Summary of GCD on non-traditional drawing on the topic "Journey into space" for children of the senior preschool group

Salova Elena Viktorovna, teacher, MBDOU - kindergarten No. 7, Yekaterinburg
Description: This summary of the GCD on non-traditional drawing is intended for pupils of senior preschool groups. It will be interesting for educators, teachers additional education and parents.
Target- creating conditions for the development of children's creative abilities by means of non-traditional drawing.
Learning tasks:

- introduce non-traditional drawing - drawing with napkins;
- to consolidate knowledge about space.
Development tasks:
- to form the ability to work with non-traditional tools;
- develop Creative skills children.
Educational tasks:
- to cultivate an aesthetic attitude to the planet Earth and the cosmos as a whole;
- to cultivate sensitivity to the perception of the beauty of the world around.
Planned result:
- be able to apply the acquired knowledge;
- be able to listen carefully and answer questions;
- be able to complete assigned tasks.
Form joint activities: playful, communicative.
Form of organization: collective.
Integration educational areas: "Artistic and aesthetic development", " cognitive development», « Speech development”, “Social and communicative development”.
Educational and methodical set:

visual - illustrations of the solar system, the view of the sun and the earth from space;
equipment - magnetic board;
materials and tools - gouache, paper napkins, landscape sheets.

Lesson progress

Updating children's knowledge

The teacher gets the attention of the children.
Educator. Guys, today we are going on a journey with you! But not in simple, but in space! What do we need to take with us?
Children's answers.
Educator. Great! We've packed our things, now we need to get dressed. What do astronauts wear?
Children's answers.
Educator. That's right, you need to wear a spacesuit. It will protect us, and also give us air, because there is no air in space, and a person cannot live without it. Now we have to get on the bike and fly. Right? /No/ Why can't we bike to space?
Children's answers.
Educator. Of course, a bicycle cannot fly. And you can get to space only by special transport. What is it called? /rocket/ We're on a rocket! Our journey begins!

Finger gymnastics

1,2,3,4,5 (Children take turns bending the fingers of one hand, starting with the little finger, helping with the index finger of the other hand).
Let's fly in space (Children rotate the brush, which is clenched into a fist).
1 - comet.
2 - planet.
3 - moon rover.
4 - starship.
5 - earth (Children take turns extending their fingers, starting with the thumb).
Goodbye friends! (Children wave their hands as if saying goodbye).
The same with the other hand.

Communicative activity

Educator. Guys, look, we are already flying in space! Oh, and our porthole is covered with cosmic dust, let's wipe it.
Children make circular movements with their hands. The teacher places an illustration of the solar system on the board.

Educator. Guys, look how far we flew with you. What do we see?
Children's answers.
Educator. That's right, it's the solar system. At its center is the star Sun, and the planets revolve around it. Who knows what planets are in the solar system?
Children's answers. The teacher summarizes the answers of the children.
Educator. Let's get a little closer to our Sun, shall we?
The teacher places an illustration of the Sun on the board - a view in space.

Educator. Look how beautiful and interesting the Sun is when you look at it from space! How would you describe it?
Children's answers.
Educator. Great, but you and I have flown far from the Earth, I'm afraid we won't have enough fuel, let's fly a little closer to the Earth and look at it.
The teacher places an illustration of the Earth on the board - a view from space.

Educator. Guys, this is planet Earth! Do you like this view? What is Earth, how would you describe it?
Children's answers.

Creating a problem situation

Educator. Very beautiful our Earth! Let's take a picture of her and show our parents what we saw today! Oh, and who took the camera? What do we do? How do we capture such beauty?
children's assumptions.
Educator. That's right guys! You can draw the Earth and show your parents! Great, but first we'll stretch our legs and arms a little.

motor activity

Children stand in a circle and run after each other.
Fast rockets are waiting for us
To travel to planets.
What we want
Let's fly to this one!
But there is one secret in the game: (Children squat down)
There is no room for latecomers!
Repeat several times.

