According to WHO, 45% of all diseases are associated with stress. Stress (From English Stress - voltage) - the state of the general voltage of the body, which occurs in a person under the influence of an emergency stimulus. The founder of the student of stress is the Canadian physiologist Hans Selre. Factor causing stress is called stressor . Stressors can be both physical (heat, cold, noise, injury, own diseases) and socio-psychological (joy, danger, family or service conflict situation, bad working conditions) factors. Regardless of the nature of the stressor, the body reacts to any such irritability nonspecific, i.e. Simplicit changes: the increase in the pulse, increase arterial pressure, increasing the content of adrenal hormones in the blood.

Stress mechanism It is that under the action of stressful stimulus, the hypothalamus produces a hormone, which in a circulatory system enters the front share of pituitary glands, where the synthesis of the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) activates, which stimulates the activities of the adrenal cortex, as a result of which hormones - corticosteroids arrive in the blood in large quantities, which in turn stimulate adaptive mechanisms. In the concept of G. Selre, such changes in the body were called general adaptation syndrome and the release of three phases in its structure: alarm reaction, the resistance phases and phase of exhaustion.

1 phase - alarm response, during which the body changes its characteristics. Feeling organs through peripheral receptors are reported by conventional afferent paths into the central nervous system about the action of the damaging factor. This happens with the help of specific sensations (visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile, etc.). From the cortex of the brain, the signals come to the vegetative nervous system and hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is a brain department controlling and regulating the hormone-formational activities of the front lobe of the pituitary gland, where the highest coordinating and regulating centers of vegetative and endocrine systems are located, sensitively catching the slightest disorders arising in the body. The hypothalamus is distinguished by corticoliberin, which, with blood flowing into the pituitary, causes strengthening the secretion of ACTG. Aktg is dealt with blood, falling into adrenal glands, causes the secretion of glucocorticoids, which create conditions in the body to adapt and combat the stress factor. If the stressor is strong and actually acts for a long time, the empty of all glucocorticoid reserves in the adrenal cortex and even its destruction may occur. This can lead to death.

2 - phase of resistance. If the action of the stressor is compatible with the possibilities of adaptation, the production of glucocorticoids is normalized, the body is adapted. At the same time, signs of anxiety reaction disappear, and the resistance level rises significantly higher than usual. The duration of this period depends on the congenital adaptability of the body and the force of the stressor.

3 - Phase of exhaustion. After a long-term action of the stressor to which the body adapted, signs of alarm reaction, but changes in adrenal cortex and other organs are irreversible, and, if the impact of the stressor continues, the individual dies.

Such is the dynamics of the general adaptation syndrome, but since all stressors also have a specific action, they cannot always cause absolutely the same answers. Even the same stimulus acts differently on different people due to the uniqueness of the internal and external conditions that determine the reactivity of each. In the occurrence of adaptation syndrome, in addition to the hormones of pituitary glands and adrenal glands, the nervous system plays an important role, which determines the nature of the body response to stress. Although the entire body is subject to the overall adaptation syndrome, but at the same time the heart, kidney, gastrointestinal tract or brain will suffer significantly from random conditioning factors. In the body, as in the chain, the weakest link rusts, although all the links are under load. therefore important role In the development of diseases under the influence of stress belongs to the initial state of the body. Emotional stressful situations occupy a special place, which, with frequent impact, can cause the exhaustion of the body's functionality, which dramatically weakens its ability to adapt to the effect of malicious factors.

Stress causes a one-type reaction, which is mediated through the hypothalamus - the pituitary glands - the adrenal bark. It is manifested by classic triad: an increase in the adrenal cortex and its activity, the atrophy of the fork gland and lymph nodes, the appearance of the ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract.

Introduction .................................................................................. 3

1. The general concepts of stress ............................................................ ..4

1.1 The concept of stress .................................................................. ... 4

1.2. Causes and consequences of stress ..................................... ...........8

1.3. Methods of struggle with stress ................................................... 11

Conclusion ........................................................................... ... 15

List of references ................................................................... ..17


The word "stress" acquired in everyday life pronounced negative meaning. Stress is not only natural, but also an absolutely normal reaction of the human body and psyche for difficult circumstances, therefore, its complete absence is like death.

These circumstances makes the management of deeply analyze the reasons for stress from workers and develop measures to reduce its impact.

