The most common sign about hands says that the palms itch either for money or for shaking hands. Is everything extremely simple? It turns out not. It is not known what was the reason for this - the keen observation of our ancestors or their indefatigable imagination - but the ancestors left us almost a treatise on itchy palms. Do you know, for example, that the day of the week and time of day can completely change the nature of the prediction?

Why does the palm itch?

First of all, make sure that you are not bitten by some inconspicuous insect, that you are not struck by a sudden attack of allergies, that your skin does not suffer from dryness or fungus. Even a harmful aunt who yelled at you in line at the clinic can cause mild stress, which after a while will result in itching in your hands. You forgot to think about the boorish, but upturned nervous system remembers and worries! But if everything is in order with health, and the nerves are strong as steel, folk signs will come in handy.


Regarding which hand is considered to be giving and which is receiving, there is still no unity between esotericists. The ancient Slavs adhered to one opinion on this matter, Orthodox Russia - another, and some people believe that the point is that a person belongs to one sex or another. They say that men should accept gifts with their right hand, women with their left, and everyone will be happy. But on one issue, most traditions are unanimous: the right side is more often considered a store of energy, therefore ...

In order not to be mistaken, give gifts with both hands and with all your heart

  • The tingling of the right palm means that emotions that have been held back for too long are seething in you and require release. Dig deep into yourself and remember if you were offended not so long ago by a person to whom you still cannot forgive this? If there is no offender, a tense situation or an unpleasant decision that you were forced to make under the pressure of circumstances will suit the role of a source of negativity. Did you recognize yourself? Then it is necessary to get rid of excess energy as soon as possible, otherwise sooner or later they will break through, if not outward, with a colossal scandal, then inward - nervous exhaustion. Sports, dancing, or a cool roller coaster where you can squeal to your heart's content without risking being called a hysteric will do just fine.
  • Tickling in the palm of your hand can also mean that you will soon have to make an important decision that can turn life around in a different direction. Most likely, the time for this is long overdue. You are literally itching to take fate into your own hands and take action! By the way, spiritual practitioners of the East believe that itching in the right palm indicates that enough strength has accumulated in a person to overcome any obstacles and accomplish his plan.
  • It is customary to greet with the right hand, so at times it itches, anticipating the handshake of a person dear to the owner. Once upon a time, people strongly believed in this, maybe not in vain.

Still more often right hand predicts a meeting

If it itches a lot on a certain day

To be sure that not a single detail is missed, consider more detailed interpretation signs for the days of the week. Each of them makes its own adjustments to the prediction:

  • If right palm started itching on Monday, expect a date, but not necessarily a love one. Most likely, it will be insignificant, but it will allow you to spend time for your own pleasure: a neighbor will run in for a cup of tea, colleagues will invite you to dine in a cafe, a friend will remind you that you have not been visiting her for a long time.
  • On Tuesday, the hand is aimed at shaking hands with an old friend who has already begun to fade from your memory. There will be an opportunity to refresh both friendship and memories.
  • Wednesday - finally a romantic meeting! It is not surprising that the palm itches: she can not wait to touch the one who may turn out to be "the one."
  • Thursday. If you already have a soulmate, but in this moment missing, don't worry. The parting is nearing an end, and the beloved (or beloved) will soon be there again.
  • Friday is ex-time. Someone once touched your heart, but the relationship did not work out? Today there will be a reason to say to yourself “everything is for the best!” and look at the object of your passion with completely different eyes. It probably wasn't your person.
  • Saturday is a day of flirting and non-committal adventures. Make friends, have fun, turn heads! The right hand promises to bring with interesting people, if you don’t overdo it at the party and don’t hit “breaking bad”.
  • Why did itching appear on Sunday? He promises a meeting with someone influential and rich. Ladies have a chance to make a good match, men - to enlist the patronage of a serious person, with the help of which they will be able to overcome long-standing "butts" in business.

Evening or morning

And what about the time of day?

If tickling under the skin haunts you in the morning, even before the sun sets, signs promise a new acquaintance. If the itching attacked in the evening, changes related to business area. For example, the news of a promotion will come. Or that your project is recognized as the best, and you, as a developer, are entitled to a large award and a business trip to Paris to exchange experience.

Does the left always itch for money?

The left palm is concerned about material values

The left palm tends to rustle banknotes and weigh gifts, both material and spiritual. No need to accuse her of excessive commercialism, after all, the palm cares about your well-being. It is not surprising that itching in the left hand predicts:

  • Profit. A win, a find, a large order... Anything can become a source of your financial well-being.
  • Career growth. Higher position - more money.
  • Unplanned spending. If arrived left hand rejoices, then she is also sad about losses. Either you will lose a large amount, or a pickpocket will profit from your wallet, or buy something useful, but obviously from the category “beyond your means”.

