“What I’ll tell you now, know about ten people, no more - my close relatives ... I have two daughters, the eldest of whom, Stephanie, recently turned four, Gloria will be two in May. Before making this confession to you, today I told my close friend about it. I say: “Bone, you can be offended, you can not be offended, but I hid it from everyone. And I didn't want to make an exception for anyone. " Fortunately, he understood me, "Edgard Zapashny shared in an exclusive interview with 7D.

I have never been married, but this does not mean that I have been alone all these years. At first, for a very long time - thirteen years - I lived in a civil marriage with the leading artist of my circus, Elena Petrikova. We traveled abroad together, shared sorrow and joy, went through a lot together ... This relationship should probably have grown into a wedding, if not for my constant "youth". Lena realized that it was impossible to build a real family with me, so we parted ways with her. And although the breakup was painful for both of us, we remained friends. Well, then Olga appeared next to me, who gave birth to my children.

- Olga is also from circus?

No, Olga is not a circus. She worked as a fitness instructor in Voronezh, where my brother and I came on tour. We signed up for a local gym, and there I saw Olga. She was not my instructor. She just caught my eye and really liked it. Red-haired beauty with a wonderful figure! Earlier, by the way, she was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics. Then I left Voronezh, but we still talked. We corresponded, called back. Well, one fine day Olga decided to move to Moscow. Not to me. She just wanted a career in her profession. After all, Olga constantly went to all kinds of fitness conferences around the world, so she became a VIP-level instructor. And when she moved to Moscow, we began to communicate a lot, after a while - to meet, and then live together.

- How did you manage to hide Olga from the press?

I didn’t hide it, I just didn’t advertise it. Of course, we were photographed. I remember one time I was caught near McDonald's, then in Thailand. And there the camera seems to have been attached to the dog. Because the photo was taken somehow from below, like the eyes of a running dog. So information was leaked to the press. But I never commented on this: I did not refute, did not confirm ... I did not tell reporters for the sake of PR, for example, that Olga and I gave each other an unforgettable night or how she kisses so well. As a result, they lagged behind us. It's just that for a long time, back in the days of my formation with my brother, I began to teach the press so that they would not write about me as a secular person: with whom I came, with whom I left, what watch and shoes I wore. And Olga understood everything perfectly - just like Lena before her. That I am not hiding her. I just keep personal - personal. Olga herself also did not use social networks to show off our relationship.

- Your brother Askold is more open ...

Askold is open, because he has already married, there is a stamp in his passport. What is there to hide?

- So what prevented you from marrying, for example, Olga?

There is one thing that really prevents me from deciding to get married. The fact is that almost all Zapashny went through a divorce and found happiness only in their second marriage. My dad Walter Zapashny, my uncle Mstislav Zapashny, my cousin Mstislav Zapashny - they all did just that. So I, when I had relationships with women, looked at them and understood that if I get married, sooner or later I will divorce. And then why? And do I have the right to inflict such moral trauma on someone? I always have the feeling that I still need to wait a while before getting married. Both Lena and Olya understood this. And they knew how to be just happy with me, without making plans for the future. I did not limit them in anything, I helped them, created conditions, bought everything that needed to be bought. There was simply no stamp in the passport.

- Then how did you decide to have children?

But we didn't plan it! And I always thought that I had everything under control, but here Olga says that she is pregnant. And she's a strong and correct woman. She said to me: “Don't even hint at an abortion, I won't. If you want, just leave me tomorrow. " But I did not admit the thought that I would leave my child. I say: “He must have my surname. This child will have everything, regardless of whether we stay together or not. " That's how we made the decision to give birth.

- But it is pregnancy that often becomes the reason for going to the registry office. And you, it turns out, did not revise your views anyway?

I realized for myself that it is probably wrong to go to the registry office because of the child. To create a family, to live together just because he has to be born. All the same, this will inevitably lead either to divorce, or to living together in hell. Children will always see artificiality. What for? Moreover, at that time, neither I nor Olya saw each other as husband and wife. Yes, thoughts have appeared that it is necessary to register the relationship. But this would be a necessary measure that would not lead to anything good.