Therefore, my relevance term paper Under the title "Management of Stress" is determined by the fact that it summed up the results of research on stress issues.

The subject of the course work is the concept of stress.

The object can be distinguished the response process to adverse external conditions, deploying in time in three stages.

The goal of the course work is to find out the value of stress in modern societyHis influence on a man in various life spheres.

Currency tasks:

1. Describe the main terms associated with the concept of "stress".

2. Analyze the causes and consequences of stress from workers.

3. Develop measures to regulate the level of stress.

4. Examine the methods of dealing with stress.

5. Analyze the problem of stress and the way to solve this problem on the example of a particular educational institution.

1. Typical concepts of stress

1.1 Concept of stress

Stress (from English "Stress" - voltage) - non-specific (general) body reaction to a very strong impact, whether it is a physical or psychological, as well as the corresponding state nervous system The organism (or the body as a whole). Especially from stress suffers the nervous and immune system. In stressful state, people are more likely to be victims of infection, since the products of immune cells fall noticeably during the period of physical or mental stress.

The word "stress" can be attributed to the number of the most important concepts included in the science and the usual lexicon in the 20th century, such as nuclear energy, genome, computer and the Internet. The opening of this phenomenon is associated with the name of the outstanding Canadian researcher Hans Selre.

Even, being a medical student, G. Selre drew attention to the fact that the symptoms of many diseases disintegrated as it were for two parts - a specific, characteristic of this disease, and non-specific, the same for various diseases. So, in almost all diseases, the temperature appears, there is a loss of appetite, weakness.

Later, engaged scientific research In the field of physiology, G. Selre began to study the most common physiological reactions, which are generalized by the body's reaction to a strong external impact. He found that responding to it, the body mobilizes his strength, if necessary, includes reserves, trying to adapt to the action of adverse factors and resist them. Such an adaptive response of the body to the external effects of G. Siele called general adaptation syndrome, or stress. The adaptation syndrome was named because, according to a scientist, he led to stimulating the capacity of the body in order to fight adverse effects, stressors. An indication of the fact that this reaction is syndrome emphasizes that it captures different organs or even the body as a whole, manifested in a complex reaction.

The response process for unfavorable external conditions is unfolded in time.

Three stress stages were allocated:

Anxiety, during which, in response to the action of an adverse factor, the body is mobilized;

Resistance when due to the mobilization of the capacity of the body takes place adaptation to the stressor.

Exhaustion - stage that occurs if the stress is silent and is valid for a long time when the body's forces are depleted and the resistance level falls below the usual level.

Each stage is characterized by appropriate changes in neuro-endocrine functioning. In medicine, physiology, psychology allocate positive (eustess) and negative (distress) forms of stress. Nervous mental, thermal or cold, light, anthropogenic and other stress, as well as other forms are possible.

Eustone. The concept has two meanings - "stress caused by positive emotions"And" non-stress, mobilizing organism. "

Distress. The negative type of stress, with which the human body cannot cope. It destroys human moral health and can even lead to severe mental illness.

Distrase symptoms:

1. Headache;

2. The decline of forces; reluctance to do something.

3. Loss of faith in improving the situation in the future;

4. An excited state, the desire to go for risk;

5. Dispelness, worsening memory;

6. The reluctance to think about and analyze the situation that led to a stressful state;

7. Changed mood; Fatigue, lethargy.

What could be the source of stress:

1. Psychological trauma or crisis situation (loss of loved ones, parting with a loved one)

2. Small daily troubles;

3. Conflicts or communication with unpleasant people;

4. Obstacles that do not give you the opportunity to achieve the goals;

5. Feeling of constant pressure;

6. Sultious dreams or too high requirements for yourself;

8. Monotonous work;

9. The constant accusation, ukore itself in the fact that you have not achieved something or missed something;

10. The accusation of oneself in all the bad thing that happened, even if it happened not on your fault;

12. Financial difficulties;

13. Strong positive emotions;

14. Quarrels with people and especially with relatives (also to stress can lead to a quarrel in the family.);

Risk group:

1. Women, as they are more emotional than men;

2. Older people and children;

3. People with understated self-esteem;

4. Extrazers;

5. Neurotics;

6. People abusing alcohol;

7. People, with genetic predisposition to stress.

The results of studies on stress issues conducted in the United States show that the annual costs associated with its effects - absix (unreserved absence at work), a decrease in labor productivity, an increase in the cost medical insurance, make up a huge amount - about 300 billion dollars. Moreover, they are constantly increasing.

