22 Words has collected 43 photos of people taken in the last minutes or hours before death. They really take your breath away!

1. Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife June 28, 1914. On the same day they will be killed by Gavrilo Princip.

2. 29-year-old bullfighter Victor Barrio a second before his death on the horns of a bull.

3. 31-year-old volcanologist David Johnson on the slopes of Mount St. Helens 13 hours before the eruption in which he died.

4. Journalist Kim Wall on the submarine of Peter Madsen, who killed and dismembered her on the high seas.

5. The last selfie of Dutch women Chris Kremers and Lisanna Froon, taken in Panama, where both tourists went missing.

6. Essa, Kelsey and Savannah took this selfie seconds before they were killed by the train in the background.

7. Two friends posted this selfie on Facebook. That same evening, the girl on the left (Cheyenne Antoine) strangled her friend Brittney Gargol with the belt seen in the photo.

8. A couple of minutes after this picture, a Vietnamese woman and her children were killed by American soldiers in My Son.

9. Rolf Bae and Cecile Skog kiss before climbing Chogori. Rolf died under an avalanche during the ascent.

10. In July 2007, two civilian helicopters collided in Phoenix, Arizona. No one survived.

11. Serial killer Robert Ben Rhodes took this picture of 14-year-old Regina Kay Walters before killing her.

12. Buddy Holly, J. P. Richardson and Ritchie Valens pose before boarding a plane that crashed over a field in Iowa. This tragedy is known as "The Day the Music Died".

13. The last day of a cancer patient's life. The photo was taken by his daughter.

14. Joseph Kennedy Jr., older brother of John F. Kennedy, poses before the battle in which he was destined to die.

15. The killer takes 8-year-old Cherise Perrywinkle from the supermarket. Donald James Smith offered to treat the girl to a hamburger, but instead kidnapped and killed her.

16. Mobile phone photo of a tourist whose body was found in the mountains of Yosemite National Park.

17. 14-year-old Australian Keith Sapsforth wanted to fly to Japan, for which he hid in the wheel of an airplane. Unfortunately, it fell out in flight.

18. An elderly Turkish woman brags about how much she has prepared. A minute after this photo, she died of a heart attack.

19. Singer Jenny Rivera and her team on board a private jet at Monterrey Airport. They all died when the plane crashed.

20. Sydney Loof posted this selfie before going on a date where she was strangled. Her killer, Aubrey Trail, insists it was an accident during sex.

21. 21-year-old Tuka Razzo at home in Mosul (Iraq). That same night, she died during an American bombardment.

22. Shannon Nunez took this photo before jumping off the cliff. She wasn't about to kill herself: it's a popular jumping spot in Hawaii. Unfortunately, she was caught in a whirlpool and drowned.

23. Baseball player Roy Holladay posted this photo on Twitter hours before he crashed his plane.

24. The last performance of singer Christina Grimmie on June 10, 2016, after which she was shot dead by a stranger. The killer committed suicide.

25. Two repairmen stuck on a burning windmill in Holland. Both died: one jumped off and crashed, the second was burned alive.

26. Anna Faber sent this selfie to her boyfriend. A few minutes later she was kidnapped and killed, and her body was found only after 2 weeks.

27. A group of schoolchildren took this photo on a hike. Shortly thereafter, a boy in a red jersey was killed by a falling rock.

28. A school selfie accidentally captured a drowning boy in the background. They didn't save him.

29. Photo of a teenager in the pool shortly before he passed out and choked to death.

30. Husband and wife posted this photo from a country festival in Las Vegas. Soon she died from the bullets of the shooter, who killed 58 people.

31. Snowboarder Marco Siffredi begins the descent from Everest. Nobody saw him again.

32. Rapper Tupac Shakur an hour before the murder. He was shot dead in 1996 by an unknown gunman.

33. A fire engine rushes to the WTC towers on September 11, 2001. All six firefighters were killed.

34. In 2017, Aaron Joel Mitchell threw himself into the fire at the Burning Man festival. Neither alcohol nor drugs were found in his blood.

35. Photo taken by a 19-year-old girl from the side of her father's plane, a couple of minutes before the crash on takeoff. John, Dana and Morgan Burkett died along with their two dogs.

