1. Clarify students' understanding of consonant sounds and letters l-m.
  2. Learn to associate the sound with the corresponding letter.
  3. Learn to distinguish sounds and letters l-m.
  4. Distinguish between phonemic and visual perception of students.

Presentation. slide 1.

1. Organizing moment.

Guys, imagine that you and I are in the garden. The bright sun is shining, the birds are singing, the gentle wind is shaking the trees. But tasty apples, plums, cherries grow. Let's reach out and pick an apple. Which tasty apple! Smile at the sun, smile at each other.

Now sit down.

Slide 2.

Now draw your mood at the beginning of the lesson.

Slide 3.

2. Guys, please listen to the tongue twister.

  • Mom Milu soap soap
    Mila did not like soap.

What is the most common consonant sound?

  • Lena has a green ribbon.

Read it, let's repeat it all together.

Guys, now let's say this tongue twister cheerfully, sadly, quietly, loudly, in secret.

Guys, listen to these tongue twisters again and say:

What sound do you hear most often?

What is the topic of today's lesson?

Sounds and letters l-m.

slide 4.

3. Guys, let's remember how many elements a letter has l, and the letter m? What number do we represent the letter l, and the letter m?

4. Game "Magic bag". Children are invited to close their eyes and guess the letters by touch. l, m.

Slide 5.

Unscramble the syllables by replacing the number 2 with a letter l, number 3 - letter m.

2а3 3а2 3ы2 2у2 3е2 3е3 2а3 2о2 2е3 3а3

Which of these syllables are words? Highlight them. Make an offer.

slide 6.


Slide 7.

Guys, now listen to the words with the sounds l, m. Write them down in 3 columns according to the scheme. underline the letter l two strokes, a letter m- three.

Shop, mask, lily of the valley, compass, lamp, oil, mosquito, school, bridge, resin, clown, thunder, milk, moon, soap.

slide 8.

Look at the screen and check.

7. Physical minute.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

Look - repeat.

Kinesiology exercises.

1. Ring.

Alternately and as quickly as possible, touch with your fingers, connecting in a ring with

thumb sequentially index, etc.

2. Fist - rib - palm

Three positions of the hand on the plane of the table sequentially replace each other. Palm on the plane, palm clenched into a fist, palm edge on the plane of the table.

3. Lezginka.

Fold your left hand into a fist thumb set aside, turn your fist with your fingers towards you. With your right hand, with a straight palm in a horizontal position, touch the little finger of your left. After that, simultaneously change the position of the right and left hands. Repeat 6-8 times.

4. Ear - nose.

Hold the tip of your nose with your left hand, and right hand- behind the opposite ear. Simultaneously release your ear and nose, clap your hands, change the position of your hands “exactly the opposite”.

5. Snake.

Cross your arms with your palms facing each other, interlock your fingers, twist your arms towards you.

slide 9.

8. The game "Cryphers".

Mom made strawberry compote. Ripe strawberries appeared in the forest. Lyudmila loves sweet raspberries.

slide 10.

9. Guys, please fix the mistakes.

White puffs float across the sky. The bee flies to the soulful flower. Bemy swans were able to go south.

Slide 11.

Check it out!

slide 12.

10. Geometric constructor game.

“Butterfly” Lay out a figure from the sticks.

11. Relaxation.

What consonants have we been working on?

What is the difference between the letters l, m?

slide 13.

Now draw your mood.

Good, funny. Emotionless. Sad.


      Comparison of letters according to the verbal description.

      Write letters in the air with your eyes closed.

      The story of how the letters went shopping.

Once upon a time there were letters in the city of Bukvograd L And M. They lived together, played together, their houses were next door in the alphabet. Some guys even thought that these letters were sisters and confused them. In fact, the letters were similar. How are the letters guys? And how do they differ?

Once the letters went L And M to the store. The store sold different fruits - apples, bananas, lemons, tangerines. The letters decide to buy lemons. Sellers in the store labeled each lemon with the letter L, because in the word "lemon" this letter is written first (demonstration of the poster). Letter M I liked it so much that she asked me to stick my own labels on it too. “No,” the sellers told her, “you are too wide, you won’t fit on a lemon, because you have not one hook, but two. It is better to choose other fruits, for example, tangerines. They are round and will fit both of your hooks. Yes, and the first letter in the word tangerine - M. The guys will see such tangerines and will not confuse you with the letter L. They will immediately remember which letter is at the beginning of the word "tangerine". Letter M agreed. Look how beautiful it turned out (demonstration of the poster).

Since then, in the city of Bukvohrad, tangerines and lemons have been sold with labels.

What is the label on lemons? Tangerines? Why?

4. Work with cards.

On the cards - contour images of lemons and tangerines. Children must write the corresponding letters.

5. Laying out letters from elements.

To complete this task, you will need elements cut out of cardboard: ⌡ ɭ

The host reads the words, and the children lay out the letter from the elements that is in the word. Words: paw, poppy, puddle, flour, skis, soap, shovel, tables, lady, shelf, hat, bag, fork, chair, house, salt, floor, room, chalk.

Chalk, forest, hatch. Misha, Lida, honey, people, fox, broom, cute, laziness, downpour, peace.

