The wife of chansonnier Mikhail Krug, who was killed more than ten years ago, identified the man who shot him. The killer, as expected, was a bandit named Veselov. Earlier it was reported that his skeletal remains were found on a tip from a life-sentenced criminal.

Since the suspect has been dead for a long time, the identification was based on a photograph, RIA Novosti reports, citing a source in the investigating authorities.

"Krug's widow was shown a photograph of Veselov, who was considered the direct perpetrator of the singer's murder. She identified him as the person who directly shot at her husband," the agency's interlocutor explained.

Recall that 40-year-old Mikhail Vorobyov (creative pseudonym - Mikhail Krug) was mortally wounded in his own house in the village of Mamulino, Proletarsky district, Tver region. This happened on the night of June 30 to July 1, 2002. That evening, City Day was celebrated in Tver, and the Krug family went to watch the fireworks. And the singer and his family returned to their cottage on Liberation Street only at midnight.

According to investigators, two masked criminals with pistols entered the singer's house through an unlocked balcony. Entering the room where Mikhail Krug's mother-in-law was watching TV, the attackers hit her on the head with the butt of a pistol. Mikhail and his wife Irina came running to the screams from another room.

The criminals opened fire on the spouses, several bullets hit the singer in the chest, after which the attackers fled through front door. Bleeding Krug managed to get to the house of neighbors, who took him in their car to the sixth city hospital. The doctors fought for the life of the musician for several hours, but they could not help him. Krug died in the operating room without regaining consciousness.

According to one of the versions, Mikhail Krug became the victim of an ordinary robbery attack by some criminals - "guest performers". The robbers randomly chose the house, not knowing that a famous chansonnier lives there. They believed that they would meet only women and children, but when a man began to resist them, the criminals used weapons.

This version is supported by the fact that at about the same time several more mansions were robbed. As producer Vadim Tsygankov said, the day before the murder in the Krug's house was for some reason turned off landline phone. He also added that "urki, clearly not local - not from Tver and not from Klin", traveled around the Mamulino district, where Mikhail lived, and looked out for rich houses.

But there is also a more exotic version, according to which Mikhail Krug was in conflict with the leader of the Tver Wolves gang. The gangsters allegedly wanted to receive their share of the fees and generally control commercial activity singer.

This version is supported by the fact that the widow of Mikhail Krug identified one of the attackers as the closest accomplice of the leader of the Tver Wolves, Alexander Ageev. He was sentenced to life imprisonment for other crimes, but his involvement in the massacre of the Circle could not be proven. The leader of the group Alexander Osipov and Dmitry Baskakov received the same punishment.

One way or another, the death of Mikhail Krug excited the criminal world. The "authorities" promised to conduct their own investigation and punish those responsible. A few months later, in September 2002, crime boss Ibragim Azizov, nicknamed Arkasha, was killed in Tver. 27 bullets were fired at him. At the same time, rumors spread that it was revenge for the Circle, since it was Arkasha's subordinates who climbed into the house of the famous singer.

However, a source in criminal circles claimed that "according to the concepts" the verdict was passed only at a meeting, and there was no meeting regarding the death of the Circle. “In general, in the criminal world, no one would avenge the murder of a thief, but a singer. So all this is spectacular speculation. There was simply self-interest in the murder of Krug. No idea,” the anonymous “authority” explained.

The killer was found in the form of a skeleton

Detectives were brought to Veselov in 2012 by a certain criminal serving a life sentence. Thanks to his testimony, a half-decayed corpse was discovered in the Kalininsky district of the Tver region. As the convict explained, he dealt with the killer of Mikhail Krug three months after his death.

Presumably, the remains belong to Veselov, who was a member of the "Lomov" criminal group (founder - Alexander Kostenko, nicknamed Scrap). It was the Lomovskys who subordinated the Tver Wolves brigade, which was notable for its particular cruelty and killed dozens of people, including its own members.

It was established that Veselov, born in 1973, was shot in the back of the head.

