In this article, we will analyze in detail what stress is and its effect on a person. Stress in our life is a fairly common occurrence. Its destructive effect on the human body is very great. Therefore, it is important to understand how to deal with it.

A person is an emotional creature who cannot be calm about everything. We are all different, and by virtue of our individuality, everyone reacts to life situations in their own way. What may seem like a trifle to some can be a disaster for others, and vice versa.

No matter how hard a person tries stressful situations it cannot be avoided in any way, especially in our time, where everyone is in a hurry, and the attitude of people towards each other leaves much to be desired. What is the effect of stress on a person? To answer this question, let's first analyze the very concept of stress and its types.

- the normal response of the body's adaptive response to physical or psychological stimuli that disrupt its self-regulation, and manifests itself in a certain state of the nervous system and the whole organism.

Canadian endocrinologist Hans Selye in 1936 within the framework of the general adaptation syndrome, which includes three stages:

  • 1) the stage of mobilization;
  • 2) the stage of resistance;
  • 3) stage of exhaustion.

At the first stage, the adaptive mechanisms of self-regulation of the body are turned on.... The release of adaptive hormones (glucocorticoids) into the blood increases, trying to restore the normal functioning of organs and systems.

Under severe stress, this helps to save the body from shock resulting from physical trauma or from a nervous shock.

The second stage occurs with a relative stabilization of the work of the disturbed body systems... At this point, there is a steady resistance to stressors (stress factors).

At the same time, adaptive energy is consumed, which, according to Hans Selye, has a limited supply from birth and is not replenished, but, according to another scientist, Bernard Goldstone, it is replenished as it is spent.

When the process of expenditure of adaptive energy goes faster process its replenishment, it ends and the third stage begins - the stage of exhaustion, if nothing is done, a person may die.

Types of stress

There are two types of stress - distress and eustress.

  • Eustress- stress as a result positive emotions or short and light stress, mobilizing the strength of the body. Such stress renders positive influence on the human body and is not dangerous.
  • Distress- severe stress caused by negative factors (physical, mental), which are very difficult for the body to cope with. Such stress has a negative effect on the nervous system and on human health in general.

These two types of stress are classified into types according to the nature of the impact:

  • Emotional stress- the very first reaction to stress. It activates metabolic processes in the body, the autonomic nervous system, the endocrine system. With frequent occurrence or prolonged action, it leads to an imbalance of these systems.
  • Psychological stress- due to social factors or personal anxiety. Called when conflict situations in society, worries about the future. With such stress, a person can experience emotions such as fear, excitement, envy, longing, jealousy, irritability, anxiety, anxiety, etc.
  • Biological stress- caused by physical stressors. These include: burn; hypothermia; disease; poisoning; trauma; hunger; irradiation, etc.

It is worth noting another type of stress - occupational stress arising from work stress factors: harmful working conditions (pollution, noise); inconvenient work schedule; poor nutrition; bad relations with management, employees; overload, fast pace of work; monotony, uniformity of actions.

Impact of stress on human life

As mentioned earlier, stress can affect the body and human life both positively and negatively.

With a short exposure to stress factors, the body is mobilized, a person gains strength, motivation for decisive action. This is a positive effect of stress.

When a person is under stress for a long time, the body is destroyed under the influence of stress hormones.

  • Appetite is impaired, weight is reduced... The interest in life disappears.
  • Psychological and physical weakness appears, self-doubt, a feeling of dissatisfaction, discomfort, depression may develop, leading to even deeper systemic disorders.
  • The effect of stress on human activity is expressed in reduced performance, human development in society is suspended.

Sudden, severe stress leads to a sharp rise in blood pressure, which can lead to heart attack or a stroke.

In a person who is constantly worried, libido decreases, men can lose their strength. miscarriage may occur.

Man in depressed state unable to make adequate decisions, stress has a strong influence on human behavior, which can lead to suicide.

