and at the same time feel indispensable, special. Complicated character is imprinted on his relationship with colleagues: it often argues and provokes conflicts. Scandalous reputation prevents him from finding a vacancy and entrenched in positions. His service promotion often depends on the loyalty of the bosses.


The meaning of the name of the Stas for the child is closely connected with the physical condition of the body. From the very birth, the boy is stiff, it is subject to almost all diseases. Immunity from Stasik bad, he begins to hurt from the first day of life. Parents should carry out regular complete toddler surveys, as the nature of its organs are weak, so it is very important not to miss the development of chronic ailments. One of the weakest places is the throat and stomach. Angina can just torture the baby if not to take precautions.

Stanislav must be kept from drafts, avoid hypothermia. Cold drinks - under the ban, the same applies to food, which in an undressed form can cause problems with the digestive organs, and they are in the zone of increased risk. Stasika is recommended to take vitamins, food enzymes and fish oil. It is useful for its weak stomach and infusion of oats, which you need to drink three times a day after eating. You should take a habit of leading a healthy lifestyle: eat right, walk a lot and play sports. And not to be upset because of the trifles and to avoid stress as much as possible.

Angel Day is no less important than the meaning of the name. Stas Names celebrates only on a Catholic calendar: April 11, May 8, August 5 and November 13. In the Orthodox sacraticles, this name is absent, so representatives of this faith celebrate the holiday on that day when they were born. Interestingly, but Stanislava, born at different times of the year, are very different in nature. "Winter", for example, the most balanced, they are restrained and cold blooded. Such stases are closed, but the surrounding them admire. "Summer" men are pet pets. They love to silent money and shine in society. "Autumn" - wounded and touching, it is difficult for them to build relationships with women. "Spring" Stanislav love themselves. These are inborn leaders.

Stone-talisman for a man is a golden topaz, which is able to tighten the rage, expel anger and calm passion. He gives its owner optimism and happiness. The meaning of the name Stas with the zodiac sign is also closely connected. His patron constellation is dual and windy twins. There are not enough energy and cheerfulness to other signs, so Stanislava recommend calling boys born under the constellation of cancer, Virgin or Capricorn.

From Polish language, this strong and sonorous male name is translated as "to become glorious", and it is in this phrase that the basic meaning of the name Stanislav is concluded, the whole life of which is aimed at being noticed, stand out.

However, choosing the meaning of Stanislav for the boy, parents are most often guided by the sound that creates the impression of kindness and softness. True, at first glance, the baby gives the impression of a good, responsive child, but it is not quite so.

The meaning of the Stanislav for a child concludes in itself and not autumn good sides of the individual, such as excessive egoism, quick temper and slope. Little Statsik still in kindergarten shows his complex character. Any trifle, able to hurt the pride of this little man, causes a storm in it, and because of this, the boy will not only fall into fights, but often it is their instigator.

Also, the interpretation of the name implies capriciousness and stubbornness, so mom and dad will not be very easy to raise a decent man from the child, and will have to make the maximum of efforts and patience so that their son learned to control their emotionality.


Mussed Stas, if parents paid enough importance to education, will always be in the spotlight, and many girls will wish to see this person as their permanent partner. But, alas, a man is not particularly seeking to acquire family, and even just start friendly relations. This fact means that it gives its freedom and independence of great importance.

The main enemy in all the novels of Stas is a pride and desire for attention, because of which he simply cannot give himself a single woman. Therefore, if relationships and crush, they will crumble in dust from constant change and signs of attention, which he generously provides representatives of weak gender.

However, if he really will feel deep emotional experiences, the chosen will be dumbfounded rightly the "knight" behavior of the Uhager. He will tell it with original gifts, will make everything she admire and the guardian of Stas.

Relationships on this basis are tied quite strong, and often lead to marriage registration. But this person is likely to cool quickly, and therefore the first serious step in family life is often failing for him, since colossal egoism again leads to infidelity. But he does not give much to failure, and boldly moves further.

A family

Family for him is another way to assert themselves, and if the wife came across no downtry, then there will be no such relationship for a long time, as a man is trying to put himself with the master of the situation, and thus tyranny the recalcitable spouse.

Little girl will withstand such a pressure, so, by taking experience, Stas for the second time already more prolocably choose a life companion. Good and modest girls who see the defender in it most of all, and feel like a stone wall.

As for the financial page, he always adheres to the principles of savings, so there is always money in the house, which he attaches great importance, and the economy is just wonderful. Children treats strictly but friendly than their respect and love deserves.

Business and Career

On the predisposition to certain types of activity, postponing the desire to be in sight and show yourself. Therefore, it chooses such where you need to communicate with people, be active, and solve important questions.

With such a complex character, he may well begin to get acquainted with colleagues from the scandal, which means it is often a chance that it is difficult to find a job, and consolidation in a permanent position depends on the loyalty of the bosses.

Entrepreneurship, independence - what Stas strives, and what makes special importance. He loves to command, but because of unnecessary egoism makes it not very skillfully, therefore it will be the head of a small business, with a small number of subordinate causes.

The origin of the name of Stanislav.

The origin of the name Stanislav is ancient-Slavic, which came to Russia from Poland. In the area where this word happened, his etymology is associated with the meaning of the "glorious fortress", "reliable mill".

The history of ancient Russia mentions Stanislav Vladimirovich, who was the son of Vladimir Saint, whose name entered the name of the ruling dynasties. The great mystery name is that it was forgotten in Russia for a long time, despite the named so royal people, and returned to the use of only in the Middle Ages.

Characteristic named after Stanislav

The energy side of the consonance of letters in the name implies significant excitability and activity, and it is at this that the main characteristic of the name Stanislav is based. No matter how calm and thoughtful did not bring parents the parents so much, the character will take its own, and in adulthood will fully reveal his pros and cons.

The main negative quality is egoism bordering narcissism. This man is so in love with himself, it is easier to blame another mistakes than to look for a problem in yourself, beloved.

Many people like wit and the ability to sarcamu of this person, so even in the most unfriendly company, a man will be the center of attention, as it attaches great importance to notice.

But, oddly enough, under the mask of porch and self-confession is hiding very gentle, the waters of nature, which is so afraid to show its weakness, which is necessary to establish conflict and unpleasant type. The approach to Stas needs to choose a special. The main thing is not to touch the sensitive strings of the soul with a negligent attitude, and then a great friend ready to roll the mountains, provided.