- Did you meet Olga and your daughter from the maternity hospital, or for the sake of conspiracy?

Of course, I myself took Stesha with her mother from the hospital. The same Moscow maternity hospital where Helen, Askold's wife, gave birth for the second time. And the doctor was the same ...

- Where did the journalists look?

We did not do anything special to hide from everyone. As I say, over the years I have taught journalists not to look at me as an informational occasion. As they say in banks: credit history. So I have a pretty good image story. Which does not imply any sensations. Journalists have always had a good, trusting relationship with me, and they did not try to hunt me down.

- And what happened then? Did you take Olga and Stephanie to your home?

Yes. And for some time after the birth of Stesha, her mother and I stayed together. But then they still decided to leave. We stopped being a couple, but we were still parents.

- But how did it happen that you had a second daughter ?! After all, you broke up!

We met often, and I saw Olga get tired with a small child. After all, she plunged headlong into this process! Moreover, I offered her to take a nanny, and one of our mothers - mine or hers - could help. But Olga, like a tigress, protected Stesha from everyone. By the way, my mother, Tatyana Vasilievna, confessed: “I didn’t let anyone near you either. I was just afraid that they would drop you and step on you. " And now Olga is all the same! But I saw how she just physically began to wear out. And he offered to go to rest. Together. Honestly, I didn't even hope that Olga would agree. It came as a surprise to me! She had to decide to leave Stesha to her grandmothers and aunts. And so Olga and I went to Venice for ten days. The result is a second child. When she told me she was pregnant again, it was a shock, honestly! I say: “How is this even possible? How could we get together with you for such a short period of time, and then - here! On you!"

- And what happened when you returned to Moscow? Have you tried to live together again?

We tried it first. But they quickly realized that nothing would come of it. Back in Venice, I realized that we still can't become a full-fledged couple. Something was wrong. Everything seems to be good - but no! Here, after all, the problem is not in Olga, but in me. This is very difficult for women to understand. But I just knew: I don’t see myself being old next to this woman. You know, I always look very, very deeply into the distance! And also - to the forest. That is, I am one of those wolves who, no matter how much they feed, still look into the forest. I understood that I would cheat on Olga. And this is wrong! She is not the woman who deserves it, and it is bad for children to grow up in such an environment. So we parted quietly again, and this time for good. Well, in due time Olga gave birth to her second daughter - all in the same Moscow clinic. And my brother and I came to meet them, just like two years earlier.

- Why did you choose such names?

I named Stephanie after the princess of the Principality of Monaco, whom I really like. Well, Gloria is just a pretty name. I have supported the tradition of our family: to give unusual names. Our dad is Walter, our sister is Maritza, my nieces are Eva and Elsa. And now Stefania and Gloria have entered into this row. Although it is very difficult to select names for Edgardovna's patronymic. My parents apparently did not think about it. Edgard Walterovich, Askold Walterovich - sounds good. But Askoldovna, Edgardovna - not very much. Will you break your language !?

- Your daughters are a little younger than Askold's daughters ...

Eve is five and Elsa is four. So only Eva is older than Stesha - a year and two months. Honestly, I have always wanted our children to be the same age. It will be easier for girls to live and help each other. Yesterday I looked at them, the four of them playing - all in smart dresses ... And I said to Askold: "We gave birth to a corps de ballet for our future show." Both my daughters are named Zapashnye, I officially formalized my paternity and registered them at my place. And I hope, as long as I live, as long as I have two arms, two legs, I will take care of them. And if the tigers devour me tomorrow, I know that my brother will deal with them.

- After your final separation, Olga did not want to return to Voronezh?