In addition, under stress, immunity decreases., the body during this period is more prone to the emergence of new diseases and to the exacerbation of old ones. It is not for nothing that they say that all diseases are caused by experiences. Therefore, prolonged emotional stress must be dealt with.

Methods for dealing with stress

Emotional stress is enough. The healthiest and most effective of them is physical activity, sports, proper nutrition and daily routine. In severe cases, it may be required in a hospital.

Since the body loses a lot of energy in a stressful state, it is necessary to support it with vitamins, minerals, which are abundant in vegetables and fruits. Even just one banana can boost your mood.

Shouldn't be neglected autogenous training, adjusting, strengthening his will and emotions. Do not be afraid to communicate with a psychotherapist who will help you overcome all the difficulties that have arisen in front of you.


Stress haunts us throughout our lives. We cannot avoid it, but it is quite possible to reduce its negative influence and get rid of it as soon as possible.

To do this, you need to observe the daily regimen, add more fruits and vegetables to the diet. You can start physical, psychological training, consult a specialist.

The main thing is not to succumb to the destructive effects of stress, fight and then everything will be great for you!

Nowadays, stress is considered to be something commonplace, but just think, 100 years ago, the number of people who survived was much less. Hard work, improper nutrition, an angry boss, family problems, jealousy, lack of money - all these precursors of stress make a person irritable. But are these all consequences of stress? No, human behavior is far from the only result of a stressful situation. Things are much worse. We'll talk about the impact of stress on life later.

What is stress and its effect on a person

Stress is a fairly broad concept and is defined as a set of psychological factors caused by the influence of external influences on human adaptation. Stress usually occurs in several stages.

  • Anxiety;
  • Adaptation;
  • Exhaustion.

The first two concepts are perfectly normal. However, if the environment changes too often, then it is not the best stage of stress - exhaustion.

Stress is a common phenomenon. If the stress is insignificant, then it will not harm the body. If stress is excessive, then it can be harmful to a person.

In this case, you need to pay attention to such a concept as a stressor - it is a stimulus that triggers a reaction. A stressor is a factor that provides a person with safety. Consider what stress is and its effect on a person.

Effects of stress on humans and their types

There are two main types - distress and eustress:

  1. In the first case, the phenomenon is caused by negative factors - usually physical or mental. It is quite difficult for the body to cope with them, therefore, significant pressure is exerted on the nervous system and on the human health.
  2. In the second case, stress arises in the course of positive emotions. This kind of phenomenon mobilizes the forces of the body and has a positive effect on it, being safe.

Both types of phenomena are divided according to the nature in which they act on a person:

  • Psychological stress - linked to influence social factors per person and their own excitement for any reason. Such a state arises in the event of conflicts in society. With such a phenomenon, a person experiences constant anxiety, anxiety, fear.
  • Emotional stress is the very first reaction that occurs in this phenomenon. Promotes the activation of metabolic processes. If it manifests itself often, it leads to an imbalance in all systems, which is very harmful to physical health.
  • Biological stress - usually caused by physical factors... These include hypothermia, burns, illness, injury, hunger.

There is also professional stress that arises during work in harmful conditions, an uncomfortable schedule, and improper diet.

Other species

Stress can be emotionally positive or emotionally negative. In the first case, such a state can cause winning the lottery, meeting old friends, passing an exam at school or university, increasing career ladder... Negative stress - something happened to a loved one, problems at work, conflict in the team.

Also, stress is divided into short-term and long-term. In more detail, short-term stress is an acute phenomenon that appears quickly and cools down quickly. Long Term Stress - Wears. It occurs on a regular basis and is characterized by a persistent human disorder. It is the most detrimental to health and leads to the formation of numerous chronic diseases.