Mystery name

  • Stone - Rhinestone.
  • Name Day - April 11, May 8, August 5, September 18 and November 13 (only on a Catholic calendar).
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign - twins.

Famous people

  • Stanislav Yarushin - Russian showman, actor, TV presenter.
  • Stanislav Ladnikov - actor theater and cinema from Russia.
  • Stanislav Sadalsky is a famous actor of the Soviet Union and Russia.

Different languages

The translation of the name Stanislav is found in many languages, and it sounds about the same as the Russian analogue, but it is very interesting how the name is translated into Spanish and Portuguese-Estanislao and Estinislau, respectively. In German, this word also sounds original: Panislaus.

In Chinese, the name is written using Pinin transcription - 斯坦尼斯拉夫, and is readable -sītǎnnísīlāfū - a satannisilaf. And in Japanese - 有名 なる, which matters - to become glorified, and read by Yumeinar.

Forms name

  • Full name - Stanislav.
  • Derivatives, diminishing, abbreviated and other options - (list) - Stas, Stasik, Stasyushka, Staska, Stanislav, Slavka, Glory.
  • Declination of the name - (2-3 decline) - Stanislav, Stanislav.
  • Church name in Orthodoxy - Vyacheslav, Stakh.

d.R.: 1936-03-29

Version 1. What does the name Stanislav mean

Stanislav - from Polish. Glorious.

Derivatives: Stanislavka, Female, Misa, Glory, Slavuna, Slosently.


Stanislav - at first glance, a frivolous, lightweight, even an empty man. But this impression is deceptive.

Actually clearly knows what he wants; He is ambiguous and proud, his own well-being for him is above all. Success is the purpose of his life, while in the struggle "For place under the Sun" Stanislav merciless to rivals. In his personal life, he is very softer, generous, ready for self-sacrifice, despite the egoism inherent in him. Constancy in love and loyalty once chosen fate - his credo.

d.R: 1951-08-08

Version 2. What does the name Stanislav mean

Fate is not easy. Unbalanced, soft, but capricious, nervous (can break down), but depart. Not adapted to life. They have many random friends who will not refuse to drink for someone else's account. Stubborn, love to travel, collect.

Possess an extraordinary fantasy. Become artists, cinematographers, artists or doctors, engineers, teachers.

Love children, animals. Responsive; Married usually twice. If children have, then from the first marriage of girls, from the second boys. Predisposed to alcoholism. Despite everyone capable of act.

d.R.: 1974-05-20

3 version of the meaning of Stanislav

1. Personality. Secret Flowers of Earth.

2. Character. 89%.

3. Radiation. 95%.

4. Vibration. 78,000 heating / s.

5. Color. Purple.

6. Basic features. Susceptibility - sexuality - sociability - intelligence.

7. Totem plant. Orange tree.

8. Toten animal. Camel.

9. Sign. Capricorn.

10. Type. Hidden, indecisive, with a difficult character. Choleric, constantly staying in a boiling state - only one cycle passes, as another suitable. Only nice sides of life appreciate.

11. Psychic. Such people need communication, although they themselves live a rich inner life. Do not affect others, often just stubborn.

12. Will. Prevails over other traits of character, but manifests itself too selectively. It happens that these people are manked in their duties to completely surrender to some secondary hobbies.

13. Imagination. It only serves to tell them in all colors to tell about their real or imaginary adventures.

14. Reaction rate. High. Love contradicts, their favorite word is "no". The failures react calmly, do not be angry, they do not see their guilt, considering that others are obeyed in their failures.

15. Field of activity. May be merchants, mining engineers, farmers, military doctors, veterinarians. They like to be in the thick of life, the profession is chosen without any problems, as they know what they want from the young age.

16. Intuition. It borders with the foresight, although these people are more guided by reason than the sixth sense.

17. Intellect. Strong, but somewhat superficial. Tell to generalizations, solve the problem as a whole, without going into details. Stanislav loves to speak with speeches and reports.

18. susceptibility. Too often consume the word "mine": "My wife", "my car", "My home" ... are somewhat despotic, they believe that everything around belongs to them. The family has great importance for them.

19. Morality. Behave cautiously. But nevertheless, these men are not very reliable ... they are opportunists that adapt to circumstances.

20. Health. Surprisingly excellent. However, they should not be forgotten about the liver and therefore it is impossible to abuse alcohol. It is possible to allergic to antibiotics.

21. Sexuality. They have unlimited needs, they are always ready to enter a love relationship to put out their heat. In sexual life - always very stormy and early starting - go to the goal, just ending with troubles.

22. Activity. There is a huge difference between what they want to do and what they tell everyone in a row, and what they actually do.

23. Sociability. They are funny interlocutors, love to eat in a circle of friends.

24. Conclusion. These men do everything for their own comfort, looking for light and pleasant life, besides too self-confident, and in general Stanislav are very cute and cute people.

d.R: 1935-01-25

4 version of the interpretation of the name Stanislav

Stanislav is very kind. But his life path is often predetermined by other character qualities - perseverance, stubbornness, nervousness.

Failure is manifested even in communication with loved ones. Culders and cuts with enemies. Does not tolerate dependencies, does not make any restrictions.

Stanislav opposes every coercion, too independent. From youth and to mature age constantly conflicts with everyone, who has a different opinion. Chooses most often the profession of engineer, doctor, police officer. It is often dismissed due to psychological incompatibility with the boss or colleagues. Stanislav and himself am not happy with his complex nature, but it is as if the demon pushes by the fox, he climbs into a dog, and it is impossible to keep it. He is proud, high opinion about himself. However, despite such major troubles seeks success in life. True, all this can lead to stress and infarction.

d.R: 1909-03-06

5 version of the meaning of Stanislav

Stanislav- "Become a glorious" (Polish)

He has a relatively good health from early childhood. But still you should remember the liver - do not abuse alcohol and fatty food. There may be allergies to antibiotics. It is necessary to protect the nervous system, stomach. Inclined to stutter.

Often unreasonable, his nerves like stretched strings. Irritable, but at the same time compliant. Responsive. Non-well, mistakes pursue him. In love in love, but the flirta does not go. His weakness is beautiful women. Indecisive, which thoroughly hides. He is not easy.