She always had the opportunity to leave - after all, there she had her parents, an apartment, a job for which she would be taken with arms and legs. Olya could sit in Voronezh and pour mud on me from there. But she didn't do that. Although, to be honest, there was a moment when I was afraid of it. And now Olga lives with the girls in the city of Krasnoznamensk - this is a closed military town, she has many relatives there. Of course, far from Moscow - thirty kilometers. And from time to time I suggest: move to the capital, closer to me ... But Olya refuses. She says the girls are doing well there. A big plus of this city is that there is no crime at all. This is a regime facility with its own microclimate. There are wonderful playgrounds, a wonderful House of Pioneers with a swimming pool, many studios. Everything is close. As a result, Olya takes them to such a large number of circles that it even scares me. Especially - Stesha: for break dance, for rhythmic gymnastics, for drawing, for singing. They also constantly sculpt and paint something. That is, my mother develops them comprehensively. I here ask Stesha: “Aren't you tired? Do you want to continue doing all this? " - "Yes I want to". Well, okay, I think ... Since there are no complaints ... On the contrary, with such pride she runs to me to show off some of her handicrafts or shows me a "bridge" ... All this pleases and amuses me.

- How often do you see children?

Often. But I have no exact statistics. Because I am a business trip person. I recently went on tour to Monte Carlo, and I was gone for three weeks. But when he returned, he spent several days in a row with them. And Olga freely comes to my house and to work, to the circus. Of course, all this is not very good, the family should be complete. But how it happened - it happened ... In any case, I try to spend time with my own children as much as possible.

- Do you want them, like Askold your own, to join the circus?

I want and I will. But it’s too early. Stesha has just turned four ... But it is already clear: the daughters love animals very much. I constantly bring them backstage to tigers, elephants, and dogs. And at home they have a dog and fish.

- Do you spoil them?

Me not. But they do it without me. Just yesterday, my mother gave Stesha a big battery motorcycle, it drives at a speed of five kilometers per hour. And while I was collecting it, I cursed everything in the world! It's like assembling a real car: with a battery, with turn signals, with beeps ... Yesterday I felt like a real car mechanic! But while I was doing this, everyone thought that, probably, it was too much to give such small children battery cars. To press the button - and the motorcycle flew off into the distance together with a four-year-old girl. There is something wrong with that. I remember how happy I myself was that I pedaled, that I made my bike move! And now children from an early age are turned into some kind of office people who are not used to working: twisting, pulling ... Cars do everything for them. Therefore, the next type of transport that my daughters will receive is still a bicycle or a pedal typewriter.

- Do they have a lot of toys?

Yes, I do not have time to receive bills, And Olga has already bought them something again. I came to them after Monte Carlo, as if I was in a supermarket. I saw two-year-old Gloria walking with her tablet. I say: “Olga, you can't do that! You cannot give a two-year-old child a tablet for 35 thousand rubles - while he is walking, he will drop it twenty times! Well, there are all sorts of plastic things for children. " And Olya to me: "You don't understand, these are new children now, indigo children." What other indigo? I remember my childhood: having received a lunar rover worth ten rubles at the age of six, my brother and I were the happiest and coolest guys in the yard. And we had the following gifts only a year later. So I'm trying to convince: "Olya, but they no longer feel the joy of gifts if they constantly receive them."

- Who do the girls look like more? On you or on Olga?

Stefania is very similar to me both externally and in character. And cultured, and stubborn at the same time. She greets everyone, calls everyone “you”, thanks everyone - she’s so right. And Gloria looks like my grandmother, her great-grandmother, who turns 88 this year. Just like two drops of water! That's what I call the youngest: Lyudmila Semyonovna. But no matter who they look like, they get along well with each other. And Stesha cares about Gloria, just like I did about my brother. Mom told me how I ran to her kitchen and said: "Lyalya is crying!" That is, Askold lay in the room and cried, and I was worried about him. So Stesha is like that. I give her candy - she will go and give Gloria. This is so touching! But my brother's daughters are always jealous of each other. They even have to be dressed the same, because if the sweaters are of different colors, there will be a conflict. They have completely different characters than mine ...

- I wonder how your mother relates to this whole story? Well, that's what you have children, but you don't live together?

Of course, my mother took it all painfully at first. I can't say that she always had a good relationship with Olga ... She, like any mother, is very often jealous of her daughters-in-law towards her sons, Helen also went through this. So, seeing that Olga and I still have not an ideal relationship, my mother said: "Guys, do you really need children?" There were such conversations. But now my mother adores her granddaughters.

- Edgard, why did you finally decide to tell everyone everything?

