Everyone who decides to change the interior of the house will face the question: what to do with the walls? Wallpaper or bare surface is a controversial choice that will face every repairman. This article will help you choose between textures, patterns, images and scales. The original solution will be painted wallpaper that will decorate your home for two decades and will suit any interior.

Wall painting or wallpaper: what to choose?

Starting the decoration of the room, everyone thinks: what is more practical - wallpaper or painted walls?

  • The painted walls are beautiful and unusual, and the number of color schemes is limitless. They do not collect dust, they can be easily washed, and boring colors can be easily changed.
  • Wallpaper is an environmentally friendly interior design. Industrial enterprises offer customers a huge selection of patterns, drawings, ornaments. They will last longer, they are easy to hide bumps and flaws.

What to do with the walls is the choice of a repairman, because both design options have a lot of advantages and disadvantages.

What wallpaper can be painted

Modern market finishing materials offers the buyer a huge selection of wallpapers. However, not everyone is painted, some will soften, lose structure, or simply become ugly. There are four types:

Glass cloth

Made from fiberglass threads. They are connected with a paper base and are environmentally friendly. Well suited due to the relief, texture, drawings and patterns. The main advantage of glass wall papers is that they hide most of the imperfections of the wall well. They are resistant to moisture and fire, wear-resistant, so they are often used for finishing offices and other official premises.


So that the purchased material does not deteriorate and does not become a waste of money, you should make sure that it can be painted. Usually the manufacturer indicates this on the packaging. Vinyl wallpapers are two-layer, therefore they are considered resistant to moisture. There are three types of such canvases:

  • Kitchen, consisting of two layers. Durable, resistant to moisture, dust, easy to clean. They have a special relief that is well suited for tiles. This type is preferably glued in the bathroom or in the kitchen.
  • Foamed containing the same vinyl, except for PVC on the second layer. Soft, embossed, ideal for problematic walls. Withstand up to 10 procedures.
  • Flat, characterized by the thinness of the PVC layer and other materials. The surface is beautiful, textured, fine and bright. Can be painted, but the pattern will be smoothed out.


The structure of paper wallpaper is very dense, which well masks most of the defects and irregularities of the walls. Impregnation endowed them with good water resistance. Thus, they are painted several times and remain resistant to moisture.


The basis is interlining, made from compressed fiber. Vinyl is sprayed onto the non-woven base. Thanks to this, unusual drawings, patterns and ornaments are created.

How to paint wallpaper "for painting"

Pink paint on the wallpaper: a children's room or just a call from the soul?

It is worth choosing materials seriously, although it is not difficult. Found on the market great amount paint materials. Most of them fully meet all the needs of customers, because they are different, and what to paint with is an individual decision. Materials must be environmentally friendly, resistant to direct sunlight and other damage, moisture resistant, shiny and quick-drying.

Paint selection

When buying, you should pay attention to many factors and features, from the base to the room.
Each wallpaper base must be painted with its own paint:

  • Paper rolls are painted with water-based paint.
  • Painting interlining is preferably painted with water-dispersion.
  • The use of latex or acrylic paint recommended for glass fiber.
  • Linkrust - liquid oil, acrylic and wax paste.

It is worth noting that it is recommended to use acrylic or latex for the bathroom or kitchen, as they wash well, do not be afraid of steam. open spaces with big amount light also prefer latex, which does not fade due to sunlight. Paints differ in their light reflectance. The market highlights matte, glossy, satin, semi-gloss.

Tools for self-painting are brushes, trays and masking tapes, but the main tool is a roller, because the quality of all work depends on it. The ideal option is a roller with a fur coat. Its long pile will cope well with the relief. Foam rollers are not suitable, as bubbles appear. Narrow rollers are used for high-quality painting of corners.

How to paint wallpaper "for painting"

There are many ways to paint your own. With a relief pattern or a homogeneous structure, "paint from the outside. Thus, the shade will become uniform.
To get a more embossed image, paint with a more saturated color from the inside. It is worth painting only before the gluing process itself.

Painting wallpaper for painting in two or more colors

Wallpaper painted in several colors

To create an interesting and original interior, it is worth considering the possibility of painting in several colors. Usually similar shades are combined (for example, beige and pink) and contrasting (for example, light and bright). A smooth transition between colors is created by gradient coloring. The use of borders, moldings, wallpaper tapes is necessary to separate shades.

