Sometimes there is a situation when you don’t know if a girl has feelings for you or not, but you need to know. Below we will try to figure out how to understand that a girl loves you. Men like to think that a certain person has tender feelings for them, therefore, they can draw conclusions almost from scratch, finding hints that are not there.

For example, if you suddenly become very close to a girl, even become friends, this does not mean that she is in love with you. Most likely, she simply believes that friendship between members of different sexes is possible. The same situation if you are best friends from time immemorial.

If a girl shares all her secrets with you, talks about her problems and other similar favors, don’t flatter yourself, you probably ended up in a place called “friend zone” that is not the most pleasant for many men. On the other hand, a girl may love you and still behave in accordance with some of the points above. It is also possible that the girl behaves as described above, but at the same time she has a boyfriend, and he, alas, is not you.

Sometimes, having cherished his ego, and suggesting to himself that the girl loves him, the representative of the stronger sex loses control and begins to worry. And, in order to look like a man, he takes a step forward. Alternatively, he tells her that he is in love with her. By doing this, you should expect that, most likely, you will scare away the girl, because she thought that you were “not like everyone else” and that it was nice to just communicate with you in a friendly way. In this case, the relationship with this girl will probably end. Any.

Below we want to consider with you the signs by which you can definitely understand that a girl loves you.

How to determine that a girl loves you?

If a girl falls in love with you, she tries to get closer to you. At the same time, she will not always share secrets, because trust is a companion of friendship, and we are talking about other feelings. If you notice that a girl is trying to spend all her time in your company, know that this is a good sign.

When a person is in love, everything, almost everything that the subject of sighing says or does becomes important. So in our case, a girl can sometimes mention what you said briefly and managed to forget.

The eternal female problem is that next to the person to whom they are not indifferent, before fair polo ladies start to lose their heads. This is sometimes manifested in very, very strange behavior. So, if a young lady suddenly behaves somewhat unusually with you, do not rush to consider her crazy, maybe she is just in love with you.

Do you have a conscience? What about tact? After all, sometimes they make us serious in those moments when we need to be serious. Usually the need is due to the fact that you will look childish if you do not slow down the fun. If a girl does not like that you are abusing this very fun at such moments, then she is probably worried about you and your image and loves you.

If a girl suddenly starts to get nervous or feel bad when you start a conversation about other girls, most likely she is jealous, and jealousy does not happen from scratch. The meekness of a girl, her fear of arguing with you, are also rare with friendly sympathy. Often, being in love, a girl takes to heart all the troubles that happen to the object of sighing, so it will not be out of place to pay attention to her reaction to your story about your own failures.

Almost every girl has a close friend. And probably tells her about everything important that happens to her. Therefore, if she fell in love with you, her friend simply must know about it. From this we conclude that to get to know her - a good option find out about the aspect that interests you. The main thing is to choose the right girlfriend, the one that is the best and closest.

To ascertain the feelings of the girl, you can try to play with hints, for example, ask her: “If a guy tried to get to know you, how would I react?” The option is not the most effective, and if the girl is not smart enough, she will understand where this question came from.

Well, the most daring way to find out that a girl is in love with you is to write her a message at night with something like this: “I can’t live without you, I’m terribly in love with you, answer me urgently.” If she starts calling, do not pick up the phone, wait for a written answer. If you get a positive answer, congratulations, if she answers “No” or even harder, apologize by adding in the morning that you mixed up the number because you were drunk.

People fall in love with each other, sometimes so much that it is not clear how this even happened. And sometimes you look at a person and understand that you are practically strangers and nothing binds you anymore. It can happen slowly, it can happen quickly, or it can happen quite imperceptibly. But the effect is there.

Sometimes it happens that you are still in love, but she is somehow not very. You feel in your heart that something is wrong here, but you cannot understand what it is. What if she doesn't love you anymore, how can you tell? We wrote about how to understand, today we will tell you how to understand that she no longer loves you.

1. Sex becomes mundane, routine, and uncreative.

Once yours sex life was rich, creative and very enjoyable. Today it looks like this: "Perhaps there will be sex in the evening, and perhaps there will not be." You are having difficulty reaching an orgasm, her face is bored, and you can definitely tell that she is currently thinking about what to watch on TV. Surprises are long gone. If earlier you could seriously have sex in a bar toilet or in an elevator cabin, now it seems that all these sexual experiences were in another universe. Now sex is a missionary position plus rare small deviations. Boredom!

2. Sex becomes rare

Previously, you could indulge in sexual caresses twice a day. Although no ... Twice a day - it was when you were very tired from work. Now sex happens once a week, sometimes twice, but this is only on holidays.

