1. Oil consists of thousands of substances, of which most (about 80-90%) are liquid hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons are organic compounds consisting of carbon and hydrogen atoms.

2. The most common color of oil is black, but occasionally occurs emerald green and even colorless oil.

3. Oil is located at depths of tens of meters to 5-6 kilometers. The maximum number of oil deposits is found at a depth of 1-3 kilometers.

4. According to the most common theory, oil was formed from the remains of ancient living organisms and algae. This process of oil formation takes from 50 to 350 million years.

5. It's believed that russian word "Oil" was borrowed from turkish - Neft "Oil", where it fell from Persian - NAFT "Oil".

6. Oil was known since ancient times, the archaeological excavations are evidenced. About 6000 years BC. Oil and its formation was used as a binder in construction. IN Ancient Egypt Oil used to embroider dead.

7. Oil turned out much attention Only after it has been proven that kerosene can be distinguished from it. This proved the Russian factory practice of the Dubinin brothers (since 1823), and in America - Chemist Benjamin Silliman (1855).

8. The idea of \u200b\u200busing a pipeline for pumping oil (oil pipeline) suggested Dmitry Mendeleev in 1863. The first Russian oil pipeline was built in 1878 in the Baku area.

9. The world's first drilling of the oil well was held in 1846 in the village of Bibi-Eybat next to Baku, who was part of the Russian Empire at that time.

10. The most popular in our time material for the production of candles - paraffin is a product of oil distillation.

11. Until the engine appears internal combustion Only kerosene was mostly distilled from oil, and everything else was disposed of.

12. In the process of refining oil, many products are obtained, where the mains are: plastics, gasoline, asphalt, fuel oil, kerosene, paraffin, to come, diesel fuel.

13. In Russia, there are more than 30 oil refineries that produce tens of millions of tons of gasoline per year.

14. When maintaining the current level of consumption, world oil reserves are enough for about 40-50 years.

15. In the global industry directly raw oil is practically not applied.

16. The world's first oil refining plant was built in 1856 by the chemist and Pharmacist Ignatia Lukasevich. He also invented the kerosene lamp and created a method of obtaining kerosene by distilling crude oil.

17. The top three largest oil producing countries includes Russia, Saudi Arabia and the United States.

18. The global industry consumes about 84 million barrels of oil per day (≈ 13.3 billion liters).

19. The total cost of one refineries is about $ 9 billion.

20. According to the international energy agency, there are about 13 percent of oil deposits in the Arctic.

21. Oil spills in the sea are much more destructive than on land, because oil spots can spread to hundreds of marine miles. Oil spills kill a huge number of birds, mammals, mollusks and other organisms in.

22. There is a statement that the appearance of kerosene, which is obtained by refining, saved some types of whales from extinction. Early world industry in wide scale It made China oil obtained from the top of the whale head and used as fuel for oil lamps. After the appearance of Kerosene, the sale and use of whale oil almost stopped.

23. The wide use of recycled oil began only in the second half of the XIX century due to the new method of oil production using drilling fluids instead of wells.

24. The three countries with the largest oil reserves include Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and Canada.

25. Earlier, gasoline and other fuels were sold in pharmacies. The first gasobenzine station was a pharmacy in the German city of Volokh (1888).

Map of oil consumption. Increasing from light to dark color: Dark - most a large number of; Gray - no data

Black gold is the leading factor in the global economy. Many people argue about her origin and there is no unambiguous understanding. In a selection of interesting facts about oil, we will touch on all these questions.

From the surface to the depths

The ancients denoted the oil as "something incented land." It was believed that this liquid is urine whales. The most likely of all versions of the birth of oil is theory organic. She speaks of the formation of fossil from the decomposed living organisms.

For the first time, residents of the Middle East discovered oil, or rather oil bitumen, about 6 millennia BC in the territory of Mesopotamia. Collected fossil manually. It quickly found applied in construction.

The first structure that can be called an oil well was made in 347 of our era by the Chinese. For mining of black gold, bamboo stems were used. The depth of wells reached 24 meters.