Visual activity

Educator. Well done boys! We just have a little problem! I took the paints on our trip, but I forgot about the brushes! But I have one idea! We will draw with napkins! Our space is extraordinary and our drawings will be extraordinary too!
The teacher explains the progress of the work.
Educator. Before you lies an album sheet with the contour of the Earth, a palette and napkins.

Educator. Take one piece of napkin and crush it into a ball. Let's dip in blue paint and print the ocean, only the most important thing is not to smear, but to print.

Educator. Next, we take another napkin, we also crush it, dip it in brown paint - these are mountains and land.

Educator. Next, we print meadows, forests and fields with green paint.

Educator. The earth is ready. Now we will paint space with purple paint.

Educator. The final touch is to draw distant stars and planets with yellow paint.

Abstract of the lesson. “Cosmonautics Day…” (Drawing. St. gr.)

Goals:to teach children in drawings to reflect the impression of the holiday, to continue acquaintance with space, to develop artistic creativity, aesthetic perception.

Material:album sheet, watercolor, brush, non-spill jar, napkins, pictures-photos on the theme "Space".

Lesson progress:I make a riddle to the children: I spread a scarlet tail,

Flew into a flock of stars.

Our people built this

Interplanetary ... (rocket).

I encourage children to play. Game "Cosmonauts":

Children, holding hands, walk in a circle:

Fast rockets are waiting for us

To walk the planets

What we want -

Let's fly to this one!

But there is one secret in the game:

Latecomers - no room!

Children scatter and try to take their places (in hoops). Only 2 children (cosmonauts) can sit in one rocket.

I tell you that on April 12, 1961, he was the first to travel into space, and now this day is considered to be Cosmonautics Day. I note that after Yuri Gagarin, many cosmonauts have been in space. Among them was A. Leonov - he was the first to go into outer space. There were also women among the astronauts.

I ask the children: Why do you think a person decided to fly into space?

I read to the children a poem by V. Stepanov: "Yu. Gagarin"

In a space rocket

Named "East"

He is the first on the planet

I was able to rise to the stars.

Singing songs about it

Spring drops:

Forever will be together

Gagarin and April.

I invite children to depict rockets flying into space.

Spanish literature: D.N. Koldina "Drawing with children 5-6 years old"

T.N. Vostrukhina “Introducing around the world children 5-7 years old"

N.V. Aleshine "Introduction of preschoolers to the surrounding world and social reality"

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Cognitive area "Expansion of horizons". Abstract of the lesson "Cosmonautics Day".

By using this lesson in practice, you game form introduce children to the history of the holiday Cosmonautics Day. You can give initial information about the planets, the Sun, the Moon ....

Cognitive area "Expansion of horizons". Abstract of the lesson "Cosmonautics Day".

Using this lesson in practice, you will introduce children in a playful way to the history of the origin of the Cosmonautics Day holiday. You can give initial information about the planets, the Sun, the Moon ....

Target: Expand and deepen children's ideas about space.


  • To consolidate knowledge about the planets of the solar system.
  • Expand the vocabulary associated with the concept of "Space".
  • Improve dialogical and monologue speech.
  • Strengthen your ability to answer questions.
  • Strengthen the ability to compose simple and complex sentences.
  • To consolidate the ability to form antonyms with the prefix bez-.
  • Cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, friendship, patriotism.


  • Models of the planets on the poster, audio recordings, portraits.
  • Globe.
  • Mnemotables.

preliminary work:

  • Conversations on the topic "Space"
  • Drawing on the theme "Aliens", "Space"
  • Examination of illustrations, encyclopedias, books about space
  • Making crafts, albums, applications about space
  • Game situations "Cosmodrome", "Find a planet"

Lesson progress

Children sit in a semicircle.

Space music sounds.


Long ago, when people still lived in caves, every night they looked at the sky and were surprised: countless dots sparkled above their heads. They disappeared in the morning, only to reappear the following night. And where the Sun shone during the day, the MOON shone at night, which changed its shape.