3. Friends are more important

If earlier she saw her friends once or twice a month, and you spent the evenings with each other, now she goes to visit someone almost every day. If you live alone, her friends often hang out at your house, much more often than before. If you see that attempts to stabilize relationships and spend time together run into a wall of misunderstanding, this is very bad sign, man!

4. The focus has shifted to something else.

Did your girlfriend used to have any interests that she devoted a lot of time to? Now she is again fond of them, but she is in no hurry to spend time with you. She signed up for dances, for martial arts, for courses in cutting and sewing with sticks, you see her at most once a week and then ... everything is somehow wrong.

5. She puts on weight, cares less about her appearance, and wears holes in her panties at home.

6. She has trouble making eye contact with you.

Remember when you looked into each other's eyes and it seemed like an eternity had passed? During sex, you usually also look into each other's eyes, but now she averts them. Usually, the lack of eye contact means that feelings have cooled and she considers you a stranger. She seems to be thinking about something or someone else. Often she won't make eye contact with you because she's uncomfortable with you now, but she may have other reasons to avoid you. For example, she has someone else...

7. You're the only one who wants to hold hands

Usually before, she always put her pen in your hand or took your arm. Now you understand that the initiative comes only from you. This is an obviously disgusting fact that clearly demonstrates that you are now infinitely far from each other. Maybe you hated holding hands before, and now you realize she doesn't like it either. With you.

8. Lying together in an embrace is no longer comfortable.

It used to be the most beautiful way to fall asleep or just spend the evening. Time passed frighteningly fast when you hugged, smiled and looked at the ceiling (only people in love can spend time with pleasure in this state). Now you understand that this is completely inconvenient. She tosses and turns, says that she is uncomfortable that you are breathing directly into her ear, although before the position of your bodies was the same, and she did not complain at all, but calmly fell asleep.

9. Something worries her, but she refuses to discuss it.

you discussed common problems maybe not all, but some for sure. Now it has become a closed book. Once upon a time it seemed to you that it was even good: you would have to talk less about various things that are not interesting to you. But now, since you love her (or definitely feel a lot of sympathy for her), you, frankly, care about it. However, she refuses to discuss it with you: she waves it off, shakes her head or says that it is none of your business. She no longer seeks to let you into her life, now she is no longer an open book and we can say with 95 percent certainty that your relationship has cracked and she no longer loves you.

10. She no longer wants to hear about how your day went.

Many couples have a custom of telling each other about the events that happened during the day. This is a great way to remember all the problems, discuss them, laugh at the pleasant moments and reduce stress to a minimum. Why do people go to psychologists, to trainings and somewhere else? They lack communication, and such nonsense in the spirit of "Honey, how was your day?" reduces the level of poison in your cup of patience.

Now you can't remember when she was in last time I asked you about your day. She doesn't care! If you start this conversation, she listens to you without special interest, and talks about his day without hunting in the spirit of "working." But maybe she's just tired?

Girls are not in vain considered mysterious and mysterious. Sometimes it is very difficult to understand what is on their mind and what they feel, because usually a man must take the first step, show his intentions, win. Therefore, it is considered normal when a girl does not speak openly about her feelings. However, it is quite simple to understand her feelings without words: by hints, behavior, non-verbal signs. You can conduct a kind of test and just pay closer attention to what she tells you and how she behaves.

It is believed that the fair sex quickly changes mood and tastes, which makes it difficult to understand what she feels. Today she loves you, and tomorrow she is indifferent. However, this approach is erroneous, because if a girl has strong feelings, she will be constant in them. You can even notice attempts to attract attention in a peculiar way, to win.

Signs of love

Of course, everyone is different, everyone has a unique character. But there are facts that will definitely make it clear that the girl loves not someone else, but you. These include:

  1. The most banal, but true fact - the girl will talk about her love. And there is no need to think that it is easier for her to do this than for a man: any recognition requires determination and courage. In addition, it is believed that a woman should not take the first step, and if she decides to do so, then her feelings are really strong.
  2. The girl shows interest in the life of her lover. And these are not just words, she will really be waiting for you from a meeting or work to ask how the day went, she will remember her favorite films and dishes. A guy can always determine what a girl feels for him already in the first minutes of a conversation: if she asks leading questions, her eyes glow, she is interested in a conversation, then this is at least a strong sympathy.
  3. To love means to care. Girls take care of the object of their feelings, worry about him, want to make his life beautiful. Therefore, a loving girl will cook, please, support, create comfort around. And it is not at all necessary that she likes to do this or that she does not have other activities. This is the essence, that only for the sake of the beloved man, the fair sex is ready to change.
  4. Increased attention to your appearance. Any lady wants to be beautiful and feminine in the eyes of the gentleman, which means that she will do her hair, choose dresses instead of sneakers and jeans, pay attention to her makeup and manicure.
  5. Smiles, coquetry, affection are clear signs of love.
  6. Even after parting, the girl shows interest in former lover. The former passion will insist on a meeting, try to patronize when it is no longer relevant.