I decided this a long time ago. I began to be frightened by the prospect that some tabloid press would accidentally recognize and begin to present everything incorrectly, dirty, humiliating. I wanted to give this interview a year ago. But Olya asked to wait until the children grow up.

- Are you alone now? Or are you in a new relationship?

I am not alone, I have a girlfriend. Naturally, she knows about children. There was no desire to hide. I told her about everything after six months of our communication, showed a photo, but they did not see each other. Olya asked me to introduce the children to my girlfriend, only if I am confident in her, I understand that this is the very woman with whom I want to live further. And I agreed with Olya, she is absolutely right.

- And you did not think that the mother of your daughters, in turn, can also have a man, a husband?

Thought. But it normal. I can’t be such a brute: I’ve separated from a woman, but doesn’t let anyone near her. Olga is young enough to arrange her life. But the fact that Stephanie and Gloria have a dad - I and they shouldn't call anyone else that - I will insist on this. If someone starts claiming my children, I will arrange for him the greatest trouble! But I hope that when Olga has someone, we will meet with him, talk and understand each other. After all, if children have a real father who sincerely loves and cares for them, no one has the right to interfere with this.

Askold Zapashny's wife and children occupy all of his time remaining from work on the arena. He is a representative of one of the most famous Russian circus dynasties, together with his brother Edgard, he organized his own circus, whose tours not only in our country, but also abroad are very popular. The eldest daughter, Eva, the artist's wife Helen gave birth to in 2010, and a year later Zapashny became a father for the second time, and again a little daughter, whom they named Elsa.

Askold Zapashny met his future wife during a tour in Minsk. Helene was the best friend of the wife of one of his circus friends. Helen is an Israeli citizen, and therefore was a student at the Faculty for Foreigners. Their romance developed rapidly, and immediately after the wedding, they decided that their family must have many children.

In the photo - Askold Zapashny with his wife and children

The first daughter Eva was born in 2010, when Askold was thirty-three years old, and he was already old enough to take this important event responsibly. The decision to have a second child a year later was also meaningful - the age difference between Askold and his brother Edgard is also a year, and this, according to the artist, is the best option for children.

Both Askold's daughters were born when he performed in the arena, and each time he received a message from his wife by SMS, and this was very touching for him. Zapashny chose the names for the daughters himself, and approached this very responsibly - Askold wanted them to be beautiful, and at the same time not pretentious.

Helen is a doctor by training, graduated from the conservatory in the piano class, served in the Israeli army, and is currently engaged only in the family. Askold, as best he could, tried to help his wife when the daughters were very young - he got up at night, changed diapers, but his wife, if possible, tried to free her husband from these worries, realizing how tired he was at work.

Today the children of Askold Zapashny Eva and Elsa have already grown up, and are already performing at the arena. From their very birth, he said that the daughters would definitely become circus performers and continue the Zapashny dynasty, and for this they would not even have to study at a circus school - he would teach them all the tricks himself, because he had a rich experience of performing in the circus arena.

Outwardly, the eldest daughter looks more like her mother, and the youngest Elsa is a copy of Askold, and her relatives jokingly call her Askold Askoldovna. Eva and Elsa travel with the circus since birth, they know all the artists and animals, and in this their life is very similar to the life of Askold and his brother.

For the first time, the eldest daughter of Askold Zapashny entered the arena when she was three years old, and after that her father began to take her to bows after each of his performances. When Askold Zapashny's wife was going to give birth to her second child, he dreamed that he would have a son, but it turned out that a daughter was born again. But Helen is sure that they will have more children, and she will certainly give birth to a boy as well. Askold is not against, but to the question "how many children can Askold Zapashny have in the future?" replies that there are no more than four, and even if it will be girls again, he will not agree to more.

Helen, realizing that frequent separations can negatively affect the relationship of spouses, is ready to endure all the inconveniences and difficulties in order to always be with her husband, so they go on almost all tours with the whole family. She is used to this lifestyle, and even when she stays at home, a few weeks later she asks Askold to take her and her daughters to her place. Helen understands that constant communication is necessary not only for her with her husband, but also for their children - with dad. In addition, they are very fond of their uncle - Askold's older brother Edgard, who also adores his nieces.

