The program “Let them talk” showed the audience a program about Nina Korovyakova, which everyone calls last love Brezhnev. It is known that Nina was present at many important conversations, Brezhnev trusted her. There were many rumors about the role of Nina in the fate of the country and that Brezhnev was addicted to sleeping pills. Nina Aleksandrovna Korovyakova lived in recent years as a recluse, only relatives knew about Korovyakova's death.

In the early 70s, this woman was the personal nurse of Leonid Ilyich. She was at that time about 40 years old, while Brezhnev was over sixty. Many speak of Nina Alexandrovna as ambitious, smart, punchy, proud and with great conceit. Brezhnev did not hide the fact that he liked Korovyakova. The wife was very upset by this. There is evidence that Korovyakova reminded Leonid Ilyich of his "military" love. The doctor's name was Tamara. Brezhnev brought her from the front. The wife talked to Tamara and asked to be left alone, the family had two children. It is known that Brezhnev saw off Tamara, he ran after the train and sobbed.

Mikhail Kosyrev, who in 1975 was appointed Brezhnev's doctor, was surprised at the role played by an ordinary nurse. She removed doctors from Brezhnev. She herself treated him and, in her own interests, twisted Brezhnev. Brezhnev took a nurse on all trips, gave expensive things. Brezhnev's health was undermined by sleeping pills, his doctor did not prescribe, but Korovyakova supplied them to the Secretary General. Brezhnev became seriously addicted. Everyone came to the conclusion that it was necessary to remove the nurse from Brezhnev, but without disturbing him. Korovyakova was transferred to another place, she demanded a meeting with the Secretary General, but the meeting was arranged on the street and very quickly. Brezhnev yearned, suffered for some time, then grew old. They arranged a nurse as a dietitian, she worked in a special canteen at the 4th Main Directorate.

There were legends about Korovyakova. They said that at that time she was a KGB agent, she informed Andropov about everything. She conveyed who Brezhnev saw, what she was talking about. And then Andropov himself took off the nurse. The KGB found out that Korovyakova was reading all of Brezhnev's documents without their knowledge. She was even going to divorce her husband, she had an intimate relationship with Brezhnev. Brezhnev's daughter told her friend that Leonid Ilyich's face changes when Nina appears, as if under hypnosis.

Nina's personal life did not work out. She did not publish memoirs and trade her feelings. Korovyakova denied that she got Brezhnev hooked on drugs, she noted that she never regretted being next to him. Everyone turned away from Nina after this story, her husband died in a car accident. The grandson of the secretary general stated that someone else's fault was dumped on Nina. She did what Chazov, Brezhnev's doctor, said.

December 19 marks the 110th anniversary of the birth of Leonid Ilyich. Perhaps, the people have not composed as many jokes about any of the first persons of the country as about Brezhnev. Yes, and the attitude towards him has always been ambiguous. Meanwhile, according to eyewitnesses, in life Brezhnev was gentle and kind. He became tough and uncompromising with only one person - own daughter. Galina Brezhneva enjoyed all the privileges of the "Kremlin princess", but at the same time she was deeply unhappy. Friends of Brezhnev's daughter told Komsomolskaya Pravda about the personal secrets of the Secretary General and his family.

Wife kept in the family by blackmail

Officially, Galina married three times: acrobat Yevgeny Milaev, illusionist Igor Kio and Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR Yuri Churbanov. It is also known about her numerous novels.

IN Soviet years I organized creative evenings and knew the entire metropolitan beau monde, - recalls former actress, and now public figure Victoria Lazic. - My family communicated with the family of Interior Minister Nikolai Shchelokov. Once his wife brought her friend Galina Brezhneva to my house on the Patriarchs. We became friends and often had sincere conversations with Galya. I understood that she was more interested in her as a screen. At that time, she began an affair with a gypsy actor and singer Boris Buryats. But Galya was married to Churbanov and tried to maintain secrecy. She knew her father would be furious about her extramarital affair. So I offered them my apartment for dates. If Churbanov called Galya, she said that she was helping me prepare a creative evening. The husband believed.

