wondering zodiac signs of famous people, you catch yourself thinking that it would be nice to understand which sign is the most suitable for popularity, success, fame and demonstrating yourself.

Celebrity zodiac signs - light and dark personalities

  • Let's start with Aries. Aries is the first zodiac sign, the beginning, a symbol of rebirth, a new cycle, life. Aries is the baby of the zodiac, he is self-absorbed, he needs to understand his goals and feelings. Famous personalities of this zodiac sign- actors, directors, producers, musicians, athletes. Bruce Willis, Steven Seagal and Eddie Murphy, Gary Oldman, Ronaldinho were born under the constellation Aries.
  • Famous Taurus also have something to please the world - Al Pacino, Alina Kabaeva, Pierce Brosnan. Who doesn't know these names? The German philosopher Immanuel Kant, the founder of German classical philosophy, is also a Taurus. The gloomy personalities of the 20th century, who created two equally bad, equally inhuman ideologies - Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Lenin were born under the constellation Taurus.

Women's horoscope. Characteristics of the signs of the zodiac

Did you know that the sign of the zodiac can tell a lot not only about your character and temperament, but also about what first impression you make on others, what you consider self-care, how you eat, what lifestyle you lead and how you build relationships with others people.

Polina Kovalenko

Aries. Leonardo da Vinci

While still an apprentice, the future great artist knew how to show his superiority and not be afraid to be even better than his teachers. Helping his master in painting the canvas, Leonardo wrote one of the angels so well that the rest of the work looked clearly less talented. These qualities are common to all Aries. Representatives of these signs always try to be ahead of everyone.

Calf. William Shakespeare

The great English playwright was able to combine several activities at once and be successful everywhere. In addition to writing poetry and plays, Shakespeare continued his acting career, with which he began his career, and later became a co-owner of a theater company. Taurus people know how to work hard, and they are gifted not only creatively, but also in business.

Twins. Marilyn Monroe

The dual nature of Gemini was expressed in the dual nature of the actress: for everyone she was an example of brightness, fun, the ability to use and enjoy all the joys of life. At the same time, Marilyn experienced real dramas, fears and disappointments in her soul, which were known only to those closest to her. This split eventually led to the tragic denouement of Monroe's life.

Cancer. Vladimir Mayakovsky

Being sensitive natures, Cancers often express this through scandalous and non-standard behavior. Mayakovsky's poetry best of all speaks of what it means to be unlike anyone else. The revolutionary hobbies of the poet were expressed both in creativity and in ordinary behavior. He often found himself at the center of various showdowns and strange stories. His affair with Lilya Brik, with the tacit consent of her husband, even then caused criticism and gossip from society.

A lion. Alexandr Duma

Even in the heroes of the novel about the Musketeers one can feel narcissism, chic and the desire for a beautiful life and beautiful deeds. Lions live in public, but at the same time they have real nobility and the ability to sacrifice. The writer endowed his characters with a penchant for passions. Dumas himself was married to an actress, which also characterizes him as a person who loves worship.

Virgo. Mikhail Kutuzov

Before becoming a great commander in chief, Mikhail Illarionovich went through a serious school of bureaucratic service. Any Virgo can do this, because she knows how to understand routine issues better than all other signs. Gaining experience in practice, Virgo always stands out in the forefront due to the fact that she is well versed in what she does.

Scales. Nicholas Roerich

Libra is gifted in many creative areas, they are curious and try themselves in different areas. They are also interested in questions of spiritual search and development. Nicholas Roerich proved himself in a huge number of directions. The artist, philosopher, writer and traveler also dealt with social topics. Nicholas Roerich graduated from the Faculty of Law, as Libras are always interested in human rights and justice.

Scorpion. Niccolo Paganini

The great violinist from childhood overcame difficulties with the stamina of a real Scorpio. As a boy, she wrote several works that were so difficult that even he himself found it difficult to master them. However, this is not something that will stop the purposeful representative of the sign. In his personal life, he was also stern and adamant. It is better not to anger Scorpio, since he does not forgive insults: after a divorce from his wife, Paganini achieved sole custody of their common son.

Sagittarius. Mark Twain

Friendly and curious, Sagittarians are mostly optimists. The works of Mark Twain are actually filled with a bright view of the world and faith in people. Sagittarians love adventure, which the author writes about so often. Mark Twain adhered to the ideas of democracy and humanism, since Sagittarians never make distinctions between people because of a difference in views or status. In addition, Sagittarius is also characterized by humor, which can also be seen in the works of Mark Twain.

Capricorn. Joan of Arc

A woman who has managed to take on a male task can only be Capricorn. Capricorn will never give up his beliefs, even if it poses a serious threat. Even delusions are very important for Capricorn, as it is difficult for him to adapt to reality. However, therefore, he knows how to adjust this reality for himself. Since childhood, having learned about her destiny, Jeanne has never turned off the chosen path, as all Capricorns do.

