Plasticine craft "Sunny Lion". Master class with step by step photos for elementary school children

Master class: plasticine craft "Sunny Lion" using textile material with a step-by-step photo.

Sadkovkina Anastasia Vladimirovna, teacher visual arts and technology, GBOU secondary school No. 121, Moscow.
Description: A master class on modeling from plasticine using textile material - yarn for elementary school children.
The material may be useful for primary school teachers.

Target: Make a lion out of plasticine using textile material.
To teach: to make a lion from plasticine; select the right amount of material; correlate parts in size and proportions; methods of connection and assembly of the product; trimming skills.
Develop: artistic perception, creative imagination, figurative logical and visual thinking; ability to varied, precise and coordinated actions, fine motor skills.
To educate: accuracy and patience when performing a task; diligence, diligence, aesthetic taste; love, sense of responsibility and respect for wildlife.

"Family of Lions"
Watching domestic cats, we can see in them the instincts and habits that they inherited from their wild counterparts.
Wild cats, perhaps the most amazing animals on our planet. Why? Yes, because the variety in which they are presented at different latitudes of our planet is simply amazing!
But there is a real king among these cats. From time immemorial, people have honored as the king of animals - the lion.
Meet soon:
In the jungle, this is the king of beasts!
Having conquered everyone in the world,
Improved a little ... (lion)

These are one of the largest feline representatives, second in size only to Bengal tiger. The lion occupies one of the main places in human culture. Lions have found their reflection in sculpture, painting, on national flags, coats of arms, in myths, literature and films.
The king of beasts lives in Africa, in southern Europe and in India. This is his territory. natural habitat. But, due to the fact that lions adapt well to captivity and breed well in it, these big cats settled all over the world. Almost every zoo can boast of its lion, and sometimes the whole family of these predators.

What a cute little pussy...
Children come close to the cage,
Hands are drawn to her, emboldened,
But, be careful - this is ... (LEO)

And of course we all know that lions are wonderful circus performers. The most dangerous predators perform before the astonished spectators.
The ring is on fire, it's on fire
The gymnast flies through the ring,
In flight, he fluffed his mane
And wagged his tail playfully.

Basic materials for work: plasticine, modeling board, stack, toothpick, textile material - yarn yarn (synthetics).

Safety precautions for working with a toothpick:
1. Don't play with the toothpick.
2. Do not take a toothpick in your mouth.
3. At the end of the work, remove the toothpick in the box.

The sequence of manufacturing parts from plasticine for crafts "Sunny Lion"

We connect and mix two whole pieces of plasticine: orange and brown.
We get a blank of beige plasticine.

We divide the workpiece in half (into 2 equal parts).
From one half we sculpt a pear-shaped figure.

Divide the second part of the workpiece in half.
From one half we sculpt the head of a lion. This detail is also in the shape of a "pear", only this figure is smaller in size.

Divide the second piece in half again.
From one half we sculpt the front paws (one piece).
We roll out a piece of plasticine and give the workpiece the shape of a tube with a thickening at the ends. The second half of the plasticine is again divided in half. From one piece we sculpt 2 details in the form of a droplet. These will be the lion's hind legs.
We divide the remaining piece of plasticine in half again. From one part we roll out the flagellum-tail of the lion. From the last piece we roll two balls - we sculpt two ears.
All details are ready:
3. front paws (one piece);
4, 5. - hind legs;
6. -tail;
7.8. -ears.

2. We collect a lion figurine.

We carefully connect all the details.
We bend the front paws in the shape of a horseshoe, gently attach them to the body.

We stick the hind legs and tail.

We connect the head with the body. We sculpt and decorate the muzzle of a lion. We “draw” the eyes, we give the shape to the ears. We roll three small balls of the same size; two of white plasticine and one of black.
We pull out a ball of black plasticine on one side and give it the shape of a droplet.

3. I'm doing a mane.

We cut the threads.
We put one thread on the head and press it in the middle with a toothpick.

We also decorate the tip of the tail with threads.
And "Sunny Lion" is almost ready.

"... to always be beautiful, you need to cut your mustache and mane ..."
We trim the ends of the threads.

He has a big mane:
And - fluffy and - beautiful!
But don't touch him!
There is a mane, but he is not a horse.
No hooves, but fangs
And claws on the paws.

For older guys - "Horse".

If your child loves to watch animated series about lions or is just interested in this wild beast, then it will not be difficult to fashion a pet from ordinary plasticine. At first glance, it may seem that you need to mold a lot of details and it will be difficult to mold it, but the result is worth the effort. We provide you with a modeling guide and invite you to become the creators of a unique and kind lion. In use, you will definitely need material of warm shades. Colors are bright yellow, orange and brown.

The following materials are needed:

  • plasticine: any shade of brown, dark orange and bright yellow;
  • plasticine: a meager amount of black and white;
  • stack knife.

1. To begin with, it is worth deciding on the plasticine of brown, bright yellow and dark orange colors for the lion. The base (body) will need to be molded from bright yellow plasticine, dark orange is needed for the mane and tassel, the lion's nose will be brown.

2. You need to start with the base, and then everything else will be attached to it. To do this, you need to make a neat oval of bright yellow plasticine.

3. Then you have to prepare the paws - two front and two back. Since the lion will be sitting, we make the back ones of the appropriate shape.

5. From one large round and three smaller yellow ones, you need to create a lion's head. We attach a spout from a tiny brown round.

6. Small black and white balls should be made to add kind animal eyes. In small pieces of dark orange, carefully lay out the lush mane of the lion. Here is such a good muzzle comes out.

