The court denied Anastasia the right to a luxurious apartment on Patriarch's Ponds, bought in marriage with the son of actress Philip. Begunova declares that now she has nowhere to live, and she flew from Germany, where she lives with her children and common-law husband, to Moscow to ask for help.


In the talk show "Let them talk," the girl shared with the host Dmitry Borisov, guests of the studio and the audience about the position she was in and what she was going to achieve from the Vasiliev family.

Earlier, Tatyana Grigorievna accused her daughter-in-law of embezzling 350 thousand euros. Nastya came to the capital to meet with her former mother-in-law and seek mercy for herself and her children.

Also on the air of the program, Anastasia made a sensational statement. She registered the child from her common-law husband as Philip Vasilyeva's son. The host was so surprised that he asked if this was really so. Nastya answered in the affirmative, arguing that Russian law allows such practice in particular cases.

"We live on rented apartment for allowance. Helps the current civil husband. The grandchildren of the actress have 7,000 rubles alimony for two and no housing in Moscow! Everything was taken from them. I have a fear that if I come with them to the capital, they will be taken away from me as easily as they left us without property," Begunova complained, adding that her ex-husband and his mother threatened her.

“The apartment on Patriarch’s Ponds cost 25.5 million rubles. It was bought back in 2012, when Philip and I were married for four years. During the divorce, he signed a donation to his mother, saying that he was not married, that children were not registered in the housing , which is a lie," the girl shares. Anastasia made it clear that the court deprived her of the apartment on the basis of forged documents.

Vasilyeva herself is offended by her former daughter-in-law for not letting her see her grandchildren. She has not seen them for two years, only talking on the phone. Now Tatyana Grigorievna lives in the same apartment of discord and does not intend to share property. She told Nastya at a personal meeting that she was not going to give her even a share in the apartment.

She agrees to discuss all issues only in the presence of lawyers. “I have nothing to agree on, the courts are going on and will go on for the rest of my life. She wants an apartment, nothing else, she doesn’t want human relations,” the actress summed up.

nine years ago son famous actress Tatyana Vasilyeva Philip married actress Anastasia Begunova. Some time later, the couple moved to Berlin with their two children, Ivan and Grigory. However, the marriage was short-lived - in 2015 they divorced.

The woman remained to live in Germany and raise the kids, and the man returned to his homeland, where he created new family. Anastasia also found personal happiness, and also became a mother for the third time. The only thing that gnaws at her is an apartment in Moscow, which, after a divorce from Vasilyev, was not given to her. Philip issued a donation to the famous mother, despite the fact that his children were registered in the house.

Anastasia Begunova came from Berlin to the studio of the “Let them talk” program to tell the whole country about the difficult relationship with her former mother-in-law. She is trying to convince Tatyana Vasilyeva to give her housing.

“We live in a rented apartment, practically on welfare, my current husband helps in some way, of course. But my children, the grandchildren of the famous actress, have seven thousand rubles for two and there is no housing in Moscow. Everything was taken from them. Therefore, we are still there, ”Anastasia said with pain in her voice.

Experts in the studio were surprised by this statement. They considered it fair that now her current chosen one, from whom she gave birth to a third child, should take care of her and the children. The guests could not understand why Anastasia was making claims not to her ex-husband, but to his mother. Begunova replied that the grandmother's love for her grandchildren should be confirmed not only in words, but also materially. Moreover, she does not bring children to Russia, as she fears threats from the ex-husband's family.

Anastasia admits that she lives well in Berlin - she is surrounded by nice people, but she is still drawn to Moscow. Also presenter Dmitry Borisov asked why ex-husband and his mother can not communicate with children. Begunova admitted that it was hard for her to pay phone bills, although Ivan and Grigory's father promised to do this.

“A month ago they said they would take the children to Italy, and finally buy two phones and pay for international calls. I saw the reaction of the children, how easy it is to buy their attention. These are just handouts, gifts, ”the woman said.

Anastasia Begunova and Tatyana Vasilyeva still managed to meet to talk about a sore point - the division of the apartment. They met at the entrance to the Ostankino studio. The former mother-in-law of the actress started talking about giving her and the children an apartment.

“Not discussed,” Tatyana Vasilyeva replied.

In a conversation, Anastasia mentioned that even the court did not leave her a chance to even claim a share of the living space. “Well, according to the court, it didn’t work out in half, you were sorry. It didn’t work out,” Begunova said.

September 06, 2017

Anastasia Begunova gave candid interview.

