
We were approaching the alpine meadows of the Urals, where collective-farm cattle were driven to summer pasture.

Taiga thinned out. The forests were all coniferous, warped by the winds and the northern cold. Only here and there among the sparse-legged spruce, fir and larch trees stirred the timid foliage of birch and aspen, and between the trees unfurled branches of ferns twisted by snails.

A herd of calves and gobies was drawn into the old clearing littered with trees. Gobies and calves, and we, too, walked slowly and wearily, with difficulty climbed over the knotty deadwood.

In one place, a small tubercle appeared on the clearing, completely covered with pale-leaved, flowering blueberries. The green pimples of future blueberry berries released barely noticeable gray petals, and they somehow imperceptibly crumbled. Then the berry will begin to grow, turn purple, then turn blue and, finally, turn black with a grayish coating.

The blueberry is delicious when ripe, but it blooms modestly, perhaps more modestly than all other berries.

There was a noise at the blueberry hillock. The calves ran with their tails up, the children who drove the cattle with us screamed.

I hurried to the hillock and saw a capercaillie (hunters often call it a kapalukha) running in circles along it with spread wings.

Nest! Nest! the guys shouted.

I began to look around, feeling the blueberry mound with my eyes, but I did not see any nest anywhere.

Yes, here it is! - showed the children to the green snag, near which I was standing.

I looked, and my heart began to beat with fright - I almost stepped on the nest. No, it was not twisted on a hillock, but in the middle of a clearing, under a root resiliently protruding from the ground. Overgrown with moss on all sides and from above, too, covered with gray hairs, this inconspicuous hut was ajar in the direction of a blueberry hillock. In the hut there is a nest insulated with moss. There are four pockmarked light brown eggs in the nest. Eggs are slightly smaller than chicken eggs. I touched one egg with my finger - it was warm, almost hot.

Let's take it! The boy next to me sighed.

And what will happen to the kapalukha? You look at her!

Kapalukha tossed to the side. Her wings are still outstretched, and she is chasing the ground with them. She sat on the nest with spread wings, covered her future children, kept them warm. That is why the bird's wings ossified from immobility. She tried and couldn't fly. Finally flew up to a spruce branch, sat down over our heads. And then we saw that her stomach was bare right down to the neck, and on her bare, bumpy chest, the skin often, often trembled. It was from fright, anger and fearlessness that the bird's heart was beating.

And she plucked the fluff herself and warms the eggs with her bare stomach, so that she can give every drop of her warmth to the nascent birds, ”said the teacher who approached.

It's like our mom. She gives us everything. Everything, everything, every drop ... - one of the guys said sadly, in an adult way, and, probably embarrassed by these gentle words uttered for the first time in his life, he shouted displeasedly: - Well, let's go catch up with the herd!

And everyone ran merrily from the Kapalukhin's nest. Kapalukha was sitting on a branch, stretching out her neck after us. But her eyes no longer followed us. They aimed at the nest, and as soon as we moved away a little, she flew off the tree smoothly, crawled into the nest, spread her wings and froze.

Her eyes began to be covered with a dark film. But she was all alert, all tense. Kapalukha's heart was beating with strong jolts, filling four hearts with warmth and life. large eggs, of which in a week or two, and maybe in a few days big-headed capercaillie will appear.

And when they grow up, when they drop their first song into the great and kind taiga on a ringing April morning, maybe this song will contain words, incomprehensible to us bird words about a mother who gives everything to children, sometimes even her life.


1) Synonyms are words that are close in meaning. From how rich our lexicon how often we are ready to call the same objects, signs, actions in different words, depends on the attractiveness of our speech. This is exactly what L. A. Vvedenskaya spoke about: “Synonyms make speech more colorful, more diverse, help to avoid repeating the same words, allow you to figuratively express a thought”

Let us confirm this with examples from the text of V.P. Astafiev.

In sentences numbered 14 and 15, contextual synonyms: a nest - a hut - are used to connect sentences and help to avoid unjustified repetitions, which means they make our speech more diverse and literate.