This and many other examples show that stress can not only be dangerous for each particular person, but also destructively influence the effectiveness of the organization's activities. Therefore, the study of stress and the reasons for it, as well as its consequences, is an important problem of organizational behavior.

The word "stress" acquired a pronounced negative value in everyday life. However, G. Selre repeatedly stressed that stress is not only a natural, but also an absolutely normal reaction of the human body and psyche for complex circumstances, therefore, its complete absence is like death. Negative consequences are not in itself stress, but reactions associated with it. Therefore, by organizing work to reduce the influence of factors capable of causing stress, it should be considered that not only high, but too low level Stress leads to a decrease in performance.

These circumstances make the management of deeply analyze the reasons for stress from workers and develop measures to regulate its level.

1.2 Causes and consequences of stress

Most people face influence daily large number A variety of adverse factors, so-called stressors. If you are late for work, lost money or got a low evaluation on the exam - all this will have a greater or less impact on you. Such events are pushing human strength and make it more vulnerable.

Factors and conditions that are able to cause stress were repeatedly studied. The occurrence of stress can be associated with working conditions (air temperature, noise, vibration, smells, etc.), as well as with psychological factors, personal experiences (ambiguity of goals, lack of perspectives, insecurity tomorrow). Important stress factors can be bad interpersonal relationships with colleagues - acute and frequent conflicts, lack of group cohesion, sense of isolated position of the zoom, lack of support from the group members, especially in complex and problematic situations.

With all the variety of factors capable of causing stress, it should be remembered that they do not act on themselves, and depend on how a person treats the circumstances in which it turned out to be, that is, the presence of stress factors does not mean that he is necessarily It will arise.

In many studies, it was shown that often small, minor events cause greater stress than serious incidents. It is explained by this by the fact that a person is somehow preparing for major events, so it takes them easier, meanwhile, smallest, everyday irritating factors drag it and make it vulnerable.

It is impossible to hide from stress: it occurs even with a banal change of air temperature. It is important how our body copes and how stable it is.

Man for life can not completely avoid stress

Stress in the modern world was modified: the need to run away from the predator came the need for self-realization; Food search has replaced in our time on the complex diaiet and exercise; Yes, and the relationship has become something big than simply an ordinary continuation of the species. You can add conflicts at work, in the family, difficulties social adaptation, health problems, lack of money.

What is stress

This concept appeared in 1930. Thanks to Canadian physiologist Hanssel Selre. Despite the short period of time, the term firmly entrenched in our lexicon.

Stress - a condition that occurs in response to the conditions external environment and their changes; It is characterized not only by mental, but also physical manifestation. And contrary to popular belief, stress is not always a negative phenomenon, positive events load our psyche at no less.

Varieties of stress

  • acute;
  • chronic;
  • information;
  • physical and mental.

A sharp - instant answer to the problem in life: loss close man, serious quarrel, illness, any unforeseen event that is out of equilibrium.

Chronic occurs at constant nervous tension or frequent shocks. It can lead to depression, diseases nervous, cardiovascular, digestive systems, general exhaustion. Chronic stress - response to the low ability of our body to adapt to modern realities.

Information - modern view Stress, relevant for the 21st century. The data around is too much, and our body simply does not have time to respond to all incoming information. Especially this can be seen from the residents of the metropolis. The human brain is designed to respond to the outlines of objects in wildlife, analyze them, perceive the danger; In the cities, the landscape is completely identical, which is why the information "Vacuum" arises. City developers are at the present time trying to correct this problem, creating a diverse design of houses, breaking parks and green zones.

Physico-mental-intensive physical and mental load has big influence On our body and mind.

Depending on how stress affects a person, stress is positive (eustess) and negative (distress).

Eustess activates human body On the struggle and overcoming obstacles, gives a feeling of victory when the trouble remains behind.

If the problem remained for a long time in life, and given many factors of the environment, this is possible, then Estushssa goes to Distress. The body quickly spends its resources, a sense of constant depression arises, depression, aggression, irritability begins.

It is worth remembering that depression is a serious illness, and not just " bad mood"And he should be treated, combining psychological and medical methods. Serious treatment may be required if depression has strong physiological influences on the body.

