In this section we offer you collections of songs and melodies for autumn, exciting holidays! Enjoy listening, creativity and inspiration!


Content 1. Here we go again yellow leaf(+,-) 2. Mushroom rain (+,-) 3. Rain (+,-) 4. Leaves fly (+,-) 5. Umbrellas (+,-) 6. Rain (+,-) 7. Dripping rain (+,-) 8.Autumn blues (+,-) 9.Autumn song (+,-) 10.Autumn (+,-) 11.Autumn rumba (+,-) 12.Autumn mystery (+,-) 13. Artist autumn (+,-) 14. Old woman autumn (+,-) 15. The sun in the mirrors (+,-) 16. Wonderful time (+,-)

COLLECTION "Autumn Ball"

Content 1. Leaves (+,-) 2. Autumn Ball(+,-) 3. Autumn waltz (+,-) 4. Autumn Park(+,-) 2 (+,-) 5. We ask you to visit autumn (+,-) 6. Invisible autumn (+,-) DOWNLOAD COLLECTION


Content 1. Watermelons 2. Mushrooms (+,-) 3. Rain (+,-) 4. Rain 2 (+,-) 5. Hello autumn (+,-) 6. Look for your fungus (+,-) 7. How look for mushrooms 8. Pictures of the village (+, -) 9. The cry of cranes 10. Autumn paths (+, -) 11. Autumn landscape (+, -) 12. Autumn has come (+, -) 13. Autumn knocked (+, - ) 14. Ask autumn (+,-) 15. Song about autumn 16. Dance with baskets 17. What will autumn bring us (+,-) 18. Wonderful time (+,-) 19. Noise of rain DOWNLOAD COLLECTION

Content 1. There will be the first call, there will be the first lesson 2. Letters 3. The school will open the doors for us 4. Knowledge Day - First Grader 5. Native school 6. September 1 7. Knowledge Day 8. Inkblot 9. What is school good for 10. First time in first grade 11. Song of the Dunno 12. Song of the Queen of Knowledge 13. Soon to school 14. Day of knowledge 15. Song of the Tupitsins 16. School 17. School time 18. Day of knowledge DOWNLOAD COLLECTION


Content 1. Mushrooms in the forest 2. Proud fly agaric 3. Mushroom guesser 4. Mushroom train 5. The mushroom has become large 6. Mushrooms 7. White and red mushrooms 8. Mushrooms grow in the forest 9. Mushrooms 10. Mushroom-berries 11. Forest fly agaric 12. Fly agaric 13. We are mischievous mushrooms 14. Honey mushrooms 15. Song of a mushroom 16. Butter mushrooms 17. Dance of mushrooms 18. Mushroom cones 19. I am a small mushroom 20. Mushrooms DOWNLOAD COLLECTION


1. Watermelon 2. Watermelons 3. Merry strawberries 4. Mushrooms and berries 5. Strawberries 6. Strawberries 7. Strawberries 8. Strawberries 9. Raspberries 10. Raspberries 11. On a berry meadow 12. I'll go for the berries 13. Blueberry song 14 Raspberry 15. Berry 16. Berry by berry 17. Berry 18. Berry meadow 19. Berries DOWNLOAD COLLECTION


Content1. What autumn will bring us 2. Zucchini 3. Cabbage 4. Potato 5. Onion 6. Cucumber 7. Tomato 8. Ah, potatoes 9. Turnip 10. Parsley 11. Carrot 12. Pear 13. Strawberry 14. Green apple 15. Mushrooms 16. Rowan berries 17. Peas 18. About all the vegetables in the garden 19. On the bridge 20. Mushrooms 21. Station - mushrooms 22. Ginger 23. Fly agaric 24. Little rain 25. Autumn has come 26. Hello, autumn 27. Autumn has knocked us 28. RainDOWNLOAD COLLECTION


Content 1. Gentle autumn 2. November (+,-) 3. October (+,-) 4. Autumn paths (+,-) 5. Autumn stories 6. Autumn holidays 7. autumn pictures 8. Autumn waltz 9. Autumn motive (+,-) 10. Autumn landscape (+,-) DOWNLOAD COLLECTION


Content 1. Hello, autumn 2. Autumn boogie-woogie 3. Autumn waltz 4. Autumn motive (+,-) 5. Autumn in the forest 6. Autumn has come 7. Autumn walked around the garden 8. Autumn under an umbrella (+,-) 9 Red autumn (+,-) 10. Song about autumn 11. The holiday has come to us DOWNLOAD COLLECTION


Content 1. Autumn again (+,-) 2. Mushroom rain (+,-) 3. Rains (+,-) 4. Rain (+,-) 5. Umbrellas (+,-) 6. rain dripping from the sky on the roof (+, -) 7. Leaves fly (+, -) 8. Autumn blues (+, -) 9. Autumn park (+, -) 10. Autumn song (+, -) 11. Autumn rumba (+, -) 12. Autumn mystery (+,-) 13. Autumn (+,-) 14. The sun in the mirrors (+,-) 15. Old woman autumn (+,-) 16. Artist Autumn (+,-) 17. Wonderful it's time for autumn (+,-) DOWNLOAD COLLECTION