36. The last photo of 18-year-old Jolie Callan before her ex-boyfriend shot her and threw her body off a cliff.

37. Flight PSA 182 crashes after a collision with another aircraft over San Diego in 1978. All 135 people on board, 7 people on the ground and 2 people in the second plane were killed.

38. MMA fighter Rondel Clark drastically loses weight before the fight, which will be fatal for him. Doctors came to the conclusion that he undermined his health with a sharp weight loss.

39. The woman took this cheerful photo before the operation to remove the glioblastoma, from which she did not wake up.

40. A 17-year-old rock climber posted this photo on his Instagram, after which he fell from a height of 305 m and died.

41. A minute after this photo, the blonde jumped off the platform to pick up the fallen jewelry, and fell under her wheels. She died in the hospital.

42. Actor Paul Walker gets into the car, in which he will soon die.

43. Teenager Garrett Miller on the football field, where he will die in a couple of minutes, crushed by a fallen pillar.

There are many sophisticated ways to go to the other world, but how could we think a couple of years ago that people would die trying to take a photo on the very edge of the abyss or with a gun to their head?

1. 17-year-old Russian schoolgirl from St. Petersburg, Ksenia Ignatieva, was only a month short of adulthood. Being at the very top of the railway bridge, the girl lost her balance for a second and fell down. Falling, she caught on a high-voltage cable, which led to instant death.

2. 32-year-old resident of North Carolina (USA), Courtney Sanford, was driving along a busy highway, singing Pharrell Williams' song "Happy". It was only the desire to share happiness with others that made the woman take a dangerous selfie and post the photo on Facebook. It was the last thing she managed to do before her death. Losing control, after a second, Courtney crashed into a garbage truck and died on the spot.

3. The next dangerous selfie that led to death was attempted by a Japanese tourist while visiting the Taj Mahal. Choosing a good angle, he stumbled and rolled down the marble steps, knocking down his friend before that. A friend escaped with a broken leg, but a lover of extreme shots died of a heart attack. His death was far from the first on the steps of an Indian temple and, judging by the trend, is unlikely to be the last.

4. It is difficult to imagine what (or, rather, what) the Mexican Oscar Otero was thinking about a second before his death, trying to take a selfie with a gun to his temple.

The result is predictable: the 21-year-old macho put a bullet in his head before he could take a picture. It's a pity, because now only the pathologist knows what he had in place of the brain.

5. The next last selfie before death is just monstrous in its recklessness. A married couple from Poland, relaxing in, decided to capture themselves at the most extreme point in Europe, Cape Cabo da Roca. A sudden gust of wind threw both of them off the edge of an 80-meter cliff in front of their children, 5 and 6 years old. With them for a long time psychologists are working, who are faced with a difficult task: to convince orphans that their parents were normal people.

6. Another candidate for the Darwin Award is 18-year-old Anna Ursu from Romania. Having climbed onto the roof of the train, she wanted to “effectively raise her leg,” as her miraculously survived friend later explained. The effect turned out to be very impressive: hitting the high voltage wire, a lover of dangerous selfies, immediately flared up like a torch, receiving a discharge of 27,000 volts.

7. Selfies with dangerous animals are also often the cause of death. 32-year-old Spaniard, David Gonzalez, during the traditional festival could not catch himself and the bull in the frame. Carried away, he did not notice how one of the animals ran up to him from behind and literally planted on his horns. It was not possible to save the unfortunate photographer.

8. A resident of the UK, while visiting in Wales, was so impressed by a raging thunderstorm that he decided to film himself in front of lightning. If he had not skipped physics classes at school, he would have known how dangerous his last selfie at the very top of the hill with a metal stick raised up could become. The unlucky photographer did not pretend to be a lightning rod for long: after a few seconds, the first lightning strike ended in his death.

9. If few people are surprised by an individual photo from an extreme place, then a group selfie taken a moment before death is something new. A group of 24 Indian students and teachers wanted to take a picture of themselves in front of the dam, unaware that the reservoir had begun to release water. As a result, only 5 bodies were found, the rest were missing.