According to the facts about the oil outlined by Herodot, in 3 millennia BC. She was already learned to extract from the bowels of the earth. To do this, pulled a well. A special lever "Zhuravl" was used. At one end of the mechanisms, a bag of skins was fixed and immersed it into the well. The produced liquid was overflowing into special containers, where it was listed.

Application in antiquity

Oil used mainly for construction and laying roads. Bitumen was added to the construction mixtures for a ligament. Exist historical information On the presence of similar blends in the construction of the walls of Babylon, the gardens of the Semiramides, the Great Wall of China.

Since time immemorial, people were aware of such an interesting fact about oil, like waterproof material. Thanks to this property, bitumen got widespread in the manufacture of boats and kitchen utensils. In everyday life used liquid oil for the manufacture of lamps. Such fuel was extremely rare, animal fat and oil used more often.

Ancient used weapons based on oil

In 677, the Byzantines, fighting with the Persians, launched powerful weapon Oil-based. It was represented copper pipeFrom which the flame escaped. There are more early evidence of oil use for the military goals of the Egyptians and the Chinese.

Many sources indicate the use of fuel fluid in medicine. Sumerians spoke about the benefits, in the treatment of injections and joints. Hippocrat ends them, adding prescriptions of drugs from eye diseases. Interestingly, the substance was used for embalming.

Industrial scale

First well modern type were drilled in the territory Russian Empire. The need to deepen the wells wrote in 1846 the head of the department of the Transcaucasian Territory. Two years later, in the region, the Baku did the well depth of 21 meters. In the US, such depths managed to achieve only in 1859.

In the early 60s of the 19th century, foreign geologists provide Russian colleagues the facts about the uselessness of oil production. The realities are as follows: Russia then accounted for half the world stock of strategic raw materials, which was annoying foreigners. According to some reports, the Russian authorities have imposed a ban on this "unprotected occupation." But the first oil fountain was obtained in Russia from a depth of 2000 meters, contrary to current legislation. By the beginning of the 20th century, the leading recycling of black gold is occupied by the United States.

Interestingly, the creation of the first light bulb initially had a negative impact on the development of the oil industry. However, the invention of the first gasoline cars, aircraft, the ubiquitous electrification of the cities quickly set everything into its place.

In 1914 it begins the first World War. One of its reasons is to obtain control over oil fields.

In 1969, the monument of oil discoverers in the Tataria is erected as historical testimony The fact of the construction of the first Bashkir oil tower.

Movement and Savior

Often in the media you can meet information on the consequences of oil spill of damaged steps, tankers, pipelines. This leads to the destruction of all the lives, which falls on the path of the spilled fluid. The largest ecological catastrophe occurred in 1991 in the Persian Gulf. About 4 million barrels of oil were broken.

Birds, mammals, marine fauna are under the oil film. Surprisingly, the mining of black gold saved whales from full extermination.

In the 19th century, Cachelot Fat was widely used in lighting lamps, candles, for the manufacture of medical drugs, hygiene. They covered photos and lubricated hourly mechanisms. Whale production flourished. With the advent of kerosene, the need for whale fat almost completely disappeared and the hunt was carried out on a smaller scale. Currently, fat is used only for space research.

Oil production spawned a collection of interesting facts, the origins of which are hidden in the ruins of ancient civilizations. Now, we know about this substance a little more. Scientists also have to find out exactly how oil is formed.

To evaluate what role oil plays in our lives, we recommend to familiarize the film "What will happen if oil disappears?"

Oil B. modern world is a very important resource. Without it, it is impossible to produce various goods, and war is conducted for control over the oil market. This review contains little-known and just interesting facts about oil and gas.

Chemist Thomas Midjley first put forward the idea that the addition of lead to gasoline reduces the knock in the engines. Some say that this discovery caused more damage environmentthan everything else in the world.

Prices for gasoline in the United States are two times lower than the cost of gasoline in the EU.

