Ability to distinguish between soft and hard consonants. Obviously, they should not be memorized, but learned to hear. And for this, the child needs to be prompted exactly how these sounds are obtained - this will greatly facilitate his understanding.

Always soft and always hard consonants

Not all consonants in our language are both hard and soft. First you need your child to remember those that are only hard: W, W, C, and also always soft: H, W, Y. To do this, you can, for example, make a commemorative plate where always hard will be drawn over blue bricks, and always soft - over green pillows (the choice of color is based on how these sounds are designated in the lower grades).

If the child constantly sees this picture, which you put in his workbook or hang over, he will quickly remember these consonants.

How vowels command consonants

Then you explain to the child that the rest of the consonants can be both soft and hard. But neighboring letters will help to suggest this. If after our consonant there is another consonant, then ours is solid. For example: table. What comes after the C sound? So it's a solid consonant.

The vowel sounds "command" the consonant standing in front of what he should be. If these are vowels: A, O, U, E, S, then only solid consonants are in front of them. And if it is: And, E, Yu, I, Yo, then - soft. The softness of the previous consonant is also indicated by

Educational games

In order for the child to remember this easier, try playing with him. Invite him to attach the outer side of his index finger to the palate and pronounce syllables in turn, where there are soft and hard consonants. For example: TA - TYA, ON - NYA. The child, thanks to this, will be able to remember exactly how a consonant sound is obtained. He will understand that when a soft consonant is formed, the tongue seems to move forward, and its back rises slightly to the sky. But when hard consonants are pronounced, this does not happen.

Throw the ball to the child, naming the syllable with a hard consonant, and let him return the ball to you, already pronouncing it with a soft one. For example: LA - LA, LO - LE, LY - LI, etc.

At school, students are asked to highlight hard and soft consonants using blue and green. Blue is hard and green is soft. Cut out some red, blue and green squares and ask them to jigsaw the word. The child will lay out vowel sounds in red, hard consonants, respectively, in blue, and soft ones in green. Take for this small words, from one or two syllables: fish, elephant, branch, chalk and so on.

Play word chain. You say a word that ends in a syllable with a hard or soft consonant, and the child calls the next word that begins with this syllable. Not forgetting to determine aloud which consonant, hard or soft, was in this syllable: winds - fish - bagels - cinema etc.

If you methodically explain to your child the difference between hard and soft consonants, this will help him to navigate more easily in the future, when studying many features of the spelling of the Russian language. Good luck to you!


  • introduce students to the solid consonant sound [c], the letter C c;
  • develop reading skills;
  • promote the development of phonemic hearing, coherent speech,
  • memory, logical thinking.


1. Hourglass.

2. Tape recorder.

3. Audio cassette by V.V. Volin “Entertaining ABC Studies”.

4. Soft toy “Cat”.

5. A series of pictures “What does the letter look like?”.

6. Cards with the letters C - 6 pcs., A, O, U, I, Y, E.

7. A poster with the letters C for the game “The Fourth Extra”.


9. Handout (letter P, text with erased letters, correction test, envelopes with a set for drawing up a word scheme).

During the classes

I. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

1) - First read the letters written in red, then in blue, and you will find out what the lesson will be now.

2) - How does the hostess call the chickens? (chick - chick - chick)

What is the first sound? ([c)

Today in the lesson we have to determine whether this sound is a consonant or a vowel, hard or soft, deaf or voiced. And also we will get acquainted with the letter of this sound in order to designate the sound [c] in the letter.

II. Working on new material.

1) Sound-letter analysis of guessing words.

Standing on one leg
Staring into the water
Pokes beak at random -
Looking for frogs in the river. (Heron)

He's used to doing tricks
After all, his work ... (Circus)

(Learners lay out word schemes from the handout).

The word CIRCUS is attached to the board.

Say the word again. What did you notice?

Try to put in a soft position.

Describe the sound [c]. (Consonant, always firm)

Decide if it's deaf or voiced. (They cover their ears with their palms and pronounce this sound. Conclusion: deaf)

What letter represents the sound [ts]?

2) Acquaintance with the letter C c.