10. Several groups of tourists at once found themselves at the site of an unexpected eruption of the Ontake volcano, in Japan. In a matter of minutes, a dangerous mixture of ash, gas and stones fell upon everyone who was nearby. Few managed to escape, more than 30 people became victims of the volcano.

The most interesting thing began after a while, when the smoke cleared and the rescue operation began. Finding the surviving phones, the rescuers were shocked by the latest entries. It turns out that when the eruption began, many tourists, instead of running, spent precious seconds taking selfies and filming videos.

One of the online publications calculated that in 2015 the number of victims of unsuccessful photos exceeded the number of victims of shark teeth worldwide. The epidemic is only gaining momentum and the most dangerous selfies before death are yet to come...

We wake up in the morning, start a new day, work, play with children, meet friends… Has anyone thought that this beautiful day could be the last? Some people managed to capture the last moment of their friends and even their own. So what happened a few moments after the camera clicked?

1. She was killed by the war

This photo was taken in 1942. jumped out of the hotel window just as the photographer was passing by. There are suggestions that she received a message about the death of a loved one during World War II.

2 Deadly Airshow

On September 1, 2007, an air show was held in Poland. In an instant, something went wrong. The planes collided in the air. This photo shows that the second is about to collide with the wreckage of the first. Both pilots died that day. Fortunately, the audience was not hurt.

3. Last business day

This picture captures the last moments of two Norwegian workers who were repairing a wind turbine. Suddenly, a fire broke out, cutting off the men's escape route. In this photo, you can see that they hugged, probably said goodbye. The young people were 19 and 21 years old.

4. Studied and died together

A group of Indian students went on an excursion to the city of Manali. They stopped to take a photo on the banks of the River Beas. At that moment, the floodgates of the hydroelectric power station were opened to release water. Station workers can be accused of negligence, because they let the water down without warning, from which many young people died in an instant. The water literally washed them off the ground. This picture was the last for more than twenty students who lost their lives in an instant.

5. Didn't live to see the wedding

These young girls were driving in a car good mood. They took this photo, which was the last for one of their friends. The girl on the left was named Collette Moreno. She was only twenty-six and did not live to see own wedding only a month.

Collette's friend tried to overtake a truck, but, by an absurd accident, she crashed into a pickup truck. The worst thing is that the deceased had little son. This is Collette with her fiancé. She is amazingly beautiful and happy.

6. Deadly selfie

Mexican Oscar Otero Aguilar was only 21 years old, and he died by a ridiculous accident, wanting only to take a photo. Oscar had a passion for taking selfies with various luxury items, but where the guy got the gun from was a mystery to his friends. Oscar wanted to come up with an original shot with a gun, he brandished it, and then put it to his head. But he did not know that the gun was loaded. The bullet hit the guy in the head, he died on the way to the hospital.

7. She died happy

Perhaps she did not even realize that the moment of her death had come. Courtney Stanford was 32 years old, she was driving a car, listening to her favorite song. Just a moment before her death, a woman posted a photo of herself on Facebook with the caption that the Pharrell Williams song makes her happy. In a second, Courtney crashed into the truck in front and died on the spot.

8. Photo at the cost of life

This beautiful girl name was Ksenia Ingnatieva. She loved taking pictures of herself interesting places. This played a cruel joke on the girl. She fell from a ten-meter height of a railway bridge. When falling, she grabbed the cable, but it turned out to be a cable with high voltage. She died on the spot from the shock she received. This photo, for which she risked her life, this life was cut short.

9 Hobbies Killed Him

Pavel Kashin from St. Petersburg loved parkour. It was because of this hobby that he died. The guy performed a difficult trick on the roof of a sixteen-story building, but unsuccessfully. This photo was the last in his life.

10. The last portrait of the victim of a maniac

This beautiful carefree girl's name was Regina Kay Walters. She became a victim of the maniac Robert Ben Rhodes, on whose account there were many innocent lives. The scary thing is that he didn't just want to kill the girl, he enjoyed his power over the helpless teenager.

The photo below captures the last moments of Regina's life. The maniac cut off her curly hair, dressed her in black dress and ordered to pose. Fear, disgust, evil - all in one look of a doomed person.

