Going on vacation to another country, most people seek not only to take advantage of all the benefits of foreign countries and enjoy natural beauty but also to get to know the local mentality, traditions and everyday life. Residents of tourist areas, as a rule, themselves seek to establish contact with visitors and are happy to acquaint tourists with their traditions.

Turkey has been especially successful in this - the recognized leader in the number of guests from Russia, where every tourism worker, for better or worse, tries to speak Russian and understand the mysterious Russian soul. However, the locals are even more delighted by the sincere attempts of tourists to master the language and culture of their country as proof of good intentions and endless friendship between our peoples. Therefore, before traveling to Turkey, it will not be superfluous to purchase a Russian-Turkish phrasebook for tourists or prepare a “cheat sheet” with the most common words and phrases in Turkish.

For the vast majority of Russians, who are not connected by roots with the Turkic world, the Turkish language seems to be an incoherent stream of awkward, and sometimes even funny, sound combinations. Meanwhile, the Russian language is full of words borrowed from Turkic dialects, good historical background a lot has been created for this.

Below is a brief Russian-Turkish phrasebook for tourists, which will allow you to feel more comfortable in a foreign country, as well as an explanation of the most common expressions.

To begin with, it is necessary to master the elementary ways of greeting, request and gratitude. Hello in Turkish sounds like Merhaba [merhaba], and the sound [x] is pronounced very weakly, on the exhale. Hello in Turkish is Selam [salyam]. This is a rather informal way of greeting, an abbreviated version of the traditional Muslim selam aleyküm [salam aleykum].

“Please” in Turkish has as many as three variants, depending on whether it is a request or an element of courtesy in the provision of services. In the case of a request, lütfen [lutfen] is placed at the end of the sentence. In the meaning of "hold, please", "please!" or "I'm listening" is used by Buyurun! [buirun]. In response to "thank you" we say rica ederim [rija ederim].

The most seemingly common phrase - thank you in Turkish causes tourists the greatest difficulty in pronunciation. Its classic version sounds like teşekkür ederim [teşeşyur ederim], which is almost impossible to remember the first (and even the second) time. In this case, we can recommend using a much more “convenient” version of Sağolun [sa olun] (in informal communication Sağol [saʹol]).

Here are some more useful phrases in Turkish for tourists that may come in handy when traveling abroad:

Hoşçakal(ın)! [khoshcha kalyn] - Goodbye! Happy to stay! (says leaving)
Gule Gule! [gule gule] - Goodbye! (remaining says)
Goruşuruz! [gyoryushchuruz] - See you, see you soon!
GunaydIn! [gunaydin] - Good morning!
Iyi geceler! [iyi gedzheler] - Good (good) night!
Iyi gunler! [iyi gunler] - Good afternoon!
Iyi akshamlar! [iyi akshamlar] - Good evening!

The last two phrases are used for both greetings and farewells. The sound [P] at the end of words is deaf and almost unpronounceable.

Welcoming new arrivals (everywhere and everywhere - in a hotel, in a shop, at a party), the phrase Hoş geldiniz invariably sounds! [hosh geldiniz] - Welcome! To which in without fail should answer Hoş bulduk! [hosh bulduk]. To keep the conversation going, you need a few more phrases:
Evet [evet] - yes
Hayır [khayyr] - no
Tamam [tamam] - good, okay
Nasılsın [nasylsyn] - how are you?
Iyiyim [iyim] - (deeds) good
Şöyle böyle [cheyle böyle] - (cases) so-so

Useful words and expressions in Turkish for communication in the market, restaurant or shop:

Var [var] - is
Yok [yok] - no
Var mI? [varma] - is there?
Ne kadar/Kaç para? [ne kadar / kach para] - how much does it cost?
Pahalı [plowers] - expensive
Ucuz [ujuz] - cheap
Çok [chok] - very
Hesap lutfen! [khesap lutfen] - bill, please
Indirim yok mu? [indirim jokmu] - will there be no discount?

By the way, which is also important - using phrases in Turkish, you can count not only on a friendly attitude and widespread help, but also a good discount.