America gets more oil From Canada and Mexico than from all countries of the Middle East, combined.

Statoil Norwegian oil company put up for sale one of its platforms, placing the following announcement: "A well-kept platform with 20 bedrooms are sold, of which the panoramic view of the sea offers. There is also enough space for the helicopter. "

The average annual employee salary on the oil tower was about 100,000 US dollars in 2011.

During the First World War, castor oil was used in airplanes as a lubricant for the engine. Due to the fact that the remnants of the non-burnt castor oil were thrown out of the exhaust pipe, the pilots often suffered diarrhea.

The middle school of Beverly Hills in California has 19 oil wells on the territory of their campus. The school earns about 300,000 US dollars per year.

Diesel engines were named after their inventor, not fuel. In fact, one of the first diesel engines Worked on peanut butter.

The United States accounts for almost half of world oil consumption.

In Turkmenistan, each driver receives 120 free liters of gasoline per month.

Russia produces daily by about 1 million barrels of oil more than Saudi Arabia.

In 2010, London Broker Steve Perkins, being strongly suitable, accidentally acquired oil in the amount of more than 500 million US dollars. He was alone managed to lower the world oil prices up to an 8-month maximum.

According to World Organization Health, diesel fuel is more carcinogenic than cigarettes.

In Norway, one of the highest price of gasoline in the world. Reversed means are started to provide free Education and improved infrastructure.

Even if all the production of corn and soybeans in the United States focused on the release of biofuels, it would satisfy only about 10% of the demand for fuel.

From the Machine Branch of Lincard USS Arizona, which was surfed in 1941 in Pearl Harbor, to this day, seeps fuel, forming a stain on the surface of the water over the ship.

Despite the fact that the United States spent almost $ 700 billion on the war in Iraq, all oil contracts were redeemed by other countries. It became a surprise for many people, but America was almost the only country that did not benefit from Iraq's oil reserves.

From the oil pipeline in Ecuador flowed into rainforests Amazons are more petroleum than as a result of oil spill with an Exxon Valdez tanker accident on Alaska.

Since in remote areas of Australia, there was a problem with local aborigines who snapped gasoline to achieve the state of Euphoria, the OPAL brand gasoline began to be used in the country (practically deprived chemical impurities).

Drilling of oil wells includes the process of drilling well and downloading air into it. After the oil layer is achieved, the oil begins to literally fondan into the sky.

Over the past 25 years, there were almost two dozen oil spills in the United States.

Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world, which are estimated by almost 300 billion barrels. The United States takes 10th place with 33 billion barrels.

Oil has always been important for civilization. Ancient cultures used it to glue materials, as well as as a waterproofing seal.

It is no coincidence that today such useful fossil as oil is called black gold or even the "blood of modern civilization". Almost all produce from oil: from film to plastic swimming glasses. We collected 14 of the most interesting facts about oil and oil production:

1. 1. What does the word "oil" mean?

In Russian word oil came from Turkish (from the word neft.) which happened from Persian nAFT.And which in turn was borrowed from the Semitic languages. ACKADE (Assyrian) word nARTN."Oil" comes from the Semitic verb root north.with the initial meaning to "erupt, expord".

There are other versions of the value of the word oil. For example, according to some sources, the word oil occurred from the Akkadian attacks, which means "flashing, ignite", according to others, from the ancient, the NAFT meaning "something wet, liquid".

But, for example, the Chinese, the first, by the way, who drove the oil well in the 347 of AD, called and so far called oil - shi You What literally means "mountain oil".

English word petroleumWith which the Americans and the British are called crude oil, too, by the way, means "mountain oil" and happened from the Greek Petra (Mountain) and Latin Oleum (oil).

2. 2. Where did the industrial oil mining begins?

The world history of industrial oil production began in 1848 in Azerbaijan. Mention of oil production in the suburbs of Baku refers toV. century of our era. Oil here everywhere. In some places in the area, it is not even necessary for nothing to choke - oil itself forms puddles on the surface.