11. Fell off her pose

15-year-old Natasha Lastun was often photographed on the roofs of an abandoned nine-story building. Friends say that she loved life very much. On this day, he and his girlfriend again climbed to the roof of the skyscraper. Natasha posed, and then her leg slipped and fell down. The doctors were unable to save her. The photo is beautiful, but was such a risk worth a young life?

12. A moment before the attack

In this photo, a happy father and daughter. Ordinary street, ordinary day, serene people. But in just a minute, all this will not happen. This picture was taken in Omagh, Ireland. In 1998, a terrorist attack took place there, as a result of which 29 people were killed, more than two hundred were injured. The camera used to take the picture was found in the wreckage while clearing the street.

13. Photographed his killer

This man was lucky not only to capture the last moment in his life, he was able to photograph his killer. Filipino politician Reynaldo Dags photographed his family. They were so happy because they were celebrating 2011. It is not known whether the man noticed his killer, whether he could understand that this was the last moment in his life.

14. Autographed his killer

This is one of the last photos of the world-famous and beloved by millions of musician John Lennon. In this picture, not only the singer, but also his killer. The quiet and unassuming fan seems to be just waiting in line to get an autograph.

But the insane Mark David Chapman only shot Lennon because he was on his list of celebrities to kill. This photo was taken an hour before the musician's death.

15. Just a moment before the impact

In 2001, the tragedy that unfolded in the United States was talked about in all developed countries peace. Almost 3,000 people died on this terrible day. It was not a global catastrophe or rampant disaster.

This picture shows how the second with suicide bombers and hostages on board is about to crash into the second tower of the World Trade Center.

The people who were in the tower were probably already panic-stricken, but they did not even suspect that in a few seconds they would face the same fate as the unfortunates in the first tower.

16. Terrible price per show

In 2002, our country was stunned by the terrible news of the tragedy at the air show at the airfield in Sknilov. In a second, this one will crash into the ground. Many people who stand on the ground will not be able to survive. This disaster beat the number of victims in the air show.

17. Didn't reach the stars

This last photo shows the happy crew of the world-famous Challenger shuttle that crashed just minutes after liftoff. None of its members survived. But the terrifying thing is that some astronauts were able to survive the collapse of the ship, and died from the impact of the shuttle on the water. Many thousands of people saw this tragedy from TV screens. On that day, humanity crossed the thin line between the show and the death of people.

18. Suicide in front of the cameras

This last photo American politician Robert Bath Dwyer. He was accused of bribery. Under Pennsylvania law, he faced up to 55 years in prison. He held a press conference. Journalists were waiting for him to refute these accusations. But in the middle of his speech, the politician began to distribute some envelopes. And then he took out a pistol and turned to the people in the hall: “If this is unpleasant for any of you, you can leave the hall.” In a moment he shot himself. Many years later, it turned out that the accusations against Robert Bath Dwyer were falsified.

19. Where were the adults when the child died?

This photo seems unreal or staged. But the whole horror is that this is a picture of a girl who was slowly dying for several days, and no one could help her. Omaira Sanchez was crushed under the rubble of a house after a natural disaster, when a volcano erupted in Colombia. She spent three days in the water. Various infections got into the wounds on the body, from which the girl died. In her eyes and sadness, and understanding of inevitability. Looking at this photo, do you think about what all our technological progress is worth if so many adults could not save one child?

20. He looked into the eyes of death

In this picture, 58-year-old Ki Suk Han stares into the eyes of death and can't do anything. He was pushed under the train by a homeless man, with whom Khan had argued a few minutes before. In this photo, the expectation of his own death froze.

Many of these unfortunates perished through catastrophes, terrible coincidences, and their own carelessness. Is a good frame worth living? Was it worth risking yourself for the first places in the search engine line? Appreciate life, and let only happy faces be in your photos.

This photo was taken by a photographer walking past a window from which a girl jumped out in 1942. There are suggestions that she was informed of the death of a loved one during World War II.

2 Deadly Airshow

In the autumn of 2007, an air show was held in Poland. Suddenly something went wrong. The planes collided in the air. This photo shows that the second plane is about to collide with the wreckage of the first. Both pilots died that day. Fortunately, the audience was not hurt.

