A. A. Fet is a Russian poet of the 19th century, whose melodic sublime verses went to music and became known even as romances. The poet created for the sake of beauty, without touching politics. Russian nature occupies a central place in Fet's lyrics.

Afanasy Fet used art as a refuge from Everyday life. The poems of this author have always been dedicated to love and nature. He was convinced that art should not concern public affairs and the surrounding reality in general, bringing only aesthetic pleasure, and not calling for struggle or confrontation. That is why nature is so integral and beautiful in the work of A. A. Fet.

The poet depicts his native nature with inspiration and very emotionally. Unlike Nekrasov, he does not associate her with peasant labor, and unlike Lermontov, he does not reflect the feelings of the lyrical hero through her. Fet's nature lives on its own, with its very existence causing delight and rapture.

The poet liked to depict Russian nature in different times year, but most often he has spring images. It is worth noting that Fet does not depict any particularly spectacular pictures or phenomena. He describes the most familiar things, which, however, are saturated with joy and life. His images are tangible, filled with details, sounds and even aromas. No one has ever detailed the image of nature with such care.

The closeness of man to nature in Fet leads us to closeness with the Universe. His poems gradually begin to acquire a certain cosmic orientation.

The manner of depicting the nature of this author is close to the Impressionists. He describes what he saw, putting his impression, a momentary impulse of the soul into words. In his work, Fet humanizes nature, endows it with a soul, while people become just a particle of this living world.

“At A. Fet, we do not find any deep world thoughts, or witty aphorisms, or a satirical direction ... His poetry consists of a series of pictures of nature ... from a compressed image of a few elusive sensations of our soul ... Fet's strength is that our poet, guided by his inspiration, knows how to climb into the innermost recesses of the human soul. His area is not large, but in it he is a complete ruler ... ”- wrote A. V. Druzhinin about the poet.

Indeed, the pictures of nature created by Fet are amazing and inspirational, close to the heart of every Russian person: “a sleepy, mean morning of the north” and a bright, cheerful, frosty winter night, the bright play of the moon and the mysterious twinkling of stars, the languid moans of pine trees and the smell of night violets ...

The images of nature created by the poet are extremely concrete, tangible, full of numerous details and memorable details. Here is a hot summer day, sparkling and sultry, playing with its bright, dazzling colors: “the vaults of the sky turn blue”, wavy clouds quietly float. From somewhere in the grass comes the restless and crackling call of a grasshopper. Indistinctly hesitating, dozing dry and hot noon. But a dense linden tree spreads nearby, in the shade of its branches it is fresh and cool, the midday heat does not penetrate there (“Under the linden tree”).

Fet loves to observe the mystery of natural life, and his whole cycle, all its diversity and polyphony, opens up to his eyes. Here the “secret spy of nature” watches the flight of a swallow over the “evening pond”, here the airy outlines of a butterfly clearly appear on a flower, here the rose queen blooms, blazing with a delicate aroma, feeling the closeness of the nightingale, here the noisy herons come to life, rejoicing at the first rays of the sun, here is a careless bee crawling into the "carnation of fragrant lilac."

In the lyrics of Fet, we meet many joyful, spring poems. The poet with bated breath awaits the coming of spring. His soul, worried, listens to her easy breathing, to her native call, guesses the first signs of the revival of dead, winter nature:

Already the grass shines from the thawed bumps,
The whiny lapwing yelled,
Chain of snow clouds retarded
Today the first thunder broke.
("More, more! Ah, the heart hears")

The green round dance of trees, the sonorous song of a sparkling stream, curly ivy, participatory in spring thirst - all this pleases and excites the poet, instilling in him an extraordinary thirst for life, admiration for its eternal beauty.

Fet correlates nature with human feelings, with a special perception of life. So, spring gives rise in him to some special laziness, vague longing, sensual bliss:

I will disappear from melancholy and laziness,
Lonely life is not sweet
Heart aching, knees weak...
In every carnation of fragrant lilac,
Singing, a bee crawls in.

In the spring, the poet again recalls love, he has a hope to find happiness again:

Again in the heart nothing will die
Till the ascending blood cries,
And with a bribed soul you believe
That, like the world, love is endless.
("Spring Thoughts")

At the same time, Fet's spring poems are also a hymn to the eternal renewal of life, a hymn to the young, mighty forces of nature:

I came to you with greetings
Say that the sun has risen
What is hot light
The leaves fluttered
Tell that the forest woke up
All woke up, each branch,
Startled by every bird
And full of spring thirst.
("I came to you with greetings")

The feelings of the hero here entirely correspond to the secret movements of nature, which seems to be reflected in his soul. The hero is “full of spring thirst”, his soul is open towards happiness.

