Until the christening, Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov will not name their daughter or show her face. But in the studio of the “Secret to a Million” program, the singer told who the baby looks like.

On October 13, a daughter was born into the family of artists. The couple, who had been together for about 10 years, were even suspected of some kind of health problems - they had been dating for 6 years, married for 4 years, but no children.

“We prepared for this event, tried and put ourselves in order. It's physiological pure history, we had a good rest, passed all the tests. After all, God gives children when people are really ready for this,” admitted Alexey. - How did Julia announce her pregnancy? She said she felt something was wrong. Like an alarmist, I immediately decided that it was time to see the doctors. And it turned out that an interesting creature was waiting for us!”

They decided to keep the interesting situation a secret for everyone, only the doctor knew. They even hid it from their relatives until the last moment - they were afraid to upset them if something went wrong. Throughout her pregnancy, Julia swam, relaxed, and did yoga. There was no toxicosis, no whims. And when it's time to go to the elite perinatal center in the Moscow region, Chumakov was on the set and for the first time disrupted the work process. He left everything and went to his beloved.

“Yes, I was present at the birth. Any man should have seen this. Otherwise, I would have deprived myself of a huge layer of memories. I came to the discharge myself, without a driver. He put them in the car and drove away. All. No tra-ta-ta for show, I really don’t like it,” the singer admits.

Now the couple is preparing for the christening of their daughter. And until this time they hide the name of the newborn and do not show her photo.

“Sometimes she turns her head so much that she looks like Yulia, but my eastern blood still prevailed. The daughter is dark and has brown eyes. Of course, my wife is now completely absorbed in motherhood, but we are looking for a nanny. It’s difficult to quickly find a person to whom you can entrust a child. That’s why now Yulia is being helped by her mother,” says the new father.

Alexey recalled the history of his relationship with Yulia - it turns out that on the eve of the engagement they had a very serious quarrel. “Yes, we didn’t get married right away, I, like any man, am a coward. It was not easy to give up my comfort. But as soon as I realized that I had matured emotionally and financially, I immediately asked Yulia to become my wife.

The day before we had a wild quarrel. The offer was not an attempt to apologize. It’s just that the time has come, and I wanted to make peace. On my part it was just waste - rings, cakes, rose petals. I wasn't worried, but I was worried. Everything went well, except...me. I set up a camera to record Yulina’s emotions and turned off the light. But at the right moment I forgot to turn on the lamp! And now we can only listen to how I made the proposal.”

The wedding was celebrated 2 times - in Moscow with 7 guests and in Spain with 12 guests. “It was raining wildly, we quickly signed and went to a restaurant to celebrate with those closest to us. And then we flew to Spain, where we rented a villa and celebrated there.”

IN family life artists - complete mutual understanding, because they have learned to make compromises. “For example, I don’t like having breakfast with someone. She knows this and accepts it. Or Yulia is very heat-loving, even when it’s +45 outside, she wraps herself in blankets in the bedroom. And the tip of my nose should be icy. And it’s okay, we have one bedroom. In general, we quarrel, but Julia, how clever man, the first to make reconciliation.”

One question from Lera Kudryavtseva brought Alexey to tears - about his mother. 7 years ago she died. “Mom is a TB doctor, and we have never seen her even with a glass of wine. And she died from liver cirrhosis... The doctor, we don’t even know which one, introduced a hepatitis virus into the blood. When we found out about liver problems, it was too late... Then my parents lived in Tyumen, I urgently organized a move to Moscow. She could no longer walk, in practically no condition, when she didn’t even recognize me, they brought her to the hospital. The council decided that mom had no more than six months left. But, fortunately, on the way we came across a doctor whose mother died from this very disease. He was inspired, took care of her, and she lived for another six years! Yes, she had weak legs, but overall it was a full life.

During these 6 years I have not drank cognac even in the evening. Every night we waited - suddenly they would call, suddenly bleeding would start, and we needed to be taken to the hospital. And when one of the parents called, I jumped up in anticipation bad news. They called from the intensive care unit and said: three days maximum. Yulia and I went to see my dad - I kept myself in control, thought about my father, it was harder for him. These three days he lived normally, following the truth: old age and death must be accepted humbly. In the last conversation, she wished me happiness...”

And Chumakov is really happy - he has a wonderful wife and daughter. He calls his father 5 times a day, has a close relationship with his brother Sergei. “One of my brother’s sons is named Lesha Chumakov, and I am his godfather.” The career is also going uphill, the fees allow us to complete renovations in an elite mansion, total area of which 500 m² plus the same amount of territory occupies.

“I always ran home, but now I’m in a hurry even more, because my daughter is waiting for me there! And I’m absolutely happy,” the singer concluded.

Yulia Kovalchuk, ex-singer of the group Blestyashchie, recently became a mother for the first time. At the age of 35, Yulia gave birth to a daughter, reports. This is the first child of Yulia and Alexei Chumakov, the singer’s husband. They have been together for more than 10 years, and officially confirmed their relationship in 2013.