Stanislav - choleric, constantly located in the process of boiling. Appreciates only the pleasant sides of life. He needs communication with people. Lives a rich inner life. It is not amenable to someone else's influence, it is often stubborn. Will is the brightest feature of its character, but manifests itself only in extreme cases. He is self-confident. It is able to come true with his cherished dreams, completely moving away to secondary hobbies. I excit, but only if you need to tell about your adventures, the adventures of friends, cheer the public. Quickly reacts to what is happening, loves to contradict. The failure reacts calmly, not angry. But if anything does not work, does not consider itself guilty, someone else is always guilty.

The profession chooses himself. May be an excellent entrepreneur, merchant, agriculture, military doctor, veterinarian. He needs to have close contact with reality - hence the choice of the path. From the young age, Stanislav already knows what will occur in the future. It cannot be said that he has no intuition, but it takes the nature of the forebod. However, he is guided by a cup of reason than the sixth sense. It has intelligence. He has a synthetic warehouse of the mind. Prefers to solve the problem in general, not delivered into the details. An excellent speaker, which gives pleasure if you shine with eloquence.

Stanislav of an extraordinary force Owner: "My wife", "My car", "My idea" and so on - his favorite sayings. Somewhat despoted, believes that everything around belongs to him. It is offended if someone does not understand him, although he himself does not even try to understand others. Morality occupies not the last place in the hierarchy of human values, but not the first. It is not very reliable in relations with women. Easily adapts to circumstances, but always remembers the morality and the rules of decency.

Sexuality of it is limitless. He is always ready to join in touch to stroke his desire. In sexual life - very violent and started pretty early - alive goes to the goal, which often leads it to the problems of psychological. There is a deep gap between what he wants to do and what does it really do.

And in general, it is a pretty, charming and cute man. He is a sociable, cheerful and witty interlocutor. Loves delicious food, treat friends. Cares about its own comfort, looking for light and pleasant life.

"Winter" Stanislav - a humorist, clever, quite found. Not always correctly correct, it happens to quickly. This is an architect, designer, head.

"Autumn" - a more balanced man, charming, impresses with its delicacy, excellent upbringing. It is better to work as a businesswoman, an economist, an entrepreneur. The name comes to patches:

Valerevich, Petrovich, Viktorovich, Mikhailovich, Valentinovich, Sergeevich, Mironovich, Alekseevich.

"Summer" - carefree merry, is an incorrigible female adtention, a fan of sexual adventure.

"Spring" Stanislav - windy, seductive. Much time pays for its appearance. Painly tolerate love failures. And the "summer" and "spring" Stanislav is best manifest itself as an artist, a teacher, artist, director. The name is suitable for patches: Rubenovich, Alexandrovich, Kazimirovich, Stepanovich, Dmitrievich, Timurovich.

d.R: 1921-09-12

polish writer, science fiction, philosopher, publicist, futurologist

6 Version Value name Stanislav

Stanislav - Slavious (Polish).


Planet - Uranus.

Color - gray blue.

A favorable tree is ash.

The cherished plant is Narcississ.

Patter name - Shepherd.

Stone Talisman - Mountain Crystal.


Stanislav laughs above the life difficulties, which creates the impression of irresponsibility and frivolity. But it is only visibility. He knows very well what he wants, and even better - which does not want. Provides and alert in everything concerns their own success and well-being. In the desire for his own happiness, Stanislav is so selfish that he can merge everything that interferes with him towards the goal. This is an egoist, but not a meager. Shchedr, sharing everything. The capricious Nature of Stanislav in the field of love shows completely different features: it is cautious and constant.

d.R.: 1922-04-21

soviet film director, screenwriter, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR

8 Version Value name Stanislav

Borrowed from Polish: Stanislav - to become glorious.

Stanislav is a somewhat psychopathic child, any price achieves his, stubborn and inconsistent.

And, although he is a kind person, these features prevent him all his life. He mustard, is not biased in the assessment of the established situation, does not always recognize his guilt.

He may have trouble with precinct, fights with peers. And he will be easily offended by the girl, since, without manifesting the necessary restraint, it will act rudely and straight.

Stanislav should not choose professions requiring unquestioned submission to the head. But both the team, where he will be a boss, will have to be not easy: it is difficult for him to please, it is not easy for a changing mood and a kind of mood and a kind of thoughts. However, the difficulties of character do not interfere with it to be wide and generous in kind. True, Stanislav often does not know the measures, and the mercenary people can take advantage.

Sometimes Stanislava will hear eccentrics, and this unlike others is not a game or rice - they really are. Even caressing for the future wife, Stanislav does it not as everything that can cause ridicule and teasing friends and acquaintances. Stanislav's wife is usually timid and stocked. With a stubborn and powerful woman, he does not get along. The wife usually applies well and often repents in their inconsistency. The wife sometimes suffers from the impracticality of her husband. Relations with parents of his wife are usually well.

Putting Stanislav is very moderate. Can surprise his wife completely unexpected for her gift. Moderate jealous. He should take care of his nerves and better not to get behind the car's wheel.

His marriage with Aurora, Aza, Borislav, Veronica, Westa, Elena, Larisa, Lily, Oksana, Rimma, Roxani, Tamara, Ella, Yulia, Yayan, will successfully. Marriage with Scarlet, Berth, Bogdanay, Valentina, Venus, Wet, Gella, Juliet, Evgenia, - Zinaida, Freak, Marina, Martha, Svetlana, Sofia, Christina - Will not be happy.

10 Version Value name Stanislav

Name Day named Stanislav

January 17, May 3, November 13,

Named person only alone is either a birthday party, or the first after a birthday

Famous people named Stanislav

d.R.: 1936-03-29

soviet and Russian actor, film director, screenwriter, public figure

d.R: 1951-08-08

russian actor theater and cinema, TV presenter, People's Artist of Georgia

d.R.: 1974-05-20

russian lawyer, human rights activist

d.R: 1935-01-25

soviet figure skater, coach, master of sports and honored coach of the USSR

d.R: 1909-03-06

polish satirik and poet, famous thanks to its factories

Having met a person under the two sign, take care of him: Most likely, you found a good friend, a mentor, and in some cases it is quite possible, a satellite of life. Do not hurry to judge a twice in a modest manner, because what inside, two opens away from everything.