3. 3. Where does it come from eternal flame", Leaving the sacred mountain of Yanadarg?

Here, in the suburbs, Baku is located the most famous of volcanoes, Yanadarg, known as the burning mountain. From his subsoil comes out natural gaswhich is burning for several centuries, but the fire does not go beyond the mountain.In the air always felt a strong gas smell.Natural gas rises to cracks in rock and goes to the surface without assistance.

4. 4. How is the oil field formed?

Oil seeps into layers of crumbly sandstone or fractured limestone and can even move, absorbing into the layers, like water absorbed into the sponge. In the course geological processes Horizontal layers are twisted, and oil begins to more actively migrate on them. Due to the fact that at the depth of pressure more than on the surface, oil does not flow down, but, on the contrary, seeks to top. Finding into such a fold, oil cannot leave it. Such a structure of geologists are called a "trap of hydrocarbons", in which a huge amount of oil accumulates, forming a field. The presence of a trap is the first condition for the formation of the deposit.

5. 5. Is it true that Edwina Drake, who first suggested drilling the land in search of oil, considered crazy?

Outside of Russia, the first oil well was drilled in 1859 in the United States by Colonel Edwin Drake in the vicinity of Titusville, Pennsylvania, General Representative Seneca Oil Company. Due to attempts to apply drilling for search and oil production local residents Thought Drake crazy. In addition, Drake, according to his own statement, invented a casing, "without which no one could be drove in lowlands, where the Earth is flooded."

6. 6. When in Russia began to extract oil?

In Russia, until the middle of the XIX century, oil was mined on Absheron Peninsula From the wells, and already on July 14, 1848, in the town of Bibi-Eybat, the first oil well was drilled with a shock method using wooden rods.

In 1900, 631.1 million pounds of oil were produced in Russia, which amounted to 51.6% of the entire global oil production.At that time, oil mining was carried out in 10 countries: Russia, USA, Dutch East India, Romania, Austria-Hungary, India, Japan, Canada, Germany, Peru. At the same time, Russia and the United States were the main oil-producing countries, which in the amount accounted for more than 90% of all world oil production.

The peak of oil production in Russia fell on 1901, when 706.3 million oil pounds were mined (50.6% of world production). After that, due to the economic crisis and the fall in demand, the volume of oil production in Russia began to decline. The price of oil, which was 16 kopek in 1900. For PUD, in 1901, due to the oversupply, the proposal fell 2 times to 8 kopecks. For PUD. In 1902, the price was 7 kopecks. Behind, after which there was a tendency to restore the demand and volumes of oil production. This trend was interrupted by the revolution of 1905 accompanied by arson and the common defeat of the Baku oilfields.

7. 7. How is the exploration of oil deposits?

Lines for which oil exploration is called "Profiles." Data obtained from each profile allow you to build a cut mountain breedswhere all underground structures will be visible well. If geophysics find a "hydrocarbon trap", most likely there will be a deposit.

Most effective method Oil search - Seismic exploration. The principle of this method is similar to medical ultrasound. Doctors have a device that generates ultrasound waves, which are reflected from the tissues internal organs. A sensitive microphone catches these reflections, and the computer gives the picture. Geologists almost the same: to see the subsoil, you must first create a pulse that will reflect from underground layers. On the surface it must be caught, and then measure it to get an image of the earth's strata.

8. 8. What is a seismovibrator and how does it work?

Seismovibrator - This is a truck that is designed to excite longitudinal seismic oscillations. Their task is to create a powerful impulse that will affect the underground formations, and will be recorded by the seismic receiver. Previously, explosives used for this, but the seismicibrators are more convenient, safer and do not harm the environment.

A group of seismovibrators should move precisely along the profile on which seismic machines are installed. Every 100 m seismovibrators stop to issue a powerful vibration pulse. The support platform is lowered, lifting a 20-ton car. At this time, a signal from the seismostation comes to the driver's cabin.

