Very often in feature films And literary works on military topics, terms such as company, battalion, regiment are used. The number of formations is not indicated by the author. Military people, of course, are aware of this issue, as well as many others related to the army.

This article is addressed to those who are far from the army, but still want to navigate the military hierarchy and know what a squad, company, battalion, division is. The number, structure and tasks of these formations are described in the article.

Smallest Formation

A subdivision, or department, is the smallest unit in the hierarchy of the Soviet Armed Forces, and later Russian army. This formation is homogeneous in composition, that is, it consists of either infantrymen or cavalrymen, etc. When performing combat missions, the unit acts as a single unit. This formation is led by a full-time commander with the rank of junior sergeant or sergeant. Among the military, the term "dresser" is used, which means "squad leader" for short. Depending on the type of troops, units are called differently. For artillery, the term "calculation" is used, and for tank troops"crew".

The composition of the division

As part of this formation, the service is from 5 to 10 people. However, a motorized rifle squad consists of 10-13 soldiers. Unlike the Russian army, the United States has the smallest army formation group is considered. The unit itself in the US consists of two groups.


In the Russian Armed Forces, a platoon consists of three to four squads. It is possible that there are more of them. The number of personnel is 45 people. The leadership of this military formation is carried out by a junior lieutenant, lieutenant or senior lieutenant.


This army formation consists of 2-4 platoons. A company may also include independent squads that do not belong to any platoon. For example, motorized rifle company maybe out of three motorized rifle platoons, machine gun and anti-tank squads. The command of this army formation is carried out by a commander with the rank of captain. The strength of a battalion company is from 20 to 200 people. The number of military personnel depends on the type of troops. Thus, in a tank company, the smallest number of servicemen was noted: from 31 to 41. In a motorized rifle company, from 130 to 150 servicemen. In the landing - 80 soldiers.

A company is the smallest military formation of tactical importance. This means that company soldiers can perform small tactical tasks on the battlefield on their own. In this case, the company is not part of the battalion, but acts as a separate and autonomous formation. In some branches of the military, the term "company" is not used, but replaced by similar military formations. For example, cavalry is equipped with squadrons of one hundred people each, artillery with batteries, border troops with outposts, aviation with units.


The number of this military formation depends on the type of troops. Often the number of servicemen in this case ranges from 250 to a thousand soldiers. There are battalions of up to a hundred soldiers. Such a formation is completed with 2-4 companies or platoons acting independently. Due to their significant numbers, battalions are used as the main tactical formations. It is commanded by an officer with the rank of not less than a lieutenant colonel. The commander is also called "battalion commander". The activities of the battalion are coordinated at the command headquarters. Depending on the type of troops using one or another weapon, a battalion can be tank, motorized rifle, engineering, communications, etc. Motorized rifle battalion of 530 people (on the BTR-80) may include:

  • motorized rifle companies, - a mortar battery;
  • material support platoon;
  • communications platoon.

Regiments are formed from battalions. In artillery, the concept of a battalion is not used. There it was replaced by similar formations - divisions.

The smallest tactical unit of the armored forces

TB (tank battalion) is a separate unit at the headquarters of the army or corps. Organizationally, a tank battalion is not included in tank or motorized rifle regiments.

Since the TB itself does not need to increase its firepower, it does not contain mortar batteries, anti-tank and grenade launcher platoons. TB can be reinforced by an anti-aircraft missile platoon. 213 soldiers - this is the size of the battalion.


In the Soviet and Russian army, the word "regiment" was considered the key. This is due to the fact that the regiments are tactical and autonomous formations. The command is carried out by a colonel. Despite the fact that regiments are named according to the types of troops (tank, motorized rifle, etc.), they may include various units. The name of the regiment is determined by the name of the predominant formation. An example would be a motorized rifle regiment, consisting of three motorized rifle battalions and one tank battalion. In addition, the motorized rifle battalion is equipped with an anti-aircraft missile battalion, as well as companies:

  • communications;
  • intelligence;
  • engineer-sapper;
  • repair;
  • material support.

In addition, there is an orchestra and a medical center. The personnel of the regiment does not exceed two thousand people. In artillery regiments, in contrast to similar formations in other branches of the armed forces, the number of servicemen is smaller. The number of soldiers depends on how many divisions the regiment consists of. If there are three of them, then the number of military personnel of the regiment is up to 1200 people. If there are four divisions, then the personnel of the regiment has 1,500 soldiers. Thus, the strength of a battalion of a regiment of a division cannot be less than 400 people.


Just like the regiment, the brigade belongs to the main tactical formations. However, the number of personnel in the brigade is higher: from 2 to 8 thousand soldiers. In a motorized rifle brigade of motorized rifle and tank battalions, the number of servicemen is twice as large as in a regiment. The brigades include two regiments, several battalions and auxiliary companies. The brigade is commanded by an officer with the rank of colonel.

The structure and strength of the division

The division is the main operational-tactical formation, completed from various units. Just like a regiment, a division is named after its predominant branch of service. The structure of a motorized rifle division is identical to that of a tank division. The difference between them is that a motorized rifle division is formed from three motorized rifle regiments and one tank regiment, and a tank division is formed from three tank regiments and one motorized rifle. The division is also equipped with:

  • two artillery regiments;
  • one anti-aircraft missile regiment;
  • jet division;
  • missile division;
  • helicopter squadron;
  • one company of chemical protection and several auxiliary ones;
  • reconnaissance, repair and restoration, medical and sanitary, engineering and sapper battalions;
  • one battalion of electronic warfare.