  • Before starting work, it is necessary to remove all small objects and things, and wrap the furniture and floor with a film.
  • Those areas that are not painted are hidden with masking tape.
  • Brushes and rollers must be wetted evenly, the appearance of drops must be prevented.
  • For even coverage, it is recommended to use a spray gun.
  • Matte paint will hide almost all surface flaws.
  • Light and white tones are considered popular shades.

If you like to change the interior of the room often, but do not want to re-paste the wallpaper, then buying wallpaper for painting will be an excellent choice. They can be repainted up to ten times without losing their original color. appearance. The work itself is very simple and does not take much time. Next, we will tell you in detail how to paint the wallpaper, and which dye is better to choose.

Wallpaper selection

There is a wallpaper created specifically for painting. They are durable and capable of providing up to ten repainting cycles. These include:

  • non-woven;
  • paper;
  • fiberglass wallpaper.

All of them are very easy to stick to the walls. The cheapest option would be to choose a paper web, but it is very poorly protected from moisture. The best acquisition can be considered non-woven or fiberglass. They will be able to hide minor surface defects and provide good protection from bacteria.

Of course, you can also paint ordinary wallpaper, but remember that the result can be unpredictable. If the slightest mistake is made, the material will lose its original appearance, the repair will have to be redone and new wallpaper glued.

How to glue wallpaper

The process is no different from the usual. Be sure to treat the walls with a primer before moving on to pasting. As a primer, you can use wallpaper paste diluted with water.

To properly glue the wallpaper, you must follow the basic rules:


Required Tools

Before you start painting wallpaper for painting, the first step is to prepare the tools for the job. It is necessary that they are always at hand, because sometimes you need to act quickly. So, you will need:

  • brush, for applying paint;
  • roller;
  • colorants to make the desired color;
  • container to dilute the paint;
  • ladder.

We do not recommend saving on tools, because the quality will depend on them. Special attention turn to the roller. It is advisable to buy it with an elongated pile, this will help to easily paint the wallpaper below. In order to paint the corner correctly, you can use a narrow brush.

What paint to buy

The choice of paint is a very important task. On his right choice There are a lot of factors to take into account when buying. The main thing to remember is that the paint should lay down in an even layer and not leave streaks on the wall. Many sellers try to cheat by diluting the paint with water, so check your purchase before paying. There are such types of dyes:

For non-woven wallpaper, we recommend using water-based paint, but for painting with inside it is better to use acrylic solution. Vinyl wallpapers will do just fine with any paint, but since such material has different strength indicators, we advise you to consult with the seller. Paper wallpapers are also universal; any dye is suitable for their decoration. But fiberglass surfaces are best painted with dispersion paint. After the choice has been made, it will be possible to proceed to the main work.

Paint application

Before proceeding, be sure to read the instructions on the paint package. The paint on the wallpaper is applied in two layers, and the second is applied only after the first has completely dried. It is advisable not to pause in the work, but if you had to stop, clean the wallpaper from dust or other contaminants before resuming. To avoid streaks, try to apply the paint evenly on the roller.

You can start painting the wallpaper from the corners using a brush. You need to paint the wallpaper along the wet edge, while it has not yet had time to dry. Before switching to an adjacent wall, first fully process the current one. Depending on the area of ​​the wall and wallpaper, use different tools.

If the paint on the roller dries, be sure to change the fur coat. Also, do not forget to periodically dip the roller in water to rid it of small particles of dust and other contaminants. To apply relief patterns, use a special velor roller.

After you paint all areas of the wallpaper, be sure to treat them with acrylic varnish. This will protect the surface from bacteria and moisture. Remember that it is not necessary to paint under painting. In case you decide to refuse painting, just treat it with a colorless varnish. To understand the process of painting wallpaper in as much detail as possible, be sure to watch the following video:

Which color is better to choose

Choosing a color is no less important than gluing or painting. The interior of the room and the mood that it will convey depend on it. If you couldn’t find the right color in the store, you can create the necessary shade at home by applying colorants.