Fet's spring nature is virginally innocent, despite the special sensual atmosphere that reigns in it:

So the maiden sighs for the first time,
What you don't know yet
And fragrant for the first time
Her shiny shoulder.
("First lily of the valley")

For the poet, spring is the bride-queen who has descended to earth and is waiting for her groom. "Charmed by sleep", "mute and cold", she still sleeps in her ice coffin, but He is called to awaken her from the "cold of dead dreams".

The poet associates spring nature with morning awakening, while winter nature - with the silence of a moonlit night. In Fet's lyrics, we often meet a winter night landscape:

The night is bright, the frost is shining,
Come out - the snow crunches;
The tie-down is freezing cold
And it doesn't stand still.
("The night is bright")

If the poet’s spring pictures of nature are joyful, filled with light, warmth, life, then in winter landscapes the motif of death often appears: a sad birch is dressed in a “mourning” outfit, an ominous wind whistles over an oak cross, bright winter light illuminates the course of the crypt. The thought of death, of non-existence, of the deserted earth merges in the poet's imagination with the view of winter nature, which has fallen asleep in eternal sleep:

The village sleeps under a snowy veil,
There are no paths throughout the steppe.
Yes, it is: over a distant mountain
I recognized a church with a dilapidated bell tower.
Like a frozen traveler in snow dust,
She sticks out in a cloudless distance.
No winter birds, no midges in the snow.
I understood everything: the earth has long cooled down
And died...

Many of Fet's winter landscapes are very reminiscent of Pushkin's landscapes in their simplicity and realism. Like Pushkin, Fet was able to find charm and grace in the modest Russian nature:

I am Russian, I love the silence of the filthy distance,
Under the canopy of snow, like a monotonous death...
Forests under hats or in gray hoarfrost,
Yes, the river is sonorous under dark blue ice.
(“I am Russian, I love the silence of the filthy distance”)

Thus, Fet's landscape lyrics are inextricably merged with inner world lyrical hero. The charm of his poems lies in the immediacy and emotionality of the poetic perception of nature. Fet is considered the first Russian impressionist poet, a poet who recklessly surrenders to his impressions and emotions. No wonder Balmont noticed that Fet's poetry is "nature itself, looking like a mirror through the human soul."

A.A. Fet is the finest master of poetic landscapes. But in his inspired poems, glorifying the pictures and phenomena of nature, there is not only admiration. As in Tyutchev's poetry, living and spiritualized nature appears in Fet's poems as the second (and full!) lyrical hero. However, if Tyutchev is close to the cosmic scale of perception (the absence of specific details in the image of the world), then Fet, on the contrary, skillfully uses the technique of detailed depiction:

The summer evening is quiet and clear;

See how the willows doze;

The west of the sky is pale red,

And the rivers shine meanders.

Already from the above passage it is clear that the poet is far from simply describing the landscape: he depicts it in order to convey a certain mood. “The evening is quiet”, serenely “the willows doze” - what peace is poured in everything! And the same feeling prevails in the soul of the lyrical hero.

Harmony in nature creates harmony in the soul. And the person is immensely grateful for this:

All night, all this night, I'm ready to sit,

Looking into the face of the dawn or along the gray road...

With what young and boundless faith

Again the soul is full! ..

Thus, a landscape sketch turns out to be a psychological study. The state of man is likened to the state of nature and vice versa. In Fet's poems, such an artistic technique as personification is often used - animation, humanization of nature. But this does not mean at all that man descends to nature or rises to it. Man is a part of all living things, the same creation of God as the earth and everything inhabiting it.

Fet strives to capture not a static landscape, but a changeable picture perceived in motion. Therefore, it seems to me, in the poetic vocabulary of the poet, the predominance of nouns and verbs over adjectives is noted: the noun names the phenomenon, the verb conveys its movement. Fet's poems are known, built on nouns - for example, "Whisper, timid breathing ..." and "This morning, this joy ...". The attraction to nominal constructions testifies, in my opinion, to the author's desire to show a fleeting moment of life, its beauty. He, like an impressionist painter, applies paint to the canvas with strokes-details, and the picture turns out to be voluminous, lively, filled with air and light.

Spring and summer are the poet's favorite seasons. Multicolor, polyphony, thirst for life, its greeting are heard in these verses. The poet welcomes the day, generous with colors, loves the mysterious night.

