Published on April 5, 2017

Prepare milkshake everyone can do it. Many of us remember this taste from childhood. Once upon a time, I simply dreamed that we would have a mixer at home in order to prepare these cocktails in unlimited quantities.

Today, a mixer is far from a problem; almost every family has either a mixer or a blender. But for some reason, we often buy milkshakes in cafes or pizzerias, but we don’t prepare them at home.

In this article I will try to give several recipes for making milkshakes that will become your favorites. But first I want to tell you some tips on how to properly prepare a cocktail based on dairy products.

Remember milk must be chilled. Only then will it whip well into foam.

You can add almost all fruits except orange, tangerine, grapefruit and sour apples. Otherwise, there is a risk of having a fasting day after drinking a cocktail.

In addition to milk, you can use kefir, fermented baked milk, and yogurt.

You can decorate the cocktail with coconut, grated chocolate, grated nuts, mint, and pieces of fruit.

You can decorate with a beautiful top of whipped cream. You can read how to make whipped cream at home by following the link.

You can also decorate the edges of the glass in which you will serve the cocktail. Dip the glass into water and then into sugar. You will get beautiful edges in edible snow.

It's better to take ice cream white no dyes. And of course, only ice cream.

Fruits and berries that you plan to use in the cocktail can be whipped together with milk. Just remember to wash them first.

Very often, all possible syrups are used for cooking. If you don’t have syrup on hand, you can replace it with jam.


Ice cream 1 waffle cup.

A glass of milk.


☑ Remove the ice cream from the cup and place it in the blender bowl.

☑ Pour in milk and beat for 3-4 minutes.

☑ Pour into glasses and serve.

Your cocktail is completely ready.

Strawberry-vanilla cocktail


Strawberries-200 grams

Vanilla ice cream - 150 grams.

Milk 100-150 grams.

Vanilla sugar packet.

Sugar to taste but not more than 150 grams.


☑ Mix strawberries with ice cream and beat well.

☑ Add milk, vanilla, sugar and beat for about three more minutes.

☑ Pour into glasses, garnish with strawberry halves and serve.

Your cocktail is ready.

Coffee Banana Milkshake


1 banana.

1 teaspoon instant coffee.

Half a glass of milk.

1 tablespoon honey.

100-120 grams of ice cream.


☑ Cut the banana into circles and mix with ice cream. Beat everything using a blender.

☑ Dissolve coffee in 2 tablespoons warm water. And send it to the banana.

☑ Add honey and beat milk for 3-4 minutes.

Your cocktail is ready.

Almond milkshake


A third of a glass of milk.

1 cup kefir.

50 grams of almonds.

Apricot syrup or jam.

Sugar to taste.

A tablespoon of ice cream.


☑ Peel the almonds, pour boiling water over them to make it easier to remove the skin.

☑Place pure almonds in a coffee grinder and grind the grains.

☑Mix almond powder with the rest of the ingredients and beat until foam appears. Pour the cocktail into glasses and serve.

Hot chocolate milkshake


1 banana.

Half a liter of milk.

Dark chocolate bar.

Ground cinnamon.


☑ Peel the banana, cut into circles and use a blender to turn it into banana puree.

☑ Pour the milk into a saucepan and put on fire.

☑ Add banana puree and broken chocolate to the milk.

☑ Continue heating the milk until the chocolate is completely dissolved.

☑As soon as the chocolate dissolves and the mass begins to thicken, pour the cocktail into glasses and sprinkle ground cinnamon on top.

Cocktail raspberry paradise


Raspberries 140-150 grams.

Milk glass.

Ice cream 100-120 grams.

Sugar 2-3 tablespoons.


☑ Place the raspberries in a saucepan, pour out all the sugar and put on fire. ☑ Bring to a boil and cook for just a couple of minutes. Be careful that the sugar does not burn.

☑ Cool the raspberries and pour in the milk, mix and pour into a blender. Add ice cream and beat until fluffy. This will take about 2-3 minutes.

☑ Pour the finished cocktail into glasses and serve to guests.

Cherry milkshake


Cherries, fresh or frozen. You can use cherry syrup.

Milk glass.

Ice cream 120-130 grams.

1-2 tablespoons of sugar. Depends on the acidity of the cherry.


☑ Wash the cherries well and remove the pits.

☑ Squeeze juice from berries. Or simply puree them using an immersion blender.

☑ Mix cherry puree with the rest of the ingredients and beat well for 3-4 minutes.