What does stress affect? caused by such a situation is not only damage to psychological health, but also a significant threat to human physiology. Consider the main areas that are most affected by this “ scary beast». The effect of stress on a person is as follows:

  • Mental disorder is the first consequence. A person exposed to stress becomes vulnerable, irritable, sometimes it comes to the point that it is impossible to be in the same room with him. It is psychological trauma modern man is one of the reasons for divorce in a family, when loved ones cannot cope with their emotions and part.
  • Self-esteem is the key to success. We are not as successful as others see us, but as much as we feel ourselves. A person simply does not have enough strength and, in order to love himself, he considers his personality to be insufficiently developed, and his body is not attractive enough. If you forget about stress and take care of yourself, then this consequence can be prevented. If you continue to be in this state, it will entail more major changes... We recommend that you read the articles: and become.
  • Energy and social life- stress contributes to the rapid fatigability of the body, such a person quickly depletes his strength, as a result, he does not want to do anything. Not only physical energy is expended, but also spiritual. People who do not want to take over negative emotions stop communicating with the person under stress. As a result, social life becomes unsaturated.
  • / obesity - due to the problems listed above, a person loses Have a good mood, some friends, or maybe a job or a hobby. In order to somehow forget, a person leaves for "his own world", where there is a place for food. He is not worried about the fact that he is gaining extra pounds and drinks at a fast pace. After a couple of months of stress, such a sufferer may simply not be recognized.
  • Physical health. Indeed, under the influence of a stressful situation, there is an exacerbation of all kinds of chronic diseases (throat, heart, kidneys, liver, nervous breakdowns, gastrointestinal tract, and so on). If there were no diseases, then they appear. The risk of contracting cancer, heart and stomach diseases increases. As is known, nerve cells do not recover, therefore a person who has gone through stress and does not work on himself, quickly grows old, "overgrows", gray hair, extra centimeters and diseases.

Perhaps this is not all the consequences of stress on a person. If you feel that something in life is going wrong, strive to change it and change in better side... Otherwise, you may not be faced with the best side Problems.

What to do?

The impact of stress on a person's life is large enough, but you can avoid it. There are many ways to help you get rid of this condition. It is worth dwelling on the easiest and most enjoyable methods.

  1. Taking baths with sea ​​salt and essential oils. This option is good when you come from work and want to relax as quickly as possible.
  2. Long walks in the fresh air. This is useful if you want to not only improve your health, but also take care of putting your thoughts in order.
  3. Relaxation treatments help keep your mind and body in good shape. It is quite simple to carry out such a procedure, you need to sit in your favorite chair, relax, turning on pleasant music, presenting beautiful pictures.
  4. Exercising will relieve you of the effects of stress, so don't discount physical activity... Sign up for a dance school or yoga class. If it is not possible to attend such classes, then you need to study at home.
  5. Rest alone with nature - no, this is not a noisy resort with the benefits of civilization, but complete solitude. For real wild nature has an amazing healing effect, helps and gives harmony.

Thus, the effect of stress on people can hardly be overestimated, since it is very large. This phenomenon has a devastating effect on the mental and physiological health individual, radically changing his life. There are good (positive) and bad (negative) stresses. The former are useful for hormonal background and for emotions, while the latter entail diseases and problems of a social nature.

It is unlikely that in our time there is a person who has never in his life arrived in a state of stress. Almost everyone, regardless of age, gender or social status, can find themselves in a stressful situation. If back in the 20th century stress was called the “epidemic of the century”, then in the 21st it has become an almost chronic problem.

Causes of stress

Stress is the response of the human body to the influence of extreme factors that disrupt the usual rhythm of life. Moreover, unlike depression or anxiety, it is always a consequence of the influence of certain reasons. Despite the fact that the living conditions of mankind have improved significantly over the past few centuries, the list of factors that lead to a stressful situation is replenished every year.

In general, by the nature of the origin, the causes of this condition are divided into physiological and psychological. The first includes everything that affects the physical state of the body: poor nutrition, lack of sleep, overwork, changes in the weather (for example, changes in air temperature and atmospheric pressure) and other similar factors. Moreover, under the influence of these reasons, some people are instantly exposed to overvoltage, while others steadfastly overcome them.

