
  • Educational: Clarify and expand children's knowledge of seasonal spring changes in nature.
  • Educational: Develop an interest in the life of birds. The ability to know and recognize migratory birds: starlings, rooks, nightingales, swallows. Continue to teach children to draw in an unconventional technique. Develop memory, thinking, fine motor skills hands, the ability to enjoy the result of their work.
  • Educational: Raise interest in birds, caring attitude towards them.

Integration of educational areas:“Cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world)”, “Music”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Artistic creativity (drawing)”.

Preliminary work: reading poetry, fairy tales about birds, guessing riddles, looking at pictures and illustrations, talking about birds.

Materials and equipment: bird masks for each child, a saucer of milk for the cat Murka, an envelope with bird contours for each child, oilcloths, sponges on plates with black paint for coloring tails, wet wipes; audio recording of "Voices of Birds".


  • Adults: Host, Cat Murka.
  • Children: Swallow (girl of the preparatory group).

The course of direct educational activities of children

The hall is decorated in spring, with green twigs. The sun hangs from the ceiling. Children enter the hall to the sound of birds singing. The presenter reads a poem by I. Tokmakova "Spring".

Spring is coming to us
With quick steps
And the snowdrifts are melting
Under her feet
Black thawed patches are visible
That's right, spring has very fast legs.

Leading. Guys, what time of year is it?

Children. Spring!

presenter. That's right, spring. Did you know that many different birds arrive in spring? The children answer. Starlings, rooks, nightingales, swallows fly to us. Birds should not be offended, because they are small, and they also bring great benefits to the forest. Do you want us to turn into birds?

The children agree. They wear bird masks.

Spin around, spin around
Turn into little birds!

Dance of the birds (to the music of the Russian folk song “In the garden, in the garden”)

Small birds fly home in spring.
(Children-birds “fly” in a flock around the hall)
All birds must return from the south.

The birds danced merrily all day: shadow-shadow-shadow.
(Children perform a “spring” with turns left and right)
They danced in the morning to wake up the dawn.

There are bugs and grains here, you can eat them deliciously.
(Children squat down and show with their hands how they peck grains)
Peck, peck, and then dance

Wings fluttered, feathers fluttered.
(Children perform a “spring” and wave their arms up and down)
One wave, another wave, fly away all home.

presenter. Let's sing a song about a bird.

Song "Little Bird"

Cat Murka enters the hall, meows.

Murka cat. Who sings about the bird here? who won't let me sleep?

presenter. Ah, that's who scared our birds away! You can't hunt birds, pussycat - they are our friends!

Murka cat. I'm so bored, there's nothing to do, so I'm hunting.

presenter. So you better play with the birds.

The game "Here the birds flew":


Somewhere a cat is sitting here,
Doesn't tell you to mess around.
A rustle is heard in the corners,
Birds, birds, go home!

The game is played 2-3 times.

presenter. Let's be kids again. The children agree.

Spin around, spin around and turn into kids!

Murka cat. So it was not the birds, but the guys? I do not play like that...

presenter. Don't be offended, pussy. Stay at our holiday, we will give you milk and sing a song about you. (Puts a saucer of milk in front of the pussycat.)

The song "Pussy came to the children."

Kitty drank milk and now goes to sleep.

Cat Murka says goodbye to the guys and leaves the hall.

Vedas. Guys guess the riddle:

Guess what kind of bird - Dark little one?
She has a white belly. And a double ponytail.
She flies faster than everyone, there are enough midges on the fly,
If she flies to us, then spring is coming to us.

Children: Martin!

Vedas. That's right, and here she came to visit us (a swallow flies to the music)

Martin. The swallow rushed in from behind the blue of the sea, sat down and sang:

“No matter how February gets angry, how you, March, don’t frown,
Be at least snow, at least rain -
Everything smells like spring!

Vedas. And what did you bring us swallow?

Martin. Here in my envelope is a task for the children. I want the children to help me draw the tails of my little bird friends.

Vedas. Our kids will be happy to help you swallow, they love to draw with us. (Drawing tails on the contours of birds with fingers).

presenter. Guys, it's time for us to return to our group. Our toys miss us.

Under the record “Birdsong”, the children leave the hall.

Theme: "Bird is small."

Program content: clarify children's ideas about the appearance of a sparrow, expand children's knowledge about the life of a bird in winter, about its habits, nutrition. Fix finger drawing techniques. Develop a long smooth exhalation, activate the muscles of the lips. To cultivate sympathy, empathy for children in relation to "our smaller brothers."

