Are you buying a new house or apartment and want to invite guests to show your new home and celebrate housewarming? If this is your first new home, you may not have hosted a housewarming party before and don't know where to start. A housewarming party can be fun and fun, at a reasonable cost, if the party is organized responsibly.


Part 1

Party Planning

    Make a guest list. Start compiling a guest list before sending out invitations. Don't forget to include friends, family members, co-workers you want to invite to the housewarming party on your invite list.

    Choose a date. Do not gather guests immediately after the move, because you need to unpack things, tidy up and decorate your home, but you should not delay the housewarming celebration either.

    Send out invitations. Invitations to most parties must be sent out at least 2 weeks before the event. If the party is for a close circle of friends, you can invite friends a little later.

    Plan snacks. It's common for housewarming parties to set up a buffet table so that guests can look around your house without looking up for snacks.

    If the budget allows, order catering. You can avoid some of the hassle of organizing a party by hiring professionals to prepare the food. Make sure you know how to serve the ordered food and that you can pick it up on time or have it delivered on the day of the party.

    Consider what kind of drinks you will be serving. Review the guest list and consider what drinks you will be serving based on your guests' preferences. If you are submitting alcoholic drinks, do not forget to prepare and a selection of soft drinks.

    Part 2

    Home preparation
    1. Unpack the boxes. Make sure your home is ready for guests to visit. If you don't have time to unpack all the boxes, at least tidy up the areas where guests will be: kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom.

      • Hide unpacked boxes in a pantry or stack them neatly in a corner.
      • Remember that during housewarming parties, guests like to look around all the rooms, so if some rooms are not yet ready for public viewing, they should still be in order.
    2. Decorate the house. Even if people understand that your home may not be 100% perfect in every corner, still make every effort to hang some decorations around the house. Absolutely bare walls make the house uncomfortable and inhospitable, so some paintings and decorations will give your home a completely different look.

      • Be practical while decorating the house. If you know that guests with small children will come to you, do not place breakable jewelry in their reach.
      • Make sure all your furniture is well-assembled and all hooks are securely screwed on so none of your guests get hurt.
    3. Do the finishing touches. Candles, a selection of good music, pleasant little things will make a favorable impression on your guests, and they will have pleasant memories of your new home.

      Get yourself in order. Even though guests will look at your home, you, as the hostess, also need to look good. Wear comfortable but smart clothes. If you have to cook, wear an apron so you don't stain your outfit.

      Keep pets in a safe place. Even if your pets are friendly, large group people can become a real stress for them. Lock the animals in a separate room (remember to leave them food and fresh water) until guests arrive. This will protect your new home from additional dirt, avoid problems with guests who are allergic to animal hair, and make the animals feel more comfortable.

    Part 3

    Communication with guests

      Greet your guests in person. Even if you have a lot to do, you should personally meet and greet each guest, and not entrust it to other guests. A warm welcome will be their first impression of your home and will set the tone for the whole party.

      Offer drinks to guests. When a guest arrives, give him a drink. List the drinks you can offer. If the guest refuses, show him where the drinks are and offer to pour himself when he wants.

    1. Guide the guest around the house. You may want to wait until a group of several people has gathered, so you will show them the house, and not lead individual tours. Guests like to look into all the rooms of the new house, even into the pantry and closet.

      • If some rooms are not ready, ask guests for advice on how they would advise organizing the space. Firstly, it will distract guests from unopened boxes, and secondly, it will give guests the opportunity to help you.
      • Feel free to ask guests not to peek into certain rooms. After all, this is your home, you don't have to show your guests every corner of it.

Buying a new home these days is an event comparable to the birth of a child or a wedding. I want to celebrate the housewarming with all my heart, so that the guests are delighted, and new friends are added. It is clear that after the purchase or rent of new housing there is almost no money, but it is real to arrange a magnificent holiday.

Housewarming etiquette and traditions

The rules of good manners include getting to know your neighbors, European customs advise you to bake something for tea or purchase delicacies in cooking, you can also stock up on a bottle of wine. Gatherings should not develop into folk festival. Humility and sincerity- key concepts of dating.

But before this special moment, there must be an acquaintance with the house itself. Housewarming signs say that it begins with the move. Garbage from the old house is thrown away, and the brownie is welcomed: 3 days before departure, milk or porridge is left in the saucer, and on the last night they open travel bag. The next morning, they take her and the broom with them so that the good spirit moves to a new room.