  • The main language in Turkey is Turkish, it is spoken by most of the population. The Turkish language is not difficult, if desired, the simplest phrases can be learned very quickly (see the dictionary below) due to the ease of pronunciation. The inscriptions in Turkish are easy to read - almost as we read and pronounce, with rare exceptions.
  • The second language in the country is Kurdish. It is spoken by a much smaller number of people. Many Kurds know Turkish (but not vice versa). Distributed in the east of the country. It is not necessary to have a Kurdish phrasebook.
  • Russian language tolerably known in tourist places, especially in those where our citizens travel the most: Antalya, Alanya, Side, Kemer. Russian-speaking Turks are "spread" in other places where the interests of Russia and Turkey come into contact. For example, in Istanbul and Trabzon. Russian is also known by people from the USSR and those who studied in Russia. They are few, but they are useful. For example, if a Turk has such an acquaintance, he can call him and ask him to translate what he wants to say. What other languages ​​are spoken in Turkey?
  • English language- the language is very useful. Widely distributed in tourist places on the Mediterranean and Aegean coasts, in Istanbul and. In Central and Eastern Turkey, of course, it will be more difficult to find an English speaker, but in principle it is possible. In addition, knowledge of English is useful for communicating with other foreigners, who are in abundance in Turkey.

How to communicate in Turkey

  • If you are on a tour, then almost 100% that the hotel will have Russian-speaking staff, guides and animators.
  • Shops, markets in tourist places, most likely, they also know Russian, and if not, then use a calculator to find out how much this or that product costs, or a piece of paper - and let them write prices on it.
  • Draw. Maybe some will be embarrassed to draw on paper, but I actively used this method. It helps a lot, especially when independent travel in Central Turkey.
  • It happens that the Turks call to your Russian-speaking acquaintances to help translate what you say to them. Quite unusual and fun communication is obtained.
  • Gestures, facial expressions also help a lot. Until you try this method, you won’t believe how much you can explain in sign language.
  • print my phrasebook and carry it with you. Try to learn from it the ten most used words. Turkish words are easy to pronounce.

Russian-Turkish phrasebook for tourists with pronunciation

Ignorance of Turkish or English is not a reason not to go to Turkey. I myself have been to Turkey more than once in many places in the country, knowing only 20 basic Turkish words and using such a small Russian-Turkish phrasebook for tourists with pronunciation.

1 Hello Merhaba[merhaba]
2 Thank you Teşekkür ederim[teshekur ederim]
3 Yes Evet[evet]
4 No HayIr / Yok[khayur] / [yok]
5 Where … ? Nerede…?[nerede]
6 When? Ne zaman?[not Zaman]
7 What is the price? Kaç para?[pair quality]
8 I'm looking for … Ben ArIyorum[ben aryyorum]
9 Eat Yemek
10 Drink Icki[eyes]
11 Hungry Ac[ah]
12 Sleep Uyumak[yumak]
13 I want Ben istiyorum[ben istiyorum]
14 Russian Rusya[rus]
15 Ukrainian UkraynalI[Ukrainians]
16 Few Az[az]
17 A lot of Chok[chok]
18 Badly Kotu[kyotyu]
19 Great Mukemmel[mukemel]
20 Beautiful Guzel[guzel]
21 Very expensive Chok pahalI[choke plow]
22 Bread Ekmek[ekmek]
23 Water Su[su]
24 Salad Salata[salad]
25 Soup Corba[chorba]
26 Tea Cay[tea]
27 Cheese Peynir[peinier]
28 Meat Et[no]
29 Chicken Tavuk[tawuk]
30 Rice Pilav[pilyav]
31 Salt Tuz[ace]
32 Sugar seker[shaker]
33 Menu, please Menu, Luften[lutfen menu]
34 The check, please Hesap lutfen[khesap lutfen]
35 Left Sola[sola]
36 Right Saga[saa]
37 Directly Tam karşida[there karshida]
38 Market Pazar[pazar]
39 Museum Muze[muse]
40 Fortress Kale[feces]
41 City Shehir[shakhir]
42 Village Koy[kyoi]
43 City center Shehir merkezi[shehir merkezi]
44 Mountain Dag[Yes]
45 Pass Gecidi[gechid]
46 Pharmacy Eczane[exan]
47 ATM Atm[atm]
48 Today Bugun[boogyn]
49 Tomorrow YarIn[yaryn]
50 Yesterday Dun[dunes]
51 Hotel Hotel[calving]
52 Hostel hostels[hostels]
53 Camping Camp[camp]
54 Tent Tourist CadIr[Chadir tourist]
55 Sleeping bag Uyku tulumu[uyku tulumu]
56 Road Yol[yol]
57 On foot Yurumek[yurumek]
58 Car Araba[arab]
59 Bus Otobus[otobus]
60 Train Tren[tran]
61 Airplane Ucak[uchak]
62 Boat Vapur[vapur]
63 Ferry Feribot[feribot]
64 Bus station Otogar[otogar]
65 railway station Istasyon[istasion]
66 Airport HavaalanI[havaalans]
67 Ticket Ticket[ticket]
68 Port Liman[estuary]
69 Sea Deniz[denise]
70 Hitch-hiking Otostop[hush]
71 We are married Biz evliyiz[biz evliyiz]
72 Wife KarI[curry]
73 Husband Koca[kocha]
74 Daughter KIzI[kyzy]
75 Son Oğlu[olu]
76 Friend Arkadash[arkadash]
77 Woman Bayan[accordion]
78 Man Bay[by]
79 Traveler Gezgin[gezgin]
80 Fire
(shout "Fire" instead of "Help" if attacked)
81 Police Polis[policy]
82 Help Imdat[imdat]
83 I'm lost Kayboldum[kayboldum]
84 I need a doctor Doktora ihtiyacim var[Dr. Ihtiyajim var]
85 One (1) Bir[bir]
86 Two (2) Iki[iki]
87 Three (3) Uc[yuch]
88 Four (4) Dort[dirt]
89 Five (5) Bes[besh]
90 Six (6) Alti[alti]
91 Seven (7) Yedi[go]
92 Eight (8) Sekiz[sekiz]
93 Nine (9) Dokuz[docuz]
94 Ten (10) On[He]
95 One hundred (100) Yuz[sw]
96 Thousand (1000) Bin[bin]