Preliminary work: Observation on a walk.

Reading a poem by R. Kucherenko. Making paper birds.

Material: Illustration depicting a sparrow. Album sheet for each child, gouache, napkins (wet). Paper birds on strings.

Course of the lesson: Children enter the group, stand in a row.

Hello morning! (raise one hand).

Hello day! (raise other hand).

And for all the guests:

Good afternoon (hands forward).

Educator: Guys, and you know, today I came to kindergarten, and we have a guest in the group.

Do you want to know who it is? Solve the riddle.

chirp chirp,

Jump into the window!

Peck, don't be shy

Who is this? (sparrow)

That's right, guys, it's a sparrow. (I photographed him, fed him and released him outside).

Let's take a look at it and talk about it.

a) Guys, where does the sparrow live? (on the street, in the park, in the forest).

b) Is the sparrow a big or small bird? (small).

c) What is his body covered with? (feathers).

D) What body parts does a sparrow have? (head, body, legs).

d) What is his head like? (round. small).

E) What is on the head? (beak, eyes).

G) What is on the body? (wings, tail).

c) What are they for? (to fly).

I) Instead of legs, a sparrow has paws. What is the sparrow doing on them? (jumps).

Let's play birds.


Bird, one! (puts forward one leg).

Bird two! (other leg).

Jump-jump-jump! (jump on both legs).

Bird, one! (raise one hand).

Birdie. Two! (other hand).

Clap-clap-clap! (clap their hands).

Bird, one! (cover one eye with one hand).

Bird two! (other eye).

The birds are dancing. (jump).

They flap their wings (waving their arms).

And they chirp (chirp)

(Children sit down).

Educator: Although the sparrow is not afraid of frost, it is very difficult for them to find food for themselves.

Therefore, we need to help them, we need to feed the birds. Listen to this poem.

Do not fly south in the fall!

Chi-rick! Outside all winter

And I'm like an old man to him true friend

I'll take some bread crumbs too.

Educator: Guys, what else can you feed a sparrow? (millet, lard, mountain ash).

Let us now feed our birds with mountain ash.

Let's draw rowanberries for sparrows with our fingers. (drawing of mountain ash).

Let's treat the sparrow with mountain ash.

Birdie, birdie

Here is some water for you

Here are your crumbs

On my palm.

Here are rowanberries for you

On my sheet.

Guys, let's play with you. We will all become birds and learn to fly.

Bird flight game.

(For the development of a long smooth exhalation. Activation of the muscles of the lips).

Children take sticks with paper birds hanging on them and blow on them with one smooth exhalation).

Teacher: Well done guys! All of you were good birds. (put the birds in place). And now guys, tell me, who did we talk about today? (about a sparrow).

What does he have instead of clothes? (feathers).

Instead of legs? (paws).

What can he do? (fly, jump, chirp).

Birds are our friends, so you can’t offend them.

What should be done? (to love and help).

Children stand in a circle and talk.

I'm done! (hands in chest).

Well done! (hands forward).

We are great! (hands up).

Synopsis of GCD in the 2nd junior group on the topic: "Hello, birds!"