But the signs associated with housewarming do not end there:

  1. It is believed that the priest, or the eldest member of the family, should be the first to enter the house or apartment to bless the room.
  2. In some regions of Russia, Ukraine, it is customary to let a cat or a rooster in. Animals must spend the night. Chickens among the Slavs - a symbol of nepotism, bring good luck in household chores. And the cat pointed to the place where you need to put beds, where there is positive energy.
  3. It is necessary to celebrate housewarming so that a fire burns in the furnace. You can light candles. Living light helps to get rid of the negativity left by past owners.
  4. If housing was built independently, they chose a place where a tree was planted in advance.

If it developed rapidly and grew with a lush crown, it was believed that the soil here was fertile. From the land where there were burnt houses, trees with traces of lightning strikes, near cemeteries, nothing good was expected.

The tradition of baking is considered interesting family pie. The whole family gathered at the housewarming party for the first gala dinner, no guests were invited.

The mistress of the house baked a pie - with apples, cranberries, pears - and added spice. Blonde women - vanilla, brunettes and brown-haired women - cinnamon. A prayer was read over the delicacy, the cake was cut so that each member of the family ate a piece.

It was believed that their relationship would be strong and friendly. The recipe became family, and the cake was prepared in special occasions and further - at random.

Protect. How to hang a horseshoe correctly?

Crossing the threshold of housing, they are convinced in advance that all communications are working: gas, water, electrical. Not only the rules of Feng Shui insist on this, but also common sense. This is the main covenant of well-being. Next up are the arrangements.

Each tradition, housewarming customs are aimed at creating a favorable aura. To do this, use a simple table salt or Thursday, calcined in a dry frying pan. They fall asleep under the rug at front door from uninvited guests.

An icon is hung over the entrance Mother of God"Seven-shot" or old Slavic amulet- a horseshoe.

How to hang a horseshoe correctly? It resembles a full bowl of prosperity and good luck; inside the house it is necessary to fix it with the horns up. From the side of the street, a horseshoe is hung with its horns down; in this position, it protects the home from evil spirits and the evil eye.

The consecration of housing during the housewarming period is carried out not only by the servant of the temple. First day in a new place wash the floor with the addition Epiphany water . Then clockwise go around the corners of the rooms with a lit candle from the church, reading the prayer "Our Father".

Home flowers that improve relations between households will be excellent housewarming charms. These are geranium, violet - a flower of peace and eternal devotion, in a pair they acquire a plant with red flowers - anthurium (male happiness) and with white ones - spathiphyllum (female happiness), ficus. It is better to refrain from liana-like, hanging, with needles for the time being - they carry windiness, cold.

Acquaintance with the brownie

Who should be invited to a housewarming party is the owner of the house. They remember that the habit of whistling, swearing, sweeping up and making rubbish out of the house after sunset will have to be abandoned.

Who is Domovichok, history does not agree on one opinion. According to one version, this is the soul of a deceased ancestor, called to serve the Family. According to another, the spirit of the dwelling, which has remained in the memory of the Slavs since pre-Christian times. The best amulet for him is a cat. Moreover, not all fluffy guests can linger in the house, it happens that some suits are out of court, others, on the contrary, live a long time and keep comfort in the family.

Sometimes touching, sometimes funny at a housewarming party, handmade items become. But always relevant:

  • Symbols of brownies - in the form of fridge magnets, dolls, coils (home-made rag, thread or straw toys without a face).
  • Pins attached to the back of clothes, curtains, inside window frames.
  • Bags with embroidery, salt, bay leaves, coins are placed inside - and hidden from unfriendly guests.

Superstitions and signs about housewarming also insist on the presence of curtains in the house that will protect the household from evil eyes.

However, the guarantee that life in a new home will be successful is not at all folk speculation, but simple rules of family behavior: to be friendly and restrained. Excessive frankness and gloom will provoke envy and anger.

Cat in the house!

It’s great if the animal itself nailed to the owners - they don’t kick it out, but consider it a good sign. But remember that a pet cannot be offended and starved. The brownie can take revenge.

If we are talking about the private sector, it is better to get a simple, non-pedigreed cat. He is more resistant to disease.

If a housewarming is planned in an apartment, choose an animal at your discretion. But they take into account the rules of the toilet, special nutrition and solving issues with molting. It’s impossible to say how Brownie is, but it will not be easy for tenants sneezing from excess wool with fluffy cats.

Duck be healthy, live richly!

Improve financial condition allow simple tips. So, they don’t give neighbors a loan after sunset, they don’t pass anything over the threshold, and also in eat a bag of bay leaves at the entrance above the door. Tie it up with red thread.