6. Journey to the sea.

Summer has come. Letters L And M let's go to the sea. There they bathed. sunbathing and playing. The letter L liked to ride a boat most of all, because in the word "boat" the first letter L. A letter M she loved to swim in the sea. It seemed to her that the waves of the sea looked like a letter M.

Look at the card. There are boats that float on the sea. “Plant” a letter in each boat L. And make the waves of the sea from letters M.

Tell this story at home to your mother or grandmother, explain to them why the letter L most of all she loved to ride a boat, and the letter M- swim in the sea.

7. Recording syllables and words under certain symbols (lemon-tangerine, boat - waves of the sea). Instruction: Syllables (words) with a letter L write under the lemon (boat), and with the letter M- under the tangerine (waves of the sea).

8. Catch up and return the letter.

Instruction: The letters L or M have escaped from the words. Catch them up and return them to their place. What word came out? Words:

Ashina, ...opata, ...isitsa, ...agazin, ...lady, ...bear, ...about, so...ntse, weight ... oh, uh ...itsa, ...oh...outflow, ...oroz, bone..., ...imon, ...single, hundred...itsa, bo...oto.

Which dictionary words did you meet? Which vowel spelling should be remembered? Write vocabulary words from memory in 2 columns - one with a letter L, in the second - with the letter M.

9. Graphic dictation.

Listen to the offer. Say how many words it has. draw graphic diagram sentences - as many dashes as there are words in the sentence. We draw the first line with a corner. This means that the first word in a sentence is capitalized. Put a dot at the end of the sentence. Name the first (second, third, etc.) word. There is a letter in this word M or L? Write a letter above the corresponding dash.

Sample: Mila loves ice cream.

ml l m

Suggestions for graphic dictation.

Luda washes her palms with soap.

Marina helps her mother to weed the onions.

Lesha and Masha drew an elephant.

The fly sat on the napkin.

The milk ran off the stove.

In summer, there are a lot of raspberries in the forest.

The bear loves sweet raspberries.

Mom bought butter, milk and chocolate.

Deer, wolves, bears lived in the forest.

10. Auditory dictation.

Words for dictation: raspberries, lemons, lamp, milk, kids, broke, interfered, smeared, washed, changed, laughed, cute, brave, flame, filling, flower bed, lightning, metal, diamond, muscles, Michael.

Text for dictation.

Baby Misha

Misha is small. Mom loves Misha. Misha is a cute baby. Mom bought Misha a new car. Misha rolled the car on the floor. Mom called Misha to dinner. Misha washed his palms with soap. Mom gave Misha milk noodles. Then Misha ate bread and butter and drank raspberry compote.

11. Working with paronyms.

Instruction: Guys, letters L And M sent you a code. Read the words. Explain the meaning of each word. Write down the words. underline the letter L one line, and a letter M- two.


yod il aska ak

Abstract speech therapy session: "Differentiation l - m in phrases and sentences."

Lesson objectives:

  • Consolidation of the correct choice of letters l, m when writing phrases and sentences.
  • Determination of the semantic role of l, m.
  • Dictionary enrichment.
  • Formation of sound-letter analysis of words.
  • The development of visual and auditory attention, thinking.


  1. Demonstration cards with a picture capital letters L, M.
  2. Visual support symbols - images of Pinocchio and Malvina.
  3. Punched cards for inserting letters.
  4. Cards for making phrases.
  5. Didactic material printed according to the number of students.

Lesson progress

Organizing time.

Speech therapist. Name the words where both letters meet l And m. For example, chalk.

The students complete the task.

Right. Let's write down the topic of today's lesson in notebooks: "Distinguish L - M." (Hangs up the uppercase display cards on the board.) Let's repeat the way to distinguish between letters. Do you remember him? L - "single" - "time - and". M - "double" - "time - and -

Main part.

Finding errors in sentences.

Speech therapist. Which fairy-tale heroes came to us last lesson?

The students answer.

But what letter did Malvina receive from Pinocchio.

Dear Lalvina! I invite you for tea with mimon and lamina jam!

What letters did Burati mix up? What words are wrong? Read the letter without errors. How will our tips help Pinocchio distinguish between l and m?

Students answer questions.

Didactic game "Pave the path."

Speech therapist. Listen to the offer. In each word, look for the letters l, m to write only them, using the prompts. If the word does not contain our letters, mark it with a dash (-), mark the prepositions with a tick (V). We will get paths along which we will come to visit Pinocchio.

Met at the edge of the forest
V l l

young trees,
ml l

Evening haze covered all the fields. - ml l - l

orioles, l

Drops appeared on the trunks of fir trees
V l l l l

resin, ml

Inserting letters into words and phrases.

Speech therapist. What do we drink tea with? Insert the appropriate letters into the words using our discrimination method. (Writes the words on the board.)

Ed, ..yata, ..and..he, ..o..oko. Pinocchio prepared a surprise for each student for tea - a punched card candy. To read the phrases written on it, you need to insert the letters l or m.

I..ay..a..a. Be..ay..and..ya.

Under..e..a.. When..eri..a p..atye.

Ves..ay..e..odia. ..a..small..alchik.

Real..naya..a..pa. S..ivochnoye..ac..o.

By..and.. to..at..bu. We cooked ne..b..eni. S..reject.. ..u..tfi..b.. S..ohm.. ..hoarfrost.

Composition of phrases.