Depression - Serious Disorder

Fighting with stress

Stress in modern society - dangerous phenomenonwhich can lead to diseases (depression, physico-mental disorders), but to completely get rid of it unrealistic, even if you change the usual accelerated rhythm of life to a slower (move from the city to the countryside).

There are several ways that can reduce the effect of stress on the body:

  • Sports loads. During sports, endorphin and adrenaline is distinguished, which have a positive effect on the body. In addition to the powerful dose of "Hormon of Happiness", a person also gets a beautiful figure and good health, which is already perfect in itself.
  • Pets. In psychology there is a method of "animal therapy", which is used for people with difficulties in social adaptation. The presence of a dog or cat extends the life of a person, since the owners behave more active image Life. Pets help to relax after a busy day and gain harmony.
  • Meditation. In life you need to have time not only to do everything and immediately, but also relax, slow down and stop, watching the world around. Yoga today is gaining relevance among people, because This is a physical activity that produces appropriate hormones positively affecting the body.
  • Travels. Nothing hits the depression as a change in the situation, the need for adaptation to new conditions, getting rid of the routine, new impressions. Not necessarily go to trip around the world, It is enough to go to the next city, the sea in the summer, to explore the unknown area of \u200b\u200byour own city. There are many budget day excursions. A pleasant new experience will switch attention to the time, will give the opportunity to distract from tense life.
  • Medications. Stress can cause insomnia, heart disease, digestive disorders. Many copes with the consequences, swallowing countless pills of sedative and improving digestion. For the purpose of the doctor, medications should be taken, contributing to the restoration of the body: sedatives, antidepressants, vitamins complexes, such medicines helps to get rid of the source of the disease, restore internal system, raise immunity and improve your own adaptation.

Pets perfectly remove stress

The effect of stress on the body is inevitable, everything is faced with everything in independence from the area of \u200b\u200bresidence, social status, gender, age. There is no only correct decision that it will save from all problems immediately.

Fighting with stress need to enhance its own stability, combining different methods, selecting the one that will have the most beneficial effect.

  • Myftakhov Ilnur Rinatovich, Master, Student
  • Bashkir State Agrarian University
  • Stressors
  • The main features of stress
  • Positive and negative consequences of stress

The article is devoted to one of the types of affects - stress. Considered it characteristic signs, as well as possible methods Fight with stress.

  • Stress and its features. Methods of mental self-regulation
  • Stress and its features. Methods and techniques of mental self-regulation

IN modern life People, especially those who occupy an active life position, seeks to success, achieve their goals have a lot and work hard. And where there is a tension, there is stress there. This word is translated from of English language - "Press", "Voltage".

Thus, stress is an indispensable companion of a working person and in time gains the pace in its intensity. Increasingly and more often in communication with each other, means mass media We hear the word "stress" and experiencing its consequences.

Many of us are familiar to the states described by the words: "Of me, it's as if all the juices squeezed", "inside me a feeling of emptiness and the white light is not mil"; Periods of falnial mood, irritation at all and on everything, insomnia, headaches, scattered, touchiness, avoiding contacts with other people, mental emptiness. It's only a small share negative consequences stress. Many people stress seems so familiar and inevitable that they simply humble with him and suffer his consequences.

But stress is something that can be controlled, to be used for itself, reaching their personal goals. In order to manage its stress, the presence of several components is necessary. Here they are:

  • the desire to be healthy;
  • readiness to make your own efforts for this;
  • understanding the process of developing stress and its consequences;
  • the ability to evaluate its state (to identify the signs of excessive stress and foresee their appearance);
  • to own methods by which you can prevent negative consequences of stress or cope with them when they are already;
  • and finally, apply all this in your life.

In this article, I want to reveal the subject of stress, the causes of its development and methods with which you can prevent consequences and cope with it.

The information I suggests has a practical value for working people who value their health, it can be used to free themselves at least partially from the cargo of the problems that appear as a result of stress. Most people have a word stress associated with something unpleasant. Here are some definitions that most often sound: "Stress is diseases", "stress tired", "Stress is when everything annoys", "Stress - insomnia and headache"," Stress - overwork "," stress is an unpleasant event "," stress - when screaming on me "," stress - when with someone from my loved ones is misfortune. " Of these definitions, it turns out that stress is some kind of unpleasant external event and its negative consequences for a person. In fact, all this is not stress and has other names.

So what is stress?