Also to increase the state put the house broom upside down, and after leaving the apartment of one of the relatives, they don’t take out dirty linen and don’t wash the floor. But the crumbs from the dinner table after the housewarming celebration are cleaned with a cloth and given to be eaten by pets - this is to prosperity. By the way, crumbs are never swept away by hand or paper napkins at all - this is at a loss.

Celebrate housewarming

Housewarming is easy to organize with your own hands, without contacting event agencies. They think in advance everything related to three aspects: venue, food and entertainment.

If the dwelling is equipped for the arrival of guests, you can stop at a diffused light, gather everyone at one table, take a tour of square meters and let you enjoy a walk in the yard.

IN warm time of the year, the emphasis of the event is on nature, if it is a private house. The apartment collects guests on the loggia, balcony, if any.

Features of the arrangement of the reception area:

  1. they are invited to a housewarming party even when the apartment still needs to be renovated. The owners find the most equipped corner, highlight it with light (with a lampshade, lamp, candles), decorate sofas or chairs around the table with bright sofadecks - and a separate zone is ready.
  2. Have a housewarming party in the form of a disco - great idea. They prepare a bar counter or a high table, snacks, free up an impromptu dance floor and think through the music. Guests will have a pleasant time, and the hosts will not have to stand at the stove for a long time.
  3. A comic housewarming party can also be held on the floor, where in the center there will be a carpet with pillows, a samovar and sweets. At the request of the guests, they play outdoor games.

Inviting guests

Asking to visit different ways. They make a phone call, send an SMS or a message through, invite them personally, in particular neighbors. You can give them small business cards at the meeting, where the names and contact numbers of new residents will be indicated. Just let the invitations not be made in the official style, they still invite you to visit, and not to the court session.

Ideas for housewarming contests and games

Competitions for the expected housewarming are not always appropriate. If acquaintance with neighbors is only planned, the invited guests are older people, it is better to refuse fun activities. Such a company will find a thousand advantages of simply spending time with the owners. Heart-to-heart communication, the opportunity to share plans, recipes for homemade baking - there will be no tension in the dialogues.

However, the housewarming script must include entertainment elements if the guests are young. active people or come with children. In this case, housewarming games are most relevant. You can play the authors of ditties, coming up with lines for the proposed rhymes about housing. Why not come up with the best toast about the hosts or the house, hold a competition for the best salad name, cut out a big paper key and write wishes on it?

Cool housewarming scenarios can duplicate contests or weddings.

  • From the guests, you can choose couples, make a blindfolded man go through a labyrinth of bottles, and ask a woman to help him with advice.
  • Dancing blindfolded and removing clothespins from a partner will also add variety to a languid evening.
  • Family relay races with bag jumps, carry raw egg in a spoon, too, no one canceled.

The main thing in such an evening is to create a relaxing atmosphere.

Menu: food served!

The housewarming menu is thought out in advance, a list of products is made. In the old days, it was believed that a friendly team led by neighbors could celebrate the housewarming as best as possible. A common table was being prepared, but from the products that the guests brought with them: eggs, flour, butter, poppy seeds, sugar, milk. Women immediately discussed pressing problems and baked pies or cooked dumplings.

And today, a housewarming table does not require huge expenses and the slaughter of lambs. It is enough to bake a bulk “lazy” pie for guests, it is possible with 2 types of fillings - fish or cabbage and fruits or berries.

Vegetable salads, hot sandwiches (albeit custom-made), beer or wine, tea - that's all that is required for guests. But contests or just a sincere conversation will help to make a fun housewarming party.

New neighbors - future friends

To organize a housewarming party in accordance with all the rules, guests from neighboring houses or apartments are always invited. Acquaintance at the laid table in the company of friendly people is the key to happiness. In the process of communication, over a cup of tea, people open up faster. Perhaps, as yet unfamiliar neighbors will become best friends.

At the moment of parting, the hosts give the guests sweet buns with sugar, cakes with good fortune-telling wishes, sweets or personalized gingerbread.

They can be ordered at the bakery, having previously learned all the names of the guests. It will be an original housewarming season, seasoned with mood, openness, sincerity. The main thing is not so much to talk about yourself, but to listen to what the guests are talking about, because it is not known who is more worried about the new neighborhood. And getting good neighbors is the best housewarming bonus!