Speech therapist. Over tea, Burati but told what he had done during the day. Make up phrases, name the words that differ in the letters l, m. (Writes on the board.)

Put on Called

L _ - Vic M

Sat to Planted

L ka-and well m

Reminds me of time

Write down the phrases, replacing the symbols with letters: a slash (/) denotes the letter l, two slashes (//) - the letter m.

A / th / ak. // baby / ny / ak.

Will the meaning of the word lacquer change if l is replaced with. m?

The inclusion in sentences of words that differ in the letters l, m.

Speech therapist. Pinocchio liked to play with words so much that he even composed poems. Only he forgot where to put which word. Help him.

To cover the floors, we need ...
To decorate the garden, we plant ... (lacquer, poppy).

Here is the bag...
He has in a bag ... (flour, Luke).

Who would cut us ...
Cut onions like this ... (flour, onions).

This animal is called...
... - daughter and ... - ... (llama, mother).

On the palm of dust...
You rather ... (wash, layer).

To be cleaner...
All the dirt needs to ... (wash off, be reputed).

Now write down the proverb, choosing the right words. Explain its meaning.

On the tongue ..., and under the tongue ... (ice, honey).

Didactic game "Pair to Pair".

Speech therapist. Now we will make sentences based on establishing simple analogies between objects. Over tea Pinocchio likes to solve puzzles. (Writes words on the board.)

lemon apple

sour round, sweet, green, large

Read the first couple of words. How are they related in meaning? Which word is related to the word apple in the same way that the word sour is related to the word lemon? Let's write down the sentence that we got.

Lemon is sour and apple is sweet.

soap bread

soap dish plate, flour, bread box, shop

bread butter

flour honey, butter dish*, saucer, milk

Finger gymnastics.

On a visit to the thumb
Pupils bend and unbend their thumbs.
Came straight to the house
They make the roof of the house from the palm of her hand.
Index and middle, Nameless and last. Little finger itself
Alternately connect the fingers with the thumb.
Knocked on the threshold. Fingers together are friends.
They interlock their fingers into a “lock”, rotate them with their hands.
They cannot live without each other.

Now guess which finger's name is encrypted on the board. (Writes code.)

M1 (little finger), L8 (index), LZ (large), M5 (nameless).

Inserting words into sentences.

Speech therapist. Pinocchio learned to distinguish between the letters l, m and even made sentences. (Writes on the board.) What words did Pinocchio miss? Write down any sentence of your choice, add the necessary words.

... sleeps in a den all winter. It struck an oak tree ... It was in the hands of the janitor ... They get it from milk ... and ...

Search for semantic errors in sentences.

Speech therapist. Read the sentences that Pinocchio made. Find his mistakes. To correct them, you need to change the underlined words. (Hands out didactic material to students.) Write down one of the resulting sentences for choice.

The table and bedside table are dishes. Bread is stored in a bread box, and butter in a sugar bowl. Mila is the eldest in the family, and Lily is small

Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist. What letters did we learn to distinguish today? What tips and how did they help us? What tasks were the most interesting?

Students answer questions.

Murzagalieva E.A.,
teacher speech therapist

Related articles:

Synopsis of a speech therapy lesson

"Differentiation of letters L-M".

Synopsis of a speech therapy lesson for grade 2.

Theme of the speech therapy lesson: "Differentiation of the letters L-M".

During the lesson, students will consolidate knowledge about the mechanism of sound formation;

Kinesthetic sensations on articulatory images of sounds [L] - [M];

The connection of the sound image [L] - [M] with their graphic image;

Skills of optical analysis and synthesis of letters;

Sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis;

Correct spelling of letters in syllables, words, sentences, text;

Consolidation of reading and writing skills of syllables, words, sentences, text. Activation vocabulary. development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

Topic: Overcoming the confusion of letters by kinetic similarity.
Differentiation L-M.

Prepared by a speech therapist teacher MBOU "Secondary School No. 1"
Kuzmenkova G.L.


Purpose of the lesson: Improving the skills of differentiating the letters L-M.
Tasks: Correctional and educational:
- consolidation of knowledge about the mechanism of formation of sounds;
- fixing the correct hand movements when writing the letters l, m;
- enrichment and activation of the dictionary.
Correction - developing:
-development of sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis.
-development auditory attention, memory.
-increase in visual perception.
- strengthening the skills of reading and writing syllables, words, sentences, text;
Correctional and educational:
- formation of interest in speech therapy classes;
-development of accurate writing skills.
Equipment : individual mirrors, notebooks, articulation profiles, sound analysis scheme, letters L, M, pictures, word cards.
1. Organizational moment (organization of students' attention).

Solving the riddle.

And we are in the forest, and in the swamp,
You can always find us everywhere:
In the meadow, on the edge,
We are green...frogs ).

On the nose the beast wears a horn
And it's called... (rhinoceros ).

2. Articulation gymnastics.
- In order to speak correctly, clearly, correctly, we must prepare articulation apparatus and perform articulation exercises.
3. Formulation of the topic of the lesson.
-Name the animals whose names contain [l].
- Fox, deer, elk, llama.
-Find the place of the sound [l] in each word.
-First, second, first, first.
Name an animal whose name contains the sound [m].

In the word mammoth how many times is heard [m]?