Throughout the text, the offspring of the wolverine are called by different words: future children, nascent birds, capercaillie - these are all synonymous words. They're in different situations statements serve different purposes. For example, when the author refers to kapalukha eggs as nascent birds (sentence 32), he wants to show that he refers to these eggs as already living beings that have the right to live.

Thus, using examples from the text of V. Astafiev, we were able to confirm that synonyms make our speech brighter, more expressive.

2) The text of V.P. Astafiev tells about the selfless act of a kapalukha mother, who, sacrificing herself, rushes to save her future cubs. Mother's love requires nothing in return, but children should be grateful. This is what the final lines of the text say: “And when they grow up, when they drop their first song into the big and kind taiga on a sonorous dawn April morning, maybe in this song there will be words, incomprehensible to us bird words about a mother who gives everything to children, sometimes even your own life.

Maternal feelings know no bounds. It is amazing that an animal is capable of such manifestations of love. Kapalukha is a caring mother. She even had her wings “stiff with immobility” because she did not get up from the nest so that her children were protected. “But she plucked the fluff herself and warms the eggs with her bare stomach, so that she can give every drop of her warmth to the nascent birds ...”

Kapalukha-mother is ready to enter into an unequal battle with people, sacrificing herself, but at the same time saving her future babies. Even sitting on a tree, being safe herself, her eyes are fixed on the nest, because she thinks about her chicks.

It often happens that we cannot appreciate in time how much the closest, dearest person to us - our mother - loves us. This is not always an indicator of our callousness, indifference, no. Sometimes we get so used to the fact that there is a mother that it seems to us that she will always be, which means she still has time to say kind words to her, show her our love. It’s good if you manage to give her at least a piece of the warmth that you received from your mother throughout your life.

3) It often happens that we cannot assess in time how much the closest, dearest person to us, mother, loves us. This is not always an indicator of our callousness, indifference, no. Sometimes we get so used to the fact that there is a mother that it seems to us that she will always be, which means she still has time to say kind words to her, show her our love. everything for children, sometimes even their own lives.

Maternal feelings know no bounds. Amazing story told by V.P. Astafiev about an animal capable of such manifestations of love. Kapalukha is a caring mother. She even had her wings "stiff from immobility" because she did not get up from the nest so that her children would be protected. “But she plucked the fluff herself and warms the eggs with her bare stomach in order to give every drop of her warmth to the nascent birds ...” Kapalukha-mother is ready to enter into an unequal battle with people, sacrificing herself, but saving her future babies at the same time.

In Dmitry Kedrin's poem "Mother's Heart" we read about how the son, for the sake of his beloved, gave her the heart of his mother. At the same time, the mother's heart continued to love her child. In the poem is deep meaning: the call sounds: “People, think! You can't treat your mom like that! Do not destroy your connection with yourself by breaking the connecting thread with your mother!

A mother for a child is his connection with childhood, the most carefree and pure time of life. As long as the mother is alive, the person feels protected. We need to love our mothers and give them more warmth and affection, then perhaps we can feel their care for a longer time.

The test form of checking the knowledge of schoolchildren requires them to be attentive and clear organization when performing tasks. To help teachers who want to teach junior schoolchildren algorithm for performing test tasks, this memo is offered.

Memo student

"How to do tests"

    Read the text of the task (question) carefully. Underline in itmain words.

For example. What numberis not solution to this equation?

2. Use the method of eliminating incorrect answers! For thischeck each answer to see if it fits the task condition ? Delete incorrect answers. This way you can rule out incorrect answers.

3. Necessarily use the method of eliminating incorrect answers! - in some tasks there is more than one. A 2 or more correct answers.

If you work with text

1. Read each task in turn and contactwith a pencil to the text tofind the correct answer in the text .

    If you find it difficult to complete any task, you can move on to the next one. At the end of the work, return to the missed tasks to try to cope with them.

    Enter the selected answers in the margins, crossing out the number of the answer, as shown below.

    After work, if there is time, check the correctness of all work.

We invite the teacher to collectively say the memo, after which, usingacceptance of comments by students complete the given tasks as training.

Test tasks in literary reading.

Read the text.