The value of the letters in the name Stanislav

FROM - They are distinguished by stubbornness, unpredictability and leadership qualities. In their actions, you used to rely on logic and common sense. There are excessively emotional, and sometimes even capricious. They constantly wish to stand out from the gray mass. The partner may have overestimated requirements.

T. - People with the names that begin on this letter are comprehensively developed. They are wounded, sensitive and creative nature. Try to be in all fair. They have good intuition, well adapt to different conditions of the surrounding world. Create generosity.

BUT - Alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person in the name has this letter, he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual equilibrium. People whose name begins on "A", quite hard work. They love to show in all initiative and do not like Routine.

N. - Strong, volitional and decisive individuals. It is quite hardworking, but do not tolerate monotonous and boring work. Small, attractive, present critical thinking. A person chooses the chosen one for a long time, with whom he can live until the end of the days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

AND - A subtle mental organization, romanticism, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. The fair sex is paying a lot of attention to their appearance, and men focus on internal qualities. Lost success, they manage to achieve in science and work with people. Very economic and calculating.

L. - Artistic and inventive individuals. In actions prefer to be guided by logical thinking. Could be located to yourself. In rare cases, narcissists and neglect belong to other people. It is extremely difficult to partition with close people.

There are unnecessary capricious and require increased attention to their person.

IN - sociability, optimism, love for nature and art. People with the names that begin on "B" choose professions associated with creativity. They are excellent musicians, artists, fashion designers and writers. Despite passion, the partner's choice is extremely responsible and able to live all their lives with one person.

Name as phrase

  • FROM - Word
  • T. - firmly
  • BUT - Az (I, I, myself, myself)
  • N. - our (our, yours)
  • AND - and (association, combine, union, unity, one, together, "together with")
  • L. - People
  • IN - Vedi

Name Stanislav in English (Latin)


Filling the document in English, you should write the name first, then the middle name of Latin letters and then last name. Writing the name Stanislav in English may be needed with the application for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store and so on

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Meaning of the name

Stanislav - a man of energetic and cheerful, volitional and ambitious, sociable and open. At the same time, he lacks patience and loyalty to others who can annoy their qualities like harshness, narcissism and excessive talkativeness. Understanding this, Stas hides its negative qualities for a tough, coarse and impregnable person. At the same time, he does not seek to change and do work on mistakes, considering that it is easier to communicate with those who do not accept it as it is, what to adapt to someone's opinion. But much depends on what time a man was born with this name.

Characteristic of the name Stanislav (Stas)

Winter Stanislav It is balanced, restrained in statements, closed and cold. His life is shrouded in a halo of mysteriousness and mystery that manits women who are ready to solve this inaccessible man. Despite the fact that Stas enjoys high attention in women, he will never take advantage of this for mercenary purposes, because it considers such behavior unworthy and low. Winter Stanislav prompts the issue of building relationships, so there are no fleeting novels in his life, which do not oblige anything. Friends and colleagues, he enjoys respect and authority, listen to his wise advice, as they know that when making any decision, Stas is guided exclusively arguments of reason.

Spring Stanislav. - a born leader who does not recognize the authorities. This is a narcissistic and selfish man who loves first of all himself. He has practically no friends, because friendship is a disinterested concept, and Stas just doesn't do anything like that. In a relationship with the representatives of a beautiful gender, he cared and Galanten, but only until that time when he wishes everything. Spring Stanislav needs a tricky and at the same time a volitional woman who will constantly keep it in a tone, applying any methods for this: an intake mystery, jealousy. But is you needed by such a woman Stas? That is the question.

Summer Stanislav. - Sincerely, open and sociable. This is a pet of any company, because his life and a wonderful sense of humor can only be envied. This is a devotee friend who will come to the rescue at any time, hears and will help. Only here is the chief of the Summer Stanislav, hardly like the fact that these men have always had, there will be in the first place. At the same time, women are bribed in Stas generosity, attentiveness, care and romanticism. But in any way, stability is important, especially if a man and a woman think about creating a family, namely Stanislav stability to promise.

Autumn Stanislav Throw, sensitive and touching. He takes a close to heart and any trouble, sharply surviving them. Therefore, the support of loved ones is vital for him, otherwise he can block and burn out from everyone. Relationships with women are not easy for him, despite the fact that he is soft, calm and caring. Women in the autumn Stanislav lack character hardness and male rod. It is not surprising that often the Stas chooses a woman with a strong character, which becomes continuously authority in the family, while Stanislav is given the role of a dumb bendable.

Stone - Talisman

Rhinestone, Malachite and Jasper - Stanislav Talismans.


This is a symbol of purity of thoughts and innocence, true virtue and modesty, spirit forces, wisdom and intelligence.

In the Christian tradition, Crystal was identified with the Virgin Mary, because it does not radiate light, but at the same time he sparkles, thereby encountered with the flow of divine light.

In magic, rhinestone is used as one of the communication channels with the other world (by analogy with a mirror, water, fire). In addition, it is believed that this rock is capable of strengthening the gift of clairvoyance. And if you put a crystal under the pillow, you can not only get rid of nightmarish dreams, but also see the prophetic dream.

It should be remembered that the properties of rock crystal are largely dependent on its breed.

Smoky crystal awakens fantasy, but can distort the idea of \u200b\u200bexisting realities.

Crystal with opaque inclusions resembling a needle, attracts love and happiness to the personal life of their owner.


Malachit sincecore called the desires of the fulfillment, and his green color was identified with life and energy. In addition, this stone gives charm and charm, strengthens the gift of eloquence, helps to reach harmony with the outside world.

The Egyptians and Greeks believed that the wearing malachite contributes to the adoption of the right decision.

In Europe, Malachite was read as a stone that protects against damage and the evil eye foreshadowing the troubles (so if the stone split into pieces should be waiting for troubles).


Yasma neutralizes a negative impact, which turns out to be outside, warns of danger and protects against accidents and troubles, evil eye and damage. Interestingly, the stone protects not only the owner of the talisman from Jasper, and his loved ones.

In addition, this stone symbolizes beauty, power, perfection, material wealth and elegance, longevity and self-development.

Jasper - mascot of people engaged in mental activity, so it is recommended to store products with this stone in the office or on the desktop. In addition to obtaining new knowledge and enlightenment, Jasper contributes to the acquisition of courage and purposefulness.