3. Last business day

This photo shows young people aged 19 and 21 who were victims of a tragic accident. These are the last moments of the lives of two Norwegian workers who were repairing a wind turbine. Suddenly, a fire broke out, cutting off their escape routes. In this photo, you can see that they hugged, probably said goodbye.

4. Studied and died together

This photo of more than twenty students was the last. After they lost their lives in an instant. This happened in the city of Manali, when a group of Indian students went on an excursion.

They stopped and decided to take a photo on the banks of the Bis River. At that moment, the floodgates of the hydroelectric power station were opened to release water, from which young people died in an instant. The water literally washed them off the ground.

5. Didn't live to see the wedding

In the photo, these young girls were driving in a car good mood. This is the last photo for one of my friends. The girl on the left was named Collette Moreno. At the age of 26, she was only a month short of her own wedding.

Collette's friend (the one on the right) wanted to overtake a truck, but accidentally crashed into a pickup truck. The worst thing is that the deceased left a small son. Pictured is Collette with her fiancé. She is very beautiful and happy.

6. Deadly selfie

Mexican Oscar Otero Aguilaru died at the age of 21 in an absurd accident while trying to take a selfie with a gun. Oscar liked to take selfies with different luxury items, but how he got a gun remained a mystery to his friends.

He wanted to do unusual photo with a gun, brandished it, and then put it to his head. But he did not know that the gun was loaded and accidentally shot himself in the head. On the way to the hospital, he died.

7. She died happy

In the photo, the girl listened to a song that she really liked. At that moment, she probably did not even have time to understand that the moment of her death had come. The girl's name was Courtney Stanford, she was 32 years old.

She was driving at the time and posted a photo of herself on Facebook with the caption that a Pharrell Williams song made her happy. It was the moment before her death when she listened to her favorite song. After that, Courtney crashed into a truck that was driving ahead. The girl died on the spot.

8. Photo at the cost of life

This beautiful girl's name was Ksenia Ignatieva. She loved to take pictures in interesting places and on high altitudes. take pictures in interesting places and at high altitudes.

And this hobby played a cruel joke with her. She broke and fell from a ten-meter height of the railway bridge, when she fell, she grabbed the cable, but it turned out to be a high-voltage cable, she died on the spot from the current discharge received. This photo, for which she risked her life, this life was cut short.

9 Hobbies Killed Him

Pavel Kashin from St. Petersburg loved parkour. And this hobby became cancerous for him. The guy performed a difficult trick on the roof of a sixteen-story building, but unsuccessfully. This photo was the last in his life.

10. The last portrait of the victim of a maniac

This beautiful girl's name was Regina Kay Walters. She became a victim of the maniac Robert Ben Rhodes, on whose account there were many innocent lives. The scary thing is that he didn’t just want to kill the girl, he enjoyed his power over her.

This photo captures the last moments of Regina's life. The maniac cut her hair, forced her to change into a black dress and ordered her to pose. Fear, disgust, evil - all in one look of a doomed person.

11. Fell off her pose

All teenagers love to climb to the last floors of houses. 15-year-old Natasha Lastun often took photos on the roofs of an abandoned nine-story building. Friends say that she loved life very much. On this day, he and his girlfriend again climbed to the roof of the skyscraper.

Natasha posed, and then she lost her balance and fell down. Unfortunately, the doctors couldn't do anything. This photo was the last in her life.

12. A moment before the attack

In this photo, a happy father and daughter. Typical day, simple people. But in a minute all this will not be. This photo was taken in Omagh, Ireland.

In 1998, a terrorist attack took place there, as a result of which 29 people died, more than two hundred people were injured. The camera used to take the picture was found in the wreckage while clearing the street.

13. Photographed his killer

In this photo, Filipino politician Reynaldo Dags took a photo of his family and his killer accidentally got into the frame. They were so happy because they were celebrating 2011. This was his last photo.

14. Autographed his killer

This is one of the last photos of John Lennon, beloved by millions of musicians. In this picture, not only the singer, but also his killer. One gets the impression that this is an ordinary humble fan who is waiting in line to get an autograph.

But it's actually Mark David Chapman, who only shot Lennon because he was on his list of celebrities to kill. This picture was taken an hour before the musician's death.