Such differences are explained by the second group of factors - psychological. They are provoked by a strong emotional outburst. The reason for this is most often psychological problems, such as: lack of self-confidence, difficult communication with society, etc. It should be noted that this applies not only to critical or dangerous situations, but also excessive positive emotions.

Stress can also be caused by external or internal sources. To factors external environment refers to all life situations that a person is not able to control, for example, ecological state the environment and the meteorological conditions in general, as well as problems of interaction with society: conflicts, family difficulties or divorce, workload, and others. Internal causes of stress include health problems, frustrations and other factors that, without outside "help", affect a person's condition.

Of course, the list of stress levers can be structured in different ways, but, in any case, they lead to one thing: a deterioration in the physical and psychological health of a person.

The results of a person's stay in a stressful situation

Many experts agree that a person's short-term stay in stress has a beneficial effect on the body, since it activates fat burning, the formation of glucose, and also strengthens the body's overall resistance to various problems. However, chronic stress conditions negatively affect both physical and psychological health.

The most common signs of chronic overexertion, in terms of physical health, are:

  • frequent headaches;
  • constant lack of sleep;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased pressure and tachycardia;
  • the emergence of bad habits, including addictions (alcohol, drugs, etc.);
  • weakening of immunity.

Moreover, the impact of stress on health at first may be imperceptible, but sooner or later, it leads to negative consequences.

The negative impact of a stressful situation on the human body begins with, as a result of which the immune system suffers. At the next stage of nervous overstrain, the release of adrenaline into the blood increases, which leads to hypertension, increased sweating and disruption of the functioning of some organs.

Constant stress affects the condition of the skin, physical tone, the ability to concentrate attention and memorize information, which subsequently leads to a decrease in working capacity. Very often, a long stay of a person in stress results in alcohol abuse, illegal drugs, frequent smoking and other negative habits, which for a while dull the real perception of the situation. The last, irreversible stage of stress is the death of cells in the brain and spinal cord.

Psychologically, a stressful state mainly affects the interaction of a person with society. It can manifest itself in communication with family members and close people, professional activities or intimate life... Often psychological consequences overexertion becomes increased conflict, bouts of anger, or, conversely, apathy. As a result, constant pressure on a person leads to neuroses, mental illness or even suicidal tendencies.

Thus, if a person is constantly in a stressful situation, he cannot adequately respond to the actions taking place around him, and, as a result, loses his legal capacity.

Attention! A sedentary lifestyle further exacerbates the negative effects of stress on the body.

Stress flow phases

Solving any problem, in addition to identifying the causes of its occurrence, requires understanding. Acceptance depends on it the right choice treatment. Stress is no exception. The most popular description of the stages of the progress of this disease today was made in 1936 by the scientist Hans Selye. In total, he identified three stages, which gradually flow into each other.

  1. First step. The body is in shock. The feeling of anxiety increases. During this period, the body tries to overcome irritating factors by producing more energy.
  2. Second phase. It is considered a "phase of resistance": the body begins to create a kind of immunity, which intensified the stressful state and oppressed a person, and is reduced. The person becomes calmer and more balanced, anxiety disappears.
  3. Stage three. Under the influence of stress, the human body is depleted. The psycho-emotional state worsens, the resistance to stress factors decreases. The feeling of anxiety begins to increase. When long stay physiological changes occur under stress.

The duration of the stages is individual for each person. Moreover, they are individual for any particular situation and can last from a few minutes to weeks.

Overcoming a stressful situation

Of course, understanding how stress negatively affects health, it is important to promptly and correctly start treating them. First of all, a person must become aware of his painful condition and learn to keep it under control. This will make it possible to avoid some of the consequences.