Aquarius. George Byron

Byron combines the features of both romance and a gloomy egoist. Aquarians always go where they see fit, even if no one understands why. However, they do not need understanding, they already conquer people with their charisma. Byron from childhood was distinguished by a rebellious character. His parents and sisters were often unable to cope with him. Byron studied poorly, but he independently read the entire school library.

Fish. Frederic Chopin

The strangest sign of the Zodiac is distinguished by a mystical consciousness. The composer showed unlimited imagination in his compositions, which shocked the audience. In addition, he knew how to charm and external manners and behavior, as recalled by his contemporaries. Pisces have a gentle nature and always try to understand a person, even if they experience suffering and experience because of the ugly actions of people. July 27, 2014, 23:15

A woman born under the sign of Leo is a true lioness, a queen. Her appearance is simply brilliant: she is a real beauty with elegant manners, fashionably and tastefully dressed and combed, proud and graceful, knowing her own worth. In her appearance there is not even a hint of vulgarity and mannerisms. Leo-woman always has a lot of fans who do not skimp on enthusiastic compliments. She takes them condescendingly, as a matter of course, because she lives with a sense of her own superiority.

Leo women are characterized by intelligence, wit, the ability to start and maintain a lively, interesting conversation on almost any topic. They do not shy away from secular talk and gossip, but they will not stoop to vulgarity and vulgarity under any circumstances.

Women of this zodiac sign like to be among men, but they never oppose themselves to women's society. For other ladies, the Lioness is a very serious rival, but even this circumstance does not prevent her attractiveness in their eyes. Sincere friendliness, friendliness, benevolence, attentiveness helps to win other people's hearts.

Lionesses serve as role models, trendsetters, and no one questions their leadership. The combination of femininity and intelligence, pride, independence and friendliness, royalty of manners and favorable communication sincerely delights not only men, but also women.

Good societies, receptions, theater - all these are favorite places for Leo women. Dubious, primitive companies, squalid premises are not their habitat. Born for a luxurious life, Lionesses struggle to provide it for themselves. In order to have a palace-house and an appearance corresponding to their status, they will overcome any obstacles and go to any expense.

Possessing an excellent, delicate taste, Leo women will never turn their home into an example of bourgeois hoarding or a kind of museum of antiques and rare exhibits, where everything is collected.

If a man decides to court a Leo-woman, he must turn into a romantic and a knight, refuse admiring glances and words addressed to other women. He needs to be prepared for outbursts of anger: the feeling of superiority over other women does not relieve her of extreme jealousy. If she considers her partner unworthy of herself, then she will not condescend to communicate with him. Only those fans who she allows to do so remain near her.

Leo women want to see their beloved women beautiful, sophisticated, strong, generous, non-jealous, faithful, not stingy with gifts and compliments and not encroaching on their personal freedom.

Lionesses can be excellent wives - calm, benevolent, compromising, soft, pleasant in communication. But if close people hurt their self-esteem, metamorphoses are inevitable. They turn into arrogant, arrogant, enraged, angry creatures, as soon as someone expresses doubts about their superiority, kindness or loyalty. And yet, most often, the Lions spread warmth and fertile light around them, in the rays of which their loved ones feel very comfortable. Family members and friends, as a rule, have many reasons to thank fate for the presence of such amazing Lionesses in their lives.

Remaining within the four walls of her house, the Lioness does not lose the gloss inherent in her in public. Without betraying herself, a woman, even in a home dress, remains the same queen as in society. You can never find her in holey slippers or dressed in tatters: she is always in full dress.

Very passionately loving her children, she strives to develop the best qualities in them, teach them good manners, instill impeccable taste. The child of a Leo woman can grow up to be a rather wasteful person, seeing how she, without stint, spends money on everything: herself, her husband, children, home.

Lionesses are excellent hostesses, in whose house guests of the highest level can be received at any time of the day or night; it is almost impossible to take them by surprise in this sense.

The husband of a Leo woman must completely trust her. Being the object of admiration for many, she gladly accepts compliments and signs of attention, but she keeps devotion to her husband if he is also faithful to her. She always stands guard over the interests of her family, she is characterized by prudence and sanity, therefore, because of a frivolous hobby, destroying the family hearth is simply unacceptable for her.

A man for her in the first place is not a potential partner, but the future second half and the father of her children. When she gets married, she becomes even more inaccessible to her fans.

Contributes to this state of affairs and its certain coldness. There is such a paradox in the life of Leo women: outwardly they are extremely attractive and desirable for very many, but when it comes to sexual relationships, partners are unlikely to wait for temperament and passion from them.