Author: Milyukhina Svetlana Grigorievna, teacher I qualification category, MADOU kindergarten No. 166 "Toy" city of Tyumen.
Summary of GCD in the second junior group on the topic: “Hello, birds!”
Subject: Hello birds!
Area integration: « cognitive development"," Artistic and aesthetic development "," Speech development", "Physical development".
Target: Reveal children's knowledge about birds.
1. Distinguish by appearance birds (hen, rooster, chicken, titmouse, bullfinch, crow, sparrow, dove), name them.
2. Fix the concepts of "home", "wild".
3. Learn to draw food for birds - bread crumbs, seeds, millet (with the end of the brush, strokes, "sticking")
4. Learn to coo like doves.
5. Fix the name of the colors: white, black, yellow, red, brown.
6. To cause sympathy and care for the birds.
Demo material: a toy - a sparrow, a tape recorder, a disk with a recording of bird voices, an image on a tablet of a forest and a chicken coop, three containers with bird food (millet, seeds, bread crumbs of black and white bread).
Handout: bird caps, feeders on sheets, gouache of four colors, brushes, glasses of water, high chairs for children.
preliminary work: conducting classes on the topic "birds", reading fiction about birds, bird watching during a walk, feeding birds on the d / s.
Motivation: a sparrow flies in and sings the song “chiv-chiv”. He whispers in the ear of the children that he flew not alone, but with friends and asks: do they want to know who his friends are?
Lesson progress:
1. Speech game "Learn by sound"
Music sounds in which the voices of birds (chicken, rooster, sparrow, dove) are heard. Children answer which birds they recognized.
How are birds different from humans?
How are birds different from animals?
2. Water game "Cooing like doves"
We pronounce the sound "hg". And now let's take some water in our mouth and again pronounce the same sound "hg".
3.Didactic game "Domestic and wild animals"
There are wild domestic birds.
Where do poultry live?
- What are the domestic birds?
- Where do wild birds live?
- What kind of wild birds do you know?
Different birds flew to visit us, but they forgot where their home is. Let's help them. We will put domestic birds in a chicken coop, and wild ones on tree branches.
4.Physical culture break "Birds"
Children put on bird hats, kneel on chairs (the chairs are set in a circle), the teacher sings:
The bird sat on the window
Sit with us for a while
Sit down, don't fly away
Flew - oh!
Birds scatter, fly, peck grains. The game is repeated twice.
5.Drawing "Feed the birds grains"
And I want to feed the birds with grains.
-What can you feed the birds?
-What color is the food?
Why do people need to feed wild birds?
-Do you want to feed the birds?
The teacher shows and reminds how to draw food correctly (bread crumbs, millet, seeds)
6. Reflection
Having finished the work, the teacher invites the children to show each other their work. They told for which bird they drew the grains.

Natalya Kudryavtseva
Synopsis of GCD on fine arts in the 2nd junior group on the topic "Birds"

Educational areas:

Artistic creativity.


Strengthen knowledge about the structure birds, introduce brown, introduce different image techniques birds, instill interest in drawing, enjoy the result, develop imagination, cultivate accuracy in work.

Demo material:

Image of a feeder and a sparrow on a sheet of paper.


Album sheet, foam rubber impregnated with brown gouache, black gouache, brush, brush holder, wet wipes.

preliminary work:

Watching birds who arrived at the site, looking at illustrations, reading fiction.

Today, when I went to kindergarten, the sun was shining brightly. And I really wanted to smile at him. Would you like to smile at the sun?

Hold hands, look at each other and smile. What is your mood?

Good, joyful.

On the way to kindergarten, I met one bird. It was a sparrow. He was sitting on the feeder birds and was very sad. "Why are you sad?" I asked. What do you think he answered me?

He is sad because he is alone.

Children, I really want him to have good mood and he rejoiced with us. So I invited him to visit us, let's get to know him. (Children look at a toy sparrow).

Guys, maybe we can help the sparrow and draw sparrow friends for him.

Consider carefully our new friend. What body parts does he have?

It has a head, body, legs, wings, beak, eyes.

What color is a sparrow?

Sparrow brown.

To draw a sparrow we will use different materials. We have foam. Why do you think it's brown?

Because the sparrow is brown.

Well done, show me your palms, attach to foam rubber, and now attach to a sheet of paper. Well done, you did everything right. Wipe the palm, which is in brown paint, with a napkin. Look at the paper, what does your handprint look like?

On the body with a tail.

What else needs to be drawn?

We will draw the head using a cover from plastic bottle. We will also attach it to the foam rubber and then to the body of our bird. What beautiful sparrows you have. It seems to me that something is missing. And what do you think.

Eye, beak and paws.

We will draw this when the sparrows dry up. Now let's play with fingers.

A game "The bird folded its wings".

The bird folded its wings, (fingers cross,

The bird washed its wings, (circular movements of crossed fingers,

The bird led with its beak, (little fingers straighten, depicting a beak,

The bird found grains (little fingers tap on the table)

The bird ate grains

The bird sang songs

The bird opened its wings (fingers open)

Fly, fly! (hands crossed, wings flapping).

And so, what do we need to finish?

Eyes, beak and paws.

In order for a sparrow to see, you need eyes. In order for a sparrow to peck grain, you need a beak. In order for the sparrow to be able to jump along the road, paws are needed. How will we draw the eyes, beak and paws?


Okay, use your fingers.

What beautiful sparrows we got! Let's call the sparrow and show him new friends.

Sparrow chirped:

I'm going to look for friends.

Our sparrow liked new friends, and he invites them to peck grains. Let's put all the sparrows on the feeder.