In one family, a girl named Dogbe grew up. She had many brothers and sisters. All children helped their parents with work on the field and at home. Only one Dogbe did not know how to do anything and did not want to learn anything. And so she grew up as a lazy person.

Grew up and turned into a very beautiful girl. One young man fell in love with Dogbe for her beauty and came to woo her. But Dogbe's parents refused him, saying that he would not be happy with such a wife. After all, she won’t even be able to cook him an akassa - Dogbe’s hands are completely inept.

The young man left, and the offended Dogbe began to cry bitterly. She cried all day and went to bed in tears. And in the morning she began to ask her mother to help her - she wants to be hardworking and skillful.

“Learn how to cook first, daughter. Here's at least akassa. It's not hard at all to prepare. Take corn, fill it with water for a day, then ceilings. Pour the resulting flour again with water. The bran will float to the top, remove it from the rest of the flour, and put the dough to boil. While it is cooking, add water to it and stir all the time. If the dough floats to the top, it's cooked. You can make bread out of it. Then wrap them in leaves and take them to the market.

The next day, Dogbe, as soon as she woke up, took money from her father, bought corn and began to cook bread, as her mother taught her. And then she took it to the market to sell.

Young lover of literature, we are firmly convinced that you will be pleased to read the fairy tale "Lazy Woman (Fairy Tale Background)" and you will be able to learn from it and benefit from it. The plot is simple and old as the world, but each new generation finds in it something relevant and useful for itself. Surprisingly easily and naturally, the text written in the last millennium is combined with our present, its relevance has not diminished at all. The desire to convey a deep moral assessment of the actions of the main character, which encourages rethinking oneself, is crowned with success. Charm, admiration and indescribable inner joy are produced by pictures drawn by our imagination when reading such works. Often in children's works, the central personal qualities a hero, his resistance to evil, constantly trying to lead the good-boy off the right path. Here, harmony is felt in everything, even negative characters, they seem to be an integral part of beingness, although, of course, they go beyond the boundaries of what is acceptable. The tale "The Lazy Woman (Fairy Tale Background)" should be read for free online thoughtfully, explaining to young readers or listeners the details and words that are incomprehensible to them and new to them.

In one family, a girl named Dogbe grew up. She had many brothers and sisters. All children helped their parents with work on the field and at home. Only one Dogbe did not know how to do anything and did not want to learn anything. And so she grew up as a lazy person.
She grew up and turned into a very beautiful girl. One young man fell in love with Dogbe for her beauty and came to woo her. But Dogbe's parents refused him, saying that he would not be happy with such a wife. After all, she won’t even be able to cook him an akassa - Dogbe’s hands are completely inept.
The young man left, and the offended Dogbe began to cry bitterly. She cried all day and went to bed in tears. And in the morning she began to ask her mother to help her - she wants to be hardworking and skillful.
“Learn how to cook first, daughter. Here's at least akassa. It's not hard at all to prepare. Take corn, fill it with water for a day, then ceilings. Pour the resulting flour again with water. The bran will float to the top, remove it from the rest of the flour, and put the dough to boil. While it is cooking, add water to it and stir all the time. If the dough floats to the top, it's cooked. You can make bread out of it. Then wrap them in leaves and take them to the market.
The next day, Dogbe, as soon as she woke up, took money from her father, bought corn and began to cook bread, as her mother taught her. And then she took it to the market to sell.
She did this every day and made a lot of money.
Once a young man who was wooing Dogbe went to the market and bought a few loaves of bread there. He liked them. He began to ask who had prepared such delicious breads, and was very happy when he found out that these were Dogbe breads. Soon he married Dogba.
The young were very happy, and the husband could not get enough of his hardworking wife.


African fairy tale "Lazy".

Targetlesson: to learn to find the main idea of ​​the work; improve the skill of correct, expressive, conscious reading; develop oral monologue speech of students, creative imagination, interest in reading

During the classes

1. Organizing time

Let books come into houses with friends

Read all your life, get smart.

Book - true friend children,

Life is more fun with her!

2. Speech warm-up. (presentation)

3. Verification homework.

- What wise thoughts, winged words from Krylov's fables do you want to read (say)? What fable are they from?

4. Posting the topic of the lesson

Today we will make virtual journey to one mainland. But what kind of mainland, you have to guess for yourself.

What is this country?
She is very hot.
sun, summer all year round
Sea, palm trees and sand.
The deserts are hot here
The stars are bright at night.
There are dense forests
Plants are thorny.
What is this country?
She is very hot.

Guys, what do you know about Africa?