This concept was first introduced by the Canadian researcher - the physiologist G. Selre in 1936. As a result of the study of "protective reactions arising in the body of animals and a person in response to the action of significant and duration of external and internal stimuli; These reactions contribute to the restoration of impaired equilibrium and are aimed at maintaining constancy. interior environment organism. " Thus, according to the definition of delegation, stress is protective reactions in the human body in response to significant external and internal stimuli, contributing to the restoration of impaired internal equilibrium.

And the irritants themselves, i.e. Causes of stress are called stressors. Stressors are external and internal. To external stressors, for example, can be attributed sharp changes Temperatures, physical injuries, mental injuries (loss of work, divorce, death of a close man, etc.), a large muscular load. Internal stressors are the perception of a person of an external situation (stimulus) as stressful, for example, two people do not have time to perform work in advance. One of them can perceive this situation as stressful, and the other indifferently revealed to it. One species of the stressful situation, which in the modern world is often found - this is the situation at work. Most people are worried financial position. This is normal, it is a natural incentive to improve its financial conditions. However, did you notice that, in fact, most people care about not so much a matter of finance regarding their work, how much is the question of the stability of your own position at work. The survey showed that most men and women do not understand and cannot determine how stable their position in their position. It causes permanent concernwhich develops in nervousness, and then people from fear begin to make actions that indirectly can contribute to dismissal.

What should be done. You can avoid concern only by making clarity regarding your position. Periodically, you need to ask direct questions to the authorities on how much you fit into the current exchange rate of the company that you can do to bring more benefits of the company and become more valuable employee. Most likely, the answers will be built in such a way as to take away from you, however, it does not matter. It is important that you will always be aware of events, know about your bosses. To overcome the cause of the stress greater and not required. And at the same time, you will understand - whether you should develop with the company, or you just lose time here.

Thus, in order to develop a protective reaction of the body (stress), it is necessary, the presence of a situation (stimulus), which will be perceived by a person on the physical and or mental level as stressful.

How does stress manifest on the physiological and mental level? IN different situations differently. It may be an increase in the tone of the vessels, the release of certain hormones into the blood, an increase in blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, an experience of excitement, joy, fear, wrath, etc. Have you ever been on top of the mountain? Remember your first rise. What have you been experienced then? What were the bodily sensations? Or, for example, your first kiss, preparation for the wedding, the birth of a child, appointment to a new position. All that you experienced at these moments, and was stress. It turns out that stress can even be pleasant and useful for a person. Below I give a few examples of this.

Stress is important for the workout of the endurance and resistance of the body to external loads and survival when exposed to external adverse factors. For example, you want to participate in sports and run cross. But before you do you should train yourself, to systematically run, gradually increasing the load. As a result of the reaction of the body on these loads, i.e. stress, extension occurs muscular mass, Perestroika breathing, cardiovascular activity, you become more enduring.

Another example, you go through the road, suddenly notice the car, which gets on you at high speed, your body is instantly oriented and makes a quick movement in a safe side. Accident passed you. It was also stress. Thanks to the reaction of your body, i.e. Stress you escaled collisions with the machine.

Without overcoming difficulties, human life becomes uninteresting and boring. Imagine that you already have everything, you don't need anything, nothing to strive for and nothing to achieve. Or to get what you want, you do not need to apply no effort. It is enough just to think about it, and it has already appeared. You will not even need to get up from bed ... Never. Do you want such a life? You can only want it until she has become a reality. As soon as a person falls into similar conditions, he can enjoy his relaxation for a while. And then there is a feeling of discomfort, a feeling of dissatisfaction, and a person is looking for new classes, puts new goals. Life again acquires the taste and is filled with meaning. Reaching the goals, a person satisfies its needs. Satisfying needs, experiences pleasure expressed in positive, pleasant emotions, thoughts, body sensations.

But when the movement is inconsistent, there are no stops and recreation, when the goals that the person implements are contrary to its internal needs, there are problems called the negative effects of stress.

A person suffers from both the lack of goals and movements and from non-stop movement and constant voltage. In other words, most people do not tolerate both lack of stress and its excess. In this regard, it is very important to explore himself and know the level of stress that is most acceptable for him personally, and is a positive result. One who will not be able to do this will suffer from negative consequences of stress as a result of the lack of decent purposes or constant excessive overload.