By the way, according to the statement of the prisoner who confessed, several more bodies of bandits who became victims of criminal showdowns were buried in the same place in the field. However, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation called the information that appeared in the press about the breakthrough during the investigation "premature and contrary to the interests of the investigation."

Even more categorically about the found skeleton of the likely killer of Mikhail Krug, his sister spoke out. “This news is just a “duck” picked up by journalists,” said Olga Medvedeva, sister of the chansonnier. “The connection between the found corpse and the death of my brother has not been established and is unlikely to be. I think it was just a PR for the police: they say, they found ... "

Mikhail Krug was born on April 7, 1962 in Tver. He studied at a music school in the accordion class, but never graduated from it. In the future, the future chansonnier played hockey and was a goalkeeper in the team. After the eighth grade, Vorobyov entered a vocational school and received the profession of an auto repairman.

Returning from the army, he married and entered the preparatory department of the Polytechnic Institute. Vorobyov also worked as the head of a motorcade, but soon left his job.

Fame for Mikhail Krug was brought by such hits as "Zhigan-Lemon", "Girl-Pie", "Kolshchik", "My Dear City". Most of the chansonnier's songs were dedicated to his native city.

The king of Russian chanson - this is what his fans called this talented musician. Even a very interesting and fascinating film about Mikhail Krug has been created, which lifts a kind of curtain over his life. And once I didn’t want to believe at all that the author and performer of such famous songs, as "Vladimir Central", "Madam", "Golden Domes", was shot dead in his own mansion. Versions of the murder were considered very different. To deal with this issue, let's plunge a little into the biography of the master.

Chanson. Michael Krug

His real name- Sparrows. He was born in 1962 in Tver. His father was an engineer and his mother was an accountant. Was and elder sister Olga. Mikhail studied at school number 39 reluctantly, often ran away from lessons. At one time I went to a music school and learned to play the button accordion, but then I abandoned this lesson. He loved to play hockey, was the goalkeeper in his team.

His idol was Vladimir Vysotsky, so from the age of 11 he played the guitar. Mikhail began writing his first poems at the age of 14 and dedicated them to a classmate. In his work, he tried his best to imitate Vysotsky, on this occasion a scandal broke out at school.

Then Misha joined the army, upon returning from it he worked as a driver and delivered dairy products around the city for 10 years. Then in 1987 he was promoted to the head of the motorcade and sent to study at the institute. But he did not want to sit in the office, he also abandoned the institute and again went to work as a driver.

Personal life

His first wife's name was Svetlana, she was a solo guitarist in the instrumental ensemble of the Institute of Light Industry. It was she who became his first producer. She looked for him all sorts music competitions where he could show his musical talent. She recorded the songs of Mikhail Krug on audio cassettes. In 1988, they got married, and after a while, their son Dmitry was born. However, a year later the couple broke up due to the constant betrayal of her husband.

In 2000, Mikhail married for the second time a girl from Chelyabinsk, Irina, who is now known to everyone as the popular chansonette Irina Krug. She already had a daughter from her first marriage, and soon she gave birth to a son Alexander Krug.

Views and beliefs

Mikhail was somewhat conservative in his views and beliefs. He had an aversion to feminism. And, most interestingly, he was a member of the Liberal Democratic Party and an assistant to its odious leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky. In his interviews, Krug openly emphasized his anti-communist orientation.

Mikhail Krug: albums, creativity

The album "Tver Streets" became the first. He recorded it in 1989, followed by the album "Katya" and then the third without a title. Officially, these albums were never released, but were stolen and illegally distributed.

But Mikhail Krug did not stop there, he continued to create his albums further. The turning point in his career was the new collection of songs "Zhigan-Lemon". The songs mostly had a “near-criminal” theme, but lyrical and ironic compositions also slipped through. With them, Mikhail Krug came to the Russian chanson.

His popularity grew at an extraordinary speed; in 1995, the film “Bard Mikhail Krug” was shot about him. A year later, his video for the song "It Was Yesterday" debuted. Since 1997, he began performing abroad in Germany, America and Israel. And he did not forget to perform charity concerts in prisons and colonies, if he knew what kind of “gratitude” awaits him from those about whom he sang so sincerely.