Thursdays, Fridays and other days of the week

Depending on whether it is Monday or Wednesday, signs are distributed as follows:

  • Scabies appeared on Monday? Get a significant amount without lifting a finger, but drop everything down to the penny for nonsense. Or spend more than you got!
  • On Tuesday - an old debt will be invested in an itchy palm.
  • Wednesday is a controversial day. On the one hand, you can get money, on the other hand, they will not bring you good. The most best solution will distribute all windfall profits to those who need it more than you.
  • On Thursday, tickling suggests that money is rushing into your hands, but leading to problems with relatives. Get pissed off and stay guilty.
  • On Friday, look around so as not to miss valuable gift, which fate will throw you literally under your feet.
  • On Saturday, a sign predicts an honestly earned salary increase ...
  • And on Sunday - just a nice gift. By the way, very significant, because of the cockerel on the sticks, the left palm will not worry.

The surest sign that a pleasant crunch of brand new banknotes will soon be heard in your pocket is the morning itch in your hand. If an unusual feeling made itself felt in the evening, and even in a large company, take a quick look around - is one of the friends scratching their left palm at this moment? Belief says that this person is your best friend and soul mate. Or someday it will, if you put in the effort.

The ancient Sumerians tried not to deal with a person who had a habit of scratching his left hand, considering him a liar and a thief. But the Sumerians have sunk into the past, and the current experts on human souls and neural connections say: this is a direct sign of a penchant for analysis and logic. We noticed that the child now and then runs his fingers over his left palm - firmly believe that you are raising a young Sherlock Holmes or Einstein. Naturally, the will of parental pride should be given only after a visit to a dermatologist, you never know ...

Both hands: what does this folk sign mean

Two palms - double happiness

As for scabies in two palms, the ancestors did not immediately leave us as exhaustive interpretations as for each separately. But there is no reason to be upset about this. Connoisseurs say: if any palm predicts evil, the sign will immediately be neutralized by its happier companion. A good predictions in both hands will instantly double and come true.

If the edge of the palm is scratched

If together with inside the edge of the palm and its rear are scratched, be on your guard! Someone is going to give you a gift, but not out of good intentions. If your right palm itches, most likely they will try to bribe you with something small in order to get a greater favor in return, or they will offer you a bribe. If the left one itches, the person is not inclined to demand something in return, but his present is still not from a pure heart. Perhaps among the classmates who chipped in last night for a gift on your birthday, an ill-wisher lurked?

Why are there gender differences?

In the old days, there were no businesswomen either in Russia or in Europe. For many centuries, earning money remained an exclusively male prerogative, and the girls almost without exception wondered about marriage. It is understandable - the whole life depended on whether the ring glittered on the finger, and who exactly put it on! It seems that this is where the sign came from:

  • The girl's left palm begins to itch before the sweetheart calls her in marriage. If there is no lover yet, at least after such a sign a handsome stranger should meet, with whom it is not a sin to exchange phone numbers.
  • For a man, the same sign predicts good luck in negotiations and a good deal.

How to neutralize a bad omen

Repeat: “I came, I left, I forgot about me!”

  • If the palms predicted what you want to avoid - a meeting with an ex, a gift from a spiteful critic, problems that will come for money - wash your hands with ice-cold tap water and let them dry naturally. Until this happens, do not clench your fingers into a fist! Take the prediction for yourself, whether you like it or not.
  • If you want your left hand to serve only for good, scratch it towards you - from your fingertips to your wrist. It is believed that you will point the money in the right direction, after which they will begin to flock to your wallet.
  • There are other ways to point the way to wealth. Imagine in your palm large bill, clench your fingers into a fist and put it in your pocket. And so that no money is transferred in it in the future, and say loudly: “To profit!” It would be even better to hold a real bill in your hand at this moment, the greater the denomination, the better. If, as luck would have it, you find yourself wearing clothes without pockets, put your hand under your armpit. It's the same thing!
  • Some advise putting fingers clasped into a fist behind your back ...
  • Others - kiss the palm and touch it to the top of the head ...
  • Still others - to rub the itchy place on any red thing with the saying "True on the red, so that it would not be in vain." What people have come up with to keep money to themselves!

If your wallet is still sparse, and your palms itch, you can experience the power of folk legends. Or bring your own sign! But do not forget about the main thing: severe itching portends not only a large sum and a warm company, but also a treatment for dermatitis. Get carried away with ideas folk wisdom confidently, so as not to squander after "their hard-earned money" on doctors.