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The life of a modern man is full of stress. Difficulties at work, lack of money, family troubles, problems with children, health problems - all sorts of problems literally surround us at every step. To break the "vicious circle" and protect yourself from the experiences are a little. The rest continue to be regularly nervous, to suffer alarms and suffer from insomnia. What is stress and is it possible to reduce its impact on your life?

Stress - illness or not?

For the first time, the concept of "stress" was introduced into the practice of the Canadian physiologist Hans Selre in 1936. Today, this term firmly entered our use. Under stress, doctors understand the state of mental stress that occurs in a person with activities under difficult conditions (as in everyday lifeand in specific circumstances, for example during space flight).

Experts allocate several types of stresses in the life of a modern person. Acute stress is a response of the body to an event, as a result of which he lost psychological balance. For example, conflict with the boss or quarrel with loved ones. The presence in the life of a constant significant physical or moral load, as, for example, unsuccessful job search or conflicts in the family leads to the development of chronic stress.

Physical overload, impact of harmful factors ambientWorking in hazardous working conditions, such as slaughter, can lead to physiological stress. A psychological stress is a response to a violation of the psychological stability of the personality due to psychological overload, for example at work, insults or other factors. In the XXI century, another type of stress was allocated - informational. It can be called as a continuous flow of a huge number of news messages and a full information "Vacuum".

It is impossible to unequivocally assess the impact of stress on the human body, it is customary to divide it on a positive (eustess) and negative (distress). Estrassa is rendered positive influenceMobilizing all the forces of the body, helping him to collect, for example, before the surrender of a complex exam or before a responsible performance at the workshop.

On the other hand, the body is in a state permanent stress, quickly squabbles its resources. A person becomes scattered, irritable, the stock of the forces will quickly expire. Such a negative condition is called Distress. Here, the death, heavy disease, injury may become provoking factors. Distress has a disorganizing influence on the activity and behavior of a person, for a long time to knock him out of the usual rut.

It is important not to miss the moment and prevent stress to transfer the form of chronic depression, which is already becoming medical diagnosis And requires serious therapy, up to hospitalization and treatment under constant supervision of doctors.

How to deal with stress?

Most people faced various stressful situations almost daily and intuitively trying to fight them available methods. Someone cope with the consequences of experiences with the help of yoga and meditation, others relax in the bar, the third prefer modern medications. Experts offer a number of sufficiently effective non-medical methods of struggle with stress.

Sport. The secret of sports is simple: "Hormones of happiness" are distinguished during physical exertion - endorphins. Removing stress in the simulator room, you spare negative emotions, get a beautiful figure and regular tide have a good mood. Unlike alcohol, sport forms a long-term ability to resist stress during the day.

Travels. The decimal change is one of the pleasant ways to relax and distract from everyday stress and routine. Even a short trip, such as a city or a weekend excursion, will bring a lot of new positive emotions.

Pets. Animals are able to support their owners in difficult Minutes, soothe and raise the mood. It is no coincidence that they are popular with lonely and the elderly. Scientists also proved that therapy with the use of cats, dogs and other animals helps participants in hostilities to get rid of post-traumatic stress disorders.

Relaxation and meditation techniques. Yoga and meditation are in demand. We are easy to master the relaxation technique, and the result will appear soon. Another plus meditation - permanent practices help develop the ability to abstract in stressful situation And not nervous because of the little things.

Affordable solution

The listed methods of dealing with stress are effective, but are not always available, especially when you need to get together in the middle of the working day or try to fall asleep late at night, contrary to suffering from insompery. In this case, timely assistant can be soothing, sedatives that have a soft normalizing effect on the nervous system.

One of these means is drops of "Voserdin", it reduces irritability, anxiety and insomnia. Voserdin has a soothing and soft sleeping reaction, helps to reduce the excitation of the central nervous system and facilitates the offensive of natural sleep. In addition to sedative, the drug has an antispasmodic and reflex vasteransior action.

Its action is already tested by one of the generation, and it has long moved to the category of practically folk remedies With functional disorders of cardio-vascular system, in nerity-like states that are accompanied by increased excitement, irritability and anxiety, insomnia, tachycardia.

Of course, avoid completely all stress and anxiety, living in a huge megalopolis and even a small town is impossible. No miraculous drug will make your life happy and comfortable, getting rid of alarms. Yes, modern means allow you to survive the consequences of stress, help to support the body, but the task to learn how to cope with all the alarms and experiences independently remains the most important thing.