Fet's poems about nature are for the most part imbued with joy from the beauty seen, from contact with it, from participation in the mystery of life:

What a night! Everything is such a bliss!

Thank you, native midnight land!

From the realm of ice, from the realm of blizzards and snow

How fresh and clean your May flies!

Fet's best poems sound like an enthusiastic poetic hymn to the beauty of nature:

A whole world of beauty

From big to small

And you're looking in vain

Find its beginning.

At the same time, in Fet's poems there is a philosophical understanding of nature, its essence:

What is a day or a century

Before what is infinite?

Although man is not eternal,

That which is eternal is human.

These lines make us remember the harmony lost by people with the world. Once upon a time, man lived in accordance with the rhythms of nature, was an integral part of it. Then, declaring himself the "king of nature", in pride and arrogance he ceased to reckon with the natural laws of evolution, and began to treat the environment from which he emerged from a consumerist attitude. And now what? Nature takes revenge with catastrophes and cataclysms on us, people of the 21st century, who have lost the sense of unity with everything living and non-living on the planet. Only sometimes, looking at the sunset, starry sky we marvel at the grandeur and beauty of God's world. The poems of A.A. help us to understand and feel this beauty. Feta.

“Only a bee recognizes the hidden sweetness in a flower…”

In our opinion, Fet can be called a singer of Russian nature. Usually he did not sing of hot feelings, despair, delight, lofty thoughts, no, he wrote about the simplest things - about pictures of nature. His poetry is joyful and bright, it has a sense of light and peace. Fet's nature is always calm, hushed, as if frozen. And at the same time, it is surprisingly rich in sounds and colors, lives its own life; here hidden from the inattentive eye………………………………………………

So sharp - dry hypnotic and crackling

Grasshoppers restless ringing.

Like midges dawn,

Winged sounds crowd.

It is impossible not to notice that in Fet man and nature, living and living are two halves of one all-encompassing world harmony.

Moth for a boy.

Flowers nod to me, tilting their heads,

And beckons, a bush with a fragrant branch;

Why are you the only one following me

With your silk net?

Curly-haired child, dearly beloved son

Unfading May,

Let me drink life for one day,

Playing in the joyful sun.

Wait, it will go away, and the shine of its rays

Will freeze in the far west,

And at the mysterious hour I will fall into the stream,

And carry me away.

In the poem ""Moth to the Boy"" Fet shows the carelessness of the human attitude towards insects. It is sad to admit, but for the most part humanity thinks that it can do without nature and its inhabitants, although everything is quite the opposite, and, not realizing the seriousness of the issue, destroys everything that comes in its way, which confirms the words: "Man destroys those before whom he feels strength "".

The moth, realizing that his life is fleeting, appreciates it, trying to fully get enough of its charm and beauty. However, a big and smart person in comparison with him does not want to realize the value of those few hours of a moth's life that nature allots to him. Here you can see the philosophical thought about the short duration and meaning of life. Speaking in the first person, Fet draws our attention to the fact that nature is crying for help, but we do not notice her prayers. She tries to show us that the life of such an inconspicuous creature is no less valuable than a human one. Showing the fragility and insignificance of the life of a moth, Fet pushes us to think about the essence of our being. Our life is much longer than the life of a moth, however, a negligible number of people are able to experience that storm of feelings and emotions, to realize the fullness of life, its charms and sorrows, which are available to this small, inconspicuous creature.

The theme of this poem is the love of life. The same theme is revealed in the poem ""Butterfly"". Both of them love life and want to live, but the moth strives to live consciously, wanting to understand with its whole being what it is - "" life "", while the butterfly lives and enjoys it, enthusiastically creates the colorful and wonderful world without thinking about how and why he lives:

One aerial outline

I'm so sweet

All my velvet with its live blinking -

Only two wings.

Don't ask: where did it come from?

Where am I in a hurry?

Here on a flower I sank lightly

And here I am breathing.

How long, without purpose, without effort,

I want to breathe.

Right now, flashing, I will spread my wings

The butterfly in the poem by A. Fet personifies carelessness and frivolity.

We wondered what is better, to be a moth or a butterfly? And they came to the conclusion that the character of a butterfly is inherent in a child who, admiring the beauty of an object, does not think about its value and purpose. This attention is momentary, it can switch to a more vivid or emotional phenomenon. Such is the butterfly, but what is the moth? He is more like a serious, thoughtful person who seeks to realize his being, subordinating his life to philosophical norms.