The color should be selected based on the characteristics of the room in which the renovation is planned. You need to pay attention to lighting, temperature and degree of pollution. For example, for the kitchen you can buy dark colors because they don't show the dirt. For a teenager's room, it is better to choose light colors so that he always has good mood. For the living room and hallway, it is also better to choose bright colors or you can choose a shade for the furniture that is installed.

Do not forget that during operation the shade may change slightly. Also, after drying, the dye tends to slightly change its palette. If you find it difficult to choose the right color yourself, you can consult with the seller or a professional designer.


Painting wallpaper is basically a simple task. The main thing is to follow the basic rules and in no case do not rush. You also need to choose the right wallpaper and paint themselves. Remember that with this finish you can easily update the repair. This method can be used both in private homes and in public institutions so as not to spend large sums on repairs. To learn more about how to paint wallpaper for painting, you can watch the following video:

If you have wallpaper pasted on the walls that have been painted with water-based paint, then when carrying out repair work, similar wallpapers can be painted in the same or a different color, thereby updating them. However, not everyone knows exactly how to repaint wallpaper for painting, what preparatory procedures need to be carried out, etc. Let's try to understand these issues in this article.

We evaluate whether it is possible to repaint

Initially, you need to evaluate how the wallpaper is held on the wall.

If the adhesion of the canvas to the surface is damaged in many places, most likely the result will disappoint you after painting.

On embossed wallpaper with a pattern, you should pay attention to the "shading" of the pattern, because with each new layer of paint, the voids in the canvas are filled with it and, over time, the pattern may not stand out at all. In such cases, with more probability, we can say that such wallpaper should not be repainted, but it is necessary to replace them with new ones.

In embossed wallpapers, painted several times, the pattern is lost and it is advisable to re-paste them.

How to repaint wallpaper in a different color without streaks

  1. Before repainting the wallpaper for painting, it is necessary to clean them of dirt with a vacuum cleaner or wet clean them and wait for the surface to dry completely.
  2. It is necessary to protect the floor, windows and other objects that cannot be removed from the room where the work will be carried out from possible ingress of paint. Use newspapers, polyethylene, etc. for this.
  3. Then acrylic or latex paint is purchased, if necessary, color is added to it to give it the desired color, in this case, care must be taken to prepare a sufficient amount of paint to carry out work in the entire room, because. re-prepare the paint with the same shade will not work.
  4. The paint is poured into a paint bath, into which a long-haired roller is dipped. When painting, the paint is carefully leveled over the surface with up and down movements, while the roller shifts slightly to the side with each movement.

Do not get close to the edge of the surface with the roller, so as not to stain the ceiling, fillets, etc. In these places, we will repaint the wallpaper with a brush, if necessary, covering the fillets or the ceiling with a wide metal spatula so as not to stain them.

It is important that the brushing of the border areas must be done before the main paint dries!

The fact is that otherwise, in this place, where you apply another layer to the dried paint with a brush, it will be the second layer and a more saturated stand-out area will form, which cannot be painted over later.

If after applying the first layer of paint, it was not possible to achieve the desired result, you must wait for it to dry completely and apply another layer or several.

As a general rule, paint should be applied to a completely dry surface.

How to repaint dark wallpaper in a light tone without streaks?

If you already have wallpaper pasted and painted in a dark color, but you want to repaint it into something light, then you can do without re-pasting the wallpaper. Depending on the degree of darkness of the old paintwork, at least two coats of white paint should be evenly applied.

To avoid streaks, carefully follow the movements of the roller, roll the same amount of paint over the entire area to be painted.

Do not try to get rid of the manifestation of old paint the first time.

Even after the second application, translucence of dark wallpaper is possible. Of course, between overlays of white paint, you must wait until it dries completely. Having received a uniform light color, proceed to painting with your chosen new light tone color.

If the old wallpaper has a shallow textured pattern, then repeated painting with white before another color will smooth it out, and make it less expressive!

Keep this in mind when deciding to repaint. If your old wallpaper color was very dark, and you want to repaint it in a very light one, then most likely several layers of white paint will flood the stamping of the pattern until it completely disappears.

Now that you know how to repaint wallpaper for painting, you can easily update the interior of your living space at any time.