The most famous songs of Mikhail Krug are “Kolshchik”, “Golden Domes”, “Vladimir Central”, “Madame”, “I went through Siberia”, “The process is over”, “Sparks in the fireplace”, “Student”, “Hello, mother "," To you, my last love" etc.

Awards and achievements

In 1998, the singer received the Ovation Award in the Russian Chanson nomination. In 1999, he took part and won in the Musical Ring, where Sergey Trofimov became his opponent. In 1999, he took second place in the Russian Chanson.

In 2000, he starred in feature film"April", where he played a crime boss.

About this outstanding personality, the series "The Legend of Mikhail Krug" was even filmed, where they used very Interesting Facts from his life.

Investigation. Versions of the murder

The famous bard was shot on the night of June 30 to July 1, 2002 in his mansion in the village of Mamulino (Tverskoy district). Forty days after Krug's funeral in Tver, a grandiose concert in his memory was held at the Khimik stadium. The stands were packed with spectators, many famous and popular artists performed on the stage. Many were then sure that the musician became an accidental victim of a banal robbery, if we speak “by the terms”, gop-stop. It was believed that the bandits who got into the house were not going to kill him, in one minute everything went wrong according to the thieves' scenario.

On the question of who killed Krug Mikhail, some considered it a contract killing and that his business competitors became the killers, others that it was done by vodka mafiosi. And when, literally two months after this tragedy, a Tver authority named Arkash (Ibragim Azizov) was shot from a machine gun, the rumor immediately spread that this was revenge, since it was his gang that was engaged in robbing rich mansions.

How it was

The question of who killed the Circle of Michael was also asked by the strongest psychics. According to their visions and according to eyewitnesses, a clear picture of the moment of the crime was created. Indications, although in some cases they differ, but in general the situation has cleared up.

So, at the time of the murder, there were five people in the house: mother-in-law Zoya Petrovna, three children (from Krug's first marriage, son Dima, Marina - daughter of Irina, and their joint one and a half month old son Sasha), Mikhail and his wife Irina. Closer to midnight, the owner went to the bedroom, and the wife was putting the children to bed. The mother-in-law was sitting on the couch of the third floor and watching TV, when suddenly two masked men attacked her. They hit her on the head with a gun and tried to strangle her.

Irina ran out to the noise, one of the criminals suddenly found himself without a mask, she saw his face, and he chased her. Mikhail, hearing his wife's scream, ran out of the bedroom and met face to face with the criminal, who shot him twice, and he fell. Ambulance refused to go without the police, time was lost. Neighbor Vadim Rusakov took him to Tver city ​​hospital No. 6, by morning Krug died from blood loss.

The children were not injured, as the two younger ones were sleeping, and the older Dima was sitting in headphones, playing on the computer and did not hear anything.

10 years have passed since the death of Mikhail Krug, and this is what his friends in the criminal world managed to find out. The thief in law (to whom the lines from the song "Vladimirsky Central" are dedicated) claims that they conducted their own investigation, and it turned out that the death of the singer was not ordered, it was just the circumstances. Sever hinted that a third person was the gunner of the rich cottage, and all those involved in the murder have already been found, punished and are "in their place."


Regarding the topic “Who killed Krug Mikhail”, it should be noted that in 2008 the police arrested the Tver Wolves gangster group, which could be involved in this tragedy, especially since Krug’s wife Irina identified one criminal, Alexander Ageev, who attacked them. However, his involvement in this case could not be proven. But he received a life sentence for other crimes.

In the summer of 2012, information appeared in the press that the remains of the murderer Krug were found in Tver, they were pointed out by a person serving a life sentence. In the late spring of 2013, the widow Irina identified this perpetrator of the murder, Dmitry Veselov, from a photograph, which was also confirmed by the killer of the Volkov gang, Alexander Osipov, who was sentenced to capital punishment. In the article " TVNZ» dated March 7, 2014, the details of the murder were first published famous musician. Now the case is closed, and the question of who killed the Circle of Michael has been fully answered.