Cocktail mint cloud


150 milk.

150 ice cream.

30 mint syrup.

A sprig of mint.

Whipped cream.


☑ Mix all ingredients and beat until fluffy.

☑ Garnish with a top of whipped cream and a sprig of mint.

Milkshake Paradise Apple


500 milk.

2 sweet apples.

50 grams of walnuts.


Honey or cane sugar about a tablespoon.


☑ Grind the nut grains in a coffee grinder to a powder state.

☑ Wash the apples and turn them into puree.

☑ Add sugar or honey to the puree and mix.

☑ Pour milk and beat.

☑ Pour into glasses and garnish with nuts.

Milkshake with vodka


150 milk.

1 egg.

50 vodka.

2 level tablespoons of sugar.

Coconut flakes or grated chocolate.


☑ Separate the yolk from the white.

☑ Beat the egg white for 1 minute and gradually add sugar.

☑ Beat for a few more minutes.

☑ Carefully add the yolk and continue whisking the cooled milk.

☑ Pour in the vodka again and beat everything well.

☑ Pour into glasses, decorate with coconut shavings and serve.

Everyone knows about the benefits of milk and dairy products, especially for children, pregnant women and nursing mothers, but how can you force your dearest child to drink a glass of such hated milk? Don't waste your energy and nerves! Be smarter and wiser - buy a blender and prepare cocktails based on milk, ice cream, kefir or yogurt with fresh fruits, berries or syrups. Children simply will not be able to refuse such a delicacy! And everyone will be happy! Don’t forget to treat yourself with a glass of delicious milk drink.

How to make a milkshake at home

A classic milkshake should consist of two required components- milk and ice cream. To prepare a cocktail, milk must be cooled to a temperature of +6 degrees. Milk that is too cold will not make a good, and most importantly, tasty cocktail. The cocktail should be shaken high speed in a blender or using a mixer until thick foam forms. If you decide to add fruit, berries or ice to the cocktail, before serving it must be strained through a strainer to remove seeds, pieces of ice and fruit. Immediately after preparation, milkshakes are poured into tall glasses and served with a straw.

In addition to milk, the base can be kefir, yogurt or cream. You can add fruits, berries, fruit juices and syrups, coffee, chocolate, alcoholic drinks. If you are watching your figure and following a diet, you can prepare a low-calorie cocktail based on low-fat kefir or skim milk with fruit juice and pieces of unsweetened fruit - apple, kiwi, strawberry. But full-fat milk and yogurt, sour cream, cream, chocolate, nuts and coconut shavings will have to be excluded.

Classic milkshake with ice cream

Take 250 g of creamy ice cream and 1 liter of milk. Beat in a blender until a thick foam forms and serve immediately after cooking. By the way, the amount of milk may vary depending on your individual preferences. If you like to easily and naturally sip a cocktail through a straw, then you can take more milk, one and a half liters per 250 g of ice cream. If you like thick and high-calorie cocktails a la McDonalds, then the amount of milk should be reduced.

The best cocktail recipes at home

  • Milkshake with apple and nuts

A non-alcoholic cocktail with a delicate, slightly tart taste is a wonderful treat for children's party. However, adults will certainly want to try the delicious drink.


  • two apples
  • half a liter of milk
  • 2 tbsp. walnuts
  • half a glass of sugar

Cooking method:

Peel the apples, remove the seeds, grate them, add sugar and mix well. Boil milk, cool, pour over apples. Beat the milk-apple mixture in a blender or mixer. Pour the drink into glasses and sprinkle chopped walnuts on top.

  • Healthy milkshake with avocado

Avocado fruits contain oleic acid, which reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and also has pronounced antioxidant properties.


  • one avocado
  • 500 ml milk
  • some liquid honey
  • raspberry syrup optional
  • or blackcurrant jam

Cooking method:

Cut the ripe avocado in half. Using a spoon, carefully scrape out the pulp and place it in a blender. Add half a liter of milk and just a little liquid honey to the avocado pulp. Especially for those with a sweet tooth, you can add a couple of spoons of blackcurrant jam or a little raspberry syrup. Mix everything in a blender for one to two minutes.

  • Strawberry-oat milkshake

This hearty drink packs a punch useful properties: milk contains proteins, amino acids, vitamins and microelements necessary for the body, strawberries help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and oatmeal normalizes metabolism, improves the condition of hair and skin.