Tatyana Vasilyeva / photo:

Haven't stopped for about two years now. litigation between and her former daughter-in-law Anastasia Begunova. At one time, the girl was happily married to the son of the actress and they even had children - Vanya and Grisha. But in 2015 they broke up, and since then the relationship between Tatyana and Anastasia has heated up. It was reported that the daughter-in-law of the actress demands to pay her a decent amount of money for meeting Philip's children, whom she took to Germany. In February of this year, she said that Tatyana Vasilyeva destroyed her family happiness. She also admitted that she was afraid that her sons would be taken away from her.

The other day, the former daughter-in-law of the actress gave a candid interview. She clarified the situation with the money that she allegedly demanded for meetings with Vanya and Grisha from her mother. former lover. According to her, Vasilyeva herself volunteered to give 200,000 euros for her grandchildren, but on the condition that she give up real estate. Anastasia did not want to deprive her children of their property, and since Vasilyeva was not going to give them part of the apartment, she decided to sue.

The fact is that a large apartment on Patriarch's Ponds was bought when Philip was married to Anastasia, but it was bought with money from the sale of his former apartment, and his mother bought it. Consequently, the apartment was purchased with the money of Tatyana Vasilyeva. Former spouse Philippa noted that she registered only children in that apartment, because she was sure that they would not be deprived under any circumstances. “She left her grandchildren without everything! I will challenge this decision in court,” she admitted.

Begunova assured that she was doing everything only for the sake of the children. She recently gave birth to her third child from another man and believes that the babies will be cramped if she lives with them in her one-room apartment. She also said that Philip would pay her alimony in the amount of 7 thousand rubles. "It's even lower living wage!" Anastasia is angry. She also noted that Philip and Tatyana Vasilyeva can see Vanya and Grisha, according to the settlement agreement, every weekend, but they have never arrived in two years. “Therefore, the words “I really want to see my grandchildren” are just PR,” the former daughter-in-law Vasilyeva concluded, the publication reports.

Anastasia Evgenievna Begunova (married - Vasilyeva). She was born on November 17, 1980 in Omsk. Russian actress theater and cinema.

Father is an engineer. Mother is an ophthalmologist. Parents still live in Omsk.

According to Anastasia, early years was independent, since her parents worked hard, she had to take care of her younger sister Anna.

IN school years she did gymnastics, went to dances and to a choreographic studio. An active and independent girl herself transferred to another lyceum in the center of Omsk, and, according to her, she "connected her mother so that she would only bring the documents."

She first appeared on stage in the eighth grade - when a drama theater was created on the basis of their lyceum. There she performed and from the age of fourteen officially received a salary.

After school in her native Omsk, she studied for a year at the department of choreography State University Dostoevsky.

Then she entered VTU them. Schukin. “Vladimir Etush was sitting at the entrance to the commission and asked the girls to show their legs before the reading if the skirt was too long. Etush laughed," she recalled. She studied on the same course with Vyacheslav Manucharov.

In 2003 she graduated from VTU. Schukin, course R.Yu. Ovchinnikov.

In 2003-2007 - actress of the Theater. Stanislavsky, played in the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream".

Winner of the reading competition. Y. Smolensky 2003 and the competition of readers named after. V. Kachalova 2007.

Collaborated with theaters: Voropaev's production company - "Bella Chao" and "Second Wind"; Theater Society "Rusich" - "Pygmalion"; Another theater is "Duck Hunt".

In 2007 she entered the London University of the Arts, according to her, "I dreamed of living in another country, learning acting skills However, due to her marriage, she remained in Russia and in the same 2007 she was accepted into the troupe of the Vakhtangov Theater, among her works: Charlotte - "Don Juan and Sganarelle"; Pretty Woman - "Frederick, or Boulevard of Crimes "; Julie - "Mademoiselle Nitouche"; Marcela - "Dog in the Manger"; Chimera - "Dedication to Eve"; "Coast of Women"; Bird - "Troilus and Cressida".

Since 2003, he has been acting in films, making his debut in an episode of the film "Photo".

She starred in numerous films and television series in episodes and supporting roles. Among her works are Rublyovka Live (Diana), Everything is Possible (Ksyusha), General Therapy (Marina), Duty Angel (Tatiana), Reflections (Mira), Odyssey of Detective Gurov (Gordeeva ), " Quiet Don"(Cossack), etc.

Anastasia Begunova in the series "Reflections"

Anastasia Begunova in the series "Quiet Flows the Don"

Since 2013 she lived in Germany, in her words - at the insistence of her mother-in-law. Her ex-husband Philip Vasiliev decided to become a film director and was going to enter the directing institute in Berlin, in addition, they wanted to give children the opportunity to learn foreign language. At the same time, she regularly flew to Moscow, continuing to play in the Vakhtangov Theater.

Since 2015 he has been permanently residing in Germany.

The growth of Anastasia Begunova: 165 centimeters.

Personal life of Anastasia Begunova:

According to rumors, in student years she had an affair with actor Vyacheslav Manucharov.

The actress was also credited with a relationship with, with whom she starred in the 2003 film "Photo" directed by Alexander Galin.

In 2006, Philip Vasiliev appeared in her life. “Philip and I met in the Bella Chao enterprise, to which my master, professor at the Shchukin School, Rodion Yuryevich Ovchinnikov, invited me in 2006. I played the granddaughter of the heroine Tatyana Vasilyeva, and Philip played my fiancé. We toured a lot and were with him just good friends, and I always sincerely admired Tatyana Grigoryevna as an actress, tried to learn something from her in the profession, "she said.

In 2008 she married Philip Vasiliev. Soon their son Ivan was born, and three years later, their second son, Grigory.

In 2015, Anastasia and Philip broke up, and in 2016 they officially divorced.

The gap was accompanied loud scandal, which has been the focus of media attention. Tatyana Vasilyeva accused her ex-daughter-in-law of stealing a large amount of money - over 300 thousand euros (although amounts of 500 thousand euros were also called). According to Tatyana Vasilyeva, Nastya stole the money and fled to Germany.

Philip also accused Begunova - of cheating on him - with the artistic director of the theater. E. Vakhtangov by Rimas Tuminas, as well as the actor and director of the Theater S.A.D. . Philip Vasiliev said: "You see, for me, for example, for a long time it was a secret that Nastya slept with Vyacheslav Manucharov. It turns out that they even lived together when they studied at the Shchukin school. Their love was such that for the sake of Begunova, Slava lost as much as 50 kilos! But I found out about this only a year and a half or two ago, when Nastya was again often seen in his company. Of course, it was unpleasant, but I didn’t roll up scenes of jealousy to my wife, because Manucharov himself admitted: it’s stupid to be jealous of him. Now the entire Vakhtangov Theater is gossiping that Nastya is having an affair with their artistic director Rimas Tuminas. They agreed to the point that she behaves with him like a wife: she commands, she sits on his knees. It's funny to remember, but Nastya always told me with a note of regret in her voice that she dreamed of marrying the director, and then I turned up ... So I hugged Rubtsov with this at the opening of the season, obviously for a reason. Friends reported that she allowed him a lot of excess at that party ... ".

After breaking up with Philip, Anastasia gave birth to a third son in Germany. She does not talk about the father of the child, according to rumors, the man's name is Dmitry.

Anastasia Begunova and Tatyana Vasilyeva repeatedly became the heroines of talk shows on central channels, where they exchanged mutual accusations. Vasilyeva still accused Begunova of stealing, and she in response stated that famous actress deprived her grandchildren of the apartment. At the same time, Tatyana Vasilyeva is deprived of the opportunity to see Ivan and Grigory - Anastasia refuses to bring children from Germany, fearing that they will be taken away from her.

Actress Tatyana Vasilyeva stole my husband from me! Let them talk (02/14/2017)

Divorce from the mother-in-law: an ultimatum to the great Tatyana Vasilyeva. Let them talk (09/06/2017)

Filmography of Anastasia Begunova:

2003 - Photo - episode
2004 - Women in a game without rules - a girl in a Zhiguli
2004 - Balzac age, or All men are...
2005 - Rublyovka Live - Diana
2006-2016 - Detectives - episode
2006 - Foreigners - episode
2007-2011 - father's daughters- Oksana's friend
2007 - Judicial column - Ulyana Abasova
2007 - Urgently in the room - witness
2007 - Everything is possible - Ksyusha
2007 - Alibi Agency
2008 - Dangerous connection
2008 - General therapy - Marina, Privalova's daughter
2008 - Law and Order: Criminal Intent -3 - Tamara Bychkova
2009 - Reflections - Mira
2010 - Angel on duty - Tatyana
2011 - Stored by fate - assistant director
2011 - Pier (film-play) - Mademoiselle Blanche, French
2012 - Odyssey of the detective Gurov - Gordeeva
2012 - Women's Coast (film-play)
2015 - Quiet Don - Cossack