On the morning of July 3, after the funeral service in the church, Mikhail Krug was buried at the local Dmitrov-Cherkassky cemetery. Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Katya Ogonyok, Efrem Amiramov, the Zhemchuzhny brothers and many other celebrities came to say goodbye to him.

Monday, early morning, July 1, 2002. Tver departs from the next celebration of the City Day. In his country house crime boss Alexander Kostenko - "Scrap", "Ivanych" - plays chess with the killer of the gang "Volkov" Alexander Osipov - "Wolf Cub", "Younger Wolf". Nearby is the father of "Teen Wolf", a bald, powerful man with a dangerous squint of his eyes - Anatoly Osipov - "Skull", "Shaman", leader of the combat wing of the killers of the Volkov gang, which was completely subordinate to "Crowbar".

Phone call, Kostenko picks up the phone.

The circle was killed! - sounds on the other end of the wire.

I didn’t order like that ... - the authority breaks out in response ...

So, ten years after these events, Alexander Osipov told the investigator "Teen Wolf". Sentenced to life imprisonment, he decided to tell everything as it was, to reveal the secret of the murder of the Circle, he had nothing to lose.

Kostenko was then very frightened, - the “Wolf cub” explained to the investigator and continued without looking back.

Murder in detail

On the evening of June 30, 2002, Mikhail Krug, having given a concert at the City Day, decided not to stay for the festive fireworks and returned home earlier than planned. In a house on the outskirts of Tver, there was a chansonnier's mother-in-law, his wife Irina and three children - two from their first marriages and a joint child.

Around midnight, the mother-in-law climbed a steep two-span staircase to the billiard room on the third floor. Before that, Krug was sitting there - he played the guitar a little, fiddled with game console... Then Irina called him. It was time to go to bed, and the mother-in-law began to spread out the sofa for herself. At that moment, two people attacked the woman from behind. Hearing the noise upstairs, Irina Krug decided that her mother was unwell and ran to the billiard room. Having slightly opened the door, she saw how two big men with weapons were beating her mother.

Misha, mother is being killed! - breaking through the horror, Irina shouted and ran to her husband.

Michael was already in the bedroom. After a couple of seconds, he intercepted Irina on the stairs and, covering himself, began to take her to the first floor. Following, from the flight of stairs, shots were fired. In the back. It was inconvenient for the bandits to shoot - the stairs were narrow. One bullet hit the tiled floor, but two still reached the addressee.

The circle was seriously injured, but was alive for some time. He even managed to run to a neighbor who took him by car to the hospital. The chansonnier died on the operating table, on the morning of July 1. The bandits quietly left the house ...

Eight months after the murder, in early March 2003, an emerald-colored Japanese SUV stopped on a country road near Kimr. Two people got out of the car - the killers "Volkov" Alexander Osipov and Dmitry Veselov, "Vesel". Osipov took Veselov to a deserted place under a far-fetched pretext, saying that his father "Shaman" was waiting for them in a village near Kimry.

In fact, Osipov, as he himself admitted to the investigation, wanted to get dirt on Kostenko from Vesel (Veselov was part of the inner circle of Lom's trusted people). For what? He says that he wanted to collect information and hand over that FSB. This would give him and his father the opportunity to become the first, the main, the main ones in the Tver criminal world. It is clear that Osipov, after such a conversation, did not plan to leave Veselov alive. But he didn't kill him for that.

Here's what "Teen Wolf", already on life imprisonment, told the operas under the record in the protocol:

“I took out my PM pistol, pointed it at him, at chest level, and said:

- Dima, calmly, I need information on Kostenko.

Why would you?

- I want to plant him.

Veselov said that the only thing Kostenko fears is revenge.

- From whom, from the brotherhood?

No, revenge for the Circle.

- Dima, did you do it?

Yes, we are, by order of Kostenko.

- For what?