Listen to the poem:

This letter is a hook
With a cunning, tenacious paw:
“Come, who doesn’t mind,
I'll scratch you in an instant."

And now a wonderful transformation awaits you: you have the letter P on your desk, turn it over and add a “hook” in the lower right corner.

Show what you've got. Turn around and show our guests. (The teacher puts up a poster with this letter).

3) “What does the letter look like?”

What does the letter look like guys? (children's answers)

And here's what. (The teacher reads the first poem, the rest are heard on an audio cassette and at the same time hangs pictures).

All day long in the grass
Horns with a beard roam.

Letter C -
hook below,
Exactly with a faucet barrel.

Here is the letter C:
With a claw at the end
Like a cat paw.

Heron in the thickets of green
I got up importantly with the letter C.

The chair was repaired today by the master.
He glued it and painted it.
Master chair turned over -
Became like a chair.

4) Working with a correction sample.

Within a minute, find the letter C among the many letters and circle it.

How many letters did you find?

5) The game "The fourth extra".

Find the extra letter.

6) Printing the letter C C.

And which of the heroes of the program “Good night, kids” has a name containing the sound [c]? ( Tsap-Tsarapych)

Here is Tsap-Tsarapych himself. Look, he is holding the letter ... ( C). Let's learn how to write it. (Children compare the spelling of large and small letters. The teacher shows on the blackboard, then the children type in notebooks C c).

7) Game “Make friends with letters”.

Tsap-Tsarapych really wants the letter C to make friends with vowels. The letter is new, it's scary for her: she doesn't know anyone here. Let's introduce her to vowels and help her make friends with them. Now Ts greets A. (The teacher attaches Ts to the board, the student with A comes up and fastens next to Ts. The children read the educated syllable). And now A greets C. (A is put in front of C. They read the resulting syllable).

(Similarly with the letters O, U, I, S, E).

She cannot make friends with other vowels, because. there are no words in Russian with such letter combinations

Think of words that end in:

CA ( chicken, unit, tit, sheep, onion)

CO ( ring, egg, porch)

CY ( ends, blacksmiths, chicks, cucumbers)

8) - Tsap-Tsarapych asks you guys to name words from fairy tales with the sound [c]. ( The frog princess, princess Nesmeyana, prince, princess, firebird, stepdaughter, golden chain, mirror, scarlet flower, etc.)

III. Fizkultminutka.

All students go to the blackboard and form a circle. The teacher walks around the circle. The one in front of whom he stops must quickly name the word with the sound [ts]. If the student is late with the answer, he should squat down in the middle.

IV. Continued work.

1) - Tsap-Tsarapych offers competition between boys and girls. Read the letter combinations (in chorus).

On the desk:

D .: tsa - kings - queen.

M .: tsa - king - prince.

2) Work with a column of words (leaves).

Put the leaves in front of you. Let's read the column of words "in a chain."



Familiar words? What do these words have in common? Highlight the root.

Find the extra word. Explain why it is redundant.

3) Work with cleanliness.

Tsap-Tsarapych is very fond of composing tongue twisters. Today he decided to introduce you to his work. But only the last word in the tongue phrase cannot be invented, it must necessarily contain the sound [c]. Let's help him.

Tse, tse, tse, tse - the prince is bored in ... (palace).

Tsa, tsa, tsa, tsa - there is no donut ... (end).

Tso, tso, tso, tso - I dropped ... (ring).

Tsy, tsy, tsy, tsy - I collect ... (cucumbers).

Tsu, tsu, tsu, tsu - tears are pouring down ... (face).

Tso, tso, tso, tso - the chicken laid ... (egg).

4) Cat-gourmet.

Tsap-Tsarapych loves not only to compose, but also likes to eat something: sour cream, fish, sweets, and sometimes, it turns out, he likes to lick letters, that's how it happened today. I prepared words and sentences for you to read, and he took and spoiled the material for me. Let's try to restore it.

twigs, epky, iklon, ilindr, irk, ifra, okotuha, egg.

arias and Kuri and sits in a vetnik.

Apple Tsitsily teaches ifra.

Chicken Chicken wants to go to Irk.

Have Arevna Murka on the paws of arapki.

Zay at the forge ordered to forge an ep.