Why this happens, people did not understand, and could not explain. But thousands of years have passed and many questions have been answered.

Let's remember now everything that we know about space.

Children, long ago, when you and even me were not in the world, the joyful news spread around the world: man conquered outer space.

Who was the first astronaut on the planet? (Yu.A. Gagarin was the first cosmonaut on the planet).

Is there a monument to astronauts in our city? (In our city there is a monument to Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin).

And where is he? (It is located on Gagarin street)

What was the name of the space rocket that Gagarin took to the stars? (East)

Yuri Gagarin is a real hero not only of our country, but of the entire planet Earth! We are also proud of Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova. Who is she? (First female astronaut)

And who else flew into space besides people? (The dogs Belka and Strelka, mice, rats, rabbits and even a monkey flew into space).

What do you think astronauts should be like?

Didactic game "What should an astronaut be like?"

An astronaut must be brave, strong, courageous, resolute, intelligent, dexterous, enduring, hardworking, courageous, courageous, disciplined, modest.

Guys, let's say who can get into the cosmonaut corps?

Didactic game "Add a word"

Educator: If you want to become an astronaut, you owe a lot, a lot ...

Children: Know.

Educator: Any space route

Open to those who love…

Children: Work.

Educator: Fast rockets are waiting for us

For flights to..

Children: Planets.

Educator: Our friendliest will be

Our cheerful…

Children: Crew.

Educator: If we want to space

So soon...

Children: Let's go.

For the flight, we will build a spaceship and call it Friendship. What is the name of the door spaceship? (A door in a spaceship is called a hatch.)

Through the hatch we go on board the ship.

We repeat the rule of friendship "One for all and all for one."

We start the countdown: "10, 9, ...., start"

Physical education (to the music)

Weightlessness. What is our head? (Light); what are our arms and legs? (Lungs); what is our body? (Lung). (Exercises for arms, legs, neck).

Oops, something hit our spaceship? (This is a meteorite).

What is the name of the phenomenon when a lot of meteorites fall to Earth? (Meteor Rain).

What is the name of a window in a spaceship? (Illuminator).

Let's look out the window. What do we see? (Planets, Sun, Moon, tailed comet, asteroid, meteorite, stars).

And while we're flying, I'll tell you riddles

Riddles about space

Flashing a huge tail in the dark,

Rushing among the bright stars in the void,

She is not a star, not a planet,

The mystery of the universe ... (Comet)

Shard from the planet

Among the stars rushes somewhere.

He flies for many years, flies,

Space ... (Meteorite)

Lights the way at night

The stars won't sleep.

Let everyone sleep, she can't sleep

In the sky it shines for us ... (Moon)

planet blue,

Beloved, dear.

She is yours, she is mine

And it's called ... (Earth)

The bottomless ocean, the endless ocean,

Airless, dark and extraordinary,

Universes, stars and comets live in it,

There are also habitable planets. (Space)

There is a yellow circle in the sky

And the rays are like threads.

The earth revolves around

Like a magnet.

Even though I'm not old

But the scientist

I know it's not a circle, but a ball,

Strongly hot. (Sun)

At night with the sun I change

And I'm on fire in the sky.

I pour soft rays,

Like silver.

I can be full at night

And I can - with a sickle. (Moon)

Peas scattered across the dark sky

Colored caramel from sugar crumbs,

And only when the morning comes

All the caramel will suddenly melt. (Stars)

We are in outer space. We are surrounded by stars and planets. Let's list them!

Finger gymnastics "Solar system"

Our ship arrived on an unknown planet (they exit through the hatch, meet an alien).

I: Hello. What planet did you come from?

Q: We are from planet Earth.

Q: So you are countrymen?

Children: Compatriots are people who live in one village, one city, region. If we are from planet Earth, then we are earthlings.

I: I ask you for help. All the colors are mixed up in the Rainbow Bay, if you don't build a rainbow correctly, trouble can happen - my planet will go out of orbit.