There are many universal, familiar, standard phrases, which will help a foreigner to navigate in everyday situations. Today we have compiled a selection of 16 extraordinarily useful Turkish phrases, knowing which, you will be fully equipped before your visit to Turkey.

  • Hoş geldiniz - It's great that you've come/Welcome

Hos geldiniz- this is the first thing you hear wherever you arrive, be it a friends house or a restaurant.

  • Hoş bulduk is the standard response to "Welcome"

Answer to hoş geldiniz There is hos bulduk, which literally translates as "we found it cute, pleasant, good." It is not necessary to respond this way when entering a shop or restaurant, but it would be rather rude to ignore it when invited into a house.

  • Buyurun - please / here you are / pass

The next thing you'll hear is buyurun. Buyurun can be roughly translated as “here you are”, “come through”, “enter my store” and so on. You also say this, for example, when you want to give up your seat on a bus to an elderly person. Tell buyurun teyze- "sit down in my place, aunt" - or buyurun amca“Uncle, come here, please.”

Everyone in Turkey is family and courtesy to someone about your age sounds like abla - " elder sister» - or abi - "big brother". You can refer to a little boy oglum"my son", but to a little girl kizim- "my daughter".

  • Teşekkür ederim - Thank you

You may already know that teşekkür ederim means "thank you", but do you know how useful this phrase is? If the host who invited you is about to fill your plate for the third time, say teşekkür ederim. If someone asks how you are, how are you, answer teşekkür ederim. This is especially useful when you need to dodge the barkers who are trying to drag you into their store, because it is a polite way of saying "I'm not interested."

  • Elenize sağlık - Health to you

To thank the host for the food, say elenize sağılık- literally "health to your hands", it sounds nicer, more sincere and less formal than teşekkür ederim. Usually this is said at home.

  • Afiyet olsun - To your health / let it do you good

Remember old woman from which you just bought gozleme? When you thank her by saying elenize sağılık she answers you afiyet olsun, which means "may it do you good" and can be said before, during or after a meal.

  • Güle güle kullanin - wear with pleasure / use with a smile

When someone buys something güle güle kullanin- “wear, use with pleasure” is a common phrase that they are told.

  • Inshallah - as the Lord sees / perhaps

Insallah, which means "as the Lord will provide", is very commonly used in Turkey. For example, I might say, "I'll finish this article tomorrow, when the electricity comes back, inshallah," which means I highly doubt the electricity will ever come back.

I like to use this phrase most of all when there is an argument with conservative Turks who are waiting for me to explain why I am not yet married and have no children.

I usually respond with a standard response: “Maybe I will meet again Turkish husband, inshallah". People are usually so satisfied with this answer that there is no need for further questions.