I felt sorry for her. After all, it was her father who ruined her life in many ways. She loved her father, but somewhere in her heart she hated him. Galina said: during the Great Patriotic War, when Brezhnev went to the front, she and her mother and brother lived in poverty, it was very difficult. But they were warmed by faith: their father would soon come from the front. And he came back and announced that he was leaving them. Leonid Ilyich showed up with his front-line friend Tamara, who was waiting outside the door while he talked to his family. Father's confession shocked Galya. Then lawful wife Brezhneva Victoria Petrovna, sobbing, told her husband: she would ruin his career. He will complain to the party committee, and Brezhnev will put the party card on the table. “Mom, with the help of blackmail, managed to save our family,” Galya Brezhneva admitted.

Leonid Ilyich chose a career. He took care of his front-line girlfriend Tamara after that, but did not get divorced. Though happy family life they didn't succeed.

"Beat - be patient"

Brezhnev was sincere person, but kept his daughter strict, - continues Victoria Lazich. - He knew that Galya was unhappy in her first marriage with Milaev. She married at the behest of her heart, but soon realized that this was a mistake (the couple got married in 1951, Milaev was 19 years older than Galina, with two twin children. - Ed.). Most likely, Milaev simply used Galya: becoming Brezhnev's son-in-law, Evgeny rose from an acrobat to the director of the Moscow circus. Milaev treated his wife harshly, forced him to do everything homework. She did not know how, but she became a diligent housewife, cooked, cleaned, washed her husband and his children. Milaev could have hired a housekeeper, but he didn't want to. Brezhnev believed that the son-in-law was right - let him teach his wife to family life. But Milayev began to beat her ...

When Galya came to her father and begged: I can no longer live with my husband, Leonid Ilyich answered: “Be patient,” recalls another friend of Galina Brezhneva, circus artist Engelina Rogalskaya.

Galina divorced only 10 years later, when she met new love- illusionist Igor Kio. She left a note: “Dad, I fell in love” - and left for Igor in Sochi.

But Leonid Ilyich ruined his daughter's happiness, - continues Victoria Lazich. - Having learned about the story with Kio, he got angry and ordered the marriage to be annulled. The couple's passports were taken away and returned clean, without a divorce stamp. They were husband and wife for only 10 days. Galina always blamed her father for her unfinished personal life. And with her numerous novels, she seemed to take revenge on him for a broken heart.

Leonid Ilyich believed: he knows better what his daughter needs, adds Engelina Rogalskaya. - Brezhnev married her to Churbanov. Galya did not love him. Yes, and Churbanov needed this marriage only for promotion. Galya was in love with the handsome Boris Buryats, but the gypsy was imprisoned for trading in jewelry. It was believed that this was done at the behest of Churbanov.

Communication with married man compromised Galina, - recalls Lazich. - But then Brezhnev was ill and did not interfere in his daughter's personal stories. However, Liepa chose a family. Somehow Galya met him at the airport from a tour, and Maris, leaving the terminal, approached not her, but his wife and children. It was a blow for Galina ... The relationship between father and daughter has always been difficult. But they were able to understand and forgive each other only at the end of the life of Leonid Ilyich. Then Brezhnev fell in love with last time. In a conversation with me, Galina admitted that she knew about her father's late passion for the nurse Nina Korovyakova. But for security reasons, the KGB protected the Secretary General from the influence of his beloved, who gained power over him. “For the first time, I saw my father suffer because of a breakup with a woman,” said Galina. And she added that Leonid Ilyich only then understood what his daughter felt when he separated her from Kio.

The last passion of the leader

Who is she - a nurse who conquered the Secretary General? Nina Korovyakova was born in 1931 in a military family. She graduated from medical school with honors. After working in a regular Moscow clinic, she received a promotion.

I worked with Nina Alexandrovna in the clinic at the 4th Main Directorate, Valentina Leleko, Brezhnev's last nurse, who replaced Korovyakova, told KP. - It was clear that she was striving to make a career. Captivating, punchy.

There is a version that Korovyakova was not only a nurse, but also a KGB agent who transmitted information about eminent patients. When Brezhnev's health began to limp in the late 60s, a medical office was set up next to his waiting room in the Kremlin. Three sisters were on duty in it in turn, one of them was Korovyakova. Nina was beautiful, and Leonid Ilyich drew attention to her.

Soon Brezhnev asked Nina to help him not only during working hours, but also on vacation. So Korovyakova became his personal nurse. According to the memoirs of the Secretary General's niece Lyubov Brezhneva (daughter of his brother), Leonid Ilyich admitted: Nina reminded him of Tamara's front-line love, with whom he had to part after the war.

At that time, Brezhnev was looked after by his personal doctor Nikolai Rodionov, an aged man, himself not quite healthy and pretty tired of the whims of the Secretary General.

Rodionov dismissed this nurse, - Brezhnev's attending physician Mikhail Kosarev, who later replaced Rodionov, explained to KP. - I was surprised: with the strictness that reigned in the 4th Main Directorate, some nurse had free access to drugs and gave medication to Brezhnev at her discretion. She herself treated his throat and nose, relieved his toothache with massages and herbs. She quickly realized that she could turn the Secretary General.

Proximity to the body

Brezhnev's relationship with his wife was bad.

Uncle never loved his wife, they were generally very different. Victoria Petrovna is a closed, uncommunicative person, he is her complete opposite, - recalled the leader's niece Lyubov Brezhnev.

Praskovya Moshentseva, who worked in the same clinic as a surgeon, told how she once witnessed a conversation between Brezhnev and Chazov.

Zhenya, - said Brezhnev, - do not discharge me, please. I don't want to go home. Will start again with my wife ...

Leonid Ilyich became so attached to his nurse that he demanded that she accompany him on all trips. Not without the participation of a high patient, Nina received a three-room apartment in the house of the Central Committee of the CPSU, and her husband, a major, became a general. They say that the nurse's husband knew about the proximity of his wife "to the body" and even flaunted it. When KGB chief Yuri Andropov told the secretary general that Korovyakova's husband was "expanding about the nature of her relationship with Brezhnev," he replied: "Yuri, this is my problem, and I ask you never to touch it again." It got to the point that Nina, at the request of Brezhnev, read aloud government documents which were brought to him for signature. State secrets were discussed in her presence.

Galina Brezhneva told me about Nina. She said that her father simply changes in her face when she is around, - says Victoria Lazich. - Brezhnev demanded that Nina sit at the dinner table with all family members ...

The influence of the nurse on the General Secretary has already been discussed in the Politburo. And they came to the conclusion: it is time to isolate her from Brezhnev. In 1976, Korovyakova was informed that she was being transferred to another job. She demanded a meeting with Leonid Ilyich. Farewell staged on the street. Yevgeny Chazov held Brezhnev by the arm, guards crowded around. The nurse tried to say something, but she was interrupted and put into the car. And Brezhnev was turned around and taken under the elbows to the house.

The last attending physician of Brezhnev recalled that Leonid Ilyich, after parting with Korovyakova, was worried, at first he often asked about Nina, and then wilted and somehow quickly became decrepit, as if he had lost his life stimulus.

Nina Korovyakova (now she is no longer alive) gave her only interview " Komsomolskaya Pravda". The woman assured that she had no intimate relationship with the leader ...


Some pretended to lead, others pretended to perform

Throughout his life (with the exception of sunset years), Leonid Ilyich personified the image of a handsome man, one might say, a macho, - says historian and publicist Andrey Svetenko. - There is a story that Brezhnev, being the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Moldova, got in 1952 at a meeting as part of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU. He stood on the podium - handsome, black-browed, stately. Stalin drew attention to him, asked: “Who is this?” He was told that this was the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Moldova. “What a handsome Moldavian!” Stalin said.

Why did Brezhnev later come to power?

In October 1964, when Khrushchev was filmed, Brezhnev was perceived as a temporary figure. But it so happened that then for 18 years Leonid Ilyich showed himself to be a master of apparatus intrigue, getting rid of those who could challenge his leading positions. Under Khrushchev, there was a time of constant upheavals, changes ... The party elite was tired of them. Brezhnev suited them all in this sense. In fact, the times of Brezhnev's rule are the inertia of the development of the economy of the Khrushchev era. The margin of safety was enough for some time. But the inertia of development was ending, and this coincided with recent years Brezhnev's life.

Was there a chance under Brezhev to somehow reform socialism?

No. Brezhnev was not going to change anything. Therefore, his era was called stagnation - no reforms, no development. On the one side, correct speech and red flags, patriotically educational work, but she already has a veil of bureaucracy. Some pretend to persuade, others - that they obey. Some pretend to lead, others pretend to perform. Brezhnev conditioned the general expectation of the changes that Gorbachev initiated.

He earned millions of rubles from his books. But I couldn't spend

They said about the general secretary that he couldn’t even say two words without a piece of paper. And suddenly - a laureate of the Lenin Prize in Literature, a member of the Writers' Union. The trilogy published under his name Small land”, “Virgin soil”, “Renaissance” were even included in school curriculum. About how the creations of Leonid Ilyich were created, Arseniy ZAMOSTYANOV, deputy editor-in-chief of the Historian magazine, told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

"Eyebrows are definitely mine"

There were jokes about Brezhnev's "writing talents". Here is one of them. The Secretary General argues: “They say that The Small Land is an excellent book. Everyone read. Maybe I should read it too?" Is it true that Leonid Ilyich not only did not write, but even never opened the books of which he was nominally the author?

Of course, he was not engaged in painstaking literary work. And I read my first book "Small Land" (about the battles in Novorossiysk in 1943), when it was already published. But the truth is in something else: these are really Brezhnev's memoirs. He slandered them to his consultants, and they passed the canvas to well-known journalists who built the composition, supplied the story with journalistic digressions. The authors who created Brezhnev's fiction (Anatoly Agranovsky, Arkady Sakhnin, Alexander Murzin and (then he headed the General Department of the Central Committee) and Leonid Zamyatin, director of TASS. They drank tea, and maybe something stronger. Leonid Ilyich talked about the war, about how , as then I had to raise from the ruins industrial areas Ukraine. Chernenko exclaimed: “Yes, this is a finished book!” Zamyatin supported him and said that it would not be difficult to organize work in the archives and literary editing.

And Brezhnev caught fire with the idea?

No, he did not immediately agree. In the mid-1970s, ideologues from the Central Committee decided to focus on Brezhnev's participation in the Great Patriotic War. The decision was natural: Brezhnev's front-line biography was not particularly bright, but he conscientiously performed his military duty, participated in the Victory Parade. Western leaders could not boast of anything like that. And the landing on Malaya Zemlya is a truly heroic affair. The books turned out well. But by that time, the disease had so overcome the Secretary General that few people believed in his authorship. The contrast between Brezhnev from Vozrozhdeniye and the frail old man from the Vremya program was too striking. Therefore, the project did not bring political dividends to the authorities.

Brezhnev received fees?

- "Small Land", "Tselina" and "Renaissance" first came out in the "New World" and " Literary newspaper”, then published in colossal editions in dozens of countries (the Central Committee managed to organize translation into 65 languages!). Books sounded on the radio, from records, on television, from the stages of the Maly and Vakhtangov theaters. The trilogy was followed by "Memories" - several essays on various topics. For several years, at least one and a half million rubles came to the account of Leonid Ilyich (with this money you could buy 166 Volga cars! For comparison: the salaries of teachers, doctors, engineers with experience in the early 80s reached a maximum of 200 - 250 rubles. - Ed.). But he himself did not have time to spend them. Some of the foreign fees went to the needs of the party, the other settled in the family of the Secretary General, and something, perhaps, was lost, since the issue of inheritance was not easily resolved.

Vorovsky entered - the delegate of the USSR! ..

He kept diaries all his life. This need is also associated with literary thinking.

Last years Nina Alexandrovna Korovyakova spent in complete seclusion. Only those closest to her knew about her death two years ago. Korovyakova was Brezhnev's personal nurse in the early 1970s. Then she was about forty, Brezhnev - over sixty. “I worked with Nina Alexandrovna even before her transfer to Brezhnev in the clinic at the 4th Main Directorate,” said Valentina Leleko, the last nurse of the Secretary General, who replaced Korovyakova. - A professional with inflated ambitions and conceit. Grasping, nimble, penetrating, proud. Of course, Leonid Ilyich liked Korovyakova a lot, and he did not hide it. Which greatly irritated his wife, Victoria Petrovna. According to the memoirs of the personal photographer of Secretary General Vladimir Musaelyan, Korovyakova reminded Leonid Ilyich of his great "military" love, doctor Tamara, whom Brezhnev brought home from the front! Then the wife asked the "new" to leave the family alone: ​​they say they have two children. Managed to save the marriage. They say that Brezhnev, seeing off Tamara, ran after the departing train and cried. - I was appointed personal doctor of Leonid Ilyich in 1975, said physician Mikhail Kosyrev. - I was amazed at what role his personal nurse plays for Leonid Ilyich! Removed all doctors from him. She herself treated her throat, and nose, and washed her ears. She relieved toothache with massages, herbs ... Leonid Ilyich trusted her unlimitedly. This nurse was dismissed by Brezhnev's late personal doctor Nikolai Rodionov. He was aged, ill, apparently tired of Leonid Ilyich and entrusted him to a nurse. She quickly realized that she could twist the Secretary General in her own interests. She rented an apartment in Moscow, built a daughter, and achieved her husband's promotion from captain to general. The Secretary General went everywhere with her, gave imported rags. Brezhnev's health was undermined by sleeping pills, which she gave him and from which he became addicted. I talked about this with Evgeny, Chazov (at that time a well-known cardiologist). The entire Politburo knew about the nurse. They were unanimous: it should be removed. But in such a way that Leonid Ilyich is not much mentally disturbed. They began to slowly refuse it in foreign trips. In 1976, Korobkova was informed that she was being transferred to another job. She demanded a meeting with Leonid Ilyich. Farewell staged on the street. Chazov held Brezhnev by the arms, guards were all around. Nina tried to say something, but she was interrupted, and Brezhnev was turned around and led to the house. Parting was given to Brezhnev hard. He suffered, yearned, asked about Nina. Then he kind of got old quickly. She was placed as a dietitian in a special canteen at the 4th Main Directorate, and later she retired.

No matter how much Brezhnev loved his nurse, it was she who played a fatal, even tragic role in his fate. Brezhnev suffered from insomnia in recent years. Due to the weak heart of the General Secretary, personal doctor Mikhail Kostyrev did not prescribe sleeping pills for him. But here Nina Korovyakova again decided to serve Brezhnev.

Until now, no one knows where the nurse obtained potent drugs of the narcotic spectrum, but the supply has not been interrupted for many years. After Brezhnev's death, the Politburo began to say that she was Andropov's agent and deliberately drove the aged general secretary into the coffin. Brezhnev developed an addiction that everyone knew about. The cardiologist warned that his heart was very weak and he needed to stop taking sleeping pills.

After that, close associates separated the Secretary General from the nurse. She was transferred to the canteen at the General Directorate, where Nina Alexandrovna worked until her retirement as a dietitian. Brezhnev was very upset by parting with his dear Nina, he yearned and constantly asked about her. Many noticed that after her departure, he immediately lost a lot, grew old overnight, and soon died. So if not medicines, then parting with this fatal woman cost the Secretary General his life.