We came to the housewarming
View YOUR possessions -
Accept honest people!
Here are the mansions, so the mansions,
All that is needed for the soul:
Kitchen, bathroom with toilet,
Well, the rooms at the same time -
If you want - stand, and if you like - dance!
At least roll on them sideways
With a turn and with a jump -
Who can't forbid
Is it luxurious for you to live here?
To keep the doors from breaking
And the floors didn't dry out
Soap bath, cook oven,
To keep the apartment warm.
Well, good hostess,
Fill our glasses.
A cup of good wine
Let's drink, brothers, we are to the bottom.
Scene "Brownie Nafanya"
The guests say that there are no houses without a brownie and ask the owners if they met their brownie.
One of the guests slowly dresses up as Domovoi (we will need an old padded jacket and a hat with earflaps) and comes out with congratulations.
Let me introduce myself,
To please you!
I am a brownie by profession,
I understand the economic process.
Who will take me into account
He will ride like cheese in butter!
In order not to engage in rubbish,
I will tell you the rules of conduct:
Chur, do not turn on loud music,
Don't bang your heels on the floor
Do not come home after midnight
Don't wake old Nafanya
Don't splash around in the bathroom
Do not get involved in breaking dishes!
And if you behave well, Nafanya won't bother you! I’m actually a kind, hospitable brownie, here’s bread and salt I brought you!
Nafanya takes out the roll. A key is baked in a kalache. They cut the kalach, and the one of the guests who gets the piece with the key (it is necessary to warn them to bite off carefully, because the kalach is with a secret) receives the title of the most welcome guest in this house. And if the key is caught by the owner or mistress, then he (she) is appointed from now on as the head of the family and home for life.
Nafanya: Well, master and hostess, will you obey me and be friends with me? The owners are responsible.
Nafanya: Then I propose to treat Nafanya with a glass to intermarry! And if you treat me well, then I will share with you folk "Feng Shui" secrets.
Feng Shui from Nafani
Nafanya introduces the owners to folk omens relating to prosperity and happiness in the house, supplying them with their comments.
■ Keep the broom only with the broom up, so as not to “sweep” wealth (or better buy a vacuum cleaner and not tempt fate!).
■ Matryoshka is a talisman against uninvited guests, the evil eye, illness and family quarrels(and the roly-poly is a talisman, guess for yourself from what!).
■ You can't eat or drink from crockery with cracks and chips, you can't keep such crockery in the house (it's generally ugly).
■ Fur skins attract good luck and wealth (husband, buy your wife a new fur skin, preferably mink!).
■ It is good to keep money under the tablecloth (now I will know where your money is!).
■ You can't put a drunk bottle on the table (we finish our drink and go for the next one)!
A toast is raised to the brownie and friendship with him. Guests suggest checking whether the floors in the new apartment are strong. There is a dance break.
Board game "Don't laugh"
One of those sitting at the table starts the game, the rest repeat the movements after him. For example: put your hand on the neighbor's shoulder; then touch the neighbor's nose, etc. The main thing is not to laugh. Whoever laughs, he drops out and goes to the “penalty sofa”. At the end of the game, the penalty boxers perform some funny task together.
Game "Builders"
The leader says that a real man must, as you know, build a house, plant a tree and raise a son in his life. The guests count how many of the men present have built houses, planted trees and how many children in their lives. The winner is determined.
The game "Yourself karaoke"
A competition is announced for knowledge of songs about the house, apartment and everything related to housing. One of the guests remembers the song, the rest pick up. Awarded to those who know the most a large number of songs and the most sincerely singing.
Hint - songs about home:
"Weather forecast" ("Weather in the house") from the repertoire of Larisa Dolina.
"Parent's House" from the repertoire of Lev Leshchenko.
"Under the roof of your house" from the repertoire of Yuri Antonov.
"My love is on the fifth floor" from the repertoire of gr. "Secret".
"Grass near the house" from the repertoire of gr. "Earthlings".
"No one will be in the house ..." from the TV movie "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!".
“So far, everyone is at home” from the TV show of the same name.
If the company does not like to sing, you can arrange a similar contest of proverbs and sayings.
Home Proverbs:
Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.
The hut is red with corners, and the wife with pies.
Houses and walls help.
My home is my castle.
Without an owner, a house is an orphan.
In crowded but not mad!
Every house has its own skeleton in the closet.
Do not go to someone else's monastery with your charter.
Not at home: sat - you will not leave.
Toast "on the road"
Not a hut on chicken legs,
Not a hut, where with a sweet paradise -
Your new home
Invited us to "tea"!
And under this "glass of tea"
We wish you friends
Live without problems
It's like being in a king's castle!

(On the eve of the holiday, an invitation is sent to all guests.)


