Sometimes, when pages are broken in documents, extra sheets appear - there is no information on them, nothing at all. That is why they need to be removed - why force the printer to pass excess paper through itself when printing. Today I will tell you how to easily remove a blank page in Microsoft program word. You will also learn how to delete a page with information without losing it. The main thing is to read everything to the end, and if something is not clear, read the article again.

Delete a blank page in MS Word

First, let's go to the "Home" tab, if in this moment you have another open. There is one useful tool here - "Show all characters", thanks to which you will see all the characters you typed - up to spaces.

Click on it and the text will change beyond recognition. Do you see how many dots and different signs have appeared that were not there before? The dots are spaces. If there are two or more dots in a row, then there are too many spaces and this needs to be corrected. The arrows are the Tab key presses. Separately displayed and blank pages in the form of inscriptions "Page break". It is this gap that we need to close.

Double-click on this line with the left mouse button, after which it will be highlighted in black. There are then two options leading to removal empty page:

  1. Pressing the "Backspace" button on the keyboard
  2. Pressing the "Delete" button on the keyboard

As a result of these simple manipulations, the dummy page has been removed.

Delete a non-blank page in Microsoft Word

We have learned how to get rid of empty pages, but what about those where there is some information: text, picture or diagram? You can also delete non-blank pages, now we will do it.

We place the cursor in any part of the page that we want to delete. We return to the “Home” tab, find the arrow on the right side with the inscription “Select”, click on it and select “Select All” in the drop-down menu.

Sometimes the user's inattention leads to the fact that extra fragments appear in the document, breaking the text. Remember a few effective methods to fix common mistakes in different versions Word.

Deleting a blank page with the Delete or Backspace keys

The easiest way to fix the situation. Removing empty Word pages performed in 2 stages:

  1. Manually select an empty fragment under the text.
  2. Press the Delete or Backspace key.

How to remove forced page break

The error often occurs when the user accidentally presses the Ctrl+Enter key combination on the keyboard.

Switch to the main tab of the top bar. There you need:

  1. Click on the "¶" symbol to display the hidden characters.
  2. Find the line with the phrase "Page break", resulting from a random key combination.
  3. Place the mouse cursor in front of the separator, press Delete.

Removing an empty paragraph

After repeatedly pressing the Enter key, blank lines appear. Solution to the problem:

  1. Show hidden characters by pressing the "¶" button.
  2. Delete all unnecessary signs ¶ in the Word document.

Disabling Section Break

The option is needed to customize the header and footer, borders, etc. If you get rid of the gap, then the formatting of the text will disappear - it will be converted in accordance with the new section. Instructions to disable:

  1. Position the mouse cursor over the paragraph where the break appears.
  2. Right-click, in the context menu, click on "Paragraph".
  3. In the new window, check the box next to the "Don't break paragraph" option.

Since ancient times, the folk truth has been saying: “what is written with a pen, everything is bye-bye, you can’t cut it down with an ax.” No, cunning and resourceful comrades can, of course, object here. So to speak, to counterbalance the argument. And why, for example, not tear out a sheet with spellings that are no longer needed, but throw it out - in a basket, or burn it altogether. It is possible, and what is not! But you have to work hard, sweat, sweat ... Especially if the pages need to be quietly destroyed in some report, diary, journal or (God forbid!) art book.

Is it another matter to delete a page in Word. That's where the freedom of action and completeness of sensations from editing a virtual canvas for writing. No transaction costs, no signs of "execution" over the sheet, whether it is empty or with words. In short, a custom grace.

However, you need to know where these very buttons for this very thing are located and how to manage them correctly. Don't know yet? Then check out the instructions below. And your work in Word will become much more comfortable.

Removing a sheet from a project different ways and functions, depending on the specific situation, the user task.

How to delete an empty sheet?

1. Position the cursor on a blank page to be deleted.

2. Press the Ctrl + Shift + 8 keys at the same time. Or click the ¶ (show all characters) icon in the Word interface panel.

3. After activating this function, special control characters will be displayed on a blank page. They are responsible for text formatting, and in the normal text display mode they remain invisible. Delete them with the "backspace" button ("left arrow" above "Enter") or "Delete" (Del). After cleaning, the blank sheet will automatically disappear.