In each division, under the command of a major general, from 12 to 24 thousand people are serving.

What is a corpus?

The army corps is a combined arms formation. There is no predominance of one division or another in a tank, artillery, or any other type of corps. There is no single structure in the formation of corps. Their formation is largely influenced by the military-political situation. The corps is an intermediate link between such military formations as a division and an army. Corps are being formed where it is impractical to create an army.


The term "army" is used in the following meanings:

An army usually consists of one or more corps. It is difficult to indicate the exact number of servicemen in the army, as well as in the corps themselves, since each of these formations differs in its own structure and strength.


Military affairs are developing and improving every year, enriched with new technologies and types of troops, thanks to which, in the near future, as the military believes, the way wars are waged can be radically changed. And this, in turn, will entail an adjustment in the number of personnel of many military formations.



1. Subdivision in military units artillery and cavalry. Artillery division.

2. A detachment of several small warships of the same type. Destroyer division.

Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


See what "DIVISION" is in other dictionaries:

    division- a, m. division f., German. division lat. division. 1. military Part of the battalion, detachment. When the emperor guards come and wants to look, then in front of his apartment, he marches in divisions. orig. marschiren die Truppe Divisions Weise. UV… … Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

    - (lat. divisio, divisionis, from dividere to divide). The combat unit of the troops, adopted in some. foreign armies. In our army it consists of a compound of 2 3 batteries in artillery, and in cavalry of 2 squadrons. Dictionary of foreign words included in ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    1. Primary, homogeneous connection of warships of the second and third ranks, for example. esq. destroyers, patrol ships, etc., led by a commander. Divisional commanders were assigned a special pennant brand. 2. The division of combat units into ... ... Marine Dictionary

    Division Dictionary of Russian synonyms. noun division, number of synonyms: 6 artillery division (1) ... Synonym dictionary

    - (French division letters. division), 1) the main firing and tactical unit in the missile (anti-aircraft missile) troops and artillery of the modern army. Included in the part (connection), may be separate. Includes 2 4 batteries and… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    DIVISION, a, husband. 1. military unit in artillery, missile units. 2. A division of warships of the same class. D. destroyers. | adj. divisional, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    - ... Wikipedia

    A; m. [French. division] 1. Military. Military unit in missile and artillery units. Artillery d. Tank d. 2. Mor. Connection of warships of the same class. D. destroyers. * * * division (French division, literally division), ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    division- divizionas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Kai kurių šalių XIX–XX a. pirmosios pusės kavalerijos taktinis padalinys, kuriame buvo 2–3 kavalerijos eskadronai. atitikmenys: engl. battalion rus. division … Artilerijos terminų žodynas

    division- divizionas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Lietuvos, Rusijos ir kai kurių kt. šalių KJP laivų divizionas. atitikmenys: engl. battalion rus. division … Artilerijos terminų žodynas


  • , Galushkin N.V., Strelianov P.N. WITH…
  • Own E.I.V. Convoy. P. N. Strelyanov (Kalabukhov). Guards Division, Galushkin N.V., Strelianov P.N.. His Imperial Majesty's own convoy occupied an exceptional position among the guards units of the Russian army, performing an honorary service in the protection of Russian Sovereigns. Since 1811…

A, m. division f., German. division lat. division. 1. military Part of the battalion, detachment. When the emperor guards come and wants to look, then in front of his apartment, he marches in divisions. orig. marschiren die Truppe Divisions Weise. UV… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

- (lat. divisio, divisionis, from dividere to divide). The combat unit of the troops, adopted in some. foreign armies. In our army it consists of a compound of 2 3 batteries in artillery, and in cavalry of 2 squadrons. Dictionary of foreign words included in ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

DIVISION, division, man. (French division) (military). 1. Subdivision in military units of artillery and cavalry. Artillery division. 2. A detachment of several small warships of the same type. Destroyer division. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D… Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

1. Primary, homogeneous connection of warships of the second and third ranks, for example. esq. destroyers, patrol ships, etc., led by a commander. Divisional commanders were assigned a special pennant brand. 2. The division of combat units into ... ... Marine Dictionary

Division Dictionary of Russian synonyms. noun division, number of synonyms: 6 artillery division (1) ... Synonym dictionary

- (French division letters. division), 1) the main firing and tactical unit in the missile (anti-aircraft missile) troops and artillery of the modern army. Included in the part (connection), may be separate. Includes 2 4 batteries and… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

DIVISION, a, husband. 1. Military unit in artillery, missile units. 2. A division of warships of the same class. D. destroyers. | adj. divisional, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

A; m. [French. division] 1. Military. Military unit in missile and artillery units. Artillery d. Tank d. 2. Mor. Connection of warships of the same class. D. destroyers. * * * division (French division, literally division), ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

division- divizionas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Kai kurių šalių XIX–XX a. pirmosios pusės kavalerijos taktinis padalinys, kuriame buvo 2–3 kavalerijos eskadronai. atitikmenys: engl. battalion rus. division … Artilerijos terminų žodynas

division- divizionas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Lietuvos, Rusijos ir kai kurių kt. šalių KJP laivų divizionas. atitikmenys: engl. battalion rus. division … Artilerijos terminų žodynas


  • , Galushkin N.V., Strelianov P.N. WITH…
  • Own E.I.V. Convoy. P. N. Strelyanov (Kalabukhov). Guards Division, Galushkin N.V., Strelianov P.N.. His Imperial Majesty's own convoy occupied an exceptional position among the guards units of the Russian army, performing an honorary service in the protection of Russian Sovereigns. Since 1811…