Cooking method:

Mix fresh strawberries in a blender with 500 ml of milk, a small amount of oatmeal and plain yogurt, cinnamon and a tablespoon of cocoa. Pouring into glasses, you can sprinkle the cocktail oatmeal and cinnamon.

  • Banana milkshake

This wonderful drink will appeal to both children and adults. Lastly, at the final stage, you can add a couple of spoons of cognac to each glass.

Cooking method:

Beat 250 g of ice cream in a blender or mixer, preferably ice cream or vanilla, with a liter of milk and pieces of ripe banana. Pour the finished cocktail into glasses. Before serving to children, we decorate the drink with kiwi slices and banana slices, and add a little cognac to adults.

  • Milk chocolate shake

Simple but very delicious drink, which is prepared literally in a matter of minutes.

Cooking method:

Pour 250 ml of milk into a blender, add one serving of ice cream, add 2 tbsp. cocoa, berries and powdered sugar to taste. Whisk all ingredients thoroughly until a thick foam forms. When serving, you can add a piece of ice cream to the cocktail.

  • Apricot milkshake

A light, refreshing cocktail with milk, apricots and ice for hot days.


  • 250 g fresh apricots
  • 200 ml milk
  • 50 g sugar
  • 5 tbsp. crushed ice

Cooking method:

Place finely chopped apricots on crushed ice. Pour everything with sugar, add milk and mix with a mixer for two minutes at least number rpm

  • Caramel milkshake

This drink will take a little work, but it's worth it!


  • 400 ml milk
  • 2 scoops vanilla ice cream
  • 4 tbsp. Sahara
  • strawberry

Cooking method:

In a small saucepan, melt the sugar over low heat, stirring constantly. The caramel should be golden brown, but not dark in color. Add 5 tbsp. water and, stirring continuously, boil the caramel mass until it reaches the consistency of syrup. Then pour in the milk and bring the mixture to a boil again. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let the contents cool. Cover the saucepan with a lid and place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Pour the cooled caramel milk into a blender, add vanilla ice cream and blend for about 15 seconds. Pour the drink into cocktail glasses, garnishing the rim with fresh strawberries. Serve with straws.

  • Milkshake with raspberries and ice cream

This cocktail is rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, helps burn fat, has an antipyretic effect, has diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.


  • 250 g ice cream
  • 500 ml milk
  • 2 tbsp. honey
  • 1 cup fresh raspberries

Cooking method:

Dissolve honey in warm milk and place the mixture in the refrigerator. Add ice cream to the cooled honey-milk mixture. Beat everything in a blender. Add raspberries and beat again. Before serving, pass the cocktail through a strainer to remove the seeds from the raspberries.

Milkshake... What drink could be better for a children's party, party or just for breakfast? It is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy - it produces milk required amount calcium, protein and fat, and fruit or vegetable supplements will energize you with vitamins C, A, B, potassium and magnesium. It all depends on what exactly you will cook it with. By the way, a milkshake is an excellent solution for those mothers whose children do not like milk. What child would refuse a tasty, beautiful mixture with pieces of fruit that is very fun and interesting to drink?

How to make a milkshake at home

To taste this drink, you no longer need to go to a cafe. The classic mix is ​​so easy to prepare that even a schoolchild can master the recipe for how to make a milkshake. For several servings you will need:

250 grams. regular cream ice cream (about 2 scoops);

2 glasses of milk 3.2% fat;

1 glass of cream;

2 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar or any fruit syrup;

A little vanilla.

Place all the ingredients listed in a blender or mixing bowl and blend at highest speed for 2-3 minutes. The classic milkshake is ready. Following the given recipe, you will get approximately 3-4 servings. For those who are embarrassed by the fat content of the cocktail (after all, ice cream and cream are not the most dietary products), there is an obvious solution - replace regular milk with skim milk, also choose cream with the lowest percentage of fat content, and from a wide range of ice cream, purchase the one that has the lowest calorie content . This way you can enjoy the drink without harming your figure. You can also add some fresh berries or fruits to the cocktail, and replace sugar, as mentioned above, with fruit or any other syrup. Now that you have a basic recipe for how to make a milkshake at home, you can endlessly experiment and come up with something new. By adding different ingredients, you will create a new mixture for each breakfast.

How to make a chocolate and banana milkshake

This recipe is sure to become a favorite at kids' parties. Absolutely all kids will like the chocolate-banana flavor. For him, a caring mother needs to take:

150-200 ml of milk of any fat content;

70-100 grams of chocolate;

200 grams of regular ice cream;

Cinnamon to taste.