At the nephew of Narissa, cucumbers grow on the branch.

What letter did he lick? ( C)

Why do you think? (children's answers)

V. Summary of the lesson.

What sound does this letter represent? Describe it.


1. Savina S.V., Guguchkina E.E. Non-standard lessons in elementary school. Publishing house "Teacher". Volgograd, 2000. - 12 p.

2. Maksimuk N.N. Games for teaching literacy and reading. Publishing house "Wako". M., 2006. - 77 p.

3. Kochergina A.V., Gaidina L.I. Learn the alphabet while playing. Publishing house "5 for knowledge". M., 2007. - 168, 170 p.

4. Volina V.V. Entertaining alphabet. Publishing house "Enlightenment". M., 1994. - 323 p.

Q - hard or soft sound?

    Ts, Zh, Sh are solid sounds, and always, regardless of what vowel is behind them. Even if these letters are followed by a soft sign (for example, in the words rye, wasteland), the sounds will still be hard. But Y, Ch, U - always soft sounds.

    In Russian phonetics, most consonants have pairs of hardness / softness:

    b-b (brown - white);

    p-p (fingers - hoops);

    in-in (will - fork).

    But there are such single sounds that do not have such a soft pair among consonants. This c, and, w.

    Sound c always sounds solid.

    tsynga, tsyn o f k a.

    That is why there is a spelling rule that a letter is written in the roots of words And after c, regardless of pronunciation, except for exception words:

    gypsy, chick, tiptoe, chick.

    The sound q is:

    1) deaf, since only noise participates in the formation of this sound.

    2) lingual-dental, formed with the help of such organs as the tongue and teeth,

    3) front lingual affricate. The sound is formed due to the gap when the tongue and teeth are closed, while the opening does not occur abruptly.

    4) hard. It must be remembered that the sound Ts is always solid.

    Let's try to reason. In childhood, for some reason, we always really wanted to write: tsYrk, tsYrkul, tsYnk and the like. Now we know that these would be gross spelling mistakes. But on what were our doubts based? It is at the constant hardness of sound c. And even nothing can soften this hardness.

    Let's figure it out what is the letter c.

    1. this letter is a consonant.
    2. always has only a solid sound.
    3. in the Russian alphabet is 24 (twenty-fourth) in a row.
    4. the sound itself c, is deaf unpaired.
    5. The following words begin with the letter q: chicken, chicks, gypsy, circus performer, circus, clatter, flowers, price tag, zinc, mat.
  • Letter c corresponds deaf consonant c, which is noise and is formed without the participation of the voice. The sound q does not have a paired voiced sound and it refers to sounds that are always deaf (x, h, u).

    Sound c consists of a group of sounds that are always solid, no matter how soft/hard the sounds around them are. In addition to the consonant sound c, consonant sounds zh and sh are distinguished by stable hardness.

    The sound c at the place of formation is anterior lingual.

    If we talk about hardness - softness, then the sound c- it's always hard sound, couples in hardness - has no softness.

    In general, the sound c is a consonant deaf unpaired, solid unpaired.

    The consonant sound ts has the following characteristics: unpaired solid and unpaired deaf. This sound does not have a pair of hardness / softness. In Russian, there is a group of consonants (ts, sh, zh), which is considered to be always solid.

    Although it is correct in Russian in some words, the letter I is written after the letter C, and after the other Y, after some U, A, and after some Yu, Ya, the sound ts in all primordially Russian words in our time is exceptionally solid. Once upon a time, in ancient times, it was pronounced softly, but those times are long gone.

    And now about the unpleasant. For some reason, I wrote that ts tvrd is in primordially Russian words? Especially to say BUT later. In the Russian language there is a certain meager amount of foreign words, mostly onyms, that is, names - people, geographical objects. The letters Yu, I after Ts may appear in them, and literary pronunciation requires softening of the consonant - c, for example:

    There are literally one or two such words and ..., except for Zurich, these are mainly Chinese toponyms, as well as everything that is named after Comrade Tsyurupa. They may never meet in real life, so in high school you can say with a light heart that the sound ts is always hard, but keep in mind that even this iron rule has its tricky exception ..