Fetov's spring poems struck us with the elemental power of love attraction: ""We can safely say that in the Russian language there has not yet been such an image of spring bliss, reaching soreness"". This is what the critic Druzhinin said about the poem "" Bees "", in which the singer literally does not find a place from the "" spring fire "" that burns him:

The heart is beating more and more

Like coal in my chest I carry.

The music of the "heart fire" sounds like a bee's song: ""Into every carnation of fragrant lilac // Singing, a bee crawls"" - and sings itself, as if turning into a bee.

I will disappear from melancholy and laziness,

Lonely life is not sweet

Heart aching, knees weak,

In every carnation of fragrant lilac,

Singing, a bee crawls in.

Let me go out into the open field

Or completely lost in the forest ...

With every step it's not easier at will,

The heart is beating more and more

Like coal in my chest I carry.

No, wait!

With my longing

I will part here.

Bird cherry is sleeping.

Ah, those bees under her again!

And I can't understand

Whether on flowers, whether it rings in the ears.

We noticed that Fet especially distinguishes the bee from the diverse, colorful world of insects. It carries within itself "the joy of the earth" - it symbolizes precisely that "passionate sensuality" that criticism noted in Fet's poetry, among other characteristic features.

Another of the spring poems is the poem "" This morning, this joy "".

This morning, this joy

This power of both day and light,

This blue vault

This cry and strings

These flocks, these birds,

This voice of the waters

These willows and birches

These drops are these tears

This fluff is not a leaf,

These mountains, these valleys,

These midges, these bees,

This tongue and whistle

These dawns without eclipse,

This sigh of the night village,

This night without sleep

This haze and the heat of the bed,

This fraction and these trills,

It's all spring.

Here Fet argues that midges and bees are an integral part of the beautiful spring.

Fetov's "songs of love" are often sung by a bee, symbolizing the passionate-sensual beginning in his poetry. So, once in the poem "Rose" the poet said:

And you, Queen Rose,

The mating hymn is sung by a bee.

We noticed that Fet deeply appreciated and respected insects as equal inhabitants of our world, reflecting in his poems their characters, moods and feelings, which people sometimes do not notice in them:

""Here the beetle took off and buzzed angrily""

""Crying, the mosquito will sing""

"" A beetle that flew into a spruce

He hoarsely called his girlfriend ""

In some poems, Fet used the images of insects to convey the environment and the atmosphere in it more deeply:

At the fireplace.

The coals are fading. In the twilight

A transparent twinkle twinkles.

So splashes on the crimson poppy

Wing azure moth.

Visions of colorful string

Attracts, tired gaze,

And unrevealed faces

They look from the gray ashes.

Rise affectionately and amicably

Past happiness and sadness

And the soul lies that it does not need

All that is deeply regrettable.

In depicting entomology, Fet often used figurative means language such as metaphors, comparisons, epithets:

"" On cumin are burning fireflies""

"The coals are fading. In the twilight

A transparent twinkle twinkles.

So splashes on the crimson poppy

Wing azure moth "".

Need to think more

Only Fet has such a language. Only Fet's poetic eye could detect such subtleties in a vague environment.

Having studied all these poetic works, we are ready to support the philosophical thought: "Man and nature are one and dependent on each other." No matter how much we would like not to notice them, nevertheless, insects are part of our life.

In preparing this work, materials from the site http://www.studentu.ru were used.

In traditional world and Russian lyrics, the theme of nature is one of the main, necessarily touched upon topics. And Fet also reflects this theme in many of his poems. The theme of nature in his works is closely intertwined with love lyrics, and with the Fet-specific theme of beauty, one and indivisible. In the early poems of the 40s, the theme of nature is not expressed explicitly, the images of nature are general, not detailed:

wonderful picture,

How are you related to me?

white plain,

Full moon...