Africa is the hottest continent in the world. In the summer the sun always shines there, and in the winter it rains. But there are also countries in which there is no winter at all, and summer is all year round. More than half of Africa is occupied by deserts and savannahs. In the deserts everything is covered with sand, plants are very rare. During the day it is hot, but at night it gets cold. Sometimes it blows strong wind and there are sandstorms during which being in the deserts is dangerous for both animals and humans. People move there on camels, these animals are very hardy and can go without food and water for many days.

The savannah is not as hot as the desert, but the summers are still dry. But in winter it rains, thanks to them grasses, bushes and trees grow. All this is food for animals, so there are a lot of them in the savannah. These are antelopes, giraffes, zebras, ostriches are also found there. They are hunted by lions and leopards. There are also larger animals in the savanna, these are elephants and rhinos.

There are many in Africa rainforest they are called jungle. It's warm and humid there, lots of grass and tall trees. Lianas grow between them, these are climbing plants that cling to branches and trunks and stretch upwards towards the sun. There are many impenetrable places in the jungle, where plants stand like a solid wall through which neither man nor beast can pass. Therefore, many African animals settle right on the trees, for example, monkeys, there are a lot of them in the jungle. Various birds and snakes also live here. Antelopes, wild boars, gazelles hide in dense thickets, they are constantly hunted by predators - leopards, wild cats, panthers.

Africa also has mountains, rivers and lakes. Crocodiles and hippos live in the water, many fish and other inhabitants, and those animals that live on land come here to drink.
This continent is inhabited by many different peoples, in total about one billion people live there. There are 55 countries in Africa.

Have you guessed which country our work is from?

5. Preparation for perception.

- Get to know the title of the next piece.

What can you say about him before reading?

What genre does this piece belong to?

Prove why folk tale?

What fairy tales do you know?

6. Actualization of the studied material.

The game "shifters"

7. Acquaintance with the text is carried out in the form of reading to oneself.

8. Discussing what has been read, rereading and working with the text.

Find in the text an explanation of the African word "akassu".

(Bread from cornmeal.)

How do the events of the story begin?

- Why is Dogbe called a lazy person in a fairy tale? Confirm

the words of the text. (“Only Dogbe was the only one who didn’t know how to do anything and didn’t want to learn anything.”)

Reading the beginning of the tale, do you sympathize with the heroine or condemn her? Why?

What do you think is the most important event in the story?

– What made Dogbe change?

- Why did the young man fall in love with Dogbe?

Is it not enough to be beautiful?

- How did the story end?

– What is the main idea fairy tales?


9. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Workbook With. 25 No. 4-5

How do you understand the meaning of the proverbs:

Every blacksmith of his own happiness;

Whoever loves work is honored by people;

Pick a berry - you will pick a box;

What you learn in youth will be useful in old age;

Do you have to go into the water to eat a fish?

- Which of these Russian proverbs coincide with the main idea of ​​the African fairy tale?

10. The result of the lesson.

What country's fairy tale did we meet?

What do you remember about this country?

What is the main idea of ​​this tale?

What do you think, how would the fairy tale end if Dogbe had not changed?

11. Reflection. Slide

12. Homework

Students are preparing for a creative retelling: girls - on behalf of Dogbe, boys - on behalf of the groom.

In one family, a girl named Dogbe grew up. She had many brothers and sisters. All children helped their parents with work on the field and at home. Only one Dogbe did not know how to do anything and did not want to learn anything. And so she grew up as a lazy person.

She grew up and turned into a very beautiful girl. One young man fell in love with Dogbe for her beauty and came to woo her. But Dogbe's parents refused him, saying that he would not be happy with such a wife. After all, she will not be able to cook even akassa for him - Dogbe's hands are completely inept.

The young man left, and the offended Dogbe began to cry bitterly. She cried all day and went to bed in tears. And in the morning she began to ask her mother to help her - she wants to be hardworking and skillful.

Learn to cook first, girl. Here's at least akassa. It's not hard at all to prepare. Take corn, fill it with water for a day, then ceilings. Pour the resulting flour again with water. The bran will float to the top, remove it from the rest of the flour, and put the dough to boil. While it is cooking, add water to it and stir all the time. If the dough floats to the top, it's cooked. You can make bread out of it.

Then wrap them in leaves and take them to the market.

The next day, Dogbe, as soon as she woke up, took money from her father, bought corn and began to cook bread, as her mother taught her. And then she took it to the market to sell.

She did this every day and made a lot of money.

Once a young man who was wooing Dogbe went to the market and bought a few loaves of bread there. He liked them. He began to ask who had prepared such delicious breads, and was very happy when he found out that these were Dogbe breads. Soon he married Dogba.

The young were very happy, and the husband could not get enough of his hardworking wife.