Think about what letters we will talk about in class? (L,M)

Now look at the cards. (Hangs up demonstration cards on the board with the image of capital letters L, M.) (slide 1)

Today we will talk about the letters M and L.
-Pay attention to the identical first elements of the letters: L, as it were, “hides” in M, and M has an additional element.
What conclusion can we draw from this?
- The letters are similar, so it is easy to confuse them.
-Right. Let's write down the topic of today's lesson in notebooks. And I will write it down on the board: "Distinguish L-M."
4. Establishing the articulum-kinema-grapheme connection
What organ of speech helps to pronounce the sound [l].
- We have one language. (
Shows a support card).
Write with your finger on the table and in the air the letter L at the expense of “one-and”.
slide with language image) .

Now let's pronounce the sound [m]. Lips are involved in its pronunciation,
There are two of them. Write the letter M with your finger at the expense of "one-and-two"
( lips slide).

What conclusion can we draw?
-L is a “single” letter, we pronounce the sound with the tongue, M is a “double” letter, we pronounce the sound with our lips.

5. Selecting a letter
Today I received a letter from my friends, but the first letters were lostin their names. We will return them to their place using our tips. M - two lips - "double letter - we lead the hand to the account" one - and two ". L - one language -" single "-" one - and ".

arina, ..ena.
Remember how names are spelled.
-Names are capitalized. (Perform task).
Now let's see if you're paying attention. Look at the tablets and remember everything you see. (Shows the tablets)
Soap (
slide with picture geometric shapes- oval - M; triangle-s;

rectangle - L, circle-O).

What word did you read? In what figure did the first, second, third, fourth letters hide?
(Students answer questions).
- In the names of which figures there are l, m?
- Oval, triangle, rectangle.
-Name the berry, the name of which contains the letters L, M.

6. Syllabic analysis and synthesis
- I invite you to a Russian language lesson. What are the parts into which we divide words called?
- Write down the first and last syllables of words by ear. (dictates)
First syllable: summer, month, moon, fly, minute, ruler.
Last syllable: winter, read, April, stone, caramel.
(Children do the task).
- I wrote down the words, but he mixed up all the syllables. Return them to their place and make words of two syllables. To do this, we change the syllables in places. (dictates)
la, mi
mon, li
small, slo
lo we
lok, me
la, earth
-Now let's write words based on articulation and graphic symbols. What do all words have in common?
-Each word has letters l, m.
7. Finger gymnastics
Your fingers are tired, let's play with them.
Finger, finger - fidget, where did you run, where did you dine?
Pupils bend, unbend their fingers, rotate their thumbs.
I ate Kalinka with my little finger,
I ate raspberries with a nameless one,
Ate with medium strawberries,
With the index - strawberries.
Alternately connect the fingers with the thumb.

And now we will guess the names of the berries. The numbers show the number of the letter in the word in order. Let's match the cards to the pictures.
L3 L2 M1L3 M3L4
8. Graphic dictation
-Guess what object I will tell you sour, yellow, fragrant, large?
-Repeat what a lemon is like. Encrypt this word like the names of berries. Write down only the letters l, m and their serial number in the word. For example, a lemon is l1m3. Use hints - supports when writing l, m.
It is given by a cow (milk - m1l3)
Bed for flowers (flower bed-l2m4).
(Children do the task).
9.Working with a syllabary
“Now we have a reading lesson. Let's read the syllables in pairs and in threes. (posting syllabary table, students read in chorus, selectively one at a time).

la-ma le-me lal-lam-mal
lu-mu lu-mu lul-lum-mul
ly-we la-me lol-lom-mol
lo-mo le-me lyl-lym-soap
al-am el-em lil-lim-mil
ul-um yul-yum lol-lem-mel
Yl-ym yal-yam lal-lum-mul
ol-om el-em lul-lum-mul

Read the poem. ( I give words to each student) mouse

The mouse lived happily

She slept on the fluff.

The mouse ate bread and lard,

But everything was not enough for the mouse.

Now read the poem and name the words in which there is a sound L, M.

(We learned to find words in sentences with sounds L, M)

10. Differentiation of "l-m" in sentences, proverbs, sayings.

Task: Insert the letters "l-m".

Waiting is a sign of agreement asiya.

Revive your teeth for good.

Go.ova gray-haired, yes soul.olodaya.

U.enie - according to.ovinad.a.

Whoever ate, he will eat.

If only the bush would not. mi., so.ovey nests would not be vi.

Where there are many s.ov, that one. little de.a.

U.sily according to s.ovs - you can’t see it.

S.ovo said. – str.asserted.al, the letter.wrote. - into the trap of the priest. .

11. Didactic game "Pave the path."
-Listen to the proposal. In each word, look for the letter l, m and write them down using the prompts. If the word does not contain our letters, mark it with a dash (-), mark the prepositions with a tick (\/), . We have a proposal plan. (encrypted letter)
Young fir-trees met at the forest edge.
/\ L --- L ML L
Evening haze covered all the fields.
--- ML L -- L
I heard the melodic voice of the oriole.

12. Fixing letters in words and combinations.
What do we drink tea with?
(Children list).
Insert the corresponding letters into the words using our discrimination method. (The speech therapist writes down the words on the board).
.... ed, ...yata, ..and..he, ...oh my.