At first, the couple kept their secret interesting situation" Almost recently, Julia shared photos from a photo shoot in which she shone with a rounded tummy.

Fans of Julia already guessed that their favorite was pregnant. Initially, this information circulated in the media, and after a while Julia spoke on her Instagram about such an important event.

Julia admitted that she is sorely short of time. After all, before she had the opportunity to just lie down, read SMS, take a selfie. Now every minute is worth its weight in gold. But Julia would never trade these moments of maternal happiness for anything.

Fans are in solidarity with the singer. Many people support it, and some give it useful tips new mother.

Who and when did Yulia Kovalchuk give birth, photo: in the near future Yulia Kovalchuk will delight her fans with a musical novelty

Communicating with subscribers on her Instagram account, Julia hinted that very soon she would delight them with a musical novelty.

Alexey Chumakov, a new father, shared his first meeting with his daughter. Of course, after long months of waiting, Alexey happily walks and spends all his time free time with a girl. She was born on October 13th. So far, the parents have not shown their baby, but Alexey shared that she looks like her dad, with the same dark hair and brown eyes. The child's name and photo will appear in public after the child's baptism. Close circle, relatives, fans and subscribers on social networks congratulated the family on the addition and wished them good health and family happiness.

The couple have a huge house with an area of ​​500 sq.m. in the Moscow region. Where the whole family lives now. Yulia and Alexey also have a house in Spain, where the singer was in the first months of her pregnancy. Yuri assures that there were no quarrels or serious discord in their family. Even during the renovation, not a single scandal occurred.

Who and when did Yulia Kovalchuk give birth, photo: real men leave all property to their ex-wives after a divorce

Both spouses earn good money, all property that was acquired during married life, issued for both partners. But if it comes to divorce, all property will remain with Julia. This is what Alexey officially stated on the program “Secret to a Million” with Lera Kudryavtseva.

Alexey is married for the second time. The first marriage was unsuccessful. After the breakup, Alexey left everything ex-wife. He is sure that every man should do this

Yulia Kovalchuk is a Russian pop singer who, since 2001, has been a member of the main group of the popular group “” for 7 years. Listeners remembered the singles of the musical group “And I still flew”, “For four seas”, “ Oriental tales", performed by Yulia. Later, the artist successfully combined solo career with the activities of the TV presenter of the projects “Who’s on top?”, “Minute of Fame”, “Weighted People”.

Childhood and youth

On November 2, 1982, in the town of Volzhsky, Volgograd Region, a daughter, Yulia, was born into the Kovalchuk family. Mom Svetlana Vasilievna worked as a teacher at a local technical school. Oleg Alexandrovich, the father of the future singer, held the position of chief designer at the design institute.

Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk - “In Notes”

In addition to hits from her repertoire, the artist often performed on stage with musical compositions Soviet era. So, at the concert in honor of Victory Day, which takes place annually on Poklonnaya Hill, in 2013, Yulia performed the song “Three Tankers”. The performance was warmly received by the audience.

Yulia Kovalchuk’s debut album, called “JK2015,” was released on June 18, 2015. The track list of the album consisted of 14 compositions, among which were the popular “Between Us”, “Into Notes”, “Into the Smoke”. The singer donated the funds collected from the presentation of the album to the fund.

A television

In 2008, Julia conquered the heights of the reality show “” in the filming of the 6th season. 2nd place did not upset her; it is not the victory that is important, but the participation. She found new friends on the project - and...

« glacial period" - Yulia Kovalchuk and Roman Kostomarov

In 2009, she once again returned to the ice with a skater in the show “”, once again demonstrating to all of Russia highest level artistry, plasticity and grace.

In 2010, the public met Yulia Kovalchuk in the role of a cordial TV presenter: together with the “Minute of Fame” show, she met artists. At the same time, she appeared on the “We are Talented” program on “Children’s Radio.”

At the beginning of 2013, Yulia Kovalchuk, together with Alexei Chumakov, hosted the show “Who’s on Top?” on the TV channel “Yu,” which was a quiz with questions about intergender relationships. The show “Our Way Out,” in which singing families competed for the right to 1st place, was also co-hosted by the couple.

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Yulia Kovalchuk and Ivan Urgant

Yulia Kovalchuk showed herself to be a talented presenter. Since March 2014, the show “One to One! “she hosted with, and since April 2015, the reality project “Weighted People” on the STS channel opened up another new facet of Yulia for viewers. Participation in such top-rated shows is the best way to confirm her star status.

In 2016, Yulia Kovalchuk continues to collaborate with the Yu channel in the same show “Who’s on top?” and the Rossiya channel in the project “Our Way Out”.

Personal life

The singer always hid the facts and details of her personal life until Alexei Chumakov appeared in her life. They had known each other since 2003, when the girl was just beginning her career in “Brilliant”, and Alexey received 3rd place in the show “ National artist" Even then, a spark flew between them; in their own words, at the first meeting, purely professional, they felt the magical “chemistry” of love.