How to remove a page with text?

Method number 1

1. Place the cursor anywhere in the text on the page you want to get rid of.

2. Left-click on the "Find" option (leftmost block in the top panel of Word).

3. In the drop-down menu, select "Go to ...".

4. In the additional Find and Replace window, on the Go To tab, select the Page transition object.

5. In the "Enter a number ..." field, type the directive - \page.

6. Click on the "Go" button. The text on the selected page will be highlighted.

7. Click "Close" and then press the "DELETE" key.

Method number 2

1. Select all the text on the page to be deleted: hold down the left mouse button and move the cursor from the beginning to the end of the sheet.

2. Click "Delete".

How to recover a deleted page?

Left-click on the “left arrow” icon (cancel the operation) or press Ctrl + Z, and the disappeared page will reappear in the project.

Enjoy using Word!

If a page suddenly appears in your text document on which there are no printed characters or other objects, then most likely you previously left blank paragraphs or gaps between pages on it. In some cases, the presence of a blank sheet in Word is not always the result of your negligence. For example, your printer's specific settings may tell it to print a page that acts as a separator between parts of text and is usually blank.

In any case, blank sheets must be disposed of. Fortunately, Word software provides its users with several ways in which you can solve the problem you are facing without any problems.

Easy Way to Delete Blank Pages in Word

In case it is not filled leaf is at the very end file that you own, you can remove it using the following steps:

  1. Press the combination Ctrl + End. This keyboard shortcut will allow you to instantly jump to the most recent sheet.
  2. Click BackSpace. If there was more than one empty sheet at the bottom of the file, then press BackSpace as many times as necessary in order to remove blank pages from the document.

Other ways

First you need to find the reason why blank sheets do not disappear from your file. The easiest way to do this is if you include hidden characters. Hidden characters are displayed in text after doing the following:

  • In the upper part of the Word utility window, find the menu item called "Home", and click on it with the left button of your mouse.
  • To the left of the block in which you can set different styles for your text, find the button, when you hover over it, an inscription with the name “Show or hide all characters” appears, and click on it.

After completing the above steps, you can proceed to the step of identifying the reason why blank sheets were added to your file.

If blank pages have been added to your Word document due to extra paragraphs, then don't worry, they are very easy to remove. For this you will need highlight special characters, which symbolize paragraphs, and remove them by pressing Delete.

If the reason for the appearance of a blank sheet in Word was page break, then you can delete it, spending no more than five to ten seconds, using following algorithm actions:

  1. Position the cursor next to the special character that indicates that there is a page break at that location.
  2. Click on Delete, after which the blank sheet should be deleted.

Often the cause of blank sheets in the middle of your document is just extra page breaks.

How to delete a blank sheet in Word due to a section break

Section breaks are sometimes not visible in Word when you turn on the mode that shows hidden characters. To guaranteed to see them, if they are present in your document, do the following:

  • In the upper part of the Word program window, find the menu item called "View", and click on it with the left button of your mouse.
  • In the tab that opens before your eyes, find the item called "Draft" and click on it.
  • Review the text you typed again for section breaks.

If you find a page without printable characters at the end of a document, but with section break, then you can delete it as follows: before the break, you will need to put your cursor, and then click on Delete. After completing these steps, your goal will be achieved.

However, the situation becomes more complicated if you find blank sheet with a section break in the middle of the document. Of course, you can remove the page as described in the paragraph above, but keep in mind that eliminating the section break will cause the editing settings for printing characters below the break to be propagated to the text above the section break. However, if it is important for you to keep the formatting settings and at the same time eliminate the blank page, then you can replace the current break on the sheet with a different break, which is called "on the current page".

This is done as follows:

  1. Place your cursor strictly after the break you wish to change.
  2. Next, in the upper part of the utility window, find the menu item called "Page Layout", and click on it with the left button of your mouse.
  3. In the block called “Page Options”, find the arrow in the lower right corner, by clicking on which you will open a new window.
  4. Look for the phrase "Start section" in the window that opens. There will be a drop down list next to it. Click on it, find in it an item called "On the current page", click on it and at the bottom of the window click "OK".
  5. Check if the software has deleted an empty page.