Veselov replied that in May 2002, Krug, my father, was in Kostenko's bathhouse (Anatoly Osipov. - Red.) and Veselov himself. Kostenko at that meeting offered the Circle to pay money from concerts. The circle refused. After that, Kostenko had a plan - while Krug will perform at a concert on City Day, his house must be robbed, and then the stolen property should be returned, thereby Kostenko will benefit Krug, he will become obligated to him and start paying.

Hearing this, Osipov shot Veselov in the chest and head, and buried the corpse. The remains were found only in 2012 - the life-sentenced killer himself indicated the place.

I have been friends with Krug since 1996, when he came to Kimry with a concert. I talked to him. Loved not only his work. I respected him as a person. By killing Veselov, I avenged Krug, ”Osipov admitted in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, we managed to meet with the killer in the Tver pre-trial detention center.

The question remains - who was the second in the house of the Circle. Osipov does not know about this, he only assumes that it was someone Sergei, a friend of Veselov, who helped him control prostitutes on the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway in the Tver region.

It is not surprising that after the testimony of Osipov, the investigation into the murder of Mikhail Krug was resumed in December last year. While the detectives do not disclose the details of the case, as they have not done for 12 years. But, as you know, everything is secret ...

Of all actors stories with the murder of a chansonnier, only Alexander Osipov survived. Now he, like other members of the Wolves gang, is pulling the strap life sentence. Anatoly Osipov, "Shaman", killed in 2005. Alexander Kostenko, "Scrap", killed in 2006. These crimes have not yet been solved.

Un Certain Regard

More authentic version didn't hear


On the morning of July 1, 2002, I was surprised by the speed of the rumors. As soon as it became known that Krug had been killed, allegations were already flying around Tver about who did it and for what. Although at that moment the operatives at the Krug's house did not even whisper any assumptions.

And then the pages of volumes of the criminal case and years of ignorance rustled. What kind of versions I did not manage to hear during this time. And the thieves sentenced him for “behaving inappropriately” - he didn’t sit, but sings about the life of a thieves. And he answered for the vodka business - he allegedly intended to start producing Krugovka vodka, and in order not to get into the alcohol business, he was punished (by the way, Krug himself told me that he really plans to produce such vodka). For a long time there was a version about an attempt to steal the matrix of a new disk from the Circle in order to demand a ransom from it or sell it to pirates, but they got excited, so they killed the chansonnier. And that these are simple burglars, having confused the cottage, accidentally shot the singer ...

Perhaps, in 12 years, from the versions alone, a multi-volume book can be printed. But what Osipov told, in my opinion, is the most harmonious of all the stories I have heard. It is felt that he says what he knows for sure. And although the investigators - and there will be a platoon of them during this time - are skeptical about the confessions of the killer, they say, they want the case to be dragged out longer so that they don’t move from the pre-trial detention center to the special regime zone, I see Osipov’s version as the most slender and finished of everything that was walking all these years - from popular rumor to confidential stories of people in uniform.

This year marks two anniversaries of the "singer of criminal romance" chansonnier Michael Krug(aka Mikhail Vladimirovich Vorobyov). 55 years for his birth and 15 years for his death.

Krug is one of the most successful and mythologized artists of our time. Every year, the number of legends surrounding his life and his death only grows, closing his real, talented and extraordinary personality from us.

Myth one. Krug knew prison life well.

The circulation of Krug's albums reached millions. His songs are dedicated to prison-camp romance, describe the complex state of mind and difficult life situation"inmates".

By the way. The genre "Russian chanson" aka "thieves' song" is considered in Russia even more popular than pop music. Of the currently living successful artists, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Alexander Novikov, Vika Tsyganova, Irina Krug work in it ( last wife Michael).

At the same time, neither the chansonnier himself, nor his family members or friends were sitting. Krug diligently and extremely accurately translated his songs into "fenya" with the help of a dictionary of prison vocabulary, published in 1924 for the NKVD. The singer accidentally bought a book at a flea market and did not part with it. Moreover, the bulk of chansonnier listeners also did not have a prison past and made up their ideas about this part of life according to the songs of the Circle. Therefore, each album of the artist was carefully accompanied by explanations for the texts.