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In 2009, out of old friendship, Alexey invited Yulia to his solo concert. Kovalchuk, in turn, in response to the invitation, presented him with a ticket to her next performance. Chumakov arrived at the concert with a huge bouquet of flowers, after which the couple had dinner at a restaurant. And that same evening, the young people admitted that they could not live without each other.

The couple lived for 5 years in civil marriage. Alexey was in no hurry to propose marriage to his beloved girl, not at all because of indecision. This is the singer’s character trait; he thought through everything down to the smallest detail. As it turned out, the size of the ring that Alexey presented to Yulia during their engagement was found out through the singer’s producer, so as not to arouse suspicion among his beloved.

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Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov

In 2014, Alexey Chumakov became the official husband of Yulia Kovalchuk. Only the bride and groom attended the secret wedding ceremony. The wedding and associated celebrations were organized for immediate family and friends and took place in Spain. Only 12 guests were invited, none of their colleagues, in order to avoid information leakage and paparazzi attention. In order for the corner dear to their hearts not to be forgotten, the couple purchased an apartment in Spain, where Alexey and Yulia vacation several times a year, admiring the beauty of the country.

Star couple discovered her secret of eternal love, based on understanding and kindness towards each other. Not only do they live in “two houses” together with their beloved pets, but also when they participate in joint projects, they always ask for different dressing rooms for each other. In order not to get tired and angry at each other, you need to have personal free space. This was the case on the set of the romantic film “I’ll Get Married Urgently,” in which the star couple starred in tandem. Moreover, Yulia and Alexey were the prototypes of the heroes of the picture.

The information that singer, actress and presenter Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth to a daughter has been confirmed. On her Instagram page she published the first photo of the child.

On her Instagram page, Yulia Kovalchuk posted a photo of the baby’s legs. The singer’s subscribers did not hide their emotion.

In the caption to the photo, Kovalchuk shared her thoughts about the joys of motherhood. “...there are no words in the world...there are no emotions that can describe this new feeling...now it’s as if there is no time...there is inexplicable love and dependence...thank you to God, my beloved and all the doctors who were there for my daughter🙏 (hereinafter spelling and punctuation authors saved. – Editor’s note),” she wrote.

“Goosebumps”, “Congratulations!!!”, “Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! 💐🌺🌼🌹 Health to her and to you!”, “Congratulations!!! Health to your entire family and all the best!!!💐👌❤👼👨‍👩‍👧,” the fans were clearly delighted with what happened.

Let us remind you that information that Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth to a daughter appeared on October 13. However, then she herself did not comment on this news. Her subsequent Instagram post cleared all doubts.

Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov secretly got married in May 2014 in Spain, where they have their own apartment. Only the closest people were present at the ceremony. Interestingly, a couple of weeks before the wedding, the lovers asked the mayor of the city for permission to play music until three o'clock in the morning, and not until midnight, as is customary.

We became parents for the first time in mid-September this year. For the first time, Chumakov decided to publicly reveal why he and his wife took so long to have a child. The singer told details of his personal life to the host of the show “Secret for a Million” Lera Kudryavtseva. For example, Alexey dispelled rumors that he and his wife allegedly could not have children due to health problems.

Chumakov said that they didn’t have children for so long for only one reason: he and Yulia decided to seriously prepare for the issue of having a child. According to the artist, due to their heavy workload, they previously had no time to even think about having offspring. However, years ago, after seriously talking about this topic, they decided to start by taking care of their health, seeing doctors and, of course, having a good rest.

Alexey Chumakov said that his daughter looks more like him than Yulia Kovalchuk

Having learned about pregnancy, Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov made a decision: they would not tell anyone about it, not even their closest people. The star couple was afraid possible complications during pregnancy. As a result, Julia spent nine months calmly until her daughter was born. However, as Alexey explained in the show “Secret for a Million,” they are still not going to show their daughter to the public, at least until the christening. Moreover, the couple also decided not to name the girl’s name for now. But the singer did tell some details. For example, he admitted that he was present at the birth. And I am sure that it could not have been otherwise.

Lera Kudryavtseva’s program showed footage of a happy young dad, Alexei Chumakov, walking near a pond with a stroller. Looking tenderly into the stroller, the singer said that, in his opinion, his daughter was more like him: “Some features sometimes slip through: once - Julia. Sometimes it will turn around - exactly me. Part of Yulin's nose, part - my. Some kind of symbiosis is so beautiful. But my black blood, of course, won: it is black. And her eyes will probably definitely be brown».

“Million Dollar Secret”: Alexey Chumakov

Let us remind you that Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk officially formalized their relationship on October 1, 2013, although they have been living together for ten years. According to the singer and TV presenter, she considers herself very happy woman because there is a nearby strong shoulder: “Sometimes my independence takes over, but I remember in time: “No, I can’t do this on my own!” We had a stage in our lives when we, both leaders, did not want to give in to each other. But it is important for a man to understand that he is in charge. And I began to adapt. As soon as I began to give in, he began to give in too.”