    In Russian, some consonants can be both soft and hard and form a pair of softness - hardness. such a majority. Some are only soft, some are only hard, and the group of hard sounds also includes C, in this group there are also Zh and Sh.

How to learn to distinguish between hard and soft sounds

Russian is one of the most difficult languages. Therefore, if you want your child to be able to write and express his thoughts correctly, you need to carefully prepare homework and follow the teacher's requirements. And learning a language starts small - with sounds. They are vowels and consonants, voiced and deaf, soft and hard. Immediately, it will be very difficult for children to understand all this diversity, so it is better to start small.

First, the child learns to understand how letters are divided into vowels and consonants. What are sounds and what are letters. When this material has already been mastered, you can begin to distinguish soft sounds from hard sounds. It is necessary to understand that the child needs to be taught to distinguish and hear hard and soft sounds according to various signs. It is important that the child learns to hear consonant sounds and understand why they are hard or soft. Just memorizing whether a consonant denotes a hard or soft sound will not work, since in different uses the same letter can be both hard and soft (except for exceptions).

First of all, we pay attention to the case when a vowel comes after a consonant letter. Here it is quite easy to determine the hard sound of a consonant or soft. It must be remembered that after solid consonants there are always vowels: a; O; y; e; s. If after the consonant are: and; e; Yu; I; e, then these consonants are soft.

The consonant sound is hard, because after it the vowel sound “a” is pronounced, but, in the words “nanny” or “aunt”, the consonants will be soft, since the letters “i” and “e” are after it, giving softness to the consonants . Having remembered this simple rule, children no longer experience difficulties in determining the hardness and softness of individual consonants if they are followed by a vowel.

But what to do if, after a consonant that causes doubt, a consonant comes again in the word? The child must learn that in this case the consonant will be hard. Always soft sounds remain outside the rule. For example, the word "pencil". After “n” there is “d” and the child understands that the consonant “n” means a hard sound, because after it there is a consonant sound. But in the word "brocade" the letter "h" still remains soft.

When explaining these rules, it is very important not to rush, but to monitor the reaction of the child, and give new rules only after the old ones are fully assimilated and are not difficult to use.

How are hard and soft sounds indicated in writing?

In writing, the hardness and softness of consonant sounds is indicated only when writing transcription. An apostrophe "`" is used to denote a soft sound. Solid sounds are not distinguished by any signs on the letter.

Below is an explanatory table that clearly shows that the same sound can be both hard and soft, depending on which vowel follows it.

Table with examples of writing sounds in soft and hard usage

ram [b] [b`] underwear
pile [V] [in`] elm
hump [G] [g`] weight
house [e] [d`] uncle
gold [h] [h`] Earth
cat [To] [k`] whale
skis [l] [l`] lemon
garbage [m] [m`] ball
Nora [n] [n`] Nyura
floors [P] [p`] singing
robot [R] [p`] river
Sun [With] [s`] seed
tone [T] [t`] crown
furor [f] [f`] the final
hamster [X] [x`] hut

It can be seen that consonants form pairs according to hardness-softness: [v] - [v`]; [k] - [k`], etc. In writing, both hard and soft sounds are indicated by the same letter, but they are pronounced differently. With the help of such a table, children more easily understand the hardness and softness of consonant sounds, while remembering that the “b” sign always makes the consonant soft, and the “b” sign always makes the consonant behind which it stands hard.

Which sounds are always hard and which are soft

It is important to note that the letters "g"; "sh"; "c" - are only hard, no matter what vowel is behind it, but "th"; "h"; "u" - soft on the same basis. You can make your child such a reminder that he will carry in his writing notebook:

w w c h sch th

Be sure to focus on that "h"; "sch"; "y" sit on cushions here, so they are always soft. The child will remember this association, and will always clearly call these sounds soft.
If the child does not manage to remember which letters are always hard or soft, you can use the following tricky trick. Sew 3 pads with foam rubber and draw the letters “h” on them; "sch"; “th”, and cut out plates with the letters “g” from thick cardboard; "sh"; "c". Put these items in a conspicuous place, such as a desktop. Gradually, the child will have an association of hard and soft letters in his head.