We were approaching the alpine meadows of the Urals, where collective-farm cattle were driven to summer pasture. Taiga thinned out. The forests were all coniferous, warped by the winds and the northern cold. Only here and there among the sparse-legged firs, firs and larches stirred the timid foliage of birch and aspen, and between the trees unfurled branches of ferns twisted by snails.

A herd of calves and gobies was drawn into the old clearing littered with trees. Gobies and calves, and we, too, walked slowly and wearily, with difficulty climbed over the knotty deadwood. In one place, a small tubercle appeared on the clearing, completely covered with pale-leaved, flowering blueberries. The green pimples of future blueberry berries released barely noticeable gray petals, and they somehow imperceptibly crumbled. Then the berry will begin to grow, turn purple, then turn blue and, finally, turn black with a grayish coating. The blueberry is delicious when ripe, but it blooms modestly, perhaps more modestly than all other berries.

There was a noise at the blueberry hillock. The calves ran with their tails up, the children who drove the cattle with us screamed. I hurried to the hillock and saw a capercaillie (hunters often call it a kapalukha) running in circles along it with spread wings.

- Nest! Nest! the guys shouted. I began to look around, feeling the blueberry mound with my eyes, but I did not see any nest anywhere.

- Yes, here it is! - showed the children to the green snag, near which I was standing.

I looked, and my heart began to beat with fright - I almost stepped on the nest. No, it was not twisted on a hillock, but in the middle of a clearing, under a root resiliently protruding from the ground. Overgrown with moss on all sides and from above, too, covered with gray hairs, this inconspicuous hut was ajar in the direction of a blueberry hillock. In the hut there is a nest insulated with moss. There are four pockmarked light brown eggs in the nest. Eggs are slightly smaller than chicken eggs. I touched one egg with my finger - it was warm, almost hot.

- Let's take it! The boy next to me sighed.

- For what?

- Yes so!

- And what will happen to the kapalukha? You look at her.

Kapalukha tossed to the side. Her wings are still outstretched, and she is chasing the ground with them. She sat on the nest with spread wings, covered her future children, kept them warm. That is why the bird's wings ossified from immobility. She tried and couldn't fly. Finally flew up to a spruce branch, sat down over our heads. And then we saw that her stomach was bare right down to the neck, and on her bare, bumpy chest, the skin often, often trembled. It was from fright, anger and fearlessness that the bird's heart was beating.

- And she plucked the fluff herself and warms the eggs with her bare stomach, so that she can give every drop of her warmth to the nascent birds, ”said the teacher who approached.

- It's like our mom. She gives us everything. Everything, everything, every drop ... - one of the guys said sadly, in an adult way, and, probably embarrassed by these tender words, uttered for the first time in his life, he shouted displeasedly:

- Well, let's go catch up with the herd!

And everyone ran merrily from the Kapalukhin's nest. Kapalukha was sitting on a branch, stretching out her neck after us. But her eyes no longer followed us. They aimed at the nest, and as soon as we moved away a little, she flew off the tree smoothly, crawled into the nest, spread her wings and froze. Her eyes began to be covered with a dark film. But she was all alert, all tense. Kapalukha's heart was beating with strong shocks, filling four large eggs with warmth and life, of which in a week or two, and maybe in a few days big-headed capercaillie will appear. And when they grow up, when they drop their first song into the great and kind taiga on a ringing April morning, maybe this song will contain words, incomprehensible to us bird words about a mother who gives everything to children, sometimes even her life.

V.P. Astafiev

Part A

1. Define the genre of the work:

    fairy tale



    true story

2. On whose behalf is the story written?

1) on behalf of the children

3) from a third party

4) on behalf of the teacher

3. Where did the heroes of the work go?

1) to the taiga

2) to blueberries

3) to the clearing

4) in the pasture

4. Why did the children decide to take bird eggs from the nest?

1) to raise chicks at home

2) to eat eggs

3) just out of curiosity

4) to compare them with chicken

5. Why did the kapalukha make its nest near the blueberry tubercle under the root of the tree?

1) to peck blueberries

2) so that the chicks do not fall out of the nest

3) to make it easier to find food on the ground

4) to hide the nest from prying eyes

    What does the expression "the bird was all taut" mean?

    she was sitting on a spring

    she bounced like on springs

    she was very tense

    she got very tense

    Which expression is used figuratively?

    water drop

    a drop of heat

    dew drop

    fog drop

    What is another name for kapalukha?