To write down the phrases written on the board in a notebook, you need to insert the letters L or M.

And ... th ... ah ... ah.


Under ... e ... but on ....

When ... eri ... and p ... atye.

Weight ... th ... e ... odia.

a ... a little ... a ... chik.

Real ... a ... pa.


Weld ... and ne ... b ... eni.

13. Fixing letters in a sentence.
I forgot where to put which word. Help me.
To cover the floors, we need ......
To decorate the garden, we will plant .. (lacquer, poppy).
Who would cut us .....
Cut onions like this ... (flour, onions).

14. Didactic game "Pair to pair"
-Now we will make sentences on the basis of establishing simple analogies between objects. puzzle solution. ( writing words on the board).

Lemon ___ apple ___________________
Sour round, sweet, green, large

-Read the first couple of words. How are they related in meaning? Which word is related to the word apple in the same way that the word sour is related to the word lemon? Let's write down the sentence that we got.
Lemon is sour and apple is sweet.
15. Differentiation in texts.

Auditory dictation.

The sun's rays illuminated the earth. Bells rang throughout the square. People walked in crowds and sang. It was the month of May. I admired the young greenery.

Memo. Check your work.
Check each word separately, starting with the last one:
* Did you miss a letter?
* Didn't he write another instead of one letter?
*Did you spell each letter correctly?
If there are no more such mistakes in your work, well done!

16. The result of the lesson.
What letters did we learn to distinguish today?
We learned to distinguish between the letters L and M.
How are these letters different?
What tips and how did they help us? What tasks were the most interesting?

17. Reflection.
- Guys, draw a scale of success. Show how much you understood the topic of the lesson? If it’s bad, weakly, sit at your desk, if it’s good, then stand up, if it’s excellent, then stand up and raise your hands up. (children determine the scale of success).
The lesson is over.

Synopsis of the speech therapy lesson "Differentiation of the letters L-M".

Theme of the speech therapy lesson: "Differentiation of the letters L-M". During the lesson, students will consolidate knowledge about the mechanism of sound formation; kinesthetic sensations on articulatory images of sounds [L] - [M]; the connection of the sound image [L] - [M] with their graphic image; skills of optical analysis and synthesis of letters; sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis; correct spelling of letters in syllables, words, sentences, text; consolidation of reading and writing skills of syllables, words, sentences, text. Vocabulary activation. development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

Summary of speech therapy classes (for grades 2-3).

Topic: Overcoming the confusion of letters by kinetic similarity.
Differentiation of letters L-M.

Prepared by a speech therapist teacher of the secondary educational institution "Secondary School No. 160"
Shumankova Olga Viktorovna


The purpose of the lesson: Improving the skills of differentiating the letters L-M.
Correctional and educational:
- consolidation of knowledge about the mechanism of formation of sounds;
- fixing the correct hand movements when writing the letters l, m;
- enrichment and activation of the dictionary.
Correction - developing:
-development of sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis.
-development of auditory attention, memory.
-increase in visual perception.
- strengthening the skills of reading and writing syllables, words, sentences, text;
Correctional and educational:
- formation of interest in speech therapy classes;
-development of accurate writing skills.
Equipment: individual mirrors, notebooks, articulation profiles, sound analysis scheme, letters L, M, pictures, word cards.
1. Organizational moment.
In class, who listens carefully,
Who writes using the secrets of literate writing,
Who keeps order in the notebook.
(Children repeat the words together with the speech therapist).

In class, we listen carefully,
write using the secrets of literate writing,
keep the order in the notebook.

2. Articulation gymnastics.
-In order to speak correctly, clearly, correctly, we must prepare the articulation apparatus and perform articulation gymnastics.
3. Message of the topic of the lesson.
-Name the school supplies, in the names of which there is [l].
- Ruler, pencil case, felt-tip pen.
-Find the place of the sound [l] in each word.
-First, fifth, second.
Name the lesson, in the name of which there is a sound [m].
How many times is [m] heard in a word?
-Right. Now look at the cards. (Hangs up demonstration cards on the board with the image of capital letters L, M.) What letters will we talk about in class?
Today we will talk about the letters M and L.
-Pay attention to the identical first elements of the letters: L, as it were, “hides” in M, and M has an additional element.
What conclusion can we draw from this?
- The letters are similar, so it is easy to confuse them.
-Right. Let's write down the topic of today's lesson in notebooks. And I will write it down on the board: "Distinguish L-M."
4. Establishing the articulum-kinema-grapheme connection
What organ of speech helps to pronounce the sound [l].
- We have one language. (Shows a support card).
Write with your finger on the table and in the air the letter L at the expense of “one-and”.

(slide with image of language).

Now let's pronounce the sound [m]. Lips are involved in its pronunciation,
There are two of them. Write the letter M with your finger at the expense of "one-and-two"

(lip slide).

What conclusion can we draw?
-L is a “single” letter, we pronounce the sound with the tongue, M is a “double” letter, we pronounce the sound with our lips.
5. Selecting a letter
-Today a fairy-tale heroine came to us (Shows an image of Malvina) Letters are lost in her name. We will return them to their place using our tips. M - two lips - "double letter - we lead the hand to the account" one - and two ". L - one language -" single "-" one - and ".
..... a .. vina.
Remember how names are spelled.
-Names are capitalized. (Perform task).
- Guys, remember what fairy tale this girl is from?
-Malvina fairy tale character from the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio".
-Malvina taught Pinocchio to write without mistakes. Was he an attentive student?
Students answer questions.
Now let's see if you're paying attention. Look at the tablets and remember everything you see. (Shows the tablets)

CHALK (slide with the image of geometric shapes - oval - M; triangle - E; rectangle - L).