Edgard Zapashny was born in Yalta on July 11, 1976. His father Walter Mikhailovich is a trainer of predatory animals, a people's artist. Grandfather Mikhail Zapashny was also a circus artist - a wrestler, an acrobat. The grandmother is the daughter of the clown K. Thompson, known as Milton.

Edgard has a brother Askold, a sister Maritsa. The father paid a lot of attention to the children, controlled their behavior and study. Walter Zapashny left the arena at age 70, but continued to work as the head of the Zapashny Brothers troupe. Edgard studied at the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Law (Moscow), knows English, Chinese.


Children from an early age were prepared for performances, in the mid-90s they were acrobats, tightrope walkers, jugglers on horses, trainers. When Edgard finished school, the family moved to China. It happened in the 90s. The Chinese offered Walter Zapashny a lucrative contract. This helped the circus animals survive, since a lot of money was spent on maintenance.

For the Zapashny, a summer circus was built in Safari Park near Shenzhen. During this period, the brothers dyed their hair, becoming blond. When the contract expired, the Zapashny returned to Russia, toured the country, and traveled abroad.

In 1998. the father handed over to his sons the management of the attraction "Among the Predators", who successfully continued to develop the family business. The Zapashny Brothers Circus was created, new show programs appeared. Edgard has a complex circus act, entered in the Guinness Book of Records. During the trick, Zapashny stands on the croup of two moving horses, 2 girls are balancing on his back.

In 2012. Edgard was appointed director of the Great Moscow Circus. Zapashny is often invited to TV as a participant in the show. In 2007. he took part in the project "King of the Ring", appeared in the programs "The Invisible Man", "Comedy Club", "Cube", "Big Races", "Alone with All". He starred in several films ("Real Boys", "Panin's Daughters", "Interns"). Edgard is the host of the author's program "Legends of the Circus" (TV channel "Zvezda").

Personal life

For a long time, only close friends knew about Zapashny's personal life. In 2008. he gave an interview to the magazine "7 days", talking about his first chosen one. At that time she was 36 years old, and he was 16. The novel lasted a month.

Edgar had a civil marriage, for 13 years he lived with the circus artist E. Petrikova. Then he met Olga Denisova in Voronezh, she worked as a fitness instructor.

The relationship continued when the girl moved to the capital. In 2011. daughter Stephanie appeared, and 2 years later the second daughter, Gloria, was born. But, despite the birth of children, the couple entered into an official marriage. Zapashny is actively involved in the education of girls, they bear the father's surname.

In 2013. Edgard again had a beloved girlfriend, this is Yaroslavna Demeshko, who began to work as an administrator at the Zapashny Circus. In 2017. the couple had a boy Daniel.

Advice 2: Zapashny Walter Mikhailovich: biography, career, personal life

The Zapashny circus dynasty began in 1882 and has been going on for three generations. Among them were acrobats, gymnasts and clowns. Today, trainers Askold and Edgar are showing off the posters of the Moscow circus. And a few decades ago, their father, Walter Mikhailovich Zapashny, the famous tamer of wild animals, shone in the arena.

early years

Walter's father got into the circus "from the street", a strong guy worked as a loader in the port and accidentally ended up in the room of the strong man Poddubny. Before marrying Lydia Karlovna, the daughter of a famous clown, Mikhail Sergeevich did not dream of an artistic career. When the couple had a son, Walter, in 1928, and ten years later Mstislav, the head of the family could not imagine that he would soon be performing on the same stage with the children. The sons lived in Leningrad, and moved to their parents in Saratov in 1944. Only financial difficulties forced the boys to start a circus biography. They debuted with their mother when the eldest was barely sixteen, the youngest six. This is how the circus group "Zapashny Brothers" was born. Their acrobatic performances pleased Joseph Stalin.