They say there lived a guy somewhere. They married him. The young began to live in peace and harmony, only the wife turned out to be very lazy. As soon as the work becomes harder, she is immediately sick, she cannot get out of bed. Most of all, she groaned in the hot summer season. She waits until everyone leaves for work, immediately gets up, scrapes out all the rice that is in the pot, and let's eat it, and if there is no boiled rice left, she will cook it herself.

That's when the father-in-law says:

- I'll bring the healers, let them feel her hands. Our daughter-in-law has an incomprehensible illness. Let them give her medicine, and if she doesn't get better, we'll send her back to her father's house, and leave her there.

He really went after the healers. He brought them and asks:

- Feel the hands of our daughter-in-law and tell me what illness torments her. We don't know what's wrong with her. Otherwise, people will say, and the matchmaker too: “Look, they don’t even want to help her.”

One medicine man took her by the hand, held it and smiled. Then the other took it and also chuckled lightly. They sat down and didn't say anything.

The owner asks:

"What's wrong with her, sirs?" What did you find? Say, do me a favor. How are we going to treat her?

“She has a serious and long-standing illness,” the healers say. - Try to find healing roots, crush them and give her a drink.

“I don’t understand healing roots,” the owner replies. - I ask you: bring such a drug to put her on her feet. And if you need to buy medicine and give it yourself, explain how to do it. Tell me anything that can help, or we can't cure her.

And the conversation goes next to the patient, and she hears everything. Here the sorcerers say:

“That's right, sir. Since you called us, we will find a remedy. Only we want to say this: in order for the treatment to help her, we must first read the spells, otherwise our remedy will not bring any benefit.

“Okay,” the owner replies. Do whatever it takes to heal her. If we start, then we must finish.

- Well, - say the healers, - agreed. We will go for our remedy, and as soon as we get it, we will speak it, and then we will begin to give the drug.

“Hurry up, do me a favor,” the owner asks. “Bring the medicine today or—deadline—tomorrow.” It's time to work, and it's also wrong to leave the patient alone. Someone should be assigned to her, but we don’t have enough hands anyway. Do me a favor, get the medicine as soon as possible, do not hesitate.

- Well, - they say, - we will find it and deliver it today. Let's give it to her tomorrow.

The healers said so and went out of the house. On the threshold they lingered and explained to the owner that his daughter-in-law was suffering from a lazy fever.

How can we cure her then? - he got excited.

“Wait,” they say. - Not a word to anyone. We have a remedy for such a case. And you be calm.

And so, to tell the truth, both medicine men went into the forest, dug up two tubers of tyrrha, large as pumpkins, and brought them with them. In the evening they came to the patient's house and said:

We got medicine. Today we will not treat her with it, but tomorrow, when it gets light, we will give it to her.

Just know that first of all we are over there, at the far end of the street at the crossroads, we will talk to you all, and the patient too, and only then we will apply our remedy. We are telling you this now so that in the morning none of you will go anywhere.

“Okay,” they say. - It's fine.

“So we agreed,” the healers said. Wait, we'll be back early tomorrow.

Here the healers were given supper. They ate and left.

The next day they rose with the roosters. First of all, they took tyrrha tubers, carried them to the end of the street and left them there. Then they went to the sick woman's house and raised everyone there to their feet. They asked for a copper cup with water, a pinch of antimony and an old sieve. They gathered what they needed and led everyone to the end of the street to the crossroads. There they sat the sick woman on a sieve and anointed her with pig droppings. Then they took both tubers of tyrrha, hung them around her neck and said:

- You, daughter-in-law, go three times up and three times down the street, and we will be waiting for you here. You will pass three times and thereby remove the interference that they are doing to us dark forces then we can leave this place. Don't hesitate and go quickly three times in both directions.

To tell the truth, this daughter-in-law went down the street like that, and the people all stared at her and laughed out loud, and the kids ran after her in a crowd, clapping their hands, slapping their buttocks, jumping up and squealing with joy. Even the relatives who were left standing at the end of the street burst out laughing. She passed once, the healers tell her:

“Remember, wear this medicine until you get better. Well, as soon as you are completely healthy, you will untie and throw it away.

The daughter-in-law went down the street for the second time, and the people laughed at her so much that she could not stand the shame, tore the “medicine” away from herself - and went home with all her legs. Laughter after even more.

As she ran away, the whole family also returned home, and the healers asked her:

“Tell me, daughter-in-law, didn’t you untie and throw away our medicine because you immediately got better?”

Then she laughed at herself, and the healers say to her:

“Look, don’t ever hurt like that again, otherwise we will bring this medicine again.” We recognize any disease.

From that day on, the daughter-in-law recovered, never pretended to be sick again, and worked diligently. This is how the lazy daughter-in-law was corrected - they weaned her from being lazy.