The Bible states that Jasper is one of the 12 sacred stones adorning the pinion of the high priest, as it personifies the sky, peace and human transformation.

Red Yashma Protects against the negative influence of ill-wishers, and the stone does not just neutralize such an impact, but returns it to the one who lowered it.

Green Yashma It helps to establish relationships with others, as well as restore sincere equilibrium.

Brown Yashma Promotes peace of mind, helps to focus and get rid of the illusions that prevent a firm tread to go to the goal.

Multicolored Yashma It will help to survive difficult times, adapt to new life circumstances, take a difficult decision. Also, the multicolored stone contributes to the development and manifestation of the creative potential of its owner.


Gray, blue, green and brown - happy colors for Stanislav (more about the meaning of these colors can be read in the article "The influence of the sign of the zodiac and the color name for a person's life").



Uranus and Mercury - planets, patronizing Stanislav (about the fact that such a patronage promises, it is possible to read in the article "Elements, planets and numbers in a person's life").



Animal - symbol

Camel and dog - Stanislav symbols.


The camel is a symbol of strength, hard work, power, excerpts and perseverance in overcoming vital difficulties. It is believed that a pair of one-burner camels protects finances, while the pair of dugorby provides cash flow and material stability.

In the east, the camel symbolizes the dignity, respect, constancy, greatness, whereas in Asia countries are humility, endurance, abstinacy, moderation and unpretentiousness.

At the same time, this animal can personify difficult character, fasting, arrogance and vanity, which is due to a constantly high-raised camel head and its predetermined look. Also, the camel personifies with lust and depravity, rage and insensitivity. Black camel - a symbol of unexpected death and murder.

The camel often goes on his knees, which served as a reason to identify this habit of the prayer body position, humility and repentance.


The dog is a dual symbol carrying both positive and negative qualities. On the one hand, this animal personifies loyalty, frankness, courage, courage, fecundity, vigilance, reliability, security, and on the other - anger, aggression, egoism and war.

In Egypt, Greece, India and many other cultures, the dog guarded the entrance to the afterlife.

In the Middle Ages, this animal was identified with married faith.

In Russia, according to the church interpretation, the dog was considered a symbol of gravily and sinful beginnings, sexuality and shamelessness.

In Islam, the dog is a dark symbol that personifies the unclean power, but at the same time helping people.

Many cultural traditions identify a dog with fiction, cunning, dexterity, quirky and well-being.


Cleaner and Narcissus - Plants-symbols of Stanislav.


This plant symbolizes the source of life, revival, fertility, longevity and immortality. It is believed that Crohn, the trunk and the roots of the ash join the heaven, the earth, as well as the underworld. In addition, the ash personifies the unity of opposites, strength and invincibility.

In England, the ashes - a sacred tree, cut down and break which is impossible if you do not want to stick to myself.

The ash is considered a tree that can help understand the purpose of man on earth, reinforcing the gift to clairvoyance, allowing to look into the future. However, ash helps only people with pure thoughts. Also ash acts as a binder between the world of earth and heaven, between spiritual and material.

In many cultures, the ash was used as a magic attribute, because precisely from the wood of this plant was made by fortuneful runes and all sorts of magic charms, an instrument to combat the unclean power.


This is a symbol of self-love, egoism and unhappy love. The basis of such a symbolism lay down the legend of Narcissus - the beautiful young man who fell in love with his reflection in the stream. I failed to cope with the love of our own beauty and tear away from your reflection, it turned into a flower. In addition, it was Narcissy who rejected the hot nymph hotly by the name of Echo, as a result of which Narcissus flower became the personification of unfortunate unrequited love.

But there is a flower and positive symbolism, denoting the revival associated with the arrival of spring, fertility and chivalry. Interestingly, the fact that in antiquity it was believed that Narcissus helps to find love and family happiness, so the flower was used everywhere in love magic.

In the Christian tradition of Narcissus - the symbol of the victory of Christ over death, the personification of purity and revival.

In Islam, this flower is of particular importance: Muslims believe that bread is food for the body, and Narcissus is for the soul.

In ancient Rome, yellow daffodils symbolized victory and heroism, in China - immortality and a new beginning, in Japan - purity, and in Germany - love and happy marriage.


Silver - Stanislav symbol, personifying family well-being, material well-being, purity of thoughts, innocence, nobility, peace and peace, faith, hope and wisdom.

It is believed that silver can accumulate and store the emotions of its owner, as well as warn him about diseases: so, if silver, wearing a body, darkened, should pay attention to the work of its body and get rid of negative experiences.

Favorable day



Origin of the name Stanislav (Stas)

Translation name

From the Polish language, the name Stanislav translates as "Reliable Stan", "Become a glorious" or "nice fortress."

History name

The name Stanislav has Slavic roots, and it came to us from Poland, where popular and now, only this emphasis is placed on the second syllable. The name is from two bases: "Stan" and "Slav", which means "to become glorious", "famous". In Russia, the name Stanislav proudly wore the son of Vladimir Great. It is thanks to the prince of Stanislav, this name has become popular among the descendants of royal blood and nobility.

But with the arrival of Christianity, the name Stanislav was practically ousted out of everybody, since it was considered anti-Religious. The situation has changed only after the 1917 revolution, when the church was separated from the state.

Forms (Analogs) name

The most common features of the name Stanislav are most common: Stas, Glory, Slavuna, Female, Slavoka, Slavka, Slosently, Stanislavka, Slavka, Stanislavushka, Stanislavka, Stasyan, Stashek, Stasylan, Stasik, Stasyuk, Stasyuk, Stasyuk.

Secret named after Stanislav (Stas)

Patrons name

In Orthodox sacraments, there is no name Stanislav. Catholics worship the saints named Stanislav on April 11, May 8, August 5 and November 13.

Famous people

Famous political figures named Stanislav:

  • Stanislav Augustus is understood - the last king of Poland, the beloved Catherine is great;
  • Stanislav I Leshchinsky - Polish King and Grand Duke Lithuanian;
  • Stanislav Pototsky - Polish commander, state and military leaders;
  • Stanislav Vaupshasov - Soviet intelligence officer.