In 1960, Walter began working with animals. He had been preparing his first number with predators for three years, but it turned into a nightmare. When the tigress Bagheera attacked the trainer in the arena, the audience froze in fear. As a result of the fight, Zapashny received a spinal injury and dozens of lacerations. He recovered for two months, and then continued training. After a while, he found out that this was not the first time Bagheera attacked people, but did not let the animal be put to sleep. The tigress became the prima of the attraction and performed 64 tricks, she lived for 20 years and became everyone's favorite.

Over the years, Walter has become an unsurpassed master of training. What was the cost of the three harnessed predators and his crown number - to saddle the lion. When 38 predators appeared in the arena at one point, he felt like the king of the arena. His pupils took part in films: "Three plus two", "Dersu Uzala", "Ruslan and Lyudmila". Until the age of seventy, Zapashny went out to the audience and directed the circus, until his sons replaced him.

Personal life

The talented trainer has been married twice. With his first wife, they worked for a long time in the same arena, Maritza was from a circus dynasty. But the marriage did not last long. He met Tatyana Walter while undergoing rehabilitation after Bagira's bites. The age difference prevented the leggy beauty from making a decision. But when the future husband once appeared with a tiger on a leash on the threshold of the polytechnic college where the girl studied, she could not resist. True, they signed after the sons were born, their family experience was 33 years of great love.

Zapashny loved and pampered children. Good earnings allowed him to buy expensive toys and hire tutors. In Soviet times, he brought a computer from Riga for 5 thousand rubles. At work he was known as a strict and demanding person, and at home he was kindness itself.

Walter Zapashny lived a long, happy life. The title of People's Artist of Russia, numerous orders and certificates were highly appreciated for his work. He was remembered as a man who embodied many of his ideas and the most incredible ideas into reality. His only dream of opening an oceanarium for training marine animals, especially sharks, remained unfulfilled.

Who does not know the most powerful and courageous tamers of tigers and lions - the brothers Edgard and Askold Zapashny? With their talent, they long ago won the love of a multimillion-dollar audience and became one of the most famous hereditary trainers in the whole world. Each of them has their own personal and family life, which they, in general, carefully hide from prying eyes.


Askold Zapashny, whose wife will be discussed further, was born in Kharkov in 1977. He entered the cage with tigers for the first time at the age of 10. He began his circus career with his brother Edgard as a horse juggler and monkey trainer. In 1998, their father, People's Artist of Russia Walter Zapashny, gave them the attraction "Among the Predators" at the celebration of his 70th birthday. Askold Zapashny entered the Guinness Book of Records with a trick for the longest jump on horseback. Together with his brother, they created the Zapashny Brothers Circus.

Askold Zapashny's wife Helen

The wedding of Askold and Helen took place secretly from prying eyes, without much publicity on television and in the press. On the eve of this event, he was appointed chief artistic director of the Bolshoi Moscow Circus on Vernadsky Avenue.

His wife today is Helen Zapashnaya. Her biography says that she was born in the Holy Land of Israel, in the city of Haifa, located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. She is attached with all her heart and soul to this country, because her parents live here, who are always waiting for them. In a marriage with Askold, they had two girls, whose names are Eva and Elsa.

According to Helen herself, her and Askold's parents were against their relationship. His mother, like a wise woman, wanted him to marry a circus girl, as she would be more loyal to his constant business trips, all the hardships and inconveniences associated with this. And most importantly, she will always and everywhere follow her husband. And Helen's parents were afraid that their daughter would abandon the Minsk Medical Institute in this regard.


Once the future Helen Zapashnaya, while still studying at the institute, went with friends to the circus performance of the Zapashny brothers. They spent the evening merrily, but then a couple of days later their mutual friend with Askold calls her and says that Askold is asking for her phone number. But then she did not know the trainer Askold and did not particularly see his posters. She replied that she did not need it at all, because she already had a boyfriend, and the guest performers would soon leave.

Helen thought that if this artist is famous, then he is spoiled by female attention. The friend was indignant, but still managed to get her phone number. Then, at the lecture, she received a message on the phone, where Askold invited her on a date, and they met. Their first evening was gorgeous, but then Askold disappeared for four days. It turns out that this was a trick to make her fall in love with you. She broke up with her boyfriend. Then the circus left and toured for 2 months. But the lovers used the phone to communicate at any time of the day or night, as it turned out.