The car begins to "bounce" 80 times per second. It is not noticed by the eye, but it is reflected on the ground. Each impulse is equivalent to 40 grams of TNT. It turns out that in 4 seconds in the ground goes out the total impulse with a capacity of almost 12 kg TNT! Seismizers begin to fix oscillations. Inside each seismic, there is a magnet that is squeezed by a coil with a thin wire, freely suspended on the spring. The coming wave of the heating body of the receiver together with the magnet, and the coil starts moving. The magnetic field brings in it alternating voltage repeating the shape of the oscillations. The electrical signal from the receiver is transmitted to the seismostation.

9. 9. Is it true that oil can be used to embroider the dead?

In ancient Egypt, oil was used to embroider the dead. In those days, used oil bitumen for embalming mummies and for coating boats.

10. Is it true that oil can be used as a medicine?

In 1874, the principle of production of salicylic acid from phenol was opened, and since then acetylsalicylic acid, or simply "Aspirin", became one of the most popular in the world medicines. Everyone knows that aspirin has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and painful effects. In addition, from salicylic acid, an antiseptic of phenylsalicylate is produced, used for the treatment of colitis and other gastrointestinal diseases, and para-aminoalicylic acid, used as part of anti-tuberculosis drugs.

Various oil derivatives are used in preparations that help people get rid of allergies, headaches, nervous stress or infectious diseases. Esters and alcohols are often used for the production of antibiotics.

11. What is the legend talk about the opening of the healing properties of naphthalan oil?

Interesting the legend about how they were open healing properties naphthalan oil. Many centuries ago shopping caravan walked past the place where the city of Naftalan is located today. There travelers saw numerous lakes with muddy water. They were distilled off from suspicious reservoirs of their camels, but one, the most weak and patient, allowed to get drunk and stay to die so that he was no longer tormented. On the way back, the caravangers met the abandoned satellite - the camel was completely healthy. He helped the oily liquid, which was under the mud of the water. People smeared her wounds and healed.

12. Is it true that oil can save humanity from hunger?

Oil can save humanity not only from diseases, but also from hunger. Recycling only 2% of the volume annually produced oil allows you to produce up to 25 million tons of protein. This is enough to feed 2 billion people throughout the year. This protein is used in the production of a variety of products, and replaces the animal protein, which is catastrophically lacking to meet the needs of the ever-growing population of our planet.

12. 13. Why are Saudi Sheikh so rich?

SAUDI ARAMCO - a national company leading oil production in Saudi Arabia and fully owned by the state. This company is the world's largest oil company in oil production.

Do you know how much SAUDI ARAMCO is the mining of one Barel oil?

This knows Forbes magazine. That's what he writes (in my pretty free translation):

SAUDI ARAMCO is the most profitable company on the planet. It does not fully disclose its financial performance, but in a rough approximation, its net profit is $ 200 billion a year at an annual income exceeding $ 350 billion. Last year, Ali Al-Naimi oil minister told reporters that, on average, the cost of extraction of one Barrel oil in Saudi Arabia is 2 dollars. This barrel oil for sale for $ 130. If you skip the same barrel of oil through a complex petrochemical plant, it will easily bring $ 500 of income.

For comparison: in the Russian oil company Rosneft The cost of mining of one barrel of oil averages $ 14.57. And taking into account the cost of exploration, the drilling of wells and the modernization of the refinery is already 21 dollar per barrel.

14. Why increase oil prices leads to a change in the dollar and the increase in prices for all goods?

What is the fact that the price of oil is growing? Even if she grows at times, and behind it and prices for gasoline, it would seem what ordinary person before that? You can go to work and walk or ride a bike.