There are many effective techniques that help restore a normal psycho-emotional state. Key recommendations:

  • "Let off steam": shout, beat off a punching bag, etc .;
  • which helps to return the body to partial harmony;
  • get busy physical exercise: they help to get rid of unnecessary stress products that accumulate in the tissues, and also help to distract from problems;
  • spend more time with loved ones, because they are the best support and support in any life situations; the main thing is not to keep anything in yourself;
  • find a new hobby: music, dancing, singing and other leisure activities have a positive effect on the state of mind and reduce the impact of stress on the body;
  • join different types psychological therapy: animal therapy (communication with animals), herbal medicine, yoga and other spiritual practices.

Important! Massages, SPA procedures and other similar activities that help to relax the body also help well with stress.


Being in a constant state of stress not only diminishes the love of life, but also leads to serious illness and even death. Therefore, it is important to work on your psychological health, to learn not to bring the body to a state of stress, or, at least, to properly overcome this period.

Stress is the body’s response to unusual external demands. He is an integral part of life experience. At different times, the sources of disturbing situations were different - predators, epidemics, campaigns of conquest, natural disasters and man-made disasters.

Every person is subject to anxiety, and stress has a certain effect on human body, regardless of what provoked it.

Stress development phases

The founder of the theory of stress, Hans Selye, distinguishes three stages of its progress.

First stage- a feeling of anxiety, provoked by an increased synthesis of the adrenal cortex of hormones, which provide energy for adaptation to non-standard circumstances.

Next stage- resistance phase. If the body has adapted to the requirements, the production of the hormone is normalized. The symptoms of anxiety go away and the body's resistance increases significantly.

The last phase- exhaustion. After prolonged exposure to a stimulus to which the individual is accustomed, the adaptive abilities of the body decrease, anxiety returns, and deformations in the adrenal cortex and other internal organs become irreversible.
All three stages of stress development are constantly replacing each other: first, there is a reaction of surprise due to the lack of suitable experience, then a person learns to cope with a new situation, after which fatigue sets in.

Causes of stress: why stress occurs

The impact of stressful positions is due to the appearance of many diseases. To learn how to neutralize the harmful effects of stress and protect yourself from relapse, you need to find the primary source of psychoemotional stress.

The most common causes of stress are emotional factors... Every illness or injury, physiological and psychological stress, infection and ailment provoke tension in the body.

There are also many common human reasons for the emergence and progress of stress: too fast pace of life, excessive information flow, loss of traditions, overcrowding, constant lack of time, decrease motor activity, illiterate diet.

Stress in small doses has a positive effect on a person: the formation of glucose in the liver is activated, fat is burned faster and more efficiently, inflammatory processes are inhibited, and the body's resistance increases.

However, chronic exposure to stressors always negatively affects the state and capabilities of all organs and systems. Emotional internal pressure will certainly find the weakest point in the body: nervous system, digestive tract, immunity, and suppressed stress will turn into illness or addiction.

The most common signals of chronic stress are:

  • persistent migraines
  • constant lack of sleep,
  • ailments of cardio-vascular system turn into an acute form, high blood pressure and tachycardia appear,
  • addictions are formed in various variations, including alcoholic, game and narcotic,
  • increased fatigue, deterioration in concentration and memory capabilities,
  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, the appearance of gastritis or ulcers,
  • increased injuries,
  • weakening of immunity, as a result - constant colds and viral ailments,
    decreased sensuality.

The constant presence of stressful situations often results in insomnia, irritability, unmotivated anger and depression.

Moreover, the effects of stress may not appear immediately, but after a while develop into dangerous disease... The hormones synthesized by the body during the period of life collisions are necessary, but their quantity should not "go off scale".

The negative impact is compounded sedentary existence... Active elements rotate in the body in high concentration for a long time, keeping the body in a state of tension.

How stress affects the organs and systems of the body

If a person is nervous, working out cortisol in the body immediately grows rapidly; which, in the next turn, jeopardizes the functioning of the immune system. With severe anxiety, the level rises adrenaline, due to which hypertension appears, sweating becomes more active. The increased synthesis of these hormones makes the work of some human organs very difficult.

Effects of stressors on the skin

Constant stress provokes many skin problems, from common acne to eczema and other forms of dermatitis. Sometimes the skin becomes sensitive and prone to allergic manifestations.

Effects of stress on the brain

Stress causes persistent headaches due to increased tension in the neck and shoulders. Therefore, a migraine is lessened if a person manages to sleep or just relax. Long-term anxiety combined with depression can lead to Alzheimer's disease by stimulating the growth of the proteins that cause it.

If an individual tries to relieve stress by smoking or drinking, the brain cells are exposed to the most powerful destructive effects, which leads to memory loss.

Pressure on the heart

Since stress is a provocateur of hypertension, it also becomes a source of heart ailments. Prolonged stress violates the normative blood sugar level and leads to type 2 diabetes mellitus and the loss of elasticity of the vessels.
Stressors can change the rhythm of the heart and increase the likelihood of a stroke or heart attack.

Consequences for the stomach and intestines

The digestive system is very sensitive to stress and food is not absorbed properly. The volume of gastric secretion changes, disrupting blood circulation in the intestines. Constant anxiety can change the composition of the microflora and cause serious illness Gastrointestinal tract.

The role of stress in immunity

Under the influence of stress factors, the immune system reduces defense, and the body becomes defenseless against viruses, bacteria and cancerous growths. Chronic stress leads to the fact that the immune system is not able to adequately respond to hormonal surges; and this provokes inflammatory processes in the human body.

Occupational stress

Residents of megalopolises are more exposed to the increased influence of stressors on the body. Chronic stress often occurs in the context of overtime and strenuous work.

Its main reasons are:

  • high intensity of work or its monotony,
  • rush jobs and initially insufficient deadlines for completing the assignment,
  • improper nutrition,
  • an operating mode that is not suitable for a specific individual,
  • conflicts with management or colleagues,
  • hazardous operating conditions.

An employee exposed to occupational stress quickly burns out as a valuable specialist.

How to deal with stress

Stress is considered to be the root cause of a decrease in life expectancy; people in a state of permanent stress cannot even perform their daily duties. And what it would be good to learn is to adequately respond to difficulties.

It is important here not to change abruptly living conditions, not to give up routine, familiar things. Their monotony has a beneficial effect on mood.

It is preferable to start the day with physical activity ... Yoga and meditation, tai chi and other techniques that have been tested for centuries will help. A good enough long rest is very important.

Particular influence is worth paying nutrition... The menu should be formed from low-calorie and fresh food, filled with vitamins and nutrients. The amount of caffeine, nicotine and alcohol should be kept to the lowest possible dose.

It often becomes a balm for the soul communication... It is necessary to regularly visit theaters, live music concerts, museums. You need to find what brings joy and enjoy life.

Stress and its effect on the human body have been studied quite well by doctors and psychologists, since this problem is becoming commonplace today. Everyone can find themselves in a stressful situation, regardless of age, gender and social status. Stress is defense mechanism on unusual physical and mental stress and strong emotions. Being in a non-standard situation that requires an important decision, anxiety appears, heart rate increases, weakness and dizziness appear. If the effect of stress on the human body has reached its peak, then complete moral and physical exhaustion sets in.

Causes of stress

Any factor can cause overvoltage, but experts divide them into two categories.
Firstly, these are changes in the usual course of life:

  • increased workload;
  • discord in personal life (intimate life);
  • misunderstanding on the part of loved ones;
  • an acute shortage of money and others.

Secondly, these are internal problems that are generated by imagination:

  • pessimistic attitude;
  • low self-esteem;
  • overestimation of requirements not only to yourself, but also to those around you;
  • the inner struggle of the individual.