Grate the chocolate and dissolve it in a small amount of hot milk, leaving a couple of spoons of shavings for decoration. Cut the banana into small circles. Next, all ingredients should be placed in a mixer or blender, beat for 2-4 minutes until the mass becomes nice and homogeneous. Then pour into glasses and, garnish with chocolate, serve. You can add cinnamon to the drink to taste. It's very simple and doesn't even take five minutes. Knowing how to make a milkshake, you can easily find an alternative to store-bought carbonated drinks, which are not very healthy for both children and adults.

Milkshake appeared in late XIX century in England. Back then it looked more like eggnog or even eggnog: it contained milk, egg yolk and whiskey. Later, the recipe changed a lot: eggs disappeared from the composition, alcohol was often replaced with fruit juices and syrups, and ice cream was added to the drink for thickness. Gradually, the milkshake acquired a familiar look to everyone, and its availability household appliances made it possible to prepare it at home.

Cooking features

It is believed that a properly made milkshake should be moderately thick, fluffy and tender. It can be made with the addition of fruits and berries, but their presence in the composition is not mandatory. A tasty and airy milkshake can be prepared using any of the selected recipes, if you know a few things.

  • It is impossible to prepare a lush cocktail if there is neither a mixer nor a blender in the house. If you beat the ingredients with a whisk, the drink will be tasty, but will not have the airy consistency of a proper milkshake.
  • The lower the fat content of the milk, the easier it will be to whip it into a fluffy foam.
  • To make the drink thicker, increase the amount of ice cream or fruit puree in its composition.
  • The milk must be cooled before churning. Optimal temperature– 6 degrees. Some housewives place a bottle of milk in the freezer and keep it there until ice crystals begin to form in the milk.
  • If you use cocoa, ground chocolate, fruits and berries to make a cocktail, they must be crushed separately, possibly with the addition of a small amount of milk or syrup. Fruits are peeled before chopping and only the pulp is used. Before combining with the main components, the berry and chocolate mass is filtered or ground through a sieve so that they do not make the consistency of the cocktail coarse.
  • Ice is not added to the milkshake either during preparation or after.
  • To decorate the milkshake, use grated chocolate, nut crumbs, berries, and whipped cream. To whip cream, it must be thoroughly cooled. You can prepare them either with a mixer or with a regular whisk. The latter option is even preferable, as it eliminates the risk of whipping the cream into butter.

It is better to serve the milkshake with a wide straw so that it does not get clogged. It is inconvenient to drink a thick drink through a narrow straw.

Simple milkshake recipe

  • creamy ice cream – 120–140 g;
  • milk – 0.5 l.

Cooking method:

  • Cool the milk very much (up to 6 degrees).
  • Ice cream cut into pieces average size, place the pieces into a blender bowl.
  • Fill with milk.
  • Beat at high speed until thick foam forms.
  • Pour into glasses.

Serve the cocktail immediately after preparation, before the foam begins to settle.

  • low-fat milk (1.5–2.5% fat, no more) – 0.3 l;
  • milk ice cream – 50 g;
  • non-acidic fruit syrup – 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Place ice cream cut into small pieces into a mixer jug.
  • Drizzle syrup over ice cream.
  • Add ice milk.
  • Turn the mixer on high and beat for 30 seconds. If the foam is not thick enough, whisk the drink for another 30 seconds.

The taste of this liquid delicacy will be almost the same as that of a milkshake, which was prepared in cafeterias according to GOST during the Soviet period.

Banana milkshake


  • pasteurized milk – 0.5 l;
  • banana (pulp) – 150 g;
  • ice cream (seal) – 150 g.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the banana, cut the pulp into pieces, place in a blender bowl. Add half a glass of chilled milk, grind the banana to a liquid puree.
  • Add ice cream cut into small pieces, pour in the remaining milk.
  • Beat until done.

A milkshake prepared according to this recipe is sweet, aromatic and thick. He is quite capable of satisfying his hunger. They can replace one of the snacks.

Strawberry milkshake


  • strawberries – 150 g;
  • creamy ice cream – 70 g;
  • sugar – 20 g;
  • milk – 0.2 l.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the berries and let them dry. Cut each berry into 2–4 pieces, depending on its size. Place the strawberry chunks in a blender container. Add a tablespoon of ice milk to them and whisk.
  • Strain the strawberry mixture through a sieve and return to the blender container.
  • Grind the sugar using a coffee grinder to a powder and add to the strawberry puree.
  • Cut the ice cream and place it in a blender container with the other ingredients.
  • Pour in cooled milk and whisk.

Before serving, decorate the edges of the glass in which the drink is served with “frost” of powdered sugar. You can also decorate the drink with strawberries or whipped cream.

Diet shake

  • black currant – 0.25 kg;
  • milk – 0.5 l;
  • coconut milk or low-fat cream - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the berries by placing them in a colander. Wait for them to dry.
  • Pour the currants into a blender jug, add coconut milk or cream, previously very cooled.
  • Grind the contents of the blender bowl to a puree, rub through a sieve.
  • Place the berry puree in a blender container and dilute with ice milk.
  • Beat for a minute at high speed.

This drink is low in calories and contains no sugar or ice cream. People on a diet, including those with diabetes, can afford this cocktail.

Milkshake for weight loss

  • skim milk – 0.25 l;
  • vanilla yogurt – 60–75 g;
  • fresh peach (pulp) – 50 g;
  • ground cinnamon - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the peach, remove the pit from it, remove the skin from the fruit using a sharp knife or vegetable peeler. Cut the pulp into cubes and place in a blender bowl.
  • Add cinnamon and yogurt.
  • Pour in the milk.
  • Beat until smooth.

Thanks to cinnamon, which speeds up metabolism, and a relatively low calorie content, a cocktail prepared according to this recipe will promote weight loss if it replaces higher-calorie snacks. The effect will be even more noticeable if the peaches in the drink are replaced with pineapple, but always fresh: canned fruit is too sweet and high in calories.

Pumpkin milkshake

  • pumpkin pulp – 120 g;
  • sugar – 5 g;
  • milk – 0.3 kg;
  • creamy ice cream – 70 g;
  • cream – 20 ml;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • cinnamon - on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the pumpkin into thin slices, sprinkle with sugar and bake until soft, cool. Place in a blender bowl, add cream, blend until pureed. If you don’t have time to bake fresh pumpkin, you can use ready-made pumpkin puree, intended for baby food.
  • Remove the ice cream from the refrigerator to let it melt a little. When it becomes soft, transfer it to a container with pumpkin puree.
  • Add vanillin and cinnamon, pour in cold milk and beat until soft foam appears.

Pumpkin - useful product, but not all children eat it with pleasure. They will almost certainly not refuse a pumpkin milkshake. If you replace pumpkin puree with carrot puree in this drink, you will get another delicious and useful option milkshake.

Chocolate cocktail


  • chocolate ice cream – 70 g;
  • sugar – 20 g;
  • milk – 0.25 l;
  • cocoa powder – 5 g;
  • dark chocolate – 20 g.

Cooking method:

  • Mix cocoa with sugar, add milk, whisk. Place on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. Cool to room temperature, strain and place in the freezer for 15–20 minutes.
  • Cut the ice cream into slices and place in a mixer bowl.
  • Pour in the cooled cocoa.
  • Whisk until foam forms, pour into a glass.
  • Grind the dark chocolate and sprinkle the drink with chocolate chips.

Chocolate milkshake has a unique taste, completely different from a regular or fruity one. In almost any company there is a person who prefers this particular version of the popular drink.

Milkshake with cognac

  • prepared and cooled cocoa (sweet) – 0.2 l;
  • milk – 0.2 l;
  • ice cream – 30 g;
  • cream cheese – 30 g;
  • espresso coffee – 50 ml;
  • cognac – 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Strain the cooled coffee and cocoa and pour into a mixer bowl.
  • Add ice cream, cognac and milk.
  • Whisk.
  • Cool the cheese in the freezer, grate it, and decorate the drink with it when serving.

The taste of this drink is slightly reminiscent of the popular dessert tiramisu. You shouldn't offer it to children, but adults will almost certainly like this cocktail.

Milkshakes can be very different, so almost everyone can find their own version of the drink. If you have a blender or mixer at home, you can prepare the popular liquid dessert quickly and without much effort.

Yesterday I started planning my daughter’s birthday and remembered one of her favorite treats - a milkshake with ice cream. It would seem that this children's delicacy does not require any special approach, you can simply whip milk with ice cream or even buy a ready-made cocktail, but these, as my husband jokes, are not our methods. So I decided to write how to make a milkshake different ways and in general to tell a little about them - fortunately, I already have a lot of experience. I can’t call myself an inspired cook, but I’ve loved milkshakes since childhood, so I’ve tried almost all the recipes.