The poets of the 40s, when describing nature, relied mainly on the techniques characteristic of Heine, i.e. separate impressions were given instead of a coherent description. Many early Fet's poems were criticized as "Heine's". For example, "The Noisy Midnight Blizzard", where the poet expresses the mood without a psychological analysis of it and without clarifying the plot situation with which it is connected. The outside world is, as it were, colored by the moods of the lyrical "I", enlivened, animated by them. This is how Fet's characteristic humanization of nature appears; often there is an emotional expression excited by nature, there are no such bright and accurate details that are so characteristic later, allowing one to judge the picture as a whole. Fet's love for nature, knowledge of it, concretization and subtle observations of it are fully manifested in his poems in the 50s. Probably, his rapprochement with Turgenev influenced his passion for landscape lyrics at that time. The phenomena of nature become more detailed, more specific than those of Fet's predecessors, which is also characteristic of the day of Turgenev's prose. Fet depicts not a birch in general, as a symbol of the Russian landscape, but a specific birch at the porch of his own house, not in general a road with its infinity and unpredictability, but that particular road that can be seen right now from the threshold of the house. Or, for example, in his poems there are not only traditional birds that have a clear symbolic meaning, but also such birds as harrier, owl, blackie, sandpiper, lapwing, swift and others, each of which is shown in its own originality:

Half hidden behind a cloud

The moon does not yet dare to shine during the day.

Here the beetle took off and buzzed angrily,

Here the harrier swam without moving its wing.

The landscapes of Turgenev and Fet are similar not only in the accuracy and subtlety of observations of natural phenomena, but also in sensations, images (for example, the image of the sleeping earth, "resting nature"). Fet, like Turgenev, seeks to fix, describe changes in nature. His observations can be easily grouped or, for example, in the image of the seasons, a period can be clearly defined. Is late autumn depicted:

The last flowers were about to die

And they waited with sadness for the breath of frost;

Maple leaves blushed along the edges,

The peas faded, and the rose fell off, -

or the end of winter:

More fragrant bliss of spring

We did not have time to descend,

More ravines are full of snow

Still at dawn the cart rumbles

On a frozen path...

This can be easily understood, because the description is accurate and clear. Fet likes to describe a precisely defined time of day, signs of this or that weather, the beginning of this or that phenomenon in nature (for example, rain in "Spring Rain"). Similarly, it can be determined that Fet, for the most part, gives a description of the central regions of Russia.

It is nature middle lane The cycle of poems "Snega" and many poems from other cycles are dedicated to Russia. According to Fet, this nature is beautiful, but not everyone is able to catch this dim beauty. He is not afraid to repeatedly repeat declarations of love for this nature, for the play of light and sound in it "to that natural circle, which the poet many times calls a shelter: "I love your sad shelter and the evening of the village is deaf ...". Fet has always worshiped beauty; the beauty of nature, the beauty of man, the beauty of love - these independent lyrical motifs are stitched together in the art world poet into a single and indivisible idea of ​​beauty. From everyday life, he goes to “where thunderstorms fly by ...” For Fet, nature is an object of artistic delight, aesthetic pleasure. She is the best mentor and wise adviser of man. It is nature that helps to solve riddles, the secrets of human existence. In addition, for example, in the poem "Whisper, timid breathing ..." the poet perfectly conveys instantaneous sensations, and, alternating them, he conveys the state of the heroes, in harmony with nature to the human soul, and the happiness of love:

Whisper, timid breath,

trill nightingale,

Silver and flutter

Sleepy stream....

Fet was able to convey the movements of the soul and nature without verbs, which was undoubtedly an innovation in Russian literature. But does he also have pictures in which verbs become the main pillars, as, for example, in the poem "Evening"?

Sounded over a clear river,

Rang in the faded meadow "

It swept over the mute grove,

Lit up on that shore...

Such a transfer of what is happening speaks of another feature of Fet's landscape lyrics: the main tone is set by subtle impressions of sounds, smells, vague outlines, which are very difficult to convey in words. It is the combination of concrete observations with bold and unusual associations that makes it possible to clearly represent the described picture of nature. We can also talk about the impressionism of Fet's poetry; it is with the bias towards impressionism that innovation in the depiction of natural phenomena is associated. More precisely, objects and phenomena are depicted by the poet as they appeared to his perception, as they seemed to him at the time of writing. And the description does not focus on the image itself, but on the impression it makes. The apparent Fet describes as real:

Over the lake the swan pulled into the reed,

The forest overturned in the water,

He drowned in the dawn with the teeth of the peaks,

Between two curving skies.

In general, the motif of "reflection in the water" is found quite often in the poet. Probably, a shaky reflection provides more freedom to the artist's imagination than the reflected object itself. Fet depicts external world in the way that his mood gave him. With all the truthfulness and concreteness, the description of nature, first of all, serves as a means of expressing a lyrical feeling.