It is wrong to think that only negative emotions are stressors. The impact of stress on human health also turns out to be from an overabundance of positive emotions, for example, a wedding or a rapid career growth.

Having identified the cause of stress, it is necessary to eradicate it. If irritation is caused by the words or actions of a familiar person, then it is worthwhile to clearly formulate your claims in advance and express them to the object of your dissatisfaction. If the last strength takes away classes professional activity then you better find yourself a new place. Do not be afraid to radically change your lifestyle, to exclude all negative aspects from it for the sake of your own peace of mind.

Stages of stress

Any Living being tries to adapt to conditions environment... The Canadian scientist Selye in 1936 proved that with an extremely strong impact, the human body refuses to adapt. Thus, three stages of stress were identified, depending on the hormonal background of a person:

  1. Anxiety. This is the preparatory stage, during which a powerful release of hormones occurs. The body prepares to defend or flee.
  2. Resistance. The person becomes aggressive, irritable, begins to fight the disease.
  3. Exhaustion. During the struggle, all the reserve energy reserves were used up. The body loses its ability to resist, and psychosomatic disorders begin, up to deep depression or death.

Stress directly affects the healthy performance of the human body. Work is suppressed internal organs and systems, there is a feeling of depression.
The effect of stress on human health has various manifestations, the main of which are:

  • headaches that do not have a characteristic localization;
  • chronic lack of sleep and insomnia;
  • functional disorders of the cardiovascular system: bradycardia,
  • arterial hypertension, myocardial infarction;
  • impaired concentration, increased fatigue, decreased performance;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, ulcers, dyspepsia of neurotic genesis;
  • oncological problems are aggravated;
  • decreased immunity, as a result of which the body can undergo a viral infection;
  • violation of neuroendocrine regulation, irregular production of hormones, leads to the development of osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus or to other metabolic diseases;
  • dystrophy of brain tissue, muscle rigidity or atony;
    alcohol or drug addiction may appear.

The mood of a person directly depends on the hormonal background of a person. An anti-stress hormone is responsible for the correct psychological mood in the body. Cortisol helps you move towards your goals, gives you strength and motivation for action. The level of the hormone in the blood varies depending on the emotional state of the person, his plans for the near future.
If the body is in a stressful state, then psychologically, it cannot adequately respond to the actions taking place around it. This manifests itself in excessive demands on oneself and on the people around. Calmness is lost, internal balance is disturbed, as a result of which apathy towards life appears.

The consequences of a violation of the psycho-emotional background:

  • depletion of mental strength leads to neuroses, depression and other mental illness;
  • loss of interest in life, lack of any desires;
  • disturbances in sleep and wakefulness;
  • emotional instability: bouts of aggression, outbursts of anger, irritability;
  • inner feeling of anxiety.

Monotonous monotonous work, constant emotional tone lead to the fact that performance begins to decline, constant fatigue is felt.
Signs of overwork are directly manifested in work:

  • regular erroneous actions;
  • desire to sleep: yawning, closing eyes;
  • lack of appetite;
  • migraine, noise in the head
  • eye pain;
  • the soaring nature of thoughts, lack of concentration;
  • unwillingness to continue working.

Fatigue tends to accumulate, if you do not help your body to deal with stress, then the level of performance can decrease irrevocably.

Recovery of the body after stress

Hallmark morally strong man is resistance to negative impact... Total self-control is better protection from stressful situations. You can hide from troubles, but for normal state of mind you need to be able to deal with problems.

A set of calming and relaxing measures will help you recover from stressful effects:

The positive effects of stress on the human body

If the body is shaken for a short time, then it can be beneficial:

Thus, stress and its effect on a person is different. Emotional tone has a positive effect on the mental sphere, but control and increased activity are followed by depletion of vital resources. Nervous tension will pass on its own as soon as the cause of its occurrence disappears. It is very important to monitor your emotional and physiological state, if it is impossible to exclude an irritating factor, contact a specialist.