There are a lot of folk signs, they are transmitted from father to son, from elder to younger. But not all phenomena and events of life can be explained from their point of view. For example, the question of why the right palm itches can be answered from the standpoint of superstition, medicine and psychology. Which of them is true - everyone decides for himself.

folk omen

In very ancient times, when even the word “science” did not exist, a person somehow had to explain incomprehensible phenomena and events that happened to him. The relationship between cause and effect was seen as signs, many of which have survived to this day.

There are many signs and superstitions associated with hands; they can be used to tell about the character and personal characteristics of a person. For example, palms small size considered a sign a good leader, with large belong to people with high analytical skills. No wonder palmists have special interest to the patterns on the palms: according to them, they can tell about the past of the individual and predict the future.

The human body constantly sends him signals, they all have essential. Why the palm of the right hand itches is a sign and its meaning, which people are often interested in.

There are many interpretations among the people, the most popular of which are the following:

Belief cannot work in the same way for all mankind. In order to accurately understand the meaning of the sign, why the right hand itches, it is necessary to analyze the last events of your life. So it will be easier to decide in which direction this superstition will play. If a meeting or a date was planned for a long time, then something similar will probably happen.

For a long time, you have been striving to earn or receive money in any other way - most likely, you will receive it.

Sign by day of the week

The meaning of a folk omen may vary depending on whether on what day of the week does a person experience itching sensation in the right palm:

All interpretations have only positive value, so there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of in this case.

Value by time of day

The time of day at which a person feels a sensation of itching in the palm of his hand means a lot. As a rule, if the palm itches in the evening, then this promises events that should happen the next day. In this case, you need to scratch it from left to right and go to bed early in order to have a good rest and tune in to tomorrow's events.

If the hand itches in the morning, then this is a positive sign, approving possible expenses for the next 12 hours. You can not be afraid of the upcoming waste, as they will be compensated soon. It also means that all today's meetings and acquaintances will be successful and fruitful.

The palm itches - money signs

The most common explanation for why is my right hand itchy- receiving financial profit. It is important to pay attention to how strongly a person feels it. Because there is another belief: than stronger manifestation itching, the larger amount will come.

So, your right hand itched. For money to come to you for sure, some action needs to be taken for their speedy arrival.

First you need to clench your palm into a fist, imagining that the profit is already in it. Then put your hand in your pocket and open it inside. Next, pulling out your palm, rub the same pocket with it. It is believed that these actions will attract wealth faster.

Along with the intensity of sensations, the size of the area of ​​the itching hand is also important. If not only the palm itches, but also the elbow and even the forearm, then one should expect a profit on an especially large scale.

By the way, why does my left elbow itch- a sign and its meaning are similar to this one.

From a medical point of view

If the hands itch very strongly and for a long time, it is worth throwing the signs aside and consult a doctor. There is a possibility that such itching can be a manifestation of any disease, for example:

  • Itching may be caused by allergic reaction, for example, on washing powder or detergent.
  • Severe itching, redness and peeling is accompanied by a skin disease such as eczema.
  • If the sensations intensify in the evening and at night, blisters filled with liquid jump up between the fingers, then it is quite possible that you have a normal scabies. It is treated quite difficult and also contagious.
  • Our skin primarily reacts to the influence of the outside world, therefore experiences and stress may also be the cause.

Before referring to a sign, if the palms itch, it is necessary to exclude physiological causes.

What does psychology say

Hands are a special tool that performs great amount action on the command of the brain. These movements are not always realized by a person, but they can tell a lot to a psychologist. Various sensations in the body and on the skin for a psychologist have great importance, as they are manifestations of the unconscious client.

In psychology, there is a special direction that studies the relationship between the psyche and the body - psychosomatics. According to him, mind and body mutually influence each other: what happens in consciousness and unconscious parts is necessarily reflected in bodily sensations.

In this way, the therapist can "read" the symptom from the sensations the client describes. So, the right hand reflects creativity and aggression. Therefore, if the palm of your right hand itches, then it is quite possible that you have harbored anger or resentment against someone. To make the sensations go away, you can write a letter to the offender - write out in it everything that you think about him. The itching should go away after the repressed energy is thrown out through the hand. Or if your creative energy is suppressed, then you need to unblock it through drawing, modeling or writing.

Before answering yourself the question of why your palm itches, check and rule out all possible causes.

Do not know why the right palm itches? But there are several signs that will tell you what this means.

The right palm itches - the meaning of signs

Of course, you can not believe in all this, but very often it happens that the right palm starts to itch and there is an explanation for this, which appeared a long time ago. And then suddenly it turns out that the omen works and exactly what should be happening is happening.

If the right palm itches, this first of all indicates that you should expect a meeting with either an old friend or a new person.

Why is that? Because it is with the right hand that we greet, this explains such a meaning.

In addition, there is a belief that if you kiss your palm three times, clench it into a fist and put it in your pocket, then the meeting will happen much faster. And if you want to postpone such a date, then wash your hand cold water and keep it open for a while.

Interpretation of signs by day of the week

In addition to the standard value, it was noticed that the day of the week also affects the consequences of such a condition. If the right palm itches, the sign can more accurately explain to you what this will lead to if you pay attention to exactly when it happened.

  • On Monday. Very soon you will see your friend, with whom you have not communicated for a long time. Or some event awaits you with close relatives and a feast.
  • On Tuesday. Likely to meet an old friend or get monetary reward. Maybe even a new source of income. Another interpretation - finally express everything to the person who is unpleasant to you.
  • On Wednesday. There is a possibility of a new acquaintance, which will lead to a relationship. This interpretation is especially suitable for girls who do not yet have a couple. Another option is reckless spending and the loss of a large amount. Moreover, it can be both money suddenly received by you, and set aside for completely different purposes. It is worth paying close attention to such a signal.
  • On Thursday. There will be a date with a loved one. And if you sneezed and bit your tongue to the itching in your palm, you can be sure that the day will turn out to be stressful. Such signals on this day of the week speak of adverse events and problems.
  • On Friday. Unforeseen meeting, it is not known with whom exactly. It can be a friend or a complete stranger. Most importantly, the meeting is not scheduled. A lonely person has a chance to find a loved one, and one who already has a chance to just have a good time.
  • On Saturday. You can start preparing for a romantic evening. And perhaps for some kind of trip, business trip, or even for moving.
  • On Sunday. You have to meet a respected person, occupying a high position. Another interpretation is a long-awaited vacation, a trip or a new serious relationship.

What other signs are associated with the right palm?

Most often, the itchy right palm reports a meeting.

But there are other interpretations besides this.

  • So, if suddenly the palm began to itch in the evening, then this indicates important event. Try not to scratch her, but just squeeze her into a fist and kiss.
  • If you start to itch in the morning, it means that on this day you cannot avoid meeting. Prepare mentally for this. This signal also indicates that this is a good day for expensive purchases, such as cars, fur coats, and appliances. Everything will work well and be worn for a long time.

Another explanation is profit. Many people think that the left palm itches for money, but sometimes it happens the other way around.

For this to work, you need to fix the signal with some actions:

  • You can scratch your palm on the edge of the table.
  • Try scratching it on something red. It does not matter what it will be, an object or clothing.
  • Feeling that the palm itches, take the largest bill or a handful of coins you have.

If there is no way to perform one of the described actions, then just close your eyes and think that you have the right amount in your hands. Please note that you should not imagine an unrealistic amount, millions or suitcases of money - think of more real numbers.

If the palm itches often enough, then you can expect an increase in salary soon or maybe even winning the lottery.

It happens that the right palm itches and as a result of restraint negative emotions. So, if some person is very unpleasant to you and you just dream of giving him what he deserves, then your attitude towards this character can come out through your hand and its itching.

What does it mean medically?

If you do not believe in omens or they have nothing to do with an itchy hand, then you can try to explain this phenomenon from a medical point of view.

  • First of all, it could be an allergic reaction to anything. For example, creams or any household chemicals (washing powder, dish detergents, etc.). Most often, it is manifested not only by itching, but also by redness, and possibly some kind of rash.
  • The appearance of dryness, wounds, redness and peeling is a signal that it may be eczema. A very unpleasant disease with which you just need to visit a doctor.
  • Another reason is stress. Especially if he was strong. It is believed that our skin is very sensitive to such moments. It is very important to remember what excited you so much in the near future, to figure it out, drink a sedative or herbal tea and try to let go of negativity and bad emotions.
  • The resulting itching in the evenings and at night may indicate scabies. In addition, it is characterized by small rashes filled with a clear liquid that can appear anywhere. It is difficult to treat, but very quickly passes to other people. Therefore, it is important to establish a diagnosis and start treatment as soon as possible.

Now there is a science that studies the relationship between psychological processes and our body. It attaches great importance to the hands, because with them we make many movements throughout life. They are responsible for creativity, human energy and are controlled by the brain, so the reaction of the hands is important for psychotherapists.

Perhaps the cause of the itch is anger, resentment towards some person, or a reflection of your unrealized potential. Think about it, maybe you have long wanted to start drawing or dancing and still couldn’t find the time? So it's time to do it!

In any case, whatever the reason, if the palm itches too often, be sure to visit a doctor.

By gender:

The meaning of the omen can also be influenced by who exactly has an itchy hand. For a man and a woman, the results will be completely different.

In girls and women

The weaker sex is romantic and sensitive natures. And still impressionable and suspicious. Therefore, when a woman’s or a girl’s right palm itches, this is a sign of separation. Of course, if the mistress of the palm had a soulmate at all. For single ladies, this is a more pleasant sign, which, on the contrary, promises a new, strong relationship.

For guys and men

The stronger sex treats everything more rationally and calmly, and therefore perceives the world in a completely different way, unlike women. Men are more focused on career and earnings, so their right hand most often itches for money. And not only to their receipt and increase, but also to loss. Not just to spend at will, but possibly to the loss of funds, due to circumstances beyond the control of a person.

In our technological and high-speed age, we continue to be at the mercy of various signs and superstitions. Man has always been attracted and alarmed by supernatural, inexplicable things. Most people believe in omens. They have had a huge influence on us since childhood. Even people who do not take magic seriously, involuntarily pay attention to superstition. We rejoice good signs and run from the bad. Today we will find out what the right hand itches for - signs that our ancestors believed in.

Why does the right hand itch on Monday

The sign of itching in the right hand is one of the most popular among our people. This is a sign with a bright positive color - it promises only good events. A pleasant meeting with an old acquaintance is what the finger on the right hand itches on Monday. It could be an old friend you've been missing for a long time, a relative or an acquaintance. Whoever it is, the date promises to be warm and cordial. The sign promises a good day, without any incidents.

Is it possible to take signs seriously, everyone decides for himself. Many psychologists confirm the subconscious influence will take on our daily life. We connect certain physical sensations with subsequent events, fixing this connection at a subconscious level. For example, when the hand itches, and soon we will meet a friend, the sign will firmly sit in our subconscious. The next time our hand itches, we will unconsciously expect to meet someone we know. If this happens again, the sign will be even more firmly fixed in the mind.

Why does the right hand itch on Tuesday

I wonder why the finger on the right hand itches on Tuesday? This sign can be considered more than successful. Usually it promises an unexpected cash flow. Perhaps this is the return of old debts, a promotion at work, a bonus, winning the lottery, an inheritance, or an unexpected find. Why the thumb of the right hand itches: good luck in any business related to finances, or a big win. It is a sin not to believe in such a promising omen. What she will definitely provide is a positive attitude. A positive thinking will definitely change the day for the better. A person can subconsciously choose decisions that will lead him to the desired result.

Our people have many signs that are associated with itching. Some of them can be called cheerful, some promise a not too positive future. They say that if your lips itch, you will participate in a big scandal. Eyes most often itch to sadness. The nose itches for a drink or a feast, some interpretations say that for a fight. Itching in the forehead portends a meeting with a big boss or politician. There is also a purely female belief - if your chest itches, then someone is jealous of you.

Why does the right hand itch on Wednesday

But if the right hand itches on Wednesday, you will most likely have to part with the money. It is not necessary to interpret this sign in dark colors. Perhaps a pleasant purchase awaits you and spending money will bring joy. A donation to charity, helping relatives, paying off a loan, a big purchase - this is what the ring finger of the right hand itches on Wednesday.

The beliefs that are associated with finance can be explained quite simply. When a person starts having problems with money, he gets nervous. This provokes such physical symptoms as itching in the right hand or fingers. Palms and fingers often itch on nervous ground. If you owe someone money, and in the near future you will have to repay the debt, then the itching in your hand is quite understandable.

Sometimes, people who believe in omens perform a series of specific actions in order for the omen to come true faster, or, conversely, never come true. Such actions can be called small rituals. For example, to avoid a scandal when the lip itches, you need to hit your lips with your left hand three times. To avoid tears when the eye itches, it must be scratched three times with a fist. And if your hand itches, you need to scratch it on a wooden object so that the money does not go away.

Why does the right hand itch on Thursday

If the right hand itches on Thursday, wait for the guests and prepare snacks. Most likely, people will come whom you have not seen for a long time. This sign is for unexpected guests. An unexpected guest on the doorstep - that's what the thumb of the right hand itches for. If your fingers itch on Thursday, prepare a snack or don't open the door for anyone. About whether it will be a pleasant visit or not, the sign is silent. But if you love guests, you can start making a cake. This is what the right hand itches for, signs can explain the arrival of unexpected guests.

But do not take every physical manifestation of your body as an omen. The hand can itch not only for money, but also for allergies. And the eye twitches not to meet, but as a result of nervous strain. You can not explain your physical well-being solely by superstition. So you can miss the alarming signs of a disease or a violation in the body. Itching is no exception. If this is repeated with enviable constancy - do not ignore the symptom and seek help from a doctor.

Why does the right hand itch on Friday

Usually, on Friday, the right hand itches for good luck in amorous affairs. Why does the ring finger of the right hand itch? But this is considered special lucky sign. Most likely you will have a good date, a pleasant evening with your husband or unforgettable sex. Feel free to plan romantic meetings for this evening - everything that you have planned will surely come true.

Popular belief says that the more the hand itches, the faster the sign will come true. But, unfortunately, this is far from the truth. In most cases, intense itching is a sign of a specific disease. Perhaps this is a reaction to an allergen or scabies. Any cleaning agent can cause such a reaction. Also, a similar symptom may indicate skin irritation. In some cases, itching may indicate disorders in the endocrine system, liver or kidneys.

If the cause of itching is unknown, it can be relieved folk remedies. Cold can be applied to the site of itching. In this case, lotions from oatmeal. Mucous milk from oatmeal has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.

For a while, try not to come into contact with possible allergens - cleaning products, wool, plants, synthetics, as well as hot water.

Why does the hand itch on Saturday or Sunday

If your hand itches on a day off, then you will have an unexpected trip. This sign speaks of an imminent journey. Why does the thumb of the right hand itch on Saturday or Sunday? And this may speak of the arrival distant relatives or acquaintances. Maybe it will be people you haven't seen in years. The sign promises an exceptionally successful and friendly meeting.

Medical causes of itchy hands

Let's forget about signs for a while, and talk about what can cause itching in the hands. The most common causes of itchy hands are:

Skin diseases- scabies, urticaria, neurodermatitis. If nothing but itching bothers you, you can suspect a skin disease. Consultation with a dermatologist in this case is required.

Contact with an irritant - temperature, chemical or mechanical. Dry skin often reacts to a sharp decline or fever with itching. Unpleasant sensations in the palms can be caused by contact with wool, aggressive ultraviolet rays, woolen things, synthetics, cosmetics or cleaning products. As soon as contact with the irritant that caused the unpleasant symptom stops, the itching gradually stops.

Diseases internal organs. Such a harmless symptom as itching of the palms and hands may indicate serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. Itching may cause diabetes, liver disease (including infectious nature). Sometimes itching can even indicate cirrhosis of the liver. Kidney disease can also cause itching. Thyroid and adrenal disorders often cause itching.

Emotional overstrain. If your hands began to itch often, remember if you experienced a strong emotional shock or stress.

Since ancient times, increased attention has been paid to human hands, and not only as the main working tool. They performed ritual rites with their hands, traditional healers and psychics treated them, magicians, sorcerers and fortune tellers used their palms to read the past and future of a person. People who do not have supernatural abilities also showed interest in the palms, trying to unravel the signs of fate. So a lot of folk signs appeared, the most popular of them says that the right palm itches for money.

From the point of view of esotericism, the palm of a person is this chronicle of his fate, from which you can learn about what is destined for a person (the signs on the left palm will tell about this), and about what he managed to realize from the nature laid down (this information is reflected on right palm). If a person is left-handed, then the palms should be viewed the other way around.

The signs on the palms include:

  • lines;
  • hills;
  • spots or moles;
  • marks in the form of dots, bars, stars, etc.

Up to 20 esoteric lines can be present on the palms of a person, but the main ones that each person has are only 5, by which one can judge character, talents, and luck. These include lines:

  1. Life that goes from the inner edge of the palm to its base. By its length, depth and integrity one can judge the duration of life.
  2. Heart that runs parallel to the bases of the fingers. It personifies the spiritual and emotional world of man.
  3. Fate that starts at the very wrist and goes towards the middle finger. It depends on the clarity of the image of this line whether fate will “lead” a person or whether he will have to rely only on his own strength.
  4. Uma, which runs along the center of the palm from its inner edge to the outer. She talks about the human mentality.
  5. Happiness (success), which is directed from the center of the palm to the base of the ring finger. This line shows whether its owner will be accompanied by good luck in business.

Physical and spiritual qualities are reflected in 9 hills named after the Sun and other objects Solar system. The hills are located at the base of the fingers and at the wrist:

  1. The hill of Jupiter is located at the base of the index finger and indicates the development of leadership qualities.
  2. The Mount of Saturn (at the base of the middle finger) is responsible for career.
  3. Hill of the Sun (at the base of the ring finger) speaks of creativity man, about his generosity and kindness.
  4. The hill of Mercury (near the ring finger) testifies to communicative qualities.
  5. Hill of Venus (3 phalanxes thumb) governs emotions.
  6. The Mount of the Moon (at the wrist opposite the Mount of Venus) is associated with sensuality.
  7. The hill of Neptune (between the hills of Venus and the Moon) accumulates and then distributes energy throughout the body.
  8. There are 2 hills of Mars in the palm of your hand: the first is located between the hills of Venus and Jupiter, the second is between the hills of the Moon and Mercury. Both are responsible for bravery and courage.