What word did you read? In what figure was the first, second, third letter hidden?
(Students answer questions).
- In the names of which figures there are l, m?
- Oval, triangle, rectangle.
- What are the heroes of the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio"? In the names of which there are letters L, M.
-Papa Carlo, Artemon.
6. Syllabic analysis and synthesis
-Malvina invites you to a Russian language lesson. What are the parts into which we divide words called?
- Write down the first and last syllables of words by ear. (dictates)
First syllable: summer, month, moon, fly, minute, ruler.
Last syllable: winter, read, April, stone, caramel.
(Children do the task).
-Malvina asked Pinocchio to write down the words, but he mixed up all the syllables. Return them to their place and make words of two syllables. To do this, we change the syllables in places. (dictates)
la, mi
mon, li
small, slo
lo we
lok, me
la, earth
-Now let's write words based on articulation and graphic symbols. What do all words have in common?
- In every word there are letters l, m.
7. Finger gymnastics
Your fingers are tired, let's play with them.
Finger, finger - fidget, where did you run, where did you dine?
Pupils bend, unbend their fingers, rotate their thumbs.
I ate Kalinka with my little finger,
I ate raspberries with a nameless one,
Ate with medium strawberries,
With the index - strawberries.
Alternately connect the fingers with the thumb.
And now we will guess the names of the berries. The numbers show the number of the letter in the word in order. Let's match the cards to the pictures.
L3 L2 M1L3 M3L4
8. Graphic dictation
-Guess what object Malvina said sour, yellow, fragrant, large?
-Repeat what a lemon is like. Encrypt this word like the names of berries. Write down only the letters l, m and their serial number in the word. For example, a lemon is l1m3. Use hints - supports when writing l, m.
It is given by a cow (milk - m1l3)
Bed for flowers (flower bed-l2m4).
(Children do the task).
9.Working with a syllabary
“Now we have a reading lesson. Let's read the syllables in pairs and in threes. (Hangs up a syllabary table, students read in chorus, selectively one at a time).

La-ma le-me lal-lam-mal
lu-mu lu-mu lul-lum-mul
ly-we la-me lol-lom-mol
lo-mo le-me lyl-lym-soap
al-am el-em lil-lim-mil
ul-um yul-yum lol-lem-mel
Yl-ym yal-yam lal-lum-mul
ol-om el-em lul-lum-mul

Show the second syllable of the words in the table. Ate, sing, pricked, washed, crushed, poured, broke, white.
(Children do the task).
-Malvina taught Pinocchio to read in whole words. Try to read it too. (Gives a chain of words to each student)
-Now close the cards. Name the words in two syllables. Write them down using the prompt. M - two lips - "double letter - we lead the hand to the account" one - and two ". L - one language -" single "-" one - and ".
Mom- lama- little- Mila- cute- burbot- lemon-line- lily.
-Close the words. Write them down in the order of their names.
Fruit, flower, fish, animal.
The word that answers the question what? What words are left?
-Mom, little, Mila, line.
10. Differentiation in phrases and sentences
Malvina received a letter from Pinocchio.
Dear Lalvina!
I invite you for tea with mimon and lamina jam!
-What letters did Pinocchio mix up? What words are wrong? How our tips will help Pinocchio distinguish between m and l.
11. Didactic game "Pave the path."
-Listen to the proposal. In each word, look for the letter l, m and write them down using the prompts. If the word does not contain our letters, mark it with a dash (-), mark the prepositions with a tick (\/), . We get a path along which we will come to visit Pinocchio.
Young fir-trees met at the forest edge.
/\ L --- L ML L
Evening haze covered all the fields.
--- ML L -- L
I heard the melodic voice of the oriole.
12. Fixing letters in words and combinations.
What do we drink tea with?
(Children list).
Insert the corresponding letters into the words using our discrimination method. (The speech therapist writes down the words on the board).
.... ed, ... yata, .. and.. he, ... oh eye.

Over tea Pinocchio told what he had done during the day. Make up phrases, name the words that differ in the letters L, M. (Writing on the board).

Put on Laika
Called M

Sat down to ka lin
Planted M

13. Fixing letters in a sentence.
Pinocchio liked to play with words so much that he even composed poems. Only he forgot where to put which word. Help him.
To cover the floors, we need ......
To decorate the garden, we will plant .. (lacquer, poppy).
Who would cut us .....
Cut onions like this ... (flour, onions).

14. Didactic game "Pair to pair"
-Now we will make sentences on the basis of establishing simple analogies between objects. Over tea Pinocchio likes to solve puzzles. (Writing words on the board).

Lemon ___ apple ___________________
Sour round, sweet, green, large
-Read the first couple of words. How are they related in meaning? Which word is related to the word apple in the same way that the word sour is related to the word lemon? Let's write down the sentence that we got.
Lemon is sour and apple is sweet.

* Did you miss a letter?