15. Just a moment before the impact

In 2001, the tragedy that occurred in the United States was talked about in all developed countries of the world. Nearly 3,000 people died that day. This photo shows how the second plane with suicide bombers and hostages on board is about to crash into the second tower of the World Trade Center.

The people who were there, they probably already panicked, but they did not even suspect that in a few seconds they would face the same fate as the people in the first tower.

16. Terrible price per show

This photo was taken at the air show in 2002 at the airfield in Sknilov. Many people who are on earth will not survive. This disaster broke records for the number of victims in an air show.

17. Didn't reach the stars

This last photo shows the happy crew of the world-famous Challenger shuttle that crashed just minutes after liftoff. None of its members survived. Many thousands of people saw this tragedy on TV.

18. Suicide in front of the cameras

This is the last photo of American politician Robert Bath Dwyer. He was accused of bribery. He faced up to 55 years in prison. He held a press conference.

Journalists were waiting for him to refute these accusations. Then he took out a pistol and told the people in the hall: “If this is unpleasant for any of you, you can leave the hall.” A few seconds later he shot himself. Many years later, it turned out that the accusations against Robert Bath Dwyer were falsified.

19. Where were the adults when the child died?

This photo seems unreal or staged. But the whole horror is that this is a photo of a girl who was slowly dying for several days, and no one helped her. Omairo Sanchez was the victim of a volcanic eruption.

She was crushed by the rubble of her house after a natural disaster, when a volcano erupted in Colombia. She spent three days in the water. Various infections got into the wounds on the body, from which the girl died. In her eyes and sadness, and understanding of inevitability. Looking at this photo, you think about what all our technological progress is worth if so many adults could not save one child?

20. He looked into the eyes of death

In this picture, 58-year-old Ki Suk Han fell onto the subway tracks, staring into the eyes of death and unable to do anything. He was pushed under the train by a homeless man, with whom Khan had quarreled a few minutes before. In this photo, the expectation of his own death froze.

Now with the help bright photos They want to impress their friends, to attract the attention of others to their person. Unfortunately, for some particularly daring self-lovers, the pictures may be the last in their lives. Well-known media have long been publishing selfies taken 1 second before death. They rank the 10, 12, 25 and 50 creepiest shots.

We also picked up photographs taken a moment before the tragedy. Look what people are willing to do for fame. Some take colorful selfie photos near rivers and volcanoes, others with sharks and dangerous animals, and others while driving a car a few seconds before a terrible accident.

Dangerous selfie in the car

Two girlfriends spent all their childhood and youth without parting from each other for more than one day. They went to school together, walked, watched movies, ate pizza in the evenings and discussed plans for the near and distant future. The trip to the suburbs for a bachelorette party of one of them was no exception, which promised to be great and very fun. Entertainment was planned for the whole evening and even touched the next day.

Both girls, in anticipation of the holiday, laughed and had fun all the way. They, of course, exceeded the speed, and by a lot. Suddenly, a huge truck pulled up from a side road towards them. The future bride Collette did not have time to slow down. But it was at that moment that the photo was taken, miraculously surviving in such a terrible car accident.

Against the backdrop of a fire

In the state of Nebraska in the USA in the small town of Norfolk, a terrible tragedy recently occurred. One of the most expensive bars caught fire, which was very popular. This happened due to non-compliance with safety regulations and leakage of domestic gas. Little Jessica, along with her parents, passed by just as the firemen were putting out the fire. The girl decided to take a selfie against the backdrop of a burning building in order to post it on Facebook and brag about a successful photo in front of her friends.


But at the time of shooting, there was a strong explosion caused by the ignition of gas cylinders stored in the utility room. The blast wave threw Jessica to the pavement. The girl received a serious head injury, after which she died in the hospital 2 days later, never regaining consciousness.

Another tornado victim

Tornadoes are the most common in the US. The state of Oklahoma was no exception, where the hurricane raged quite recently, almost destroying several small towns from the face of the Earth. Although this a natural phenomenon very dangerous, its appearance is mesmerizing. Therefore, there are so many hunters for pictures and videos of vortices of various sizes and powers. For a long time, Thomas wanted to photograph not only the hurricane itself, but also himself against its background. He traveled around the country for a long time in pursuit of this phenomenon. And then one day he succeeded.