Usually A. Fet in his poems dwells on one figure, on one turn of feelings, and at the same time, his poetry cannot be called monotonous, on the contrary, it strikes with diversity and a multitude of topics. The special charm of his poems, in addition to the content, is precisely in the nature of the mood of poetry. Muse Fet is light, airy, as if there is nothing earthly in her, although she tells us exactly about the earth. There is almost no action in his poetry, each of his verses is a whole kind of impressions, thoughts, joys and sorrows. Take at least such of them as “Your Ray, flying far ...”, “Still eyes, crazy eyes ...”, “The sun is a ray between lindens ...”, “I extend my hand to you in silence ... " and etc.

The poet sang beauty where he saw it, and he found it everywhere. He was an artist with exceptional developed sense beauty, perhaps, that is why the pictures of nature are so beautiful in his poems, which he took as she is, not allowing any decorations of reality. In his poems, the landscape of central Russia is visibly visible.

In all descriptions of nature, A. Fet is impeccably faithful to its smallest features, shades, moods. It is thanks to this that the poet created amazing works that have been striking us for so many years with psychological accuracy, filigree accuracy. Among them are such poetic masterpieces as “Whisper, timid breathing ...”, “I came to you with greetings ... ”,“ At dawn, don’t wake her up ...”, “Dawn says goodbye to the earth ...”.

Fet builds a picture of the world that he sees, feels, touches, hears. And in this world everything is important and significant: the clouds, and the moon, and the beetle, and the harrier, and the corncrake, and the stars, and Milky Way. Every bird, every flower, every tree, and every blade of grass is not just a overall picture- all of them have only their characteristic signs, even character. Let's pay attention to the poem "Butterfly":

You are right. One aerial outline

I'm so sweet

All my velvet with its live blinking -

Only two wings.

Don't ask: where did it come from?

Where am I in a hurry?

Here on a flower I sank lightly

And here I am breathing.

How long, without purpose, without effort,

Do you want to breathe?

Right now, sparkling, I will spread my wings

Fet's "feeling of nature" is universal. It is almost impossible to single out the purely landscape lyrics of Fet without breaking the ties with her vital organ - human personality, subordinate general laws natural life.

Defining the property of his attitude, Fet wrote: “Only a person, and only he alone in the whole universe, feels the need to ask: what is the surrounding nature? Where does all this come from? What is he himself? Where? Where? For what? And the higher a person is, the more powerful his moral nature, the more sincerely these questions arise in him. “Nature created this poet in order to eavesdrop on herself, peep and understand herself. In order to find out what he thinks about her, nature, man, her offspring, how he perceives her. Nature created Fet in order to visit - how the sensitive soul of a person perceives it ”(L. Ozerov).

Fet's relationship with nature is a complete dissolution in her world, this is a state of anxious expectation of a miracle:

I'm waiting... Nightingale echo

Rushing from the shining river

Grass under the moon in diamonds,

Fireflies are burning on the cumin.

I'm waiting... Dark blue skies

Both in small and large stars,

I hear a heartbeat

And trembling in the hands and feet.

I'm waiting... Here's a breeze from the south;

It is warm for me to stand and go;

A star rolled to the west...

I'm sorry, golden, I'm sorry!

Let us turn to one of the most famous poems by Fet, which at one time brought the author a lot of grief, causing the admiration of some, the confusion of others, numerous ridicule of adherents of traditional poetry - in general, a whole literary scandal. This little poem became for critics of a democratic persuasion the embodiment of the thought of the emptiness and lack of ideas of poetry. Over thirty parodies have been written of this poem. Here it is:

Whisper, timid breath,

trill nightingale,

Silver and flutter

sleepy creek

Night light, night shadows,

Shadows without end

A series of magical changes

sweet face,

In smoky clouds purple roses,

reflection of amber,

And kisses, and tears,

And dawn, dawn! ...

Immediately there is a feeling of movement, dynamic changes that occur not only in nature, but also in the human soul. Meanwhile, there is not a single verb in the poem. And how much joyful intoxication with love and life in this poem! It is no coincidence that Fet's favorite time of day was night. She, like poetry, is a refuge from the hustle and bustle of the day:

At night, somehow I can breathe more freely,

A little more spacious...

recognized by the poet. He can speak with the night, he addresses her as a living being, close and dear:

Hello! a thousand times my greetings to you, night!

Again and again I love you

Quiet, warm

Silver lined!

Timidly, putting out the candle, I go to the window...

You can’t see me, but I myself see everything ...

The poems of A. A. Fet are loved in our country. Time unconditionally confirmed the value of his poetry, showed that we, the people of the 20th century, need it, because it touches the most intimate strings of the soul, reveals the beauty of the surrounding world.