15. Fixing letters in the text.
-Pinocchio learned to distinguish between the letters l, m and even made sentences. (Writing on the board.) What words did Pinocchio miss? Write down any sentence, add the necessary words.
.... sleeps in a den all winter. Hit the oak...

Memo. Check your work.

* Did you miss a letter?

16. The result of the lesson.
What letters did we learn to distinguish today?
We learned to distinguish between the letters L and M.
How are these letters different?
What tips and how did they help us? What tasks were the most interesting?

17. Reflection.
- Guys, draw a scale of success. Show how much you understood the topic of the lesson? If it’s bad, weakly, sit at your desk, if it’s good, then stand up, if it’s excellent, then stand up and raise your hands up. (children determine the scale of success).
The lesson is over.



Synopsis of the speech therapy lesson "Differentiation of the letters L-M".

Theme of the speech therapy lesson: "Differentiation of the letters L-M". During the lesson, students will consolidate knowledge about the mechanism of sound formation; kinesthetic sensations on articulatory images of sounds [L] - [M]; the connection of the sound image [L] - [M] with their graphic image; skills of optical analysis and synthesis of letters; sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis; correct spelling of letters in syllables, words, sentences, text; consolidation of reading and writing skills of syllables, words, sentences, text. Vocabulary activation. development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

Summary of speech therapy classes (for grades 2-3).

Topic: Overcoming the confusion of letters by kinetic similarity.
Differentiation L-M.

Prepared by a speech therapist teacher of the secondary educational institution "Secondary School No. 160"
Shumankova Olga Viktorovna


Purpose of the lesson: Improving the skills of differentiating the letters L-M.
Correctional and educational:
- consolidation of knowledge about the mechanism of formation of sounds;
- fixing the correct hand movements when writing the letters l, m;
- enrichment and activation of the dictionary.
Correction - developing:
-development of sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis.
-development of auditory attention, memory.
-increase in visual perception.
- strengthening the skills of reading and writing syllables, words, sentences, text;
Correctional and educational:
- formation of interest in speech therapy classes;
-development of accurate writing skills.
Equipment : individual mirrors, notebooks, articulation profiles, sound analysis scheme, letters L, M, pictures, word cards.
1. Organizational moment.
In class, who listens carefully,
Who writes using the secrets of literate writing,
Who keeps order in the notebook.
(Children repeat the words together with the speech therapist).

In class, we listen carefully,
write using the secrets of literate writing,
keep the order in the notebook.

2. Articulation gymnastics.
-In order to speak correctly, clearly, correctly, we must prepare the articulation apparatus and perform articulation gymnastics.
3. Message of the topic of the lesson.
-Name the school supplies, in the names of which there is [l].
- Ruler, pencil case, felt-tip pen.
-Find the place of the sound [l] in each word.
-First, fifth, second.
Name the lesson, in the name of which there is a sound [m].
How many times is [m] heard in a word?
-Right. Now look at the cards. (Hangs up demonstration cards on the board with the image of capital letters L, M.) What letters will we talk about in class?
Today we will talk about the letters M and L.
-Pay attention to the identical first elements of the letters: L, as it were, “hides” in M, and M has an additional element.
What conclusion can we draw from this?
- The letters are similar, so it is easy to confuse them.
-Right. Let's write down the topic of today's lesson in notebooks. And I will write it down on the board: "Distinguish L-M."
4. Establishing the articulum-kinema-grapheme connection
What organ of speech helps to pronounce the sound [l].
- We have one language. (
Shows a support card).
Write with your finger on the table and in the air the letter L at the expense of “one-and”.

(slide with language image).

Now let's pronounce the sound [m]. Lips are involved in its pronunciation,
There are two of them. Write the letter M with your finger at the expense of "one-and-two"

(lips slide).

What conclusion can we draw?
-L is a “single” letter, we pronounce the sound with the tongue, M is a “double” letter, we pronounce the sound with our lips.
5. Selecting a letter
-Today a fairy-tale heroine came to us (Shows an image of Malvina) Letters are lost in her name. We will return them to their place using our tips. M - two lips - "double letter - we lead the hand to the account" one - and two ". L - one language -" single "-" one - and ".
..... a .. vina.
Remember how names are spelled.
-Names are capitalized. (Perform task).
- Guys, remember what fairy tale this girl is from?
-Malvina is a fairy-tale character from the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio".
-Malvina taught Pinocchio to write without mistakes. Was he an attentive student?
Students answer questions.
Now let's see if you're paying attention. Look at the tablets and remember everything you see. (Shows the tablets)

CHALK ( slide with the image of geometric shapes - oval - M; triangle - E; rectangle - L).