Lions love to excite the imagination, excite men, but physical intimacy itself is not so desirable for them. They have a weaker sexual attraction than one might think, looking at their appearance and behavior. Having discovered a contradiction of this kind, the partner may fall into deep disappointment, and the husband may commit adultery with a sexier woman.


Leo woman - Aries man

Interest in sex, eccentricity, the desire for leadership make these people related to each other. The latter quality can become a breeding ground for disagreements and quarrels. They could even destroy the union if Aries and Leo did not have so much in common. In most cases, this circumstance helps to maintain a very harmonious relationship for a long time.

Leo woman - Taurus man

People of these signs are able to experience physical attraction to each other, but outside the bedroom it will be very difficult for them. The eccentricity of Leo will not cause much enthusiasm in Taurus, who is distinguished by calmness and conservatism. Therefore, the man will begin to make unacceptable, from the point of view of the partner, attempts to pacify her. The extravagance of Leo will clash with the practicality of Taurus; Both signs are characterized by great stubbornness. Serious contradictions will become an insurmountable obstacle in the path of the couple.

Leo woman - Gemini man

This couple has good prospects for a life together. Everything will turn out especially well if the Gemini forget about their adventures and intrigues and direct all their irrepressible energy to seduce their Lioness partner. It will also be useful for them to conclude that it is not worth provoking her into fits of jealousy. The pliability of Gemini will allow Leo, as befits his royal status, to dominate, and therefore a successful love affair can easily develop into an equally prosperous marriage.

Leo woman - Cancer man

Cancers are focused on serious, stable relationships. If Leo sees that a man really loves her and does not forget to shower enthusiastic compliments, he will agree to a strong relationship. In turn, Cancer will receive support from the partner and a sense of confidence in the future. But if the partners do not meet each other halfway, then the union will not work out.

Leo woman - Leo man

This regal couple of two strong, romantic, sexy people has a great future, but on one condition. Lions are selfish and proud, and therefore each of them must fade into the background from time to time so that the partner fully feels his own greatness. If both have enough intelligence and patience for this, then the formidable Lions can peacefully get along with each other and feel happy.

Leo woman - Virgo man

In comparison with the conservative Virgo, Leo is more sexual, which will leave its mark on their intimate life. The man of this sign will resent the eccentric antics of his partner and will not agree with her attempts to get the better of him. A lion in need of dominance will not like this - as well as any criticism addressed to him. The compatibility of the couple is very poor.

Leo woman - Libra man

People of these signs can develop harmonious relationships, provided that Libra behaves correctly. They should forget about harsh and frequent criticism and often remember the admiration of their royal partner. Something will be required from her, namely tolerance and less frequent mood swings. If the partners go towards each other, everything will work out for them.

Leo woman - Scorpio man

People of these signs are doomed to difficult relationships and not very good compatibility. Leo will be extremely negative about possessiveness and jealousy of Scorpio, and he, in turn, will purposefully win back the position of leader. In addition, Leo is unlikely to get sincere admiration and respect from Scorpio, and this is vital for him. And yet, if the partners control themselves, then their relationship can be not only long-lasting, but also emotionally rich.

Leo woman - Sagittarius man

Passion, thirst for adventure, passion make these people similar, and their relationship is almost perfect. Sagittarius is changeable, but he will be as faithful to his Lioness as possible - of course, as much as his hectic nature allows. Leo causes him absolutely sincere admiration, which cannot but be appreciated by the representative of the zodiac sign so greedy for compliments.

Leo woman - Capricorn man

Compatibility is highly questionable. The extraordinary, even eccentric actions of Leo will bewilder Capricorn, who is distinguished by earthiness and practicality. The partner will always be immersed in some everyday, economic problems and will try to attract a partner to them, and very demandingly. A romantically inclined Leo will obviously not like this alignment. However, this contradiction is not so insurmountable as to upset the relationship. And yet, if this continues for a long time, the couple will break up.

Leo woman - Aquarius man

At the beginning of dating, people of these signs will be interesting to each other thanks to sex and the ingenuity of Aquarius in particular. As the relationship develops, the regal Leo, intolerant of criticism, will become more and more irritated by the prudence of Aquarius and his tendency to subject everything to analysis. It is this difference that will become the main obstacle to a long and harmonious relationship. Unfortunately, partners rarely make concessions.

Leo Woman - Pisces Man

The prospects for the development of relations between people of these signs depend on the goodwill of Leo and his willingness to compromise. Shyness, disinterestedness of Pisces do not go well with the activity and vanity of Leo. At the beginning of a relationship, Pisces are able to intrigue their partner with mystery. However, later Leo may be disappointed when he realizes that this is an ordinary moral weakness. If Pisces will sink into sadness or boredom, then Leo will not take on the role of comforter.

About Cancer women :

About Gemini women :

About women Aquarius :

About women Sagittarius .