In the meantime, we're going to Rainbow Bay, I'll show you my planet. (They walk around the planet). There are many passes here. You are standing on the path, but you will not see a blade of grass on it. There are many mountains of stones on my planet. There are seas and oceans here, only they do not have water at all.

And now we have come to the crater, which was formed from meteorites. Look how deep it is!

Ilona: Here we are in Rainbow Bay. Look what happened.

Q: And we know the words with which you can correctly build a rainbow.

D: Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting.

One child builds a rainbow, and the children name the colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple.

I: Thank you, Earthlings, for your help.

I'm sure my planet will survive. Do you like my planet?

D: Yes, but it's better on Earth, because everything is alive there.

Q: And there is no air on your planet - the planet is airless.

No water - waterless.

No people - lifeless.

No joy - joyless.

I: Thank you, Earthlings, I will often remember you. But I'm very sad because I'll never see your beautiful planet Earth.

Q: Let's give an alien a globe - a model of our Earth. And we need to return to Earth. (They say goodbye. They go to the spaceship. They enter the ship through the hatch).

The countdown begins: "10.9, ..., start"

Our ship is flying towards the earth.

Let's talk about the Sun while we are flying to the Earth. Symbols will help us.

The story of the Sun with the help of symbols.

Star or planet? (star)

Large or small in size? (large)

Is it round or square in shape? (round)

Is the light bright or dim? (bright)

Temperature hot or cold? (hot)

In terms of distance from Earth, far or close? (distant)

Guys, the sun is very bright Star. In order to preserve our vision, we will not look at the Sun for a long time without dark protective glasses. This is very harmful. Stand next to chairs. Let's make a warm relaxing massage for the eyes.

Eye strain massage

Now we boldly look into the round window of the spaceship. What's it called, remember? (porthole)

What do we see? (Earth is our beloved planet)

Thanks to our friendship, we were able to help the alien. And let's connect our palms, and then friendship will increase several times and will be transferred from one to another along a living chain. This is how, holding hands, the people of our entire planet will be able to preserve peace on Earth and nature in all its beauty. This is how we landed on Earth. (Children leave the ship and sit in a semicircle).

Planet Earth is our common home.

Let's tell you about it now!

And again we need

"Helper - table"!

Drawing up a story based on a mnemonic table (“along the chain”)

"Planet Earth. It has the shape of a ball. The Earth is big, but the Sun is even bigger. The earth is multicolored. Blue because there are rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. Brown is land: earth, sandy deserts, mountains. Green is plants: trees, shrubs, herbs. White color- these are clouds that wrap the Earth like a blanket. There is life on Earth: people, animals and plants!

Our planet is the most beautiful of all planets. All living things on Earth: people, plants, animals

What a blessing that we happened to be born and live on amazing planet The land we must protect! Yu.A. asked all earthlings about this after his flight. Gagarin:

“Having circled the Earth in a satellite ship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, we will preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it!”

Thanks to scientists, designers, cosmonauts for discovering us wonderful world Space. There are still many secrets and mysteries in it, and it is you who, when you become adults, will be able to reveal them.

The earth gave us

A lot of good

And she waits anxiously

For us to save her.

She is for everyone in the world -

The only mother

And we are children

At Mother Earth.

Let over your edge

Let over our edge

Bloom without fading

Spring gardens.

Let's embrace our Earth

How we hug mom

And protect, like a mother,

From grief and misfortune!

Today we have accomplished an exciting and informative great space trip and learned a lot of interesting things about space.


  1. To teach children to create various images in drawing on their own.
  2. Learn to see the beauty of the created image.
  3. To form the ability to aesthetically assess the environment.
  4. Develop creative abilities.
  5. To expand children's ideas about space flights.
  6. To instill in children interest and respect for astronauts; to teach them to admire their heroic work, to be proud that the first cosmonaut was a Russian.