Signs of fate can manifest themselves in other ways, for example, in the form of itchy palms. There are many interpretations of what itchy palms portend. Everything matters: the right hand or the left itches, in what place, on what day of the week and even at what time of day.

Why does the right palm itch - a sign

Many people believe that the palm itches, portending good events:

  • a pleasant meeting;
  • monetary profit;
  • favorable changes.

At the same time, the stronger the palm itches, the greater the monetary profit, the more pleasant the meeting and the more tangible changes for the better.

General value

A popular sign claims that the appearance of itching is only a sign of the possible appearance of money. For wealth to appear, one of the following ritual actions must be performed:

  • rub an itchy hand on a wooden surface;
  • hold a coin or a paper bill in your hand;
  • hold on to a cloth or some red object.

An itchy hand may portend a meeting with relatives or friends. The meeting may be accidental, but promising. It is believed that the right hand, which is used to shake hands, feels the approaching meeting in advance. In order not to frighten off the approach of a pleasant event, you should not scratch your palm right away - you need to clench it into a fist and put it in your pocket.

Itching of the thumb of the right hand is considered a harbinger of good luck.

If the edge of the right palm itches at the same time as the inside of the hand (wrist), you should be wary. Such a sign portends a gift that they will want to present to you not out of good intentions. It can be a bribe or a present for the purpose of gaining a benefit. The itchy back of the hand can warn of something similar. Any of these 3 signs indicates danger or that an ill-wisher is near you.

You can find out about the approaching monetary profit if the left palm itches from above (from the back). As with the right, this money will come from people with bad intentions and can be dangerous for you.

There are no detailed interpretations of what the simultaneously itchy left and right palms portend, but experts in deciphering the signs of fate claim that this sign is good. If one of the palms predicts something bad, then the second will immediately neutralize it. If both palms "felt" a good omen, then it will definitely come true, and its positive value will double.

If the right palm of a woman itches

The interpretation of signs is an ancient tradition, rooted in those times when women did not earn money and only sought to marry successfully. Therefore, the itching of the right palm of a woman was traditionally interpreted as an omen of a meeting with a representative of the opposite sex. Since then, the position of a woman has changed, and an itchy palm can portend not only a meeting, but also financial profit.

Women have more developed intuition than men, so in most cases they feel what is hiding behind the itch - a gift or a date. If the sensation tells a girl (especially a young one who is in search of her soul mate) a date, then you need to pay attention to the day of the week. On Monday, itching predicts a meeting with a friend, on Tuesday - with an old friend, on Wednesday - a pleasant acquaintance, on Thursday - a meeting with a loved one, on Friday - an unexpected meeting, on Saturday - a romantic date, on Sunday - an acquaintance with an influential person.

What does superstition mean for men

A man's itchy palm can also portend a romantic meeting with a girl whom he wants to make the mistress of his house. Since men are traditionally more career-oriented than romantic or idle, itching in the right hand often portends events related to money (profit or waste) and career changes (good luck in negotiations or a good deal).

Why does the palm of the right hand itch at different times of the day

The time of day is important when interpreting the signs of an itchy palm. If it itches in the morning and afternoon, then this portends good events during the current day, saying that providence is on your side today. On such a day, you can afford big expenses, because the money will soon return to the family, and the purchased items or equipment will last a long time. Morning itching in the hand is the surest harbinger of the imminent receipt of money.

If the palm itches in the evening or at night, then this is a hint of favorable events for the coming day. Can be expected interesting meeting or a business proposal that promises important changes for the better. Perhaps a problem that has been troubling for a long time will be solved. But if you scratch your palm right away, the omen will not come true. In order for everything to work out, the itching must be endured, and the palm should be clenched into a fist and kissed.

If in the evening you get into the company and your right palm suddenly itches, look around and carefully see if anyone is scratching their left palm at the same time as you. If it scratches, you can be sure that in front of you best friend with a kindred spirit. If you are not yet familiar, do your best to fix it. If you know each other, try to communicate as often as possible.

Detailed meaning of signs by day of the week and time of day

If the palm itches, then you should pay attention not only to the time of day, but also to the day of the week. This will help to more accurately predict the possible development of events.