We are not bored in the new house.
For sweet tea cake
We invite all guests.
Come visit us soon!

(Guests gather all together near the owners' apartment, knock on the door).

Have you invited guests?
From all nearby parishes.
So welcome,
Welcome with bread and salt.

(Guests go into the apartment, inspect it. At the invitation of the owners, they sit down at the table).

Everyone has fun in their hearts now
After all, we came to the housewarming party.
And happy on this day and hour
Congratulations on the update here.
Your apartment is good.
Let's wash the walls, slowly:
We fill the glasses together
And now we proclaim a toast.
(Guests fill glasses).

It's good that this day has come
We raise this glass
For light and warmth
Your house has always been rich.
Let the money run
Let the shangs bake
Let the fish pie on the table...
Let the guests laugh
Let the guests get drunk
Joy and happiness to your family.
(Guests drink.)

Having examined your new apartment, we decided to immediately sign the acceptance certificate. I hope that the members of the commission can name not very flattering adjectives-epithets related to this dwelling. So please!

(The presenter fills in the gap in a pre-prepared postcard with text. 31 adjectives must be entered).

The act of acceptance of the house No. ... down the street ...

So let's start from the beginning. We approached... house number... along the street... We went into the first... apartment that came across on the way. Hanging on one hinge is ... a door. With a threat to life, we nevertheless entered this ... apartment, leaving our shoes in the spilled tar. And what do we see? ... the hostess in a circle of some ... guests huddles in the only whole corner. "Don't breathe deeply," - these ... wallpapers will peel off, - the ... hostess told us. But it was too late. ... members of the commission selflessly tried to get out from under the former ... wallpaper. The hostess, of course, remembering ... the builders ... in a word, gave us a little of her ... attention, led us through ... the rooms, showed ... the kitchen. We were in ... the bathroom. ... the plaster barely adhered to ... the walls, ... the wallpaper hung in torn ... shreds, there were ... smudges everywhere, and something was pulling from the bathroom ... It burst ... a pipe. "Save yourself, who can!" - shouted one of the ... guests. We rushed out into the... street. When they wanted to slam the door behind them, they heard the voice of the hostess and the screams of the commission members. "Don't touch, they'll fall off completely!" All the cries were drowned out by a terrible ... crackling, the ego collapsed, finally, the ceiling. Happy housewarming, dear... friends.


(The postcard will be given to the owners).

Guests, mind you, raising a toast,
That all friends have gathered here.
We will wash the apartment cup by cup.
The more toasts we have, the merrier.
Therefore, we will fill the glasses in full,
So that they only go uphill with the owners of the business!
(Guests drink).

Since everyone got acquainted with the apartment,
Gifts to give, I hope you are in the mood.
(They give the owners soft toys or souvenirs).

We give you a puppy with a bow, He will guard the house.
And together with him cat To sit by the window
And the owners were all waiting,
Without them, I wouldn't be able to eat.
Here is a flower for you in a large pot, It is an ornament for an apartment,
And if you need a friend
He will cheer you up.

Dear guests!
The question arises here: "Well, what if we seriously now congratulate the owners on the housewarming
And leave something for them to remember?
I think you agreed, friends,
What main gift it's time to give us.

Gift giving options

1. We wanted to housewarming
You buy a big thing,
And then decided easier -
Give you money.
You will decide for yourself
What do you buy with them.
(Presenting an envelope with money.)

2. Here is a set of different items,
In every case trouble-free.
After all, without them, as without water,
And not there and not here.
(For example, kitchen utensils).

3. We give you a flying carpet,
To fly around the apartment.
And if there is a need for another,
He will be glad to serve on that.
(Handing over the carpet.)

For much needed gifts
We'll pour all the glasses now!
(Guests drink.)

They say there is no life
If there is no brownie in the house.
Let him stay with you
Removes damage from the house, the evil eye.
(The door to the room opens, the brownie settles in.)

What made a noise?
After all, I'm already here.
I have chosen a place for myself, my friends.
I will now live in a new apartment,
One that you won't find anywhere else in the world.
You will have to make friends with the owner.
I promise the hostess not to beat the krinki.
Feed me more food.
Then no trouble will happen.
And now you accept a horseshoe as a gift,
Believe in luck. Appreciate the brownie!
(The brownie hands the horseshoe to the owners, leaves the room).

Well, here we met the first inhabitants of this house. I wonder who else inhabits it? It's not in vain that they say "you don't buy a house, you buy a neighbor." Therefore, having come to the housewarming party, we sincerely wish you, dear hosts, good neighbors. They will help with advice, and they will lend money, and they will look after the apartment, invite them to visit, or even ask for a holiday themselves.
(Knock on the door).