    Why did the kapalukha have a bare belly?

    this is a feature of this species of birds

    kapalukha had a molt

    kapalukha plucked its fluff for the nest

    feathers on the stomach wiped on the ground

    Which proverb reflects main idea text?

    Not to see evil - not to appreciate good.

    listen good people, they will lead you on the way.

3) Do not throw yourself at an affectionate word, do not be angry at a rude one.

4) He did good, but it turned out evil.

Part B

    Write the numbers next to the names of the parts to make an outline of the text.

Anxious kapalukha.

The discovery of the guys in the blueberry.

Driving cattle to pasture.

The kapalukha returned to the nest.

    Write in words from the text why “the wings of the bird stiffened from immobility”?


    Write out from the text with whom the guys compared the kapaluha.


    Prove with words from the text that the kapalukha was a caring mother.


    Read the passage. Replace the underlined word with a synonym.

"And when they grow up, on a ringing April morningdrop my first song."

Write down your proposal.


Part C

Why do you think the kapalukha ran along the blueberry hillock with spread wings? Write down 2-3 sentences.


We were approaching the alpine meadows of the Urals, where collective-farm cattle were driven to summer pasture.

Taiga thinned out. The forests were all coniferous, warped by the winds and the northern cold. Only here and there among the sparse-legged spruce, fir and larch trees stirred the timid foliage of birch and aspen, and between the trees unfurled branches of ferns twisted by snails.

A herd of calves and gobies was drawn into the old clearing littered with trees. Gobies and calves, and we, too, walked slowly and wearily, with difficulty climbed over the knotty deadwood.

In one place, a small tubercle appeared on the clearing, completely covered with pale-leaved, flowering blueberries. The green pimples of future blueberry berries released barely noticeable gray petals, and they somehow imperceptibly crumbled. Then the berry will begin to grow, turn purple, then turn blue and, finally, turn black with a grayish coating.

The blueberry is delicious when ripe, but it blooms modestly, perhaps more modestly than all other berries.

There was a noise at the blueberry hillock. The calves ran with their tails up, the children who drove the cattle with us screamed.

I hurried to the hillock and saw a capercaillie (hunters often call it a kapalukha) running in circles along it with spread wings.

Nest! Nest! the guys shouted.

I began to look around, feeling the blueberry mound with my eyes, but I did not see any nest anywhere.

Yes, here it is! - showed the children to the green snag, near which I was standing.

I looked, and my heart began to beat with fright - I almost stepped on the nest. No, it was not twisted on a hillock, but in the middle of a clearing, under a root resiliently protruding from the ground. Overgrown with moss on all sides and from above, too, covered with gray hairs, this inconspicuous hut was ajar in the direction of a blueberry hillock. In the hut there is a nest insulated with moss. There are four pockmarked light brown eggs in the nest. Eggs are slightly smaller than chicken eggs. I touched one egg with my finger - it was warm, almost hot.

Let's take it! The boy next to me sighed.

And what will happen to the kapalukha? You look at her!

Kapalukha tossed to the side. Her wings are still outstretched, and she is chasing the ground with them. She sat on the nest with spread wings, covered her future children, kept them warm. That is why the bird's wings ossified from immobility. She tried and couldn't fly. Finally flew up to a spruce branch, sat down over our heads. And then we saw that her stomach was bare right down to the neck, and on her bare, bumpy chest, the skin often, often trembled. It was from fright, anger and fearlessness that the bird's heart was beating.

And she plucked the fluff herself and warms the eggs with her bare stomach, so that she can give every drop of her warmth to the nascent birds, ”said the teacher who approached.

It's like our mom. She gives us everything. Everything, everything, every drop ... - one of the guys said sadly, in an adult way, and, probably embarrassed by these gentle words uttered for the first time in his life, he shouted displeasedly: - Well, let's go catch up with the herd!