Benefit or harm

How healthy or harmful is a classic milkshake? Let's try to figure it out. First of all, we are interested in the composition of the milkshake - for example, a simple milkshake is made from milk and ice cream. In this case, a milkshake can be called a healthy sweet dessert - of course, eat it every day large quantities not worth it because it contains fats and sugar, but overall it is not capable of causing harm.

If you are wondering how many calories should be in a milkshake, then on average it will be approximately 115 kcal per 100 grams of product. However, it should be taken into account that different milk fat content and different fillers will affect the calories.

If you decide to add whipped cream or chocolate, the calorie content will be higher, and if you want to replace ice cream with healthy cottage cheese, and instead of sugar, add a little honey or a handful of sweet fruits, and you will get a delicious milkshake that is low in calories.

A cocktail of ice cream and milk can satisfy daily norm in calcium, as well as in various beneficial substances contained in milk. This is why many mothers prepare milkshakes for their children.

By the way, another reason to prepare this delicacy at home, rather than buy ready-made, is that you can influence the composition and thereby calculate the number of calories. In general, a milkshake has a low calorie content, but you can significantly reduce this figure - for example, mix cow's milk with coconut or soy milk.

Features of the dish

How to make a milkshake at home? You need to mix milk and ice cream (or another thickener), add natural flavoring (sugar, honey, syrup, jam, berries or fruit) and beat the mixture well.
  1. It is better to take milk of medium fat content; two to three percent will be enough.
  2. Ice cream should not be too hard. A good ice cream will not harden in freezer, but it’s better to get ordinary creamy ice cream in advance so that it becomes softer.
  3. The milk should be well chilled. Warm milk doesn't froth very well (although there is one interesting recipe, I’ll talk about it later), and too cold has no taste.
  4. You should not prepare the drink for future use - firstly, the foam will quickly settle, and secondly, the berries or fruits will definitely react with the protein.
How to make a milkshake at home without a mixer? You can use a regular blender (I use an immersion blender), or you can try to beat the mixture well with a whisk. By the way, there is also a great way to make a shake from milk and ice cream in a bag - try this if you don’t have a mixer, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the result!

Delicious recipes

Try cooking various cocktails, don't be afraid to experiment. Making a milkshake starts with choosing the ingredients - you'll definitely need milk (it's in the name), and you'll also need flavoring and a thickener.

In the classic version, the thickener is ice cream, but it can also be:

  • cottage cheese;
  • cream;
  • egg white;
  • gelling composition;
  • soft cheese.
These additives have virtually no effect on the taste of the shake; you can use them to make absolutely any milkshake to your liking.

Flavorings are what give milk its taste, color and, of course, aroma. It can be:

  • any fruit;
  • herbs;
  • spices;
  • berries;
  • some types of vegetables;
  • confectionery;
  • tea, cocoa and coffee.
Try making it with one filler or with several - this way you can diversify your menu.

Banana classic

In general, a banana and milk cocktail is the simplest and healthiest of all (because it can be prepared without artificial sweeteners and without fats. Just take a ripe banana and milk and beat thoroughly with a mixer or blender.

By the way, if there are no ripe bananas in the store, or they are all green, then I’ll tell you a secret - go to the baby food department and find banana puree. A couple of times I added the banana puree that I bought for my daughter to my desserts, and I can say that they completely replace bananas.

*** *** ***

You can also make a very thick milkshake with banana - without milk basically. Combine ice cream and banana and whisk, then add a handful crushed ice and beat again. Small pieces of ice will begin to melt and the milkshake will turn out light and airy, but at the same time very thick.

By the way, a banana smoothie in a blender can become even tastier if you add a little chocolate chips or chocolate chip cookies.

And of course, a banana milkshake is recommended for baby food - it is nourishing and sweet due to the banana (that is, you don’t have to add sugar to it), it has a lot of protein and vitamins, and it also contains fiber - your child will be happy with such a tasty and healthy have a snack.

Berry flavors

Is it possible to make a cocktail from milk with berries? Yes, and it will turn out very tasty. For example, I prepare a milkshake with strawberries and ice cream all year round - just in winter, instead of fresh strawberries, I put either frozen ones or pureed ones with sugar without cooking.