What word did you read? In what figure was the first, second, third letter hidden?
(Students answer questions).
- In the names of which figures there are l, m?
- Oval, triangle, rectangle.
- What are the heroes of the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio"? In the names of which there are letters L, M.
-Papa Carlo, Artemon.
6. Syllabic analysis and synthesis
-Malvina invites you to a Russian language lesson. What are the parts into which we divide words called?
- Write down the first and last syllables of words by ear. (dictates)
First syllable: summer, month, moon, fly, minute, ruler.
Last syllable: winter, read, April, stone, caramel.
(Children do the task).
-Malvina asked Pinocchio to write down the words, but he mixed up all the syllables. Return them to their place and make words of two syllables. To do this, we change the syllables in places. (dictates)
la, mi
mon, li
small, slo
lo we
lok, me
la, earth
-Now let's write words based on articulation and graphic symbols. What do all words have in common?
- In every word there are letters l, m.
7. Finger gymnastics
Your fingers are tired, let's play with them.
Finger, finger - fidget, where did you run, where did you dine?
Pupils bend, unbend their fingers, rotate their thumbs.
I ate Kalinka with my little finger,
I ate raspberries with a nameless one,
Ate with medium strawberries,
With the index - strawberries.
Alternately connect the fingers with the thumb.
And now we will guess the names of the berries. The numbers show the number of the letter in the word in order. Let's match the cards to the pictures.
L3 L2 M1L3 M3L4
8. Graphic dictation
-Guess what object Malvina said sour, yellow, fragrant, large?
-Repeat what a lemon is like. Encrypt this word like the names of berries. Write down only the letters l, m and their serial number in the word. For example, a lemon is l1m3. Use hints - supports when writing l, m.
It is given by a cow (milk - m1l3)
Bed for flowers (flower bed-l2m4).
(Children do the task).
9.Working with a syllabary
“Now we have a reading lesson. Let's read the syllables in pairs and in threes. (Hangs up a syllabary table, students read in chorus, selectively one at a time).

la-ma le-me lal-lam-mal
lu-mu lu-mu lul-lum-mul
ly-we la-me lol-lom-mol
lo-mo le-me lyl-lym-soap
al-am el-em lil-lim-mil
ul-um yul-yum lol-lem-mel
Yl-ym yal-yam lal-lum-mul
ol-om el-em lul-lum-mul

Show the second syllable of the words in the table. Ate, sing, pricked, washed, crushed, poured, broke, white.
(Children do the task).
-Malvina taught Pinocchio to read in whole words. Try to read it too. ( Gives a chain of words to each student)
-Now close the cards. Name the words in two syllables. Write them down using the prompt. M - two lips - "double letter - we lead the hand to the account" one - and two ". L - one language -" single "-" one - and ".
Mom- lama- little- Mila- cute- burbot- lemon-line- lily.
-Close the words. Write them down in the order of their names.
Fruit, flower, fish, animal.
The word that answers the question what? What words are left?
mom, little, Mila, line.
10. Differentiation in phrases and sentences
Malvina received a letter from Pinocchio.
Dear Lalvina!
I invite you for tea with mimon and lamina jam!

-What letters did Pinocchio mix up? What words are wrong? How our tips will help Pinocchio distinguish between m and l.
11. Didactic game "Pave the path."
-Listen to the proposal. In each word, look for the letter l, m and write them down using the prompts. If the word does not contain our letters, mark it with a dash (-), mark the prepositions with a tick (\/), . We get a path along which we will come to visit Pinocchio.
Young fir-trees met at the forest edge.
/\ L --- L ML L
Evening haze covered all the fields.
--- ML L -- L
I heard the melodic voice of the oriole.
12. Fixing letters in words and combinations.
What do we drink tea with?
(Children list).
Insert the corresponding letters into the words using our discrimination method. (The speech therapist writes down the words on the board).
ed, ...yata, ..and..he, ...oh my.

Over tea Pinocchio told what he had done during the day. Make up phrases, name the words that differ in the letters L, M. (Writing on the board).

Put on Laika
Called M

Sat down to ka lin
Planted M

13. Fixing letters in a sentence.
Pinocchio liked to play with words so much that he even composed poems. Only he forgot where to put which word. Help him.
To cover the floors, we need ......
To decorate the garden, we will plant .. (lacquer, poppy).
Who would cut us .....
Cut onions like this ... (flour, onions).

14. Didactic game "Pair to pair"
-Now we will make sentences on the basis of establishing simple analogies between objects. Over tea Pinocchio likes to solve puzzles. (
writing words on the board).

Lemon ___ apple ___________________
Sour round, sweet, green, large
-Read the first couple of words. How are they related in meaning? Which word is related to the word apple in the same way that the word sour is related to the word lemon? Let's write down the sentence that we got.
Lemon is sour and apple is sweet.

Check each word separately, starting with the last one:
* Did you miss a letter?
* Didn't he write another instead of one letter?
*Did you spell each letter correctly?
If there are no more such mistakes in your work, well done!
15. Fixing letters in the text.
-Pinocchio learned to distinguish between the letters l, m and even made sentences. (Writing on the board.) What words did Pinocchio miss? Write down any sentence, add the necessary words.
.... sleeps in a den all winter. Hit the oak...

Memo. Check your work.
Check each word separately, starting with the last one:
* Did you miss a letter?
* Didn't he write another instead of one letter?
*Did you spell each letter correctly?
If there are no more such mistakes in your work, well done!

16. The result of the lesson.
What letters did we learn to distinguish today?
We learned to distinguish between the letters L and M.
How are these letters different?
What tips and how did they help us? What tasks were the most interesting?

17. Reflection.
- Guys, draw a scale of success. Show how much you understood the topic of the lesson? If it’s bad, weakly, sit at your desk, if it’s good, then stand up, if it’s excellent, then stand up and raise your hands up. (children determine the scale of success).
The lesson is over.