And the thing is what: lived, was the dollar. For him were given 35 rubles. Thus, at the price of oil at 100 dollars per barrel, the budget of the country received conventionally 3,500 rubles. However, then the price of oil began to fall, and at the price of oil in $ 50 per barrel, the country's budget began to receive conditionally 1,750 rubles at a constant course of the ruble. Thus, the budget forms a lack of money and a shortage arises, and the ruble exchange rate is weakened to compensate for the undergoing budget. As a result, in order to obtain the same 3-conditioned 3500 rubles from 1 barrel of oil with 1 barrel, the exchange rate should be about 70 rubles per dollar. http://mirnefti.ru/index.php?id\u003d21

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3 years ago

There are several versions of the etymology of the word "oil". Some scientists believe that it happened from the Turkish "Neft", which, in turn, took the origins from the Assyrian "NARTN" - "erupted", "dear". Others argue that the word "oil" went from the Akkadian "attacks" - "flame". Third tend to lean to the ancient filth "NAFT" - "something wet". The question of the origin of the oil has only one correct answer: Billions of Planktonov dying, settle on the bottom, where covering the sludge and decaying, form a viscous mass, which under the influence of temperature and pressure becomes oil.

We present 10 facts about oil, many of which can surprise you.

1. Oil is used for more than 6000 years

People are familiar with oil from ancient times: already in Babylon used bitumen for the construction of buildings and ships. Starting from the VIII century, Gudron was used in Baghdad during the construction of roads. And in ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece Oil served as fuel for lamps and covered at home and streets.

2. Oil saved whales

In the XIX century, whale fat was used for lighting lamps, the manufacture of candles, lubrication of time mechanisms, as a protective coating of photographs and so on. Increased demand led to almost full extinction These animals. But thanks to the appearance of kerosene, obtained in the process of oil refining, the need for whale fat decreased, and whale hunting almost completely ceased, as it has lost economic benefits.

3. Once the gasoline was very cheap

Before the machines have become a popular means of movement, the target oil refining product was kerosene. Gasoline had low price And did not enjoy demand. It was used exclusively for the treatment of lice or as a solvent for cleaning the tissue from fat spots.

4. In 1901, more than half of the world oil production were mined in Russia

Indicators of oil production in Russia reached their peak in 1901 - 706.3 million poods, which amounted to 50.6% of world oil production. The price of oil due to the overaffect of demand began to decline and compared with 1900 fell 2 times - 8 kopecks per poud. After 1902, there was a tendency to restore consumption, interrupted by the revolution of 1905, accompanied by mass breaks of oilfields.

5. From oil creates the most unexpected products

Today, many products in the market are the result of oil refining. Among them: lipstick And the eyeliner for the eyes includes propylene glycol and coal resin dyes, which are incurred by polyester clothing, chewing gum made of natural latex combined with petroleum products or polyethylene and paraffin resins, nylon tights and aspirin, the production of which begins with benzene and hydrocarbon.

6. Oil is not always black

Oil is not only black, as many believe. It can be red, green, amber, blue and colorless. Its color depends on the amount, color and the character of the resinous substances contained in it. At the same time, he does not affect the quality of oil.

7. The first oil tower was set in the 4th century

Back in the 4th century AD. In China, the first oil tower was created. The Chinese used bamboo trunks as a modern drilling auger. With their help under pressure, oil was published.

8. Oil measurement unit - "Barrel"

Translated from the English Barrel is a barrel. In the USA in 1866, several entrepreneurs were united for transportation of oil and, having decided to save, began to purchase 159 liters with a volume of 159 liters for this. Such volume was considered optimal for loading in railway cars. Over time, it was approved as a total unit of measure and called Barrell.

9. Until the first pipelines, oil spilled in Burdyuki

Until pipelines appeared, oil was poured into the Burdyuki and barrels. Exported them with the help of horses, which was extremely unprofitable: the delivery cost more than the amount of oil produced. For example, in 1877, PUB oil on the Absheron fishery cost 3 kopecks, and the delivery to the distance of 12 km to the oil refining plants - 20 kopecks.

10. The largest ships in the world - oil tankers

The length of the largest ship is the Norwegian tanker Knock Nevis - 458 m, the width is 69 m. The sediment of the ship with full loading exceeds 24 m, so it cannot go through Suez, nor through Panaman canals, nor even through La Mans.