Have you heard loud noises now?
The neighbors must be knocking on that door.
(The knock is repeated, grandma and grandpa enter, sing ditties, dance.)

We are your neighbors on the right
Came to meet
Somehow hobbled
The door was found by touch.
We barely heard a noise
The whole house is shaking.

It's in your apartment
Have fun peacefully?
Allow me to dance.
Let me stomp
Is it in this house
Are the floorboards cracked?

Well, hostess, do not regret wine today,
Pour all the guests a full glass,
So that they sing and dance merrily
And your housewarming party was still remembered for a long time
. (Guests drink. Take turns performing ditties).


And our parquet is good,
Fir-trees creep.
How do you go through the plank
They all move.

The cases are worth what you need,
There's just one annoyance:
To find a way to them
You need to get on an all-terrain vehicle.

The door is dry, so what,
This also makes sense:
Can drop newspapers
The postman is in these cracks.

Settled in housewarming
Jokes, laughter vying.
Suddenly the wallpaper peeled off,
And they covered everyone.

The proverb says:
With a sweet paradise and in a hut.
And the apartment is in a new house,
Well, who doesn't like it.

They told me to get married
To thin, but small,
The ceilings are low now
And the parquet is shabby.

Dear hosts! In honor of today's holiday, we decided to give you a hammer, which will replace your watch for some time, and will be a means of establishing cordial relations with your neighbors. Are you wondering how it works? Then listen.
If suddenly you want to know the time,
Then knock harder on the wall at night.
It doesn't matter what nerves they have,
Neighbors will answer you right there, now.
(Hammer handing)

Let's drink to good luck with your neighbors!
(Guests drink.)

We invite all guests
Dancing the dance is more fun.

Games while dancing

  1. "New settlers". Participants are given cut pictures with the image of the house. Who will quickly collect the picture, that is, settle in the house?
  2. "Look who came to us" Participants are given paper bundles in which there are costumes. At the signal of the leader, the players need to put on a suit, introduce themselves and demonstrate the walk of this hero.

Dear guests!
We invite you all to the table
And we offer food.

Dear hosts!
Insure without delay
Separately - life, separately - home.
And, without fear of trouble later,
Have fun with friends.
Insurances are ready, they are already here.
You'll have to get into your bag for them.
And in the bag of pockets ... still figure it out
It's not always easy to be insured.
So who will find insurance faster
And will he put his signature in front of it?
(Competition for the hosts: who will quickly find the "insurance" in their bag and put a signature?)

Well, here you put your signatures,
There is no need to experience more fate.
For your renewal and good luck
We drink wine and nothing else.
(Guests drink. The feast continues).

Dear hosts!
We will all go home soon gradually,
But you remember this evening again.
Let the whole apartment sparkle with fun
May happiness, joy, love live in it.
(Guests drink tea, go home).

Comment on the article "Happy housewarming!"

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Our friends love to go fishing. Near stocked ponds, a good restaurant where you can cook fish caught, a good playground.
Whoever gets up first in the morning prepares breakfast. Porridge for children, coffee for everyone else, sandwiches, pancakes. Children splash in the pool, adults take a steam bath in the bath.
Toward evening we kindle a brazier and a barbecue. Fish, meat, poultry, vegetables. Whoever wants, eats.
If guests arrive on Saturday morning, then Sunday afternoon they are already leaving. Work week ahead.

06/26/2018 08:16:24, magnolia49

Ohohoh, we are waiting for four people this weekend, two married couple, girl and man. There is a sofa, a bed in the summer kitchen and a couple of folding beds. The first thing they thought of was bed sheets, three sets. We will not iron, after fresh air, libations and a bath, no one will pay attention. Most of all, the toilet worries, we have a bio, for 30 liters, they themselves are very squeamish, they seem to be their own. I think the ladies will take care of breakfast when everyone wakes up. I also thought about it, but what about towels and sheets in the bath, for six people, I’ll ask you to take it with you. There are no more worries, we will provide barbecue, kvass, okroshka, and guests usually bring them themselves
any products. The main thing is to make people enjoy their vacation!

06/25/2018 21:45:12, Olezhik177

Cool) cultural leisure tired a comrade, they didn’t give him pies, probably a housewarming party. Holidays and gifts. Organization of holidays: animators, script, gift.

Housewarmings were usually celebrated. At work, we have taken trips to lunch in a restaurant on the first and last day of work of ordinary employees (when the unit is no more than 10-12 people).