Video: do-it-yourself painting process

Watch a short video that clearly demonstrates the process of painting wallpaper:

Video: 9 mistakes that should not be made

It will also be useful to familiarize yourself with the main mistakes when painting wallpaper:

How and how to paint non-woven wallpaper

Many owners of houses and apartments sometimes have a desire to change the color of the walls. Of course, the most radical option is sticking new wallpaper but it takes a lot of time and financial resources. If at one time you preferred non-woven wallpaper, then more the best option is their color.

Of course, this operation also has some nuances that you need to know. Therefore, next we will consider − how and what paint to paint non-woven wallpaper. After reading this article, you probably will not have problems with painting.

What wallpaper can be painted

First of all, it should be said that there are special non-woven wallpaper for painting. As a rule, they are white, or have a solid color. However, this does not mean that colored non-woven fabrics, not originally intended for dyeing, cannot be dyed in a different color.

Most often, home craftsmen are confused by the type of material, for example, non-woven fabrics topped with vinyl. However, there is no need to worry about this how to paint non-woven vinyl wallpaper is also possible. The only thing is that the canvases must be glued with high quality. Sometimes novice home craftsmen try to glue them with ordinary wallpaper paste, but this is a serious mistake, because glue non-woven wallpaper for painting follows a special technology with special glue. Otherwise, they may simply not withstand the painting process and fall off.

However, in any case, before proceeding with the decoration of the walls, it is advisable to apply paint on a small piece. non-woven fabric, which probably remained after the repair. IN last resort, you can move a closet or other furniture and paint a small section of the wall, which, in case failed experiment, can be hidden.

This way, you can know in advance how the paint will take and how the coating will look.

Paint selection

Now let's take a closer look, what paint to choose for non-woven wallpaper. It should be said right away that the choice of dyes is especially small - they must all be water-dispersion.

These types of coatings include the following compositions:

  • latex;
  • Acrylic;
  • Water emulsion.

Latex mixtures are a good option, however, their price is quite high, so it is better to opt for acrylic mixtures. Also, you can use a regular water emulsion, but in this case you need to pay attention that it does not include a solvent and harmful components.

It is best to buy paintwork with water-repellent properties.

This will allow you to wash the surface of the walls, which may be needed in a couple of years.

Coloring technology

ground preparation

Before how to paint non-woven vinyl wallpaper or simply non-woven fabrics need to prepare the surface. This procedure consists in cleaning the walls of dust or other contaminants, if any. In addition, the surface must be degreased.

This procedure cannot be ignored, since the paint will not adhere to a poorly prepared base. Accordingly, there is no need to talk about some kind of quality in this case.


Usually, apply paint on non-woven base up to six times.


Do your own painting You can use a roller, brush or spray gun. Next, we will consider how this procedure is carried out using a wall paint roller, since this method is most often used.


If the canvases were glued recently, then you can start painting only after they are completely dry.

So, wall painting instructions treated with non-woven or vinyl sheets, is as follows:

  • First of all, the water-dispersion composition is poured into a special plastic tray and the roller is unfolded in it until it picks up the paint composition.
  • After that, the paint should be squeezed out a little by running the roller over a special area in the tray.
  • Then the composition is applied to the walls. It is best to perform this procedure from top to bottom, however, fundamental differences this is not. Rolling the roller, you need to evenly distribute the coating on the wall, avoiding smudges.
  • In this way, the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls is evenly covered. It is unlikely that it will be possible to perform the procedure qualitatively the first time. Therefore, the coating is usually applied in two layers. It is possible to apply paint again only after the first layer has dried.
  • If a bubble of paint appeared on the wall during work, then it must be pierced and this place painted over.
  • After processing the main part of the walls, attention should be paid to the junction of the treated walls and ceiling, as well as the corners. Hard-to-reach places are more convenient to handle with a brush. In this case, the skirting boards must first be pasted over with masking tape to protect them from paint ingress.
  • Advice! It is best to paint with a foam or long pile roller.

It is such a tool that is able to properly cover the relief surface of the walls with the composition.

Here, perhaps, are all the main nuances, how to paint non-woven wallpaper. If in the future you decide to repaint the walls, then new composition can be applied over the old.


Painting non-woven wallpaper does not require any special knowledge or skills. Even an inexperienced master simply needs to get acquainted with the technology in order to perform this work with high quality.

The main thing is to choose the right paint and first make sure that it fits your wallpaper.

non-woven wallpaper photo in the interior