  1. On Monday, an itchy palm promises easy for a person financial gain, such as winning the lottery or a chance find. But that money will go away as easily as it comes. On this day, not a romantic, but a pleasant date may happen: friends or girlfriends can invite you to a cafe or visit.
  2. On Tuesday, a pleasant meeting with relatives or old friends can take place, which will bring a lot of good memories and positive emotions. A sign can be a harbinger of money in the form of repaying a debt or receiving a bonus, or it can portend an event that is not related to a quick financial profit, but guarantees it in the future, for example, due to a new more highly paid position or an invitation to participate in an expensive project.
  3. The fact that on Wednesday evening a romantic acquaintance can occur, especially for those who do not have a permanent couple, will be prompted by a palm that itches in the morning. On this day, the hand may itch for monetary losses, but not catastrophic. For example, you might need financial aid close people or you decide to buy an expensive thing.
  4. On Thursday, the hand often itches for a meeting with a loved one, communication with which is likely to end in conflict. If possible, this meeting is best avoided.
  5. Itchy palms on Friday night, despite the fact that it is the end of the week, promises a good deal or a promotion. A chance romantic encounter is also possible.
  6. On Saturday, an itchy palm does not promise anything good. Troubles can be small, but multiple, hopes - deceived, and plans - not taken place. But if you control yourself, then the evening can bring an interesting and non-binding romantic adventure.
  7. On Sunday evening, on the eve of a new week, one can hope for the return of an old debt, a promotion, or another nice gift, but this will happen already on next week. Another surprise can be expressed in receiving an invitation to relatives or friends, and perhaps they will come to you. This sign can also portend a journey.

What does the sign mean from a medical point of view

If the palms itch constantly, the reasons may have a medical explanation. Unpleasant itchy sensations can cause health problems such as:

  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • dermatitis;
  • allergic reaction to medicines, food, etc.;
  • poor hand hygiene, especially in case of excessive sweating of the palms;
  • diseases of a neurotic nature or depressive disorders;
  • recent stress or long stay in a state of emotional overstrain;
  • diseases caused by fungal microflora or infection;
  • metabolic disease;
  • age-related changes, manifested in excessive dryness of the skin;
  • dry skin caused by prolonged use of poor quality tap water or frequent use of household detergents with unprotected hands.

If the itching does not go away for a long time or is accompanied by skin rashes and redness, then it is better to consult a doctor.


Psychosomatics is a branch of psychology that studies the relationship between sensations in the body, various diseases and mental processes that accompany them. The hands are responsible for most of the actions that a person performs on a daily basis and which are controlled by many parts of the brain. Therefore, for a psychotherapist, any sensations in the hands are the same source of information as for a representative of esotericism - signs on the palms.

From the point of view of psychosomatics, itching in the hands can occur as a result of the suppression of emotions. People often do not give vent to such feelings as irritation, anger, anger, resentment that cannot be expressed. Such repressed emotions often come to the surface in the form of an itch. The cause of an allergy may be the presence in a person's environment of people whom he does not tolerate. Thus, itchy hands may indicate mental discomfort and a lack of happiness.

To cope with hidden feelings, the accumulated negative energy must be dumped from time to time. The best way in such situations, it is regular exercise.

Palms can itch if a person is on the verge of making an important decision or any significant events in life: upcoming exams, weddings, interviews, etc. Such events are always associated with the experience of strong emotions.

One more possible reason itching in the palms is suppression creativity. A person has long wanted to draw or write poetry, but some everyday circumstances prevent this. The easiest way to solve such a problem is to give yourself the opportunity to create.

How to neutralize bad omens

Sometimes the palm begins to itch unbearably, but this has nothing to do with profit or a good meeting. Such a feeling indicates that too much negative energy has accumulated in a person, which needs to be disposed of. Any meetings in this state will end in a quarrel. To avoid this, you need to go to a crowded place as soon as possible. mass event, where negative energy will dissipate.

To avoid an unwanted meeting or guests, gifts from ill-wishers and the problems that may follow, you can wash your hands under cold water and hold them open for a while to dry naturally. So you will take away the sign, and the unwanted meeting will pass by.

Other superstitions about the right palm

There are other clues as well:

  1. You should not stretch your right hand across the table to greet, so as not to attract trouble for both.
  2. It is better to give up the habit of pointing at objects with the index finger of the right hand. This gesture can also bring trouble.
  3. If a woman cut her palm, then she will have quarrels with close male relatives. If an unmarried girl cuts herself, it means that her lover is thinking about her.

You can believe in signs or not, but itchy palms should always be treated with increased attention. This feeling may indicate serious illnesses that require urgent medical intervention, or maybe this is how your subconscious gives a signal that requires decoding and, possibly, urgent action.