Regarding refrigerators or cars - no, of course.
Housewarmings were usually celebrated.
At work, we have taken trips to lunch in a restaurant on the first and last day of work of ordinary employees (when the unit is no more than 10-12 people). And a small buffet at work for the incoming and outgoing bosses (when more than 100 people can come)

05/08/2013 21:17:03, __nevazhno___

I’m just now thinking whether it’s necessary .. the work is good, the team is good, but they cut me off and I’m offended :)

Housewarming. Holidays and gifts. Organization of holidays: animators, script, gift. We are going to a housewarming party with friends ... I would like some kind of mini-scenario or something !!! poetry can...

Then say, like Yes, it was cool, you have to repeat, when is the next corporate party? Housewarming! Organization of holidays: animators, script, gift.


Well so. Creators, color, bohemia, type. They already know how to eat and get acquainted across the way - a mandatory requirement, well, talent hangs somewhere on the side. Go somehow to some purely technical New Year's moderate acceptance - for contrast.

12/24/2007 21:08:23, .user.

and on Saturday I went to my husband's corporate party, to the doctors. he doesn't go without me.
everything was very worthy, and the cult. program - no ala Serduchka and Russian pop, as a cult program there was a theater of pantomime and dance, then everyone danced perfectly and behaved within, and drank in moderation.
True leaders there are ladies.

Why is he to me? And you will most likely go to this housewarming party ... because you are relatives, right? But the last invitation to the DR and the present one to the housewarming have jarred me. Same...


You did everything right last time - the peace of your family is above all,
the godson is sacred, to run into his DR with a gift to congratulate, you can not even sit at the table, IMHO.
And ordered housewarming gifts are generally cool!

You have two threads
1. about finance/gifts
2. about husband/children
About 1. I also discovered that during the transition period from the poor middle class to the not too poor middle class, they give such lists for the holidays. That is, people no longer need all the garbage, there is not enough breadth of soul to thank for the garbage (by the way, I also hate to thank for the gift, Mr.), but the list of necessary things still remains. When moving to the middle middle class, they usually already count on a surprise, because everything that can be donated from the right amount exceeds decent ones for a gift)))
I’m all for something - why is it so difficult for YOU to say that it’s expensive for you, if you can’t cooperate on your own? What's embarrassing about that? Why is it necessary to look for negativity in the owners themselves, they say everything is ok with me, I’m poor, but I won’t proudly tell anyone this, which means they are bad and act disgusting ....
About 2. Similar situations have passed many times ... Unfortunately, it is much easier not to invite anyone from the family than to conduct such conversations. Downstairs, someone takes pride in being invited only together. I am sure that in most cases they simply do NOT quietly invite. Recently she came to paintball with a 4-year-old. Others were able to leave their children with someone else, but I couldn't. I got a lot of negativity (I actually had a lot of fun - soooo the organizer girl wrote with boiling water, she imagined my participation in a completely different way ....)
We have a group of school friends. civil wife one guy is sooo unpleasant to everyone else. Moreover, the guy himself with her is neither fish nor meat, the lady needs all his attention for the whole evening. At first they didn’t invite both of them ... Then they nevertheless took a chance, talked with the guy ... We met without her already.
And this I mean, if you were told this about the unwillingness to see a husband with a child, there are two options - either people want something, then they grind their tongues, fools are shorter, or you are very good attitude and they want to see YOU in any way, they really want, they love and appreciate in general ... I even tend to the 2nd option ...
Well, then ... then there is nothing wrong with that either - all cockroaches, as always, are in ourselves - and for show we react as if it’s all around so greedy and nasty
And I also have a friend - married, with children, nothing personal, together for 20 years ... We would very much like to get drunk together and sit together as before ... but husbands / wives will not understand (((And his wife completely not interesting, the children are still all right, he is not interested in mine either. Well, why do we need these dances with tambourines? Oh, we are a single whole, we go only in packages ...

Plus - plates with fresh and salted vegetables, not salads, but cut into pieces for one piece))) (tomatoes into 8 parts, radishes in half, cucumbers in thick slices, salted-pickled mushrooms, peppers, slices, wild garlic, pickled garlic ... everything is in the Slavic style))))

Plus - plates of fish slices (white, red, lampreys, Korean squids ...) There was a plate of pancakes with red caviar.