Famous art figures named Stanislav:

  • Stanislav Govorukhin - Russian film director;
  • Stanislav Rostotsky - a film director who shot such films as "live to Monday", "and dawns here are quiet";
  • Stanislav Negauz - Soviet pianist;
  • Stanislav Plutenko - a modern Russian artist;
  • Stanislav Matsura - Czech conductor.

Famous Writers named Stanislav:

  • Stanislav Lem - Polish science fiction writer, author of the famous book "Solaris";
  • Stanislav Hezhi Lts - Polish poet, philosopher and Satiri writer;
  • Stanislav Reedsadin is a literary critic and literary critic from the Pleiads "Sixties".

Famous actors named Stanislav:

  • Stanislav Sadalsky - Russian actor;
  • Stanislav Yarushin;
  • Stanislav Madznikov;
  • Stanislav Churkin is a Russian actor and deacon of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Famous athletes named Stanislav:

  • Stanislav Donets - Russian Swimmer;
  • Stanislav Hotels - Russian football player;
  • Stanislav Kovalev - Russian figure skater.

Famous performers named Stas:

  • Stas Mikhailov;
  • Stas Pieha;
  • Stas Kostyushkin.

Name name Stanislav (Stas)

For a child

Little Stanislav has a difficult character. On the one hand, he gives the impression of a soft, good and calm child, whereas with the other - often exhibits selfishness and narcissism. Therefore, parents have to adapt to the mood of their children, in order to once again avoid hysteria. Capricious and stubborn Stas reacts sharply to any comments and criticism in his address, because of which he often has conflicts not only with peers, but also with their parents.

Parents Stanislav will have to make maximum effort to raise patience in Buntar, restraint and self-criticality. At the same time, it is important to understand the reasons for such behavior, which may not be self-confidence, not children's stubbornness, but insecurity. Not knowing how to earn respect for the peers and do not seem as a weaknik, Stanislav chooses the path of aggression: if they are afraid, then, respect, this boy is being built by the principle.

A student from Stanislav is quite mediocre. He always performs homework, responsible if it is called to the board (pride does not allow him to be among the worst students of the class), but he does not show initiatives regarding study. He is not interested in everything that is happening, the good marks do not motivate him. His mounted other areas of life: Sport, Design, Theater, Music. All that makes it possible to plunge into another world with their special rules. His real passion is a book, on the pages of which he will know the world together with the heroes of works, learns to love, hate and fight for justice. And it is very important here that Stas read the right books in which good wins evil.

For a teenager

Hard teenager - so you can characterize the young Stanislav, who is shealing his energy to prove its superiority, and he does it often through fists. He is not interested in communicating with peers, so he turns friendship with older people, but not always such friendship carries positive moments. Parents Stanislav must pay him a maximum of attention so that he does not get into a bad company.

Stanislav withered and straightline, he gladly fools over others, but absolutely does not know how to perceive the jokes in his address, so it is not easy to communicate with him. Stubbornishness and selfie can also play a young joke with a young joke, because life is not a battlefield, but the ability to compromise, not only with others, but with himself. Youth maximalism in Stanislav manifests itself very acutely, which entails a lot of mistakes that could easily be avoided by raising such qualities as patience, calm and tolerance. Independence and autonomy are good features of character, but not when they are transformed into self-alignment, egoism and arrogance.

This young man does not endure loneliness, which makes him think about the fact that the lack of loved ones, ready to divide joy and sorrows with him, it is exclusively his fault. And Stanislav does not know how to recognize his mistakes. At the same time, this soft and kind guy with a rich inner world, in which he is afraid to let anyone, fearing betrayal and deception. He knows how to take the attacks of fate and go out of difficult situations with proudly raised head, but in building relationships prefers to adhere to the principle: I am always right, and this is a deliberately false and unpromising path.

For a man

With age, Stanislav's stubbornism is transformed into perseverance and perseverance, and selfishness in responsiveness and readiness to help. Mortification, this man understands that the ability to listen and find common denominators helps to destroy many walls and reach harmony with himself and the world around. He works a lot on himself, raising restraint and calm. Stanislav will not impose his opinion, but also his views is hardly changed.

Many Stas may seem closed and cold, but in fact it is a wounded man who takes failures and trouble close to heart, although he never will show it anyone. At the same time, the skill of the Stanislav laugh at life peripetias is perceived by others as irresponsibility and frivolity, which is absolutely not true.

Stanislav pays too much attention to the issues of material wealth, and in the desire for career altitudes and financial well-being, he often forgets that happiness cannot be built on the misfortune of others. On the way to a cherished goal in any situation should be to remain a sincere and honest person, for whom the word "dignity" is not a blank sound.

In the event that Stanislav cannot cope with his egoism and narcissism, it will not learn to reckon with someone else's opinion and will not cease to blame everyone, except for himself, he is waiting for loneliness and disappointment in life, in friendship, in women.

Description of the name Stanislav (Stas)


Current Stanislav can not be called a person of honor, because if necessary, he can sacrifice such concepts as justice and honesty for the achievement of his goal. This man knows how to adapt perfectly to any circumstances.


Stanislava has a weak immunity because it is subject to all sorts of infectious and colds, so it should be avoided drafts and supercooling. Proper nutrition, healthy lifestyle and avoiding stress will help strengthen the immunity.


For Stanislav, freedom and independence remain the main life priorities for a long time, therefore, he does not seek a serious relationship, although it enjoys a wonderful sex at the representatives of the wonderful sex due to the fun Mella and halanery. They interfere with this man to arrange a personal life and such qualities as narcissism and narcissism: Stas pays more attention to itself and its interests than his second half, which sooner or later leads to a break of relationships. And while he does not learn not only to take, but also to give warm, love and care, harmony in his personal life he does not see.

But! If Stanislav falls in love with a truly, his chief is waiting for a truly fabulous story of love with a prince and all the consequences arising from here. Stas will turn into a gallant, causing, caring and gentle man, ready for his beloved for any feats.

It is not easy to keep Stas, it is only a patient, soft, compliant and wise woman who surrongs himself a halo of mysteriousness and mystery, which will allow to support the fire of love and passion. It is also very important to praise Stanislav and admire his successes. And, of course, the elect of this man should be bright, interesting and communicable, it should be that life fire that feeds not only her, but and others.