How to delete a blank sheet in Word after a table

It is quite difficult to delete a sheet without printed characters, which is located immediately after the table. The problem in this case is that the utility automatically inserts an empty paragraph after the table, and if the table ends at the very border of the sheet, then the empty paragraph will be moved to the next sheet. When doing this, keep in mind that you have no way to destroy this empty paragraph.

What to do in this case? The solution is to simply hide that empty paragraph at the bottom of the document. This operation is carried out as follows:

  1. To the left of the block where you can set different styles for your text, click the button that, when hovered over, says "Show or hide all characters." This way you turn off the display of hidden characters in your file.

The result of your efforts should be the disappearance of an empty sheet from your document.

Correctly identifying the cause of the extra pages will help you quickly fix the problem. Regardless of the version Microsoft Word(2003-2016) there are 4 main reasons for the existence of blank pages at the end of a document:

  1. Extra problems or line breaks.
  2. The presence of hidden characters.
  3. Move part of a table.
  4. The presence of a transparent or white pattern (rare).

Reasons for a blank page

If, when working with a document during editing, pages appear that do not contain text, most likely there are page breaks or empty paragraphs on it.

Note: if a blank page appears only when printing a document, then the problem is in the printer settings (page between jobs).

Method 1: Remove Extra Spaces and Paragraphs

Most easy way- delete an extra page using the Backspace or Delete keys, designed to remove characters from the text.

Step 1. Go to the last page of the document and place the cursor on it.

Step 2 Press the indicated keys until the unwanted page disappears.

Step 3. If there are a lot of empty paragraphs on the page, then the key will have to be pressed several times.

Method 2: Remove hidden characters

Since the appearance of a blank page usually means that there are hidden characters on it, in order to remove them, you must make them visible.

Step 1. You need to click on the "non-printable characters" icon, which is located on the main tab. By enabling the display of hidden characters, you can see the reasons for the extra page and eliminate them.

Step 2 Highlight the extra empty paragraphs and delete them.

Step 3 In addition to empty paragraphs, a manually enforced page break or section break can cause a blank page to appear.

To delete it, place the cursor in front of the break and press the Delete character key.

Method 3: Edit the table

If you failed to remove the page using the two previous methods, you probably have a table at the end of the document. In Word, after each table there is an empty paragraph, and if the table reaches the end of the page, then the paragraph is transferred to the next one. You can't just remove that character, which represents an empty paragraph. In order to remove an empty sheet, you need to make this paragraph hidden.

Step 1. Show hidden spaces.

Step 2 If the table forms a space on the next page, then reduce the line spacing of the table cells or the font, remove unnecessary transitions to new lines.

How to delete the first page in Word

To remove the cover page in latest versions Microsoft Word, you must complete the following steps.

Step 1. Go to the "Insert" tab.

Step 2 Select the "Title Page" menu.

Step 3 Specify the appropriate value - "Delete the current cover page".

In versions earlier than 2007, the cover page is the same as all other pages in the document, so the same methods are used to remove it.

How to delete a page in the middle of a document

The appearance of an unnecessary blank page in the middle word document, as a rule, is associated with the presence of a section break. This feature is rarely used in practice and is mostly added to the document by accident during editing.

Method 1: Remove the section break (method 1)

An extra page in the middle of a text document usually appears due to a section break. It is removed using the following steps.

Step 1. Position the cursor in front of the break.

Step 2 Press the Delete key.

Note: If you remove a blank page from the middle of a document that results from a section break, formatting may be messed up after the break is removed. If you need formatting after this page that differs from what was set before this page, then leave a section break. Otherwise, when you delete a break, the formatting will automatically become the same throughout the document - the same as it was in the text located before the break.

Method 2: Remove the section break (method 2)

Step 1. Go to the "Layout" tab.

Step 2 Replace break type - set to "no break".

Now you know how to remove a page in Word. The above tips can be applied in all versions of Microsoft Word.

How to delete a blank page in Word - instructions with animation updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru