Komodo monitor lizard (giant Indonesian monitor lizard, Komodo monitor lizard) ( Varanus komodoensis) is the largest in the world. The predatory reptile belongs to the order of scaly, the superfamily of monitor lizards, the family of monitor lizards, the genus of monitor lizards. The Komodo monitor lizard, which is also called the "dragon of Komodo Island", got its name from one of its habitats.

Seasoned and strong monitor lizards easily cope with more impressive prey: wild boars, buffaloes, and goats. Often, livestock gets into the teeth of adult Komodo monitor lizards, and those who came to water bodies to drink or accidentally met this dangerous lizard on the way.

Monitor lizard from Komodo Island is also dangerous for humans, there are known cases of these predators attacking people. If there is not enough food large monitor lizards may attack smaller relatives. When eating food, the Komodo dragon can swallow very large pieces due to the movable connection of the bones of the lower jaw and a capacious stomach, which tends to stretch.

Komodo dragon hunting

The principle of hunting the Komodo monitor lizard is quite cruel. Sometimes a large predatory lizard attacks its prey from an ambush, suddenly knocking down its “future dinner” with a powerful and sharp blow of the tail. At the same time, the impact force is so great that often potential prey gets leg fractures. 12 out of 17 deer die on the spot in a fight with a lizard. However, sometimes the victim manages to escape, though she can get severe injuries in the form of torn tendons or lacerations in the abdomen or neck area, which leads to inevitable death. The poison of the monitor lizard and the bacteria that are contained in the saliva of the reptile weaken the victim. In large prey, such as a buffalo, death can occur only 3 weeks after a fight with a monitor lizard. Some sources indicate that the giant Komodo monitor lizard will catch up with its prey by the smell and traces of blood to the point of complete exhaustion. Some animals manage to escape and heal their wounds, other animals fall into the clutches of predators, and others die from wounds inflicted by monitor lizard. An excellent sense of smell allows the Komodo dragon to smell food and the smell of blood at a distance of up to 9.5 km. And when the victim still dies, monitor lizards run to the smell of carrion to eat the dead animal.

Komodo dragon venom

Previously, it was believed that the saliva of the Komodo monitor lizard contains only a harmful "cocktail" of pathogenic bacteria, to which the predatory lizard is immune. However, relatively recently, scientists have determined that the monitor lizard has a pair of poisonous glands located on the lower jaw and producing special toxic proteins that cause a bitten victim to reduce blood clotting, hypothermia, paralysis, lower blood pressure and loss of consciousness. The glands have a primitive structure: they do not have channels in the teeth, as, for example, in snakes, but open at the base of the teeth with ducts. Thus, the bite of a Komodo monitor lizard is poisonous.

Dragon from Komodo Island Varanus komodoensis), he is a Komodo monitor lizard, he is also a giant Indonesian monitor lizard - this is a lizard with the most impressive dimensions in the world.

flickr/Antoni Sesen

The average weight of the giant is 90 kg, and the body length, respectively, is 2.5 m, while the tail occupies almost half of the body. And the length of the most powerful specimen, the parameters of which were officially recorded, exceeded 3 meters and weighed 160 kg.

The appearance of the Komodo monitor lizard is the most interesting - either a lizard, or a dragon, or a dinosaur. And the island natives believe that most of all this creature looks like an alligator, and therefore they call it buaya darat, which means ground crocodile in the local dialect. And although the Komodo dragon has only one head and does not spew sheaves of flame from its nostrils, there is undoubtedly something aggressive in the appearance of this reptile.

This impression is reinforced by the color of the monitor lizard - dark brown, with yellowish patches, and (especially!) appearance teeth - squeezed from the sides, with cutting, jagged edges. A cursory glance at this perfect arsenal, which is a "dragon" jaw, is enough to understand: jokes are bad with the Komodo dragon. With over 60 teeth and a jaw structure reminiscent of a shark's mouth, isn't this the perfect killing machine?

What is the diet of a giant reptile? No, no, monitor lizards have only superficial resemblance to vegetarian dinosaurs: the gastronomic preferences of the Komodo dragon are strikingly different from food preferences ancient ancestor. The tastes of the lizard are distinguished by an enviable variety: it does not disdain carrion and readily absorbs any living creature - from insects and birds to horses, buffaloes, deer and even its own brethren. Perhaps it is for this reason that newborn lizards, having barely hatched, immediately leave their mother, hiding from her in the dense canopy of trees?

Indeed, cannibalism is a quite common phenomenon among Komodo dragons: the dinner menu of adult monitor lizards often includes young relatives, smaller in size. A hungry monitor lizard can also pose a threat to humans, and it is not uncommon for prey to match the attacker in its weight category. How do the lizards manage to prevail over the victim? big booty monitor lizards track down from an ambush, and at the moment of attack either knock down the victim with a powerful blow of the tail, breaking its legs, or bite into the flesh of a wild boar or deer with their teeth, inflicting a deadly laceration.

The chances of survival in a wounded animal are scanty, because during a bite, dangerous bacteria from the oral cavity of the lizard, as well as poison from the poisonous glands of the lower jaw of the reptile. Inflammation develops at an accelerated pace, and the only thing left for the Komodo dragon is to wait until the victim completely loses his strength and cannot resist. He stubbornly follows the wounded prey, not losing sight of it. Sometimes such tracking lasts up to three weeks - after so much time, a buffalo bitten by a monitor lizard dies.

In the photo, I am a dragon and a slightly excited Lera :)

Those wishing to see such handsome men in natural environment habitation would have to go to the indonesian islands, since komodo dragons live there. However, daredevils who have planned such a journey should be as careful as possible: monitor lizards have a keen sense of smell, and even a tiny drop of blood from a minor scratch on the body can attract a pangolin located at a distance of 5 km with its smell. Cases of attacks on tourists have taken place, so the rangers accompanying tourist groups are usually armed with long, strong poles. Just in case.

Where is Komodo National Park located?

Founded in 1980 national park Komodo is located in the center of the Indonesian archipelago. The park is spread over 600 sq. km of land and 1.2 sq. km sea ​​waters. It includes three main islands: Komodo, Rinca and Padar, as well as many smaller islands.

Komodo Island

All of them are part of the Lesser Sunda Islands and are located between the islands of Sumbawa and Flores, the Indonesian archipelago. The largest of them is Komodo. Its population is 2 thousand people. The inhabitants of the island are the descendants of former prisoners who were marooned on the island and who subsequently mixed with the Boogie tribe from the island of Sulawesi.

Are Komodo dragons an endangered species?

Komodo dragons are in the status of vulnerable animals. Experts estimate the population size at 4,000 - 5,000 individuals. However, some scientists fear that among them there are only 350 females of reproductive age. All of them are listed in the IUCN Red List. Especially for them, a national park was organized on Komodo Island.

Any hunting of these lizards is prohibited by law, and catching can only be done for zoos with special permission from the Committee for Nature Conservation under the Government of Indonesia.

How much does a Komodo dragon weigh?

Komodo dragon can reach a length of 2.5-3 m, its weight ranges from 50 to 70 kg. Females are smaller and reach a length of only 1.5-2 m. The length of the monitor lizard's tail is about half the length of the body.

How fast does a Komodo dragon run?

The Komodo monitor lizard is quite fast and can reach speeds of up to 20 km/h. In principle, a Komodo monitor lizard can catch up with a person, although much depends on the person himself - how fast he runs. Having no natural opponents, in addition to carrion, he hunts almost all large living creatures that can be found on the island - deer, buffalo, wild boars and their smaller relatives.

Varan hunts deer:

Hiding quietly in the bushes or any other shelter, the Komodo monitor lizard waits for its prey and then attacks. The mortal danger lies in sharp teeth, and in 50 strains of various pathogenic bacteria that cause blood poisoning and death of the victim, as a rule, within 24 hours.

Feature article Mad Zoologist about komodo dragons:

The Komodo dragon is sometimes called the Komodo dragon, and for good reason. This prehistoric predator its appearance and size really reminds us of mythical dragons. The Komodo dragon is one of the largest living reptiles and is the largest modern lizard. The massive body of this monster can reach more than 3 meters, but most often its length is 2-3 meters. These monitor lizards usually weigh about 80 kg, but can be much heavier - about 165 kg.

This dinosaur of our days is armed very impressively. Its skull averages about 21 cm in length, and in its huge mouth are many large teeth with jagged edges that are flattened laterally and curved back. Each tooth is a kind of carving knife. With such teeth, the animal can easily pull out pieces of meat from its prey. The monitor lizard does not have chewing teeth, all its teeth are of the same conical shape, so it practically does not chew, and tearing off pieces of meat, it simply swallows them. The structure of the skull and pharynx allows this reptile to swallow very large pieces.