Preliminary work: When preparing children for the lesson, you can use works of fiction: stories and poems about space and astronauts by different authors. Popular illustrated books for children, atlases, encyclopedias may also be useful. Viewings of animated films. Excursion to the planetarium. A conversation about the solar system, about the discoverers of space, about the universe, about the stars, constellations and signs of the zodiac.

Material: A3 sheets of paper (black) with splashes (made by children in advance), gouache, napkins, brushes, palettes, cups.

Lesson progress

- Guys, maybe one of you knows what holiday our country celebrates on April 12? (This is a holiday in honor of pilot-cosmonauts, in honor of scientists, workers who make rockets, spacecraft and satellites)

Brave people sailed into unknown seas, explored forests, walked through snow and ice to the Pole.

But they all traveled the Earth, and who made the first flight into space? (Gagarin)

The teacher shows the children a portrait of Yu.A. Gagarin and asks: Tell us what you know about Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. Then he summarizes the children's answers: “Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was the first man to fly into space. He went high, high above the Earth in a spaceship. People who fly into space are called astronauts. We are proud that a Russian man was the first to fly into space.”

From space, he saw our entire Earth. In space, he recognized weightlessness, but does anyone know what weightlessness is? (When the astronaut himself and his things weigh nothing and swim in the ship like fish in an aquarium)

Most of the Earth's surface is covered with water and in space, where an impenetrable night, it seems to be a luminous ball of beauty. blue color. Yuri Gagarin was the first to see, learn, and experience all this. He paved the way for other people into space. A lot of cosmonauts have been there. They shared their impressions with the artists. And those painted distant worlds, unfamiliar planets, “cosmic” pictures are amazingly beautiful and poetic.

And which of the astronauts went into space and was the first to go into outer space? (Alexey Leonov)

That's right guys Alexei Leonov was the first to go into outer space, and he is also Russian.

Many flew into space more than once and worked there for several months.

Guys, do you know what is in space? (Planets, stars, meteorites, comets)

What is the closest star to us? (Sun)

All planets revolve around the sun.

Who knows how many planets revolve around the sun? (9)

What are these planets? (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)

Tell me, please, what is a comet? (This is a star that has a tail)

To see all this, I suggest going to space.

Are you ready to travel? (Yes)

Get comfortable then, we're off.

The signal “Attention” is heard. Everyone takes their places in the spaceship.

The countdown is on: “9, 8, 7, b, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Start!”

(Music sounds, creating an enthusiastic feeling of flight.)

During the “flight” there is a conversation about what is visible from the “windows”:

We flew over our planet. What is it called? (Earth)

Does our planet have a satellite? (Yes)

What is it called? (Moon)

What are the inhabitants of our planet called? (Earthlings)

- We fly over the red planet, what is it called? (Mars)

Why is she red? (Because it is made of red stone)

What do you think, if people lived on it, what would we call them? (Martians)

- But another planet, look, it has a ring, what is it called? (Saturn)

What bright star, what is it? (Sun)

Guys, can we fly up on our spaceship close to the Sun? (No)

And why? (Because something in the Sun is very heat and our ship may fail)

Astronauts are not only smart, but also strong, healthy people. I offer you space charging.

Here is charging from space
Do everything in order!
Get up quickly, smile
Higher, higher stretch.
Come on, straighten your shoulders
Raise, lower
Turned left, turned right
Touched hands with knees
Sit down, sit up, sit down.
I hope you are not tired?
Everyone needs to stand up
And breathe easier.

Educator GBOU Gymnasium No. 1552

Moscow city

Kapitanskaya Elena Alexandrovna


  • create conditions for the development of a sense of color and composition.
  • create conditions for free experimentation with watercolors and oil pastels
  • to form the ability to depict parts of the solar system
  • to form the ability to practically complete the drawing, getting different shades by mixing paints
  • continue to form in children a steady interest in visual activity, develop creative imagination, a sense of composition.


Sheets of A4 paper; watercolor paints, brushes, jars of water; oil pastel; cloth napkins, illustrations about space, the solar system;

The course of educational activities:

1. Introduction

Children stand near the teacher and look at the pictures.