*** *** ***

And in the summer, a milkshake with strawberries and melon works well.

It’s better to put the melon in the blender bowl first, and I first rub the strawberries through a sieve to separate the seeds. You can decorate this neck with melon balls or strawberry hearts.

*** *** ***

Quite tasty and atypical milkshake with strawberries, peach puree and purple basil.

How to cook:

  • prepare all the products - wash and sort the strawberries, if necessary, rub through a sieve to get rid of the seeds, cool the milk, warm up the ice cream a little;
  • prepare peach puree - to do this, carefully remove the skin from the peach, remove the pit, and mash the pulp with a fork or simply chop with a blender;
  • put the milk in the blender bowl and start whipping, gradually adding ice cream into it;
  • add peach puree into the mixture, then strawberries, beat well - the shake should be almost ready;
  • taste the mixture and add a little sugar if necessary (it should not be too cloying);
  • finely chop the basil (preferably with herb scissors) and briefly press the blender button to mix it into the mixture - it should not be pureed or chopped, it should just mix well and give a little juice;
  • It is best to garnish the finished cocktail with a thin slice of strawberry and a basil leaf and drink it cold.

*** *** ***

A banana smoothie with milk in a blender with the addition of garden berries is also very interesting. I usually use ripe currants, cherries and raspberries for it. First, you need to beat the berries in a blender with a little sugar and a banana, this is necessary in order to neutralize the acids.

Then add a little ice cream to the berry mixture and continue whisking, after which practically frozen milk is poured in in a thin stream. The cocktail turns out to be a rich berry shade.

Options without ice cream

To make a milkshake without ice cream, you need to choose a thickener. I usually use low-fat cottage cheese - just not the dry kind with lumps, but the regular kind, in plastic jars.

You can use bean curd, tofu, or even fruit jelly - the main thing is that the mixture is somewhat sticky, then it will foam.

Simple recipes milkshakes in a blender:

  • mix milk, banana and a little cornstarch - you get a nice fluffy cocktail;
  • mix a glass of milk with a small pack of cottage cheese and add a handful of frozen fruits or berries to the mixture, and then whisk, everything is ready!;
  • on a quick fix cook jam from any fruits and berries for five minutes, cool it, and then whisk it with milk and condensed milk - a healthy and tasty milkshake will be sweet and aromatic.
How to make a milkshake with ice cream more interesting at home? I'll tell you about my cooking secrets.

How to make a milkshake in a blender with nuts? Chop the nuts with a sharp knife or pound with a rolling pin, and add them at the very end of cooking.

You will get a more delicious chocolate milkshake if you add not only cocoa, but also melted chocolate or crumbs.

Want a beautiful strawberry milkshake? When you churn the strawberries into the ice cream, add a little lemon juice on the knife.

How to make a milkshake in a blender in winter? Make it hot! Boil crushed mint leaves in milk, strain and cool so that the milkshake is slightly above room temperature, and then put it back on the stove, add sweetener and start whisking. At the end you can add a drop of rum or liqueur. Of course, a drink with even a small amount of alcohol should not be offered to children.

You can get a good milkshake with fruit if you mix fruit with berries - it can be melon or banana, any citrus fruit or even watermelon, and you can take almost anything from berries (just don’t forget to remove the stems and seeds). By the way, a milkshake with berries can be frozen and you will get a great sorbet.

A delicious milkshake in a blender without ice cream is made with the addition of agar-agar or gelatin - just soak the gelling composition, wait until it swells, and then use it as ice cream - due to its stickiness it will give the desired foam.

You can improve the composition of a milkshake with the help of ground cookies - both the iconic Oreo and the usual anniversary ones will do. Just break it into small crumbs and add it to the mixture, then beat it a little more.

Spices will help improve a banana smoothie in a blender - add a pinch of cloves or cinnamon and enjoy the taste. By the way, a banana milkshake with cottage cheese is an excellent replacement for protein shakes.

If you want to learn how to decorate your dishes, then try cooking according to recipes with photos and repeating the presentation of professional chefs - for example, a milkshake with a banana in a blender can be made brighter in a glass by adding a couple of drops of bright syrup or chocolate topping and stirring casually.

How to make a cocktail from ice cream and syrup? Just whisk the milk into the ice cream and add a couple of spoons of syrup. You can use store-bought syrups, but I prefer homemade fruit syrup.

Watch how to make a milkshake, recipe with video:

Interesting cooking method