Stanislav marries either too early in his first love (and in this case, the marriage is rarely happy and long), or quite late on a calm and balanced woman who can adapt to the mood of his capricious spouse and who knows how to forgive his mistakes and misses. At the same time, it is important for Stas that his chosen is cheerful, cheerful and volition at the same time. But with a powerful and ambitious woman, this man is not seated, because it will feel too acute to feel the spirit of rivalry.

It must be said that often the reason for the divorces of Stanislavov becomes not their inability and unwillingness to compromise, but infidelity. Unfortunately, the fire of love in the heart of Stas goes out as quickly as ignited. And for the sake of children, this man will not keep the family and live with an unloved woman.

Family relationships

Stanislav is hard to call a beautiful family man. Yes, he knows how to provide his family, he is attentive and caring towards his wife and children, but still the family for him is another method of self-affirmation. He immediately builds his borders, whose violation is fraught with quarrels and scandals. Stas's wife should clearly understand that independence and freedom for this man will always come first. About their leadership ambitions in the family of the Farm of Stanislav will also have to forget.

Stanislav is a real owner, zealous to everything owns, including his beloved woman who should be prepared for the fact that the husband can ask her to devote himself to completely arrange a family hearth, forgetting about career growth. In return, he will give her care and attention, affection and tenderness.

Emotional Stas may be unrestrained and hot-tempered, with which it will have to fight and put up his spouse that should have patience and tranquility. In relation to children, he is caring, but at the same time strict, which does not prevent love and respect him as a father.


The intimate side of life for Stanislav is a separate topic, because this favorite women knows their price and is not shy to enjoy increased attention to their person. Sex for Stas is a source not only physical pleasure, a and spiritual inspiration. This is a kind of sacral action to which they are preparing, who are waiting for which they crave. And if the elect of Stas is not ready to participate with him in this amazing mystery, then you can not wait for it.

Stanislav will be faithful to the one that will be ready for sexual experiments and innovations, for which the intimate side of the issue in relations with a man occupies one of the first positions.

Mind (intelligence)

Stanislav has a synthetic warehouse of the mind, while he lacks patience and desire to look deep into the problem, so his judgments can be superficial.


Stanislava's ability to adapt to any circumstances, discipline and ambitiousness contribute to the fact that it quickly rises through the career ladder, while achieving in this area of \u200b\u200bactivity. But still more to him creative professions, requiring an individual approach and communicating with people. Although with routine and painstaking work, this man will also perfectly cope.

Interestingly, Stanislav, first of all, expects moral satisfaction, and then the material remuneration for his work. He believes that only on his beloved work can be developed, grow professionally and earn a worthy salary, because it can be performed on "excellent" that it can actually bring you sincere satisfaction.

For Stanislav it is extremely important to feel the indispensable and special employee, without which the company is hardly achieving such high results. Such a difficult character undoubtedly makes it difficult to communicate with colleagues, because Stas often argues, thereby provoking conflicts, and absolutely does not know how to take defeats.

As a leader, Stanislav Strog is not always understood by subordinates, and the wines of all his mood swings. In addition, this is a demanding boss who does not forgive missions and errors. He is fully given to his work, which is expected from his subordinates, laziness and irresponsibility of which can cost them a workplace.


The freedom and independence of Stanislav pushes him to keep their own business. It would seem that the ambitious and assertive stas has every chance of becoming a successful entrepreneur, but selfishness and self-confidence can play a sore joke with him. It must be remembered that the basis of any business, any activity are people who want to be considered with their opinion, they were respected and appreciated.


The main passion of Stanislav - the books, which he reads, leaving the world of illusions, into the world of good and evil, love and hatred. He pays a lot of time to communicate with friends, because it does not tolerate loneliness.

Type of character


Stanislav - the owner of a difficult character: it is hidden and quick-tempered, selfish and freedoming, at the same time, this is a generous and good-natured man who is hard to experience defeats and criticism, but needs in support, participation and understanding, even if not can say about it open.

The wounded, stiff and self-confidence is hidden, robust and self-confidence, and a sensitive man, thirsting love and warmth. Often, Stanislav himself is lost in his masks, cannot reconcile the inner world with an external thing, which entails irritability and aggression.


Stanislav has a fairly well developed intuition, but he prefers when making decisions to be guided by reason.

Horoscope named after Stanislav (Stas)

Stanislav - Aries

Energetic, inquisitive and initiative Stanislav-Aries always and accustomed to be first. At the same time, he is so enjoying that from an interesting interlocutor turns into an obsessive chatter who knows everything about everyone. But this man holds his personal life for seven castles.

The chief of the Stanislav-Aries should possess the two main qualities: listen to the patience and the ability to listen, since it is in this relationship that the role of the audience will be assigned to the role of the audience, while the main acting person will become Stas, for which the approval and recognition of others mean means. In general, many of his actions are dictated by the thought that they will think.

Stanislav - Taurus

The scrupulous, neat, hardworking and curious Stanislav-Taurus never takes hasty decisions and does not act impulsively. On the contrary, he lies for a long time, evaluating the pros and cons. Many consider him a boring boring, in which there is no place for bright colors, but they don't need him. Stability - this is what this man is. Galant and permanent Stanislav-Taurus like women who see a reliable man in him with whom you can build a strong family. Stas himself will connect his life with the same discreet, balanced and relaxed woman who will always put the family in the first place.

Stanislav - Gemini

It is friendly, open, sincere and easy to communicate a person who does not like to sit in one place. Stanislav-Gemini is independent and energetic, no stability in life does not upset him in any way. Such a frivolous attitude to life is reflected in relations with women who are superficial. Stanislav-Gemini prefers to novels without obligations and oaths, he is little interested in the inner world of the disclosure, whereas the appearance of a woman he, on the contrary, is overly attentive and picky. It is hardly from Stas a reliable partner in life, it will be more suitable for the role of a faithful friend.

Stanislav - Cancer

Emotional, impulsive and narcissist Stanislav-Cancer is often unable to understand himself. His mood is changing several times a day, so it is not easy to communicate with him. The syntitude and vulnerability of this man contribute to the fact that he often flows into the state of apathy and unfortunate Handra, from which it is not easy to withdraw even to closest people. Stanislav-cancer is subject to surgery of irritation and even aggression, so close people try to warn all his desires than even more exacerbate the situation. It is interesting that the gifted and mysterious Stanislav Cancer loves women, but very quickly the love of this egoistic man becomes bitter disappointment for them.