The concept of voiced and deaf sounds

In Russian speech, in addition to hardness and softness, voiced and deaf sounds are distinguished. Phonetics gives a clear idea of ​​whether a consonant will be voiced or deaf.

Voiced sounds are uttered by speech when the air with noise overcomes an obstacle in the mouth and the ligaments vibrate.

Deaf consonants are spoken exclusively with the help of noise, the voice is not involved here, and the vocal cords are in a relaxed state.

In many schools, teachers memorize the following phrase with children: “Do you want Styopa’s cabbage?” - "Fi!". Here are consonants that are deaf in Russian.

To memorize and distinguish voiced consonants from deaf ones, we divide them into pairs. There are 11 of them in total, if we take into account soft consonants (exception [g] - [w]) [b] - [p]; [v]-[f]; [g] - [k]; [d]-[t]; [h] - [s].

So, we found out that in the alphabet, letters make several sounds. It depends on the position of the letter in the word. At the end of the syllable, the voiced sound is muffled, the same happens if the letter is in front of a deaf consonant, for example, “gol b ka". In writing, we use a voiced consonant, and we say “goal P ka".

Table of hard and soft sounds

To once again consolidate the concept of hard and soft consonants, one should distinguish between the location of the tongue during pronunciation. When a soft sound is spoken, the tongue moves forward, rising to the sky with its middle. When pronouncing solid consonants, the tongue does not move forward.

To systematize knowledge about hard and soft sounds, we will make a table:

Educational games to consolidate the material

First-graders, although they are already schoolchildren, are still small, and it is not worth refusing to study in a playful way. Therefore, we offer several developmental tasks, thanks to which it will be easier for children to learn new material.

  1. Guess. We write tablets with the transcription of words. The task of the child is to name the word and name soft sounds. Signs are best made bright and large, then it will be more interesting for children to react to them.

To start the game, easy words are selected: [m`el]; [soap]; [l`uk]; [WHO]. And at the end, you can complicate the task and give the following words: [b`elka]; [ski track]; [cl`on].

While playing, the child visually memorizes the designation of soft consonants and gains practical skills in using knowledge when writing.

  1. Choose solid! A game by analogy with "edible - not edible". In order for the game to interest the attention of children, a ball is used. The teacher lines up the children in a circle and pronounces a syllable, if the consonant is hard, the child catches the ball, and if the consonant is soft, not. After the child has caught the ball, he must independently come up with a new syllable and throw the ball to another player.

The game allows children to quickly distinguish between the hardness and softness of consonants.

  1. Find a couple. Children are given words with the use of the first consonant in a solid form, and the child must come up with a word in which the first consonant is soft. For example, the words are given: glad, varnish, soap, cart. And the children should pick up: row, hatch, chalk, drove (if the children come up with other words, but in the correct soft use of the consonant, they must be counted as the correct answer). If the child comes up with a few words, it is necessary to praise him.

This game develops the child's imagination and expands their vocabulary as children share written words.

  1. Fizkultminutka. The teacher says words that begin with consonants. If the first consonant is hard, the children should sit down, and if the word begins with a soft consonant, then the children jump out and raise their hands up.

This game is always perceived by children with joy. Because after sitting in the lesson, it allows them to warm up. And it also develops a good reaction and the ability to carefully perceive information.

  1. Let's sing friends! The teacher hums any well-known melody, using syllables with hard consonants (for example, the melody "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"). And the children should sing the same consonant in response, only in soft use.

Teacher: Pa-pa-pa...

Children: Wee-wee-wee ...

W: Ho ho ho...

D: Hee hee hee…etc.

The game not only quickly learns to distinguish between hardness and softness of consonants, but also allows children to express their creativity.

In practical classes, it is very important to pay more attention to conducting classes in a playful way. During the game, the child better learns and remembers the information that adults are trying to convey to him. The more interesting the game, the better the lesson will be remembered. If children are given only dry rules and exercises, they quickly lose interest in the learning process, and will not delve into the essence of the rules.

Consonants sound differently in different words. Sometimes hard, sometimes soft. In this lesson, we will learn to distinguish between soft and hard consonants and designate the softness of consonants in writing with the letters I, E, E, Yu, I and L. We will find out which consonants form pairs of hardness-softness, and which are only hard or only soft.