The secret of the singer's popularity and the fact that he knew how to “get” into the audience so accurately is simple: Mikhail Krug is one of those rare cases when a person can be called a nugget and not be deceitful.

The singer had no musical education. As a child, Krug was a bully and a loser. He did not want to study at a comprehensive school and gave up accordion lessons at a music school. But he himself learned to play the guitar, knew the entire repertoire Vysotsky And Rosenbaum. He began writing songs at school (of course, he dedicated them to his first love). By the army, the young man settled down, he served as an excellent student. And for the ability to sing that conquered his colleagues, he enjoyed general favor.

After the army, he was going to get married and go to college. But - by chance I saw an announcement about the competition of the author's song. He took part, took first place and decided to record his first album (for his own money, "samizdat"). The circulation sold out instantly. Then two more "samizdat" albums were recorded, which turned out to be just as successful. And then a professional career began - producers, recording studios and endless tours in Russia, Germany, the USA. Mikhail Krug also performed in prisons. But not always in front of the "inmates", more often they were employees. And he did not enter into close contact with the "contingent".

Myth two. The circle communicated very closely with criminal authorities and even was the keeper of the common fund of one of the organized crime groups

Despite the fact that in the film “Legends of the Circle” filmed several years ago, the hero is friends with thieves in law and goes to the bathhouse with them, it was reliably established by the investigating authorities that the real Mikhail Krug was not involved in the thieves' world (and in the bathhouse with his representatives did not go).

Indeed, one of the Krug's hits - the song "Vladimirsky Central" - is dedicated to the former thief in law and the "prisoner" of the famous prison Sasha Severny who gave the singer a massive ring. The truth is that the chansonnier had extensive acquaintances, including among the "authorities". Exactly the same "not simple" acquaintances have almost all the stars, regardless of the genre. In addition, Tver in the 90s was a heavily criminalized region. Therefore, not knowing the "authorities" was more difficult than knowing them.

And Mikhail Krug was an honest, decent, noble person who was really respected by everyone. There is a known case when, on tour, Krug accidentally discovered that the organizers of the tour provide rather meager meals to his lesser-known colleagues. And the singer fed the musicians at his own expense. In his own group there was the strictest "dry law", which was always in effect, even at numerous banquets and corporate parties, where the owners were desperately trying to get famous artists drunk.

Myth three. Krug's house could not just be robbed, because the singer was under the tacit protection of crime

Mikhail Krug was killed while trying to rob his house. The thieves, having climbed into the dwelling, accidentally ran into his mother-in-law. At that time, the artist married a second time, his son had just been born, and his mother-in-law helped with her grandson. The woman screamed, the owner of the house ran out and received two bullets in the chest. Died in the hospital.

Immediately after the murder, numerous versions began to appear that were based on only one thing: a popular artist who sang of criminal romance simply could not become an accidental victim of an accidental robbery.

Fans built the most fabulous versions and willingly believed in them. For example, that the murder was organized by a young wife who had just given birth to a son to the singer. Or that Krug was ordered by the "blue mafia" - the artist was known for his uncompromising position in relation to homosexual relationships. At the same time, the “trump card” argument of all these and similar versions was the fact that supposedly Mikhail Krug’s house was under the tacit tutelage of “authorities” and no one would have gotten there just like that.

Of course, everyone knew the house of Mikhail Krug. And, of course, no one would deliberately climb into it. But the fact of "guardianship" is denied by both the singer's relatives and the investigating authorities.

As the investigation established, drug addicts climbed into the Krug's house, who were not subordinate to anyone in particular. They supposedly learned from the media that the singer received 400 thousand dollars for a new album (this is not true) and therefore decided to rob the cottage. At the same time, the bandits expected that the owner would not be at home. After the murder caused a colossal response, they were frightened, and two participants directly responsible for the death of the singer were killed themselves. The rest of the raiders were identified several years later.