Content 1. Watermelon (+,-) 2. Cabbage (+,-) 3. Onion (+,-) 4. Carrot (+,-) 5. Cucumber (+,-) 6. Tomato 7. Senior Tomato 8. Dance cucumbers (+,-) 9. Fruit dance 10. Apple (+,-) DOWNLOAD COLLECTION


Content 1. Proud fly agaric (+,-) 2. Mushroom guessing game (+,-) 3. Mushroom train (+,-) 4. Mushroom has become big 5. Mushrooms 6. White and red mushrooms (+,-) 7. Mushrooms grow in the woods 8. Mushrooms (+,-) 9. Mushrooms-berries (+,-) 10. Look for your fungus 11. Fly agaric (+,-) 12. Mushroom song (+,-) 13. Honey mushrooms 14. Butter mushrooms DOWNLOAD COLLECTION


Content 1. Autumn again 2. Yellow leaves 3. Autumn flowers 4. Autumn 5. Colorful autumn (+,-) 6. September 7. Dance of autumn leaves 8. Dance with autumn 9. Swans flew away 10. Barrel organ autumn DOWNLOAD COLLECTION


Content 1. Hello autumn 2. Autumn waltz 3. Autumn motive (+,-) 4. Autumn in the forest 5. Autumn has come 6. Autumn walked around the garden 7. Autumn under an umbrella (+,-) 8. Red autumn (+,- ) 9. A song about autumn 10. The holiday has come to us 11. Top-top autumn boogie-woogie DOWNLOAD COLLECTION


Content 1. Bad weather 2. Autumn fairy 3. Autumn has come to visit 4. Autumn is a marvelous fairy tale 5. Autumn is kind and wise 6. Autumn is golden leaf fall 7. Autumn is red 8. Autumn is not knocking on the window 9. Autumn is a wonderful time 9. Autumn is rustling 10. In the forest in autumn 11. In autumn 12. A song about autumn 13. Through puddles (+, -) 14. Leaves flew 15. Holiday 16. Autumn came 17. Just autumn 18. Farewell to summer DOWNLOAD COLLECTION


Content 1. Mushrooms (+,-) 2. Rain (+,-) 3. Rain, rain 4. Hello autumn (+,-) 5. Rain 6. Look for your fungus 7. How to look for mushrooms 8. Village pictures 9. The cry of a flock of cranes 10. Autumn paths (+, -) 11. Autumn landscape (+, -) 12. Autumn has come (+, -) 13. Autumn has knocked on our door (+, -) 14. Autumn we will ask (+, -) 15. Skvorushka says goodbye 16. Dance with baskets and handkerchiefs 17. What will autumn bring us (+, -) 18. Wonderful time (+, -) 19. Noise of rain

"Hello, autumn!" dance with autumn wreaths. Circle "Fidgets"

Nikolskaya Lyudmila Gennadievna, instructor in physical education. MDOBU "Novoarbansky kindergarten" Rainbow ". Republic of Mari El, Medvedevsky district, Novy settlement.
Material Description: Dance with autumn wreaths, older girls dance preschool age at the matinee, to the song "Hello, autumn!". Dance can be useful for educators, music directors.
Target: to form in children the skills of choreographic plasticity, musical rhythm, the development of their creativity, the ability to embody a musical-motor image.
- Get the kids involved in the performance.
- Improve motor skills and abilities.
- Cultivate friendly relations and attention to each other.

Decoration of our music hall for the autumn holiday.

Song hello autumn! The dance is simple and not difficult, the girls performed it with pleasure.
Wreaths for girls were made by parents. Decorative autumn leaves were woven onto the wire. Everything was secured with tape. The wreaths are ready to dance.
Introduction. Girls stand in a circle, hold a wreath in their hands in front of them, perform springs.

Autumn knocked on us with a golden rain, They go in circles
And, alas, not a gentle sunbeam.

Dragged the sad song of the fall, Raise the wreath up, spin.
And under this song, the garden falls asleep.

A mountain ash-berry, like a light, Hold on to the wreaths go along the cr yes
Warms, pleases a cloudy day.

In puddles, like boats, the leaves are circling, They circle in pairs.
Gray, cold, clouds hurry into the distance.

Losing. They go to the middle, raise the wreaths up, come back and put wreaths on their heads.

Birds no longer sing songs. And they blow in a circle with a wreath on their heads, with their hands holding on to the edges of the dress.
They gather in flocks and fly south. Same, only right hand wave at the top "goodbye"

Quiet evenings the rain drizzles, They go to the center of the circle, raise their hands up.
Lullaby song, knocking on the glass.

Losing. They circle in pairs.