And everyone ran merrily from the Kapalukhin's nest. Kapalukha was sitting on a branch, stretching out her neck after us. But her eyes no longer followed us. They aimed at the nest, and as soon as we moved away a little, she flew off the tree smoothly, crawled into the nest, spread her wings and froze.

Her eyes began to be covered with a dark film. But she was all alert, all tense. Kapalukha's heart was beating with strong shocks, filling four large eggs with warmth and life, from which big-headed capercaillie will appear in a week or two, and maybe in a few days.

And when they grow up, when they drop their first song into the great and kind taiga on a ringing April morning, maybe this song will contain words, incomprehensible to us bird words about a mother who gives everything to children, sometimes even her life.

Help me find an argument for essay 15.3 on the topic "Devotion". We were approaching the alpine meadows of the Urals, where we drove the collective farm cattle for summer pasture. Taiga thinned out. The forests were all coniferous, warped by the winds and the northern cold. Only here and there among the sparse-legged spruce, fir and larch trees stirred the timid foliage of birch and aspen, and between the trees unfurled branches of ferns twisted by snails. A herd of calves and gobies was drawn into the old clearing littered with trees. Gobies and calves, and we, too, walked slowly and wearily, with difficulty climbed over the knotty deadwood. In one place, a small tubercle appeared on the clearing, completely covered with pale-leaved, flowering blueberries. The green pimples of future blueberry berries released barely noticeable gray petals, and they somehow imperceptibly crumbled. Then the berry will begin to grow, turn purple, then turn blue and, finally, turn black with a grayish coating. The blueberry is delicious when ripe, but it blooms modestly, perhaps more modestly than all other berries. There was a noise at the blueberry hillock. The calves ran with their tails up, the children who drove the cattle with us screamed. I hurried to the hillock and saw a capercaillie (hunters often call it a kapalukha) running in circles along it with spread wings. - Nest! Nest! the guys shouted. I began to look around, feeling the blueberry mound with my eyes, but I did not see any nest anywhere. - Yes, here it is, here it is! - showed the children to the green snag, near which I was standing. I looked, and my heart began to beat with fright - I almost stepped on the nest. No, it was not twisted on a hillock, but in the middle of a clearing, under a root resiliently protruding from the ground. Overgrown with moss on all sides and from above, too, covered with gray hairs, this inconspicuous hut was ajar in the direction of a blueberry hillock. In the hut there is a nest insulated with moss. There are four pockmarked light brown eggs in the nest. Eggs are slightly smaller than chicken eggs. I touched one egg with my finger - it was warm, almost hot. - Let's take it! The boy next to me sighed. - For what? - Yes so! - And what will happen to the kapalukha? You look at her! Kapalukha tossed to the side. Her wings are still outstretched, and she is chasing the ground with them. She sat on the nest with spread wings, covered her future children, kept them warm. That is why the bird's wings ossified from immobility. She tried and couldn't fly. Finally flew up to a spruce branch, sat down over our heads. And then we saw that her stomach was bare right down to the neck, and on her bare, bumpy chest, the skin often, often trembled. It was from fright, anger and fearlessness that the bird's heart was beating. “But she plucked the fluff herself and warms the eggs with her bare stomach, so that she can give every drop of her warmth to the nascent birds,” said the teacher who approached. - It's like our mother. She gives us everything. Everything, everything, every drop ... - one of the guys said sadly, in an adult way, and, probably embarrassed by these gentle words uttered for the first time in his life, he shouted displeasedly: - Well, let's go catch up with the herd! And everyone ran merrily from the Kapalukhin's nest. Kapalukha was sitting on a branch, stretching out her neck after us. But her eyes no longer followed us. They aimed at the nest, and as soon as we moved away a little, she flew off the tree smoothly, crawled into the nest, spread her wings and froze. Her eyes began to be covered with a dark film. But she was all alert, all tense. Kapalukha's heart was beating with strong shocks, filling four large eggs with warmth and life, from which big-headed capercaillie will appear in a week or two, and maybe in a few days. And when they grow up, when they drop their first song into the great and kind taiga on a ringing April morning, maybe this song will contain words, incomprehensible to us bird words about a mother who gives everything to children, sometimes even her life.