7. We fasten the head with a mane to the plasticine base with paws, which was made earlier.

8. Add orange plasticine to the paws. Well, what is a lion without a tail? It is worth fashioning a tube of bright yellow plasticine and a brush at the end of dark orange. Let's add all this to the already finished figure. With a stack, we draw stripes on the paws and brushes of the tail and recesses on the muzzle, where the mustache is located.

9. This is how ordinary plasticine pieces turned into a rather funny lion!

From a plastic and pliable material, like plasticine, a child can mold a mini-copy of any animal with his own hands. In today's photo tutorial, we decided to show you how to create a funny lion from plasticine step by step. The technique of sculpting this animal can be considered of medium complexity, so little sculptors will need the help of an adult at some stages of work. Be sure to accompany the process interesting stories about lions.

So, let's prepare the following tools and material:

  • plasticine;
  • multiple stacks;
  • knife for cutting mass;
  • skewer and toothpick;
  • brush or stack with a ball at the end.

How to make a lion from plasticine

Step 1. Let's form two main parts of the craft from yellow plasticine - the head and torso. We roll the pieces of the mass into balls.

From the ball, which turned out to be of a larger diameter, we create a drop-shaped figure. The body is ready.

Step 2. Next, in order to securely fix the head on the body, you need to use a piece of wire or a toothpick as a frame. We insert it into the top of the body and then fasten the head. We press the head a little so that the body becomes approximately the same size as the head.

Step 3. We fashion a lion's paw from plasticine of the same shade. We create the front paws in the form of elongated droplets, and the hind paws - balls.

Step 4. Before gluing the paws to the body, we glue a thin cake of a light beige tone onto the breast.

After we fix the paws of the lion cub.

Step 5. From two light yellow and one brown ball we create an attractive face.

With a stack or the tip of a brush, we prepare a place under the eyes.

Then we glue white balls on which we stick green and black cakes.

Step 6. With the tip of the stack or a skewer, outline the counter mane. After we begin to attach flat brown blanks to the head. We arrange them as densely as possible so that the mane turns out to be quite dense and lush.

Step 7. From a thin yellow sausage and a drop of brown, create a lion's tail.

Step 8. We form two cakes from the same shades, glue them together and cut them in half. We got a pair of beautiful ears. We flatten them a little and fix them on the head of the animal.

The video content titled "" was posted by the author "Sergey Arefiev" for 2 years. ago, it has already been viewed 7,805 times. Video liked 65 and disliked 12 users.


How to mold a lion's head from plasticine. This model of a plasticine lion will serve as a model for me in woodcarving. This is a complex wood carving and I decided to sculpt a lion's head and it will serve me as a rule for carving the seen volume. And I want to use it later for a papier-mâché mask (newspaper and paste). I prepared a special table for modeling from plasticine, and on it I make masks from papier-mâché. Large pieces of plasticine I tear and disintegrate for right size masks. For the tool, I took an oblique knife, I dulled its sharpness on a stone so as not to cut myself and not harm my hands, it is convenient for them to work, make cuts and indentations. Next, you need to find the middle on the plasticine mask, so that later you can distribute the distance between the eyes, teeth, and mouth with a ruler. The main thing for me is to see the volume of my model of the lion's head and how it is possible to make a similar lion's head from the five board. Those who seriously want to achieve their goals should prepare a plasticine model in order to see the volume and beat some kind of obstacles when carving wood. See in the sequel how I will make a papier-mâché mask!. How to make a mask of a lion which you molded from plasticine, from a newspaper and a paste (papier-mâché);
Mask of a lion from a newspaper and paste "papier mache" lesson number 1 Video source

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To mold a figurine of any animal from plasticine, you just need to buy plasticine and set aside a few minutes of free time. We offer you a simple master class that will allow you to make a lion in no time - the majestic king of animals.

Bright shades of plasticine are sure to arouse the interest of the child already at the very beginning of creativity. Next, you will need to create all the details and put them together. The resulting lion will not be ferocious at all, on the contrary, it can be called cute and charming.

Here is the lion we get:

Materials for modeling a lion

  • yellow and orange bars - the main ones;
  • black and white grains are auxiliary.

The process of sculpting a lion from plasticine

1. Pick the right shades. Prepare a stack or a toothpick for relief manipulations with plasticine.

2. Roll up a small round blank from the yellow mass.

3. Prepare three more beads of the same color.

4. Fasten two beads in the form of a figure eight and attach to a larger ball, slightly pressing on the part. Turn the third bead into a cake and stick it to the bottom of the muzzle in the form of a lower lip. Pierce the resulting cheeks many times with a toothpick.

5. Stick on an oval black nose, add small eyes (it is advisable to place them close, then the facial expression of the left will be kinder).

6. Blind eyebrows from orange details, and also form a chic lion's mane. To do this, crush the orange piece into a flat cake, then attach it around the head.

7. With a stack or a toothpick, apply notches to the mane. Attach round ears.

8. Prepare the main parts for the body and four legs. First, divide the plasticine into one large portion and four small ones.

9. Give the body an egg shape, attach paw cakes to the bottom.

10. Form the front paws by stretching pieces of plasticine into original cones, cutting the fingers at the ends.

11. With the workpiece facing you, attach the front legs.

12. The tail of a lion should consist of a long thin yellow sausage with an orange tassel at the end.

13. Attach the tail at the back, and insert a match at the top point.

14. Fix the head on the match to complete the look of the lion.

Do-it-yourself plasticine lion looks childish. If you remove the mane, you get a lioness or a lion cub.