In addition to terrifying teeth, the Komodo monitor lizard is armed with long hook-shaped claws and a truly terrible tail. A blow from such a tail can knock an adult off his feet and inflict severe injuries on him. When monitor lizards fight among themselves, for example, because of prey or a female, they stand on their hind legs, clasping each other with their paws and inflicting bites on each other, while trying to overcome the opponent. Although, I must say that they rarely fight over prey. On Komodo Island, monitor lizards are specially fed for the amusement of tourists. A few monitor lizards can safely devour a deer carcass. These huge lizards do not attack people, but they potentially pose a serious danger. Reliable cases of attacks of these reptiles on humans are known. Not only is the bite of a Komodo monitor lizard extremely dangerous in itself, it has a lot of microbes in its mouth that can cause blood poisoning.

In addition to the Komodo Island itself, which is lost among the many islands of the Indonesian archipelago, the Komodo monitor lizard lives on the islands of Flores, Rinja and Padar. All these islands are quite small, hardly visible on the map. And the Komodo dragon is not found anywhere else in the world, so this species protected by law. It would be a real crime if this reptile, which has come down to us from the depths of many millions of years, disappears from the face of the earth now, in the 21st century of our era.

Throughout its habitat, the Komodo monitor lizard is the dominant predator. None of the animals living side by side with him can compare with him in strength. The basis of the diet of the giant monitor lizard is deer and wild pigs. In addition, he eats other, smaller animals, as well as carrion.

Monitor lizards search for prey with the help of vision, as well as their unusual language. With its forked tongue, the monitor lizard perceives the smallest odor particles left by the victim, and analyzes them with the help of the Jacobson organ, which communicates with the oral cavity. Having found its prey, the monitor lizard sneaks up to it at a suitable distance, and then makes a swift throw. Despite its clumsy appearance, the Komodo monitor lizard is able to develop unexpected speed for such a huge lizard. In principle, a Komodo monitor lizard can catch up with a person, although much depends on the person himself - how fast he runs.

Mating of Komodo monitor lizards occurs, as a rule, in July and is accompanied by fierce battles between males. In August, the female lays more than two dozen eggs, which are usually buried in the ground, or hidden in a hole. After about 8-8.5 months, babies hatch from the eggs, which grow very quickly. They are very shy and flee at the slightest danger. Unlike adults, lizards are great at climbing trees and escaping, often climbing them. Young monitor lizards are colored brighter than adults. Over the years, they acquire a darker, greenish-brown color. The life expectancy of the Komodo dragon is about 50 years.

Captive komodo dragons quite easily get used to the person and become tame. It seems to me that monitor lizards are the most highly developed reptiles, after crocodiles. There are cases when tame monitor lizards responded to their nickname.

Komodo is a small island in Indonesia famous all over the world for its giant monitor lizards or dragons. These largest lizards on earth grow up to 3 meters in length and weigh 150 kilograms. Their bite is poisonous and they are dangerous to humans.

Because adult dragons have a very good sense of smell, they can locate the source of the smell of blood up to 5 km away. Several cases have been documented of Komodo dragons attempting to attack tourists with minor open wounds or scratches. A similar danger threatens women who visit the island while in the menstrual cycle ...

We arrived at the island early in the morning. For some reason, I imagined it to be flat and rocky, but it turned out to be green and hilly, similar to Tolkien's Interearth:




There is no port on the island and we stopped at the roadstead. The pies of the natives immediately approached us:




Someone just watched the huge white ship with interest, and someone tried to sell local beads and wood crafts:



At first, I did not understand how they were going to take money from me and hand over the goods to me, given that the open deck of the ship is at the height of the 5th floor:


Everything fell into place when we got into the boats to get to the shore:



There was no pier on the Island where our liner could moor, and we were taken ashore in Tenders (lifeboats):



Each such boat comfortably accommodates 80 passengers. When emergency, if the boat needs to be used for its intended purpose, 2 times more is placed here:




There is a small fishing village on the island where about 700 people live. They were all fenced off from tourists with an invisible fence so that they would not pester too much with their souvenirs for "van dola!":



Souvenirs could be purchased both from local children and in a civilized way - in a beach shop:


We were accompanied deep into the island by several rangers and locals. The locals had long sticks with a horn at the end in their hands. They protect themselves from dragons. In the event of an attack, they rest their horns against the dragon's eyes and move it away from them:


On the territory of the park in the jungle, paths are cut through which tourists are led:




These are not bananas, but the fruits of a cotton tree:


When they ripen, they open up and look like large wads of cotton:




On the island of Komodo there are not only giant lizards, but also specimens of quite familiar sizes:



Too lazy to change the lens. These ants are shot at 500-ku:



Flying Lizard:


Deer are the favorite food of dragons. Having tracked down a deer, a wild boar or a buffalo in the bushes, the dragon attacks and seeks to inflict a lacerated wound on the animal, into which poison and many bacteria from the monitor lizard's oral cavity are introduced. Even the largest male dragons do not have enough strength to immediately defeat a large ungulate animal, but as a result of such an attack, the victim’s wound becomes inflamed, blood poisoning occurs, the animal gradually weakens and dies after a while. The monitor lizards are left only to follow the victim until she dies. The time for which it dies varies depending on its size. For example, in a buffalo, death occurs after 3 weeks.

At one time, they conducted an experiment and tried to feed the monitor lizards with the brought deer, but they began to get sick and die. For some reason, they can only eat local animals:



In total, about 1000 passengers descended on the island. We were divided into groups of 25 people and were taken along the same route with an interval of 5 minutes:


Dragons were "prepared" for us on the route in advance. If you take a closer look at their bellies, you will see that they recently ate a hearty meal and simply cannot move:


  • Class: Reptilia = Reptiles (Reptiles)
  • Subclass: Lepidosauria = Lepidosaurs, scaled lizards
  • Order: Squamata Oppel = Scaled
  • Suborder: Lacertilia Owen = Lizards
  • Family: Varanidae Gray, 1827 = Monitor lizards

Species: Varanus komodoensis = Komodo monitor lizard, ora

Although dragons are fantastic creatures and, according to by and large there are no such animals in nature, but nevertheless, this is the name of the currently existing giant monitor lizards. Giant monitor lizards live today on the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rinka, Fleres and several other small nearby islets. Within their range on all the islands, they seem to live somewhere around 5000 individuals.

Live dragons or giant monitor lizards are of great interest to tourists visiting Indonesia. Therefore, in order to see this amazing animal - a miracle of nature, about 1 thousand tourists specially come to Komodo Island every month. And they go with one goal - to visit the Komodo National Park, where they can see the live legendary dragons.

Komodo Island is located in the Lesser Sunda Islands, and to get to it, you need to swim across the treacherous Seip Strait. Tourists are not allowed to walk around the park on their own. The reason for such strictness is simple: you can be eaten. In addition, the places where you can meet the dragon are known only to the park rangers.

Holding a thick, forked stick at the end, the park ranger David Howe walks with a measured step along a well-known path. He takes Jane Stephen to the female guarding the eggs. Now David dived into a narrow passage between the bushes, crawled on his knees a few feet and motioned for Jane to follow him. A wide hill rises in the middle of the clearing. Howe guessed that it was here, on the nesting ground of big-legged, long-legged brown weed chickens, that the female dragon had buried her eggs. Slowly following the caretaker, Jane crept to the very edge of the nest. At this time, Howe gestured towards the low-hanging branches. Jane didn't notice at first. And suddenly, 10 steps away, she saw a female dragon lying on the ground among the fallen leaves, about 180 centimeters long.

For some time, people and the dragon carefully examined each other, when suddenly, without any warning, the female, sticking out a long yellow forked tongue, moved towards them. Howe and Jane immediately rushed back. Both knew that dragons were not to be trifled with. Their reputation is disgusting: they are not tameable and do not distinguish between man and deer - both are simply food for them. True, they say that in private, the caretakers treat them quite familiarly: they caress and sometimes even ride on horseback. Nowadays, Komodo dragons are endangered. All kinds of animals belonging to this category always attract the attention of a person. Therefore, it is not surprising that on Komodo, 700 kilometers away from the island of Borneo, once a week a kind of show with the participation of dragons is arranged, which is attended by up to 13,000 thrill-seekers.

On everything historical path During their development, dragons had a strong reputation as carnivores. Perhaps they even fed on pygmy elephants when they were still around. Now the objects of their hunting are buffaloes, deer, wild goats and pigs, who settled on the islands in a later period. But the reptiles themselves are not threatened by anyone, except for humans, of course, and ... brothers. Yes, dragons are cannibals.

A few statistics: in the last 65 years (until 1993), 280 dragons were killed by humans. During the same time, the dragons killed and injured 12 people. The main attraction of the park on Komodo Island is dragon feeding. Curiosity, only twice a week they bring a live goat to them, but monitor lizards stubbornly wait for the caretakers every day, which seems to do no honor to their mind.