  • Aferin sana - so much the better for you / happy for you

If I hopefully say that, if the Lord provides, I will meet a Turkish husband, the answer to this will be aferin sana“so much the better for you.” Or, for example, when someone says, “I just learned 12 unusual and useful Turkish phrases”, the appropriate response would, of course, be aferin sana.

  • …nerede? - Where is…?

How to ask in Turkish "Where is your camel?"? You may need to ask that on occasion, so it's best to deal with it now. “Deveniz nerede?” After you get over the disappointment of not seeing camels walking the streets of Turkey, you can replace deveniz anything to find out where it is. For example, where is the Ritz Carlton located? nerede?».

  • Rica ederim - Please

How to react if someone thanks you? speak "Rica ederim", meaning "Please."

  • Chok yasha! - Be healthy!

If you're planning to visit Istanbul in winter, there's a good chance you'll need something to say about someone sneezing. You can always say çok yasha which means "be healthy". Chok yasha means "live long". As you know, when we sneeze, our heart stops for a split second, so çok yasha becomes even more logical and good wish.

  • Sen de Gor - And you!

When you speak çok yasha sneezing Turkish friend, most likely to receive in response Sen de gor. It literally means "And the same to you", but the real meaning is much wider. This phrase is used to say that you accept wishes for a long life from your friend, and also to show that you also wish a friend a long life.

  • Masallah - Oh my God!

Another popular Turkish word derived from Arabic is masallah. Initially, it was considered a verbal defense against the "evil eye", but nowadays masallah is used to express one's amazement. For example, when you see a giant octopus, you might say, " Masallah what a giant octopus!”

  • Maalesef - Unfortunately

Maalesef, we are coming to the end of this article. This word means "unfortunately" and there's a pretty good chance you'll hear it in restaurants if you don't have what you ordered, or when you need to know how to get to some Istanbul attraction, but the person you ask, can't help you.

  • Kendine iyi bak! - Take care of yourself!

I hope you find this short list of Turkish phrases useful and will make your stay in Istanbul more intense and emotional. Turks love foreigners who even try to speak Turkish, and communication is the best way to enjoy a foreign culture. I wish you have a great time in Istanbul! Kendinize iyi bakIn!

I would like to be with you now ... I would cover your whole body with kisses ... I would not let you out of my arms and fall asleep on your shoulder, warmed by your warmth ...

Şimdi yanında olsam.. bütün vucüdünü öperdim.. kollarımdan seni bırakmayıp, omzunde uyurdum, sıcaklığınla ısıtınarak.

If you are not next to me, the nights are darker, the stars are dimmer, life is not sweet .... On this day, I send you a dove, happiness on his wings, love and loyalty in his heart, hope in his snow-white plumage and a kiss on his nose in his beak, turn your cheek... Smack!

Gece bir başka giyer siyahını, yıldızlar daha bir sonük olur ve hayat daha bir kahpe oynar oyununu sen yanımda yoksan eğer. Beyaz bir güvercin yolluyorum sana; kanatlarında mutluluk, yüreğinde sevgi ve sadakat, karbeyaz tüylerinde umut ve gagasında iyi geceler öpücüğü, uzat yanağını. Muuckk!!!

I miss you, your love, your hands, your loving eyes, and your lips that give me kisses from which I go crazy ...

Sana ihtıyacım var, aşkına, sevgine, ellerine, seven gözlerine, beni öpüçüklerinle deli eden dudaklarına...

Just as a distant star seems attractive to us, so I am attached to you because you are far away! As well as beautiful story love seems impossible to people, so I love you! You are like a mirage in the desert, like a glow in the depths of the sea, like the calmness of the sea, you are my light, my sun ... I miss you very much ...

Nasıl ki uzaktaki yıldız parlak gelirse insana, uzakta oldugun için tutkunum sana! Hani en güzel aşklar imkansız gelir ya insana, imkansız olduğun için tutkunum sana. Sen cöllerde serap, engin denizlerde yakamoz

I miss your lips that kissed me so madly...

öyle delice beni öptüğünü dudaklarını yokluğum var...

Last night, while you were sleeping, I painted the seas scarlet, threw silence into the abyss, sent the winds to whisper to you how much I love and miss you ..

Dün gece sen uyurken kızıla boyadım denizleri, uçurumdan attım sessizliği, haber saldım rüzgarlara fısıldasınlar seni ne çok sevdiğimi ve özlediğimi.

I miss your hands that caressed me ....

beni okşadığını ellerini yokluğum var...