If you ask what can be soft, probably everyone will immediately say: bread, sofa, scarf, pillow. And stone, ice, wood - solid. Yes, but it turns out that the sounds of Russian speech, consonants, can also be hard and soft.

Say the words several times in turn: CAT - KIT.

Compare the first consonants. When pronouncing a sound in the word KIT, the middle part of the tongue rises to the palate, the passage through which the air flows narrows and a sound is obtained, which scientists conventionally called soft. And the opposite sound is called - solid.

It is important to listen to the sounds of spoken words. If you say the word HES otherwise - with a solid first sound, we get a completely different word - NOSE.

Let's listen and observe the movement of our tongue:

row - sound [p '] - glad - sound [p]

hatch - sound [l ’] - bow - sound [l]

crumpled - sound [m '] - small - sound [m]

Sounds can be written (conditionally) with icons. Musical sounds are recorded in notes, and speech sounds are written in letters, but in special square brackets - in transcription. In order not to confuse hard and soft sounds when reading the transcription, scientists agreed to show the softness of the sound with an icon very similar to a comma, only put it on top.

Most consonants form pairs of softness - hardness:


[b ']








[h ']





















Some consonants are only hard or only soft. They do not form pairs in hardness / softness:

Only hard consonants: [w], [w], [c];

Only soft consonants: [th '], [h '], [u '].

In writing, the hardness of consonants is indicated by vowels A, O, U, Y, E, and the softness of consonants is indicated by vowels E, E, I, Yu, I.

There are words with soft consonants at the end of words or in the middle of words before other consonants. Listen to the words: salt, horse, notebook, coat, ring, letter. Then a soft sign will come to the rescue. Even his name suggests - a sign soft, for soft consonants.

How to act when writing words:

- I hear a solid consonant sound - I write letters after it in place of the vowel sound: A, O, U, Y, E.

- I hear a soft consonant sound before a vowel sound - I denote its softness with vowels: E, E, I, Yu, I.

- I hear a soft sound at the end of a word or before a consonant - I show softness b.

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See also:

Preparation for exams in Russian:

Essentials from theory:

We offer online tests:

Sections: Primary School


  1. Introduce a new letter and sound /c/
  2. Build reading skills
  3. Promote the development of phonetic hearing
  4. Cultivate kindness towards animals.

During the classes

1) When greeting guests, look at them, smile, and now smile at me. Sit down.

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with a new letter and populate it in one of the free houses on our tape of letters, and there are only five of them left.

Guess the riddle:

colorful sisters
Guests are greeted all day
They are fed with nectar. ( Flowers)

Right. These flowers I will give you for correctly completed tasks. / The teacher shows multi-colored flowers, a letter is printed on the back of each flower /

Let's pronounce the word "flowers", highlighting the first sound.

What is the first sound? (C)

Is it consonant or vowel?

Sound /c/ soft or hard?

Does he have a younger brother?

Is the sound /c/ voiced or deaf? Can we say it without a voice? We hear only noise, so this sound ... ( deaf)

The sound /c/ is paired or unpaired.

So what have we learned about the /c/ sound? What is he? (Sound /ts/ consonant, solid, deaf, unpaired).

Okay, congratulations, you've got first flower. /Teacher pins it on the board/

2) The next task: remember the words with the sound /c/, finish the word.

A flower blooms at the bird-
Blooms on a pair of thin legs.
The flower is fluffy and the call ...
- Flower, who are you?
(- Chick!)

What words with the /c/ sound did you hear? ( flower, chick, blossoms, birdie).

What can you say about the words "flower", "blooms". ( These are single words).

Continue row: flower, blooms ( bloom, flower garden, florist, flower girl ...)

Guys, what does the bird do? ( Raises birds).

What kind of poultry can a poultry keeper raise? ( Ducks, chickens, geese, turkeys).

Now I'm turning into a bird. And you are chickens. How should I call you? (chick, chick, chick)

Chick, chick, chick. Run to me.

You will get a grain if you name a word with the /c/ sound and say in which part of the word it is located. (The number-sound / c / is at the beginning of the word ...)