Helen until the last did not understand everything that was happening to her, she braked herself so as not to completely withdraw into relationships and feelings. But Askold, although it was not easy for him, explained to her that their relationship had already reached a different level. Three months after they met, Zapashny confessed his love to her. They began to dream of a wedding, of children, in general, they were making plans for the future in full swing, and even though the whole world would be against them.

From that moment on, they declared themselves a couple. Askold went to Helen's parents in Israel. Everyone was worried. Then there in the Holy Land he proposed to her, gave her a ring as his future wife and uttered those very important and main words, and she, of course, answered “yes”.


However, Edgard did not support his brother in this matter, and Askold was very surprised, because when he brought and showed his mother his girlfriend, and she did not like her, Edgard left the house with a backpack, and Askold left with him. True, then their age was quite youthful. Askold was waiting for his brother's support, but then everything quickly calmed down, and today the whole family embraced a pleasant relationship. Edgard became the godfather of their first daughter Eva, he also has two daughters.

Helen Zapashnaya gave birth to two girls, but she and her husband still really want a son to continue the dynasty of animal trainers. True, they have some disagreements on the issue of circumcision. After all, if a son is born, then according to Jewish traditions, this process is simply necessary. Helen believes that from the point of view of hygiene this is very correct, but Askold does not share his wife's opinions at all and so far stands his ground.

Eve and Elsa

The names of the daughters were chosen by Askold himself, Helen considered that he had every right to do so, since a woman was carrying a child, and a man, giving the child a name, should feel his involvement, that he became a dad. The name Eve is Jewish, and Askold liked it, and also became pleasant for Helen's parents. This was the first girl. But they named their second daughter Elsa simply because this is a very beautiful name.

Askold's mother was against this name and even called the young about this so that they would not call the child the names of successful people. But when some difficult and controversial issues arise, the Zapashny ones start looking for a sign, and they got it. When, after a call from their mother, the young parents stopped at a traffic light, they suddenly saw a truck nearby, on which “Elsa” was written in large letters. And then another significant event happened on the birthday of little Elsa, the famous world actress Elizabeth Taylor died.

Zapashny's parents decided that their daughters should wear beautiful catchy and bright memorable names. Askold and Helen already dream of being circus performers. Eva is very similar to her mother, and the youngest Elsa is an exact copy of her father, and therefore she is jokingly called Askold Askoldovna.

Helen Zapashnaya: nationality

Helen is Jewish by nationality, and sometimes Zapashnye live in Israel for a long time, but they consider their family modern and do not observe Jewish traditions. Helen Zapashnaya (Raikhlin) at first took offense at her husband, who did not help her in the kitchen. But Askold explained to her very simply his position, they say that it is funny to him, for example, when a guy carries a small handbag of his girlfriend.

After marriage, Helen changed her views about real men, she resigned herself to the fact that her husband does not even know how to fry eggs and does not bring coffee to bed.


Helen Zapashnaya tries to follow her husband everywhere with her children. The Zapashny Brothers Circus constantly tours around the world, and Askold is sometimes not at home for months. From the experience of other families, Askold knows that in a long separation, feelings cool down, and spouses lose the habit of each other, therefore Askold and Helen travel with their children almost always together. Helen herself admits that she is ready to follow her husband always and endure all the inconveniences, especially since they have already adapted well and carry with them all the necessary furniture, household appliances, linen and even curtains.

Helene has already managed to get used to the nomadic way of life, and if her husband leaves alone, then after a while, very bored, she hurries to him. And children should see their father more often and with their uncle Edgard, who already has sufficient parenting skills, having his own daughters.

Askold believes that with children it works best for a good deed to be encouraged, and for a bad one - to punish, and it is better not to confuse boundaries. Because of the upbringing of children, the Zapashny have disagreements, since, according to Askold, Helen Zapashnaya pampers their children. After all, children immediately feel concessions and begin to manipulate and whims to achieve what they want.


Young spouses Zapashny sometimes have disagreements due to jealousy. Especially at first, Helen Zapashnaya was very jealous of her husband for women, but then she tried to figure out where to be jealous and where not. In turn, Askold also does not accept the presence of a male near his wife.