I miss your body, which always burned me with the heat of your love ...

hep aşkın sıcaklıği beni yaktığını bedenin yokluğum var...

It’s hard not to fall in love, but endure longing, it’s hard not to forget how to laugh, but get used to crying, it’s hard not to live or die, but being bored, not to see

Sevgiyi tanımak değil, hasreti çekmek zor, gülmeyi unutmak değil ağlamaya alışmak zor, yaşamak ya da ölmek değil, özleyipte görmemek zor

I miss you...

seni yoklugum var...

I miss your hands, lips, your kisses

Senin el, dudaklarını ve öpüçüklerini özlüyorum

I send you a dove, happiness on its wings, love and fidelity in its heart, hope in its snow-white plumage and a kiss on the nose in its beak, turn your cheek ... I am close, like your heart... When you feel lonely, put your hand on your heart, I'm there!

Beyaz bir güvercin yolluyorum sana; kanatlarında mutluluk, yüreğinde sevgi ve sadakat, karbeyaz tüylerinde umut ve gagasında iyi geceler öpücüğü, yanağını uzat. Yureğin kadar yanındayım. Kendini yalnız hissettiğinde elini kalbine koy; ben hep ordayim!

I want you to hug me. I want to hug you

Bana sarıl, beni kucakla. Sana sarIlmak, seni kucaklamak istiyorum.

I want you

Hard for me without you

Sensiz zor oluyor

I miss you

Seni ozluyorum

Now I want to kiss you on the forehead, in the eyes, on the nose, on the cheeks, on the lips, on the neck, on the shoulder, on the tummy ...

Şimdi seni alnından, gözlerinden, burnundan, yanaklarından, boynundan, ömzünden, karnından öpmek çok isterdim

I was taught that there are 24 hours in a day, and 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute, but they didn’t teach me that even one second without you is as long as an eternity ... I want us to be together every moment, my love ...

Bana bir günün 24 saat, bir saatin 60 dakika ve bir dakikanın 60 saniye olduğu öğretildi ama sensiz geçen bir saniyenin sonsuzluk kadar uzun olduğu öğretilmedi. Yaşamımızın her anında birlikte olmamız dileğiyle sevgilim....

Maybe I'm not next to you on this day, but yesterday, and today, and tomorrow I'm as close as your heart ... When you feel loneliness, put your hand on your heart, I'm there!

Bu gunünde belki yanında değilim ama dünde, bugünde, yarında yüreğin kadar yanındayım. Kendini yalnız hissettiğinde elini kalbine koy; ben hep ordayim!

Your lips are the most tender and hot. Kiss me again in my dreams...

Dudaklarını en şefkatli ve sıcaktır. ruyalarımda tekrar beni öp ise...

How I would like to hug you now and be silent, hold your hand in my hands. You know what else I would like? Wake up next to you in the morning, hug and kiss you!

şimdi hiç konuşmadan ellerimde avcunu sıkmak sana ne kadar sarılmak isterdim ki. biliyormusun daha ne isterdim. sabah yanında uyanıp sana sarılıp seni öpmek.

I want you to be next to me now, hugging with your strong arms, kissing with sensual lips... stay with me, stay all night and don't disappear in the morning, don't dissolve with the night... I want to wake up with you, stay in in your arms and never let you go...

şimdi yanımda olmanı bana güç ellerimle sarılmanı tatlı dudaklarınla ​​beni öpmeni istiyorum... sabaha kadar benimle kal sabah gece ile erime gitme... seninle beraber uyanmak kucaklarında olmak seni hiç bırakma mak istiyorum.

I didn't sleep all night today. I remember you, every part of your body. I feel very bad without you. I love you very much. I don't need anyone but you. I really want to see you, look into your eyes and hold your hand.

Butun gece uyumadım. seni her yerini düşundum. sensiz çok kötü oluyorum. seni çok ama çok seviyorum. senden baska kimseye ihtiyaçım yok. seni görmek gözlerine bakmak elini tutmak çok istiyorum.

To love you is like rubbing your heart between two stones. Loving you is like dying while alive. Loving you is like digging a well with a needle. Loving you is like writing your name on your heart with fire...

Seni sevmek var ya seni sevmekYüreğimi iki taş arasında ezmek gibi birşeySeni sevmek var ya seni sevmekYaşarken ölmek gibi birşeySeni sevmek var ya seni sevmekİğne ile kuyu kazmak gibi bi rşeySeni sevmek var ya seni sevmekAdını ateşle yureğime yazmak gibi birşey

Eyes are the mirror of the soul... It's so nice when a loved one can understand you just by catching your look... Without further ado.