And now in places my chickens, you know a lot of words with the sound / c /, get second flower.

3) The sound /c/ in the letter is indicated by the letter "C". What does the letter "C" look like?

I suggest you learn this poem:

That's what the letter "C" is.
With a claw at the end.
Claw - scratch,
Like a cat paw.

Let's lay out the letter "C" from the sticks.

What letter do we post?

Let's repeat the poem.

And now let's put the letter "C" in the house. / Working with a tape of letters. The teacher offers to settle a new letter in empty houses. Children, reasoning, determine the house for the letter "C". /

While you put your sticks away, I'll put them on for you. flower.

4) The letter "C" is friends with vowels, forming mergers. Let's read them.

Which of these words is three-syllable? (street) Why? (3 syllables, 3 vowels)

Which of these words is missing? (1 option: birds- plural, other words are in the singular; Option 2: whirligig- no letter "C", all others have the letter "C")

Choose a scheme for the word yula. (Scheme No. 2) Let's check (Yu-la, the word consists of two syllables; the second syllable is stressed; the first syllable consists of the merging of the consonant sound "y" with the vowel "y", the second syllable is the fusion of the consonant sound "l" with the vowel " A")

All done correctly. I give you one more flower.

5) And now you yourself will make a sound scheme of the word. What? Find out by guessing the riddle:

Standing on one leg
Staring into the water
Pokes beak at random,
Looking for frogs in the river. ( Heron)

/One child at the blackboard, and all the rest in the places do a sound analysis of the word, making up a sound scheme./

How many sounds are there in a word? (5 sounds)

Sounds are represented by letters. Let's write this word. Open the box office letters. (The sound /Ts/ is indicated on the letter with the letter “Ts” ...)

Well done. I give you flower.

Our heron stood on one leg. Can we do that?


It's very hard to stand like this
Don't put your foot on the floor.
And do not fall, do not swing,
Don't hold on to your neighbor.

6) At the letter "C" having bought a ticket,
We will visit the circus.
There is a bear driving a motorcycle,
And herons are passengers.

Open the textbook / V. G. Goretsky "Russian alphabet" / on the bookmark. Turn the page (page 174)

Consider the illustration. And answer the question: what is the name of the round area in the center of the circus where the performance is given? (Arena)

Tell us what's going on in the arena? / The music "Parade - alle" sounds. Then it is muffled and against its background the children say the sentences compiled according to the illustration /

Text on next page. Count how many sentences are in it? (4)

Let's read this text.

What is the intonation of the last sentence? ( exclamatory).

What about the previous three? ( narrative).

How can we title this text?

Answer the questions to the text:

  • What do dogs do in the circus?
  • What are tigers doing?
  • What is said about bears?

Guys, what do you think, what qualities of character should a trainer have in order to teach animals such tricks?

Guys, which one of you was in the circus? Tell us about your impressions.

You receive another flower.


Are you tired?
Well, then everyone stood up together.
They stomped their feet,
They clapped their hands,
Turn around, turn around
And everyone sat down at the desks.
We close our eyes tightly.
We count to five together.
We open. blinking
And we continue to work.

7) Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak also loved the circus. He wrote an interesting poem. Let's read it on page 176. Guys, what incomprehensible words did you find in this poem?

(Guest performer, tightrope walker, juggler) / The teacher puts up a card with the word, the children read it in syllables in chorus, then the teacher explains the meaning of this word /

guest performer- an artist who gives performances, moving from city to city.

tightrope walker- an artist performing numbers on a highly taut rope.

Juggler- a circus performer who deftly throws and catches several objects at the same time.

Let's read the poem by S.Ya. Marshak again in chorus.

Well done. Here's another one for you flower.

8) Well, well, you did a great job at the lesson. This is evidenced by a large number of flowers. How many of them, count. (7)

What new letter did you learn in class?

How many sounds does it represent? Name it.

Describe the sound /c/

I will tell you a secret. Our flowers are unusual, magical. / The teacher turns each flower in turn. / Each one has a letter on it. Read what word came out of the flowers? (GOOD FELLOWS)

Yes, you are great today. Everyone did a good job in class.