However, Zapashny is not at all a tyrant in his family, he allowed his wife to study in residency so that she finally completed her medical education. It’s a little silly to unlearn seven years and then abandon everything. Helen is a beautiful and intelligent woman, she wants to be independent. When many years pass, she does not want to regret the missed opportunities, especially since modern marriages are no longer strong.

Today the parents of the spouses no longer condemn their choice, the main thing for them now is that their children love and respect each other. The trainer was predicted to be a circus performer, and she was an Israeli doctor. But now everything is fine, and parents are only happy for their young and beloved granddaughters.

Mom and Dad are still thinking about the name

Edgard Zapashny had a son - the famous trainer is now "three times a father". Edgard and his life friend Yaroslavna were expecting a baby in September, but the son unexpectedly was born earlier, at 35 weeks: height 49 cm, weight 3 kg, while under the supervision of doctors, according to them, everything is fine, everything is going according to plan. Mr. Zapashny told us that he had already seen the baby: he urgently flew to Moscow from Astrakhan.


- Edgard, congratulations from the bottom of our hearts, so unexpectedly, unexpectedly!

- Yes, he was born a little earlier. There is not even a name yet: we are still discussing with the child's mother, with Yaroslavna. We so mentally admitted that we still have two weeks left, but here everything happened rapidly ... so the question has not been resolved by name.

- But will the surname be yours?

Of course.

- Have you seen the baby yet?

Oh yeah. Yesterday was already. They let me in for a few minutes ... She gave birth in Moscow, and I was in Astrakhan yesterday morning. And suddenly she calls me - that's it, my water has departed. I immediately flew in, went to her.

- You yourself were not present?

No, I refused. I'm ... what is it called ... an old believer. He did not follow the lead of this fashion - to be with a woman in childbirth in the same ward. No, no, no, I wasn't there. The doctors said - Edgard, she will give birth not earlier than two hours later, I drove off to the circus, and as soon as I got there - another call: she gave birth, come back. Now the baby will have to stay in intensive care (five days for sure), breathes a little incorrectly, he needs to start his lungs properly. But the doctors said that for 35 weeks the baby is very well developed and everything is going according to plan.

- It is impossible for a child to decide his fate, but in the circus business everything happens by itself - an apple from an apple tree ...

- Yes, my little daughters Stefania and Gloria are present at the circus on a regular basis, they have an acrobatics coach; now they devote a lot of time to rhythmic gymnastics, Stephanie goes to the competitive level, takes awards in small cities. I don't make plans for a sports career, but I know for sure that gymnastics as a base is very useful when working in a circus. They love the circus, and I am extremely happy about it. After all, I surrounded them at home with animals - they have parrots, a dog, an aquarium, and I see how they both treat our smaller brothers responsibly. In the circus, they immediately run to the stable - they have their favorite horses, they know everyone by name (and this is more than twenty individuals), they love to ride, Stefania even begins to stand quietly: we climb on a horse with her, and at a light trot she is quietly stands on his back or makes a swallow ...

- Is the same method of getting involved in the circus waiting for your little son in the future?

- Of course. It's too early to say now, there are three long years ahead, when he should grow and gain strength, and from 3-4 years we will gradually integrate him into our art. All this is absorbed thanks to a long stay in the circus: I, for example, do not even remember when I was in the circus for the first time - it was so early. For Gloria and Stephanie, on a subconscious level, the circus is already a home, a family, the meaning of life.

- There is such a phrase that “I was born in sawdust,” but in this case it is important to teach responsibility from an early age, which makes a person a person.

- Yes, because my children should not grow up as “darlings of fate”, they should not follow the successes of their father or their famous uncle, they have to go a hard way: they will have to add their own names to the already very popular surname “Zapashny”. Not all Zapashny succeeded in this; our dynasty is very large, and I can name a number of names, even circus performers who have not been able to achieve great success. And this is difficult: the name is loud, the viewer demands significant results from her. Therefore, from early childhood my children will have a serious load - to prove their I.