Gözler - kalbin aynasıdır... Sevgilin bi bakısından seni anlayabildigi çok güzeldir... fazla kelimeye de gerek yok.

My only desire is for you to be happy. I'll be damned if I don't love you like the first day

Bir tek dileğim var mutlu ol yeter. Hala seni ilk gunki gibi sevmiyorsam kahrolayim.

I live with you, only with you, only you are in my mind, my angel.

Seninle yasarim sadese seninle aklimda sadece sen olursun meleğim benim

You are mine. I also really want you to be by my side. All 24 hours I want to be with you, hear your pleasant voice, hug you, kiss you enough, my love.

Sen benimsin. Bende yanımda olmani çok istiyorum. Hemde 24 saat senle olmak neseli sesini duymak, sana sarılmak, öpmek seni doyasiya sevgilim.

If I did not love you, I would not answer you, risking waiting for you. And don't say "I love you"

Seni sevmesen seni beklemeyi goze alip sana cevap yazmaz, seni seviyorum demezdin.

Beauty is beauty, but the one who is dear to the soul is more beautiful.

Her güzel güzeldir, amma canın sevdiği daha güzeldir

I need your Love

Sevgine ihtiyacIm var.

Not only today, not tomorrow, I will love you all my life, when I'm not around, I need you when you're with me like the wind will embrace you, I swear.

Sadece bugun değıl,yarinda değıl,seni bir ömür boyu sevecem,ben yaninda olmadigimda,senin bana ihtiyacin oldugunda seni bir ryuzgar gibi saracağima yemin ederim.

The only flower in my heart is the sun that lit up my night.

Kalbimin tek gulü gecemin aydınlatan güneşim.

I live every second thinking about you.

Her saniye seni düşünmekle geciyor gülüm.

My only fault is loving you.

My only pain is to wait for you.

My only hope is to meet you.

I love you.

Tek sucum seni sevmek.

Tek derdim seni beklemek.

Tek umudum sana kavusmak.

I hope you take care of me and everything will be fine.

Umarım bana özenle bakarsın ve her şey güzel olur.

Love knows no distance.

Ashk mesafeler bilmez.

My dear - Canim

My favorite - Aşkım

My baby - Bebegim

My sun - Gunesim

My sweet - Tatlım

My only one is Birtanem

My/my chamomile - Papatyam

My favorite - Sevgilim

My beautiful - Guzelim

My life - Hayatim

My little one (they say so to children) - Yavrum

My Angel - Melegim

My heart - Kalbim

My little one - Ufaklık

My Bunny - Тavşanım

My breath - Nefesim

Sugar mine - Şekerim

My honey - BalIm

My lion - AslanIm

My strong/brave - Yiğitim

My fat man - Dombişim/ Tontonum

My Treasure - Hazinem

I missed you very much - seni çok özledim

I like you - Senden hoşlanıyorum

I love you - Seni seviyorum

I miss you - seni özlüyorum

I want to hug you - sana sarılmak istiyorum

I want to kiss you - seni öpmek istiyorum

You will always be in my heart - kalbimde temelli kalacaksın

You are the man of my dreams - Hayal ettiğim erkeksin

You are the best in the whole world - Dunyada en harikasın

I want to be with you always - Seninle her zaman olmak istiyorum

Hard for me without you. – Sensiz zor oluyor

You are always on my mind / I always think about you - Hep aklımdasın / Hep seni düşünüyorum

I can never forget you - seni hiç unutamam

I need you - Sana ihtiyacım var/Bana sen lazımsın

Time has stopped without you - sensiz zaman durdu

I will always be by your side - Seninle daima olacağim

My feelings for you have not changed and never will. – Sana karşı hislerim değişmedi ve hiç bir zaman değişmeyecek

I value our relationship very much - Benim için ilişkimiz çok değerlidir

I'm jealous - kıskanıyorum

I love you like crazy - Seni deli gibi seviyorum

It would be nice if I was (a) next to you - keşke seninle / yanında olsam

I will love only you - Ben bir tek seni seveceğim

I am happy / a / with you - Senle mutluyum

You are beautiful - Çok yakışıklısın

You are the one who improves my mood - Benim moralimi duzeltensin