I also made it hot, but they ate it without fanaticism, slowly))) they were quite satisfied with pancakes. I put two carps, not gutted, unpeeled, into the oven. Before taking out, she took out their bellies, and the guests themselves dealt with the scales in the plates. Garnished with buckwheat with fried onions. Cooked the day before, before serving - put in the oven for carps for 20 minutes ...

Arranged a classic buffet - canapes, pies, fruits, etc. + open bar

It seems to me that housewarming differs from other holidays in that it takes place in an unfurnished, preferably almost empty apartment! The acoustics of an empty room is incomparable...

There were always a lot of scenarios and ideas, funny children's birthdays were held with a bang! And now at a dead end, maybe because the children will be of different ages.

At least once in a lifetime, every family experiences moments of happiness that you want to share with all your friends and relatives. Housewarming is such a joyful event. Whether you inherited an apartment or took out a mortgage, now you have your own nest that fully corresponds to your concept of style and comfort.

Invite friends, introduce them to your home, arrange fun party or a quiet evening watching a movie - the choice is yours. And we will show you how to make housewarming an unforgettable holiday for everyone!

Compiling a guest list- the first step in preparing for the celebration of housewarming. Invite close friends, colleagues, relatives, first consider how many people your home can accommodate. If there is not as much space as you would like, then organize 2-3 parties.

housewarming invitations It is not necessary to send out, you can call by phone or send SMS with the address. But original postcards in the style of a party, sent by mail or hand-delivered in person, will make the holiday memorable and sweet. Draw a map of your area and indicate the address of the apartment on it or shoot an unusual video invitation, burn it to disk or upload it to youtube and send it to your friends.

Housewarming Menu may well be modest. Organize a buffet reception. In this case, it is worth setting the table with light snacks, tartlets, cakes, sandwiches, beautifully decorated plates with chopped fruits and vegetables. The main thing is that all the treats can be easily taken with a fork, and it does not crumble. However, if you want to cook a festive dinner from full dishes in a brand new kitchen, then choose this option.

music for housewarming an important part of creating a cozy atmosphere. Light blues, incendiary jazz or melodic European hits can accompany the conversations of guests. Music will be the backdrop of the evening, cheer up the guests and inspire them to dance.

Party style in honor of the housewarming party, you can choose any. We propose to beat the name of the street on which the house is located. For example, if the street is South, then arrange either a Cuban party, or a holiday in the style of a safari, or an oriental fairy tale.

housewarming home decor should be cute and not flashy. Housewarming is a holiday for each family member, you introduce the house to your friends, so remove all traces of repairs, excess furniture, old things. As a rule, a garland, paper balls, a horseshoe that is hung over the door, funny inscriptions or posters on the walls are used as housewarming decor.

Decorate the house can be in the style of the planned party. The decoration of the hallway should start with a rug with the words "Welcome". Arrange small bouquets of flowers in light vases in the rest of the rooms.

When setting the table you can use housewarming elements: figurines of a brownie, a horseshoe or keys. Think over cute details: original napkins, beautiful dishes, tablecloth. You can put a sticker on each guest's plate so that they write you congratulations on the move.

Photo posters houses “before/before” will help to add colors to your story about the stage of construction and repair. Guests will be interested in design solutions, your style finds in the process of creating comfort.

Housewarming Games, which you stock up in advance of day X, will save you from a painful situation. An excellent solution would be the battle in the Crocodile. The facilitator gives the player a word related to the repair, and he must portray it as believably as possible so that the rest of the participants can guess.

Board games will be a good addition to the evening. Give preference to "Munchkin", "Pravdomer" or "Imaginarium". If you want to create an informal atmosphere, then select the game "Ruff".

Housewarming gifts for guests given as a token of appreciation for visiting your home. Lovely gifts will make it clear that friendships and friendships are important to you. family ties that only strengthen your home. The present can be: magnets in the shape of a horseshoe, a brownie, a key, boxes with fragrant tea or sweets, scented candles, cookbooks, hot coasters, indoor flowers, calendars .

Day after housewarming

Cleaning up the house after the party not the most favorite pastime of the household. It's great if you have conscientious guests who help wash the dishes and clear the table. In any case, you should not strain with all your might and rush to return the home to its original appearance. Wash the dishes and put the furniture in their places, finish the rest of the work tomorrow morning.

Thank your friends for wonderful housewarming gifts and offer to meet again soon. It is better to say words of gratitude by phone or SMS the next day after the party. Such respectful treatment of people close to you will help create a backbone of true friends around the house and your family who will help in difficult times.

be happy in my house. This feeling will intensify when you realize that the guests are delighted with your home. It will be remembered and will stay with you for long years and until the next party in the new apartment.