Educator: Guys, we were watching the sky on a walk. How do you remember it? (children's answers)

That's right, guys, the sky is bright, blue - on a sunny day, gray - on a cloudy day, orange - pink at sunset.

Can the sky be purple, black? (children's answers)

When? (children's answers).

Of course, at night the sky turns dark blue, lights up with thousands of stars. (Showing illustrations depicting starry sky) . This is what the night sky looks like when viewed from the ground.

Our planet Earth is located in the boundless outer space. It has many other planets, billions of stars, colossal masses of small stones, dust, gases. And all this is called the Universe. And now I invite you to make an exciting journey through our Universe. Let's fantasize, imagine that you and I have risen so high that the Earth has turned into a blue ball below. What will the sky look like now? (children's answers)

What you are talking about is no longer the sky, scientists call it outer space. Although it is airless, it is filled with stars, planets, comets. Particularly distant stars appear to be dust particles; they form nebulae and the Milky Way. (illustration display).

This is our galaxy - it's called the Milky Way. Part milky way Our solar system is made up of 8 planets. They all revolve around the sun (showing an illustration depicting the solar system). The teacher asks the children to name each planet.


Look, children, what ours looks like solar system. Which planet is closest to the Sun? (Mercury). This planet is like mountain country. On its surface there are many craters from collisions with meteorites. Humans cannot fly to Mercury as it is very close to the Sun. The surface of the planet is being studied by automatic interplanetary stations and space probes launched from the earth. (illustration display). What planet is sometimes called "Sister of the Earth" ? (children's answers). Yes, it's Venus. It is similar in size to the Earth. Thunderstorms and storms constantly rage on Venus. This planet has an atmosphere, but it is carbon dioxide, a person cannot breathe it. (illustration display).


What other planets do you know? (Children's answers.). By outer space you can travel for a very long time. There are a lot of interesting and unusual things here, if you see in the window green planet- this is Uranus, red - this is Mars; There will definitely be rings around Saturn, they are made of ice and rocks. And the smallest planet is Pluto.

The teacher shows the children an illustration depicting the planet Earth.


What is that blue ball? (Earth). That's right, this is our favorite planet - Earth. How interesting it looks from the outside! Who was the first astronaut? (Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin) How are astronauts usually dressed? (in space suits). You can travel through outer space for a very long time. There are many interesting and unusual things here.

2. Practical part.


The planets are our neighbors. The moon is a satellite of our planet Earth, we can observe it on a clear night and without a telescope. The stars are much more planets The closest star to us is the Sun. Without it, there would be no life on Earth, which is why people feel so uncomfortable if they do not see the sun for a long time. And every earthling will recognize this planet, because it is his home! This is what our planet Earth looks like from space. What is she? (children's answers)

You have delighted me with your knowledge of space. And now I propose to sketch our journey, your materials are different - these are oil pastel crayons and watercolors.

With oil pastel crayons you will draw planets, satellites, you can draw space rocket and an astronaut open space. Everyone will get their own space landscape.

When you've finished painting with pastels, start painting over the air space with watercolors.

What colors will you use to represent the air space? (children's answers)

How can we get purple? (children's answers)

That's right, mix blue and red paints on the palette.

How to get blue color? (children's answers)

Yes, it is really necessary to mix blue paint and white.

Dynamic pause "Astronaut"

In the dark sky the stars shine
(Fingers squeeze and unclench)
The astronaut flies in a rocket.
(palms clasped above head)

The day flies and the night flies
And looks down at the ground.
He sees the fields from above,
(Join fingers)

Mountains, rivers and seas.
(Hands spread out to the sides)
He sees the whole globe of the earth,
The globe of the earth is our home.

(Palms over head "roof" ) .


Let's start the task.

3. Final part

The analysis of finished works is carried out.


A real space fantasy flashes before your eyes! And you guys did it? What technique did you use to create your work? (children's answers)