Myth four. "Brothers" avenged Krug

Three months after the murder of Mikhail, Tver was shocked by a new high-profile crime. A crime boss was shot with 27 bullets in front of his house Ibrahim Azizov nicknamed Arkasha. He was "looking" in Tver and directly controlled the retail drug trade. It was also known that one of the gangs controlled by Azizov "cleaned" mansions. However, the investigators quickly disproved this assumption. Even if Arkasha's people got into the Krug's house, the perpetrators would be punished, but not Azizov. From the point of view of criminal values, the value of the "top manager" Azizov was incomparably higher than the "troubadour" of the Circle. The murder of Arkasha was connected with the drug trade and his "professional" activities. But there was no revenge for Krug.

Myth five. The circle left behind millions, because of which the widow and mother quarrel

This is also not true. The main legacy of Mikhail Krug is his work. Wife Irina, with the support of her husband and producer Vika Tsyganova, first began to publish and rehash the unreleased songs of the Circle. The audience fell in love with Irina Krug, she became a sought-after singer in the chanson genre. Now the woman is releasing new albums. The mother and sister of Mikhail Krug opened a chansonnier museum in Tver, they conduct excursions to memorable places in the city. Relatives communicate well with each other and with great respect keep the memory of Mikhail Krug.

One of the most popular bards in the style of Russian chanson, singer and author of the famous song "Vladimir Central", Mikhail Krug is known to most Russians. For many, he was an idol and a favorite performer, successfully toured the country, released several magnetic albums and collections of his songs, and shot several clips. The circle had to cooperate more than once in the cinema: he starred in the role of Leonid Petrovich in the crime drama "April", was the composer of the film and took part in the filming of the series "My Truth". The cause of death of Mikhail Krug was murder.

He was born in 1962 in Kalinin and together with general education school, attended the musical, accordion class. Mikhail was a lively boy, studied reluctantly, often ran away from lessons and preferred to play hockey. After graduating from school, he served in the army and worked as a driver for 10 years. "Rising" to the head of the motorcade, Krug was sent to study at the Polytechnic Institute in 1987. But this work became boring for him and he got behind the wheel again, dropping out of school.

However, upon entering the Polytechnic University, Mikhail participated in the author's song contest and took first place with his song "About Afghanistan": his long-standing love for Vysotsky and the bard song affected. The well-known bard Evgeny Klyachkin, who was present at the competition, advised Mikhail to work further in this direction, and he believed in himself. It was then that the usual surname Vorobyov was replaced by the pseudonym Krug. Already in 1989, Mikhail Krug recorded his first album, Tver Streets, at a studio in Tver.

The second album of the Circle - "Katya" and another, untitled, were never officially released: they were stolen and distributed illegally. The first official album of Mikhail Krug "Zhigan-Lemon" was released in 1994. He is considered decisive in the formation of a new famous Russian bard. In addition to songs of a criminal theme, it contained lyrical and comic works. This album was later re-released several times. In 1995, the singer became a hero documentary film"Bard Mikhail Krug" and shot his first video "It was yesterday."

Having become famous, Mikhail performed a lot, went on tour abroad and enjoyed the special love of fans, often with a criminal past. On the night of July 1, 2002, an attack was made on Krug's house in the village of Mamulino near Tver. In addition to the singer, there were 5 more people in the house: a wife, mother-in-law and three children. Two unknown people opened fire with pistols and the wounded Krug died in the morning in the hospital, on the operating table. The rest of the family was not seriously injured. There were many versions of this murder.

In 2012, criminal sources reported that the killer of Mikhail was found dead and that it turned out to be bandit Dmitry Veselov. He was identified by the singer's wife, and Alexander Osipov, the killer of the Tver Wolves gang, confirmed his guilt. The press wrote about how and why Mikhail Krug died: the robbers did not expect to meet him in the house and shot the 40-year-old bard, whom their criminal boss wanted to force to pay "tribute" from concerts. The second killer of the Circle has not yet been found.