Love and the sign of the zodiac

In addition, each zodiac sign is special and loves differently, so astrology can help you understand how a girl feels:

  • Aries are owners, they are ready to fight for love and show their sympathy without being shy. It cannot be said that Aries girls are too romantic, but they always make it clear what is in their hearts;
  • Taurus tries to surround the guy with care and attention, they easily make contact, fulfill desires, behave unusually affectionately with their passion;
  • Gemini girls are jealous, they will always be interested in where their object of passion is now;
  • Cancers tend to idealize their soulmate, which means that the guy’s words for them are the law, and the ultimate truth;
  • Leo simply infects with his activity, such a girl shows attention in any things, tries to please her lover's relatives, take control of the situation;
  • Virgos are shy and gentle, and next to their beloved guy they show shyness, embarrassment, but they try to conquer him with long glances and constant meetings;
  • Scales are very romantic, give cute signs of attention, unobtrusively look after, make compliments;
  • Scorpions - for fast development relationships, they are assertive and bold, therefore, most likely, they will not hide their feelings at all;
  • Sagittarians are stubborn, maybe such girls do not have a vivid imagination, but they are ready not for a day or two to show their attention;
  • Capricorns are changeable. They can keep a distance for a long time, and then go on an independent offensive. The main thing is that such girls will sooner or later stop being silent and build an impregnable fortress out of themselves;
  • Aquarians choose a chosen one once and for all, so they hide their feelings for a long time, trying on. But when they understand that the choice is right, they prefer to admit to them without hiding;
  • Pisces are generous with praise, they also love romance, but they are also shy.

In this article I want to touch on a very important topic and find the answer to the question: How do you know if your girlfriend loves you? I will try to answer this question in as much detail as possible and show how a girl in love behaves. Many now thought, of course, he loves, God forbid that it be so. But not infrequently there are such cases when a girl only plays and uses her natural, feminine cunning to achieve her goals. And the goals can be different: from your money to using you as a pillow in order to.

Sometimes it is difficult to predict how a girl will behave at one time or another. During the day, she can sit and enjoy life and the fact that you are her best. And in the evening start sulking, God knows what, and generally don’t really talk to you. In order to learn at least a little to understand women, I recommend reading the article: “”. This post may answer some of your questions regarding your girlfriend's strange behavior.

So how do you know if a girl loves you?

  1. If your girlfriend really loves you, she will tell you about it. Of course, a girl can play along and say it in a lie, but only a fool will not notice this. When she says this from the heart, you just need to see her eyes, everything will be written in them and they will not be able to deceive you. Also, a loving girl loves to call her lover affectionate words: be it a bunny, a baby, etc.
  1. She will be interested in your life. If a girl is in love, she will often ask you where you are or what time you will be back. But even here, if you try, you can ask these questions purely for show, to show your concern. When will a girl just ask, “How was your day?” and after your answer “very rich” just nods her head or says a short “understood”, then the question was asked for show and it is safe to assume that she is not particularly interested in what you will answer her. But situations can be different and your girlfriend can be stupid bad mood in this moment. Therefore, do not rush to conclusions.
  2. loving girl will take care of her boyfriend in every sense of the word. Many girls can say, they say, “I’ll start caring when we get married, but for now, if you please.” Such girls can only say one thing: “you just haven’t met the one yet.” A loving girl will please her boyfriend in housework, cooking, sex and more. But remember my friend, without reciprocity, this will not continue indefinitely.
  3. She won't think about other guys. A loving girl is completely immersed in this love with her head and does not see anyone and nothing around. A guy in love has a bunch of other ideas and thoughts in his head besides love. But for girls, everything is different: they begin to live this love and devote themselves completely to it.
  4. She will groom herself more and stand in front of the mirror longer before her date with you. A loving girl is very eager to please her lover in every sense. She can go to work in ordinary clothes, and to meet you, put on the most beautiful dress and shoes on high heels. You are her man and she will want to please you.
  5. She will smile more often and shine from this love. Everything is simple here, a person in love more often releases hormones of joy in the body.

If you noticed the similarities between these points and the attitude of your girlfriend towards you, then I can only congratulate you dear reader! Surround her with care, warmth and a reliable rear, then I assure you, she is. I also recommend reading my blog post.