Stanislav - Lev.

Charming, charismatic, gallant and at the same time authoritarian Stanislav-Lev enjoys respect from others. They listened to him, his opinions are interested, his advice appreciate. It has to him and the ability to keep himself in their hands even in the most critical situations, which characterizes any man as a reliable, strong and courageous partner. Stanislav-Lion is a long choosing the woman with whom it is ready to build a family, and the appearance in this choice plays one of the last roles. Such qualities are published as honesty, calm, wisdom, decency. Stanislav-Lev is a wonderful husband, but from his second half he is waiting for praise, adorations and recognition.

Stanislav - Deva.

Calculating and pragmatic Stanislav-Vash will never miss their gain: he dependsably adapts to any circumstances and starts the necessary acquaintances. He is kind and causing, so it does not lack the attention of women with whom communicates somewhat arrogantly and highly. At the same time, the Stanislav-Virgin cannot be accused of infidelity: on the contrary, choosing one woman, he will keep her loyalty. And the point is not even in clean and passionate love, but in the fact that this man because of the character is hard given any changes, especially if they concern lifefall.

Stanislav - Scales

Emotional, temperamental and active Stanislav-scales in life - conflicting nature. On the one hand, he does not think of his life without movement, and on the other, it does not carry a fussiness. He will bring in the manifestation of his feelings, but at the same time very careful in words. This man knows how to be friends and love, so fate gives him devotional comrades and loving companions. Stanislav-scales itself is a monochief, which can easily carry the first love, not a poss, without changing, without changing, and this appreciates his spouse, ready for her beloved sacrifice his career.

Stanislav - Scorpio

The direct, erudite and sociable Stanislav-Scorpio has to himself, he has many friends and acquaintances who will gladly support him and in trouble, and in joy. At the same time, the impulsivity of this man leads to the fact that it is enough for everything and immediately, but rarely brings the started before its logical conclusion. Stanislav-Scorpio lives in the afternoon today, not planning anything in advance. In a relationship with women, Stanislav is also emotional and gust that over time, it begins to strain women who get tired of waiting for serious steps and hands and heart offers. It sees with such a man only a partner that will be able to adapt to his mood.

Stanislav - Sagittarius

Passionate, unbalanced and changeable Stanislav-Sagittarius lives in a state of the Cold War with himself. His mood, as well as the opinion, changes faster than the weather, so he does not use special authority to others, because of which it annoys even more and upset. With women, Stanislav-Sagittarius is also not all folded smoothly due to the absence of stability. And in general, he quickly falls in love, and quickly begins to miss relationships. And in order to dispel sadness, it begins to look for new adventures, new women, new friends.

Stanislav - Capricorn.

Stubborn, persistent and authoritarian Stanislav-Capricorn does not recognize any positions other than leadership. He has far-reaching career plans, he is not used to play, so it is ready for a lot to achieve intended goals. This man is absolutely not interested in the opinion of others, because he himself does not like to distribute advice if he is not asked about it. In relations with women, Stanislav-Capricorn behaves rigidly enough and cold. It is for him that he is always the last word in the family, so his choices will have to come to terms with the fact that her will be a lot of expertise - unconditional submission to her man.

Stanislav - Aquarius

An ironic, enterprising and energetic Stanislav-Aquarius knows how to laugh at himself, which gives him a special charm and charm. He believes that he was sent to this world to fulfill a certain mission, therefore it is enough for all things with enviable zeal, only it is very quickly cooled, therefore it remains unstable dreams. And while Stanislav-Aquarius will not learn to share the world of illusions and realities, he will not be happy, will not gain the harmony, to which sincerely seeks, it will not build strong family relations, will not reach high career purposes. He needs a devotee guide and assistant, namely a loving woman with a solid character.

Stanislav - Fish

Open, straightforward and at the same time, insightful Stanislav fish can adapt not only to the circumstances, and under people. But this is not all: this man perfectly manipulates others, thanks to which a lot achieves in life. But the Stanislav-fish is not easy to deceive, as he has congenital flames to false and hypocrisy. With women, Stanislav fish does not always behave honestly, preferring the role of a gray cardinal, who leads the parade unnoticed for everyone, including his beloved woman. Such a position may well arrange a woman, especially if Stanislav will financially provide it in full.

Compatibility of Stanislav (Stas) with women's names

Stanislav and Olga

Stanislav and Marina

Stanislav and Eugene

And Stas, and Eugene too freedom-loving and independent to create a strong family with each other. Their union resembles the battlefield, on which there are no winners and losers, since the price of such battles in the end becomes a painful break of relationships with mutual claims and hatred.

Stanislav and Alexandra

This union does not have a future, since Sasha is not ready to forgive the frivolism and treason of Stas, his impermanence and lack of clear family benchmarks. She is doubly insulting such behavior of a partner also for the reason that she really tries to preserve the relationship, unlike Stanislav.

Stanislav and Elizabeth

Temperamental Elizabeth and Emotional Stanislav are revealed by its feeling that is complemented by excellent sexual compatibility. But still they are so different that sooner or later their life paths and goals will definitely disperse, because these people have practically no common points of contact. Everyone lives its own separate life.

Stanislav and Christina

This is a happy union in which the borders of the board of each partner are clearly divided, which helps an independent Stas and freedom-loving Christine peacefully build trust relationships. It is important that the woman in this union will turn into a housewife that there is a controversy with the character of Christina, and therefore will bring a discord to relationship.

Stanislav and Daria

Daria loves attention no less than its chosen one, and the eloquence of this girl can be envied. Therefore, Stanislav remains nothing to do, how to listen to his beloved and give her care and love. And she will definitely respond to his storm.

Stanislav and Angelica

Non-permanent and freedom-loving Stanislav and practical Angelica will not be together for only one reason: this proud woman does not know how to forgive betrayal and betrayal. Until Stanislav is spreading with a bachelor way of life and will not understand that such components such as confidence and stability are important in relations, it will not work with Angelica.

Stanislav and Veronica

Veronica is able to touch on such strings of Stanislav, which from a windy bachelor turn him into a beautiful family man and monochroba, ready to exchange friendly sitting with friends on a quiet evening with their favorite households. The family life of this pair is filled with happiness.